HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-05-10, Page 8THE GOi I Au '` r.0.. RICria► . 10t , ,191,E 1WPOON SAW f.1 •• d.' ^G—EttAGE'S LIRCE 1 Rector DIThiB ISR ' b C;. '..S OAHMAN, orgassi choirmitpir �11 ` ►a h. the � 1amatiou oft ,g SPE AL- ,a SER4IOES of ,Th>ll ► v n ',• ' 1.1, o' held not 8141(41, (Mother' ° 8.30, a►m., HOLY COirNttaN..r 10 00�a.Yq. , CHV:AND SCHOOL D 'BIBLE CLASSES. 1 i3(aCr " MORNING „P ORNINt„P AY R AND.SERMON. Subjpect."The Debt 'We .owe God” '7,00 p.m, EVENSONG A►NO SERMON. Subject, 'The Song That :Began with the Trumpet. Honoured mothers, men, find maidens,, old men and children: young . 8 • Let us praise the name of the Lord. ' COME TO Gl11URCH ted Church NorthSt. TER --REV. R. 11. IURNOULL, B A., B,Qy S.T:M. •° SERVICE OF PRAYERAND THANKSGIVING 11 a.m,. "THANKS ° BE . TO GOD:' 12.15 p.m. SUNDAYSCIIOOL. 7 p.m, , "GREAT PRINCIPLES TO LIFE BY." !grganist and Choir Leader- - Mrs. Murray Hetherington, A.T.C•M, A SINCERE- WIJLCOME AWAITS YOU _Church Knox' Fresh 'tcrlan , 9,45 a.m'. SUNDAY SCHOOL. Mother's DayService, Parents invited 1J a,na, JUNIOR CONGREGATION. - 11. a.m. . . PUBLIC WORSHIP. Service of Thanksgiving. for Victory' w - ',7p».° m _-- •..,.,..,,� THE• MODERATOR - OF THE GN ERAL ASS. Ei LY, .,-REV. A:•C STE1ART,OIiDLAND.- ., , ' All members 'auk adherents are m•ged to attend -these. services. A warm, welcome awaits strangers and visitors. MINISTER -REVEREND RICHARD STEWART. - ' Director of Praise—Mr. T. G. Jones Come and Worship the Lord hi the Beauty of Holiness. rc h ,�Uilit �11�CVietora� ��.Church .'.r NI1(NIST]R--lt�>V. LAWRENCE H. 'TU ER, B,A. ORGANIST --MRS. L. HANNA 11.00" a.m. MOTHER'S DAY SERVICE. Rite of Infant Baptism to* be dispeaised. . 7.00 p.m. SERVICE ,OF THANKSGIVING.' Tribute to Memory and .Gallantry, of Late Private Robert Montgomery --Christian Service Group in ,charge. UNI/ON-9.45 a.m. •PUBLIC WORSHIP. ' SABBATH SCHOOL 11.00 a.m. Goderich Baptist Church REV, JOSEPH JANES, 'M.A.; PASTOR •a - :Mrs. Wilfred Donaldson, Organist: • DAY OF PRAYER AND THANKSGIVING 11 fan. PIJI LIC WORSHIP. "Victory." -PUBLIC WORSHIP. "Peace." :; 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL Mother's Day Program. Wednesday 8 pm. Annual Business Meeting." Sunday, May 20th:: ` Anniversaryi,,.Seryices. , a COME TO CHURCH AND GIVE THANKS TO. GOD BETHEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE. -16 WATERLOO ST. P.A.Q.d. • REV. A G. HARRIS i • w A h SERVICES . AT 11 a.m. r and 7 p.m. Meet with;us and enjoy: the blessing of God. REV. A. G. HARRIS, .Pastor.. Why 'Suffer the "agony„ of rheumatic pain, sciatica; lumbago, when- Ruma- caps will give you quick welcomne relief, Campbell's Drug Store. -19 The Goderich Taw nishili Hospital `A.tuxiliary will in et at Mrs. Wm. Edg ,ward'ss,,. E1uron road. Thursday, May 17th, at 2.45. ' -19 OR w SALE, . WAT R a•'1WNT IN to; n of Gioderich. Attractive wink and beach. • Healthful elevation, Or - chart] SeWer, 'water, light» A. quiet ioc�ltic ► Your suron*e1' Cvttagee or /Or C/s/uit '(farming,Particulars from 4Y01; G�odpri~h. 3.30 3f SALE.—COCKER SPANIVI4, ix,/pies, registered stock, best blood lanes. ;°A. ;ROBERTS, Corner Et: ays and It#glare streets, .Phoue869:< 49 OR' -''i SALE. m-- .SPANISlI ONION Seedihigs. Easy ..to grow all. the onions you need for next winter. JACKSON -8 1'I4ORISTS,^ 49 ' T3rnce n street» r, • �18 POR ALE.- HARRI$TQI RAN G coal; and wood grates. Apply PERCY JOHNSTON, barber shop, East street: 19-2QX FOR. 'SALE. --^• • EIGHT -ROOMED house, centrally located ; fireplace, new furnace, garage. „Write 13OX 36„ STGNAL,STAR, or phone 340, Gode- rich. o li$tf O $ALS. --L. ,ROE RET .BRICK house,centrally located, 'few min- ?rites' walk from lake; etarly. possession. Phone 192 .Or PO. BOX 49, Goderich. 19tf BOAT I FpR 'SALE--14-FT., WITH four''=cylinder motor'' • and • self- starter. Canbe seen at- Snug Harbor.: C. WOODS, ,2 East street. 48 • FOR SALE. -$50.00 DUE ;BILL OF Wm.tl • Mills, car dealer ; . discount offered. Apply'. W. StITHERLANO. 19tf FIRE. F.'I'TINGrUISHERS AND SUP- PLIES; for , all hazards: FIRE EXTINGU^ISHER' SERVICE & SALES, , 335 King street, London. • 18.19x FOR SALE.—LARGE, GLADIOLUS bulb '-^100--5 0(40 0varie i t es U 5 i. 0 . 30 varie •. 3 . , , ( t. �) r 0---x,1,50 (20: varieties) ;-X!.O'Ii. Goderich. imt Re- ostalw or r:. -bv, '..�,,pp de r R. HOLM'AN''C•ameron 'street God e - .nigh, phone 722. • • 18tf OR SALE.• •.FIVE -ROOM FRAM E cottage, Hydro,. . oak floors etc. Garage 'hid - barn 24' x 26'; • two acres of good garden soil. A. E. KINGS- BURY, R.R: 1,,Port. Albeit • " 1&20 W E' CAN QUOTE SPECIAL PRICES on_ .dayold pullets inainediate - de- livery,. from Kitchener Bi°g-4 Hatchery. Immediate~ also on cockerels,, , Leghorn x. B.R. , X2.90 per hundred; Leghorns $1: Premium Grade $1 more. Agent.{{ RYAN PRODUCE, Goderich, • -19 • FOR S9.LE.—BRUNSWICK RADIO, in first-class condition. BOX, 488, Goderich. 19x OR SALE." SINGLE: -.BARREL Savage''shotgun, convertible type; to take 30 pt 30 rifle barrel ; also one Browning ..22 rifle repeater, Pump action ; 'both. hammerless and are new models, used very .little. WM. RAITH- BY, Auburn, phone 42 r 11 •'.19-20 GOVERNMENT APPROVED CHICK bargains for thisweek and next. Barred. Rocks, New 'Hampshiaes:: `Non - sexed $10.95, pullets- x$17.95, cockerels $S.95. White Leghorns, White 'Leg -1 horn. X:BarredLion-sexed $9.95, pullets $20.95.. Assorted . ` Heavy Breeds : Non -sexed` $9.95, pullets $15.95, cockerels $7,95. ,White- Leghorn cock, erels 95c, White Leghorn X Barred Rock cockerels $1.75. Two -week-old, "add 6o° per chick to above prices: Snipped ' C.O':D: ' This advertisement mist accompany your order: TOP- NOTCH C]ILCKERIES, Guelph, Ontario. ' ' .1q • } LIGKTLA 'Vila► ZOELLEN'P OPPORTUNITY TO LLAT N -^-771, • ANTED. VULL 'IM1 S R1- tL A1IX . `,t`RE StRER to take charge oft Ilosllital, Acco rating, Apply, to nearest SELECTIVE TIVE SERVICE OFFICE. Itefer to Order No. 1502. rr-18 %VANTEO.L T0. BUY OLD. ROUSES and dead cattle ; -must rte suitable for mink feed t.. removed proluptly. I'RED (JIL13EItT, phone X908 r 22, • Clin- ton, or JACK GILBAM°374 pb.one 90;3 r Callla, Paid .for. 18tt OAIONG ,OTION spa w 11OUSEi1OLW $1 TS, WI • SATURDAY, 12tb, at 1.�jp.n.t.. b At *Sunset Hotel, ;Uoderit'h. Consisting of 2. walnut sideboards, antique. setteewith Chairs, walnut rocking chairs, extension dining #.ableo, daft:; .and walnut; mallwalnut ttabies, 0 beds ,,With 'Springs and ma4 r sses 4 kitchen fables, electric range, 'washing machine, vaeuu clea,ner; toaster; stove; uiusie cabinet,, et,, baX racks and benches;" whatnots,' true , bouke, a•brae, , paintings;t 'sewing .mach tie, dishes,` cooking utensils and' numerous ether articles. , TERMS—CASH. ERNEST lilt. 4,pg . ,; E ze'eutor of Estate.. DO).v'ALD 13 RIME, .1840 a' • .,Auctioneer, WANTED.- MAID.''FOR ,GENERA• t' housework; woman r preferred. :Apply, after . May .Sth.wto . MRS: WES- LEY J. RIiII1; St. George's Crescent, or at •the •residence of ,i14RS,2O1IARLES REID, East. street.. .Qr , l7tf TWO -*WHEEL. 'trailer. Call,, SIGNAL -STAR.: • 19 TO RENT. oNE . APARTMENT, four -room,, unfurnished, requiring waterfront eOai' 'range; '1 apartment,,. unfurnished,, eve-roou ,...furnace -heated,. electric stove CAnaneetion'only. Posses - 'Sion immediately. Apply W. SUTIIER- LAND, A 19tf TO . RENT.»=- `u vISHED MENT, three rooms, AYailable Immediately,. Apply' "12 Waterloo street S. ' %ANTED: --=.. BY AN ELDERLY woman, a small apartment, furn, fished and heated. Apply BOX 38, SIGNAL -STAR.. . 19-21. WANTED.- ';,IRI,,, FOR GENERAL housework with • knowledge- of plain • cooking • • highest 'salary paid. Write,,BOX 37, `SIGNAL -STAR. 19-20. TO,RENT TO RENT. -- tI URNIS'H �;D, apartnient.; four rooms.- Phone 540RR.. �18" TO ' RBN` '.-=FURN4SHED AP'AIiT- MENT,, all modern conveniences, over Eniierson's Drug Store. Phone -358. • : I r19 TO D FAR.'1t HOUSE, I3IG . �.gax o , ,, n v..henhouse. Plea , of . water; two miles` from Goderich; • south on Blue Water Highway. Pos- session at once. • GEORGE JOHN STON, Stanley .Street. Phone 499J., 1:8tf S i7 NI N G, . MACHINES OVER- 'HAULED AND REPAIRED. — I buy and sell. drop- heads and electrics. C. WQODS,, 2 East street. -18 AUCTION ,,ALE 'SCHEDULED '�- for May 19th- has- been cancelled. • MRS;; J. D. ALLINGRAM, Proprietor. AN OPPORTUNITY NE Or THE •NATION'S LARGEST . companies, ca tering'fprincipally to farmer's needs, :is ready to place a Yalu -able ; contract whiclh, should mean complete independence .. for • u , man fortunate enough to have the following qualifications Character record that 'will, withstand' ;,investigation' and prozen ability r to efficiently: manage both •hiaipself and his 'own. business. Financial status not extremely import- ant but a travel ' outfit is necessary. Write THE J. .R. WATKINS 'COM- PANY, Depf. 0-G-1, '2177 Masson St.', Montreal Que. Monday ehang, Carruthers' 'orch- •estra, Kingsbridge Hall. 16tf • Slendor .Tablets are. effective. fiwo weeks' supply ; twelve weeks' $5, at Campbell's Drug 'Store. 9tf The regular meeting.of the W,C.T.U. gill • be held. on• Tuesday, May 15th, - at 3 p.m., attl(e home of Mrs. Chas. Pennington; Elgiti ~Avenue., Do "von :"want to. Save your shoes? 'Of course you de. Take them to M. N. MacDonald. You' gill :.bed ham in :part s of=- lie-forfner--Slgna•1 Office-. -on. North •street, She"re you will get .' prompt service. 17tf; '. 'Thee` annual- meeting of Victoria Horne. and School Club, will be ,held '.l,htifiday, May 17th, at 8'p.m. Musical programby pupils of the , school: -Everybody welcome. 4o' -19 Don't suffer constipation, biliousness, indigestion -ruse *Kipp's Herb"" Tablets for quick relief. An excellent tonic laxative. 25eand 75e sizes at •Camp- belt's and all druggists. y 18-22 Ru anlage sale= -St. Patrick's Ward of St. George's Women.'s Guild, 'on Saturday, May 19th, at 1.30, at the Parish Hall.:: •19.20 The •annual hospital birthday party,,; k under the auspices of the Woinenss Hospital°Atixiliary, will be at the hospital on 'Saturday, ilIay 12th.- Tea will be served .froth 3 Bo' 5 p.m. Every-, Otte is invited.• • The' Knox 'Men's 'CIA is spbnsoring. a three -act play to be, presented in the lecture hall of the -church on TueSday evening;. May 15th, at 8.1?i p,ni:. Phe play is entitled "4 l eadynintde b'un iIy," and, admission will be'50, TI ets may be obtained from inetnbers of, the Men's 'Club. " :Centrdl )'ionic and School ..socia- tion will meet at Central School •on Tuesday . evening, •dray 15tir;.., at ' •8 o'clock. •Election of bilkers and instal- lation of rreW eiteeutiVe, .ATTENTION,- LIBERRALS 'All Liberals interested4in.the coming elections are asked to attend a theet-' ing in the '-committee rooms, North street;