HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-05-03, Page 7When men
finergy and aetivi
iclined their
Litt• ai1meM
.shake off than i.
of, a, breakdown
Now is Haus` •' T ,�, ,
should take a eentaeof
They bety lone►^ • ,d inviiptate .es
`° tom:
Liek tee oft trade a, ` do 't+'" 01st Pw
tilt T. linrapeCo.. ,
wieldy removed In -Clean kanit'ary phone collect
William Sfo e Sons Lutitd :. .
Robert :lino,' soU of Mrs, deeeaSed: him anti surviving are three
"IOW*nd the late:fleorg xtile situ,,
ton, .died Ina London hospital on 'ri-
day in his .thirty-eighth year,, : Burial,
took place,at Vlluton on Sunday.
Miss Ueurglua Rumba%l, •a lifelong
resident- Of Clinton. sdled at her�,laome
there on Wednesday „o t last week atter
sap► illness ' of several• months. Sur
viviug are three. sieters, Mrs.',4raes
Ross Mriii.. A. Si;nelair' and 'Mrs, Wil•
liiaul 'Pickard; all of Clinton.
Word 'has been received to the
effect that ardx g :fifty Canadians whe
Were 'liberated' from. Japanese .custody
by the arrival .4f 'United State, forees
in the Philippines is ,Lottie 'Laporte
(Sister--fMarieClotilde), daughter of
the . late' Mr. and Mrs. doliri Laporte
.of Zurich.
Sohn Ciubb, a . resident;, of .' White•
churcl;;for many :Years, died in tiro
., SVinghain. hospital on April 20th :in' his
eighty-fkourth year.. His a wife " pre-'
rfir 5 r {„ r..r,{{r.:;'r!. r'{:{. fr r{rfrl fr? r r $ n•:
°{•'>�'{{>.r,J'vf� •.$�'r;{{;r:;•j:�fi'r�Sv `:r �fx • rj •
•We'Ve-llooled forward a long time to celebrat�.ng•,,
• the fustallatioh of.'•ola.r illionthtelephone. Now
heW greatday. has . some and gore, with -only
a brief press notice tp mark its..passsng:
•. There:�are
more important thingsto -do j est now. Resides,,. we
won t be real.„ happy untfl -we can. tale ea.re of every
one of the more than 70,000 further
who today 'are waiting for telephones.
daughters, Mrs., Norman Stewart. of
Lueknow, firs. Fred Harris of Sty
Marys, and. Mrs.'.,J'red Ogilvie sof Tor-
onto, u'nd' two eons,...Fred of Lucknow
and Galvin of St. Marys. ' "
Turvey—Kerr- - '
A . recent • wedting At " Brussels was
that a. f : Mary Wen Kerr, • daughter
of. the lad. Mr. and : Mos; r. Leslie
Kerr, to .Ross R• Turvey, .younger" son:
of Mr. and Mrs. lobert• Turvey, Blue,
vials• .The cerex>ion''.•, was performed
by. Bev_. -C; Wilson .at 'the ° United
chinch parsonage in Brussels. r
Iensali.:O l "
Receives Guggenheim fellowship
The John Simon• Guggenheim Mean.
orial ;loundatloxr, ,.New York, an-:'\
nouarces the award of 'fellowships
valued at -$230.040 to„.ninety-six' per -
souk forty-one of whom aro in military
service or war work; Four , of .the
winners, are ,Canadians," and . one, of
the four, IS -Louis Alexander MacKay,
associate professor of classics in the
Univ ersity of British ‘Columbia, -Van,
couver. Professor MacKay is a former
Hensall' boy who has had a brilliant
scholastic career. • -
` iecexves Highest
- Scout Award .
'Thomas E, :Sanderson of Detroit,
soli of Mrs D.'D .Sandersoneof Wrox-
'eter and the late Mr. S anderson, re-
:. cently •received the='high ,Sanderson,
saward given
in the ScouJ'Movemerit in America-.
the Silver Beaver award for dis-
tinguished service to the ° boyhood of
America,' The ;.certificate -which ac-
. cotnpanied the award is signed by
President Roosevelt as honorary chair-
man, -Herbert Hoover` as vice -chair-
man, and Jas, West as Chief Scout of
?America. The presentation took place
'at I,�etrgit at,th�e annual meeting of the:
Aero Conneil. of , Buy Scouts sof
KI$CG R ' t May 1. Yrs.!
Winn* o�p� .,yy , Mra, haaddfN��v�i}ate
ix a moths , Mrs. in. McC*rthy,
for the Pest month, r has, returned to ,
14er home la Detroit.
Mr. Frank Sullivan, attended , the
Wedding. last Oaturday of his`-12*ce,7
Miss, Verna Phelan.
Mr. ` ",rank Dalton. . is..gain In our
midst: atter spending the winter
months- in Cleveland.' .
y miss Mary Murray spent the :w eek-
endat her, name, in Dublin..,
• We are sorry to report that Mass
Mary ,'.Bowler s not 48well as her
many' friends would w`itlt.
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It may surprise y ou, that 215,000 more Bell
telephones are•intserTice now than when `
war began: • With ~telephone manufacturers.
practically 100% on war orders, how was
it done?
First, by using up all our reserve stock. And
second,.by making maximum. use'of=recon-
ditioned equipment. We have thus been
able ,to meet—fully and-. on time—every
essential war demand for:. telephone service.
Only materials left over after these needs
are met can be used to"look, after our'
"waiting, list".
These unfilled orders are our constant
concern. They involve 'much more than
installing telephone sets. The job calls for
additional mire, and cable, and intricate
exchange apparatus, and air the other
elements of a complete . telephone :system;
And this, in turn, is• just,.one part of the
•.. _whole construction program we willurder
take once men aric`l materials are'ayaila
It means lots of work ahead not only for ,tip
every present Bell, employee, whether
at home or ,in the services, but for,
additional workers,"too.
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fpgry,Q► LBERT
POET ALBEIT, . lun ii •• and
Mrs. •Horace 'Cunningham .of Walker-
ville, who are living in their summer
home at`Wiarton,, spent la .t week -end
tit the home of Mr. and' Mrs. Chas.
Crawfo de ` - Q•_
Mrss ,Clara 'Willis. spent ,last week'
visiting with friends in Guelph.
Plying Officer Ernest,•Crawford, Airs.
Crawford and baby daughter, Linda,
of I-Iagersvi.Xie, -and.'Mrs. ii,prvey -Cook
of Orillia` spent•: last ,week s isi'ting, ,at
the home of .Mrs. Wm• Crawford.
Mrs...Dan Alton of Belfast has been
visiting recently ,at the hoine of her
daughter, Mrs. Percy Graham.
' Miss Helen McGee, who .is employed
ih the telephone office at London., spent.
last week -end with -her parents;. Mr.
and Mrs, .'Albert McGee. Miss Maxine
McGee began working ori • Monday of
this week ,, iu• the. T. Eaton office at
Ashfield ,Patriotic Circle will
meet, oR. Tuesday, afternoon' of next
week, . May .Stha- ati; :the horne w of Mrs
Wm. Brown• four the regular monthly
mpeting,''i4. rluilt*111,.be quilted and
ails .
ladies' -ate Cordially ,invited.,
Presentation, to Departing Rector.-
-service at Christ church will co' rtinue
at the usual hour and win” be In charge
of Mr. Harvey Parker, a student from
Huron College; Before the departure
of Rev. W. J. Donaldson for his . new
parish,'the members -of the Port Albert
church expressed ..their appreciation
of his work among' them by present-•
big him witlr »:purse of money. The
presentation was made at the ,close
of his- farewell service, during which
one of h1S favor ite'•so1os, Ma.11ott's•'°ar-
tangement of the Lord's Prayer, wan
sungl by, Mrs: RaiplrI±'oster. Mr. Dori
id off tlranked the- congreg,rti 1tr for C -_-
both- these tributes..: '
NaSagging, Dragging
° Many woim,en have to do their own,
housework, and the constant fiend-
• ing oven_ lifting, making "beds,
sweeping, Ironing, -sewing',„ so uecesa-
sary to perform their household
duties' puts a ,heavy strain on' the
back and kidneys, and if there were
no kidney weakness ,the `back would
• `be `strong and well; , '
Doaut's, Sidney r Dille help to give " a
relief to weak, backache kidney suf-
feting women,
Doan ;s 'Kidney Pills are put up,
in an oblong grey DM with our trade
mark ;a "Maple ' Leaf" on the
wrapper.- „
Don't accept a substitute. Be •
'sure and get '' Doan'a."
The T. Mtlbaar•.n 0o.. Ltd., • Toronto. ♦Oat.
sit'. H>d?..attr
wrens, icenimo 404
Mh leld, were vial
with Mr. and Mr, " Itelresaitt
¥r.. and . Mri.
That the first "Horse . Car" !or:paid :passenger.
traffic is claimed ;to have` made. its' appearance in
New York it °
u� C Novemb r
e 1 qq
A N D ='-That your purchase of Victory Bonds will
speed Victory. They are a nest egg for
,your future.'
BENMILLER, y .May 1. . — miss
Strt*uklian, teacher of the l wnmilleu
school, has received tint- sad news that
her brother was killed in action*:, in
Germany. The s3•inpatliy of this coni-
munity is extended to rMiss Strauibigi
atid her mother. in their serrow'..., • -
Ir.:RA;y Moore_ _and Walter,.spent
the week -end 'at Straffordville:
„M;. „ Mi and Urs. 1) Gliddon of Holmes-
ville visited on *Sunday- with Mr: C. J.
Wolters and fattriily.., . .,
Mr. and, Mrs. q. Vanstone spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Feagan
it Nile. ,
'Mrs. Gardner spent a'few. days with
Mr. and Mrs. McClure 'in Goderich tt
"While, the supply of many
commodities has 'been, in,,
creased, butter is still scarce.
rt1nn''t buy any more than you
.ciao., You'll be releasing iti .
for overseas. You know what:
yout own requirements are
better than anyone else. So,
Unlit yourself and 'help to,
ensure a fair distribution.
iora;lon Canada
The fervent 'pra.yer of ...children--y;thie
cherished hope of all.
By' helping to shorted the war • by:. a day,
sin hour --or even a minute, you better the
'. chances of thousands ; of Canadians coming
through alive.
Vat's why there °• must be no lettup, no
relaxation here on the home front. That's
why we must purrchasg Bonds, fir V oto '',y
Bonds help buy the stuff of which Victory
'wilt lie mads. m a
Victory'�Qads will• �tel� to short'
the war;'
Bonds *ill help to hasten the
return of fathers, husbands' sons, brothers,.
sweethearts and friends. Powerful 'things
Victory Bondst—Ttp have and to hold,
Gd�rich Orgavi ,. 1 + ,