HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-04-26, Page 8• • ac,listotie s ziabwzi AND 'R EW DAH CHAIR r AUL UEAJ r " Banixozweroit ZNA . FORAM AND FLOOR, PAINT • eu, But'at- t1hate •4_ gfick—" 1011' Table—Wut PlXilifll e a e , . x ! ► • • . !s, ,.. .. N . each $9,75 1Writhig Tables, Walnut FiniskItack & ., e`er► $10;50 Zad -W ab ez— ain t, �M ! , T •! . ••� N R .4; N •♦ •. .70 to . 65 CoffeC. • ee'� jT' ^a `.•�z(n,,. . ., e, '•�•af��� ,• ..�� ^^^-•+T•.+.� .Rw' tx1, 0. �!4 • R i e R T' $1MeT,T to $16e00 Side chairs- -Patdd6& Seat and ..'.. , e . R; f ` • ♦ ! ♦ each $10.50r.. Occasional icihairood as or ent , ., :. $:10.00 to $13.85 Foot :Staobl-_,1 17. -mce t vera ... "$6,75Ftiot ' iie'CQ e ' a .. � . 5 A A Folding Chairs ,• Decal. Chars R . ,. . , R e . each. .00 Child's Play Yards—LMo1Ki" $5f25,to$7,50 WEEK-. ♦ '�' iii,�J.�f' a �r Breakfast Suite,' 6 piece, white a fame1; black trim, Table:. equipped :with disappearing .'leaf -like nevi only $49.75 Furnishings, Furniture, Stoves On the Broadway of Gode"icl Phone 2403 b you 44.1.474 OR SALE. r WATERFRONT IN town of Goderich. Attractive 044 and beach. %iealthful elevation. Or,. chard, sewer, water," light.„. A. quiet loeatiof •for Summer _cot a for' aiuu I,'arm ng• Particulars 0.6 HAYS, Opderich• 184 Rum FOR SALE OR BENT, .Eighty acres. "of pasture, . spring creel, plenty . of Shade, -brickhouse, barn and orchard, Apply to MRS.. i,1;Lti,EN°Je •COQ'., iluroir Street, Clintoutf�(,, O OR .LE.—BARN ABOUT CO X 40 ft.,' One shed 40 x 20 'ft.; in, fair state of repmir• For further particu- ',ars apply -to ,J.• R. VARCOE, R.R. 5, Goderich. 16- u LO OL I .N VR'N ROCRWO INSULAT O saves fuel with .' more comfort- summer- oufortsummerand winter= Our equipment in Goderieh district. for free estimate • and "terms phone. '•• SIGNIAL-STAR or write ROWLAND 0. DAY, .5 Tharnto avenue, London, ,• 15-18 Improvem e•. Under the Farm ImprovementLoansActa farmer „may now,borrow on special terms .to buy aricultural implements, lements, livestock or i� r~ mfor fencing,drat ctric s ste �" a fartrr�-ele Y � • .a e;".repaas to luildin sor other farm • improvements..; oans •. This Back is fullyequipped to° make loans • to farmers under the . rovisions ofthis 'Act. Consult the Manager of our •nearest branch. E AOR SALE. EIGBT BOOMED • douse, -centrally located; fireplace new. turxrape, garage. Write. BOX ' 30, SWQNA.-STAlt, or phone 340, •KGode • rich. ' 16tf-` FIRE' EXTINGUIS,HE S ANb SbP- PLIEg," for- all hazards; F'I1Ui EXTINGUISIiER SERVICE & SALES, =335 King Street, 'London. •,, 13-19x FOIL SALE.- .LARGE GLADIOTaUS. ,, bulbs -100--$5.00 • (4q varieties) ; 50—$2.50 ,(30 varieties) 30—$1.50 (20 varieties) ; F.O.B. Goderieh. Ree - mit by, postal order. WriteM RS.; L, R. HOLMAN, Cameron street; Gode- + rich, phone_:712: • 13tf .� FOR SALE, BABY'S CONVERT- IBLE stroller, in good condition.' s• -Apply 22' r Cameron" street or 'Phone 194R. 16x' 11 ai Schedule of MEMBERS.HEr REGULATIONS ...-' AnnuFees': al Fees c •Pamiry ,.., $35:00 Men 1 20.00 '. - Members' dependents ,,.... 10.00 ®, Ladies' membership" • s... 10.00 -Beginners•:and students 5;00 Service "men 5.00 • Services en's wives -.. 2.50 . Out-of-town Associate Membership' .... 5:00 Two weeks' membership ' 10.00 -Green Fees -9 holes , 50 Green 'fees -per day 1.00 • y' ''_ • —Shareholders -e �titied to`�--reauclion sof (SO 1n."moznbership ones, .• - , - Local residents, who `are not members, nor • s°hareholders, -, shall:not be permitted • to 'play, unless as guest of a member, and ,green fees tnust be paid for all guests. - Fees are 'due when a' memberstarts to play. .a ^ Those who play in early season will be presumed to ' have ' • Joined and will be charged"Membership dues.. Applications for membership must be approved ed by ` the ,e Board of Directors," s • . All ,pl yers must register before plating. ._°. - MAfLAND : GOLF CLUB, • prii 25th, 1945. Membership- Committee. ' • i y,rt T AX, £1 IL gay •. . 'roclaimed A Public Holiday 0110 � program • xs • o se �°� e� _ o � o thedays •�: � .. � . as . V Da: Church,sP r v� e .�� in o �hurcb atS �p�� �• willb the a t: �� e of•al�.citizens, 4t'attend this service.. Daylight fire-' rk :4, o s display atYVictoria Park at 2 p.m. k Goderieh Boys' • a ' Baud will be in attendance. Celebration on the uare at 9.30 ,p.m. to hang Hitler. FOR 'SALE.: BARN 22 X 32 FEET ; - good lumber, useful for garage or. • :--a; , • driving, shed. PAUL _ BZDARD; St, Andrew's street. :" 16x FOR' SALE..: EES •,=CUT .T'1ILIPS ,15c a dozen. MRS. FRED BOWRA, William 'Street. - • -17 FOR: SALE GRAIN; .0 A C 21„ seed'. barley and,' Empire ;oats. FRA:NaTK YOUNG, R,R, . 5, Goderich, phone- •Carlow, 208.:. • -17 °ro ..mow.. • FOR Y SAZE.-TWO GOOD YOUNG :Durham, cows just' f resened ; four /heifer.. talves ready for grass; also. bee • .boxes . ;and supers. , LEO D.. CHISHOLM, half-iiaile . south ,of ' Gode- rich R.R. 2, • 17x FOt SALE. --100 ACRES GOOD land, lot 7, concession 8,, Township of Colborne, thirty acres in crops; barn 60 x 60, steel roof ; and : other, buildings; brick' house, 7 rooms, hard wood doors, hydro in barn and .'house., Running .water. • WM. CANTWEL'L, R.R: 5, . Goderich. •: • • phone, -..15 ;x ..5,' Carlow. 17 -18x - ITICE ' 9TiC , All 'owners and occupiers of premises are hereby notified that .all rubbish, ashes, etc., 'must be removed. from their premises' before the 15th day o! May; 1945„:2-- ' A. C. ROSS, - . Chief of Police band 17-18 . • . unitary Inspector: LOST. AND FOUND LOST: -SON MONDAY, APRIL 23rd, between Cambridge , and .Anglesea streets, a small club -bag containing clothing -arid - 2other articles. Please return to 54.,A! glesea street or THE' SIGNAL STAR. ` Reward. ;,> 17x H1CRS` 'AND , PULLETS -I I'roH EVER .Big-4atchery is. taking orders for May and °June • delivery. Cockerels"•f' or im is delivery reed to de a ,are Leghorn `x B.R.$200 per' hundred; Leghdrns $1 per hundred; Premium' Grade1 $ per hundred extra. Order quick for These, through agent, RYAN PRODUCES poderich: -17 FOR SALE.—GOVERNMENT AP- PROVED chick bargains for this week and • next. Barred Rocks, New Hampshires,' Black Australorps, New Hampshire X Barred Rocks non -sexed 310.95, pullets $17.95, cockerels $8.95. • White Leghorn non -sexed $9.95, -pul- lets $ 0.95,.1. c lkerelsR 95c. Assorted heavy breeds:'non sexed 39.95, pullets $15.95; cockerels- =$6:95. Assorted' medium cockerels $1.75. Two-weekt old add 6c per 'chick to above prices. Shipped' C.O.D. z. This advertisement must : accompany your . order,` • TOP NOTCH H C ICK IE . P,SY R, Guelph, Ontario. 17x wANrEo ��7'ANTED.--TWO GIRLS TO WORK WA in 'a store,•• two.S¢r •-three hours u. IGN AL- TAR... _ ... f.,10- Hosiery ocal LINT VIA.N'w' wrOA'K . EX?E ,ENT :' OPPOR1 UNIT1' 'f LE .' POST -,'WAR TRADE GO D *AY AiTD WOE KINGS CONDITIONS Apply EMPLONT SELECTIVE yy� S RVICW OFFICE GIODER/Ol r d 6-17 Refer to Order Nan 1514. Pictures.: For. „WeddingGift s—=S� owers ' and .:Birthdays Beautiful Flowers, and -.:Land- scapes framed in Gold and a• Ivory Frames from 50c wenn mer AND GIFT, •a" ' "STORE °• East . �3t. ' • -• "hone UJS. ' WANTED. =FULL TIME SECRE- TARY'-.TREASURER "~to take charge of Hospital Accounting. Apply to nearest "SELECTIVE' ' SERVICE OFFICE. Refer to Order No. 1502. 17-18 'ANTED. --TO BUY : OLD HORSES and dead cattle; 'must be suitable for mink feed; removed promptly. FRED` G'rILBERT, phone908 r, 22, Olin - ton; or JACK GILBERT, phone .908 r 21,. Clinton Calls paid for. 18tf' .In • the Present You should buy life Insurance, because the future is a mFost expenssve-. luxury. H. M. FORD (,let. fnsurc;l Stay insured Rest', assured'. ° ,Martin 8t. • : . Te1.168w' .46.7 • • BIRTHDAY AND WED bYlv`t CAKES. ': maga at ,poiint of making the lues We Special for this 'Week.end PeachPies 80cents each CURRY'S BAKERY "The Mime of Tasty PaBt e CI JLR 1 Wf1 Proprletor. MOSE'465 WANTED : 'TO BUY.—IN GODE RICH, centrally located, a small house with ^ at least two 'bedrooms, .furnace And modern conveniences. For . • E R.R. 2, c 'sh. O. R.FORSTER, ,s s Clinton .. 16-17x , • E • - 114a or TO RENT' MO E ` » •CRNISHED APART'- Mi?r' 'Move '.Lr hal res N , i ,e14� and, refrig . available, : immedi- ately.. Phb e'',, 0�7W. 16tf' TAl, . -WANTED. TENDERS Marked ther and es Allan draain': With a di o'clock„ .non os 1945.1 Lowest or ani accepted v.." WI t' Clerk o '!.h Dated .Marc 0I 4 la L.1 T ENDER .+ by the including- x yards of and 300±.y delivered t the ' fore, n Lowest 01 accepted.. 16-17 , MEN WATSINb. DEALERS • are'. Making .more money today than ".ever before: Enjoy the security and ; benefits of affiliation 'with 'them oldest and',largest company, of its . All • sales records kind in -the' world. - were. smashed �in 1941'-'• generous bonuses: •were 'paid `"to' ail ` Watkins dealers: Get into..business for your- s'elf' on our capital •1n •your-, home or, adjacent •locality. ' Suitable travel,. out- ffit i,,.squired. '• Write.. now for' further' informations to the -J. R. ' WATKINS COMPANY, °Dept.' O -G 1 2177 -''•Masson street, 'Montreal, Que. ' - "s" 1 , '14:17 ANTED _MAIDA,, FOR GENERAL + housework; . woiinan..~ preferred. Apply ,after May 5th .to. alts,: WES- LEY -. `REID►, -St. George's. Crestep t, or at the residence of MRS. CHARLES REVD, -East street. • 174ti .L ANTED. TWO : OII, TIMED . r, furnished.. rooms for about three moths. Call ,71, THE SIGNAL -STAR. • - Bout'• ra r'FL • .*-,'-z17, your stake, will,be 'received by F cXeaning,'out the wriship of Colborne inaehine, up to -12 t`uesday, May 1st; u• ut Oder not necessarily SALLOWS, R.R. 5, Goderieh, hist ipoat Colborne. ► 64, 14-17. Ir q yk ;n" BE RECEIVED n to and' Ooderich'.up 4945, for .1000 greened stone chips Qad gravel: • To be UUvn yard, or. . where irect. t{der not necessarily BLAKE, :• Town Clerk:.•. NE SEW TTY��Q rr1 • W s the. under= ''. 9 ' :1 I' the collect `1�1 'e,, 1 and ashen ;1.1 }t Duties to1',(11 ch the` Town. -di Copy oful: til' collection ; # Office. Te one. ' year• "Ties_ Corpoa `' alae of a M .$r fa_etory-fu1 S Tt et low stx� necessarily' c '"AnCi y •..part i called -for...t submit a n ' t, • MAPLE' LEA .. t1HEVR0`,LET 2 -TON STAKE TIWCK • Serial No. 030803,: six.. emit tires, °J,eavy duty. EMERSON' Q'VEEHOLT ° Cambridge Street' ;i7 NO1ITAtiN CONVENTION Speaker JOg NOSEWORTHY, M.P. Irons South York 11ENSALL TOWN HALL MONDAY,. APRIL 30th r. at 8.30 pane. Q . C.C.FBiding Association ti • wilrbe received by ;day 2nd. 1945'` -for moval :of garbage ire e'I Town , of'' Goderich. e , the- . caretaking of :by-law governing the y,'Ee,irad rat`the Clerk's be • submitted f$r, ;ree' . year contracts, on! will require the post 0i00�' bond, for. the sags*. =nt4 Af duties:' ' ' an.y tender Prot ed, vho submitted tender ry 4th' is.: requested to eller,-_3f interested ,H. 73LAKE, x1, Town Clerk,;` M''; 1. r . Goderich• �.N WHEN YOU :REQUIRE COAL . OR COK ' C Charles .C. Lee Estate COAL ;AMY "HARDWARE—Ar THE HARBOUR- 22 `�..TELEP`HO.NE , 17- r ond'; bald 'increase v S . GEORGE'S REV. !!. M. DUNBAR. Rector t, •Cho 8.39 a.m: CIIiLY' COMMUNION. 11.00 a.m.. MORNING PRAjER AND SE. 3.09 'Pooh CH UROH !MOIL IAND BIB • 7•ee p.m. EVENS (R,AND � R O Ni S • . �' CJ ME TO CHURCH At ., l tsbject: i A SES. pct J •$!S. MtNNISTEw-y'REV. R. ,R..TINBCLI e, • r,. '24; a:i�. '' • � otl6ibiiity of LeadershipLeadershipn -th 3 p.m. $CCND.A►t SODOOLe , 7 p.m.' "Stirring up an Extlr►ct k''iri Orgatilst'and Choir Leadtr Mrs. Murray letlieringtonr c 1 A SINCERik4 WELCOME AW 01 &P FOOD STORES IFICT °WI 014113 S INVEST IN THE 8E57 '.r OUR OWN:i .9 B`LA►CK FLAVOUR I ,C101...,-;,-.5 E G 24-IbBag .REARFLO R �.-y ¢ .L argil PkiX OLn1"Pck. F• ,120 CH PSO Small Pkg,. w4, 9 a W^ Large •Alla! ' . &Okay.. DIXON'S PL.NT:. �. FOOD Bottle 25' ANN.PAGE p71ILI BREAD car BROWN. 24 -ore , 'Loaves - P 471,e',31 4ede,*ae,-Viee—aok. 114 TEXAS MARSH .. EIRUIT • Seedless 96's' •3:7.100 LEMONS. CALIFORNIA 300'. •' 11I� r r T/0MATOES MEXICAN; ;Fresh, . A • Extr Quality (■ Miseiisipp, Now Crop, Ib. C1 B ►GE. Fresh Gr..n ¢ 54 British Columbia,, Witielia , 1 for SSW Aunt ' re • xtra Fancy Gr#dM . ;1?"..15:0 TrEFres TenderCARROTS/'�Ci h, • CELERY STALKS Florida soca, � aa. Extra Cavell ' • �� .- •'Native GrcWii, 1°Iothau:� -iiia, �. i1Rg► S•l.ctrd .. Natty*, Grcwn, ;boli: OBE:Nfi ON'TONt New crop,1 9• istioLFURNflUOE 42.0L1814. n " • 13t1.. 23 jelltesE OLD ' b: a+il7ir5 NEW lb '/'/j�,;5 Tog r r OM -A ICE FANCY`20.0G.3 0110.7"Doxy$' � 0 ENJOY THE' FINER • FLAVOUR OF BO ►B COFF E ' ground 35 A&P FOOD STORES weed onrd OPer,m d 13v Thr r` rOt Attf,nilc & P;rc;',c Tea Co. Llai 0-, ,4•1 *, c o.r.na 1118 p',01,1 10 10* t guontit,, 11 ts: , (1 • r'. 1