HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-04-26, Page 1•, Jquign...Enowya xEAR. Coinniencetrie .GOMRICI-I, ONTARIO, TIIIJIISDAY, AEWL 26th, 1046 at the Collegiate V, .40(01.iia11011 Aftdre0808; VIC • titil4entii7''71;"41;43 •Prei3.014ted „ - • ,' The agsetribiy reent, of the Collegiate Institute *held sail interested.' audience Of students .on Friday afternoon for the annual Comniencement exercises, at which Principel*At"Seott • • s. pre- sided. • • . •,• eft.,,d0e4 not Seem Very long : since I etoosl here ,at the Opening Of school 1.:11• 1.0$0, eed• Spoke to.Ahe student body," Mr. ,Scott Stated in ix short addrese.. "PeW- andents then realized - the Seriotriness of the eontlict ,-that had Just commenced, There have been , 121 *keine in the forees_in addition :two- and -- 'Mr. Simpson. Five ..)..haye given their • lives -111 the -serviee Of their. ,country. Where are ..rattny of you who ,.can seargely JAW backete. the time when . we .were eief-acTiVar; 11--nd4-w-lie.Tare wondering what WaS.in the newspapers and on the radio before the war. • . Mr. Scott announced that Jim Bleset and .Margaret Ittnidle had been an, pointed, by the StUdents'. -Council to represent . the sclujol on the committee' appointed at a recent public nieeting. to, consider .suggestions,,medeo regard- ing,* eomnitmity reereatien:centre. ..__Prolonged apPlitutle was accorded luiirgaret -Rimdle--..when, it- neurteed thatshe had been chosen to leve her name. Placed on the ..Dr. .J. A. Grahant, • shield; awarded tothe student adjudged .as havi.nuthe•highest Ataild1147.1n,*:. character. : And .leadership • acedetnie and- athletic activitieS in the wheel. She: is • tir.daligtifti. ;Of 3r -v.. and Mrs: Boy Bundle, -Gbderieh . township. • -.. Rev. --Jos. Janes •.en "Success" An excellent. address • on "Success": was given by Rev: Joseph Janes... While industry ..and tbe power- to get money -should' net 'he discredited, .the mere pessession 0 • wee • e nee A on - does net. *make for real: •success, Janet's stated. ;Storing and ,crises of life . will reveal ,character, ' .al- ways expresses a degree of success. True. success, be: stressed, can be. achieved only by bnilding• Character '..611- f0114dati,011 of faith. in Gbd •and • Willing oleectietiee to Iris a worthy 'ideal .and faithful vv.)* well -done,' Most failures 'in, lice are tine .not to hiek of , but lack of .good," boneSt;.". faithful w9rie. 'Setae 'peonlei bluff through life,. but Wehat the world. Wants.is..egicieney and enthusiasm,: ••A: double trio compelled of PatrItiti, Church, :Eunice Milne, Berbera •Ctitti.; Victoria Bawl:deg; Warrener and Yonne • SbeardoVvn. ndelight,g0Y.; an „junior and sealer ..girt4;.-kettorinteS. ere 'beautifullY rendered „unclei• : e .efficient direction of. Mrs. Ciayton' EdWar.d, mitsic,instructoe in the sehoOl: •...: _Presentation of Awards . • The presentation of the gradnatiblf• , diplonias arid' .athietie • awards was nade-by*:kir:--.Scott,-Whp-statect-thatall- the students of last. year's .coinmercial • elaSe were now. eiccupYing positions; and others of the school doing, **farm work. • '‘ - • 4 ' ' Those presented with diplorees•were: . Secondary - ...Scheel •• 'Graduation Diplomas 1340,n --• 13egie, Lorraine Ferguson; -Jobe - Gra- ham, Franklin.' Hawthorne, CaYley • Douglas Holland, I;illitte Irwin, 'Willa Jam'es,- Pauline la.ssaline, brine McCabe, • Shirley 'Marv -Vick, • Douglas . Massey, Ronald .Patterson, • Doris ,'.:Iteed,;Xdsi. •Shackleton, • Ethel • Torten; • Da.niel. Walter, peter. Walter, Mildred Westlake. , • Honor •"Graduation •DIplomas • Bisset; 'Margefet Brophey;10bria . Chisholm, Evelyn - Crith; Mary Feagrui, Verna • Miller, , Lueille Patterson, 'Margaret •Rundle,,Charies.,Tyielall. • •,' Commercial Diplomas -Phyllis _Baena prant, Kathleen "Iteuidle; ' ' TtaWiite' TIMMS, Helen Young. " The presentation. Of -.Medals_ and ehevrons won, at the annual field day • was matle•AS follows:, • • ' ".• 'Boys--7Senier 'champion, Gordon- Sut, eliffe; rfinner-up,!. JerrY. Ginn.; *ter - runner -Up, JIM Bisset; junior . champ- , 10A, Jim Donnelly;;; runner -lip; Harold .Warren (tied) Gir1S-Seelor.. ehamp- PAuline Patterson; runner-up, Victoria Baethier; • • interniediate chanipioi*.rMaridri Preetli; runner -0 " Gertrude • Beattie; junior chamPie, , "Mary Laithivalte; runner -Op, Elisa- beth' Chisholm, • . •"L'A .Chevron•Vinners--Girls-Bita holm, Eugenia' Brindley, Grace Hay.: • deil, Evelyn DustOW, Miodne Betty. Craig, ,Dorotliy, names, b111olly Bisset; Mothy .. Bradley, ':'L6r,rairte Fergusort," Audrey' S*ith; Ntiney Arthur, *.Tune D'aechler, • Elaine , Lomb, Doris • Reed. Boy & L-jehn Graham, Douglas Liolland, r'eter Mitellwan, Erie Moore; Bob.Diggon flarrey Wightniati*,, Bill Craig, . Bruce '11LaeDonald, Donald Warren, Ronald, .Barker, Smyth-, • Kenneth Wilniot„ Prank MeKtelrifiej peter Spain. .4;4, • KA'• 1 Aloseph•`..0. Kellyof,NeW York is g his father, Mr. J. B. Kelly. °. Minnie liabkirk of Seaferth is •"vi idng Mrs. Wm.,11111, sr., East street, Mrs. Wan. Tait has returned to her P Urne her after twin' ding the winter ith relailves.at Detivit."' ,0 Miss, Able Htitchhison, of "tVindsor4"; has been spending threevveeks'' Vaca- tion With Mr. and Mrs. 1 tenaire, Nelson street. Mrs. D. :Viihritely Visited', with her Parents, Mr. and Mrs, j. A. Snider, over the week -end, before leaving on Ionday for Montreal to join her fins - band, who IS stationed there. . Mr. and ivIrs„ George MaeViear Ceived' a cable on Saturday, from their son Alex; advising themor his ar- rival •In England. ile f4erving as a meteorologist and before, Icing tians- ferred overseas was statiened at air- • porta Rt. McLeod,Alta., Lethbridge, :Alta." Brandon, Man., and for the ;last, three. year at Geode* New- foundlaiul: OlArt •X':,01$X0 RINIO IN THE . ' 'Tapiii! 14111E IN 00.14E0ANE:. ,T13p eighth "Victor y; 'loan eari;paign in Colborne tOwnShIP WAS latinched with some tereinemy -iie ',MOnelaYs after- noon atrATime" "the home of Mr« Harry «McCrenth at ._SiVitfOrcl,,, , !"41:t old eaStirOn bell,..:the tongue of Whieli Tice belonged to the bell of St: Andrew's. ellurelk- (kuown as "the Gaelic church") On' NOISOn street, rang In -the. sale Of the•,,tirst Victory ponds in the. township. They Were pur- chased by Mrs. Archie HaMilten," and Miss Kathleen' Williams. Gavin - Green,. native'. son. and historian of 'Colborne, now in his..•eighty-third year, was given the. lemor of ringing. the bell, which. :was suspended ficeil the •exles of twe. wagen • wheels .whien, lied lieen. sal- vaged -from one Of the earliest salt blocks,. on ..the site of ' Which Mr, , Mc- time:thy,- - .19e,tabire zliame.,ii.e.W.,,77.sta :The CereraonY vVitS' attindeithYth school ; children; several residents of the yillagei Mayor Mooney and Reeve' Baker of .Godericii,,and representatives of the Victory loan committee.' a' ta - lier, Richard Stewart, who dedicet,ed the bell, , spoke briefly to the :,*school. children on the uses or bells. '' They are made Of true 'metal, and he likened them to the men ,Whe are fighting for: 'freedom. , He hoped that ' When the people of the :community' . hear, this bell the higher and nobler' things of life may be brought' home' to them' and that its notes would -record the ..C.Oniing,of,,,an..ere...Of Veke....... .......... dismantled, many years ago, 1 bell After the old 'Gaelic eh -um); was was recast and placed in Knox' Pres- byterian • ehureli,_ with, _another lapper7-. ' ' - ' ' - "-- "-- ":---- -....--„,_::„.". -.....,' 'LA X I 1,.. , „ WALV-4P ARIC •,• AnnountenientA ..reemate • of the,•illarr liege of Helen Genevieve•SParr, daugh- ter •of Mrs. ' • Barbara Snarl: and the lite John Sperr, of ..0ederich, to Noble Clan:away, oeGoderieb„ on. Tuesday, :April 17th. Mr. and Mrs.,•, 14anawAY will reside at the Gallo* apartments' Nerth 'street: -. - - - -- - • iirxii,--warr,_ Wesley ...United.---churelii, -Calgary; Albertai; was the setting on Merck 2+ for .the mini e of Maxine Stephen- son,1 daughter of r. and Mrs. C. W. Watt of Milo, JO', gt. William P. Hill, only •son of Sher and 'Mtg. Nelson. gill of '..Gaderic14',Bev., .L It Morden offielated. ,•The bride; ',. who was giVen' *• Marriage ibY:' l4er. father, Imre • a gown of, white.. sheer._ . _... A 'wow 'of tiny covered" Ibuttolle".'inallLeci the • front of, her .gOveil from 'A ri*eet....eart, neckline' to the .waist, and -her ifingertiP -Veil was held in. ;place Withi .:a .gaienta.: She carried a .bouquet of ,tea roses. Mrs: Grace : Slieane. was •Ilibe bride's •only Attendant and 1.0.'1,. -it.A Sheitne. was best. maxi. .Sgt.' T. Metiartan :mid ,S/Sgt.. t. Gelds' were Ushers. -"" :A mece,ption, was . held In tthe',, Spanish Boom of the Palliser ;Iota, where •Mrs. Watt assisted the bridal party in receiving the Orly' guests. •- _±...agt:_and _Miss .- - 14 ill left for Banfri the bride trav. . :. In alurqueise suit With hie& acee:oriee. Her only Ornament .: was a lin, a .gift of the .'bridegrocubt ;Sgt. .nd Mrs. Hill will reside in tOttigerY. I 411 LTH Mk. and Mrs, 1. B. Miine, Waterloe street,:_received...word last Friday_ •that their son, Corp. j, A. Milne ("Sandy" ha:d been severely wounded, and;.three days • latex, was taken .rieriously, ill and evacuated to Ihe'llifiteil.itingdonf. 'On Monde,. another InessageradVised them that he was progrerising favorably. and was being removed• fromthe seriously 111 list. On their .receipt .6f the first Message, Mr. "And Mrs. Milnecabled • a 'nephew in, London, and received. e 'Inesgage, .from . hint that -hatt-'-•seen Sandy,•that there wainothieg to Worry abont, and he will: finite happy. ' Sandy IS -serving with an armored chirps. .• Lieut.. •Bertram Young McCreath, a foriner ,Gederich • boy serving Overseas, has been Promoted ;to be an 'acting captain. : • LAC. Sam :Walter, B.O.A.P., of Fort William, left today for Moecton,.N..B:, after a. ten days' leave, Spent ',with his parents; - Mr. and Mitil"•,-R. j; P. ••Walter, .SaItford Heights, .. Ile had 'been stationed for ,some time at- Van- conver.- His wife. and three children are at present viSitinetheir relatives at Saltford Heights; • :., LAC. 'Kenneth LeMaire; serving wfth the ILCA.P. in England, 1n a ',letter toJiis• mother, Mrs. .3. LeMaire, Nel- son street, •expresses .his Appreciation of a certon of cigarettes 1 sent to .hlin by the..10etil brmieh Of tile Crinadian .1.4egion. !I Was very lrnpplly sur- prised," be *writes, "to receive the eigarettes. from the Goderieli Legion, Inasmuch as,J-had ney r lived there" (in Goderieh). The. package 'derived Jtist111 tiree, as he W right out Of eigs." He 'whilied the Legion every success intheir work; as they were certainly giving a. great ,deal of .luip- pineSs "over there." TODAY'S roue comp In Weekly Coed this afternoon, Gordon* Tiedemann,of :Stephen toWeshim was -remandeil, to ',jail for sentence after he had:Pleaded guilty to two tharges of brvkin , entering and theft at Grand Bend. ietlemanu broke into the sfuntaerLeotta eafelf, IVIrs. Prank &Harley and Mrs. 1LA. both of tendon, Steal* various articles. Ile , had .already served; La. term' in Jail this year on a similar charge. 1 10. andiflate . D, tiopRE orrriuriNct AT Amiaouvruuri .orrl "ling to Pecorris;Attectufibffanwo ttrorttBrit44,e1 . • . Alin • in. 0, King, Bruen* Vb.000,11 A 'number 'Of agricultural societies, at Winillani' 0011:Irenti011 are again '8119)300;e lioM'fing for North, Biding • club •work in Huron county.' Three . • • • '''•new Swine clubS are, being organlied , WINGHAX," APrii •,.#47 -At- fat: ell- In the : Bayfield, Ztirieli and Exeter • I thusia.stic iMaainating cOnven- districts, and loettl elub leaders report tion here last, night, Willie .m King,- Splendidinterest from Alm jurdorSin these eliMS., , * ." In addition, the three, calf clubS, that Were organized last year in the Huron,. Blyth and Dungannon districts are also in process of. formation and Prospects itulteete a good enrolment. . . At Preseut the agriettlture eMee in Clinton is wit.hout-: en :agricultural representative. • ,UovVeVer, 'the assist- ant :agriculturalrepresentative from York county, J. D. Moore, has arrived In ton:ite.,,;0'iteojet.6.14.044h.%..ordyenaniv.- erfi girls' cubs.. He will remain iu Huron county until the new 'representative arrives; and (*deg this period he IS tuitions to get in touch with as many club.. prospects • as , possible., • Membership Is open to •farraers' sons and daughterS"frOMtwelVe to twenty- one years :of lige, and Interested j union are urged to einisult•loeal club leaders or the agrieulturil.9th:ea le Clinton as soon as possible. : • , .• WELCOME' .TO • GODERICII!• Mr: Norman W. Miller, who sineehis appointment as Coeuty, Clerk had 're - *hied hiS hone. at ClinfOn,- has this week brought his family -or such of themi as. are still Under the -parental rooftree -to • citoderick and they are • residing •itt", the-hOuSe-Off South street • Whichlie:PurehaSed recently. • Aire aed.- Miller,.•have :Our children:.Helen '(Mfs. • Verne Wageer):.."14 Trenton, Ont.; Kenneth, of the Boyd]; Canadian Navy, at preeent lioine QII 4 fourteen - day leave;, A/lbw-Pearl, Who has taken a position ; in the : downtown 'office, and Frank, ..the youngest but not least important :eitiher of the faintly,. We believe' we ',Can ''SPealt' for all the people of ,GoderiCh • in ' weleeming Mr. and •Mrs. Mlllet and •' their :faraily to .our town and .Wishing for ,then4 4 long and happy :::residence ,here. well-known BitteBelis. dietrict ftmaerv was nerainated caildidate to'c'entest the ProVincial election for WIrQll Brnee. '' ()there neminated *ere - Dr. Johnston * of Lucknow, and. Benny Lantz, Carrick .township farmer de- feated* in the last •Previncial, contest. Bothwithdrew in., favor, Of Mr, King,. Dr. JoheSton presided' wirer the nieet- ing and Harvey Neirgarts was - •• Special •.iiiPettittm'at tlii Cenientlint was Joseph NoseWorthy, Federal • ex- M.P. for South York. "We rand have p. third, party • in this campaign," said Mr. Nofgeworthy, "because there is very llttle difference betweert. the other parties, the Same dinanciel interests' 'backing both Tory. and Grits." Referring, to the speech delivered here by the Hon: Mr. 'Chtillies, Noseworthy said, "We 5)0proudOf the fact that Hydro Is publicly owned! But Mr. Charnel; and his party are 'Ye*. eriticel of ' the policy which would exteriel4his.. principle of public ownership to erither 'enterprises that are Just as important . to the people. as, Hydro. No one, net even the hardest - shell Tory, wOuld -suggest returning Hydro to private ownership. I can -reeiill.:When, those same interests that are.now.supPorting the Tory party and opposing the O.0.17.i; taught to the -bitter Leerl. againSt. Sir Adt,t4„,,B". his • atter:ant to establish owned Hydro .systenL ' • •, • "Mr.-Challies premises to bring: the advantages: of Hydro to the farmers of this ,riding. Trifles and Liberals alike have hltd ample ,oproortueity In the paet-to-;Make- this- boon "Available. They'vealWaysbeen lavish with their promises before •elettion and sloW to. fulfil. _their proraises • after' eleettorn if You.really want the adv•antages of Hydro in rural areas elect a party that really believes' in , public 'ownership, - not one that • is forted into nubile; ownership againstIts will. - , "There is no ,raore justification for a .privately -owned 'peeking, tome in- dustry in this country than for . a privateir-owned illydro system," the speaker said. HOLSTEIN BREEDERS . 1YLEET AT ()LINTON • • • • The annual •spring meetitig. Cif- the' Huron ' County Solstein Breedeys' Club Was 'held In .the Town Hall, -Clinton, on the evening ef &pril 10..; The ',Club president, Leonard; Leeming of Walton, was chairman.. • .. After a full, .discusqien;the meeting: decided by• unanimous vote to accept the invitation ot,theAllyth-F1111- Fait - •Board, to hold the ,Black and :White. Day thiS ,year in conjunction with' their fall. fair. No definite date ..has been set, but it is expected to be 'held •about the middle of •Se,ptember. A hearty Vote of thanks was tendered the •Sea,... forth Pair Beard for .6e -operation in making' the Bleck and White DAY of the two pre:v.1°ns year's •sueli a splendid, success. • • . ° Lt was .also eecided to unite -with -the - Federation o1!.4 Agriculturefor field day at •the Lions Club Park, Seriforth; june at.h• . • „ • Gordon Bisset, who vvas to the annual .meeting of the Xfolstein« Friesian Aseociation held at -Toronto In FebrUary, reported on the 'business of the meeting1Le made special Men- tion of the splendid address on !Wan.: aged Milking" given by Dr. W.• E. Petersen nf the University of 'Min- nesota. - • • - A. V. tittiglee, chief -of the ettension- service for Ontario; introduced Ake guest speaker„ Prof. 4. .1,1._.Rtmiona.of the animal husbandry department of the 0:A.C., • Guelph. Prof., Itunkins' subject was ,‘„."A Breeding Program for the. Holstein. Breeders of Huron „County," • It was an Interesting .and 'instructive address and should be of partienlar--Value • to the • younger 'breeders and those Just -starting to build up a Ho/stein herd. • He em- Phasized Perticularly,. the Importance .of having or Securing good foundation' females,: and the use of, bells 9f out:. standing type from, high production dams with good udders' and, good type. , Mi. Langten and Mr. Tem/, WeStern Ontario tfleidrettir, reviewed .the activities Of the Association and - spoke of plant for the year's 'we*. A hearty • Vote Of thanks was 'ex- tended, to the speakers. , . .A lunch Was served at the 'Conclusion' of the ineeting.and a sociable- time was 'enjoyed by, all. ' Before :leaving Pro-, feasor Bunions was asked to be. Judge at the 'Black and White Day - and ex- pressed his •vvillingness- to 'aet. , AT , THE .WATERFRONT ,Arrivals at the Goderich elevator the 'past Week were: C. IL Henson,. PridaY, 112,000 bus. Wheat;„ Vandoe, Tuesday, • 210,000". bus, • wheat ; F. V. Massey, Tuesday, 123,000 bus, oats' And barley; Prank II; Brown, today, 123,000 !bus, Oats; herIey 'and flax; Mohawk Peer, 'today, . 208400 bus.. .wheat and, harloY'. Thd tanker' Ottawalite was in' yester- day frenr -Sarnia •with gasoline for the Imperial Oil depot here.' • The Ontadoe arrlved on Friday last with 250,000 hies. Wheatfor the -Purity: Flour Mhl..' • BF:TOWING OrtiCURS' Returning 'oiLicere for the Provincial Vote on ;rune 4th are Clark Fisher, of irsborne towaship,,for (South) Amon, and Gideon Ruttle, of Ripley, for Unron-litnee. . For the...ft. leral eleetion ou Zune, lith the rettulding Pisher, of Goderieh, for .North„ Apron, and Keith MeLetna, Of -Seaforth,'`for Iltretiallrneet WOMEN'S HOSPITAL AUXILLtRY lrlie regular meeting of the Women's Hospital Aexillary wake:he/4 on Mon- day afternoon, With., the-- president, Mrs. D. E. Campbell, in • the 'chair. Final arrangements Were Made for the annual birthday party,: to. be 'held 'at the hospital • on May 12tk . 'when • the institution willbe, open for ;inspection and gifts will be received. The fol- lowing were appointed to assist .at the Legion binges..daring May: ,Mrs. D. E. Gatepbe.11;Mrs.- H. M. Monteith, 'Mrs. E. .Metanghlin and, MISS A'. Cleaver. • .OBITUARY • amis. W. ,C4NTWELL hly••,esteemed •resident -borne township,-: lure. Vginiaul Cant- well, .paseee away in Alexandra, Hos- pitalAast_Thursday morning,- after a long' illness; •• ;Formerly Miss. Mabel Edith McMillan, the :deceased . was born fifty-six yearsage,. in,".Goderich township, the daughter ol'ilitsinor - Milian and the*: late Mrs, MQMzUi. She had- lived in 'Colborne township since her marriage :twenty-fenr years ago: She was a .member, of 'the Pres- byterlan church at Carlow. Surviving, besides her huaband and -aged father; are: three -brothers,«:-John7aud.-s.Tenies McMillan, of: Gocieriele township, , and Leslie MeDifillari, of Loudon. , There was a large attendance at the funeral service hew at her. tate residence, 8th concession, Colborne township, 0I1 Sat- urday afternoon., Rey. Dr. J. H. Bar- nett of Goderich officiated, assisted by Rev. gobt, McConnell of Auburn. The pallbearers s were Fordyce Clark, Gordon • McPhee, Eimer .Robertson, %Viliiain.Marsh, William Watson and Melvin Tyndall. The lintrnieet was in -Colhorne•-cemetery.- • - • MRS.--PREDERICK . The' honie of Frederick Stirling; 4tili, genceselou of Goderich township near Porter's 11111, has been bereaved by the depth of the wife and. Mother,. Whielk,peaurred anddenly•-ole•Siturtlity, April 14th, as the result of a heart condition. Mrs.. Stirling was in 'her Mtp•lifth year. • She was born in Stanley township,- her maiden name being Plorence May Making. Since her marriage thirty-one years ago to Mr. Stirling she .had lived in GoOdrich township, -Surviving,• besides the hus- band; are three sons. and tie° daugh: ters ; .George ane Dopglas, of Gode- rich township; Lloyd; with an artil- lery. unit :in Europe; Mrs. Gordon Jewell, of Colborne township, 'and Arise Dorothy Stirling; at home ;• also three giiindehildren; There are two brothres, James Makins of Clinton and LIoyd. Makins of .Bayfield; and two sisters, "Mrs, Edward. Graelis of Clin- ton and Mrs. Elmer Webster of Varna., The, funeral took place. on Tiiesday, April 110, from the Cranston 'funeral hoinei where the service Was conducted by Itm 0. TaVener of lloiniesville. The palihearerS were Wilmer .Harrison, Thos. Sowerby, Colin Macdonald, George Hudie, Oliver llt7eish and Allan Betties, while Reed 'Torrance, Ivaii Turner, Leslie 'Cox Keith Stlrling acted as flowerhettrers. ',The inteiment was in Maitiand.eetaptery, . • • Airs. R. Henderson, Lighthouse street; is visiting her daughter. Anse Dorothy *Henderson, at Washington, D.C. " ' TifiE,IVEAVIIER ' Temperatures of the past 'week in Goderielt, with these of the eorrespond- ing week 'a Year ego, as officially re- corded, were ale follows: • 1046 ,° 1044 A. Pr:10 ...1.4194*.' '31.1111'.17x* -1412118‘ PK, Apr. 20 ..,.47 38 158 82 at., Apr. 21. .„.43 33 67 , 43 Snu, Alii. 22 ....43 31, 58 30 Mon., Alit 23 ....00 4 .37 63 16 Titea., Apr.: ::?,4 ..,59 44 to: 44 Wed., Apr. 25 ...;57 •• 42. Legion Banquet a Fine Success Major Magole;ClerveirYcii MenenSiejaroSPt the Mina Of 'the Organized Veterans, of the list Great War end Many of those of the present .eontlict, With their pleats, numbering in all 120 or more, enjoyed ti.sPlendiely arranged get,:tegether dinner In Hotel 'Bedford on PrideY.' 'night 7:Under-the " auspices of the Ideal brunch of the_ Canadian , Lekion., The guests *eluded repre- sentative, , Menof the district, ,,and Meng them alsomere two lathes who served as nursing sisters in ,the last war, Mrs, D. E. Campbell and Mrs W. Buehanan: ... • • : •.., • . , , Ther4-eblini&-'4••••';the7Wal braneb.of the Legion were placed ' behind the head table,: and bouquets of golden daff.odibi 'decorated the long %Wee, .." ;After grace said by Major the Bei, Dr. - j,-.11: .Bartiett, anCithe.-teast to the King, two • minutes' • silence, in :men:tory of fallen heroes. and .of the late President Roosevelt Was observed, with: impressive ceremony. As the ;first, netes. of.. the Last Post Were sounded • by Robert Henry, the' room was darkened and a , White cross covered with the"..Union,. jack was Un - Veiled and. revealed WO flood lights. The silence was broken by the,: Re- veille;-:, • after- :--which 1/'; •,E. Campbell, president of the Legie branch; intro- dueed 1.1.p.yor D.' D. Mooney, •who ex- tended :a 'genial . civic,. weleorae. " • During ::,the mare, ;;'',: of • his chair - 4, men's:: addresciAfri:i...,0 : ,pbellz.reViewedt- Setae -'.- Ofethe .11,-etivit:1:, •,:?.ref...the,-;19.caL. braneh' :1:Itiriiigi'ii,,,the ,:••:4eSt five nitre; Through: 'the,'.irtediniii;I:Of the :weekly: bingos over .$4000" • had been =raised In the .14St two years, and from all Solve& .?*.a ;total of *8,000. •lad been. realizee. I The oyerseas pare'ele, com- mittee' bad. been given assistance in. Packing boxes for overseas, and. thous- ands oGeigarettes had been sent. over - seas • ' "The 1.4egion IS without a home,.? Mr. Campbell - continued. They could have • applied for 'a club 'license; -hut members refused to entertain • that Method- of financing. "There are th'oSe,"- he said,- "who. seem to feel. that any home. the Legioik might get would be associated with the sale, of beer." The .Legion • did not .pilopeSeto,„ pin the. boys :Overseas new to ariy,:specific pro- gram, he stated. He visioned*. Legion home as a place similar to that out- lined :at, the recent public meetipg where...gill:Ws( of young Men With -a diversityof interests .eordd' Meet for lithletie.; and cultural. activities. Near. lyleinberallnitiated— • ..d" Nineteen new Members were initi- ated with befitting ceremony, among theni: two Young. ladies, Miss Mildred' Leitch :andi Mrs. Bruce CatcliPole. They weref*067Itti:i by thesergeaeVat-arnis, It Needham, and the ritual of initiation was reitOy. D. E. Campbell. W. 11.: -Golding, M.P.- for Huron - Perth, who was • introduced • by Col. A. 17.. Sturdy, said that one of the iinest-',:Phases of this .War will be 'reek the magnificentcontfibu- • 31....7.,..yeung«,-peOplewiro gaveup•"everything - for .frgfr EVery, Member • of • .Parliament antrevery orgekization should plan for -their rehabilitirtion, asserted. -061. ' H. C„ bunlep. intredee.ed.,„the, . Federal -iii-e-inber7fOr North Huron, L. E. Cardiff, who predicted that .it will 'be neCesSary for each Conenunity • to give every, assifgtanee to returned men. Seme have been - tairee .frorn school and have advanCed to :officer's rank and have heee receiving pay as •high as $250 per month. Many. ef thein will .not be satisfied with their former positions. He felt that every man in the services shoUld get a pension,. as they .will never he thet same again and it will • be difficult for them to adjust themselves to•eivinanlife. .t in his usual genial manner, Judge T. M. Costello introduced- the 'guest 'speaker, •Major • Thomas Magladery, president of the Legion's Ontario Com- mand, whOM he had met playing base- ball during his "Renfrew days." -Major,..Magladeiy's Address, ...... • Major Magladerg emphasized that the Canadian.Legion'is not a political organization. Ex -service 'men are nbt asking something for nothing, or feel- ing that the World owes them a liv- ing. What they ask iS a*fair oppor- tunity to make a living and become active he civil life: The Legion niain- tains, their service did not Conclude' With the ,end of the eonflict, hut eon - tinned in times of peace. • "I' welcome you young men arid vvomen into the Canadian Legion, be- eause you • Will. assrime the ' service we dew carry: You took our places .11i the battle -line and created a glorious name for yourselves, 'I would say to the members of Parlia-.• anent that the Legion'is not in politics as 'a body, but is keenly interested in.. public affaiii." „. • "The Legion will tight for. the *recti- fyihg of injustices," the speaker • de- clared. ' "It is interested 'in the pre- servation of jobS in the dint service -4 temporary mad' permanent. Before .43)13,:, permanent appointments are made ,the boys mtist be back 111, Canada,' and positions left open So that they' will haie" 411 .01tOrtlillitY to eompete for them."' „ Under their war Services depart - Ment, the, Canadian Legion sine() the *V began, saitl the speaker, have sent eighty.. million cigarettes. Overseas; 'fifty million, "writitig' pads and tblio znillion• envelopes. Thirty nilllIon people have attended Legion" showe and over .seven million have. been present at choral serviees 'held under the auspices Of the. Legion. Thottsandb of, young men and women. are taking tee:Woes provided by the ugion etinea:. Hood,' service, to themselVes into civil life on their return 'home. Many, 14ELCIIIS PROM Ipt17,9 •OODERIOW National Wstt,331kratlie -Colontattee, • ', ,,Goderich, Ont., _ ••• the officers and men of 11,1$1.C.S. "Godericit" send their best Walles to the citizens' of '.60derkh for a really successful Victory '4.1eatt eampaign.,.. We are glad to S.:aorta you that year ship, the ILIVf.O.S. "Oederieba' alter only one 'eanl'assing, has SitrPailiked their quota by ten per cent. after OUr.,, • outstandling.suceess In the seventh: Victory loan cunpaign which' Put .11$ tell for our class of ship and third in the ileet, We ran assure that we are all in. there Pitching and hope, to do even better. this ° time. Hest of luck to You, • 141',„ J. E. TAYLOIti CoMmauding, (Oilier? , „ • WAR BRIDE,,ARRIVEs •- ANTE'MIMS GODERIOR . . • 0 • Can Buy Many Things Ave Not ' . Obtainable in England Apother-L',424-oderich -wart, bride, - ?,Ira Lorne Snell, arrived, here on Friday, April nth, - and IS staying with her husband's 3110thOrt Mrs. 'Robert . Snell, CillirCh Street. • . ' . .' She was married in England last May. to . Lance -Corporal Lorne Snell, aao4nOownanaaedaginageSdurraeW ay. a 14hblriaeilinvaain Lthe latter post she Sayy many of the Van - 44 11emIttell II: rLvoineedmonellp w'. as During olisNblied, i tHer parents are net living; but she has tl. brother with the Service Corps .in Greece, and a sister on canteen duty in England. • • • . ' ., i er. sr,. . that:Rn4lttertorla :::alt„,. A.c„,.Signaal-St4rd is re- , da thrilled that siien'othi.-• uy.' rerYthiPg, she 'wants- witheat 4_ eon ,•re are many foodshere thqv 11,4ye been obtainable In England" e war opened. The voyage 1crp a -uneventful, she . said, an'e,'sitrythin :, , possible was' done for th' rt' of the three .hundred' wives'4ekviee !nee . ;be board, From t line of embarkation in London . to 'her 'az;..rival I. ' ' , in Aoderich, everycoUrteti eX- tended to her by the oss. ."truselYasdtitglielyveriethellaargedli°,*. '', )4 ' •suun•-•- , ashni•Pe'Eatsrteeernfed Ctahnqmadiaaan Ihpeoir14 I'!"?11o'atibaert sliiii brought one thousand wives ;and children:Of service men to this Country.. She thinks she will . enjoy Goderich. "There . is no . town like it overer it is so unique!" she'addedi . , . 1 1,1 LATE- PRESIDENT VALUED MEND -0 : At .Victoria. street:Did Sunday last a tribute was1 memory of Franklin Delano bv 'fife minister, Rey: Law Turner, who observed - that:tli , paan was not only a ei.q.e* 'United States of 'America., ' valued. friend of Canada,] truly :be said that he wase0 So sterling was his character; mental •his poise; so universal look, that petty politics fledi, approach, and • hatred, ...aVar selfishn.ess shrivelled inte...: not MheiticonfrOnted"•.:-:"W- -.IA,' 'Prinalit Delano Roosevelt w --because he-was-prirrfarily,_ is where all lasting greatA The .Victoria' Helpers' cla• --mrs.-8.----e.- •.-Argyje--is---pr presented. to Victoria str church in the interests Of t Lund, a, --Substantial conti. memory of .the late Mrs. I a ;valued raemb:er..W40 ente rest a year ago. ' SimilarlY Miss Mabel A meinory of her late lathe 110.WIrinS, has,. contributedl worthy project.. .. . 1,1; •: The Minister received the': Om - oriel gifts, expressing the appr el tion of . the _ ehnreh and also, reteindm his people of,,the :valued serviee43 :rendered to Victoria street churclilty.i,her.de, do - parted Servants. . . • ':. ,-' ,•,•-,, •-•'-•• .' - Thehighesteem and affeetion-in which ' Viet United church is held by li I! datighters has . heen ,f,e, deneiRt-by. °An: -augioehtatt i mortgage fund by Mrs'. Georg in Memory of her late Ilito.t TensleY, . ; I It I) • W. L MacKayN foir7..11iironmant Liberab ,C110000e. 'grew armor, for the Provinelsl 746000,11 • 'Ile •-•• At largely attended eouvention, tinrOn.-Bruce Liberals held at liting- ham on Friday.night, WhlJiam 3. Me Kay' or ItiPley *wife .oheeen B the patty's representative in . the. Pre- vinCial election to be tte_ids en ¥ay 4111. Four •names were piaectu ore the convention these • of Ali. 'Alexander or Grey township; ;Warden of Ilartat county;- Wilfred . Anderson, ,,of Luck- IlOWI;Ilugh Mil, of Colborne toWno4P,. the defeated candidate in 'tbe election or 1043, and Mr. MacKay, ..Mr. Ander_ - son withdrew his name, and ea a•--.1- baliot kfr. MacKay reeeived a majority over the-e9mbined vetes, of the other two nomineerf • ' 4 Mr. MacKay is a farmer et Buren .. township near the village 01!- Bipley. -1,fe-sat hi"' the Legislature for :OA years, 192984, iv* 'the riding of South. • Bruce; *Well disaPlieO„ ;red, i?!..'; the Te- dlstrlbution of. seats- winch t,00/E. Place. At'. that time, ' The convention was addressed. 14 Farquhar Oliver,. formerly OT . the Hepburn.. Cabine.b.;14, eharged. Pretnier Drew with :bringing, on the election In such, 'a hurry that it ;would be almost impossible for :aauli" soldier Vote - be polled. 'The Opposition had assured Mr. .prew' of cooperation in voting. necessary' funds, but .the Legislature, was °dissolved without pro'visi.on beluj made ter -the.. publk services. ' Liberal l party, he -deChired, was 'pre- setting a forward -40041g 'PolicY*-tinde, the leadership. of Mr. ,Hepburn. OtheX speakers were • Major R. 'Nairn "Ot Goderielic,;' •L'ilieral..taildidate. for ' kederal.,• House, •vvho , gave a Tensing address, and Carl 'Which**, candidate for the'rrovineial riding et Witte.: 1. on Or tirhe 4'evelt iec 11. eat eould il)onu- out- ore and ;er ich 55 bited age 1.1/1 0/), 4her 'in Okaas this 1.19 lasting rig; Street Sons and r ' I n s. ENGAGEMENTS. ANNO and Mrs. George w, an wish ...to announce the eriga • of their daughter, Grace me to, to Andrew Lee Scott, son of AirPlind:Mrs, Scotti-the marriage t 414tiee Saturday, May '5th, at '2,3 .iti Knox chnrch„ Goderich, Mr.. and Mrs. W. Har rich township, announce melt .of. their only mildted ' Winona, Ro oilly son of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton; the wedding to t oWiteeslaeytu-Wrdilalyl,s:i4Uanyite2d01) o. 33 Mr. Bert Johnston, G and -trained Printer, now , in town this iredk friends. and perhaps will thing for reader:4 of The in an, early issue • t•y on, titter, 04 in nton,, ,fr universities in Canada- acknowledge them and are px.exiared to graduate them,. ••, . , - ' ,.. • . "Btiild.: tip your ' Legion,",. Major 11-lagladery urga Make . it a strong body, - "So that :when the Canadian Legion makeS demands no govern- metit. will have the teinerity to range them. So ' cenduet yourselves. . and Legion altairs as to:Win. the- high re- gard of the people of this Country." , '. Prol itge(., applause was aeeorded i , the Aker at the -,eronelusion of his addie .s. , , The .presentation ' of a badge in mtegieitieteet hi S faithful•services Was prisoners of , war have reeetved de- .1i•,: -.111e by 'Major ,Magladerykle George gree s ' from Canadian nniv,erSities. Blikter, past PreSident,of the Goderieh PaperSoNe soul to theni through 'the hi•atich, after whieh • the intereSiAng medium of the Red (!ress• and the evening WAS eoneireled with the tsta- Voiversity in London. If Pastied there,' tional Anthem. Neils lir. team' taunt= ANNtiTERSARY SEA . „ Dr. Antler A17.0463 • • and • Lecture,' • ' Large congregation were Prese4: at North street United eburclq; on, Sunday for the Servieese,.: at which the speakelr ivaa" Bev; Dr. ' Archer '*Wailace of ":.Teron.W. notett anther, preacher leetnrear,„ Speaking from. the texA-":1,Willl be as the dew unto (*sea '0-0,, the speaker explained that the. Speetre., of famine was never. far talOved '#•enty. • the land. "I.,eng days of blistering Made the earth. Weenie '-dit'f!Pa. retie A - and sterile, 'en- • the; •• Saving • ,ot-, situatien,Was Ire the the dew: 'It. redeemed: tbe "Hen' we have the fiinctima religion -to redeem life .from materialitim, barren- ness and There was to ,fear: in- the nitirning, but there was .in the late...afternoon. ',So in life, there .was not -and.' to fear in youth,' but later ' when 'people settled' down tothe stodginess of life. 1-10- deelared *there was an absence of ..idealism and eat-, thtisiasm. in middle age. described : aS a sinister 'thing,that in the eourse >, ch arra of life ' • Iteligffig--and, the • grade'' 76fod 'given. so that life .,naty bo r lovable 51111 .happy..: "Whew peeple - titter -and mita, aria a -Sneer,. on their lips; there is not much hope for'thein. Keeping "in touch with' God. and«. His grace will revive aq.-keep us' svieet ' And' free froin,, despair," the nspeaker•!' concluded.. " Dr. Wallace's subject at the evening, service was "The 'Universal Love o God." , . ' • Under the direetion of :MA. Murray Hetheritigtp,- organist); there was an excellent inusicar service inOreing and, • evening. The seloiSt'was Mrs. Man - 'Son, whosang"The Leta 14 -.Light" -Tat the 'morning service, and at the 7 o'clock service "An Evening, Prayer." At the mornb7ig„ service the..._anthent_ . was "Let Mount Zion Rejoice'," . with Miss Avis. iVarrener ae soloist,. and in the evening -Miss Esther Annie Was the Soloist, for , the anthem • "}lank! Hark: -Mr ',Sault" ,-..,ladieef•,-sexteete-1,.-.....ktra..- S. Brown; Uri.. ROY Pinder, Mrs. Pennington and the •Misses Avis War- reuer,Patridia Church , Barbera. • 'lienry-sang "My Paith",looks Up:0 Thee." . • Dr. Virallace's Jt.ecture On,. Monday evening Dr i Wallace gave a lecture en "Britain .Today," ,Illustrated ,with due eolored views Stiewn- on the seree.a. There . Were . views ofJrural England 'end of places ••• of historic interest, with many 40 Londoniand other„„hotebed cities, and'a rtninink commentary in, Which. the ,speaker's personal qmovviedge, of the . places -4itown . and a: fond .Of • Minor and anecdote. eombined to make tin* inforiattite; entertaining and tines inspiring address,', • The piCturet4 ".4T :bembed eities,lielped the viewer;better to, ,realize what. the peePle" Of ItrAtibi, :*eut through for live or Six, yearti and -the andotaitahle whieli -the* maintained • thretighent. There was.,a..., cheerful note in the prospect that,The thousands: of Wrecked- honies, • inatpr., in. 'unsanitary distrietS, will be ' placed by better dtellings for- ,the The ,thairks of the taige mad kitalis interested audience were eiliveYea. 10 the. aPealter by the ininititer et !the.. eltureli; Rev., rt. rx., .TEivoi?ou. SECOND CAELOAD:4',SIIIPPED, On Monday last' the °second earlead Of :.Waste paper was shipped by the Goderich salvage eommittee. The" tal. contained thirteen tons. % Oitisens Are asked toisaye as. unieh paper AO thVY poSsibly van. Every round is needed for war purposes. ..- A COltittAP11014 The Signal -Star • tooked 'to" Mate, that the donation 4."..f Clyde! tiledbill, riolunilitIt to the Red Voss in the rerent eampoign was $5, not $2 a-* pub liehed lit• the April lab Issue of feels paper. •:•+