HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-04-05, Page 7CREWE, ',April 2. 1r. Wm. treaty J. Winding 'a, pleaaant, 'welt-enCw1th •ade sen, Alden. and Mra, , Iaaty and three little granddaughters at 'Niagara, on -the -Lake. Ur. Boy Culbert of Hamilton : and Tiomaa D. Culbert, who is laving' treatment on bis 'hand at. Toronto, • wrere home for the ''mak-end. Mr.• Par of and oe M Y. Hilton" w ds :� ted Silo►. frief' bero .. halt a,nktaGt at •%�tryr'a� � ,the n. M _ na Cl ozi. #, of n. • nCaIld Ln� � e ly _� over- th+e..,week-end with .. � .iced"''' ..�a ^+¢_ lilllCr. and Kr*. O. Orell*`. Mr. Ebner tiluteldekela 'Mon +CAil' of Detroit Vent Wil►". afte'rralotltai w:ltb Mr. and Mre. B* ,Shackieten.' Mri, and Mr's.' C. Blailrs e, ° Jim and patrick visitteed.and Srtnday r. and w s. S. thth Misses 4001 of Hgngatlnolt. Mr. •and Hast. Raymond Finnigan at- tended -the diamond wedding annivera. aryl of Mrr. and Mrs, WM., Robinson. Lueknow Saturday '.afternoon.` theie Y ' X e in illi ty ire i eupeelally .glad ; to see Mr. ' Orville tlielr_ t again after three menthe and a halt in Goderieh lioitpitah. the "r t. an :accident. last auk fall►ry . • . r leaven Ronald B f.I.'e , Mr. and 3I;� . 04 G w, Ruth and Dorothy Mil Qurrat visaed on iiNfiar with Mr and lira. Y Hunter of LucknoW. The W,A. of Crewe held A ,auecoistal bazaar in Ptnu upon on iia.ter'd*y atternoun ';Che proceeds amounted to over t. Air: and Mrs. T..hi. Durrnin were vieltera at Goderich on Saturday with. ?ilr. and*us. "Charlie Whitely and family.. B 3N I+L1 R, A•pr. n'3. Thi Play preser M .+ecl •b , the Wihow Grove young ar<t� penlre in Benmillei . church: on Thur0- N T day nightchaacte their to creePtleeallY wslJJ aecount of the there w*; not au large ,an attends as otherw wlue there w004 have been. Mrr.. and Ura. Een Bowden and daughter Ann, of Orilli*, vent the holiday. With Mena. Glodh and faintly. Freiai t a!8, t► Wednes+lay night t ie yonugg people met at the home "of Mr. Arthur cher, and presented Ur.. . At d .wa ch Bob e.. el 1 with a wa; is t t D b J w he same tiro. - they .resented Wee a presented Laura :uvet,'br'ide-to-be, With a table' v , A ..pleasant . evening ecce was sent during which lunch was served ANOTHER VICTORY LOAN COMING UP! WE /UST . SEEM TO PAY AND PAY SAVE,2- AND°SAVE, YQ4i . MEAN ,.'.AND DUCKY TO HAVE THE PRANCE' NOS' REALLY, GWEN l AND 1T" .1..BE' WORTH MORS AFTER THE ,AND 'THINK HOW'GRAND • IT'LL BE TO HAVE MONEY TO BUY THEM., AWE CAN ;DON'T. YOU THINK WE'D BE FOOLISH NOTi'O BUY BONDS, WHEN THEY - MEAN SO MUCH... TO ,CANADA AND'TO US? FOR .PEACETIME MINDING In a few,weeks, our Govern- Ment is going to ask us again to put every -•Penny we can spare into Victory Bonds.B-y..; doing' this,.we'Il sane.: fur money 000i -when spending spending -- it actually harms the war effort: Andwe'll, have it after Victory is -won, when. spend- i'rnglt wilt help keep' Canada surelyMakes' sense to do4that!: JOHN LABATT LIMITED London Cana'.. 4: o ^pruee McDougall 110. realgodt pirsitIon of chief constable at . Clinton wide** he had held for two re ars. Mr. .and Mrs. •BenaoH of Wroxeter recently eeiebrated their:, lttleth weadieg anniversary. Tit even ,children are ail livings'.; and all, attended the famiy :gathering" in, honor of their .paa`entS, A: Fire 'ill!= the Mar.' hall at Hemi on Friday last threatened for a time an entire .Meek of stores aunt: second', stony apartments„ > Abut was brought under " centre' by the vllisge lire brigade.. ' The; damage was iiot heavy. At; the "Varna United ehareli parson- age on "-Monday, March 20th, Rev. :Reba Horn oiliciated at the marriage of Ruby. Edna,, second daughter of Mr., and Airs. Fred ,Reid, Stanley town- . slap, and Gordon Lyle Hill, On of Mr, and Mrs. Lyle Hi 1, also of Stanley., Harvey;; swell -known resident 'Of I-ullett tbwhship and a prominent Mason, died on ,'Parch '`2,Tth at lits home "at Londesbero. He was in his - eighty -first, year. IIo, is survived by a :sown, N'or'man, of Aiilton, and two daughters; Madge, at home, and Mrs. William Lovett, of- Hulleti.n The death occurred .at Wingham on March 25th of Robert Levi Lott, in his seventy-ninth • year. 'Deceased was a great lover -o41 horses and for many years conducted a livery business at •°'V1ingham. His wife died 'some years ago and he iS' survived by a son, :Mr - liana, of Wingliam. - A shield donated by the Bayfield, Agricultural. Society for annus com- petition ;by the schools of Stanleyttown- ship, Goderich township and the vil- lage ' of Bayfield wars won ' in'•194- , by p.a.'' No. 3, : Stanley. The competition is run on the points system, and the school havingthe highest averageof points Avon holds the shield for twelve Months., -,• 'i Mrs._. Aubrey. - Toll fo+ Mara 14Mcerostie of~ t Ielons, wlio recently lira*.,' lid'k11be'�io dly shattered in an accident at Myth, has -.:been .: removed from the Winghnnrn hospital to her .home near .Blyth. , The injury was suffered when -Mrs. Toil was. thrown. from a cutter, the kneecap being broken in three .places. An operation has been performed -*.and' is expected to be quite: successful, ` but Mrs. 'Toll will be confined to bed for some time ye lett' Has New 'Willett' • • Clerk -Treasurer • George. Cowan, of Londesboro, bas, been appointed clerk' and treasurer of the Township of Hallett, • Succeeding Jas.'W. McCool, who recently resigned. Hay--MaeLean • -An early' spring wedding took place, at the ,Heuisall United church manse on March K'24thi,when Verna Latrine, „daughter of Mr,.; and_ Mrs.1lober°t Mac Lean, ,JIenpall, became the "bride, of Lorne Edward Hay, son of Mr. and Mrs. James A, 'Hay, Tuckersmith • The ceremony was performed by Rev. R: A. $rook. After a motor trip in -`"-`the Toronto and Niagara district, the'. '..4 Local boys overseas. will get thousands of smokes free.. Wherever they are,. -Whatever branch .of the •Service they are in,they are constantly. 1- the minds of the folks at home. Goderich IS proud of them.;. IMi)OR1ANT--If zour name appears in this issue go at once'- to The Signal -Stas„ . and''Supp1 the :following. inforaination . _ 1 The rank,- regimental number and name. 2. Overseas address, of the boy or girl in the Services you wish to send 'cigarettes ' Should 'any person care to send cigarettes to the boys'overseaa, they can send $1.00 of more, to Mr. D. E. Campbell, and the cigarettes will, be -sent by' the Goderich branch of the Canadian Legion. • ' THE PLAN IN BRIEF' Each week for 26- weeks,. not necessar11 consecutive, there will • appear *Fong the advertisements bn this page, the names and addresses of per- - sons on The Signal -Star subscription list in and around • Goderich. • Read .the advertisements carefully. If you should find your naiine, notify this -office at once, or " before next publication day, to whom you would like cigarettes- : sent, _The .Signal -Star- will then send 800 cigarettes overseas .with the compliments of `the advertiser, through the Goderich branch of tite Canadian Legion Tobacco fund. -COUPON Advertiser Please send 300 Cigarettes Overseas -10 - ■G.yyy - y. E CII TOWNSHIP, Ar 2,— Misa Mildred Westlake, ot Clear iireelst 18 spending the „Easter vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Sant• West, 1ak6,, Miss Frarnkhani,, of Wodbridge, Visited over Baster .with Mr. and Mrs. Everett ehiwain. • Mr. and Mrs. ;Dave Iiavidw ou of Goderich, visited on Sunday with :Ur, and Mrs'.: Thos. .Sowerby. , - , Mr.. Harvey Fuller metwith an un.-• fortvnuate - accident on Wednesday. While buzzing wood' a finger beean►e so badly cut. that the 'doctor tonna it' necessary ' to amputate between the first and second joints. *Mrs. Frank Wright, of -par ate visited' est wee w er area r - r~. , Mrs. George. a l k ith hi is nd Mehiwai?l. ` . urs, Mary Phillips 'and Harry and' mi., Zebu Lightfoot of Goderleh spent Good Friday with. Aix', and ,Airs, 7.1n. Westlake. �. , The euchre and dance held on Thurs. day night . under R the ,.sponsorship At Goderich Township North: End "branch. of the. 'Red Cross Society was well attended. A little over $70 was taken in at the door: Music for .dancing was supplied' by the Bayfield Valley Five orchestra. n Easter --.services were held in 'Unioxi. church. on Sunday, with the'`pastor, 'Rev, L. H. Turner, deliveriing a splendid Easter , sermon on f'He Is Risen:' During. the .service, two selee tions, et Your Lower Lights -43e MAYIKINO, April Blake and Mrs. Make,. Toronto, spent. w -r ed with Mr. and ;Harr. the +! Erneet Blake. • Mr. and Mrs. tom. Pearce, Brrant-. ford., are spending the holkbqrs with friends he? • Mr. and Mrs. Eidort Triunity and Children, Chawtt, aPiigtt< Motor vr'ilh, Mr. and Mrs. Gee. TWIsialeY. • rY IMO Mr*. JO*.. may. and J'o'hn denary, Ilamilten, visited til weak - end at Herb Ourraria'a. Mrs: O. Morrison, : Bilis and /XV .and Mr. ; and Mrs., Percy Blundell, Goderich, were taster visitors at . Mr. Will Irvin's. Mr. and Mrs. Bich. Hilpatri spent Easter in 00010 with .her parents. Stephen Stothere, Arthur„ la spend- ing this week at the tfara2. sFOR 'PIPE 0!il.. ti 'ROL11110 YOUR OWN ,. ac It is hard to struggle along with a head that ache's -and: ains'. all the -time.- ; . y r rr AAheadache peed not be an illness ire°itself, but it may be , a warning symptom . that there is intestinal! _ elu line wi hln. .• <r �; ��' r / �r,�f E, • o _help ' overcome . the •cause -of , headache it -is ' , . • - p •... necessary to eliminate the -Waste Matter from, the system. Burdock . Blood"- ' Bitters helps to remove the cause -of headaches by, regulating the digestive and biliary organs, neutralizing, -acidity, regulating the; constipated bowels • and toning up the, sluggish. liver, and when this has been 'accomplished the ' 'headaches should disappear.. - Get B. B. B. at any. drug: counter. Price 1.00 a bottle. , The T. Milburn Co..; Limited, Toronto. tint ` ANIMALSK " D $^ ^BLED Quickly removed in Clean'Sanitary t'r'ucks. 'Phone collect, 910r16 CLINTON 215 'OTRATFOR >i NVYll am Stone Sons Limited, INGERSOLL,'' ONTARIO Regimental Number -.:.•........ ..,:4,rti... This Coupon is sent in by Name , Address • , NOTE: Advertiser will please forward this, Coupon promptly to The Goderich Signal -Star. - BANNISTER n AUTO SERVICE Repairs to'u11.Makes of cars. Lubrication, Veedol Motor ' Oil TOWING -Phone 717, � Kingston St. .4.,• HEY FUNERAL SERVICE Successor to -J ,:Brophey FLOVD M. LODGE, Director Phone 120' • Goderich Furniture .Store -11 West St. AinUttlance °.Service Funeral „Home --13 Montreal St. ,S ICHTMA1rT-- (formerly occupied, by 3d: ll,obins ) , ---- —GARL.-WOKS L1 General Hardware 1-- 'and Heating Stoves` and Furnaces Paints and Oils SquareL_ Phone 283 Courteous, Service - Reaso ble Rates Soars Phone. 323 Seiid the s -boy' cigarettes often ._.__", GUEI UER TRANSPORT Earl -H. Guenther ' Propriet Daily service to `and from .Tor. • onto, Har'inilton, Loudon intermediate' pp pts. ' " Vietoria St. Phone 850 • sAuLT,11C.o:+ M _.- Coal Coke. , Wood Phone4 75' , Nelson St: Under trying circumstances we • are trying to de mood° fob. You will find this a good firm to do business ROYAL- BOWLING ALLEYS -.4 good "Way, to _nil your ev- enings ply leisure hours in pleas= ant, Congenial surroundings, West St.: • Goderich A further :Rural 'rate reduction from 4e to 3Y2a per kilo- watt hour on the first block of energy used , in ..any' one month by • hydro Rural consumers, wI11n.:go into effect on all bilis rendered on -or after May lst, 1945. This Rural. rate reduotion will mean a saving bf approximately-- - $300,000 a year to Hydro Rural- consumers. AutomotiVe` Stipplies,: 'illotor's, , 'Portable Electric Acetylene Weld- ins, Machine , Shop Work, ' tie- • built Starters and: Generators. GODERICE .BOTTLING. WORKS • Drink Coca-Cola Tweedie's copular Drinks 'It is safest •ta get .the• .best. CSANADAN'1E'' CORPOATIOE' Associate; ,Moire p . . O. °WHETSTON,. Prop. Tires and Batteries ,. 8atniiton S't, I haute 69W .. EMERSON'', DRAG STORE Your friendly I D,A. Drug Store Prescriptions a .Specialty Phone 45: m • Goderich FILSI NGER'Sn JEWELLERY do GIFTS - 'Watches ' • Diamonds ; ‘.•Bepairs Phone - 130 GODERWLF: FRUIT MARKET Fres'" Frcurlts and" Vegetables - • in • season. ' ScientiiHc, Equipment Friendly 'Service Phone _ 470. . East. • St. 3-1/2c. per kiloyratt" hour for' first 'hkock (of energy, formerly 4d.) EAST ST. " BAKERY' Hugh Quality' " .R• uns -y / Bread Pastry Harry Barber 4 r. all additional energy. n Service. , .. apery ce nth on Hamlet Service. The. more Hydro you use the; less it eosts on the avers. per jtilowatt ,'hour: Increased 'use therefore brings lower costs. The important revisions in Rural rates,. made effective January, 1944, have resulted `in a greater use of energy,' en - ,the n .tie Conimiss'ion to farther reduce the .cost -of electricity. • to Hydro Rural'ctinsmners an Ontario° Welding and General Repaira 1ViA.CHI 4E4 SHOP PI101,1e 456W "' 1llinmiltoni Vit. HURON LAUNDRY AND DRY` CLEANING Prompt Service hen we're tluough rit looks like new." ALLAN'S GROOE1 ALLAN'S it "A good 'place oto btly,", • Phone 164: Variety Quality For For Vette Pleasure.--` ' In Sireen Enterrtaiam nt Phone 47