HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-04-05, Page 5- • • • T 1,1118 a to the Aussie of oRonfoRA, -at , SKY IIA1tBOIt Wed., 'April -11 „kionsoioil by, ° The Bern:dile* ;Union, 'for Patriotic SeCirijOefl .ADNIOsioN - • DONNYBROOK • Holiday VisiltbrS.-Eaater holiday •and week -end 'vielters. included: Mr. „ and Mrs. Joe ThODIPSoxi and daughter, .Miss Isobel, of ListoWel, and 'Pte. Harvey Thompson; of Hamilton, ,with and Mrs. Norman Thompson; Mr, 'and lgrs. Arthur Speigelberg and sons, of Kitchener, and Miss jean Campbell, ,of Goderich, with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. 'Campbell; Mr. and ,Mrs. E.,H..Doerr and family, of Niagara FallS, with Mr. arid Mr$,-- 'R. CharaneY'l 341.6; .019.06 Jefferson, R.N., of Woodstock, Miss Irene Jefferson, of Dunnville, and Mr. Geo. H. Jefferson, of Clinton, with Mrs.. jefferson, se; *Mr- Warren Bamford, B.A:, of Preston, and Mlss • Lucy Thompson, of Woodstock, at their "1iOnle4 here; Misses Irene Robinson and Mary Armstrong, of Wifigham: Itigh School, and Donald ,Campbell, of . . the G.C.I.„ at their homes ; Mrs.', Mel- vin Craig- and- daughter Kathleen, of, London, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Armstrong; Mr. and Um. Gordon .sitebinson, Winghain,; with Mr. and Mrs: J. C. Robinson, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Jefferson and„family with .Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thornton .at Blue - vale.. r STORES SPRINCMLEANING SALE I Ramo Lge.h*; 230 BON AMI 2, fa 250 .4AVBX . 2 bottles 29e Old Dutch CLEANSER" . 6 • tin 1.0c .SOLVENTOL 12 .oz. jar 39c Snowflake " AMMONIA pkg. • Old English FLOORrAVAIC7.1 lb -tin, 4 c sNogogeEtt np, °um tin 120 riTORY NOW . Age pkg., 25c SILVO or BRA.SSO 15c 23e Hawes! • LEMON OIL. .12 oz. bote°25c Black Cat • WINDOW -CLEANER 15 25 Zebra STOVE POLISH tin 15c CHAMP CLEANEA'pkg. 10c - .camarrli's L1E tin 12e Bee Hive • 2 lb. 6.lb• . PORN SYRUP 25c 55c •Rideau ••. CHEESE. ,,.. 3/2 lb, pkg., Vac PEEK or KAIVI ....tin, ,310 NABOB COrFEEag 43c 'Phone 116 ' , Phon.e 46 • morimmilipomm. " i NENX/$",OF BAYF1ELD, .....,,„„., BAYNIXILD,,, April 4. Mr, and Mrs. spent rle• week -end ' with Mrs. si. Len Smith and. family, of Loudon, •Billett:- spent . the weekend with Mob 0, '• 31r...,. and Mr. E. reatheraton. of Ps:ricer. , • , , Leclien, spent the week -end at theb: . home, here. Mrs-Veatheroton i* ataY. Mr. Lawrence FeWlie of London ing on. for the rest of the summer. spent the week -end with his olpterS, the , AR. Strart Atkinso..n_ sire_ ut. ,a .ahort ease witn, AN pneie, Au., G. Awl/11mm* Misses II, aid F. FOWlie. 4 Lon- Ws; XJ a Burt and dallghteri Mau' Pte. Ellen MacKay, Q,W.A,.C., • , don, spent the week -end with her par- Lou, 0 T•4611(1"k, are aPea4lOg the Easter eats, Mr, and Mrs. Hael MacKay. rvacation.with theliirraer's parents, Mr.' and 34rS.,F. Baker. • '09, ' Radio. School„ Buirtelfeld, sPeur a in;... ' .4:°*‘ 4rthur reek' °t *.t11° 111"'rP Aliso Lela taliott of Detroit is alienit• short leave with his eget. Mrs,: WM* miosthetilt„elifilroefgtXt);191101twt..!1°-:71tit ber.I DOWS012; • ; .'4 .. • mei 'Dawns Toniii, Of .TorOnt0 #Piult wee... -end at , ...e. *his ti0.,°"Freci Weston Weston of Grand33e4d the week end with ler parents, Sr Spelli' hoMe PI and Urs. U. Tema. • xra. Aligns moorna and ,n`•,:u4d‘ren ;it cailithrit.riaiinetioc,.X.wresro. Iwir.eetelIndoluIyueeito.Ortsi St. the Village. ' , . I.ondmi, .aro spending this week. v4th ‘,„ • e ,the guests of Rev. and MTS. Mrs. Alearae's. parentO, ,111r. and Mrs, '''"•- , . Win., johnstoxi. • - ,_ ' ' *R`f$IitatemrefiL'evverd iurt. o.i Toronto and . Miss Lokna Westlake - of Hespeter spent thec'Easter week -end with her ,Kt.4e. It°11ald 'Xilixt f toheiCrligartboalitgrandparents, e ipaakre,,, ents, Mr,. and Mrs. Walter„ West- ri,it*";', watecItIncrl.wFit.hBauer, and. faniily,. pnring the InaVy fog On FriXran44* )348Ban Friday Xr morning George Blair ran ashore with 9:01nDfirngiteSP-Itagtbeee weel."44 at their hisand wboat worked all day, Friday and The Blue Fin," Saturday urdaY daughterlteVa,11111:: 4. . 3. .vv00Gdsralitobamk, -,' " were 'and did not *get 'the boat off Until g Fortunately very guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Seotch- undaY morning. little damage was entfered,, /Feiv4%.f.aarnafew days Mrs.3.isweek.4t-shtewartef Ham - The !fishermen tire catching heavy iltOn are 'SpOneling then Easter Week lifts of perch' this week. On Monday at their bora() here. all the boats brought in a ton Or .over. Air.- and, Mrs. Norman -Terns Of De - Miss Elva Dewar of Toronto-ia troit spent the week -end . with the :SPending the Easter vacation with former's mother, MO.. E. Toms. her „,parents, Mr.. and Mrs. David du fl Dewar. Mr. and MM. Dn114. Dewar. (Inteneor aet Week) jr., and son George, OCTOrolitO, 'also BA.YFIELD, March 27. --Mrs. Grant are visiting .kr. and Mrs. Dewar. Turner received word on Monday that 'Afrli. 'WM.- Jewett returned her husband, Cpl. Turner, had.arrived home last ..,.week 'after' 'spending the safely overseas. ''''tt„ • winter; months in • „Caledonia,. They • Mr. and Mrs, Jack Atkinson and were accOmpanied by their daughter, ,Miss. Marion Atkinson, of Detroit, and Mrs, Roy Poth, Mr.,. Path and, son Mr. and Mrs. Renonf Johns andbabe, of Montreal; sPent the •week -end at the Atkinson cottage. Mr's. Reheny Larson returned home on Tuesday after spending a few - Rev: Harold And Mrs. Paull,• of Windsor, spent a few days with Mrs. N. W. Woods last, week. Mrs. j. Day and daughter Donna, of Stratford, - Anent -the week -end with her aunt, 'Mrs. D. Volume: •• MKS. A. Colwell is this week in ,Windserseand Detrbit:'`w"' Mr., and Mrs. W.IVeeices and family have moved toB 'Reid- from Batrhead, Alta- incli cUpYing Mrs. It. tage. • 'Ronnie, who were spending this week with them. • • Mr. tind Mrs. Philip Rhynas and -two sons, -of Terento, are the guests of Mr. -Mynas' mother, ,,1%fra. 0. Rhynas: syo, Margaret Ferguson, R.C.A..F. • (W,.D.), and• Mrs. Fred Steen of Tor- onto were the guests of. Mr. and Mrs. 1Vm. Ferguson last week. • Mr. James Canieron Toronto'. is his honieon the Blue WaterHigh NVay. south this Week, '• ' ArS.' :Wm. Hall returned home on 04,41fiAthe week end ' • Nik. and Mrs:-Heiry Miller`and Miss• -Rosemary MiUer of Mt. Clenielis,"Mich., Scotellnier'S , HOLMESyILLE lloLMESVILLE, Aprir34--Mr. Jack -,117.feClinchey; Weston; ancliMr. land -4 Mrs. • OliVastri,Z, London -were -Easter visitors With. Mr, and Mrs. Wm, McClinchey. Mrs, E. Yee, who Spent the .fiast few weeks at- Sarnia is spending_ a few days with her sons on 'the Cut line. •Miss • Esther MacMath, •of Belle Ewart, Ont., spent Tuesday'with Mrs, J. B. MacMath. ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles McPhail made a:business- trip tow,Stratford on Thurs- day. ' • . 4 Mrs. Wm. 'Hanson and daughters • Jean and Margaret, of •Embro, were Easter guests- • with, their•uncle and aunt, Itey. and. Mrs. C. Taveney. • Mr. Oscar Vorstevis• spending a few days at Locust- Hill having been, called there owing to tl seridtis illness of with his truck purchased from Carman --his brother, Mr. Russel -Forster- BrindleX! Miss' Mari' jerVig- anti Miss Phyllis' .Therer were n� church services at McClinchey visited friends in London Nile and .Carlow . on Easter Sunday on Saturday. -- . owing to the illness of the „new rain, Mrs, MaeMath was the guest of ister in° charge temporarily : Dr. Goderich friends over the week -end. • Group 2- of the Hohnesville unit of the Red Cross held a social evening •at the home • of Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Pocock on Thursday lest. The evening war -Spent playing. games;,, after which a. tasty lunclr was, seryed: • NILE. .NILE, ' April 3, -The,. weather -man has -put a stop' to the early sowing of grain .10 this neighborhood. Before the deluge .of . rain on,-11ionday -sole were well on with the seesling while others were afraid.to start, aS .they thoughtit was too early. People should • remeniber • how . they were caught two years ago and take warn- --..AknuAaldwell has' been making. ar- rangements to move to his new, farin on the highway purchased from TD. Mc Grattan last fall. ° Sucker ifishing: is now the order of the daY since siruplmaking is over: The rim--4;of sap_.Was yery she -11f.. '36ek Wilson has . begun trucking ' 1 — • • COVRVE'S. CORNERS ''-COURRIE'S' CORNERS,- April 3.- • Miss Jean Nepali _of Toronto was at her home here for the holiday week- end. ' ,• • : - • Miss PearFlimieson of„-Vestfield is Spending- tike Easter vaeation at her home 'here. ..• . ' Mr. and Mrs: Bud Farrish and two Children, of Toronto, spent -part of the • week -end here with • Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Farrish. - ' • ' Miss Evelyn Little a Walkerten was at her home here for the weekend. • • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nelson and Jean were. SundayliSitorS'' at Goderich. * Xi. and..Mils.' Mackenzie :Webb and Billie; of 5-t-Ilele1is, visited at the home 'Of --Mt. -arid --MiDn.`vid Little on Saturday. - Mrs Frank Johnston is visiting with her daughter,: Mrs. Dune MacDonald, and gr. MtieDonald of 'Flint,. Mich. 1Mr. , 'Fred Conittleyr'-, o4 , pb,Or'ento : visited , at his terne here Over 'the holiday, :, 4 ,,t11 agajitst .• Moths, Fire and Theft you ?xiiect raw furs to eve you satiafactory wear.. wartrith-you mut give, thein the 'bare' aid protqctioni they should receive:dtiring the summer season, • IseaVe yo* watt; and neek,pieoei at our store pia we will put them in storage with a reliable furrier. , 'lease bring in your furs between Monday, 4pri1 9th - and Monday Ari1 16th; " rillon 86 * Barnett of •Goderich.'Nvas.te take -Charge. • • . versity .cheol of Law, is. an Easter of the services, but he to-O-ivas •-lest with his ,parents,- Mr. u and Mrs For the Bride-eleet;---A shower.*'wa'S H. Elyidge. '1' •.• - • ' held. on, Friday last at the , home af Mrs. •Margaret.'Richardson has re - Mrs. Leslie Pentland .for Miss Rdby turned . to. Malton *after' visiting her parents, Mr. ,and Mrs. 1VM, ,Proctor; Gibbons street. • , :.• MisS4-1.iabel Stiquig, returned to her honie here „after spending,. -the winter at Niagara -on -the -.Lake- and ',TorOnto, •._ ' • Mr. and Mrs. *Kenneth J.' Reid (the former.. Mary GalloW ) late -removed from Termite _to Make- their .home in Goderich. • Xr. and Mrs'. P..Gardiner.glial daugh • ter, ,Betty, of Stratford, were holiday. guests' wfth Mrs. and• Mrs. W. Price. . • - . •Mr. and MI's. • Arehie. Johnston and two children, of Windsor, were vlfsitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Johnston -Institute; .Miss E. Iinne and Miss . • • and. Mr. and Mrs,. FrAl ed urney last G. McDowell. , • • Week -end • Mr..and Mrs. 'Robert Coleman ha.* • returned. to their home at Abbey, ' Sask., after 'spending fhe winter With • Mrs. • Coleman's mother, -Mrs. Thos. tiderson, N10r street..., Dr. Florence Smith, 'lecturer in the extension- 'de,partment of Toronto Uni- versity, is 'Spending her Easier. vaca- tion: .-,with .her father;. Mr. . Arthur -Smith, Althur -street.. M. '. and Mrs: 'Robert'. Powell and. Mr. La. Verne Pewell, visited on- Good radar:and 'Saturdar'With Mr. and. Mrs. Alfred Bloomfield •and Mr.- 'and , Mrs„t Bert Nichol; of Toronto, were MrsErnest Bell of Termito. .mr. and 7-litra.•A., •R. son- and Easter' ..Visitors 4 -with ,.Miss Murney's Parents, Mr. • aria ,Afre. Fred gurney, daughter, have retu-rned to their Voile\ the EASTER 500 and DANCE ODDIPELLOW0' HATA. Friday, April 6 .0ARRUTILERS' ORCHESTRA ,A.uspioes (toiled* Rebekah Lodge NO. 89 * -Oards /MS Denonx 1,0' p.m. Prises and Dance, Novelties Immoll Dress Optional ADMISSION 500 MI • • 010 PER' SONAL MENTION . Miss jean Proctor is enjoying Vacation in ',Toronto. *• ° Mr.. and gr,S. Girviii Young were In Kitchener for,: Easter.. ' Miss "Grace Rhynae, of rToronto, 10 'Visiting in toWn this week, Miss ,Laura Farrow, of° Toronto, spent the Easter weekend here...„ Mr. and Mrs. 3. W. Craigie: are spending a week at Buffalo, N.X. (14,r1r. R. 4. MLTflION VittiTO 9t Ooderieh, (Apt. Robert kthwMathesOilk SOU of' tbc. late Capt. and Mrs. llugh. Matheson, who came from Seotland. to reside in Goderiehl , died 04 kieturdai in a Detroit pital. He had muttered a stroke ten days uPrevlonaly. For marl' Years Capt. Matheson had sailed the Great Lakes on. A.niterican •steamship, lines, and latterly hted lived retired for son* Years.. • 'He waa Predeceased three menthe age byhis w.1fe, forraerlY*OrY Jane Monteith. IXe was 4,brother 02 the 1ati2vMrs. Alex. Lawson Lawsen • and the late Angus Matheson of 00derieh. StirrivIng are. two daughters, Mrs.' Norman 'Staunton and Mrs, john. Gregg, of Detroit; six grandchildren and tWO' great-grandchildren. • Burial took. place' •last Monday, with elaurch and MasoniE rites, in Agaeig Masonie ceMeterl, Detroit. The fun- eral' WAS largely .attended and Many fic)ral. tribut,es- were received • * ROBERT ,MgLEODv-...-/ A' lifelong resident , of . Goderich, Robert McLeod, passed awdy on Moil- anY at Kincardine, at the home of his nephew, ,Itobert 'Antler, in his, ninety-second year. Mr. McLeod vvas the son of john and, Christina 'McLeod, whe'eame,to GOderich from the .High- lands a Scotland and made their liorae in the house, at the Corner of Toronto and Bridge streets•Which Still Mr. Thomas Sandy has returned stands as a landmark of earlier days. from a business- trip to .Toronto and aRivoeb4ertthel5riecLineOodst owasrhis,b74,t,bParee ,wanads Ottawa. . , Miss Marjorie ' Maelle , spent the for manyyears an employee 'at the Baiter , -week-end with friends • . in Western Canada Flour Mills. He was __.,. miceatot ,moarr.yr.ied., ._Ii,e_ was IS11:Tr:S:litedan turned, to town. . IleTorr_oiniotonl. hoci _ __ j__ . . • lost weekrend 1,Vith his mother, Mrs. Pallbearers were Ban Young Spent the -Easter holidays In Toronto. Le Maire. • • Jelin Clark, Nelson street. re - the guest, of cousin, _Miss TOrry mains te ' Goderich and the funeral winter months in Toronto, has re- by Rev. Joseph Janes a the Goderich is spending the Easter holidays at -. MisS Lilliaa Ma,eViear, of Welland, W. Sproul and John Bell - Interment • Miss' Julia Lewis who spent • the Brophey funeral home ,Was" conducted Allis Dorothy IVIUmhY Miss Connie Burgess, of Toronto, is Corp. Frank Clark of Chatham spent, and Miss ' Lti.:,.• Hine religion and asii;die 'a , . Mediate family. • " . James,,WilSon, D. MellwainfWapioul, Baptist church in the absence from serVice On Wednesday Afternoon at the town of Rev. Richard Stewart. The: WAS in4 the family plot in Maitland Robert MI . 'ller 'aCiOmpartied the ' a' Liberal oitif hpioslittienis.e. 'George Mae -Vicar, 'Miss Cathe-FlieT4'tali: *of 1711fito;-.:. . • „..• _ .. ..._, ., - • . ......., ..... .. „. _. .... , . , -.a.c.gneel-,at, the...theme --of . „Mrs, -0, M.-7.• '• MR.S*.- EEN1q.E-TIr BELL Watson.-- - • - .' — u---• • - - .. A 'highly esteemed -resident of :Go -de -1 Mrst. A. S. McLean and Billie are rich for the past twelve years, Annie visiting in Detroit vVith, Mr. aed Mrs. Hamilton ,Gemm.elt, wife' of Kenneth 0.-A. Murphy. ' • • Bell, passed away' suddenly at' her Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Forhei'and Peter, 'Inane,. Wolfe street,. laSt Thursday of Cannington, viere Easter guests with morning, • in 'her fifty-seventli . fear. their relatives here. • • , ,Mrs.:Bell Was born in Huron' township, --- miss jean • Craig of MaItpn visited •,,near Ripley, a• daughter .of, the late over' the week -end with her parents, Thomas and Elsie • Hewitt, Geitinell, rnest -Craig. and had livecl. there. until her removal •mrs," E.. W. Carrie,- who spent the 'te Goderich, where her -husband is, Winter'. in London:rand Hamilton, has. employed, with the Goderich `Manur‘ returned to her home here. ' factirring-Company. A Lifelong 'PreS- • Miss,Bertlia Downs of Toronto spent byterian, She was a member of Knox the , Easter , week -end ' with her Mother, church and actively engaged in the Mrs. D. Downs, Huron road.work of the Ladies' Aid 'Society. .Sur- IVIiss Mande Poster,, of Toronto, is viving, besides her husband, are a spending the Easter holidays with her daughter, ,Mrs. Walter Walter Scott (Elsie), Mether, Mrs. Adam Foster. of LondoiT,'' and a son, William, of . aterloo; one brother, Matthew Gem- . Iffiss Ethel Whitely, ok Toronto is -,w with hei.• mother, Mrs. J. E. Whitely,Traell, of .Ripley, and three staters, fOr the holidays., • - .., Mrs. Sohn Meet -lades, 9f Lucknow; .i. . Mr. and Mrs. W....' J. McLean visited Mrs. George Montgomery,, of. Frank - �n 'Easter Sunday With_ Mr. and° Mrs. ford, Ont,i, and Mrs. Fred. E. Youngs, HaroldMeLeaii, Monliton.of Silver City, N.C., and one grand- ,• MisS Eileen O'Brien, ,ef .Sarnia, is chibi- ..: " . , spending the _holidays with her par- Thfe esteem and affection.' in which. -ents; Mr. • and 'wfts-;.,:DWAL O'Brien. Mrs. 'Bell was, held in: her nativo,e0m-. Mrs: Walter Stallan of • Toronto was innnity ' was evidenced by the large 'guest a' her .brother, Mr. -ThonfaS attendance of . relatives and friends Sandy, and -Mrs. Sandy last week -end. from Huron tOwnshiP, _htii-laditian la. Mr. and - Mrs,. Jack Iluglies, of St. many from Goderich,-'-at the funeral' Thomas, spent- the week -end in town, service held in Knox'. church on 'Satur; guests' of Mr. and Mrs, 11: T. Edwards. day ,afternpon. . Ainong-tlie:wealth•ef GladStone Elvidge, Of Toronto Ifni- fforal tribntes . were those:. -sen't by employees of the Goderich Manufactiiri.' ing Co.; the Engineers' Union,. A.F.L„ Goderieh;. Sunshine ' Valley . Lodge, Waterloo ; welding department of Sun- -shine Co.,' Waterloo, and the Sunshine Workers- Union. of Waterloo. The service was'conducted by Rev, Richard Stewart ''.of Knox church. The 'pall- bearers- were Donald MacKay and Gordon Stanley, of Ripley r`tharles Gibbons, Delbert Worthy, S. E.,-Baech- ler, jr., and John Bell; of Goderich: Interment took plaep,rALL_Mat lan cemetery. . - • AmOng those.,attendinr-the funeral were Mr. and 'Mrs; W. E. 13e11,' Mrs, James , Goodwin', of Detroit; - 'and Messrs,, Sohn; James and Stephen Geinmell, of Ayr. 11 1./ Wilsen, bride-to-be. Contests,,,,,were played and a social evening spent• . Just before' iunch little Helen Rut- ledge•t drew in a decorated wagon,. loaded with gifts. Miss 1 Helen Young read an.address asking Ruby 'to -accept these reinenibranceS iVith best 'wishes - from her neiglibbrs ,Nile, Mrs, Leslie Pentland and 111,rs. Dave Mc- Dlarmid served a -dainty. lunch' which was mita enjoyed.' by all. • KINGSBUIDGE • • KINGSBRIDGt, 'April 3, -Seeding is well under way, and the land IS in excellent condition. Fall wheat and clovers look promising -for a good harvest. - r -L • Sgt. Harold K. Turner of Trenton Misses Eileen and .Winnie Kelly anir;spent the Easter week end with MS. brotber_Walter-of_towlmoire Lspend,arents, Mrand. mrs,R. E. Turner,. ing-the-Easter-holidays witlitheir-par -Elgin-avenuer - ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly. -Miss Dolores Dalton, . Of Detroit, Misses; Mary Theresa. Agfies, and Spent the Easter week -end .it Kings friend, ,iand .Raymond. Austin, of Tor- bridge, • the guest Of Mi. and Mrs. onto, spent Easter, with- 3D and Mrs.- Thomas- Gatyey. - • Clifton Austin:- Miss iVera. Wilkihs Mallon spent ... Mr. James Wallace, ,fronr.-toronto; the •holiday week end with her par is here 'for a, few days on inisineSs. ents, Mr. and Mrs.*.A. J. Wilkins; Mr 1lke 1Viartin is :spending' tlie 66 Gloucester Terrace. • • week end in Hamilton.:- , • UiSs Marion Murney and Mr. and Mt. Gerald Garvey and Miss liolores Dalton, of Detroit, are spending their holidays With Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Garvey. , • Thos. Quigley° is here visiting friends and tells *.of his adventures .11i -the, far., off overseas.. There was a good attendance at the- danee in the:parish hall- on kw:Why •evening, and.. all report having 'a splendid time. , Miss EliZabeth Bowler, from Tor-. onto, is ,spending._a' few days Visiting friends here. • . Mr. and Aliso, Gilbert. l'raYne „, are visiting' friends near Torconta. Mips Mars?' • Murray, our scheol teacher,, ie ,spending the, Easter holi- days' at her Pome near. • o GRA1M1APE8 EVEN UP ON STUDENTS In a return game - at the G.C.I. gymnasium last Thursday Uight the Grads team captured a fast game of basketball from the *4.0.i." boye. The score at half-tithe,waif 2048 le 'favor of the Collegiate boys, bnt the Grads came back strong itt the last half to .take the honor, 3045- '- The game was 'fast and both teams played leads -up basketball. ° Vaeh team hits .won one ganie and the "rubber" _game ' should be one of tile best. s On lrida nlght riext weeit th Grads team wlU take on the Company team of the Atiddlesiitir-i/uroxi Regiment.? 'This -game. will /be a thrillthat everione 'should see. The game starts at 8 p.m. g.ymnasitint 1Vir. and ,Mrs. John W. Elder, of Stratford and son Billie( were holiday visitors.at the home lof Mrs. Eider's at Brantford after spending the Easter tern/. with Mrs. Gilham's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Patterson. • Mr. and Mrs.*, and. Miss Parents, and Mrs, It _14, Turner, onto.- On their return they were ne- conapanied .by Mrs. Hay's niece,' Miss Eleanor Darroch, who is making a visit here. • • ▪ Mrs, W. E. Abigie and little Son, Jim, of Kingston,' are' the :obits of the former's sister, Mrs. W. F. Walkom, and Mr. Walkom, Mr.. Magte_arrived On Tuesdalt night from "Honolulu, and WIll •spend a furlough here. Ile. IS a paraehute -luteker withr.-ithi-itTnited States array. • . Miss Mary. retigan, . daughter' of 'Uri and "Mrs. George Peagan, was taken suddenly ill with appendicitis at Aid - night on Monday and was removed ,to Alexandra Hospital., where an oper- ation was performed suecessfUlly„ Miss Feagan 'tee -Cher of a school In Lanabtoti ' county. • °- Cpl. W..11. Melfinis' .bride,' recently arrived from overseas,.sPent week- end' here with' Cpl. Mcinni$0 parents, Mr. and ,Ars. Norman McInnis. She Is .a Scottish girl from Glasgow.. and says she likes Canada, well; )DUrIng the week -end Mr, and •,Mrs. AleInnis, senior and junior visited relatives' at Owen Sound. Mrs. Lorne I3owler„ sister of Cpl. Ateithis. spent ..few days with, her sister-in-law at Toronto. "Bill" has •regblved his diseharge after four years in the Alt; Force and is now In the rall•way• serViee,: mu - Fl av • • • - - Catharine spent the week -end in' Tor•'• G. McDougall, Instructor of music in the public schools, is in Toronto this week attending the meet- ing of the Ontario Educational As sociatiom. • • - Miss Ann Linfield, ,nurse -in -training at Grace Hospital, Toronto, is an EaSter guest with her. father, Mr. J. P. Linfield, and brother, J. Allan ,Lin; field, ,and . Mrs. G.. 4 M. Gee, and daughter. l‘farilyn have returned to their hoine at , Brantford after Spending Easter with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Patterson. • . Misa Isabel Matheson, of 'Welland, is home for the holidays. She was in Detroit "' this Week . attending •the funeral of per uncle, Cant? Robert Allan Mathew:4i. •• Alish 8dna' lileOulggin, who spent some„time in mission work among the Japanese in Southern California be- fore the %hr, spent the Week -end in Goderieh with her - parents, ‘.1tev. and Mrs. W. McQuiggit. • Atiss Gail Smolders? of 'Whitby Ladles' C.'ollego, Is spending the boll- drms with her parents„, Mr. -and Mrs. W. .F. Saunderk She is acompanied on her visit home by Miss Betty Fidler, of Amherst. Nova Seetift. The.following teachers are attending the 0.14A. .tonvention In Toronto this week ,Prinelpal A It. $eott and Mr.-Aing on the C.N.R. ' between Toronto V I wmkom. of the Collogiatel ai,u1 (Thaericl). rt. a oFpuNGANN9N::1 has been 'father, Mr, .Thos. •Stothers. arranged that ou the evening efthe day of vietery in Europe arServiee Or Prayer and::rhauicsg11414 Will 1*held in the United elm the ether dew• ) this cegareunity •e _ •O -Mks Bertlia.l'op • holidaywitkfrie . 'Miss 41.3.ernice- B I I . I altlitoL3QjPortil;CWI: were 'Mr. and Mrs. Sam Vridcombe, is nd gaster ot Windsor, Mr. and Altra. Alfred Ve du at Lon on, kiefford and homily, of Torc40,- Ur. ffiCeo "0..4..., of Oil and MO. Bill McClure an.e. little 'WM, ' SpringS„ is vacatio Ins with her *tr. of Goclerieh. "PtAttoir, flundir, atm•the • ents, Mr. and Mrs;john Blake, . UeChire home wait • Made eePWallI Mra. john Quaid, Port Albert,•visited haPpY, by the celebration of' *sit Oen her Sister; Mrs. R. .j. ' Durnin, for a Bill's birtfidaY. They enjoyed ,,a. *lie •feyv day0 holt week, i -,,, , turkey ' dinner with all the trInn*Ings Mr. and Airs. 'Torn I'ark receiv.ed a, and -a. large birtlidaY' 0.4e, and there telegram last weelg stating that the witS s.,nice lot, of birtlado1 OM. latter's son, Clayton - 1 Anderson, gratulations ' and many " happy r ("Bus") had been slightlrwounded of the" day 1 , . • . '' in GermanY , on March 2R1). °Bus" Visitors wit,li Misses Nettie and luts been overseas for three years. Itebina Sproul were. 'Miss Clare Sproul - The family ..awlfittilig" DOW for.nr. and Mr. and lira. *T.- D. Hewn of tiler Word-bilitf 'rendition, . Stratford and the latter, couple!s niece , ' Mr, and Mrs. H. X. L. Body had two and little son, of °10-th°Tirhosr°nntson11°Itteed.y,t for °Mountain Easter; utinv".. Fit.- ?8ievt.*; ClubBill7IleCill"- 1"Misat* s-47" S.' n. ofthis ,community fipon- . View, and LAC. Boss Eecly, of 'Ottawa.; 28rd.'„to weleome home some local boys leis. Mary ltivett and brother, Mr. who...have returned.frOm overseas duty. Vidor Errington, motored, 'to Toronto ,,,,„ group evening tewuedreed :fTehrol,r„,pnrteosnentoaotioyn,: "ii:fe„;0700aripclaanYfeaThbeyy Sunday,rtebteuirrnepdaornentst ur, mt-irate menary, Qeo, Moore, Bob Brig. and, .Mrs. Ix S. Etrington, wlr,:had namedanwdasBrhe ?Tolaxi,u,,,etrei;e: ,a.btriontolabent spent the:winter ,with 'their 'daughter, ham Mrs, Stanley Hughes, at Toronto„ ,,,.... .present that evening, the others belng -"Mrs. Minnie Jones spent Laster Mtn their" being at a considerable distanee. absent on aecount. of .their lletilth or • friends,* Mr.- and Mrs. 'Toll!). FIngland, Londesbor'o. . .. Misnissiiisie_svAlarlylliAne itanedrsA01:aofA.nicdiner:lioz,„aie; 1 : )pa slats!: cde :nabgie d' '9,''Garnet4mSuie taprsenjoyedr., At .thta:,n11118texih:14. otSivie;UoPi.s: _ visithig 'relatives in Detroit this week+. lue "4 Canada" was played and !ung 4ts spent-the---Week-end with her parents, 43. ,,,Lignal. tmorr:-.,g33.6.1:aixtperersdnnztisoonn „roefad91,:_ r.. and,WIrseD -X4---Andersom, ' - .--•••,,,„,,,,,,i„.„ _E, a:tr,e,,.....„.7;24;3ss.rfiB.:w7_,ritg,Wilggi;:ttsirioan; _11,..,,,.tt.....,1,6 daughter Valerie, of ' Brantford,- .sPent f)elsumrPe;lun.nnend„"tarYlevely .0•404,r1,,m--wit4•,-.the t::::::',1:4 lor Aoadadttrecliss_,ottolihB4-11..sel•rdAtioe-:, t arta, , ..-51.-ra; :4-,:,a5.1•_ .„, 11' lg ..4(.,, rl!ul.„ other'r,5 is pre,sented to him. He_xesponded . , =waives . . Mr: Ebner Shaelgiete.4. sOsd Son of Detroit, have been vialtbmt relidifte in Dungannon 414 surround*/ country- • • Visitors With Mr. end uri. 'Isr. B. AfePlure and Mo. a Pura* tor Easter also Cpl. Mary Sarson of Ottawa, "req. a dance on Friday Wghtf 'larch MISS Margaret' Dieksen. of Louden was a, week -end visitor with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs; Thos. Dickson. Mr.'and• Mrs. Harry -Ryan- liave re- turned .to their home here after spend? ing a°' Month with their daughter, Mrs. •Bill Black, at Walkerton., , Sgt. W,., Harvey Bryans, who, 're - :gently ,retorned from Italyand who is receiving medical„treatment at West-- minster Hospital, London,' was able to Ispend . the. Week-end-ianicing' relatives here, .With. Mrs. Bryans. he visited Mr. and Mrs., Thos. Dickson, Mr,:„ and Mrs. lielvin..DiekSon and others,' ,Mr. and .Aire. A. Goedad,. from Dor- chester, visited their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil, Culbert, 'for the -;weekend. Miss Barbara Trpthegrove of Toronto is -spending holidays .with her ,eousin;• Miss Mary Ellen -Culbert- at the home .of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Culbert. • : , ,Miss. Jean Stothers, ..Toronte,•"is spending her Easter vacation with her • • . oesit hurt-. a man to have •him_pa his Adcounts? Answer: No Sir!. 'Your accounts collected without "hurting. MacIVIATH Collection Bureau • 40 East St. •Goderich Phone 531J '.4 ---,few• well-chosen Werda treciation. All joined In. singing "For He's aioliy,,Goed' PreSenta-z 4,, tions 'were made to the other heySlaten, in a 014' manner. ' Fond Mother • (to 0 youn son) 'Whose little tweedle-deedie, turemY-- wurarale boy are your Younrson_ (clisgasted11)": .`„`You:. don't mean to tell me, mother, that you delft • know wposie chikl,1 am.".. The open selion. for sickled trout opins‘lhis year on April, 28 and for " ,pike andpickerel. on May 12 , i min ,B1-- Phone 1841iT TEast Ei 1.• /.1.••••••••••••••••1100, As member for auron and Bruce for thfr past eiihteen months, it is "my interition:i6 Seek re -nom- ination in the aiming `Provincial Elietichi. It is • myiirm colivictioil that much, oan stilkbe for the rural and urban population of Huron and Biuce, . • .; • ' and if givei your support 1 krill, in the future, 0,11 in the past,'have their problems taid interests Alit , e and for'impst at heart. —