HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-03-29, Page 8GOOD, FRIIDEY. •Ift,S0 a..m. ANTE -COMMUNION AND SERMON. 'Offering for Jewisb MissionS. SUbject: "Eloi, MI, lama Sabacthaull" EASTER DA1t, .8.06; HOLY COMIUNON. 11,00 !4:10; Holy ComMunion (Choral) by Simper, Sermon Subject; "joy overemning Sorrow" Anthemt-As it began to dawn--:-.tults, .1, ' 3.00 p.m, 'Church Seliool-Easter Service.' .$ubjeet; "The Easter Starr." • '140 lErnsong and Sermon., Snbject; :"They have taken away the Lord , Anthem—King Of langs-..-by Simper.% Every.Anglican is expected to communicate' on Easter Day* A cordial invita,tiOn is Wended to visitors. ^Bring your Mends and c0wit °amen - North. St.1-United -Church. . MINISTER—REV. IL IL TURNOULf.:,.B.A., B.D , . EASTER SERVICES 11 aan, "THE JOY OF EASTER" 3 p.m." SUNDAY SCHOOL.. .1.!,,p.m. "THE, ,SIGNIEICANCE OF JESUS AND THE CROSS?? SPECiAI. EASTER MUSIC. Organist and Choir Leader—, - Mrs. Murray fletherhigton, A.T.C.M. A SINCERE WELCOME AWAITS. YOU - Knox Presbyterian Church 11 a.m.-and-7 pan4, ° EASTER. SERVICES OF WORSHIP, „ • - 11 a.m. JUNIOR CONGREGATION - 2.30 p.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL' Young People's 'Sunrise .,Service: MINISTER.7-REVEREND RICIIARD STEWART. DIRECTOR OF PRAISE—MRS. FRANIi. SAUNDERS. Ceme and Worship the Lord in, the Beauty of Holiness. • Victoria, St. United Church MINISTER—REV. LAWRENCE IL TURNER, B.A. . ORGANIST—MRS. L. HANNA 10.06 a.m. SABBATH' SCHOOL. •"1. 11.00 aan. PUBLIC, woRsilw. "He Is Risen." 7.00 p.m. "HOLDEN EYES," -1VIonday-3Coung People's Union -8 o'clock. UNION-2.00,p.m, SABBATH SCHOOL. 3.00 p.m—PUBLIC WORSHIP. WELCOME Goderiih‘ Biptist Church • REV JOSEPH JANES, PASTOR' - . Mrs. Wilfred Donaldson, Organist.. ' EASTER SERVICES U am PUBLIC WORSHIP. "The Restyrection and Our Da3r." A CORDIAL WELCOME iiion ALL " COMMUNION 'SERVICE -, • pan.: PUBLIC _WORSHIP. "The Conquest of Death." SPECIAL SERVICES will be held next week on Mon., Tues.,. Thurs., and Friday nights at 8 o'clock. BEI*EL EittECOSTAtt,TABE1RNAOLt 16 WATERLOO ST PA:O.C. REV. A: GAIARRIS SPECIAL EASTER SERVICES 7.00 a.m. Sunrise Prayer Service 10.00 a.m. Open Session and Promotion Sunday, 1100 amo. and 7.30 p.m. -Rev. Jas.113:Hutet. Ont. 4-„ • . - Special Easter Music 'by the Gospel Trio. Meet ujith-na_and enjoy the blessing of God. FROZEN EGO SUBSIDY ItEMOOD The subsidy 'of '0e:tent a pound on **(lien eggs Will 'he discontinued Ofl April -1st,* according to an announce - Ment by the Wartime Prices and Trade • itt-IAAN ;'ISO. 5 OF 1945 QV THE TOWN OV GOIVIRIC4 Uy Las for establishing and.raain- taining "fi, System for the Collection, re-, MOval and "disposal " of ashes, garbage AS. other refuse,in the • Town The Oouneil of t1.10 '004)or'Ettion of ittzsTn, owof Goderiell OaLleta as fol l , rot the purpose, of this bY law -- (a "Garbage" shall mean all re7 jected, abandoned, Or , diSearded household waste, either animal, ow vegetable, wearing apparel, sweep- ings, and all refuse matter except garden refuse and "ashes", aslere- inafter defined, . • , (b) 'Ashes" shall mealtb,4e re- sidue of any household ftier after such fuel haS',been consumed by Bre, and, this, bottles, metals, 'Creckery and glaSS, (c): "Householder" shall Mean ' any owner, occupant, lessee, ten- ant, or any person in charge of any dwelling, hotel, restaurant, apartment house, office building, public institution, industrial plant, or other building including s• 2. The Corporation 'shall collect, re- move and dispose of, at the ex- PenSe of the Corporation; all ashes and garbage, Such collection is toe'. be ninde not less than : once per 'week, and the collection, re- .Moval and disposal of Said ashes, garbage and -other ref* 'shall, be under, the supervision of 'the • Publie Works Committee, which shI111,411:Vide the- Town. into (lia. triceS and regulatethe imethod and time at which theCollection Shall be made. '1 All Waste or refuse from butcher • shdps, groreery stores, restaurants, - hotels, and other places of busf- - -nesw-must be' --kept -in -properly. corered watertight metallic re- • ceptacles, and must be kept so covered as to prevent the ingress or egreis 'Of dies,. and the escape of offensive odors. Discarded boxes • whether wooden or card, board shall net he mixed With. the . waste '• Or refuse from store's. If "6 Mere frequent removal is reqnired• by occupanti of stores or other 'placesof business, such removal. must be made by said occupants. 4. Every householder shall provide and maintain in proper order and repair, for the dwelling' or other Minding occupied by him, covered - watertight Metal receptacles • of circular- (resign,. equipped with4wo handles, having a capacity of not more than two cubic feet each, contents net to, eXceed seventy- . five pounds, and, -which shall it • be,.filled to a greater height than • within two inches of the 'top. 5. Receptacles shall be provided -.nd •maintained in. good condition, in sufficient numbers to contain all ashes, kitchen or table waste pgo- Aticed in or exhanating from every dwelling hotel restaurant apart- menehouse, public institution, in- dustrial plant, or other premises, and ea:ch receptacle shall be pro- vided wih a ,; good watertight cover, which shall at all tithes remain in pOsition, so as to pre- clude ingress of flieg, of the escape . of odors therefrom. . HouSeholders shall - thoroughly straint#11 table and kitchen.waste before placing' it in garbage re- • ceptacles, and -no such refuse of the consistency of swill,. shall be collected,. frontany premises whatioeTer. ' „ 7. Contents of any receptacle will not be collected if A:4nd to be In • a‘ frozen condition, or for any reason 'difficult to remove. • , . Such receptacles shall at all times AA- kept On a portion of the • premises of, Or -connected with, the dwelling of the .honaeliolder, , and on the days of. cellectimLshall . —be placed' immediately- adjoining the street 'Or the lane (if there be a through lane): to give the col - URSDAY, liCARCH r20th,1045 , An unreserved. anetitar of house - bold furniture, the property' Of Miss Dark, Will be held it No. 7 St. Patrick's street,, GOderaietb.:,2 0,011,0,104. • • WEDNESDAY, .APRII,4 4th This furniture, furniture, goodecenditien„ consists,. of 'dining-roOM, • bedroom, kitchen and living -room equipment, In - eluding a, Locomotive electric vwashing •Machine, ,theaterileld Coffee and end tables, chairs, lamps, and many other articles, and must- be sold, Ata 1144 1,14XE.q.IPAS1 $41;f1:1 OF FARM t,11, hou• se Auctioneer.hapsitOclenmall:'0'.4. DONALD BLUE, , 4 SAIVI3D-4,1t,,,MARCH 31.st, at 1 ,p.m. lvneedsot,nswistainvifitliofosbir14)0 caoenrcjassolegn7 of. farm On this ,property there is a frame house; ' barn 58' by 28; " driving shed 59 by 24. '26, acres ..of ploughed land, and Valance in grass. Terrg. 20% doWn and the balance in 30 days. Will be sold subject to a, reserve bid, Sale Will beheld at the farm; -0 Miles north of *Om. For further pais, ,tiFulars apply to C. HAYS, poderich, • Solicitor for the Estate. .; - HAROLD JACKSON, 11-13 - Auctioneer, Seafortht WANTED WANTED. ---A FARM BETWEEN 50 and 100 acres, near Oodetivh, With lake or river frontage. "AllIst have house and buildings. Will pay cash for acceptable property v BOX. SIGNAL-STAIL • 13-14x WANTED. -40 BUY :,01.0D' HORSES - and dead cattle; musts'beisuitable for Wilk feed; removed promptly, ritli)D GILBERT; phone 00$ r 22, Clin- ton,aACI.t.GILIIEllT, phone 908 r 21, Clinton.- calls•paid;for. • i8tf ANTED.—A COOK AND A•14§0' '• general domestic for hmall elite Private hotel, AU -year pleasant sur- roundings employment with evegings free. APplytt SELECTIVE SERVICE OFFICE, Gioderich. 'Refer .to order No. 1260., ' ' .13-14 AUCTION. 'SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND ROUSE - HOLD FURNITURE at lot 19, concession 6, "Goderich Town- ship, TQUI1ES.DAY, APRIL 3., 1945 • commencing at 1 o'clock' ' HORSES -1 black mare, rising 4 years; '1 bay- horse, rising 6 years; 1 black horse, 31, years old. CATTLE -,-1. Durham. cow, '0 years old, old, milking, due,. July 20; .1 Jersey covl, due May nit, 1, three-year-old heifer, due time of sale; 1 black cow, 10 fears old, milking; 3,steers, two years old; 1 heifer, 2 years old; 3 three -year-olds; T. calf, 6 months; 1 calf, 3 months. •' ---PIGS-1:--brood sow, due time ,of. sale; 10 pigs, akeut 180 lbs. IMPL'EMENTS •-- 1 ',Massey -118,1;11s binder, 6 -ft. cut; 1 Deering mower, 6 -ft. cut; 1 International bay hay loader; Massey-HarriS fertilizer drill, 'eleven .disc; 1 Massey -Harris disc, nearly' nevir; 1 two -drum steel .land roller; 1 walking plow; 1 two -furrow Kangaroo walking plow; • 1--.S-section harrows; 1 set log sleighs with log bunks: 2 wagons; .t hayrack; 1 cutter 1 Massey -Harris cream separator; buggy; grindstone.; 1 turnip puler; quantity hayrake teeth; set work harness, nearly new; horse collars; 1 setAlrimiiig "harness; 200Q -lb. scales; fanning mill. HOUSEHOLDFURNITURE — 1 dining -room table; 1 'kitchen table; 3 washstands; 2 small tables:1 organ and stool.; 7 kitchen chairs; '1 oc- casional chair; - 1 clothes wringer; 11 magazine rack-;".2-.4milk cans, 100-1b.' 1 * Daisy churn; 1 rug (Wilton): 12' x 9'45"; ,rocking chair; - pictures. TERMS—CASE: - • No reserve as far in is sold:: , JAS. LOCKHART,• . Proprietor.. BERT ROVWDEN, . Clerk. nArtpw JACKSON, Auctioneer. Board. The removing Of the subsidy will make a difference of about one- half ceilt per pound increase In the ceiling price allowed; the other half - cent Will beviabsorbed by -411e processor. 411010.0111110iiiiftw week we are offering some a alkr 1 in Baby Strollers ,Gelldrons"7--"Sunshine"--iteliabie"--"Aristocrolis',„ Reversible Ilanalerolding—with or without splingsan also be Insect as Go -Carts ,"All Ctilors." ' • Here' aiit'i. few of the:values— ., • . Regular ' Special $25.00- ' , '$19.00.. , 24.50 17.50 . * 22.50. , 1800 17.50 4,95 . 15.95 , 11.95 . 2025 16.95 . SEE ore DISPLAY' WINDOW WEEK ENV BARGAINS oszorzRrizip SUITE, Wine and Iflue, 3 piece--Iteinlar, $145.001 for only $129.50, - mizszttraxtri AND OtrAllt--450.00 NE'S Furniture Stoves wsy Of 04:4040h AP, 12-1$- • designated, and, further, that a such waste 'paper is securely ti • in, bundles.. . 13. The Corporation,_:eshall not collect any abandoned, condenined or re- jected product, :bl7product, mann- - factUrers' waste material or the 7Stock of any wholesale or retail dealer, AS for - example, eggs, fish, 'pickles- fruit, ,or "vegetables and which 'Shalt. be regarded as trade waste. Manufaetureri" waste ma- -teral ,:shall include imed.- parings , or shavings and automobile . or parts thereof: ' 14. Householders shall be required to ° strain and Wrap and tie all table and kitchen Waste in paper, and to deposit , such parcels in the re- ceptacle. 15.. The decision of the collector shall • lector ready, access to such 're- be anal as to qtantities and class 'ceptacles, at hours specified by the of material:Jo be removed, and ' Public Works ,Committee, for the also as Whether er .not- a re- ceptacle or the plating of the same purpose' of emptying ..andreturn- Ing the-sanie,--and such -house- meets' the requirements of the holder shall on such days permit uorporation, In no instance shall and -allow ' the Corporation? be called upon any employee of the to Make collections frO„ or re- - Corporation to have access to and • turn receptacles' to, oho point "-to empty and return .,such rek, '; :.deptacle. or recePtacleS,(„2„,.... which in the opinion of the_Publico Works Committee is unreasonably . 7' The collector shall handle all re- Inconvenient .or darkerous to its :Ceptavies with due. care, but in employees; nor shalt ,it be re - case ;of damage or loss the Mum/. tqaired to remove receptacles from cipaliVI'shall not be 'held Ifebre, any . point' other •than that'''de, 10. No receptacle all be permitted' signated by the Public Work to -remain on the street; or in Committee front of premises served,... for an and receptacles ,_;:theniare e einnlywhen accord - unreasonable length of time after , once. with the. requirements of collection has been effected. ,thiS. ROW. • ` 11. No -person shall pick over, inter- fere with, disturb, remove, or 10. N'otvtitristanding anything to' the scatter any bundle of paper, Or contrary herein;no Material such ris 'moving ,picture •films, celluloid any . article . so placed for removal, whether contained in receptacles,. Or' other*isei., except and until the ' same is removed by .the, Corporation. _ -- Ashes, NOW& paper, * and rubbish, other than excavations, builders, and trade waste', shall be moved from all dwellings, public, high, separate schools, churches; and ° charitable institutions, public' hos- pital, and public library, without charge:, provided, however, that • such , materials, are, deposited in covered receptacles and placed for the , collector, as here before ANTED. ---LA YOUNG OR MID- DLE-AGED woman . 'tor general house work, Full or part time, good wages. Call um, 43 ANTED' TO BUY.-,---ALL-YEAR- • ROUND cottage, west end;- g or 3 bedrooms ; :Please reply by Saturday. Phone 303U, Or P.O. BOX 804 -13 EN AND WOMEN.—WATKINS . Dealers, are making More money' today than ever before. Enjoy the security 'and benefits of affiliation with the oldest and largest company of its kind in the world, -All sales records were smashed - 1944 -.-generous bonuses were paid to all Watkins Dealers,. Get into business for your- self on our 'capital in your home Or .adjacent locality. Suitable travel out - '..,.,..,,.,.,1 NITrite 110W fOr further information to the J. 11., WATKINS FOR RALE • Old -established HARDWARE • and COAL BUSINESS belonging te the Estate of the 'late Charles O. Lee. " ORAIGIE, - REAL STATE, Goderlch, FOR SALE, . Punt] via‘Low • sweet clover • seed. MELVON JEWELL. Phone Carlow. 1310, 13-14x FOR KALE. YELLOW B/404$031 'sweet clever.. Apply 0. TREBLE„, , 5, Goderich, Phone Carlow 177. •' ° 42-13 01/14 10141r4D—veith VitaMin Complex mans Health and 'llaPPinou. a , Per this. week end mandimanow R9lis 200 oath • , Curry's Ba "The Home of us), ritAtre MEL CULDEET,. ProniletOr. PHONE 465 0.1t. 'WATERFRONT 'IN tp•WAt of gederie* Attractive baultv, and beach. Healthful elevation. Op- atard,, sewer, water, , light.- A quiet location got summer .cottages or for osimiammenumw small fanning. Particulars from R. AIM' FOR SALE" OR il.SAAOLAiffillt4LBLftxt68rtP4833:vAiTe; Station. ' d't C. .HAYS, Gederich. 33tf _ Eighty aces of pasture, Spring Creek.' plenty of shade, brick house, barn and orchard. APPLY ;to ,-mits. Igamx Huron street;' Clinton, FOR SALE.—BOY'S .fe1i,BE-PIECEI brown Suit: -shorts,, breeches and Coat, size 8 years, Price 45.00. Phone 023w, , 1.8X FOR SA„LE. .I.44,410/IT-1100M ' brown shingled; lionse,, hank barn 30 x -40, suitable for. hennery, and 9 acres of land. /Hydro, good water; situated :in village of Blyth. Write P.O. BO .51, Blyth, or call SIGNAL - STAR; for information„. •1143x OR, SALE. --MIXED SEED .RAIN COMPANY, Dept. 0-G1, gl.„77 Masson —Vanguard oats with Nobarb bar - street, Montreal, .1:10e.. -13 icy, 85e 0.4bushel. Also Nobarb barley.. GEORGE -BEAN,-Auburn. ' phone Myth 19 r 14, •" 13x TO RENT. • FOR sA,Lt.7:-/grnovnp EARLY al". Alaska seekioats„',i80,c .per bus. Apply 1,1,0"X.D MacDC4P0.44,-10t. No. 6, 0, Lticknow.:';'ph/on,,e„ 2d-30 Ripley. itrawroiposimitootr' RENT —FURNISHED APART- - MENT, heated. separate bath, use of phone, available at 'once., Phone 758. 1.3x U -N F. U•R N S H -DD - apartment, heated.._ Apply. 52 'Newgate street • • 1.3i .• TENDERS WANTED mENDERS. 'WANTED. Tender); Will . 'be, received by ..the undersigned; until 0- 'Monday, April 2nd, 1945, for supplying 4000 yards 'of crushed gravel 1" screen and delivering same as directed on town- ship roads. - ' • , Marked cheque for 10% of tender to accompany tender. " -. Lowest or, any tender not necessarily accepted. WM. SA/LOWS, Clerk, It. R. 5, Goildrich. GEO. F. BEAN, Road .8uperintendent, R.R. 6, Goderich. ' 11-13 . • 'VENDER. Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 12 • a.m. noon, April 10th; 1945, for. hauling. gravel. by the yard mile, for, ;the Township of -West Wawanosh. 'Gravel to be 'de- livered anywhere " in the Township Tenders to be marked "Tender," and must. be ,accompanied by.i. "a marked cheque for °$100.00. LORNE IVERS, Supt.,- -13 Dungannon, Ont. .1 1 ENDER. - Sealed 'tenders will be accepted -•by the undersigned up to 12: a.m. noon, April' 10th, 1946, for erushilfg gravel for .the ToWnibip of West ,WawanOsh by- the -cubic yard,- ....using -the:township crusher. Tenderer to supply power, and neeessarli help to put gravel in bin: Township will supply oil and grease for, _croher.:..-„Tender,' must be marked "Tinder." and accompanied by. li marked cheque for • $100.00, ' • • LOR,NE ivnit8, Supt., 43 DOngannon, Ont. "SA14`;---: 40,30 ''STOdikEit'S • weigh abo 40 to 50 lbs.; also sir sows. due 1st of May... CIIARLE BEDARD, -Zuric , R.R, 2, 13 FOR SALE, -2 --TWO-STORY FIIAM house, 27, on stone :Wall,' t be moved: Is gbod-shape:.ANDRE MARTIN; Kingsbridge, • 13-14 K/TCHENER HATCHER, , say advance( -orders have, 'tlaken, :al available -chicks and pullets until .uas except cockerels;.' , They ha've, °son .day -olds and. started-for.deli/ery, now and possibly April, , depending -'o orders.' Take stock, ' and. , order %now Agent, RYAN PRODUCE, Goderich. 7 ' • •.,1 12. FOR SALE.--COAL.'OIL _STOVE , three burner -'with ' oien, in goo shape. Apply SIGNAL -STAR.': 4 FOR SALE:— 'gpEREp'.- RANGE nearly...new, at 69 West street: 13 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS AND SUP • PLIES, for ,all •hazards.FIBJI EXTINGUISHER SERVICE' SALES, .335 -:King street,„ tondon. / 18-19 UNRESERVED AUCTION SALE ' ' op. FURNITURE at 8 North street, Gederich, on ' 'SATURDAY, MARCH 31st, - 1.30 p.M.; including: Piano and bench, electric range, ex- tension table, fall -leaf table, small tables, electric andoillamps, 3 china cabinets, desks, beds, mattresses and • springs,. 20 chairs, icebox, books, tures, farm 4 gate,, dishes, etc. ' • Absolutely no reserve, as we have rented more of the -building 'and' need. the room, ' • T. GUNDRY, 12-13 Auctioneer. roR GLADIOLU bulbs -100-$5.00 (40. 'varieties) .50—$2.50 l(30 varieties)'; act --41.5 (20 varieties); F.O.B: -Goderich. Re mit by postal .order. • Write MRS, IL HOLMAN, ;Cameron- street,., god rich, phone • 18. " ' ': "lbuilding wRt i x, .8.':' 411‘i storyt"--w'( ') CfrlIsImC:eRfmEeNne-etaedlro:ofieN4tud. ' wire netting. J. W., ORAIGIE, Real Estate. - 120 FiCoxt SALE OR TO .RENT'.—HOUSE, large, eentral, unfurnished; pur- chase -°terms or, upon - yearly lease. 0APolellyi jaiWA,,,, SFTEIER,, LA,, , -SUTHERLAND, solicito• 4ri. Fon, .SALE..--FXVIrl, atoom FRAME .., cottage ' • near f Catholic church. Double lot .,and garage, For inferra- a„tiO,n,. •Wrt!.P.O. BOX 510, GoderincIL. R . SALE ---SEVEN ROOM COT- TAGE, possession in APril. Owner , leaYing_town...K,, Apply No. I.,. Brock street.-- * ---: . 13x 0 , ......7.,,......--n....—,----r-- - NOTICE TO CREDITORS TICE TO CREDITORS. . 4 . . In tire- Estate of ,John Beverley ' '3,1uterli, late of the Village of Bruce - 'field in the County of Huron, Merchant, deceased. : ' • , . , Creditors and ',others kbaving claims ,againtit the above estate' are required I to send foil particulars of such claims -to ,the 'undersigned *executor on 'or . ,before the 10th day of April, A.D. , 3045, • after which date the estate's assets will be distributed having re- ' gard only to. • claims that have been , reedited. THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY, i London Ontario Ontario, EXecutor, - by F. ' ringland; . x:c., .Solicitor, Clinton, • Ontario. . , 12-14 ' ' • ' . ._. 4 Miss Helen . Fisher, Reg.N., Strat- ford,' spent the week end visiting in c4oderich and -Benmiller. ...,. , . . • In the Present „ . Yon, should buy Life Insurance, , because, the future is a nioit ' • ' expensive lixury. " • ., IL 'M. --.FORD - - Get ilneuri — Stay _insured — ,Ntilieh stlitest.- assured. ' . . Tel 268* 464' ad, • ,• _ taas• • w . • LEAR NG -AUCTION SALE OF , FARM STOOK & ImpLnun.ivs at. lot 17,. part 18r eanceSeion 8„, Go.de- rich Township, 13 -miles '.13outb. of Taylor's Corner, on MONDAY, APRIL 9th at .1 o'clock shart. • • HORS'ES—One brown mare, rising cuttings, I. rags- soaker with -gas- 8 years. old; one 'aged mare; one 3 years; -one colt, rising 1 year, CATTLE—One Holstein cow, rising 4. years, freshened, 3-, weeks , time. of ,Sale; 'one Durham and Polled Antos, ee -the inyely Easter Gifts English, China Cup S and Saucers *, 50e floral and 'Sacred .1?Ictures .8)eines and Rosaries' Easter Candles, all etiliirs Ariiiltial taster tilliesi-Dall'edils Apple Elessont&-Dalsies;-ete; VOlgit and Flower Pots OHMS AlefrAND GIFT STORE oline or oil, -and no highly com- matched team, of Sorrels, rising 2 and bustible wake, of any kind shall be collected by the, Corporation, ,and no person shall Mix any such - Material 'with anything collected. 17 • 'by the . Corporation Or shall der cow, rising, 3 years, ,milking, • bre posit anysnch waste excepting -as 'December , 12th., one Ayrshire cow., -appreved:-by - the Public! . Works rising -5 years, milking; one Holstein Committee. POw, 3 Years, ;due to freshen' June 19th; 'All garbage and' ashes collected one black toViti 0 years; dut to freshen under the provisions of this. by- May 23rd one brindle coW,6 years, law shall be disposed Of under the due to freshen.- May 22nd; one cow, supervision of the Public Works Aging 3 years, freshened 'January 13th; Committee as, and 'Where the One Jersey Ow, rising 6,lettrOf fresh - Council deems desirable. • ened about 6 weeks time of 'sale; two 18. ,Eitery; householder, as herein do- steers, rising one year; two heifers = scribed, is required to dispose of rising 2 years; one, calf,' 0 months; all' garbage and refuse that may two small calves. 4‘. I I • ,be in, • "upon nr about . their • PIGS ---One sow and 11 pigs, ready premises in the specified manner ; to wean time of sale. , and, garbage and refuse shall not GRAIN ---About 160 bus, of mixed be alloWed to aeeumulate, on any grain;, prerriSes but shall, be regularly IMPLEIVIIINTS — Massey,- Barris ' deposited for collection, binder, 0 'ft,' cut; Massey -Harris 10. Any person convicted ,t)f a breach mower, 6 ft. cut;,. One dump rake; of any, of the provisions of this Quebec -sulky plow; walking' ploW ; • by-law shall forfeit and pay, k at barrows; MasseY-ilarria Cultivator; the discretion „ of the convicting Massey -Harris 18 -hoe seed drill; 2 Magistrate or Justice of the wagons ; 4aY rack; boleti sleigh; hay Peace, a penalty of not loot, -than fOrk; .ropc and, pulleys;, one , good set one dollar mid not etteoling (exteam, harness; one set plow harness; elusive of costs> the .aum Of fifty electric fence; 100 lb. milk can; forks ; (Tellar8 tor each offence. whiffietrees; ueeltyolte; other articles. PASSED in Connell this 9th day of yliEIt1418*--CASII. No reserve, ,as March, 1045. farm Is sold. P. 0, MONEY, n VIIiiiNE.,X/cOttEt, .c"- ' mayot., Preprietot.- V, ne&ROTiri JACKSON, Auctioneer. .R» FOOD .11 „Oa STORES FO D STORES OWNED AND OPERATED BY The Great' ATLANTIC & PACIFIC Tea Co., Ltd. pRicts sitiotet i.ii MARKET CHANGES .G.sfirti-EN-YAFILEr TEA -:R,1 : jct.. Lat5aeirRil THE All 1RIGHT i_ .. 'T-Gcetan_.D.C1.1;61.1;,1:ti' aUQUAlljAilliCipT:1.7" ' MALTED MILK . 'E.LAVOURFUL .CHOC. or :PLAIN Pkg; It .LSigiii ' .4.2H 'n *-Gtil! • Pkg. ,a6i,oiriii ; T4- .• Pico, , Lb, & Pkg. litjr e4g.lia ° . ..,Cashmart 9. eakis lit ... . ; Bouquet * -.OLD CHEESE °Hoick ., ANN TIM) white; ,or Brown - 1 It ig Loavei r Lb, 350, TOMATOES "fit' 110 ".4„*' 100 BEANS 2 2°:irt 230 ,4 PEAS " 8th"tigird Out Grimm er Ws* 'SEE- Largo ipit.k. 'rikg &Ur COFFEE P I• II011,1kt VIGOROUS 'and WINEY 35 'HUTSVEGETABLES GARDEri - FRES TEXAS. MARSH,SEDLESS• 'GRAPEFRUIT, CALIPORNIA, NAVEL ORANGES 252's papetruit Mrs EXTRA FAI4trY isitiNESAP APPLES r?, for'' DolF. 360 doze!' 690 5 ,for 2.50. TOMATOES E i1,41' MEXICAN PR 314 RADISHES ISEMA13 Et:obLe**11. Lb. 290 2 for , . . jittails LOUISIANA ‘, Largo Efunehec • ,