HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-03-29, Page 7DON!T BE GRUMDLER
* rationing 1*hoipi,10
to win tluo, war.
othoT Not
toy for
Colds ..r. s
the Children's•..� .:�.{ �>:
themother canthekiddies will,
-hesp its all do'•••.r�„ a�.,�,�;
• h o •' :f +,:;.
out of doors not.properly wrapped• up, ve• on a ,
getoverheated' and cool off too sad >>^, :•,, �;' M
• dent ; get. clothing.;
feet wet; kick oft the bed clothes, and
the mother cannot, help..
doadozen things h P
Half tbattle in' treatingchildren's colds is to.give them --something,,'
theake'wii hoot any fuss - and this the mother
they will like•'somebhiug they will t e t 3" ,
will find 'in Dr. Woods. Y Norway Pine Syrup, a remedy used by Canadian,.
y e rs�
mothers, for the48
-years. a
past� �.
Price 35c a bottle; the large family size, about 3 timesas much, 60e, at
all drug counters.
Tho T: Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto; Ont. r
The • dint call for help in the grow-
ing and _ harvesting' of the • 1945 crops
has "been Issued by -Alex. Maclaren;
:director of thea Optario,'''Farm ,Service
Force ' of 'the Debarctmment• of Agricul-•
t'ire--a" call for high. •sehoef 'students,
boys and `.girls, to the early
.`ihrm :service camps in the ;vegetable
fruit sections of t to : Province 'of
_ l
Ontal*io. 'In seniding out this call ' for
students and other boys and girls
-willing to, devote their .holiday;`time
to this essential win*, Mr. Maclaren
emphasizes the fact that the need for
volunteer farm workers will be greater
Last tall sward Barnard, Bluev'ale,
lost a purse containing W1,., „after
the„Snow melted, some days. ago, ,his
son ;found the purse in the° barnyard,
as. good ,as .ever.-
A colony house at halm Farm, Hui -
lett, owned by W. L. Whyte, was cont-
pletely 'destroyed by tare - one morning
last week. They building ,housed•
nine -weeks -old pullets and then were
'elestroyhd. :, 1
W, Golding, BIM., has resigned
the chairmanship of Scott Memorial
Hospital, •Seaforth, after twenty-one
Years, of service in that capsity,. lie
felt that his absence at Qttaw, .for
six months. or more each year •pre-
ventedi.s • giving tothe affairs of the
hospital the attention they should
Robert Dewar, ;of JIensall, died stn.
Victoria Hospital, London, on Thurs-
day last, in his < e3ighty second year;
He is, survived byl his. wife, formerly
Mary Stirling. of Bayfield; two sons,
BPY, of London;. and Archie, of Wood-
ham; ” three brothers, George, David
and James, all of 'the ,Bay field district,
a sig r, M gory Dewar, in-.
Miss `E11 abetb )`ord o Clinton
in the hoenital there un Irrider at the
ate of eighty-eight years. Site was
born in Cioderkh• ;towns p, daughter
of .r. and Mrs. Thomas Word, and
lived.on-- the term' west of Holmes'rille
until site moved _to Clinton' twenty
Years ago, She was burl on Sunday
afternoon ° in, Maitland ,cereetery,
Succeedslineeeede Farther as .
Township ',Treasurer
`Witham Crui bank 'has been ail -
pointed' treasurer", for the `Township
Of.Turnterry, 'ide is the On. et. the.
late Benson Crulel ,hank, who held
the office for ttventy-four years.
A► Zurich Patriarch
• John Foster, of Zurich, observed his
ninety fifth birthday, on Saturday. He
is in . good ;.health,,, has. never worn,
glasses, and rides a bicycle wherever
he goes,. He has four' sons . and two
daughters, fifty-two grandehildrpre and
fifty -live great-grandchildren`;_ '
Seaforth Golf Club,
kS'- t hJ old Property
At a meeting of the directors of the
fit, $
club will be able, ri th r
new euPpOrti to keep on .Its
after tete war, "vim
will rett1
rs. Robert •Anders*;►, eiglty-fold`
years of ,age,. died ,en Friday n1ght in ,
the '► ttngbarrn hospi el.. from t e effette
or severe 'boos ,, received Ibe previous
Tuesday evening at the home of beer
goo -in-law And .daughter, Mr . and Mrs.
'William' Kelly, . 4th. .concession
Morrie, with. whom She lived.NeNfr, and
Mrs, Kelly Were dt'`t'hin oraliking
and .'Mrs. Anderson was alone la the,
'house when her clothing took
she was putting seine paper
stove. She managed to extinguish the
flames, put not before her a s . nd
body had been badly burned. She
was taken immediately,, to the hospital
at Winghant, but .raided to rally. Her
husband, Robert Anderson, predeOessed
her end she ie waved by two daughh
tars, Mrs. Northa}n,-. Walsh, . of "east
Wawanosh, and Mrs 'Kellyf.
clition; is having a widespread demand
for boys to work on individual farms
for the summer holiday period.
The demand for girls for the early
season camps will also be heavy.
Three camps are; to: be opened on
,April•,12, these being' the Government
camps..at,'S'altfleet and Vineland and
Mayer's private camp at Beamsville..
Four more camps will be opened` on
-Mar '.1:, these being at ;Fenwick, • Clark.;
son, Cooksville and Oakville; On May
15, A. W. Smith's private camp at
Vineland'will° : be open"d. To meet..
the initial needs of these eight camps,
appre,imiitely '25Q girls will be re
vvired ` with iucreasrng immbers "' €tis-
the season: • develops. T--' The initial
groups-of'girls "iii *these are-tie1Fi1l 'bei
kept busy tying gripe vines and trans-
planting '.lettuce; cabbage and- .celery
in the greenhotses. ' Mrs. H. M.
Ward,- in charge of .the women's diva,
sion, also reports a demand for girls
who are willing to work on individual
farms forthe summer holidays, with
good living. conditions, 'excellent, meals
and standard rates of Pay,
Asr,in prey"lou -years,, the operation,
of the farm *wise camps will be
undertaken' by the y' 111:C.a..-ends
C.A;; whose long experience of catnap
organizationand direction will ensure
the • best . of...camping, conditions' and
supervision for the boys and girls
going into them.
High h school • students and other
older -boys and girls: desirous of spend-
ing ' their holidays • on farm , service
• a ,cam
rk efthet%in
P or on an in-
dividual farm, are urgently requested
to apply at once to the Ontario, Farm
Service, Force, . Parliament Buildings,
this year than ever before, on account
of the increased demands for man-
power for , .the armed forces and war
industry. 'It °is" particularly import-,
ant'that a full quota of boys anci girls
he 'secured for' all, the farm service
camps, especially those wwhrich' are
opening early. in the season because of
the' * :gent' needs of ..fruit and v.ege-
table growers. `
,The .first ,of the •b6ys' 'farm service
eamps,to• be opened is that at Burliiig=
ton; .which. will ,begin 'operations- on
April .12, to be followed by. the camp
at .T.eamiugton. on. April 25. The' camp
at Holland,.Marsh; one of the largest
' e will lie opened'
rn e
' file 1 a,
in ..
May 24. Mr. Maclaren,, is now enroll-
ing, Toys to All these three camps, as
noon is they are Donned, and, in ad-
Instantly,relief. m shay,sneeiy'
-gib y' distress of ekl coldsetartsto .. ►
comethermomentyou putafewdreps'
of Vaaro-nol.:tip .each nostril, Soothes
irritation, relieves congestion, makes
-breathi ng,easier, in a hurry. Also helps _,.
prevent many colds from developing
if need in.time.Just try it!'Works lurrel...,.: -
Follow directions in folder.
Double -Duty Nose props
Works Fast. Right Whet
• , - , 'rucks. Phone collect
Quickly .removed; � Clean" Sanitary •
.'910;16 CLINTON' . 21
hand SoneSons .��
h1,rhhoh.:z2 heb pb v�o�z;
art ,
e,I eecehhex2. xbx 1Vi,,
o pried.
hrs.p �'ajh�A�
.td1�r c'e� jq�i'� bl,� •�z�l t � r�ee �h�s�' ,
0 00
)7 1 2,It o or:h th etc.
tot. tv�jt . jh ear �z»y, kt1.
lr;uh .meg.x, Qhs
ARDJ3NING for the fun of it-
_. week -end trips in the 'old family
jalopy ---1 t y days fishing. by the river-.
—these things -still stad for a pleas
:Ant way of life --a way of life our men.
,overseas are fighting for today!.
�` hey, won'`t' be able to, come back" to
T1s,..�• '
these simple things, . unless we get
`;down to earth" in our thinking, and
make sure.when they do come�,back
-their dollar will be, worth a dollar!
To protect that dollar, we must
realize slaw,, the • dangers. of 'careless,
nnne`cessary buying! 'Wec'must buy`
•,only what we need -never buy two
where aim. will dot 'fie must not
evade.rationing or price contirol, or
.deal in black markets. Xf we break
these rules, our country -the country
-our soldiers are fighting 'for—wi
start on that spiral of prices known°
as inflation.r. v
•w And inflation- affects everyone ..
ProUished by:THE BREWING mousTAY
wage-e,rner, pensioner, szn,aIl-busi
nes* owner, returned soldier! That's
why it's important to take a stand
"against lit worti. If inflation starts in
this country,this iswhat will happen. .
Prices will : rise., "gages will try to
'follow along—andwill never quite
catch up! ` Soon your dollar --your
•soildieir's dollar ---may' buy only "2 5%
of the things it used to! That is what.
has"` happened in many•`'of '- the
countries of the ' world today,; and'
that is why normal living -for anyone
is impossible in those countries!
` So let's make sure our soldier's
dollar, when` he gets back, will. be `
worth a full 'dollar. We cannot give
back to •hint his lost'years or lost
youth, - But if we keep up the fight
inflation, ;,the man who . is
overseas can look forrw-.rd, to
pleasant, satisfying livior, .., to the
Canadian, way of life!'
ONTAItiO) 'to reveal the 'dame;& of inflation.
I pledge myself to do my part
in fighting flat oti :
° By observing rationingandavoiding
black markets in any shape dr
By respecting price controls and other
ata infatia,n measures, and ,re.
' (raining rfrOm careless and :unneccs.-
sac t bnyiltg. I will ,not; buy two
where onn,wiil do, nor will I buy
a ''iteiv" where an "old" vvi1t.do,
By ibuying Video( !'fonds and Wor
Savings Stamps, stzppocting tax
• *tion, add , *bldln
by nit sdch measures
which will lower.the
cost. ,Ibring and
' •1,�'
help 'kee `prices ata.
normal level;
IT Ys mite possible that these
i ans. who ` occupied the telephone
booths • while thea soldier waited. to,,
make his last call , home were talking
important busiiness.. It may, ,even
have been, war business.
But if we all reinexnber to make our.
telephone./ -calls as brief as possible* °•
then alt` least there will be no •needless
waiting' by our _ ;boys who want so
urgently toget their Dal s through. l�='
°Long talks ,tie up vital switching
equipment ' at central. Too often
urgent calls ,must wait because- we
forget to4be baler ,