HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-03-29, Page 1NIIIETY.EIGHTH YEAR.
Goderieb Couple
edded 67 Years
a:te to
Observe the Aliirrstr;
Ur, and 1frs. EliJahi'‘kprinkwalter,
Victoria Ctifeet, will observe their
sixtY-seventi. 'Wedding, anniversary
'quietly on lifendaY, April 2nd. The
-formebis !Allis eiglitY-nintli year, and
MrS. rhiliwalter in her eighty-third.
Both are enjoying remarkablygood
health,'are cheerful, thrifty and happy..
;-Mrtf. Drinkyvalter enenda her leisure
Waking braided -or creeheted deer
. Mats, and those she ahowed the '81041-
W/ft reporter -Were:beautifully' Made.
The marriage of Eitiali PrinkWalter
and Elizabeth Grace 'SangninS tO0k,
, place on April 2,- 1878; In Pert Pett7.
at the home At the bride's • parents.
A Rev. Mr. Young Officiated. Eleven,
children' blessed ',the marriage, five of
whotn are living. They are George, in
California; 'Gordon; of Windsor
. Abigail (Mrs. Rred Watson), of °ode-,
•, rich; '.(MrS, Maletilm. • Trinep-
.our), Of 'Kitchener; ,and. Lorne,- of
Detroit,. There are thirty-three grand-
• children •and twenty-two great-grand-
Mr. DriiikWalter was born in
Pritiee Edward county, n• Con
of George and., Abigail Cunningham
Drinkwalter who were of Pennsylvania
Duteh Wok. He lived withi :lila par -
plats at Port Perry, and then at Wlat• -
ton, Bruce county; He led a., colorful
life as a 'sailor and engineer. Onjugs
mit of Tabun:tory, and on
•paSseager boats out of Port Dover, to
Erie, Pennsylvania. For several 'Yeats
-he was eiriplaYed as an engineet on
• the W. L. Forest tugs, at Toronto. He
said the lakes for almost fifty -years,
retiring to live in Goderich in 1900.
This ..year ie • was asked by Brown
• Bros., of Port Dever;:.te take a position -
as engineer on a coat carr,ier .plying
• between '-•Erie and Port* Dover -an
offer ,Which he declined:, During his
long career on the lakes he 'sailed With
such- well-known, skippers as Capt..
-Angus .AcDOnald,.*Capt. Alex. Craigie
aurcir Capt. Angus McKenzie. He re-
called that Om ,deringastar*. he
."bucked a ..souwester" ter fo•tir and
half Ilona to make tout and. a half
._ miles to, Goderielt.harbor_:. •
Mrs. DenikWlitter Was born in:DeVon-
•-• shire, England; and came as , a child
to Oshawa with nine brothers _and
• -sisters. Herfather farmed on $cngog
'Island, and it was therc. her future
• -husband met her. 4.
• SOriOW 'clouded their- hdraetwice
i• when two of their ',Sons lost -their lives
while Sailing, •Eight years age, Berney
and his wife were both drowned"While
the former .was engaged as , mate on a
,sandsucker on Lake •Erie.!,...Another
son, Albert, was drowned- off Owen
• Sound in 1901. - • - '
Alta. Drinkwalter enjoys doing all her
own housework. They• are ineMbers
of the Baptist church but are%lnow,:nn-
able to attend the 'servicee.:° • They
have geed, eyesight'; liver happily . in
their comfortable home ; Proud' of their
family and pleased. with _their' achieve-
ments.: ' '
• The Easter eantapi,.• " i ,,
..-,.• • tie.... Iti-in.g., of
• Glory," by R. S. Merrt.son, viViiis rend:,
- ered by the choir; . of North street
.,...,T,Ititted„, Ph-urch,...-94., ., SlindaeVening,.
Mader lite „ ditection. t ef Mrs/' Murray
Iletheringtorc ',.' ergaiii"Ct ai.••,:ehoir-
. leader; . . 44
• • , , '.1--: ,-
The 'sacred music: .'„4'.enilerred..'eril:4
-beautifuland • effeetty.e • -in ..,ehernOs:,
solos and "anthems, and iii •the"Sesend
part rose to triumphiin.f•heights as the
"Resfirrection",Was nreclainie:-
Rev. 11. 11. Turnhalt,,read'theiter
Story. of . the cantata,: ii.e ofnil , choir.
opened the prograni,,shiging '"ThiS LS
the - day which the ',Lord :bath ..%inade".".
Other parts were:. 'Tenor solo; "0
'Lord; -Than-- lirt'in.Yi-, 0-04,,'„'; h.Y.--Alit.
Sidney Brown; ehorhs,, "Sing .unto the!
Lord a neW Song;:' Male cheruses,
441, shall not die but; „liVe4.0. ' Etna; -"Out'
Lord is risen from ;the dead;°..iiii*eti-
• women's choruses, „:"Loose . all, your
bars" and "i11 the end of the,,,Sahhattt;",
bass solo,',, "Behold,' there wills, a great:
earthquake," by kr. C. Attridge;tenor
ehorue; . "HIS conntenRiCe vifits 7,
lightning;" bass chorns;,'",Antl.fOr, fear
;a. son i-'• Chorus With' ehl, igat."IiA"?...Ve4.4*,
not 'ye;" solo,: "Come spe the* .pace
' where the Lcird'itty,'1:1,iy,Mitils,E, Iltene;
„Jad10" Sextette, ,"1:1e,:liV S, .6 ;#441isitge
Softly breathed,f:' . by; esdamei R.
Pinder, K. Pennington, '. proven:And
r -Misses P. Chnich;..14arharkgenryi and
Avice Warrener ; ....,,eher104, itIlftri Li
Christ risen froto--ithe', deiltl;!1„ '419:1
."There is no death'," *MiSaf Avice War -
tenet ;: trio, Mrs: l'inde;..'411'§'N•POiliA&''
ton and Mr: C. Worseli4iehorils,;And
• lo! I ani*ith ' you jakwaye ;1', :and :tlie
• closing chorus, ‘„,..`B,e119.4 4e.• 1Pyg, Of
GlotY.-:-7--"-I-2- ..,-n'7",,,- , - ..•i.,-. •
.' # large Tofigkegen wit's: *preseet
Tne omo,
After receiving the .`amioungement
the visit ,of a party of Pelphleane to.
oderich, Per &S. "Senth% A,Metleantni
on June '4th, Mayer i 1Viogney„Wrete
the steamship agency giving assurance,
. of active co-operatton. at this end and
Stating that the facilities of the Mait-
land Golf Club would be available,A0e,
the visltors.' ,
• In reply he reeel'yeti: a letter of
thanks,with the information that the
Schedule for the trip ,gives. live 'hours
to Goderieh, 9, (Gm., to 2.. p.iii. No
definite shore prOgrata 114S...been ar-
ranged ,other than that 'about thirty
to %fifty of the. party will compete in
their *annual' golf tourilaillent•. The
total number onf the erlible.Will 'be be-
tween 350 and, 400. . ,• •
' It ' Was •explained that ''',1Xclaktige.
ites," who eotiapose•;:the ,partr, rare
'members of Exeliange O1ub, elinflar
• t() Rotary, and.are reiltePentc/ilte"ba8t7
nom., and professional; meia 9 VarA01111
eitieS of the State „Of„.01,110, With their
MINTY SitiMini =ESE .
meeting of t,,4.0 health and hospital
eciMmittee of linrefl.% County Council
wad :held In G.oderieli-on ThUrSiitlir
eveniug. last. Miss Edna 'Meow,
director of public " health' nursing, Pro-
vincial Department of , Health, was
present, as was also 'Miss Nieheltet, Of
the Department, Who Is In charge of
publle health nurse i4 in field training.
- A general discussion ensued as to
the possibility of the, County's entering
the count* health- nursing plan spon-
sored by -the Province. Miss Moore
advised the committee that in her opt*.
ion . It would be Impossible for the
County te...form a • publie health unit!
at; this, time, 48 she was very sure
no County niedleal 'health officer could
be procured,, She - advocated' . the
County's earvYing on a School nursing
plan; and. that an effort ,be made ,to
enter into some amicable arrangement
with the ToWn. Of Goderieb, Which has
au 'established piablic 'health service,
The •eiiirimittee; accompanied by Miss
Moore and, Mies Nicholle, 'adjourned
to the TownHall to Meet With mere -
bets of the, VOWri Council and....the
'Local 'Waal' of Health, .• .
The question of health , nurses was
theroughly discussed : and the !final
conclusion- was'. that Gederich • should
Maintainits present system, and that
the County should rebate to the Town
-nom-riding to the-• equaliied.aiSesSnient
for , any 'rate levied againsfIlie Town
for school nurses. This arrangement
seemed to meet with: the approval of
Alt' concerned: •
• The. rchairman, 'Reeve"„-,-.2itleoner
of Clinton,•'aad Wardeit'A.'-,41exantTer-
are to procure' 4 suitable. -office for the
use of the sUpervisin-g nurse
town of Clinton) • ' • '
Miss • Moore assured ' the committee
that. school -nutses will be available
this summer.
s • Sgt Donald Lane, who is with the
Broekville Rifles in Jamaiea ui a letter
te'his parents, • and Mrs.
Lane of Clinton, stated' that he had
been knocked of the • side of a, jeep
And- sestained---a broken -wrist, and
had, his arm in a cast Don describes
the heat down. there as almost unbear-
able. ••-„,
•Mr. and Airs. George Minder,. Albert
street, were notified on Saturday that
their son, Fit Sgt Leonard ,Baxter,
R1OA.F., was repotted missing. after
operations overseas on Ittarch 21st.
Leonatd enlisted at London in Novem-
ber, 1942; was stationed at Sky Harbor
until called for service in 1943, and
• went overseas in- March, 1944. • He
will. be •twenty-one • next Saturday• .'
. •
Mrs, Russell Brindley of Auburn has
'received the sad news of the death in
recent fighting in Germany. of r,„ her
Only brother, Private Milton J. •E.
Crawford, aged twenty-seven. • Pte.
Crawford' enlisted March 1st, 1943, and
went overseas in October last year..
He trained, with the' Royal Qanadian,
Army Medical_ Carps and, later, 'over -
*Kam' 44 •E. irim,AwFORD.
seas, was transferred to - the Lincoln
and Welland Regiment. ,The telegram
from the director of records at Ottawa
:stated-- that h had died qn March -9
As the result 'Of Wounds- received in
-aetion, Born, .near Blyth, •thit., he
lived at Niagara:4101s most.of his life;
and In; that.eity he leaves A wife And
small *--daughter, Donna .Ruth. Be
was a member of Morrison -.Street
'United church,, Niagara Pails, and of
the young'men's,groups of 'that church.
Ile was -aiso a member of the Odd-'
fellows and was a past -grand in that:
order. -
'To. Robert Jewell, son of 'Mr. and
MrS, Uelvon Jewell, Colborne Town-
ship, :,arrived atBallfax, aboard the
"Lady :Nelson"' on. Monday, March 10.
Ile. reached' .London, On the hospital
train Thursday Morning' and was met
by his parents,his sister rbSdlie'-ahd'
brother Reg. •
- On the evening Of his arrival home
be was given a •hearty Weieonlo by
more than 100 friends and neighbors
of the eomtntMitY. • •
On Monday 'evening about ',fifty'
cousins met' at his home and ,tin en--
Joyable "evening was spent, playing
bitigo,,,at *Well Bob was the winner of
a purse of money.. ,
Be reports to Crumlin military hos-
pital on April 2- for further treatment,
after Whieh, he expects a thirty -day -
Tpr. je0VeIl enlisted In the attay in
August, 1042, and went o erseaft in
June, 1043. •
Ile was In action in. 'ranc, Belglum
GoDERIcki, oNTARE), TguitsDAY, MAIMET 29t4, 1945
Still $500 Short
of Red Cross Quota
lorther 0011trilnItions to Be
ReCeivea, on .894tiirday
'This year's 'Red Cross ' campaign
ends on SaturdaY, Mardi, nit Fester -
day (Wednesday) the committee re-
ported that•receipta tiMonnted to about
'S8,590, so that some sisoo was needed
to reach the amount asked for by
the, Red • Cross divisional- office in
Toronto. ' •
While' there, .Were ,reasonahle ex-
pectations of securing the needed
Money, the committee again reported
that, there were, tee few donations for
the number of families In town, It
is believed there are ,more than one
thousand families here, most of whom
Might reasonably be expected to give
something. It is expected that when
all names' are in the number Will be
considerably smaller than that, which
again Wes 'rise tcna discussion Of the
present. method' of, voluntary
The present method, has • raised
quota for _the , past. 'three yeas,' filfr
th.ere are those on the Committee who
believe 'that more deflations would be
received by house-to-house canvass,
such as is used in ether communities,
and that,,,the ,hurden Would.'not then
fall ° year after year on the -sable con-
tributors. It Is recognized that many
people. who eould give to, the Red
Cross and other War funds take ad-
-vantage -of ---the-•• present- method to
ignore all -Such. community rcievements.
•-TEM is a much more representative
resportse-from` the farming community
--cevere byt-the flve-. township units,
Where practically everyone. gives some-
thing: ° -
The balance of the- %tames of those
contributing, together with the names
of the townshipcontributors,will be
published in an 'early _issue of this
paper. •
It is hoped by those- responsible ,for
the campaign that, Saturday will see a
large influxof donors and that the
$9,000 required will be , largely ex-
-ceeded..• The. rooms on West street
will be open all Saturday afternoon.
a • • ' • ,
• -
hNox rittollizatiN council
Young People's Sunrise Service -8 a.m.
$010 -"An .Eatiter Message
Mis8 BettySinitif. I, %-,
. The 'Members Of -the VOiing'Peonle's-
Seeleties in the continuity have •been
'invited to participate in this ;service,
and friends Of the rittng.peopie are
invited to be present. .
MORNING S1lltVI0J 11 A.M.•
'Organ Preinde-"-"interttalzao" .
• • M aseagn .
Easter carol -"Day of Wonder, Day
of Gladnees,'.' century Sehnecker.
• • olt'14ee‘ni*t41, .cIttenrerPre° Patel --
"Tempus Adeste Floridum" Neale.
Alltheln;;-''BrjetInaki.°;0'erhth.°Irin. to joy"
Solo -"The King.of Love My Shepherd
Is" • Ch. Gounod
Soloiat-,--Mrs. J. Munson: --
Organ postlude-441kriumphal. March"'
''• Harris.
.Organ • prelude.. -"Peace at , Eventide"
Easter carol -"The Day of Resurrec-
tion" • • • , Smart.
- .The choir. -
Duet -"When I Survey", Jude.
Mrs. E. andnd
Anthem-"Christ Is Risen'? Maunder.
Offertory -"Slav Cradle SOng;rinkan' s.
Ladies' quartette -"Risen" H. Livens,
Mrs, Saunders, Mrs. Revell, Miss
Stovve and Mrs. Kaitting.
Organ Postiude-,".. Triumpha1 March"
. • -Harris.
Congratulations are being extended
to Mr.- and Mrs. Russell Free • of
• Cheltenhara, Ont, 011 their twenty4ifth
wedding anniversary, which was ob-
served at their home, "Mountain View
Fartu,"' on Saturday, March • 17th.
•Friends arrived at 8 o'clock and spent
an enjoyable eVening of progressive
euchre, the ladies' prizes being won by
Mrs. Frank, Wiliamson of Alloa, • the
gentlemen's by Mi. Norman Myles .of
Brampton, and the consolation' prizes
by Mr. Ge.. Leslie �f Georgetown and
Mrs. Free. • • •
The bride and groom were married
on the lith of March, 1920, at Nile,:
Huron county, and, resided 'at Port
Albert for a few' years. Later they
moved to 'Georgetown, then to Brarap-
ten. There is a family of live '-chilg-
ren: Mrs, Dyck (Helen), .of .Bramp-
ton ; •Mrs. Robt Witlianison (Violet),
of Allea.; 'Marjorie, of, Brampton;
Gordon and at *home, also one
granddaughter, Lorna WillianaSon. The
fatoilY livem, all present. for _the happy
aecasien, except Tpr. Dyck,- who is on
active service in. Germany. The bride's
'only Sister' was unable . to attend on
•AP,Ottfint.. of ,ffl_neSS. ji. tjie family, Mrs,
eWhinney," the bride's mother,. •was
present _
Mr. and Mrs. Free received manyl
lovely' gifts, mostly Of :silver, and also
a lovely chest of silver, ififty-two pieces,
from, the family,' which was presented
• to, them by their: son-in-law, Robt.
Williamson. • '
A delightful lunch was served `by
the daughters, assisted by Nits. -Frank
Williamson and Mrs. Robt. Iledley of
ltramPton. After lunch "Auld Lang
Syne" and "GocrSave the -King" were
_eung, bringing a: most enjoyable _even-
ing to a ,dose. The .guests departed
to their ',homes 'after tendering the
brideand treem hearty congratulations
and wishing them 'another ttventy-fiye
years of happiness: •
non, Kitchener,. Brampton, aecirge-
town' and Alloa.
• • '
M. N. MacDonaid-,1- well-known
'veteran of two wara, has purchased
the shoe 'repair business of Mrs. Ahl,
•East street, and has opened a shop on
North street, in, part of, tgifold'Signal
and"Holland. Ott November 17, ,19.0,
110 was nccldentally 'minded . in the,
leg, and -.was, florki"to England, where
he.'spent nearly four;:months in the
hospital. •
Flt. -Lieut. Lei3lie R. Xaftel was in
town • foua °,feW houra at . week-
end. Be •-has been posted to No. 1
Air:Qom:nand' headquarters at Trenton,
wo, Keith Saunders Was home for
the,Week-en4,. Ile has been.,!posted to
the R.C.A.IP: at Hagersville.
. Chief Petty Officer Lionel. Clark,
11,C.N.A., arrived home on. Monday
night to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
William. I. Clark, • Cambridge street,
on tWmity-eight-day leave. This is
the, gist- time he' has beenhome in
dvo yearfr. ,It will be five years next
July since he joined the 41140' as An
AB.and he has seen' service in many
WaterS. Latterly lie has been on
escort duty from lialifaxyto Newfound-
land, Ireland and Great Britain, with
some trips „to lierniuda. ,Last- winter
he- attended navigation 'school at St.
johns,. Newfoundland, and he noW
holds his Mate home trade certificate
and is looking forward to a berth on
the Great Lakes. Lioners tw,in bro-
ther, Lorne, is with the Air Force at
Hagersvine; and it will be remembered
:that his older brother, Carl, was
severely burned in the sinking. of the
Otter off Iralifax tn 1004 he is .now
working at Oakville.
• .
Organ .1pre1ude-"11e., was Despised"
• ' Handel
Anthem by the choir --,-"In Joseph's
• Lovely Garden"
OffettbrY..,-, .Baster Mardi, "Ring;
• Easter I3ells"''. " Johnston
Girls' buble lifts, Oh mess-
' 4 age softly breathed'!
6, Mrs. Pinder, Miss • A. ,FaViene'r,
Mrs. Pennington,' Miss Church.
• Organ .• postlnde--Medley of •, Easter
Organ prelude -"I know that bay Re-
.• deemer livetlr Handel
Anthem -r --Selections -from the Easter
.% cantata' "The It'ing of Glory."
Offertory -"Serenade" • Schubert
Anthem ---"Lo; in the grave he lay."
Organ postlude-r-"Hallelujah Chorus."
•• Handel
. „
• „
• ' . •Armstrong,
Anthem -"Where,' • Grave, Thy Vic-
• toryy" -•• , Dale.
Offertory -7"A Song of April" 4.1,
• Oley „Sbeaks.
Trombone solc--"Open the Gates of the
• Teraple." •
•• Mr. C. Weeds..
PostludezL-"iie, Is Risen", 11 Ambrose.
Prelucle---"Hymn to Spring"' Davis.
Anthem -"The Stone Is Rolled Away"
Offertory -'t• Eventid';'," ,
Anthem --"Nailed to the Cross" -
Diet -Mrs. G. • Curren and Mr. C.
Breckow., • ,„ • • •
Postlude--"Choral Postlude" _
O "11 1 itilkatnt "ATTZTIIPANCE
Eighth Victoty Loan A. targe.- congregation .WRS, presMt
Knox rresbyterian chtircli on Sun -
0, ounty Oanizrn Ifilined With'
Beem.Orap,Oft Apin
a� ir.
Tile ogaujzatlon for the etgbtl Vie
6)0, loan campaign In guron is well
under way, 'With, the same orgenizerp,
Mesrs I 3 Tanaewater,
Lunisden and • 3. R. Hilborn,,,, as retire"
sentatlyes of the National War VIA-
ttr.:"uTeiweeiO7unutlYotuleeoexLitecruyti; itiias4c4leattirtpl,Oseicltleaxs.
Alekander, Warden of Hairon; general
ebairman, Rev. W. A. Beecroft, Vtg
ham; vice-chairmen, Robert Bowman;
Brussels; R. N: Creech, Exeter, ; Vranit
Fingland, Clinton; Janies Kin-
kead, Godericli; 0. MacLean, Wing-.
ham; .Ross Seott, Brucetield. •
• Section chairinen itre,; Payroll sav-
ings, W. 0. A.ttridgeispecial names,
G. L. Parson ; Publ.ic relations, 0. K.
Saimders; administratio4. section, A.
H. -Erskine, N. W". Miller, 'all of Gode-
rich. • •
'The agriculture naisen Committee
is: composed of A. Morgan, • Hensali,
and 11. SturdY,.: Auburn, representing
the--Hurorr eounty-Itederation of'Agri-
culture; K. J. Hueston, Gerrie, and
Bruce Matheson,- Clinton, Huron agri7
cultdral. representative. -
The , organizers, -Messrs.: Vioadewate4
Lutasden and Hillieria-,-And-•Mile',GpIt4,.
secretary, have alreadr.'arriYed--in
'Godetich and -are again- in the (Age -S.'
en• West street formerly -used--fer'the-
Vktory loan. • •
Prelnilea--"I Know •That My Redeemer
•Liveth" . • ••Handel.
'Easter Preltide'r', Ashford.
Ilymn---"Welceine,, 'Happy Mornink
Easter anthem -7 --"Christ Our Passover
Is Sacrificed." •
Hymn -"Jesus Christ Is Risen Today."
• Offertory -"As it Began to Dawn"
- • ' Stuits.
Anthem, -The Choir., ,
H•in_n-qAllelutal,SIng. to jesusr
Choral CommuncOn Service. Simper.
•%. Sursum Corda. •
Sanctus and Benedictus.
•Agrru,s Dei
' Gloria in Excelsist
dr-IttegUirec ion
Postlude-"War Mach ofthe Priests,"
. from "Athena" • ilendelssohn.
•Preludes"---"Ootee unto Him", Handel.
"Ave Vettim" Mozart.
Hyliut-"Come, • Ye Faithful." • e •
Psalm: OXII/.--.'-",`Praiee the Lord, -Ye
Servants." •
HYMn--"Christ the , Lord Is `Risen
• TochtY." •-
Hymn--"Allelulia I • • Allelulial Alle
ifya-"The. Day' Thou Gavest."•
Postlude-.-"He Lives -Again" •
, . ••.• • Von Berge.
.(fl Friday last the Ladies' Aid of
Knot Church met in the lecture hall,
with a' large attendance of members.
Mrs. Alex, Sttelton presided.' Ur$:
Charles' MeCtiberend the Scripture
lesson and Mr • IL 11, Hall led in
prayer. Mrs'. Robt. Wilson 'gave a
reading in her usual 'elevor manner
and a pleasing piano solo :was ..con-
tributed by Miss Eva Somerville. Mrs,
Redditt'read an Paster pooh and gave
the history Of the hynni "When I
Survey the Wondrous Cross" AS an
Paster message which coneluded the
meeting. .
Mr. and Mrs„ john Durst, Colborne
township, ah11011t1Ce the eegagement of
their daughter, ,Laura Kittlityne, , to
Ivan Clair Dean, soil. of Mr. and. Mrs,
thorge, Dean, Aubfirh: the marriage
to take place late in March. •%'
The &Minted heavy demand by
advertisers for space in The
Str again eompels, the omisSion 02
manY items and articles, 'minding
another letter from Mr. Iluckins,
which will,appear in Our nolyt'llsue.
The •marriage „took place in
Jnde's. cberch, -Brantford, on, aiarch
21.St, 62 Mildred Lenore, daughter ef
Mr. and Mrs. • Floyd •Day • Sbayer,
Brantford, to Ketneth, E. ' Aitken;.
'R.O.N.V.R., son of Mr. E. James Aitken,
Goderien, and . the late Mrs. Aitken.
The ceremdny was performed by,Rei:
T. D..Painting. Mr. and Mrs. Aitken
are spending Itheir honeymoon at
Rochester,' NX. •
. OnNTuesday; 'March 27th, at 11 a.m.,.
a pretty- double-ringeremony took
place. at the Liandesboro United church
parsonage when Rev. A. E. Menzies . .
united in marriage Betty Barbara Joy,
youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John Snell of Loxidesboro,, and F/0:
Raymond George Fisher, son of Mrs.
Fisher and the late. John Fisher ef
Gait. :‘The bride was lovely in a
stteet-length, dress of wind taffet‘
aneViennese, lace with =telling hat
_and , von And corsage. of White carna-
tions Her only ornament was a string
of -pearls. She was attended by her
sister, Mrs. R. Peck, wno• were a
Street-iength ' dress of powder.. blue
crepe, a pretty flower. hat and shoulder
veil with corsage of pink 'roses, F/0.
‘Bill Gilchrist of Toronto attended the
groom. . • • ', . •
A reception was held at the home
of . the i bride's , parents. The bride's
mOther wore a towered silk jersey
dress with a corsage a red carnations
and .the groom's mother was in blu:e
crepevith corsage'of white carnations.
A wedding dinner was Served to twenty
itnmediate friends of the • pride and
apenOtitnlan_. bdy_ ate mbrrids.els.i4_.a. uNnitz.„3,,,,irs.T ithe,:
„dining -temp was prettily decorated for
the occasion with pink and white
streathers and, a' -'white wedding. bell,
above a lace -covered table, centred 'by.
a three-story wedding. cake. ' Pink and
white carnations and twin 'crystal
candle -holders with pink candles coin.'
pleted the tastefullyi, arranged. table.
The ha PY eouPile left later for
Taroxito an points east amid showers
of confetti and good wishes, the bride
travelling in a dressmaker's suit With
matching ,topcoat "of reflection blue
with black_accessotieS '
This happy Occasion was also. the
twenti-seventh, wedding anniversary
of the bride's parents. • '
A telegram of- congratulation's Was
reeeived- from pio.. Jack Snell over- Mrs. A. Shore, • yletoria "street, is
seas biblii°7snirem"fizie',44: trus • at -Ind rh6affin;s86;6•ercti;ljecTii.wgh.lend-lish'eI
, Trousseau Tea - .
MrS. Joh Snell entertained at .11:, fell:against a stove in her home. 1 -ler
daughter, ' Mrs. R. Nicholson of St.
trousseau ten on Saturday, March 24th,
Catharines, 18 with her. -
in honor of her daughter Betty, pre -
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. O'Brien are in
vidus to -he marriage t4 WO. RuY.
Toronto attending the funeral a their
mond Fislie Of Galt, recently • hore
brother-in-law, Plt.-1.11.- R. H. Ellard,
from overs .S. Guetts to the num
-who lost his life in a fire 'which de-
" 'Deseroliti R.C.A..F. Station early Mon -
of fifty wer - received by Mrs. Snell,
assisted by, i miss iletty sneil. tile streyed,: the. o eerie quarters at
treussean and gifts were shown - by
Mrs.' Robt. Peck, iister; and Mrs. jack claY matting. .' . • -
Snell, sister -110W_ Of, the, bride-to-be,
Mrs. Telford 'Nixon poured tea, and
Mrs. Herb Pentland,. as.slated by Elva
Clavier, Muriel Walker and Helen tear,
serVed sandwiehes 'and cookies. :r
- . ' H-----'-'-------.7,. ,
At he ession, of the Goderich ZAP -
list "Sunday school, last Sunday. after-
noon,. It V. Joseph Janes presented
prizes 'Of the following scholars who
wrote 4tlie• temperance, eXanainations
reeently: ' William Chase, Maleohn
Campbell, Leona,d Schnitz, Betty Ann
Outten, Fred S uire8,'Itichard Chu -k,
Stewart ClUtton Vitilliam Chase -and
Maleohn Cataphe 1 reeelved 82 per oat.
on their papers;
litiron county.1
sisted Of war s
the •W.C.T.U.,."--of .
ORGANIST 0 'RN' OX 0111.11tell
Mr. -T., G. Ames, of Port William,
has been •!;elikaged as organist and
'Clioirmaater rof .... Knox- Presbyterian'
church.,- Mr. Joliet; lims boon the organ -
1st in Vtirtens churches in Pert Willitun
and Port i Arthur,,„ and has sung in
different choirs. Ile is married and
has it grown-up family Of 81,t children.,
Ilia eldest. son was, killed. It. notion
while serving ,,(fverseas With' - the
., Be 'expeets to arrive in
GoderieCior April 18th and to begin
his work iliere on *Imlay, April 22nd.
Be emnea" h hly xeconumpled as a
day 'night, when' the :antreal Service
for .toarluers was Conducted,by
tile minister, Ret. 'Richard Stewart.
Members'Or the crews of the winter
fleet and resident- sailors and Iishermen
joined in the diferYiee,..and in a short
address preeeding, his Sermon Rev. Mr.
Stewart extended a.tordial welcome to
"the .inen who ,are Pingout into the
sea lanes from . this) harbor." "'You
represent," he 044 'it WO, of great
men With a great tradition„ who have
written history for us," He thanked
them, for tbe reoeption they .bad ac-
eorded him on his visit to,,their Vessels
in the harbor, wished tbera,geod luck,
smooth saillng and God's richest
blessing In .their work and in tbeir
homes. , •
"We rest on Thee And in WhY, naPle
we go" (XX -.Chronicles 14:11), was
the text chosen for his forceful and
appropriate Bermont%
"What- would' We be 41r, _e in. a mill--
tarebarepaign if we. put all our power
in the front line?" _the preacher asked.
"In. the moral 'Anti 'spiritual ,life, we
must have a"base and A security.
There are mea 'and WOmert ;on the sea
of life who carry , no Midler,. and ttind
no, rest. . . People ,Are• like ships;
made to go, not to be inert. ReUglofl
'is a voyage, .and • life a thrilling ad-
venture-' with :,Sestis asi- the net •.Who,
will lead us into rest." • ,,
The nmusic by .the choir 'under the
7•Missf,--Mary„,,:joyee-- Strachan.•:;:,,Lit4,q
.etgan Was,beiingfiilly.-rendered:
anthein "Watebnian,-,- -What • of.. t
Night" was Sung by the full ebol
with Messrs. Dan Waiter and Ral ,
Henderson' taking, the solo .par .111
naale chorus, which sang "Mastert the 1
Tempest .Is Raging," was,,coinpoSed of -;
Messrs: "D.' ,Walter, F. Lodge, .48. Me-.
'Lean„ R. Henderson,. C. Kemn,
_I 1
, •
a er 1111C0
s First
Date As 1.44ot ,Toar,
:is -
Navigatitin, was opened, here letter,
dif,4r,: when the Imperial. tank.er
SiMeolite- from Sarnia, withi Capt. 4).
1,41.14 46$ SitiPPOr., APAMOC;Intifik:
harbor •at 434; 'A. "var.ietke
Same date, Idarek *.i30 ViadsoliSe,
With 'Capt. Dyon, had the ,ho*Or
opening the :Season., Xn:' 1-$44.2i Oki*,
Earl lei*** hrOtight 14- the Aeadia03
on March' 3.; establishbagi..,a,. record
early arriVal. ' • •
()apt Milne said he l'Oft Sarnia '144
Midnight, and encountered 110
was Me •summertive'ltke',4txtd )10
lost no -lime. Ile:' had , alreadr had
four" trips this. season7-three from
Sarnia to Port Stanley and one, to
Windsor. home is in Toronte..
• 4. civic reception in honor. of Capt.
Milne was held' at a onioe.,:k, avow
Town 1-4)1, where Mayor p. Nieerier
welcomed 'hid officially, BIS. Worsilip
emigratidated the Captain- and spoke
with, appreciation of the setViCeSIOng°
rendered by the Me -reliant Marine.
..Ilarbermaster Nerman%MacKey pre-
seutpa' got -3411m With the:„tradittenal
81111"liat -(to be .exchange&for a new .
hat), and :wished him, and his crew!,..,:.
a auce441,4•94 Ettas9n."...444-49e14104Prm.
' .
he.daPPerslookift;a4Dttlin modt
resSed lils,.thanks, • •
Reeve W. -Baker., was another
Jenner, B. Tennant, .W., A. MaeLaten ' ,i
lovely and • Ittibe. Bisset,. jr.,' ' 4nd another, • The 'Perth -Hut& section , of 10.7:,`,‘
•Liustritit Accident ,Prevention 'AsSoei.-
ation held' a mass ineeting and 'enter.
limber was "-Tesus,''' Saviour, taininent in the- leetUre. ball 'of ,KUOX
, _
Presbyterian .church on Tuesday even-,
' 'ilig, ,vvberi. a 'representative attendance
:.et ,nidoiers and .,einpioyeet of the.
. . . .
'vat' 8 industries was present. . .
- W. ' P. ' Saonders was ' chairman and •
-welcomed. •the. visitors. :Pilifis were,
shOwn.. :entitled "Millions tor Safety)"
Pilot sung by a ladies' quartett
Mies A. Stowe - and -.Mesdames
Kaitting, K. Revell and W.1
Saunders: The, hYnMS sung were
God; Our Past," "Le
the Lower Lights Be Burning," an
,."Eternar Father, Strong to Save.",
• A rainiature lighthouse burned o.nillustrating the safety devices •nsed
the. pulpit, and 'a lifebuoy nttng.:111, In New, York for the control, of traffic.,
front of the desk, on either Side or and 'another showing the -valte ,of ae-
which were models of sailing vessels. cident prevention care in' various in-
, Mrs. D. D. Mooney haS returned ; the 1,
from Ottawa, after- if visit of severarWasll
sin speaker; O. -6*N
o, 'chief medical aid officer cf. •
kJ:Lien's Compensation,. Beal*. "
odnced by Bruce Tennant. ,
weeks With relatives.. • ' . Mr.1 Cameron's subject• was "Ae-
L.' th.rsOns'- has:•"returned;';eident reVention.' During -hist year,
from Florida'and is again. at his offiee he Said, -there' 'Were 39;090 accidents
ta40 ! desPite. the •edueatinn -
Prevention IS the job -of the
prevention. pointed out •
' hey must observe the:pre-
o safety provided for them.
en's 'Compensatibn. Act • of
at the Transit elevator.
mrs. E.' 0. and daughter Jean; ;care,' -o
ha.ve been ,sfiending the past two week ' ;thAt,f.
with Mr. and Mts. gainesti-Whaley WorkE
Hanailton. . ' • .ficall•
Mr, and Mrs. W. A. Hay and Miss The'•
Catherine Hay 'motored to Col1ingwo6 Ontario he 'claimed •te. be the best •
for •--a week -end visit to their formeri the world. Tile -•illustrated his address'
home town. -• . by teiling of incidents in wbich help
Mr. and Mrs. D. -M. Johnston. and had been, given to sufferers from tie- ,•
Miss Dorothy ...johiagton have returned 'elden, is a good net when, and.'
from . Florida, where., they spent the '•if, ilt'tnavoidabie accident occurfl,".
past three month. • . • - •
Mrs: John% Wiggins has returnedi,p:lv. Reid, of Stratford, .
from London- Her, son, Leading! itif th 16ron-Tetth ' section of- the
Writer- Donald Wiggins, rrit.C.N., •hae Accident Prevention.- 4s-
jiast left:.that city for an 'EaStern port: :Sedation. Poke briefly, -and a vote
was tendered to .Mr...-Calte
erizies, ...mitilager• of
felie• wing outt•of-town . visitant
J.,,Preston, N.. R.
'Petford, E. W. Italbilei4ch,
ratford; Frederick Jackson,.
I;Bodenhana, Earl -Leslie, "Wit. •
,(Rev.) 'Richard ,stewart, was .
the gueAt speaker at the -Easter Meet-. ereni.
ing a the Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary the P
a the 'Presbyterian church, Setiforth;, • Th
• F/0. Albert.,Gauley Spent the •week- 1 Were
end With his mother,' Air& knigh.
Gauley. Ile, has received his discharge all 6
frem the R.C.A.P: and hopes to secure
position at ,Fort -
Captain Bob Mackay a Sonthaiiip-
ton spent a 'few days here last 'week
ytsit.ing his brotheri,. Nornaan • and.
Joni], and renewing acquaintance. with
his many friends Goderich,
'Hugh Hill, of Benmiller, attended
the annual meeting of the Guernsey
Cattle Breeders' .Ashociation of On-
tario, held at London on 'I'hursday.last.
Mr. Bill is secretary,. of the Canadian
Guernsey Association.
The March meeting of the Women's
Ileepital Auxiliary was held on 'Mon-
day afternoon, ' with the president,
Mrs. D.. E. Campbell; in the chair.' .-
• A donation ef 20 was 'voted to the
overseas parcel 'committee, ,and, ar-,
'rangements .Were •.made to hold the
anntfal birthday pattyat.the hospital
On Hospital ' Day,' May 12th. Miss
Etta Saults and Miss Belle lkitieVear
were named convenersof the tea eoni-
naittee.• ' .
• The' Ilospital Aide Association
fteknowledged the 'receipt ef $10. for
the cigarette fund. The faliawing
were tuned to assist at the legion
rale highest mark `in bing08 Miss P. Saults, Mrs.." P. T.
i . _'
he prizes, whieli con- Armstrong, AirS. P. MeLaughlin, Mrs.
taps, were given by D. PCampbell niul. Mrs. IL M. ,
i)detieh‘ '' '-' Monteith, , . . ., .
'1*MM Or MR& G. ItOttERTSON,
of Taranto, widow "o4 George A.'
, Mrs- ,Sesgle, Ittinerta Robertson; late'
Robertson, •,11 fernier ' nienaber of , the
staff of Gotierielf.:Collegiate Institute,
'died at Qtle611,./ilexaAdrit Sanatorium,
Vanden, on MondaY. ' The- Wity win
,be -brought to Goderich for burial in'
:Maitlandenieter 011. PridaY attor.
after a: service 'rat. ,the 13roplie7
..eral home.
• GOOD FRIDAY ip.o, 110tift8
WieketS nt • the Neastofliee' will be
open on, Good Pricier tram' 11, a.m. te
Was pi
M1S 1!1 ,
several 8OngS 'an ' pleasieg :Yoke,' 'ac- .
Albert, Lou. I.,avelt, Cecil Metta.
I Thomson, of St. Marys..
Orous film, "Tho Little King,"
Spited, and diviner the evening,'
11 Gleason,' ,of London, 'sang
comPanied " by Mrs... T. S. 'Paelt,•
A:dour pr ze, a $fi'•'' war‘savings .eer- •
,,,,was won by ollamitdverot
flareh -in
gen f
t or
Rba 1 ery Company,, GoderiCh.
traduced were Ab,.
4,, and MIA's V," .Q0111111°1,
Ow of the division. • '
is being spared to make
the, , se,rviees in St. George's
as bet t , as devotional, and- -as
comfort ng old Inspiring., as possible.
The menabe s of the Margaret Seeger. ,
Club .have hindly uridertaken.to .deeor..
.ate the chancel 'and the sanctuary
`With if -profusion of Easter lilies and ,
Spring 'flowers' and a moat beautiful
setting for the beautiful" services :i».
coMmeinoration of our *Lord's great
triumph is assured. .
%The .cheir under the Capable Wader.%
ship df"Mrs..TeSsub' will renderspecial
and appropriate._ • inusle, while the
rector will preach special sermons.
Let nothing keep you Away from
church on Baster Day. Caine,- and,
bring your friends. .
Special reference will be'. made
the morning serviee to the lour airinen
..who lost their live4 shettly. beforertie
'Closing of the air port at Port'Albert, -
Their names have been added to the`
Air Voree honor tell rerently' pieced'
in •st: George's ehurch.
sohn 'Tangolis, „ a conselentioni
'objector, 'plaeeil under arrest by the
appeared before 14.tra,
Gray, :LP., 0» Wednesday, charged
With not reporting. at the alterrultiVe.
experiment station at Chalk River.
Be was •• remanded in. eustody wit0
April' kith. . .
Unofficial ilgmes„ ed.,,on 1041 age-
greup ratios, indicate tbat under the
Allowances Aet there will be
eounty families of $(1,810. T'nfoi
a' tiontdy• diStribntion, aitiongRnroi
be 41.1‘.0.1e4: Itur.,11,, $48,700; nriwIrA.