HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-03-15, Page 8,ST. GEORGE'S CHURCU DUNBAR, Rector CMM 3N, Oast and ateirmedeir S'30 a.m. 1101X C0101111UNION. 11.00 a.M. BOL COMMUNION AND SERMON.. Suh$ecti ',`A. Beans of Soft. Stilh ss :00 pan. ' ' VX URC I SCHOOL AND ORLE CLASS.• 7.00 itan. s:INVENSONG AND SERMON. , • • t`-Stibject; "The Only. .Redemptive and Creative Power. • 'Welnes day 8 LitanY and Ser mon. • Preacher Re�C�E¶CHURC H ' NwthtJniteihu •h -INISTER--R,EV, R. H. TURNBULL,B.A B UP. STM . 11 a.m.. "EXPERIENCING' ,GOD'S. PRESENCE." • ro c. -- 3 p.m. 'SUNDAY SCHOOL., 7. m. "DON'T FENCE ME .IN, p Organist and Choir Leader - Mrs, Mniray Hetherington, ington_ , A T,O,M A SINCERE WELCOME AWAITS 0 I Feria n Church._ Fxes'� t �hEnox�' 11 a.m. PUBLIC .WORSHIP. Sermon Subject: "The Everlasting Yea." 7 P. PUBLIC' WORSHIP. .:" .. �,. - -r . .." 'Sermon .:Sub jegt . A Religious. Reeled. , 11 a.m. JUNIOR CONGREGATION.- 2:30 p.m. SUNDAY -SCHOOL.' Monday,n8 .m: Young_Pe le's SoGiey. • . ° Ni E E N SRIC-RT- STFWA RT; .DIRECTOR 4R.0F PRAISE --MRS. -FRANK. t.itUNDERS. Come' and • Worshi the L*d in tn-Beduty`of"Holi�ness.m,: p ch i v1CtOr a St. United Char MINISTER -REV: LAWRENCE II. TURNER,- B.A. ORGANIST=MRS. L HANNA 10.00' 11.m. SABBATH SCHOOL. 11,00 a.m. LENTEN : HESSAGE. ` The Versatile' •Ehrist "- 7.00 p.m. LIFE OF JOSEPH... "Power•-I1nlimited." .1Yigndaa• ' 8 pan. • Young. _People's. Union.: "'-' UNION'-.PUBLIC.`WORSIIIP, UNDAY' AT 3 p.m. RFV. JOSEPH JANES, M.A., PASTOR Mrs, Udnaldson, Organist. I1� a.m. PUBLIC 'WORSHIP. "The Power . of Kindness." S o 3 p.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 7 ` p.m. PUBLIC WO$SHIP. "A, Clear conscience.". Monday- 8, p.m. Meeting of. B.Y.P.U. Wednesdaly 8 pan. Prayer . Meeting. STRANGERS ALWAYS WELCOME Spring dame at Sky Harbor, Gude; rich, Wednesday, `March 21st, R,C.A.F. Skyline's orchestra:„ Open AO public, Ad qi sion 500, . 11.x 'The regular -Meeting, of . Ahnneek Chapter, I,O.D,E., will be held iu MacKay hall on Monday, ¥arch 19th, at 3 p,ar Fel thatauetion sale 0 ,11,. Grant, Your .local auctioneer, hoxte•059. 1114 • Fuller Bruah representative, • Miss Winulfred O'Neil, Clinton, will be in Goderich .;during , Marsh, For further information enciliire „at Signal -Star cities. , . ,,-; f• ,.-36 Maple :Leaf Chapter,-.1'.0,D;E:, spring: runimage sale in 14 aeKay Hall, 'Maya 5th 1945. • EASTER* n LINERY;°•-•Hats with: brims, besets, bows and ;lowers in all the newest shades for spring. Corsage Y e flowers, scarfs, ;,,Costume jewellery. BUSS " MncVICAR'S MILLINERY,. •.Kingston street, phone 462, 'Goderich.. Siendor Tablets are. effective. Two weeks' supply $1; twelve weeks' $5, at Campbell's Drug Store,. tf Reserve-. Saturday, April 1.1th, for rummage sale in MacKay Hall at 2 p.m47 under .:anSpices„ of ,North, street Evening Auxiliary. °11-14 Mondaty, March 19th; at Kingsbridge Hall,. St; Patrick's party. Carruthers oreh'estra. Admission, 50c. . -11 Don't suffer constipation,biliousness, indigestion -use Kipp's Herb Tablets for quick relief: An excellent tonic laxative. _ 25e and 75e sizes, at Camp- bell's --and ail druggists. 9-13 The meetiirg thank -offering °•of ' the ,g >� Evening. Auxiliary of North street United church will be held at the hone of Mrs. F. Noble on Monday, March 19th, at, S b',Cioet ° 1S Urs:.Gettrge- John- stonspeaker. ' sten ill lase, the goest -41 -,, -Corns instantlyrelieved with, Lloyd's s ern Callous Saye-the_eieetive corn remedy. 50c at Campbell',s and Emerson's Drug Stores. 9-13 St. George's Ward group will hold. a rummage and whiteelephant sale ou Sa, ,?,day, `larch 24th, at 2 p,m.,in the Parish Hall. " • 11-12 The regular meeting of the W.C.T.U. will be held on Tuesday; March 20th, at 3 • p.m. at - lYiacKay Hall. After the meeting a Red Cross tea will be -served: Spring dance at Sky Harbor, Gode- rich, -Wednesday, March 21st. R.C.A.F. Siiyliners orchestra. Open_ to, public. Admission '50e, - • • • • _11x 500, euchre. and dance, under auspices.of Taylor's, Corner Red. Crosse, in- Oddfellows' .Hall, Goderich, on Fri - slay, March 23rd."Music by Carruthers orchestra. Lunch se'ryed. Admission 50c.`. -11 Reserve April 6 for the play, "The Man from :.1` a' here," presented , by cranes Pend players in Victoria street *United church.-:. -11 The Goderich Music Club 'will hold its : next meeting on . Tuesday, March' 20th, at 8 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. J. Lemaire,, Nelson. street. . Visitors welcome. West ,Wawranosb, 100 aeree of far#1w1 land. r On this property there is a frame Boase , - barn 06 by ; driving shed, 09 . by. 24. 26 aeree of ploughed land; and balance in grass, Terms 20% down and -the balance. in 30 (Jaya. 'X'V'ill be sold subject to a .reserve bid. - Sale will be held at the fart, 6 Miles, north' of .&uburn, ,I'oi further . par- ticulars apply to • 1°14*X0, Goderich, • Solici'itor for; the ,Estate. I•IAROLI •jA KSON, 11-13 Auctioneer, S.eaforth,; CLEARING . AUCTION SALE Or • all furniture and, furnishinss .tit No. 14 Gloucester ,Terrace (formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrd..1'rank Pliela'a). This is a particularly. good lot,`.of furtxitureti Sale coinmences• at 1.30, • SATTiRDAY, MARCH -17th, 190, , FURNITURE' •Chesterfield' suite and odd Kolters, walnut tablet modern 9 -piece walnut dining suite and dinner (wagon, modern' Cour-piece bedroom f suite, walnut,, and three dressers and eup'board, full-sized spring mattress and- good springs, two twin Simmons Meds with spring°'mattresses. Rugs -j: Wilton, '1 Axminster, 2 Congoleum, 1 ,Oxite rug cushion. Electrical articles -4 Beatty washer, 'alurinuin tub; WelarY st ve ,1 vac um cleaner ,1 iron, 1 clock, 1 radio. • Dishes -China dishes, good aluminum and granite - ware; and . other : articles too numerous to mention. ` - HAROLD JACKSON, -10-11 Auctioneer.• BETHEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 16. WATERLOO 'ST. PA O.C." REV. A. G. HARRIS Services i .. - Sunday -10.00 _p.m, SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11.00 ami. "BACK TO BETHEL." 7.30 p.m.. "PRISONERS OF HOPE." Tuesday 8.60 p.m Young Peoples Service.: • Thursday 8.00 p.m. .Prayer .Service: SPECIAL MUSIC BY 'THE GOSPEL 'TRIO. You'll enjoy enjoy the warim, spiritual fellowship at •,THE CHURCH THAT PREACHES WHAT THE BIBLE TEACHES. • WATER:L00 and LIGUTHOUSE STREETS Major J..Clarke.._ Lieut: ,Lilian Goobie ---Officers in Charge- 11.00 a,m. HOLINESS MEETING.. 2.30 .p.m: SUNDAY SCHOOL. 7.00 pan. SALVATION MEETNG. SPECIAL SPEAKER -ENVOY CLAPP :OF STRATFORD Welcome Meetings'r. Lieut. Goobie. #o COME AND GET A,' BLESSING STWARTS' ` FLWERE I R 1h1w1�'OR:. pTI�'�IC'i'iVT'� . 'i�'r�,(1R AT. - A - Ai�IG ��TTS ° Fresh Roses always in stock ` Phone 8603 at hours. Martin S. Stewart The Square "In Flowe :. it has been Stewart's 'since 1863" \Eng1sk -Dinner Set Y,o need the Dinner Set-- ngland needs the money English\ ups and Saucers 50e up SMITH S& ART .:AND GIFT *ORE The Home o\English' China' AUCTIONSALE. '�t* Owing, to. *illness of auctioneer, sale advertised for Saturday, March wily : be pest -polled, and held oil "•• "ATURDAY, MARCI4 31, at• -1.30 p.m. at 8 North street, Goderich: Par- ticulars next week. T. GUNDRY, Auctioneer, An unreserved auction sale of house old. furniture, the property of .Miss Dark, will be held at No. 7 St. Patrick's street, Goderich, -on WEDNESDAY, " APRIL 4th at 2 o'clock. This furniture, in good condition, consists ofd dining -room,: _bedroom,. kitchen and living -room equipment, in- cluding a Locomotive electric washing achine,-che,terheld -suite, . rugs,:cand end tables, chairs, - lamps, and many other articles, and must • be sold, as th house has been, sold: DONALD ,BLUE, 11-13 Auctioneer. • AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS Harold Jackson, auctioneer, has. been instructed .b : the undersigned pro, prietor, to 'sell by, public auction, at:; lot 10, -concession ' 8, Morris Township, SATURDAY, MARCH 24th commencing- at 1; .m. sharp, the fol-. HORSESpp General ur ose• snare, .9 ... 1 rs "old �in foo e 'supposed tobe a sed Y 1, : pp general purpose "mare, 6 years Old; colt, 2 years old. CATTIaE-Registered Holstein cow,; 6 years old, "Keyes . Correct Putch- land," On R.O;P., stood third as a '2 year=ol`d, with, 444 pounds fat .from- -duties.Apartment. 2; above. 11x // - TO 'RUNT. • To RENT. ----FURNISHED, A� 2a TIVE house in good I0eation three bedrooms; bathroom;. furnace, 0replace, hardwood floors. Apply ' SIGN ► TA1 OFFICE, . RDNT,. --FURNISHED . ROAMS'. "s ee in • soltaXile for .light hQtt ek p $. Call . SIGNAL -STAR. ,, -11 -� O RENT. -x•67 -ACRE' FARM,. PART • lot 7, concession 1, Township .° of Goderich; geed'. brick house, hydro; water in ,stable; Make ,offers to 'P.O. BO 179, 7 punt 'Qrest. F 11x WANTED. -- LEC„T A I O on treadle sewing machine; must be, in good eondition. Phone 951W. -11. WANTED. -TO $UX OLD HORSES and dead cattle; must be suitable ,for uilnk .•feed . removed promptly. FRED t, •IDRERT, phone :908 r 22, Clin- ton; or 'ACK GILBERT, phone. 908 r 21, -Cliutpn, , Calls paid for.; 18tf AVANTED,-USED DELCO •LIGHT- �r INC plant and motor in a.n condition. . Apply WARREN ZINN, R.R. 1, ;Dungannon, ” ., 11-12x WANTED. --NIAID - OR MIDDLE- Y r MIDDLE- AGED woman for general house- work, for °' one • adult in Goderich, Apply MRS. E, R.' WIGLE, 47 Victor street, London, • - ,-9 WANTED TO PUT. -- HOUSE, bar», hennery, acreage adjoining town. KEN- • VAUGHAN, Holstein, Ont. .M 11$ NTiD.-=T IYCLE' FOR WWO A RC O. YDAR, OLD child, --in- gooci.Tor to pairable condition.. .Phone 2871t�. lir .ANTED; --,A: 'WOMAN TO CARE for'„ a year-old child. No other Apply Goderich Fruit Market. 'ANTED TO BUY. --A FARM within one or two miles of Gode rich ; .. fronting on lake or river pre- ferred. Must have' house and . barn. Send.. particulars as te acreage, lbca tion • and price' to BOX 30, SIGNAL STAR. :.., 11-12 10;899 lbs. milk, bred on -October 27th; 1 holstein cow, 3 years old, due in. May; 1 Holstein cow, 3 years old, due• in April ; .1 Holstein cow, 3,,years old, due in - April; 1 .Jersey . cOw, 5 years old, due in may; Ayrshire ,cow, 8 years old, due in April; 11T'olstein`cow, 5 years, .old, due in April ;.1 • Holstein heifer, 2 years old, supposed to be in calf 1 Holstein heifer, 2 years b1dt suppose l to be in' calf ;. 1 Holstein heifer, 2 years . old, "supposed to,.:be ••in calf ; 1 -Jersey-Holstein heifer, sup- posed to be in`calf; 2 Holstein yearling heifers, 1 Jersey -Holstein yearling heifer; 1 H,olstein bull, rising 2 years old; 1 Durham' bull, 2 years old. 10 •of .these cows and heifers have been- vaccinated. PIGS --9 sows, supposed - to be in pig; 1-f- sow, with liter at foot; 44 chunks; 1 registered hog. • - - IMP-LEMENTS_- Massey - Harris" drill; I3 -hoe ; 2 -furrow walking plow ; set sleighs, with flat rack ; I.H.C. cream separator, 500-1b. capacity ; a quantity 'of sacks; about 8 tons of hay.; set of team harness; 3 'horse collars ; Aladdin lamp. Absolutely no reserve, as the farnfis rented. ' TPIRMS-CASIL. ,.,-. ........• ROBT. WALLACE, Proprietor, HAROLD'JACKSON, Auctioneer. YOUNG TREES REQUIRED. Hard maple, approx.' 11/2" diad Teter, 10' feet or better in. height: Parties having trees -for. sale should advise the undersigned, '. stating the number available. Price quoted should be delivered in ,Goderich or °otherwise s€ated; � • $: H;, BLAKE, Town Clerk; - 11-12 Goderich, Ont. FOR SALE • Old established HARDWARE .. and COAL-BUSfNESS, .belonging to the Estate of tl,ie Jete Charles 0. Lee, O A.lGir, REAL .fbbTA'VE, Goderich. AliM FOR $ALi1.w--AT BA.Yb`iI+'i.L1, Stanley TQW Ship, 75 acres of clay lean laud, known . as • Bruce .Moore. farpi t' good barn pn :gement f oundatian, hones' house, oite mile.trout se],iQol :and lake,, Price *2000. Apply •;A•, A. ]ISHER, 1;433'2 •Lochiel street, Sarnia. -T941. ARM' FOR,. SALE " Olt Eighty acres of '' p�asiture, spring '"The Moine of Tasty' 'Pastry'. barn a Plenty ren rd dA P • 1 tikk RS. M1:L, CUL8IW1 1 ropflet9r, ., ELL1 N J. CO•X, Huiron sptreet . t, intoe: QHONL • 4li5 FQR • SALE,100 BUSS YELLOW and White Blossom sweet .glover seed; ' 'y . A. McGUIRE, Baylileld, Ont.' Phone Clinton 900. •r 3, .'� •" 10-11 • FOR .SALE,....Sl'�7V. ORAL LOTS AT Port Albert, fronting . pn LL Lake Huron, . aood •, beach. v Reasonable ai MRS.W. WLL ver ,. Price.. Pi )WELL, Shoes Store. 10.12x' OR SALE. -MAROON STROLLER; yon brown- metal cot; both in good condition. Phone 605. 11x FOR SALE, - E•T'G7I T -1i, O O M' brown shingled house,, bank barn 30 x 40, suitable for hennery, and 9 acres of land. 'Hydro, good' water; situated in • village ,off)Blytb. Write -11-,0.-‘BOX 51, Blyth; or call SIGN .E STAR tor, information. ' :: 11-13x 1 Olt SALE. --FIVE ACRES ' ON Bayfield road in Goder-ieli. T. A ' l� �' . 1?p.y MISS SAI,KI:LD, 11larl:et streets 11x ... SALE Nq.. Y`A ��• �.. ,�.�OR S L OR R ON I; Rx highway,.h21,f miles from Boyd. id, 111 aca„es of good clay. loam, 10 acres bush brick house, barn -and orchard. For further particulars apply to J. W. - RYAN, ; RYAN, 8G: Newgate street. • 11-12 FOR SALE. • h-- ' SEED BARLEY. Apply .-FRANK PENTI�AND, R.R,. G, Goderich, • • -11 FFOR. SALE. -.-CHILD'S GO-CART' IN FR good - condition. 20 North street, Goderich. -11 FOR. SALE.--A.$1.IMITED QUANT- �i T7 -of potatoes, either -:for seed or table use. Apply, MRS. •FRED BELL, R.R. 2, phone 934 r` 22, Gode:- rich. ' 11-12 TENDERS f'RS WANTED,; , Tenders will be • received' by e undersigned, until G pan, Monday, '' in 4000, April•: 2nd, . 194�r�. for •supply ty yards, of crushed gravel .3!•', semen and delivering -same as directed on towp- ` ship roads. • Marked cheque for 10%' of tender to accompany tender. Lowest or any tender net, necessarily accepted. .' • WM. SALLOWS; Clerk, 5,.- Goderich. _GEA, P+. -BEAN, • - ' Road .Superintendent, , 11-13 . . •I1.R,. 5, Goderich. • REGIMENTAL NOTICE All, 1neinbers- of `•C,'- Company are . = de . on ixerebY ordereil:;',to ..attend-pana . fiirth e 1 L, I until� . and nights at 8. 0 � a a s ,1 .Y h g nth -ISM. NO excuse will be accepted- -~ for abse'hce ;unless there is a written med-leal- certificate'tiof,.illness or _a._ietter . from the employer -stating ' definitely that you are- pn: essential war work. ;. (SIGNED) It. C. HAYS, Capt., •O.C.'-,fC" Coy , 9-11Iiddlesea unci~ Iluron, Refit - BIG -4 CHICKS, -FOR IMMEDIATE or later delivery, They're .the. choice of hundreds of practical poultry- men. '. Pick up' 'the good fstil and.winter markets by ordering . March chicks, through agent, They're noted for livability, early, High •produetion. RYAN 3 11,0DUCP, Goderich. -111 You .should buy, Life 'Insurance, because the future is a most expensive luxury. Get insurr, .1 7 Stay insured -- Rest assured. •North St. TeL :268w 46-7.. AUCTION SALE OF, DWELLING: The undersigned has been instructed to sell by auction . (subject to reserve bid) at the premises on, SATURDAY, MVMA1tC -24th; `=1945, 2 p.m., the: property and dwelling known as 58 Huron 'road, : ` Goderich. This;. is an eight -roomed shingled' house, with furnace and. --three-piece: bath, .garage•, -' nd •one extra Plot: - "View, Bate: - TERMS' -Time of sale. For further particulars see ,• . ' • ENSLOW . AITKEN, 'Proprietor.' GORDON 111: GRANT, 11-12- . Auctioneer: • AUCITON SALE OF. ORSES, CATTLE AND PIG At lot'6, concession 8, `Ashbfield 'To vn- ship. on TUESDAY,' VIARCR 27, 1945 Choice offering. of Durham; Here- ford . and Holstein 'cattle includes 21 cows and heifers, fresh or. .springing, bred to ' the registered Hereford bull Domino, Stanway breeding; 17 steers, 000-1200 lbs.; ,•also calves and 'yearlings.. There are 9" sows " due' ":A.prii-June and 14 chunks. No • reserve. Terms -6 monthi ,credit on bank approved . joint notes bearing 5 per cent, interest. ELMER JOHNSTON, Proprietor, MATT.- GAYNOR, ' 11-12 Auctioneer. Ina:TO LS` ON.,. SATURDAY'S DURING,' LENT Hot Cross Buns NECUTORS' ,SALE ` OF FARM PROPERTY,. on. . ' SAT 1RDA , MARCH 31st, at 1 �p.zn.. Cote sting of lot 20, conces-sidn 7 'of All persons' desirous • of procuring trees for planting this spring: are re- qu ted-to-eontaet, the -SelioeLTeacher in your section; not later. than March 16th. • . . • By placing orders in this manner, there is; no cost to persons desiring such trees and, ,they will.be delivered to the school by County trucks. - Any person ordering 500 or more treesmay have them parcelled in an individual ' order. ' N: W. MILLER, 9-11 ' County Clerk. TENDERS k"OR THE COLLECTION of garbage and ashes in the Town of • Godericliewill be received by • the undersigned up to April 4, 1945.. • Copies of the by-law governing- the collection' may be had at the Clerk's Office, Tenders should be submitted both for ,oite year and three year eon-' tracts. Dutiea to commence June 1, 104t The Corporation will require the posting of $500.00 bond for the satisfactory fulfillment of- duties. The lowest or any tender- not neees- sarily accepted. , , S. H. BLARE, Town Clerk, .Goderich, Ont, 11-12 Weare not getting enough small donations' to the Red 'Cross. A:s we"approach the halfway mark in the campaign to raise a minimum 'of $9,000 we have nearly half that much money in, but it has eome from too. • few people-.' .., ° This raising of Red Cross . money is -EVERYBODY'S business it is a 'community effort "and'. can succeed only if everyone helps. If we. -were to et $ (100 in,one...day,from, half a dozenpeople,,we c'ou'ld boast_of excoodlug our quota, -and this is done in some communities. :But that is not our ;way. That is not what we "want. 'o°°µC•oderieh it would spell failure, • • WE WANT SOMETHING --FROM- EVERYONE, Don't imagine 'that your one and' two dollar bilis are not acceptable.' They µdefinitely, are. Only, because the need is greater 'ire would like it if, where -you • -ave .one dollar:, lag year and, -so, became ' a .mmlber of, the .Red Cross, this• year you would try` to make it -two dollars: --Or-if you -gam two , ji'ollars last •year,, make . it three this :time. Many '•people have increased their donations over last year, but we want to see *e greatest possible number comae In former :years many families gave through their'men3b.ers at Ski-' .• H -or obit *Tli "ir` `1t` °as- . lt:gl - t--ieov-e ne- handfed...subseribers--two-:-. b years ag• o acid only slightly fewer last year. low those sums mu, t tome from - the families, still at home. It's every family's job tb see • that we don't let the town down, There 'Is such a desperate need for every cent we can .get, LOST: 1fAD'Y'S YELLOW • GOLD wrist watch, on- Monday night. -finder please ....leave , with MISS MAILTORIE Y;LACiE at People's Store and' receive reward. -11 m Our own boys; in, prison .eamps "need parcels and comforts. So • 'do the British, prisoners, and. the British 'evacuees and the people of France and off, Belgium and Greece acid China and Holland. All, these •people need almost everything, down to the little things we, take for granted:, There -is no wherein.- the world where they can gh.the m except here° and in the thilted States.' • - .41 The Amerx• ''jeans know that and are raising' $200,00q,000 for them. We must do propbrtioa��•g natels well. • Canada. cannot have peace and prosperity unless Europe has it too. It's°dust a Matter of self'preserv'ation for us as well as thi, plain' decent thing to do. , We have fine weather for getting down town. There is nothing to prevent your getting to -the heads ,carters on West St. - --You "''will 'see the signs'.' Come in and: brim what you can, plus a' .little more than you think you can, • rte. WHEN OU ItEQXJIRR` COAL- ,OR tdl E . COAT • ANS XIARD'WitRF T -THE HARBOUR TELE'PX1ONE 22 D. E. CAMPBpLL, . (RS.) 11.'0. DUNLO ' : Chairmai,. f'in'ance Committee. President,