HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-03-15, Page 7Otttawa, Maar. . - 't'he annual et&te-
Aaerit of the MetropoUtatrt Life In*ur-
ante Company released today reveals
that the company's holdings of ,Cana-
dian and Tjiute Stn governmeaelt
bonds smount to $3,066,445,698 or 44
percent Oft ta talaeta. During 1944.
the Metropolitan increased its invest•
meutin •tile mitts* of these bpuntries
by ,$718,070,09$0
Inerea ed,• Wet of'. life uasnce.
amongthe ► of Cads and e
United 'Staters were forted,. The
u!nount of -for life insurance is .
.sued hy the tropolit ,; m 1944 was
$2,004,042, •whleh brought the total
in forme in this eomp6fy over the
° b%hioa-do11i MSrl , •
Indieations of -One Way in . whish.
inhetion *being' foUghtfare found in
these "ncrc:d aialeaa and bond ,hold-
ings. What every campaign to tell war
bonds surpassed thelugh objectives by
substantial with notable in-
crease in purchan by individuals,-
while life -insurance companies con-
tinue towrite insurance in amounts
well above' tho pr-war—level, is evi-
dence of the determinartldii of the people'
to Zook to their own best financial
interests and thoseof the nation.
Oathebenefits side;the Metropolitan
paid. over a.ha1f billion'dollars to policy-,
holders during the year, at an average
rate of $4,900.95. a minute or. each.*
business day. The company's assets,
which are held for the benefit of
policy'holders,tincreasedby$53 47,020
to staled at 6,95,450,571
err. and )fra.l,'eter Kraft, DoshWOott
observed ved their sixty-sixth wedding au'
niversar7 •ole'Sunday,
Fire early Saturday morning at the
home ,. of Reuben Grigg,. Chalon, did
dam* estimated at $300
•' Wingham branch of . the Can-
adian .Legion• has purchased a' how
and wilt „Make Interior alteration* to
Adapt it'r Tor use as%�Legiga, quarter.
Clinton a raised' its, aluocatfon of ,5
for the Red Cross,. with $1,000' over, to
a three-day canvass, and it is ex-
xpeetedf' tile !dual total ° will be r,,near
$5,000, ., •
,Damage estimated et V,000 wag
caused by Are at an early. ,:hour on
atu�rday,• , in the , .1AFper* poolroom at
"Ingham. The 'fire was attributed to
a :defective-. chimney.
James A. Ilaugh, who carried on
a shoe repair stiop in the same stand
WAinghata for over• fifty years, hag
given up the business.: There" is no
one rin business ,now in Wingham who
Was. in business when Mr. Haugh
opened his shpr
Mrs', AubreyToll, East Wawanosb,
was •,,painfully injured, on ' Saturday
when driving 'into Blyth.. to take the
„bus en route ~to visit her parents; Mr.
and Mrs, MeCrostie, at St. Helens.
The horse which,Mr. Toll.. was driving
took fright on Meeting u truck and
upset .the , putter, Mrs. Toll ,.being
thrown out and breaking her kneecap.
She was removed to.Wingham hospitaal.
The death of . Benson Cruikshank,
'which occurred suddenly on March 3rd,
r ►moved' a "highly' esteemed esident
of Turnberry township. Mr. Craik -
Shank was in his sixty-second year and
was born on the farm on which he.
died. Ile was the, township "treasurer
of Turcberry for ; ,twenty-four ` years.
Survivimr °are his wife," a .',son. William
Viol* 'ca
� ,ofWi t,
.At United ,eitarett
Z»trim, ',on Search art, ii aN ' Oe Z.
Oldest daughter . 4f Mrs. ae d : Mrs,
Sequel Oesch, Varna, ws.i nated
marriage .to Robert' H� 13.11,'
Son of Mr° t a Afro.. Wihlt ROM'
$lytb. Thereal. y. was.parfOrMed
by Rev. £ Siuelair,
Onto* flani
•arThe • Victory
Miniaateartal -dation ;
luta made. ,Pliftarlor the ring .cf :
town, school and ,church the'
holding of servleea of thankii
the l'reasbytertan �and W, y-W�;
Failed churches on the day` bat neivs
is, received of Anal Victory in Eur: . .
An Ainericaal wile has just retired
made bis • fortune by repairing silk.
stockings. :Y a started • at the bottom
of .the ladder.
Tender, Aching,
Your feet may be so swollen and in -
tamed. that.., iu think you ` ,esn,'t .,gp
another step. Your shoes.',may feel a z
if they are cutting right into the desk.'
)You feel sick fill over. With the pain ,
and torture; you'd ;give. anything t
get .rrehie ,
Two or three applications of Moone's
emerald Oil and in :n few minutes the
pain • an'd'soreness disappears.
NO matter how discouraged you have
beep, ,if you,. have' ',not - tried Emerald
Oil then .You have something to learih.: •
Get a bottle today at Campbell's Drug
Contributed by
BenSont Cruikshank,, of- Turnberry, and Store anci-all dffiggists.
BELFAST and Mrs, Spence Irwin in' honorw:.-o , niversary. About eighty neighbors and Mrs.• Lawrence Harrison, Saltford,
friends were entertailed Mr, Robert Roberton "of Palmerston
-* • Mr, BELFAST,Ma
andaMrs, Wilson Irwin, who . •
r a� .fin c jc►yablen —.Wilfred:-_Hackett__Ind ':� mmy �is s �ending a while with his niece,;
. elz • .: .•Mrs.,
Arming was spent at the home of Mr. celebrated their fiftieth wedding an_ Un -s._- ' spent Friday,. evening with Mr. and •
pence" Irwin, -
Local boys overseas will get thousands of smokes: free..'.Wtterever
they are, whatever branch of the ,Service, they are . in, they are constantly
i the minds .ofthe folks at home. Goderich is proud of them.
IMPORTANT,.. -If. your name appears in this issue go at once to The
Signal -Star, and supply the following information;
1. The rank, regimental ^inumber and name. ,
2.; •Overseas address 01-1 boy ,or girT'in' the . Services you, wish to
send cigarettes to. •
Should, any perison' care to send cigdiettes to the boys overseas, they can
eend $1,00 of more, to Mr. D. E. Campbell, and the cigarettes will`rbe sent
by the Goderich branch of the. Canadian Legion.,,
0-4"-i,• ...x:
Each week for 26 weeks; not necessarily consecutive, there will appear
aanoiig the advertisements on this page, -the names and addresses of per-
sons on The Signal-Starsubscription list in and around Goderich. • Bead
the advertisements carefully. If you .should find your same,- notify__ this
office at once, or before next publication day,. to whom you would- like'
etkarettes)sent. The',,,Sign:al-Star will then send -390 cigarettes Overseas
• with the compliments of the . advertiser, through the .Goderich branch' of
the Canadian ;Legion Tobacco fund:
Repairs to all makes of Cars.
Lubrication, •Veedol Igor Oil
` (f iirl rly ccnpied' Urn -Robins)•
Successor, to J. ,Brophey
FLOYD M. LODGE, Director
Plione.120 . " Goderieli
Furniture .Store -1.1 Wesf St.
- -- -'Ambulance • Service A.....,-, .:
Funeral Dome --13, Montreal St.
General Hardware
r ..P1unib ngy ,and- -Heating- -----
Stoves and ^Furnaces •
- Paints and Oils
Goderich -Square Phone 283
Please send 300 Cigarettes Overseas to
Regimental Number
Full Address . Details of Unit -
• n
41 41,
NOTE: Advertiser will please forward this Coupon promptly to
The Goderich Signal -Star,-""
Coal . Coke ,Wood
Phone '75 - Nelson St..
Under trying circumstances we
are trying -to do a good job. You
will find this a good firm to do
Earl' R. •Guenther- Proprietor.
Dsnl3r-service tiLand.:lrom:7_ e - .; _�
onto, Hamilton, London
4 , . intermediate points;,
Victoria St. _,Phone 850
,&utomoti've, Supplies, Motors,
'ortable Electric Acetylene Weld-
ing, _ Ma shin Shop, Work, Re-
built Starters and Generators:
•r _u.
Phone 20--608.',.
,Drink : Coca-Cola
Tweedle's Popular Drinks
• .It • is :safest .to .get the best. •_
58 Fitton St. Phone 489
Douglas ' Wnr' •
Your. friendly X.D.A. Drug Store
Prescriptions a Specialty
BOWLING" ALLEYS enings or leisure hours in pleas-
ant,, congenial surroundings,
West St.: Goderich
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables '
. in season.
Scientlfle 'Equipment 4 '�
lifiendly Service
'Phone 470 East St.,.
Vice-President•in-Char1e of Canadian
tread Office .of Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company who reporis a total
of. S156,558,102 invested an Canadian
War ;can and Victory : Bonds to date.
Mr. McDonald directed attention
to tho fact that the total amount.paid
to Canadians -since the company
entered Canada in 1872, , plus ` the
amount" now invested: in .: Canada,
exceeds the total premiums . reeeivered
from Canadians :by more than
$249,350,000. He also commented n
the fact that approximately- 2250,000
people in 'Canada° were'Metropolitan'
policyholder's or approximatelone'
out of every five -Canadians. .
The ~'new paid -for life ' insurance
issued by" '1t�Ietro litaii iii`r+Canods'"iff ": ti
194.4 was well over 173 aoailliorts 'of ..
dollars, bringing the Company's total
insurance in force in Canada at the end
of the year to $1,675,170,538. Benefits
to Canadian poi,'icyholders-paidin;1944.
amounted to $29,975,154.89, of which
65% was paid to living policyholders.
• ASHFIELD,- March '12. -Mrs. Thos.
Bogie of Lambeth spent the week -end
'with her mother, Mrs. Neil Macdonald,
Eintail. •
The Blue` Water Hustlers met at the
home of Mrs. El Howes on Wednes
day and madar
e quilt. • On Saturday,
two. of the Institute members invited
their friends to .a.. bee at the school-
house and two -Tints were--quilted.,-
Nursing • Sister Muriel'^Farrish,• of
Hamilton; spent two days' leave with
her mother, Mrs.; Kenneth' Fairish. n^
Mr: Harold • Johnson, ;who spelt two
weeks in Goderich hospital, is home'
again. • •
Mrs; Colin -MacGregor., is visiting
relatives in' Toronto.` • •
There was no service in • Ashfield
Presbyterian .church 'last Sunday, as a
new furnace is being • installed.
Try a Classified Ad, in The Signal-
" J
Star. . �,.�;._
Ise -Cough. That Sticks r•��
Thew Cough That Hants On
Thi„ is„the kind of a cough it:islxerd to get i,d of, TT
the •kind that bothers you during the-dayand keeps
you. awake at night.. •
Why not get a bottle -of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine_�
5 yru and see haw•euic it will help to relieve you
of t coughinng..condition b' W -
' It hots promptly and effectively, going to the foundation` of the trouble,
loosening the phlegm, 'soothing the irritated air • passages', and” stimulating
the bronchial organs. •
"Dr. Wood's" has been on the market for the. past 48 years. -
Price 35c a bottle; the large family size, about 3 times as much„ $ , M .
a Cdr. counters. .,.
The T. Milburn Co.. °IJmited, Toronto. Ont.
G • hocotatePoil
3 tbs. butter -Yolks-of-3 0gs -
,„, s cups of Sour ov «�„'
a . c sugar 1M
clip a of .milk.
.1 tsp. Savoring. extract I'o p of
3 tsp. Magic 'Baking
Cream, butter; add un slowly; add
add flaveggoring-
tit ogether
a been: beatenadd alter-
' with milk to firstur and amiXtOre.Bake in tWO 7",;
" • nattily a ens at 375 F. for 20-2$ minutes. greased layer- 'P .51rn• 1:
SUGARLESS 'ICING • , . •. . _ ,
FROSTING: 1 egg white; 3.5 cup
CHOCOLATE tsp, salt; 3a cup Cocoa; % tsp.
• Maple Syrup; 3•fi'
Put egg white, maple syrup and salt in top of
double holler over •boiiina; . water and beat with
rotary beater for 9 u,inutes. moVe r. in beat and Aftf�''' :»_.
fold in cocoa gradually, blending
read over IN CANADA
• and. spread e' MADE
Quickly removed in Clean Sanitar7 trucks. ' Phot collect,'
910r1•6 CLINTON' ' ; --, 215 STRATF'ORD
William. Stone Sons .Limited
That the,,Canadiap Red Cross program Calls for the
packing of 140,000 food parcels a week in Canada. '.
Up to• Dec 310° 1944, ,the Canadian Rel Cross
had sent. 13 680,000 parcels overseas..
Assocaie Store . a'
i.,(4 0. WHETSTONE, . Prep.
Tires and Batteries
Hamilton' St. Phone 69W-,
• a
florae -made Candy
Watches " - Diamonds.
Repairs ° •
Phone 130 GQderlch
Welding':and General Repairs
I'roropt Service 1
"When we're through° It looks
like new,"
Uamilion St; Phone 224
"A good place to buy."
Variety + altzill^
• For 'Y'o r Pleasure.--
S ,meet" Entertanntnent
'Phone 4',
That your, your,:pen�'aus' support of
theChan Red'' Cross Is a cogilbutIon to Cam's