HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-03-15, Page 6Re. ti REi`1iVXllaLER. ,Mar« '•13.'1`hudt ��� Cross syrup season , is. in full ., ew%ag. number haw already tapped,. Mr..and Mrs, Vred White,, of Godes • prayer. Keith "Cox was elected to act as clerk of .the congregation, an. office held. l ' his late €atherfor a number son Torrance,. Oiihton, spent Sunday tenth hid parents, ' .. Mr,. and ' Mrs. Ed. ti Miller, Clinton, "'spent a day .last week with their: daughter, Mrs, A. Lockhart. 'We are sorry to bear that Rev. 4+... S. i"alweli Is not improving in health as Nve would like. Qn Thursday, March 8f the W.A. held their first meeting at the home. of Mrs. Reed Terrance.. Ten ladies were pre- ' sent, andua quilt was partly quilted. Congregational Meeting.—The an- nual itteetmg of Grace church was held at the church on . Thursday evening, ;March 1st. Ther e were about thirty present and the evening opened with 1s4 -luck' supper. which was enjoyed by everyone..,after supper Rev. ,A . S. • ,c`glwell opened wit of years. Other officers were elected', as . follows; Session, J. R. Torrance, Leslie Cox,, Peter Young, Bar Cox, James Lockhart; stewards, Allen' Bet ties,. Wilmer j axrison,. . A, Torrance,' Argyle Lockhart; parsonage trustee' board, . Wilmer Harrison, Argyle Lock- hart; • missionary and maintenance fund treasurer and cbureh .treasurer, Ray Cox, was appointed in the place'' of John Torrance, .who had held this: office 'for the past tHfteen , years and wished to be 'relieved of the respons- ibility; Sunday school superintendent, Wi1i ler' Harrison ; assistant, Reed Tor- ranee; or-ranee; organist, Mrs. Will Coy; assist- ant, ssistant, Mrs. Argyle Lockhart; president W. A., Mrs. Reed Torrance ; caretaker, Reed Torrance. An invitationwas ex- . ,t D ed, t0 Rey. A ;S, _:Colwell to remain. for another year. This 'Seas endorsed with hearty-. applause. Mr. Colwell stated It would be a pleasure to remain Mills- his• Health would permit. 4 discus - on what to do! discus- sion—was-thou- • held to .e e th r' ea the shed, -whether' church w .. .ith. - pair it er •-sell4 Tt 'as' -it is in-' bad shape. ' 'TM Meeting - erased, with "God Save. the S tng.3' rich 'spent Sunday : with Mrand Mrs. Harold Good': Mr. and Mrs. ' 3. Feagan of 'Nile • visited ou . Sunday With Mr.. and Mrs, Mr. Win.,. Bolton lost a valuable cow last week. The Ccausq...is not known. as'the roads were in Abo bad a con- dition to get a veterinary.: ' Quite a number sur.ound here . are laid up with `Au." • A' congregational. ' meeting and St, Patrick's Day supper will be : held ' in Benmiller church on Friday, March Is. Mr. Will Feagan of Sarniaspent a few days with his Paresnts,. Mr. and Mrs. John Feagan of Nile. • Mrs. Gardner was in Goderieh for a few .days with Mrs. McClure. Mr. McClure underwent ' an. Operation in ,Goderich hospital on ;Monday. last. ills Beiuniller friends :wish him a complete : recovery, HOLMFSVILLV,, Marche 13. ---Mr.. and Mrs: McClure, Seaforth, were guests of hLr. and Mrs. Charlie Wilson on Sunday. Mrs. E. 3. TreWartha spent a few days the past week with Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Langford, 'Woodham, Mr. A. 3. McClinchey, Weston, was a week -end visitor with his -parents, Mr. and Mrs Wm.'McClinchey, Other guests, on .Sunday were Mr: anil Mrs:` Stokes and Mr. ana Mrs. Olivastri, London. t Ares. M. Stock and Miss Charlotte Stock vi sited Mr. and Mrs.. Earl Wilt l W: ilt ims. Ooderich, an Sunday, Red Cross Meiiiiiez.:The regular o .thi meetingof $olmesville hm. n . y tile- unit of the .Red Cross was held at the. .Here aro sorbs Of the Ways nl which this ° greof society is helping to keep vital sap - k plies fiowxrt#t to 'our 'Info ini tha fielt�, ° in hospitals Indio enoniy,prlson.cgnnps,' HOSPITAL VE !TOR NOME AND 'FRONT LINE MOSPITALS SUPPLIED home of Mrs. E. X. Trewartiin with r good . attendance., A quilt was cam= 'Pined,a''o e : � and blocks sewed `•for `. _-n„ t7X r _Sewing was' discrlbuted. The titin Lire ident, Mrs. Walter, stressed` the ;,great need of efforts' in ;this work. .e , part" of . 1, wass rev b rt ou Emelt ee'1 dun $ r, . y � �� . � � CRDWE,. ' Bombs= `--blast houses and ' people. leaven has Sells iess"'blaset homes and lives. . Onto after CREWE. ar,. �d'12. Mrs;• : B.::'.pre- returaed o . .'; froltt'"Tor;; h m spending ' ten . days with s' you cAN ' HELP TOO' Every,phase ofthis Res dross work ,;takes_ money. Your ' 'dollars ane •niine-are needed to keep that stream of vital supplies moving••steadily to battle areas on every front, tto. hospitals here and over seas, and to prison camps in enemy territory. Make your donation just s bid as you he... -,geed is great! Send it right away .. the need is urgent! JOIN LABATT LIMITED London Cgnada her daughter,,' Mrs. L. Tremain, and infant son. and s, Mr ,Vernon Bunter d. R o famiiy;._o�, Lueknow, visite nd at Mr, ' and Mrs,., Treleaven's. - 13 .MONTREAL $T. Ou ' ' Funeral Chapel combines the :dimity of iiplace of worship the rbflnement of a 'quiet residence. PHONE 120 FI,pYD,: M. LODGE, Director •You are .invited to . listen :.to "Music for Sunday' program over .. °,' °'W1bgham: each.:StundaY ` afternoon at 3. p.m. .o:f : Prices llihets the needs �,ld *10,es of every :famll�y'. CRANSTON FUNERAL v__.- ' :HOME 17 :Montreal: y Street Phone' 399 J. or W., Bruce Barton,•notsd author and Metropolitan' Policyholder. HIS YEAR, in making • its Annual Report to . 31,000,000' policyholders, ]Metropolitan decided to try soinegatit new. We asked '-Bruce- Barton, a 'policyholder; and a _ well known writer, if he would .write the report. He agreed. So he visited ,our Home Office, asked a host of questions, lookedinto the facts and .figures. Accord- 'ing to his report, the things he°• learned about the Company confirm what the Examiners—of the State Insurance Department found. ' Following their : most recent` official examination of the Company they had stated ”From . , this ' �!� examination, becomes evident that: the r Company is in strong financial condition, that its affairs are .ably managed, and t at the business of the Company ns 'be.ng..operated in theinterests of 'its policyholders." One out of every five persons 1n Canada and the United States is •a ,Metropolitan "policyholder. If, like Mr. Barton, you are one of this group, you'll -be more than interested in the thins he learned. Even if you're not a policyholder,' you cannot help but enjoy reading Mr. 'Barton's account of what Metro- politan did in 1944 for the benefit of -policyholders • and: public;: If you'd - like . a . copy of this, Annual Report to. Policyholders, send ' in the little ; coupon below. It's yours for the asking. • C.ii:'::: Lam'•... .zi1..a.'�i:..«:a WIIEELEWS 3.uNERAI. $.ERVVICZ No''extra cb rge for he use of ode: Funeral Horde, Toron to Street Prompt s Annbu4anee ' `Serv�iee OBLIGATIONS TO POLICYHOLDERS, BENEFICIARIES, ANDY OTHERS Policy Reserves Required by Law . ° 15,923f550,602.75 This amount, together"with future premiums and interest, is required to assure payment of.'sd1 future policy benefits. f Policy"Proceeds and Dividends Held at Interest ' '. These are fends :left with the company to be paid -in -the future. Reserved for Dividends to Policyholders Set aside for payment in 1945 to those policy- hoidefa,eligible to receive thin. 114,154,637.00 ., ll O li titin ,.. , ... < ..• `...: . ...�Dither=y',o c y- 6.ia Claims in proces,s of settlement, estimated claims' not yet reported, premiums paid in adv'itce, ete: GODEEIH MZMORIAL 'itIOWEIStV i?li si BOW OF 3l'ATAL Guaranteed workmanehip.'a't Prices 'tih'ai:wilt please; .von. fl VE At1L' AiGIDNTS ] E ' Call at our once; Phone 24l or • drop Us a. Unita Box 161, Goat - !rich. We wilt be pleased to &.I sod—help choose a . annelids mew .r%alfor your family . *lot, It.: A; . ►OTTON., ...YW.•.r . SL Andrew`e'St._. . • 'faxes Due' or Accrued Includes estimated .amount of taxes payable in 1945; on the business of 1944.. - Special Reserve for Investments .' To provide against possible loss or fuctua= . , : tion in their value.: . Miscellaneous Liabilities . . TOTAL oar LIGATIONS Stubborn. Cases ,of Coastipation Those who •oeeia a m of introit/ pent up m their bodies, day atter day, inbtead of having it retwe4 u nature intended, at least off' in every twennty-fourhours, in. variably nitre, f,icin con�pation. idea of cheap,-, heath purgatives aevor get you *ay where a,e they +` e;ra`vate the trouble and it. •0,4104,01itektieiinftg of.e, ar. v.ry.lieb10 otsUle . . 21,656,953.00. 104,368,0010.00 24,644,122.31 ' ASSETS .WHICH ASSURE FULFILLMENT OF OBLIGATIONS Government ;Securities.. '. . . $3,066,44508.96 Canadian and United.Stateti • Other Bonds'. . . ' . ,, • Provincial, State and Mufti- ' Cipal . " . '., . • • • $ 98,069,228.70 Railroad . . . . • . 588,210,136.87• Public` Utilities . a . • • '769,116,680.34 Industrial. and Miscellaneous 464,534,242.96, Stock • . All but $2,407,086:53 are Preferred or Guar- anteed... First Mortgage Loans on 'Real Estate • - Farms .. • . • , 5 87,325,964.20 . 829 93 684.48 ...r..Clthcik:Prapertr- -. �. s+ -. ���a. �. _ .. Loans. on Policies . . . • • • Made to policyholders on the security ..of their policies. Real Estate Owned ,. . ' ' Includes$49448,672.32 real eatateundercon- , , " tract of sale and $146,808,180.56 Housing Ptojects and reel estate for Company use. Cash • • . • • ' • , •Q, .. • • • Other Assets o •• . • • • • • .Premiums due and deferred, interest and rents due and accrued, etc. 1,919,930,288487' These facts wabout the Company's business in the Dominion during. 1944 will be of particular interest to Metropolitan Canadian policyholders and their beneficiaries. 104,595,021: 916,419,648.68 r • 370,567,520.95 143063,675.82 163,634,660.80 TOTAL ASSETS OmzerppLIGATIONS $6,995,450,571.'43 Thus, Assets exceedObligatton$.by $443,417,791.02. This safety fund is divided into . Special Surplus Fun ... . $15,/60,000.00 : Unassigned Fund# (Surplus) $4 ;657;79102 "these funds, representingabout 7%'of the obligations, ,serve as a cushion against possible unfavourable experience. due to war Or atter'coriitions. and give extra assurance that all policy benefits will be paid in full as they fall due: ° Total Investments in Canadian. • War and Victory Bonds at end of 1944 Y;4 .. • • •. . • $156,558,102 j Tew Life.Insuraince issu i 1�44�. $173 544'6,951 Life Insurance in Force in Canada, end•of 1944: Ordinary a . $945,539,1'87 'Industrial • • 574,636,179 Group . • 154,995,172 Total . . ..:$1,675,170,538 Payments to :.Canadian Policy.: holders and their bencfitiaries in 1944 • .• $29,975,155 NOTE. --Assets carred at�$332 059, 336.58 in the above statement are. deposited with various. public omcials under require. rnents of ia,.1t► of reg>, latory authority..Canadian business, embraced in.'this stateraierit is reported on basis of par'of exchange. HIGHLIGHTS OF 19" OPERATIONS 5 Pald-for Life Insurance Issued During 1944 .0,964,042,459 1.Ife. Insurance in'F+r►t"�,� end of •' $30,696,75o,Y2 : ... • Amount PSid to Policyholders Dnring.1 $592,034,726.22 b 'urs ng Visits made in 1944. . 227,548 . • uthe IY►e trct olltair "has id to Cant-. . ' The 'total amo nt P Pa a Bans since It entered Canada in 1$72,. plus the amount •M now invested d in Canada,,! excel ds the.fatal ,premiums received from Canadians by more than $249,350,000. M�tropolitar- Life Insu ranc r►._,.. any. (4 errUtU.AL C;,O!i(PA:.N'Y')° • HOME OFF:IcE. NEW. YORI(, G ICK Id LF.ROY A, UNCAL clack ed of #ie * ' ANADIAK HEAD .OI FIcEt OTTAWA 000110 'Car 0100014ALO, viCt,Prodd in C1' ' t p .firirnorOuTAN Lti'u Izs5us gilds Co. Canadian, Head Office, Ottawa. Gentlemen: ;tie...•clic. hold �'SometIung 'Please send ,znc a copy of your Annual deport to P' cy � .. � Ne*;•in Annual'RepOrts." • •v. • k NAME .{ • 1 erne, 1i.'NiRNY1Y1,..1.,.• •...... N..i I.. Y.NIN.N 4011..0 /110 kW, Y.Y..i•1'.!l.li1./11.1... N,YYYi..... i.. li.i. oCY'tlf milli .. wy ...... Y,i....... N.1.{Y.....N.N.,1.11.ItiY..{I.Y..,.YI.•YN. vt.1.iYY,.1,.YY/..i..V1.1..PI....to* ......Wi.,..11