HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-03-15, Page 14111.0
Gorol1cK.ONT4I0, pumspAy,,10'.,Rell 15thi 1945
Appuss,Es IiIONS -CLUB
'r•abli.o 'Meeting to Be Celled. to
- Deal with Oonununity
Oentre Prvjeet
The co's:annuity Ceetre preiect- was.
- brought befote the Towe Council at
. its meetieg ox Friday night-1aq
a deputation composeCot R. C. klaye,
M. Menzies and IL K. Hoek*.
n. Mr. Hays,' Acting as SpokesMan,
eutionea other StiggestiOus that bad.
boa Pat forwatd ter coxisiaeration
meesorial.park. a netv school babsis
, Drs Gallo*, when asked by The
Signal -Star regarding ' the statement
made in a letter te the Town Connell
• ._
net be' had given 'settee to the Empire
Service Club' to :vacate MacKay nail,'
stated that two months ago there
was a meeting of the Mackay Halt
trustee:s withrepresentatives of the
'Empire Setvice Club, Mr.:, H. J. A.
MacEwan -presiding and Dr. Gallow
acting as secretary , for the trustee
lkeird.' ArtliTS .nifefitir 1r was -s
distinetlY by the president' of the Ser-
vice Club that.. they were 'closing up •
at the end of February, It Was ob-
rved,affer tb.e,1,St of March that the
ub was still carrying on, but -no
notice to vacate , was given by Dr.
prelim or anybody else eeting for the
'trustees: Notice, however, was re-
ceived . from the secretary of the
Minute Service . MO that the Club
Was giving up,thediall on Apra 3rd. 4
Dr. Gallow further states that 'the
Lions . Club, uhderstanding that the
'hall would be vacated, had asked per-
neissieiu-staesifisAteferethesat tils-beesPBt„
ing, a 'mausoleum, !the-
- bpinien of the eantraittee what was
'wanted was .a reereational centre as
proposed at the meeting held dome
weeks ago. He believed the War"
Assets ,Corporatton would be willing
to givecertain bunclings. to the. town
, „after the wncluSion of the War, Ands
be suggested that .seinething in, the
nature of a "foundation sfuud" might,
be establishea ..to receive' 'bequests
which might be made.. The .11Yintediate
object of the deputation, however, WAS
,. 01 ask that a public eseetin'g.be eelled
and that soraeOne of. experience * the
_mired to address dna meeting and tell
what has been done elsewhere. At
this :meeting' a committee could be
• appointed h authority to receive
any gifts of aterial or equipment and
to be recognized as acting in behalf
of the town. • '
, A Motion'was adopted emPowering
Mayor to call a public meeting -for
• this purpose. No date was like&
All members of the Council were
In their seats, *chiding, Councillor
Seabreok, and, not a Word was said
during the 'fleeting with regard to the
• . disputed committee. cheirmanship.
The tax collector reported February
collections Of --$5,031.96. ' '
• Chief_ of Police RosS reported on
checking of weights of coal in Febru-
" Town. , Company
Seale ' Weight
Detus Coal Co. ,...4580 lb. 45901b.
_ - C. C. Lee 49,1Q lb. , '40201b-
Sailits Coal Co. 2110 lb. 2120 lb.
Mr. and. tare. Robert Doak, South
street, received word , on Monday that
their see, $guirt. Arthur Doak, with
the 2nd, Canadian., DIVIsion, had been'
wounded in action on. March Oth, in
Germany; iind was le hospital. Arthur
enlisted With the army at London three
years ago, a year later going ,overseas.
•*a...*°1-1,-lcuo'In. '40,9key and base-
ball circles; having ` played ;on . many
Goderich. teams. •
Yesterday Mr, and Mrs,. Doak re-
ceived a sferther message infording
them that their son, had lost his right
foot. This information west contained
in a sympathetic, air -letter fronl the
commanding Officer stating that while
laying cables Arthur had stepped on
a German mine, resulting in tb,e loss
ot the foot; The officer informed them
thet Spin' Doak had been With him for
two -years and highly praised the
young soldier, who he said wee a
general favorite.
...--seessesses...,-,-. • , ere
Mrs. q. E Weston has received word,
that her husband, LAC, G. E. Weston,
has arieeed safely in. India.
There was a large attelidaSiee at ,the
Lions .Club clinner-meeting ,held at
Hotel' Bedford last :Friday night, with
!Ptesident W. J. Hedge' 'presiding.
Ameeg tbe vieltors. were WV,. L. •11'.
Turner; of, Victoria Street' „Milted.
aurae; WO. Kenneth Cute with his
fathers J. Calvin .Putt, and WO" Keith
Saunders, both recently returned from
overseas; and P/O. Wiliam Saunders,
the two latter soee of Lion C. K,
Rev. R. II. WillianiSsetsthe Seaferth„
_Presbyterian . was the
guest speaker and gave an interesting
and informative' addres4. ori 'his ex-
periences as 'a - cheplain representing
the various Protestant, denouiluatione
in the Northwest Territories derieg
the eansti:ai-ctien of the'rteirir,i'llighivety,
-He was, introduced by Rev. Itichatd.
Stewart, of Knox Presbyterian church,
who is a close friend.
A report of the war services Com-
mittee was given by. Lion Clayton
Edward. Tickets were distrib.uted to
various members to be - Sold for the
.play "Deacon Dobbs," •to he presented
MacKay Hall, this .raenthhi aid
of the British :Child War Victims'
on this month, and hrlDr. filloW)11-
formed them that they wquld have to
make arrangements •with -the Empire
• Seabrook Coal Co. ....2080eb. 2000 lb.
•Mustard Coal Ce. -„.4277011s.' 2750 lb.
••Texpay,ers of Wolfe Street Petitionee
or the resurfaeing of the road from
s Victoria street to Cambria .road. Re-
ferred to public works committee.,
An application by Charles Edward
for a . permit for the reShingling of
his house on Lighthouse street • was
sent -to the cfiresconimittee. ' .
A plan for the beating of the arm:
ories on Newgate street, made by Gen-
.,1"eral 'Steel Wares,: was sieceteed from
:sthe Londen office _of the ,Departteent
- of Natienal D.efence and was sent on
buildiniFiiiidtlo the termination of
the war and,__ tinder these k conditions,
and al. -Whys' supposing. the buildings
are not .requifell,;-fo"e'veltrspurposes, it
would obviously not be in the interests
of the town to: Withhold sale. Might
I suggest' that, if your office knows of
any industry that might be interested
in the buildings, such industry be in-
strnbted to get in 'Pilch with me
mediately," so. that the necessary la-
Nestigations., and negotiatione. may be
made and carried On." • •
This Matter was referred., to the
public wokke Committee." -
'A damage ,elaira was received from
11. -E. Sanderson, whose daughter Beryl
fell oil the icy -sidewalk at the junction
of, Kingstonstreet and Elgin ..avenue
on February 20th, breaking her leg.
Thi'Clerk stated that the matter was
in the hinds of 'the insurance' people.
• Collegiate "Distant° Estbnates
The secretary of the Collegiate instis
tute Board submitted estimates of -,the
Board's receipts and expenditures, for
1945. , '
Expenditures (summarized)
estimated as follows:
Cost of instruction, regular
and supply $ 24,454.00
InstrUctional equipment 1,265.60-
Cost .of operation (fuel, ..
janitor, etc.) . • 3,592.00
Cost of . Maintenance (re-
pairs, 'painting, ete.) '
Cost of administration
Auxiliary agencies.' (gym:.
nasium equipment, Cadet
- 'uniforms, etc.) '
'Debenture -payments
tos.the„ industrial .comniittee.
A totter from the Hand 'Fireworks
Co. at Toronto, iuggesting that the
Connell put in an order tor ifireieorks
in readiness for a 'victory celebration,
• was referred to the special committee.
Oliver Cook submitted an 'Otter- of
•..$10for lots 67 to 83 in 'Airs Survey.
Referred to public works committee.
What to Do with MaeUay Hall
A letter_ from Pthe seeretary. of •the
Empire Seryice Club was ,to the effect
that the -Club _ had ,been notified' by
• Dr. °allow to vacate the Club Yooms-•
--at MacKay Hall and that tontreet
wite. the • MacKay Hall Beard would
ternanate on April 3rd, 1045: • .
In a peqvious letter, dated,--Febteary
.28th, the •seereffity* wrote: .
-"The officers.; and members a the
Empire Serviee Club feet that their
duties -in this--connectiores are prac-
tically at an .ends as Port Albert and.
'Sky Harbor airports are„elping in the
.very near future. According to our
• contract with 'MacKay Hall Beard the
hall must be returned- ad iit was re -r
• , ceived, which mearei without, the
. kitchen and with the- !Seats screveed
down. • It is our understanding that
the Town is interested in thefutute of
MacKay Halt It is our reeonireeride
. etion that the building would be much
more Useful as a coMmunity Centre in
its present condition With the kitchen
entr-With inovable'chairs. Under
• tliese''elfem.-ereteesiniglitehesevill• ,
ing to Make g contresutien toward
necessary .repaiti to, the. :blinding.
"During. these fonr, yen of, service
we have :appreciated_ Year .generosity
and, co-operation and wonld now be
grateful for your farther assittanee
„ in helping ,us to* settle this. matter.
(Air' Service C1ub organization meets
oe March 16th; at whieh time we feel
that a definite. decision mint be.
reached?' •
Councillor Huckins thought the
'settee sto vacate was .4 poor way- to
Ahow appreelatioe of the; splendid work
done by the ladies of the Empire Ser-
vice. Club, at the saerifiee of their time
and ins seine Cases :,,ofsbeeene lIfe. He
'wondered \Ode -Dr. eciallow got' hie
authority to serve such riotiee, ane he,
sliggedted that a letter be sent to the
:ladies to show, the Coencirs appreel:•
settee of their work. '
• The metter; was diseeseed later 111
.the 'fleeting after- itletter from Town
Solicitor Dencey had been read, 'and 'a
model). :was adopted :asking ,,,the sale-
itor to 'have the title to the Maeltity
1-lail property' cleared -up.
Itiention was made..of the trust fund
establiShed by the lite Robert Maeltay.
and itsveS suggested that the trustees
should be, approached With a view. to
securing their acquieseence in what-
ever"ntight be done.* '
Rialdings at Sky Harbor
A letter from the, eltairinan of the
Crown) Assets Allocatien Committee
at Ottawa, referring to a motion paesed
by the Connell at a previous meeting
that the Crown ASeets,SConneittee be
asked not to' disPose of `the building's'
at Sky klarbor airportunlit alter the'
• :Nat, was as fellows: '
"I alit afraid it Will not be Pessible
to agree to the motion pasKed by your
Municipal Connell inasuroth as agree-
. Mott •would" preelude the sale of afty
beildinge at N'o.`12 Godericli,
until, -after the Wars It Is -possible
that new 1ndti8tries will request thee
Posthumous Awara
In Recognition of the eacrinee of
His Own:, 41,,,„ •
Saying Others. •
4nncuAe'ement is Made of, the post-
huraoue -award to Signalinan Worthy
Reginald Ryan, son. of Mr, -and Mrs.,
'George ce Ryan, Goderiela, of the
breeze medal of the Royal .Canadian
Humane Association, for a reSeue
August 14(4 at Newfoundlandin which
be himself •Periebed.
It was 'on August „,20th, 1944,' ,at
FreshWater Bay, near -Stv ..„-Johns,
Nfld., that Sgmn. Ryan saved /IisS
Muriel Purchase and her, fourteen -
year -old bialir Mos thowni'i. Mi
• .
Cerp." Thenlessue R-0•Are
arrived' home from overseas on ,Satur-
,day night and is spending a thirty -day
leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Nell Thompson, Quebec 'street: He
has been in the service ever -four
years. . After receiving his initial
training- at' Galt; end his basic training
at Toronto and • Aylmer, he was 'sent
overseas. ie., Oelober, • 1941, and to
Fran& shoitly after D -Day, -and. bas
been in Holland and Belgiuii,
.4'53111" belougs to a ‘fighting' femily.,
`Ashrother, Pte. Donaitl," of the Essex
Scottish Regiment,'has been a prisoner
of war since' the • Dieppe raids' An
Other brothersSgmn. Neil Tbompson,.is
with, the Royal -Edmonton .Regiment in
Italy, A sister, Corp. Jean' Thonipson,
R.C.A.F., Women% Division, is in
charge .of tandicrafts at the Aylmer
airpert. She •was here last, weekend
• to Welcome her brother 'home. Another
sister, Miss Malsie Thompsoh,
Mittee Gador, whe reSided With his
wife en Elden etreet; left WS bome ea
Friday last'. March Oth, 0.nd nothing
has, been seen Or heard of himsince.
Relatives at vtiriees pieces:We been
notifiW of the disappearence, with no
reeuits sb Lar. Gaslor, who is a man
°AttY-tWO..iparS, haS, been absent
froutebome cat various oecaelont for
several days at a time, *30 there was no
mans for A few days, but on Sunday
the police were notified, tip to this
time, however, no clue to the mystery
bas been found. Gador is well, known
in the Windsor -Detroit. district, and
it is possible he has gone -there,
Receipts ;-
Provincial grants
Fees ,
Huron County
, ......,...,......... ,..,
-Central Hoine and, Scheol Associa-
tion met at Central School On Tuesday,
March 13, at 8 •o'clock: There was a
discussion on the problem of; co-ordin-
ating the various groups, interested in
child welfare, and Mrs. Homan was
eaesed to head' , a committee to , study
the problem. Mrs. •MeDougell spoke
briefly op.,the ,ittusie ' eetival whieh
is to be held in Ma , Atter which
Raymond Oat • render a telentlid
cornet solo,in„- "I'll Take You Home
Aga3 Kat leen." • Delegates ap-
pointed to a tend the -coxivep den . in
:April wee Mrs. .Wilmot, auds Mrs.
kemp. AliSses Margaret and , Barbara'
Henrygave , a . pleaSing . piano duets
'‘Air. Ming " by Wm. Bellies. ' The
, .
war sereiges committee .reported six
layettes and twentyktive erticles of
clothing 'shipped, and there were *on:
•display three. . hand-knit childeeies
sweaters, the gift of : Mrs, W. C.
Pridhant. - - . -„
The speaker of the evening Was Miss
Ann 'Wurtele, Wiese •subject was
"Photography Is Fun, or, Don't Let
Your's Hobby Ride Neu." This was a
non;technical address containing ' noth-
ing of solution's, lighting, or time e2t-
posures ; d,ealieg .rather -with the choos-
ing of 'subjects, the elements of. good
composition, antl.the peaks and valleys
of. achievement ' or . fallute: ' Aliss-
Wurtele related •several altiesing - in-
cidents„ and illustrated 'hergalk with
a _Imbiber of 'beautiful examples of
the photgraphei's art. • , ' k....,
At the close of the meeting a soeiel
-half-bour was enjoyed.. Oyer the tea-
cups. ' • . . •
, ..
‘, 'Monday, IVIetch 1.2tles was ' the
ninetieth birthday anniversary of Wil -
ham A. Johnston, of the .Blue, Water The men - of Knox Presbyterian
Highway, ASlifield, -north' of Kintailchurch have organized a club which is
Mr. ,Jolinston is one of twins, both to meet in the lecture hall of the.
still living, his brother; John, being a church twice a month. • The: first
resident' , Cif ' Bellingliam, . State of regular •meeting was held on Friday
Washington. Both are in_ the enjoy- night last, with a • large attendance,
,ment of good health. They were horn
in, AeliT41d. and llintgliiiiiiii7So n epresoffice.ss wetesseieeted, as '•••Pliews;
.Honorary president, • Rev. Itichiii'd
has_ liyed, there alt. his lite.- -Stewart-;_. president,.A.,T,s,Kaitting;
••The birthday was ' celebrated oh- vice-president, Herold Rivers; secree
Sonday by a,sfa_s. mily gathering . - at tile tary Earl Elliott ;°- treasurer, I. B.
of, r. and. Mrs johflston' ' Milne ; chairmen -' of 1cofemittees--
-spir UttarGeorge We
; ..sSliaefer s cultural+
Aslidelds :lefts; johnston -has. reached
the age' of 'eighty-seven- and she too ,
,,. 3. macEwani ...sonu„ s- _,
Harty Me
1S in excellent health.. The surviving V.
Creath ; recreation, Albert .Taylers
members of their family are 'Mrs. Neil-. Arnold McConnell is pianist gess W.
fred Parrish and Mrs. Russell Bissett, A. AlacLaren, publicity secretary.
of Ashfiela • William, me the 'home - alr. J N. -Kerniglian addreiSed. the
Club OP' "The Need of Orgaisization,”
and gave .many'• practical kuggestions.
. The Club 'proposes to meet regularly
on the seeond and -last: itieday of each
montle-and an men Of the congregation
are invited to attend. •• '
VI •
Pilot Officer William Saundere; R.C.
A.F., left on Saturday for , MOncton,
N.B., after spending ten trays with
his ,parents, Mr_ and Mrs: Cs.
Saunders, • _
• „
e communion, table- of Victoria
etreets liniteriatireis "Was- tions-s---extd- -the eoiiiutiuee
auxietia to see as Many people aS. pos-
sible come in with their gifts of two
and three and four dollars.
•It is pointed out that it Is a cons -
mutiny effort and that all are, expeeted
to give something. Only in such *
;way can the campaign be made 'the
'silesseess it Pleatila he. If is emphasized.
that small &Outlets are es Weleenie .
as are the larger: " ' s .
Two small lads, BlabBillY Bells
sons of Mr. and Mr'. "Peg" 1301,
toria street, appreciate their respons-
ibilities as young eitizees. Saving up
theirs-Rupiaersesand-snIcitelte, Mitilsktines '
and. denying" theniselves eekb iuxiitles-
as Only the young can appreciate, they„,
brought in.-.41fty cents each. Tiley get' '
the Warmest kind of ' weleonte
officials expressed' the hope .that -older
peoPle would benefit by -theirs unselfish'
example. • -
The ladies of ,the Red. Cross have
decorated seVeral windows in town,
and in Stewart'se•Schaefele,esailabert's, '
Aelieeon's and Armstrong's: maybe.
m. s
seesamples- of. the work the local::
-work committees are doing. , The
'photograPhs of the blood. clinic 'in '
action,' on display in' the Armstrong
windOw, areestlie-swork---:of Miss Anne
More. Small Donors
Wanted by Red Cretss 4
0 ,Ll'isft tehat- igverrozte
. Make Some Oontribution,
. Illoweirer *SOO,
'10(1:Cremss reeeipts up to Y!ednefillaY
Tvio.Y'ears ago MOM than OW PcoPlo
night.aoulited near0,' 44000,
out counting litany 'of the permanent
pledges,.So. that Ited Cross officials in
charge of the campaign are satisfied °So
far as the =Mit is concerned. Thy
report; however, . that the number at
subscribers lower. than, ,hey woubi
gave something,. ,Last year almost tie
many caine in, 'This . year, .B0 far,
there are tdo-feve Of tile- teraiiller dona-
„ .s. ,
_ •
graced ron 'Sunday with a floral re-
membrance, the gifir of the family a
the. late Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Smith
of Goderich. Present in personwere
,Mr. and Mrs. :Vernon ,Smith and son,
Six beautiful hYmnaries Were • re-
the Minister
of the church, - Rev. Lawrence II.
by Mr.
and Mrs. -Robert Good 'memory_ of
the 'latter's- father,' the late sEdward
Good, who entered into,his rest sixteen
years -ago. Pss ” • •
gs,upst; torssrriutvitrs,
A Two bemired children of the Sunday
school of North street United chutch,
with the mothers of those in the Prim-
• ary department, were 'entertained DY
the executive at -0.--thountiful slipper
,in the eburchhall last Friday even-
ing:: This event was provided instead
of the simmer picnic. -After supper,
with, the superintendent, S. Turner,
in charge, a series a moving pie -
tures of Ottawa, Holland and other
places -was shown,eliding, much to
the delight of -the .little. °Iles, with,
"The Seven Dwarfs."
• Mrs. Ambrose Nigh has received
word,that her huShand, Lance Corporal
Nigh, was Wounded while 'fighting in
Germany.•• ,
Pte. Don MacKay, RIC.E.M.E„ has
arrived from Vancouver, where he was
stationed fol over a year, and after a
t.wjtvh9s,t.his. family will go on ,to
$ 39,042.02 A letter was received this week by
' Mr.and Mrs. J. Vincent of town from
$. 21,320,70 ,their son, Sgt - Clare Vincent, smile-
* MO where in England, in which he states
11 025.47 that he had'spent a week -end in Eng -
Public Seha-ol —
Separate School •
Afittellaildondl- balance on
Purchase had 'gone to the rescue of
her brother efter the boy had got
into deep water.. The boy tooka:
stranglehold on her and was pulling
'her under. Sgmn. Rile, though not
a swimmer, freed the girl ,end suc-
ceeded in saving both. her. and: lier
brother, bbt he was then carried,„intO
deep 'Wafer and was drowned. •_"
Worthy, who se'as twentysfive years
of. Age, enlisted on September 3rd, 1943,
with the Canadian army at London.
He trained at Bairiefield as a radio.
operator, and after pain g his exam-
inations successfully 'was sent to New-
foundland as h signaller. , • ,
.was •educated"= in the Gederieli
schools ane on leavieg .-the -Collegiate
Institute entered. the Ryan produce
business asa partner With his 'father.
Besides his ptitteliee he left two sisters,
Mrs., At Culbert (Lillian), and Miss
Georgina, ' and a • younger brother,
Eugene, all a God,erich.
autswitlrestesforthers.Westfield chums
of his, 'Corp. Loree Snell, and 'Wife. -
Corp. -Snell was. on' a' nine7,day furlotigh.
to. England from Holland td visit his'
wife prior to ,her einbarking for Can-
'ada, where she ,will reeke her home
With. Corp Snell's mother-, 'Mrs. Robt.
Snell, Church street,. Goeerich, ' Sgt.
Vincent also met another of Ills frietidS,
Pte. Hugh McCrostie, who was watch-
man at.the elevator in 'Goderie-h
to his milistment Pte. MeCrostie had
juet. recently arrived in ,England. ,
• • 2,700:69
• $ 39,042;62
It was pointed Out that the antount
required from the -Oilmen ($2,709.69)
was greatly -reduced froin last year
owing to the increased grant from the
Department • of Education, ,combined
with the feet that the County, paying
on last year's cost, doe's not get the
beii61it of. the increased grants until
1040. Next sTpay the share a the
cosi borne )53). the County Would be
small and the cost to the Town again
increased. • •
.• 'A &roller letter from the Depart-
ment Of Planning and Developinent•at
Toronto, asking toi!infornsation with
regard to industrial opportunities in
development of the town's.. business or
industrial, assets, was referred to the
inclusttiai committee. It was 'Stated
that the Lions „Citib had completed a
survey of the nature indicated. ; •
Conn. Pluelthis, gave • notice. of . an
amendment •teStne market lbylaw mak-
ing specifte esention of coal.
,Committee Reports •
The 'duelled committee recommefulde
that the ,membershiP fee ef $5 be paid
to the. Association. of Ontario, Mayors
seid Reeves; that the , Dominion, Road
Machinery .Company be asked to 'ptiy
.their note to the Town which was
due January 4th last ;',,r that the Gode-
rich Organ Co. be asked for a further
payment on their beets loan at this
,time. Relief tteeoteate S. for Rehruary
amounted to $170.26. s
TJ)especiel committee recommended
that!the Metter of engaging temperery„
pollee be left with the chairman' of
the goesmittee with;power toaet.
The cemetery and parks committee
recommended thatthe mufticipality ad-
vertise for hard ,maple trees suitable
for planting on the streets. ' .
The,,.; fire committee reeommended
that the ryi-ryter' Co. of Canada be
asked' to arrange for ft demoristration
of their fognozi equipment if possible.
- "These reports were all adopte;
Ist, wits decided to hold the regular
meeting of Connell on Friday of this
week and. a Medal Meeting on Thurs.
day,. the 20th, to adiscuss procedure
necessary .to coinplete the roadway to
the north side of the harbor.'
A motion was presented and adopted
'that certain vacant lots belonging to
the TOwn be offered free to war
veterans desiring to build .a 'house.
IlylaW No: 5, to establish 4 nitiftic-
ipal garbage eolleetion system, was
given three readings and passed, and
It wtis deeided to call for tenders for
collodion, to h'egin June 1st. "
This concluded the business Of the
Most inteSe
Ex -May -or -,11!. Js MacE*ar,ie •Who' merited- ois:". Their, Innie a:
Wurtele- and are -being favorably ..•
A 41--Ic oun.Pndtfih'tei oak .s7w°i.e.s 11 losk neal rild°
withs-a serious ! igneps,f4.Ar. Wing exhibit, • - e . ..
to be. Critical. Wedneeday next, and It is .hoped that
has 'been in Alexandra .Hospital
factory progress' r• -towards recovery. today
ported to the making satis-
.w.thee e.hitiszpeinta, iliI, aril.. d 1111,3
rre.(1. in. tip tb that time, : The list will Prob-..
iti:nainneesx:tefw' seneIlb'ssCrAPresr wtli°0. PhUal)viieslicolre . %.
n is the intention- Of 'the ,committee
two `weeks
ably cover the names of 11010.r$ AD to '.
' - , •there will be a large increase in their
s........,...e.--leeeeess.......S-.---. notabeis by then: . s, ,s.
'The, headquarters on West street IS -
REV CROSS NOTES open -every afternoon 'froin 2 pis- until
---- ' e 6, pans *aud' fee deligetful .Sprieg,
. .- . Weather has_been an eisceuragernent
The Reid Cross roeme, have hummeds°4a,rFs'. .H. c . .s.Sees'ep, . the ps• gees -ens,- '
with- industry.,since the beginningCampbell, in ,.cliarg0 of the.
'of '
t -ear. ,,---euelli, tit" -610* affietee -wes.
started in January and. -finished in
record time, resulting in the following
shipment going , forward ,to head-
quarters this • week: 8 quilts, 350
diapers, 25 boys' shirts, g5 bey,S'
jackets, 120 girls' •bloomerS; 30 pairs
• 1 '
boys' socks. 5 boys' sweaters, 20 g r1S
sweaters,' 5 pairs khaki. ' gloves, SO
khaki sweaters, . 15 girls' . coats, 2
babies' shaivls. . •
. •
• Spun. George L. Wilk*, svhosservee.
aboard II:M:0,S. St. Therese, arrived
home on Sunday to speM1 asfew hours
.,with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Archie
Nelson street, - and left on
Monday- mornipeto regain. Ids ship.
George reports having recently spent
a verseenHOYable leave in "Old London"
with Harold Prouse, "another„ or the
,Godetich, boys.: 2'
In a letter receited frein F/Sgt.
Elliot Rivett by his, parents, -Mr: and
Mrd. Jack Rivett,- Dunagnnonr he stated
that he hat- arri,vedt.safely in India.
Rivett • is a vvirelese operator -
on a transport plane. •P
Benson Sttatighan, of the Army in-
teiligeisce Corps, Ottawa, spent .a
ninety -eight-hour leave with his 'wife
and family at their Melee on East
street.* Ile wasformerly at-' Sky
Harbor airport anti was for sik months
atslierriefield „before going to Ottawa,
farm; Noble, of Ltieknow; Mrs. ,Ewart
McKeith, of Vancouver, 13.0., and „Mrs.
David Farrish of Seimins Sa'sk. There
sarenumerous grandchildren and great-
Mr. „and Mrs. Johnston are looking
forward to their diamond wedding an-
niireikeerse ins August next, and -a host
of relatives and friends hope they will
be 'spared to celebrate • le and
'other .anniversaries in 'comfort and
A. ouiet Wedding took place oil Set--
urday, Merely 10th, et • 4 at the.
parsonage ; of the . Godelich Baptist
'ehureb, when. NIBS AIM Lou Suthete
land,sdaughter of 'Rev. and Mrs; J. -M.
tletherland, of Shaunavole ,Sitsk., and
John Grant Curry, 'of , London, Ont.,"
were united inanarriage by Rev. Iose,pli
..Talies, miilister of the GoderiCh Baptist
church. Mrs. J. render acted as
matron of honor end. 'the groom was
supported by Mr. J. J. render. After
their honeymoon Mr. and Mrs Curry
will -reside at'London, Ont.
The' season Was opene(1 itt, the' 'Mait-
land golf course, on Menday afterne011.
Wien V, R. Darrow ftua Carl (Schireiker
made the roululs arid founil the eourse
br remarkably ,good eomlition for this
time of year. Whether 'it Is a record
or not, Mardi 1.2th is timisually early
for golf hi these Pelle.
Ants. M. J. BEACOM
Mr2."William J. Blair, Cambria reads
bee been bereaved by the death of
his sister, Mrs. Margaret Jane'Beacone.
which occurredat her' home at 13164-
vihle1V1,1&, on rebratiry 23rd, after
an illnesS of four' weeks., MrS. „Beacom
was born In Gedetieh township eightyslit Years ago and went to the United
States when gene young, and was
married in 1882 to Mr. 13eacom, .who
died in -1928. She was a member of
the AtethodiSt Church. Surviving are
three, Sons and three daughters, a
broteer, Mr: W J Blair's, and.,. two
sisters, Mrs. John, Hillock and Miss
Einem i3hu10f Pickford, Mich. Nine-
teen grandelitidr n eighteen, great-
grandchildren' also survive. The
funeraltook p ce at Blairville on
February 20th.
new quota of 920 articles consist -
in of ,children's underwear and .190
luiited articles has beep received. As
th se are urgentiy needed an Mist be
ghlppecl by May 1st, every 'worker is
asked "to rally to. tbe colors" in an
effort to fulfil
canipaign,. are thoping fon ,a -peat in-
rease in the tnumber of. small subS'
scribers, pointing out that these are
necessary in order to -make Ithifs-a real.
community 'effort. •'
• The'Red Whigs einelied the 'champ-
-ienship of the Pub1ic-Se-116o3 League "
NIthen they handed the Bruins a 7-4
lacing in the deal 'virile a thesSeason.
The Red Wings- Went through the
entire season with only one defeat
The team was capteined by Don ¥a-
Evean and was maae up of Ted
ford , Jim Fellows, Wendell - Pitblado,
Bruce Ittitherferd, Coat 0 Spain, draies„. ,
reosteto,' George Thompson, -Charles
'Patterson and Jerry Johnson,
Challenge. Game at WinghaM
On Friday night an an. -star team '
from the Public • School,- League
"jeurneyecIS• to ,Wi.ngliam to accept a
challenge., The Winghana 1X4s were
no Match for the bigger , -faster skating
Goderich boys awl at the endofthree
afteen-minnte Periods; tbe 'sore steed-
at .14:0 for _Godertch. , Priee'.wasi -tals
man with four"goals,-Nerlato•and Ful
fore • got two apiece, and illeacont, •
Stoddart, . Doak, Monk, McPhail; and '
Hamilton contributed one Okla, 13,0) .
Culp in the Goderieh, net,had, only two
shots to handle throughotit the gaine.
The Goderieh lineup 'Was: Goal, B.
Culp • defence, R. Steddirts-les-Deaks_
centre, B. Belle= ; 'wing, J. Priee,
G. .14ami1ton.; alfernates,M Holland;
D. Holmes, E. • Holines;',T. rallord,D.
MacEwan, E. Monis,', sAieriana, °D.
, The sum of, $28.80 was realized. 111
diavil for a, -down comforter, inde
and donated' by :Mrs...Adam Foster,
and, a lace luncheon setsstIte gift of
Mrs. Peter I.Gsraf. The .former was.
W011 by Mrs. E. T. -Pridliam, and- the
latter by Miss Ethel Elder. •.
• , Hospital, supplies-heve been . returned
to the -local roonis, from the R.A.F.
station at Port Albert, and are being
sent 'forward' to headquarters. •
Mrs. Harry Robertson Of Stratford
spent. the , week -end at the home of
Mrs, John' Robertsen, Quebec street.
the,, guest of 'Miss Edith Barker the
past week and on :her returnto 'De-
troit Svas accompanied by Miss Berker,
:wbo ,is making it visit there', .
Miss "I. Flaknhison, •It.N., of: Brant-
ford, is spending four Weeks with Miss
• Cleaver at the Goderich health centre
as part of her public health course
the University of 'Western Ontario:
. Mr: and Mrs. john Johnston, New-
gere. street, celebrated' their fortY-fifth
wedding anniv,ersary on Wedeesday,
'March 14th, with their daughter, • Mrs.
Clafence Chameey .(Mary), and Mr,
Chainney children 111 East
WaSveitosh: •,
Mrs. Phyllis Cottrill -bed ae guests
at her. home, Attiniitop street, over the
week -end herhusband's father, Mr.
.T: B. and sister, Miss
Margaret', of Pont nest hie. bro-
thers. Mr. Clarences<Cottrill. of DEITII 01' m man STODDART Rich-
mond Hill, and, MT. Bert Cottrill of
Kincarpine,',,and Alva' -Bert Cottrill.
The death of Dorothea ,NV'alters,
Widbie of De id Stoddaredoceurred
Tuesday 'at where she had , • DtNGANNON
lived for some years. Both: Mr. fled ,' Mr. Morris Currie, who was enp,
Mrs. Stoddart wereformer well-known .ployee at Brantford for several weeks;
residents of Goderielt.. The femeral Is home itoW, having, received
1118 eall
serfice .w.111 be lield at the -Brophey into the army. TO has two brotlierk
funeral hoirie Montreal street, on Inservice overseas: '
Friday afternoon,' alid the burial vvin 'Killed in Action.—Mr. and Mrs.
• be in Maitland. cemetery. Chas. Thorapson of London, former
Dtinganttonitek•have been saddened ity
THE WEATHER the death of 'their Son, Pte. Glenn
Temperatures Of the* pastweek in Thompson, having received word that
Goderieli, with those of the'eorrespond- was killed in Oeintany on February
ing week a year ago, as otilcially re- 20th. Ito, wits thirty-two years of itge
corded, were AS. follows: „ and was about six years of age when
• •1045 1044 the,family left Dengannon. Ile letivee.
. Max. Min. Max. Min. ,heSideshis parents, his wife and two
Thurs., Mar. .8 4...35 ,20. 2-4-7r: 18 little children, a boy of. two years toul
Fri.,: Mar. 0 .....,30 23 24 -..15 it girl Of five, and a sister. ,1'V013:11.
Sat., Mar. 10 ....35 20 24 13 Mrs. Vineh of Iiamillon. Ilis relit -
Sint., Mar. 11 ....40 , 23 52 23 tives tit Dungannon are Arthur .Theinp-
Mon., Mat 12 ....42 33 47 35 son; an nolo, Miss Mabel ThoMpson,
Tues., Mar. 13.-40 N 85' -22 We. J. J. Use*, auntS, and. Mrs.
Wed„ Mar, 14 ....;00 35 32 21 Stenelseuee, tt great-aunt.
Lot es on 7th coneession doderieli
Towriship, ,% north of Bayfield
road, .6 'miles West of Clintok oti
.111tIDAY1 MARC!'.;28rd
; t at 12.80 sharp '
mare. , •.
°CATTLE_Roan cow-, .0 years
due time of si10 ; -red cow, 9:years old,
fresh' one ,nsonthe:Ileteford come' 4
years old, kreeh 2 months; Hereford
heifer, freshened ire December; roan
eow 7 years, old, -fresh; Holstein cow,
4 years old, -fresh- 1 iiioith 1 Mack
heifer, fres,hened in .January ; veen
heifer,•fretiened in january ; red cow,
41 years ohe' due May 1St ; white cow,
6 yearS,old, 'due thee of sele ; IIotsteie
COW, 5'etears old, fresh 1 month; tome
cow, 6 Years. old; fresh 1 menth; • 8
Hereford steers,' 900- lbs. 5 Derhani
heifers, 800 lbs.; 6 Hereiord yearling
steers; 5 Hereford and Durhaer year-
ling heifers; 1 little calves. • '
, PIGS -0 chunks 'around 90 lbs, -;• sow,
due May 15th; young sow, slue May let.
• hybrid pullets.
'IMPLEAIEN'TS 'M -II binder, -6-ft.
cut ; Deering , mower ; disce, , 14
atm,. •*nded'Ito Miss" Snlirvan for her very
plate .(nearly new) t. irby
hoe ; ceitivatior ; tockslititt bay rake; 'fintalk. Am:telt erved.„tee
bon ,eonTtnittee bi charge.
t 9-ftirrosie Oliver scuffler with
harvester ; 2' walkin.g scufflers; MeD.
wagon (nearly new) ; ,gravel. box« CARLOW. Alta. 13,- Mrs. .A. Me -
walking Plough; New Idea. rubber tire
4 -section- harretvss set -sleiglis:s(nearIY Clinches- 'vleited With Mee and Alta..
nese) 'utter ; gang plough; hay rack, MeClinehey at Hohneeville Mk Sunday.
16.feet; stock racks. fanning mill; -set • Mr, and Mrs. Tht, Afl,in visited.with
-scales; set heavy harness; set light her H i'oii1 flt Baytiold on 'Muudity.
harness; wheelbarrows DeLaval. crealn Miss .Irma. Bean spent Sunday with
seieira.tor; hay fork; 2. 100 -Th. railk 'Air. and Airs. Chae, Wallis near BO,
eansi*Electric brooder (11ew).;.2:. range •
shelters '."(new) ; • girrs bicycle; isef: The W.M.S. et the henie ot
stings; whiffletreess neckYokes; -forks; Airs. W. -Clark, with it good attendance.'
lumber, ete.. Chicken hopper.S-; table; A -quilt Wee quilted for war ptetposes.
6 kitchen ohairs. Aire. MePbee had eliarge of 'the, meet-
XIAY, GRAIN -10 tons hay ; Ing. ' A.dainty lunch 1V118 served hy .the
ghhhi ill stooks; 400 .bus..Erban Oats hostess at the 4,40SC.
ndbarley. ,Aliss Mary' MeMitian of Goderiell'
TERMS-CASIL township spent the Ix eek -end with Mr.
No reserve its farm is Sold. . and Mrs. Canto/ill.; :
Ilobliy Fi%gitn lloiag as well AN ,
atiAnsToxri trop.
IIAROLD 3ACICSON, Aut. can- be expeetedafter an operetta*
11- ,14.. CIIESNEY, Clerk. In' Goderich hospiRl.
TO cuuvinatv Gomm-
Mr. and Mike. David Sproul. Raglan
street. will celebrate their goldeb Nod-
ding anniversary on Tuesday, .1(fareli
.201h, and .will be at howl to their
friends from 3 to 5 in the afternoOW
and in the evening.' • I
The regulafmeeting of St. George's
Church, Woman's Guild was held in
the Guild room on Weduiesday, Mareb
7th, Airs. E. D. Brown pfesiding- After,
the opening hymn. and prayer the
Scripture lesson • WAS read by Mrs.•
Chas. Videan. A letter. f thanks was
read • from Fred Whittingham for
cigarettes reeeived. It was. decided to
have a bake sale. two toonveners frotu
eftell ward being appointedto look
after this-, Two members were . Tee
ported as being 11. After A alert
btieinese ,session Mies Sttilivan, guest
speaker', - gave- a talk appropriate,, to
the season of iLent, (Paling with tbe
climax leading up to Good Friday,
and speaking of the footsteps of Christ
leading to the Cro‘‘'. She- dosed with,.
a beau,tiftil poem istatitlerd "We Follow.
a Dream!' • A voteof 'thanks was ex- ,