HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-03-08, Page 8You Are Invited To Attend Sunday Services 4444.4441444.40.44 GEOR k DUN BAR* Rector •p .. C %UM -3N, Orost ani .CO MUNION. 030.a,�, HOLY r ANH $.!tl'�. "M��w;�I:�►{� .PRAYER ' Subject:', ".Eliminating,nwatsng, the Negative."' �8,00 'pan. CIIUIt�� , SCHOOL' AND' BIBLE E CLASS. 11'141Nh 1.00, p,nr.. E'f NSONti AND SER. 0, , ', Subject„ "If .e. Dai Faith.., Sermon. 8,00;,P, :__Wfefill[els/�davy. °�Otfa��ny�i and C da - O' a.m. Heli ;C )Ifl1nitiden in 1 Y ". • COME. TO CHURCH Til ca4 irons ter " M United rVL rch iIZSTER-REV. R. H. TiRNI3UL1., B.D.; g_ TM. "PLAYING THE GAME WITH LIFE., 8. pan. -SUNDAY 7 rini--.FOUT-0ITHE OVERFLOW. • �Illustrated with colored'views. Organist and Choir Leader- - ws Mrs. Murray Hetherington, A.T.C.M. SINCERE WELCOME AWAITS YOU 1 _ , ChinchBrian BLIC WORSDI'...,, . ,. :m. I'�e, 11 a "of` Failur ` in the' Night Sermon Subject: Songs 7.m. PUBLIC . WORSHIP. ' na Praying P Sermon Subject: "The Seeking Multitude a Saviour->, SUNDAY 'SCHOOL.. , . Monday, • S p,m::.;Young .._.People's a .sty, , • MINISTER -REVEREND RICHARD ,STEWART,. DIRECTOR OF PRA4SE=MRS. FRAME SAUNDERS. Come and Worship the Lord in the;Beauty of Holiness • � :victoria, St.Chuickd MINISTER -1UW , LAWRENCE E.. TURNER; B.A.' ORGANIST L.' HANNA am:: SAEBATH SCHOOL ,.: 1.�,�Q a ti-, . •"THE ,KINO • AND ITIS NG °01.7 LENTEN SE**S LES 7 p.m; THE LIFE OF JOSEPH. "From Prison. to Palace.„ 3.00 p:ma- UNION. PUSI.IC . WORSHIP. A. Meeting of tltA! Empire --Service Club will be held ' iu MacKay Hall on Friday.; Marsh 16th,,,at- 3 o'clock, A large attendance is requested.. 410 • `Backaches go gtilekly, often after lira dose, Rumacaps :two way .action t t use • c relieves ' the. pain. attacks the a ,-10 Campbell's Drug. Store. , ..._ ' i - -d. Y.. wnshl 'Hospita'l' 1.`he' Crociericla�, �'o n p o. home :� the o e Auxiliary Datil, Meet at Mrs. George dohnstpn, Stanley street, on Thursday,. Mareh'15th► t 2.45. -10. Faller Braish •representtt,tive,', Miss Winnifred b`:Neil, Clinton, wilt be In • Go lerieb7 during March. For further inforniatioin enquire. .vat Signal -Star. u • Rummage: , sale under the ' auspices of the,. Mission Circle of North, street 17 A C Marcia , +•+! church, _ its. hu c Saturday, �'n d =at 2 p.m., MacKay Hall. °bice, - • -3 0- p* Goderich..Baptist Church REV. JOSEPH. JANES, M.A., . . PASTOR Mrs.. Wilfred Donaldson, .Organist. 11 a.m. , PUBLIC . WORSIllp. "How to Keep Ourselves . in the Leve = of God.” 3 p41n:' SUNDAY SCHOOL. ' Si�ND 7 p.m.. PUBLIC 'WORSHIP, "why -Does God Not Intervene:': Monday 8 pm. Meeting ',of Wednesday 6 pan. . 'Prayer• Meeting - • .STRANGERS ALWAYS WELCOME r . Slendor . Tablets . are effective, 'Two' weeks' supply $1; twelve weeks' $5, at Campbell's Drug Store, - 9tf i of season'$• latest •Spring showing � _ •,. hats Cin the - newest. ..O.e '+ and. Corsages, costume jewellery`"and scarfs, MISS MacVICAR'S ' MILLINE Y, phone 462, Kingston street. Don't suffer constipation, biliousnesk indigestion -use :Kipp's Herb Tablets for quick relief. An excellent tonic laxative. •25e and 75c sizes, at Camp- bell's and all druggists. • :9-13 Ahmeek Chapter, I,iJ,I?,E,, will hold sa•_ rummage sale, ip, ;.MacKay Hail on Saturday, April .21st. -10 Corns instantly relieved with Lloyd's Corn and Callous S'alse—the effective corn reiuedy��.� 50c u,t .Cainpbell's" and, GORICH . �h , ALL O ' IERS or ' ItEVULVERS.' dud,- pistols are . requested to `tiring •--al's .' nrl Q •thele. in. for ''e=egistratiazt, a._. to bring in the r last 'certificates of .registration. This is necessary to eoiuply with • ;Government. regulations. A, 0.,ROSS, -Chief • .of. Police, Goderich: 10- NOTICE For To RENT Lb A Coed Ad i FOR SALE WANTED TO DENT. — SMALL Old-establiahed UCARDWAREand 4• house; u nturnisl ed, with all .c0#1* 00.641.4T3' BUSINESS -belonging- to the veniences, for WO adults. Write BOX Es tate. of the late Charles 0. Lee. 27 'SIGNAL -STAR. TO ..REAL' NFURN./ II D' ,_- RENT. Sion if desired in April. Phone 952W. ay XO3C d. W. CRAIGIE, ESTATE Goderich. house...No. 98 East "street. Posses, 10* ANTED TO RENT,---SMAL_L lr' .Ii IIRNISHED lionse, perWtorieut' w. future; natto0 ly;• ttt. once- or `lin near, gar from lake.'" Would pay front 813 to, .440, depending :ob house. Write BOX 28, ,SIGNAL -STAR, TO O RET.:PUIf,NISHED, ATTR G TIVTl house in 'good location;three , bedrooms, bathroom, "furnace, fireplace, hardwood ,doors, . Apply SIGNAL- STAR- 0E110E. , , 10x v — ,. RANT. _-;- THREE -ROOMED 'desirous' of procuring 1!O Corner AU persons apartment, untarnished. trees.' for plantinig this spring are re- , HamiiltQn street and Square, . Apply quested to contact the School Teacher 0, M. ROBERTSON, phone 730R, .. -9 in your section, not later than Marvin 16th, • . - . ... .iY;g,iaa.?u.�YX✓anner ; -- there1s8tto cost to pers ns' desiring .-, .•%is6n+,x.xi-.? ,�.._ such trees and they will be delivered to VJJ TED.—TO BUS' OLD HORSES; h school byCount trucks, ' "dead cattle• must, be suitable t o o ,p�, and cattle; person ordering • 500 or -more for mink feed removed promptly treesymay 'have them parcelled an` FRED GILBDRT,,phone 908 r 22, Olin- individual order, N. W. MILLER, ARM FOR SALE.—AT ;3AY!'1ELD,., hi 'Etauley Tovhs p, 75 acres of clay loam land, known as Bruce Moore. farm; good barn on cement foundation, honey”houee,..A. me ntile Froin uoal-and 1 r ee 42000., Apply . A. •' A A y , P a FISHER, 14314 Lochiel " street, Sarnia. 79-11°. p M FOA S.1LE Oli.. I"7ighty:. acres of. pasture spring, MRiS Clinton. Ott creek, plenty of shade, brick house barn, and orchard.' 'Apply to .ELLEN`' '. COX, Huron street,. i. 1 9-11 ton, or. JACK GILBERT, phone 908 •r County Clerk. Immunization - cliin .c will- be held beginning March 27th for school child- ren' March 29101 for'ehild health centre and pre-schoo .; �sca"r.1et fever toxin and -Vi . ' e 0.. ibe-� adrn iniut� d.,. �. >t%n3� ;21; Clinton. Calla paid for 18tf COAL -:WHEN---•YOGI,-REQUIRE--COAL-OR- CORE CALL Charles V. Lee, Estate COAL AND.• HARHWARE AT THE i11A1 BOUit TU RA FZ o BR�with Vida B Complex m ns H� th' lIapp.3., snout For this vieek=enld Mince, Pies cents $i 2� a CLIIry'$ Ba "Vie e Home of Toots'' FastTl". MEL. CULBERrT ' Proprietor•_, 'PHONE 465 ... ALT' 1ICYCLE,, AS' s A la}. M POR $� ," „agent, good, as new, CC,M., also Cooe rifle, ,22, single shot, bolt action. A.pP y SIGNAL -SIAL. : lox OR SALE. LAM'S BLACK - .tailored suit,, ., size in- . ,good co laiden, Phone 48, 1,01 FOR SALE: --1,00- BU,S: YELLOW and White Blossom. sweet clover Seed. W. A. McGUIRE, Bayfield, Ont. Phone Clinton 900 r 3. 10.11' 1' OR.... SALE. --- RADIO; TABLE" 3 -wave. bands, '$40,00, Carl SIGNAL- TED. URNITURE WAN model modern General Electric, HIGII� • ' FST cash r prices Paid for used, . STAR, AR, - ' 10t O,R BALD. POTATOES., 0000 variety ; Py apples and also beans, 4 Goderich. 10u WARD AL IN, R.R. , furniture: --Cash customer waiting for piano in, 'good condition., A Pontiac coach for sale. T, 0UNt11 Y, 8 North street, Goderich. _ • � 9-10. BETHEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNA., 6 WATERLOO ST.. ,'P.A.Q.C. REV. A. 'Q. HARRIS Services: ...• Sunday --10.00t ,m. - NDAY ' SCHOOL. • 11 a,. -=MORNING SERVICE. • 7.30 .ppm.-EVENING:SLRVICE. Tuesday 8.00 p.m. ;Young People's Service. Thursday, 8.00 ,p.in f ' Prayer Service. A Hearty Welcome Awaits you at the ""Centre ;of Evangelism" THE CHURCH THAT 'PREACHES WHAT THE BIBLE TEACHES. 7 Nov( inimeminpuMMO IV ANO I'VOMEN W AT NS AGED woman° for general :lhouse- tri - ;Woman. _ _l ,_....Dc�aiers urs :making_,+more.', money work, •for - ore ..,udnik-___JAt derictr..today than ever before.. • Enjoy!=