HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-03-08, Page 11
Eighty.twol Report
at Last Week's Oink
goventy-ilvo Accepted se Donors
° --44venty-nine a Thera
The blood deal/vs* cliniC last Friday
was not nearly so well; attended as the
Previous one., Eighty-two persona' re-
ported aid* of these Seventy -live were
accepted; They° were twenty -line
woMeli donors and fourteen persons
gave' their' bleed: for, - the hist tinie.
• The, clinic, so -far as the set-up was
• 'Concerned, was 101$ 41a,11110, and it,
is to be regretted that there was not a
larger number of donors for this YOU
• essential part of the war effort.
• The clinic was Under the direction a
migis M. Ainslie, nurse technician, as-
sisted by Miss Smith, driver of the
mobile canteen. Mrs: 11, C. Dinalop.
• acted as receptionist, ,assisted by Mrs.
• 4W..• 4av -MagEwanrwho-is, also .the bayer
for the "snack bar." Miss': Ethelene
O'llearn was in ehargeg'of the der'
work, assieted. by Mrs, P. F.
and Mrs; George MiteEiwan.
Dr. W. F. Gallow, Dr. J. M. Graham
•and Dr.; N. 0?. Jackson were „assisted-
by the , following nursing staff: Mrs..
J. 11. .Lauder, bliss 'Etankison,. Mrs.
C. Webb; Mrs. J.'W.
MicYlear, Mrs. ,T. Lamb, Mrs. Steels,
, Mrs. 4. 11. -Fowler, Mr. j, M. Graham,,
Mrs. E. McLaughlin, Mrs. F. McArthur,
' Mrs. O'lleir, Mrs, W. 'Buchanan; Mrs.
R. pail, Mrs. Jamieson.
loaughlIn and.Mrs..Willr.Meaure as-
sisted in.; the laboratory.' ' I ,„
Bus'y, workers. Preparing and serving
breakfast „in: the "snack bar" were Mrs.
.1'. 11. Redditt, Miss E. Salts:, Mrs. 3.
0. oaf, mph Hodge, -WS." W.
• Doak, Mrs. T. 11. Miteliell and Mrs.
E. D. grown..
:Stith blood .donors received a silver
button,- and those Who gave' their
- blood for the third time a bronze
The following were the* donors, the
'..figure, after each name (except * of
'Arst donorp.). indicating the number
of donations given,:
Walter, Hodge.. (8), Mrs. T. Squire'
(4), Miss M. Diclignri Ma.uriep
Crawford (4); ,Duncan Millian
Mrs. J.: W. AlceroYd,'Wm. MaeLaren,
(0), Jack OOOk Garfield .1",tOrne
PloVti Smith '(4):, Mrs.. B. 'Marsh
(5), Amelia Melliitain (4),- Harry
Westlake (6), J: B. Langridge (8),
Mrs: tot. rater (4), Harold -Gibson,
• Mrs. Harvey' Webster (4), *IA. PbiI
lips (6).; 13,ohit: Coleman, -Mrs,'
Blanche 'PhilliPs:(2),„ ,.)11
Youngblut (2), Rt,A.,•,._,P0/94404, Arnold,.
Alien,(6).,, Reg.' -(6), Annie
r Whitten' (4), A. .Ro.Uinson-(2), ..:MT0k,
• :-Tikeresel 1'friminer7, j4trher.
(8), Mrs, .Edna L. Wider, J. C.,Kelly
(4), Ralph •Jewell (3), Ken Fisher,
,Mrs. ,Harry Williams'01, Mrs. Thos.
OM (4), „Mrs/ Milton Fisher, Betty
Dietz; (5), Mrs. W. Hlcks (5), Stephen
Helesic, Phyllis Sthitb. .(3), Wilmer
Rutledge (6), Orval' Powell, Carman
Afton (2), 'Benson, Feagan, Eldon
S. Johnston (2)i *B. on:* Powell,
Mrs. Norval "Anderson; Norval Ander-
son (8), Geo. E. Johnson (7), Harry,
Phillips (8), Evelyn''t "Bogle (2),
. ROL Lewis,(2), B. L. Waltak (9),
Harvey McPhee -(6)', R. McKenzie
, (3), Douglas aoh4ston (2), Mrs. E. T.
Ptrimmer-(0,-LA=4 Biggs;,; -Gra -
barn Whitely .47), Reg. Sturdy (2),
Ira' pie (5), Sgt. W. L. Harris (3),
Mrs. Frank Curry. (2), Frank % CurrY
(7), •Peter - Zimmerman (7); Mrs. G. •
, McPhee (4),- Gordon McPhee • (7)„,
has. Adams (5), fiarold • Blackstone
- (0), Ruhy Young -..c (5),” Ross sparks
.(8), Joseph Moody (8)„ Jas,. Car-
- miehael (2), MTS. J. Lauder . (2),
Thos. Morris (2), Cpl.„, -.1t. T. Beyer (2).
• ' ' . ,,
,. . , .
irteives iirategut ,AduiewiedgmentS
• Of Christinas , Parcels
The "Red Shield" report for January
tell of a sPleixdid shipment of socks:
and clothing for :.rehabilitation. for,warded to Toronto headquarters and
including the :following articles: loa
pr. aoeks 0 pr. seaboot *stockings a
navy ;sweater's, 4 large guilts, 3 erib
'quilts, 2$ ladies' ciresses,1-9 children's
Alps, 0, children'S sweaters, 12 pr.
Children's- mitts, 8-- ehildren's 'batik. 1
'Child's 3 -piece •-• 'snit, --(1 -girls! -7skirtsi,' 2 -
Pr, 13.0),S' pants;, also 21 miscellaneous
•00 was kindly donated by Carlow
001)1=1.0 Club, $1 by. Mrs. lintickley
1 child's bounet, 7 pr. Mitts, 1,00.1V
llabb,; 7 children'S hats, • anonymous.;
1- quilt, Leeburn War Workers.. Four
eoldier boxes were mailecVoverseas. -
Two replies were received from Eng -
lisle -seamen who had' made their ,first
-trig, .tes .,..,,Cate iff!..!-...14411W--- V,9*--Yecil .-: 4 ,
•ditty' bag from this organization, .ddr-
ing„the :festive season, ; they' wished to
exPieSe•Atfteir '' 'sinOre -appreciation of
the little touch,. Of kindness and good
thoughtsof the "Red' Shield.". The
•Salaratiter•Arrny,„ they said, had ,Xuade
them' reel'. quite at "load. .They also
'Mentioned ,.that ,Canada :vvas ,ff, very
nice place,.
. • ' Froin a Bridegeoeht - ----
'Pte. ,Eldon - Xotingblut,, ' Canadian
., -
Army Overseas, writes ,': " Thank you
very. niiich for the carton of chewing
gum mailed to • me .from You., I itp:-
,preciatelt Iteri,:nitieb„,it:Wati.,..a toren.
Christmas,' ,present.- tre ' in the in-
fantry' over here and quite. Way:- iline
seems •toq3lip by real. fast. .1 haven't
been in Canada sirice..,1)eceinber '41. I
guess- things have changed; a good
-deal, -'13ut It sure will be ..nice to get
"mac; home, as.. 'We 'never :forget. our
'homeland,.becatise it's the best place on
earth: I hope s you are not .having too
bads.weather •back there. :It is quite
cold over- here, this month _and, there
has been. some .snoW. I got married
-lust recently; on .jundary,---13th, and
had a honeyraomi 'in Edinburgh. There
are a; lot Of nieesnleces trAilit over
here. thiee again I'll say 'Thank. you'
. .
Or -the chewing gain." • • .. '
' 4 - •/''''' -
- Other , licknowleagments received
were is fbilikws.:
Ilona, cbi. W. R. 'Harris, -O.A.0.•:
‘Just a short tete to express inY 11,1)-•
predation and many 'thanks for such
a lovely „present received. It was very
thoughtful of ,yon. I Wish you aU of
the • Red, Shield the, test Or luck ' for
the ' rtiture; I' haye heard a great
elti of. t,he...fitie work .done by your
'organize:tip ffor" the boya,' oyer here.
:con 40ang, • Mk 'thinks to • Mrs, _W..
Garrick•for entering my -name."-• -
From Nursing r.- Sister Ida White:
-!1-Many-,--thanits--ter•:the--Jevely- box. of.
.-.W'rigley's cheWing, vim-. i*v_hich. If:re;
delved 'a few 'clay's' before Christmas,
It . was packed wonderfully well and
was as, fret& as the day it had been
'packed -when I opened it... I- do ap-
preciate Your kind thoughts .and good
wishes. May God. bless you in year
work and brink You happiness• through -
"ea the'neW year."," " . .- .
' From Pte., ilarreY' dole* Otillri_.:'
"I trust ,you will forgive theTdelay,shr
acknowledging yodr ' Most welcome
Ciiristmaa. parcel... It_reached- -me . on
January- 2nd in first-class:. condition and.
I can assure .sivou that the well-chesen
:ObfirentS We0--efijoYed vehe iiiiieh: .1ti:
thaulthig Yeti sincerely, s I. am sure I
am doing se On behalf of the Many lade
in pie services who hare benefiteciby.
yOur„ kinuness_ and-geffe• rosity. Wish -
mg you and yours... Ute lieSein ilie new
yelp! and every success in tine Contillii-
twee ot your good was..." ,
1. t'rom • Opl„,: D. 'Size::: -1 'VVis4 , to
thank you most wholeheartedly rep the
levet:Jr.-1)0x you sent me. .lt certainly
erouglit • back- Senie lovely happy mem-
ories; I' also want to Wise you au a•
nappy _New Year_and.,•tnirt ,1945 -Wilt
se,e tne end • of this hortune war„ and
'ail your loved .ones happily 'reunited.
Thank you once .again xor -the lovely
b°.lixlr.9Oni*13dSmn.- 'Cl'ittide 1.1;Ilit. ni Mei-
'land-Pr "Again It' mypleasant-duty-,
to thank you for atibtner:pareel Iron)!
tne Red Shield:. it-teok• a iittle;while
to catch xiie, because Our head- is al-
ways on - the Move. our group 'cer-
tainly ,,inust be .very busy taese days
With all the work thatyorlhave dnuer-
-taken, and I'• do -hope you know that
itis all greatly appreciated. :Our band
ia,expected to return to .thigland short-
ly to get ready tor a tour or Italy, but
die way things look the. war isabout
ready to font up.", -
„Other acknowledgitients were from
0; A. ilortah' and Sgnui.-Artlitir Doak..
G. P..Rurasey, who for .several Years
has been assistant at the C.P.U. Up-
town office, is now. in charge as *agent,
eharge of the OW for some eight
• years and Is nevi in the, operating de-.
pertinent of. the railway aat, Toronto.°
• Before taking over his new duties,
• 1tunisey spent a month's holidays nt
his home at ehatliani, 3. H. opip,, of
• Grimsby, relieving • agent, having
charge ,of the office for the .nionth. y •
Mayor Mooney, Reeve Baker, Coun-
clilor' Geo. and „County
• Engineer' Pattersen. were at 'Toronto
• last week to attend the .annual cOnVen4
tion • of the Ontario Good- Roads As-
sociation. The Ontario .A.ssoelatioir Of
Rural MindelPalities; to ;which Deputy
Reeve Attridge was nained.by the
(louneil AS a delegate' also held .its
annual &invention. ' atToronto last
'week, but Mr. Attridge:waS unable to
tatted beeadae ef a business ,engage -
merit. With so many of the ,inenibers
out of town,. the Council:did not hold
its regular meeting last Friday night
at Will meet on Friday of this Weeic
After four years'„" service everseeS,
Corp. Garnet 0, ("Bud") Mathicrion,
417t1• Squadron; E.q.A.F., arrived
henie .on, Monday, and is the guest • of
IS, brether, CO1144114 Geerge Mathie-
son. #114 lqrs. Mathiegon, ]last street.
"Bud," as he is popularly known,
lia.s been overseas sineem 1841, 111
MaY, 1942, he went to EgYpt and was
all -rthreugh the North ,Afrieen 'cam-
paign -from Egypt to Tuniia For
six weeks he was' stationed in Malta.
He describes the rdek island as "the
hottest place in the world." Ile served
Sicily and Italy and while there he
,a‘V ,several.alreni-•'-hoineemburh..4t.
was afeks before he knew he was near
.theni,„ He received hirChristmas par-
cels before' he left Italy, and Vent It
*month at 14ourrtemouth, -"where -the
n'leas was wonderful.," and 0110 in, Milli -
burgh. -
Ile enliSted at London and'Arained at
Trenton and St'. Thomas; and Is now
spending t thirtyzday_leave_hefot.e re-
porting to Trenton. •
Capt. Kelso • .T; Johnston,pson of Mt
and Mrs. Ge6, johnsten,„Stailley street,
has arrived safely overseas.
That 'is 'Itagla and Paper
, Will be collected on
APAIL 2 an1/44
Should the weather '4V;
sternly; the collection twill.
made on the two folloWing
t •
Please save paper and wog-
Eis.ines, and * them up lee.
Sunbeam Sunheani club
.held a progressive ,euehre,ttnd crok-
mole party. at U.S.S. , No. it, West
WaWanosh; on. Thurscilty,'Irebruary 2.
Tne- aumisSien. tee was artieles tor
eteefort bags. O.rying'to ,the coudition.
e:i. LLai roaus =and pie, weather, there
Was not a very: .-Ittrge attendance, but
qui.e1L large nuintaw•or articles Were
receives'. „'„the first prizes,for euchre
went to Winner Rutledge and Mrs°,
Granatit poilsoiatien prises
%%eat ,to Alex. iNiviaa and Airs. Russel
Jft'1aicLtiy. .111 crokinole, the first prizes
‘vent to C.! W. Farrier 'and.Lois
1.'11atets 'had been. sold. 'e11 a quilt,inacte
•by the einb, anct.tthe lucky tieket Was
drawn, ;lames 41c1utyre being the
Winner. A dainty lunch Was served
by the ladies and a tollieking time,
was enjoyed by all.
Among the'personsa, injured hi the
wreek or the pessenger train at
Zorra on Monday „morning was MISS
Doris Ramsey, or Chatham, sister or
Cr% (P. IttuilseY.of the uptown
ranee,- in 44dderi6h. Miss ItuteSeY Was
taken to the Chatham hospital for
X-ray eXamination and siaa found to
be suffering from severe bruises, shock
and Internal' injury. Some ninety;
persons were" injured in the Wreck,
whielt WAS eauSed by a broken rail,
Army. recruits enlisted at No. 1 .Dis-•
triet Depot, •London, inelude two front
Goderichi M. , Hawthorne and J. G.
Lemaire, Another is B. A. Walsh of
Blyth, '
Pte. Murray Oke, 'of the Army Trade
Scheel, Hamilton, spent the week -end
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs...Irvine
Oke, Goeerieh • toWnship.. •
• ' •
Sgt."Harvey • 'Aryans; formerly prin-
cipal •of _Ceara" School, after- a
year in Italy has hem invalided back
to Canada and is now, receiving hoti-
pital, „treatment,. sat -Montreal. Mrs.
Bryans is teaching at the Sheppardton
• Vrovincial Trailie Oilicers jaineS
Cull) •and • Frank. Tay.104' driving this
afternoon aleng, the Int* Water
way, haw goiden-eolored5p0t54p1t a
tfleld, near Port Albert, They ldreeti•-
getedr to find lovely full-0100ot donde,
lions in ail their spring glory. The:
0010erS'picked a bouquet each te,prove
to their friends that Spring is more
than on the way: , •-• •
,GAN'140N ,•
arewell Dinner
for Thomas
Station Agent. in Goderich
for Seven Yews Goes
to Shelburne
F. W. Thomas,' for the past seven
Fears C.P.U. station agent here, was,
the guest of honor at a' dinner given
'by: tweiity.dye industrial and 'bUsinesS
associates pf th:e :town at Hotel Bed-
ford ou Wednesday
lnirne to' take over the' ,agencY•
• R., G$anderSon of the Goderieh
'Elevator bo, presided for the - after-,
a handsome pipe was made to Ur:
Thomas by 'R. M. Menzies, manager Of
Purity Flour Mills, and speeches ex,
pressing regret at his. denarture were
made by Mayor D. D. ,meeney1 M.
(1, maeKay, C.N:It. agent, and HAM
Sanderson. 'of the C.P.U. office,' • -
11. Thomas expressed his apPreet-
atter. of the honor accorded him and
ef• the happy business relations he lied
Dungannon, March 8: there.
Irvine Eedy Wounded, -Mr. and,
Mrs; /I, L.'"Eedy recelved word thIS
'morning that their 'second son, Pte. dinner speeches. The presentation of
Irvine Eedy, who hap 'been in Holland,.
• has -receiv.ed slight wounds. He has
been overseas ahnoSt a year. Mr. and
Mrs. Eedy have three Berle in the ser-
Vicea:, Nit. Sgt. -..Theraton, who re.
turned to Canada In'jigs', 1943, after
SP-itiafill--enrVid'IChtiit' VATS' over-
seas, and now 'stationed at Meuntain
View; Pte..Franiclin, who arrived over-
seas early year, and LAC, ROSS,
now in training Ottawa.
DINGANN01% %arch' 7P --Mrs. -V.
'Chambers has, been-oontfined to her
home hi. G.rederieh this week, enable
, teach at the Dungannon seh001 Mr. and Mrs. Thornton ;
(Oleg' - • —cis- -/ • ,
Kenneth II.
Mr. and ivIrs-0,1eh- Park 4.14 grand- Asaghaewoai their r dcla'u'arli.41,11c1)%riseEinlizar'.
daughter, Edna Stewart, spent Sunday. •
with Mr, and Atro, Itoht. ,Deyell,‘ cbeuttht: sto°n rof1311Mngr.''Cianfir Mers. J. Calvin
Wingliara. 6• Cutt, of ,Goderielf.7'The wedding took
AUBURN, Mar. 6. -Mies Frances
Houston, R.N., ef Kitchener, spent the
week -end with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs.: John Houston. . •
Mr. and Mrs. Pluresteel of Clinton
visited on Sunday With Re*. and Mrs.
11. Snell. • • • -
Miss. Sadie Carter attended the
funeral 'Of her aunt,. Mrs t Cassidy, at.
London last, week. -
'Donald Ross. of. Gait Was a week-
end visitor with his mother, WS. Fred
Chas. Islitilia sof ,WOOtistock,,speht
the week -end -at :home
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Ferguson - Spent
Sunday with friends in Stratford..
Mr. and Mrs. Beverly French' and
daughter Margaret .Ellen, of Detroit,
spent the week -end with Mr: and. Mrs.
-Geo, Beadle..
• Pte.' 'Harold .,Nicholson ...of London
spent the week -end with his Wire and
ea -lighter here., •- • '
Pte. William Reed, ,of I)ebert, N.S,,
and -Mrs. iteectrof - Toronto; a re-risitirtg
friends and relatives here. •, • . •
:Mrs. Frank Lansing is ill -at her
home here. Her many- friends' wish
her a speedy ,recovery. •
United Ourela Annual meeting.—
The annual' congregationalineeting of
•ipLifiox United church was held .Thurs-
day and was .well attended. A bounti-
pot-luck. -dinner was served at
12.30, and a social time was enjoyed.
• Rev.- H. Snell their took the chair and
after devotional exercises splendid re-
ports of' the various departments were
read and adopted. These showed an
increase in giyings over previous years.
The statistical summary -showea. 112
• households under pastoral oversight,
with a regtlent ...membership: of ;200,
,eightien_Aaviltg,been received
by pro-
fession of raith last year. Mr. Albert
CaniPbell wasre-elected to the sersaion,
to retire in 1953. , Mr, Charles ,Scott,
and Mr. Waiter Washington, retiring
from -the board Of 'stewards, were re-
placed by the electiort'bt.Mr. Guy Cun-
ningham and Mr. Herold Webster, to
retire in 1048. Mr. Bert Marsh was
re-elected, . treasurer and envelope
secretary.. Mrs. -Albert Can:Ili:jell. ,:war.r
re,eleeted, ehurch secretary and Mr.
Amos Andrew was re -erected mission -
ark treasurer, t'Mr. Thomas ilailani
was elected to the trustee hoard, to
till the vacitney caused by the death' ef
Mr. Wm. Anderson,,and Mr. Win. GoW,
Was 'elected to 1111 .the yacat(cY7 mused
by the resignation of Mr. Wm. Thomp-
son, • The following ushers were were re-
elected: Messrs,. Harry 'Sturdy, Walter
•Washitigton,Robert, Arthur an
13ean. A inemorialfserviee consisting
of the hymn "Jesus, Lover of Nly Soul,"
Seripture•. reading clad prayer was
conducted by Rev. Mr. Snell for, the
seven theinbeils Who had passed aWeY
in 1044. A vote of appreelation was
given Rev. and Mrs...Snell, after. 'which
the nieeting closed with the benedic.
tion.. • •'
Severarother columns of news
matter erowded out tiliS week by a
rush of advertising is our hockey re-
porter's aceount 'of the playoff gatopa
between Goderich find SeafOrth, leatera
„in tile. Midget group. On Thursday
riight last, at home, the Goderich beyS
teak a lead of tili/e goals; 11i94. and
looked like' sure winners; but at Sea.
forth on •Tuesday night they fell down
and were beaten 10.4,.givieg .Seaforth
the 'round by onekgoitl, 1045,
Mr. and Mrs.• Ployd Da'Y Shaver,
Brantford,' aunounce the engagenient
Of their dangliter, Mildred. Lenore, to
n, -Aitken, It.C.X.Vilt.,4. gen
Of Mr. ;Mines E. Aitken andthe late
Aitken, of ,Cloderieli; the mar-
riege to ,take plaee late in March.
Mr. .Win. 'Mole, of •Glennis--41111;:-.1 pram ..in„ Toronto on •Saturday, s March
very low at the present .thee; -He llves 3ra. . ;
With his son Harvey and family and
• A quit Wedding took plaCeod Friday
iiinee, • ,4 • .• ...afternoo , March 2nd, at the parson -
• Was Tdtt ilivett.;-erePlOted- sit -the age of- Victoria street United . church,
at▪ airderi, Aosprta:1,,:iva.e.• a-, vISITCh 011 *lee- Rev; 11:- •Turner united., 18
•SOida.V*,","With her parents-, • Mr. and =tillage -Edna Maxine, Powelif daugh-
Mrk Geo. Itivett. ' • . ter .of Mr.. and Mrs. Harry Powell,
_ Wilfred., Elliott and daughter Gdderieh township, and Joseph L.
jean, .of, Griderielt, spent -Sunday at Copk, son% of, Mr. and Mrs. Lockhart
their farm l'hoMe. in ,Ashfield, •Cook,•Leeburn. The bride', attired in
Mitr...biliottand daughter Jacqueline mauve crepe and carrying pink rose-
.1tisiteCIAlss• s• buds :and white carnations, was 'at-
;Mr4 Allied Taylor and NUS:pi:ford tended .by her sister, Freida Eleanor.
MirrrAY and • Norma, 'St: Helens, were Powell, and Mr. OrbY II. Cook assisted
visitors With "their mother, Mrs, John his brother 'as "best man:" After ..tbe
geld, )V.frs: 'Taylor was ahletO re- eerenidny a wedding dinner was served
main VISItihe for the Week. ' at the home of. the bride's' parents to
• Mr. And! Mrs. -Wilfred Islivezis and the immediate relatives. The table
:Son '23-1hinlyi .of'.8altford, were visitors was -nicely decorated with- pink and
'On Sunda' Witfr Mr. and Airs.Robt• white streamers centered with the
Moore, whO Are Mrs. Niyens parents. teedeing•eake. Teddie Cook and
• Mrs, Kenneth, edges and;Miss Cora Miss Grace Cook „served the .guests. -
'Finnigan' are.,„,titlitinL this vveek with After ,the &timer dancing was enjoyed,
Mrs.*Elwood,Snittli,; Listowel, formerly.: music being supplied by Orval and:
Miss Bernice Ernie Powell, violinists, . Mrs. Harry
'StWotheettrariaglaktitlirlirt-iintblx_tfolAilnre. wP9--nwseolnll itgill•thther'pia*X.11 .11:r34.:IsLsockhlrea:rat
hisrecent Mlness, wbleli vego Ivit4 Cook Was.c. the hoer -manager. ,The
a, fall. Mr.. Wni:. NieClUtel Whoalsoyoung. couple receired Many, beautiful
'sahlered 'a f4U, 18 recovering ' recqver4:14celY gifts... Later the bride and groom left
from -broken :bones s :received,Which on a short honeymoon and on their
necessitated his removal to the ,hof$* return they., will reside on ithe eth
pital.He is recuperating at his home, concession of .G.oderich.,:itewnship. . •
• Mr. •and Mrs. Bert '-'Wiggins and • • - •
:daughter. Valerie;.;„or Brantford, .vtsited 'TI1OksON-DAER.
his . parents,-- Mr. and Mrs.. -Vaos. An interesting and pretty Wedding
"Virlig'iras. • • trek place quietly at the home of the:
•rs. Stanley Thompson, of Kin- bride's parents, Mr: and Mrs. p,obert
cardine, was a recent visitor with her Daer, Baylield•road, on Saturday..after-
artnt,, ,Mrs. John Reid..,_, noon; when. their daughter Marjorie
.Mrs. 4tii concession Or-41ekle-VV*8-m'erried-te-Fit:-Litiot-Doli
Ashrield, has rented her 100 -acre far„,1-11 ,-ald Ivan ThbniSon, R.C.A.F., Son of
again .for the third, year -to r))7,‘...A. Mr. and..:Mrs..4.- Alpert E. .Theruson.,-_ of
Culbert. . •"Thessalen.:'--The bridegroini• 'had re-
mr. and Mrs: W. 3. Robb, daughter turned from overseas the previous
Derothyr*-•-and Miss -.Mary-.4.---Itehh Tuesday,- The- 'double -ring ceremony
visited on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. was' - 'performed by Rev. Richard
R. J. .Melieniie, Lochalsh. Stewart,' of ItnoxaPresbyterian church.,
MissIllyrtlerMcilityre, or Goderich, The bride, given in marriage by her,
and Mrs. Clifford ls.iipatriek.,and.little-rather„_was. lovely' in a street -length.
'son "Barry, north br.,• Pungannon-,- are dress oflinie green wool With matching
vigiting 'Air. and Mrs. Thos. Dickson flower hat froM Which a. green Vell,
.t1.11.asiriv.• eat* Mrs. 'Wilbur Stewart and--,bouquet...of white carnations, freesia
-fell to her 'shoulders. She carried a
daughter Maxine, of Goclerich, spent and pink cameilia'',buds. The brides.
Sunday 'with Mr, and Mrs. Thigh maid, Miss' Joy Thomson, sister of the
Stewart: ° groom, waS gowned in Pijaed shlc
'0 -we • are ilia to know Mr. Xingu' Jersey, with brown hat and broWn
Stewart,- who , broke his leg - seven accessories, andher hewers were pink
•-week'S- ago, is able ito be out and on 'carnation -S. °Meer-J:4a Cat,
his feet a little. He and MrS.1Stewart Cousin of the bride, was best orient
visited Mr. Mr. and Mrs. David Martin, Mrs: Dder_receiVed her guests id Mee
Port. Albert, on Tuesday. • printed silk with corsage or, freesia
Mrd; Melvin • Stewlirt.and--chililien and orchidb. The bride's fable • Was
visited .Mrs, .Alf: Errington,:pariewt eentred:Aith the ,three•tiered :Agee:mg.
-• • — Cake, 'and 'pink candles in crystal
Miss Colleen' AlcKay, of Gerlerich, holders. : Assisting were Mrs.. Bud
was a recent visitor With Mr..and Mrs. Jerry, sister of the bride; Mrs. Charles
:111QPIAS AT tilE4lion
,,,,;63.ty-avo .piewberis, et the xeuus
PeoPieli SCielety of Xnem Presbyterian
churclt•Were the gueatsof tile Young
People's 'Seeiety of First 'Presbyterian
church, Seafertbs ou TueSdaY evening.
A deyotiena). period -preceded the
ProgrAta, Ate "Bible study being in
Charge of Rev. R. ..1;t• Wiuiams,;Pin-
lister of -the Seatorth elnirch. .
Musical, nUnihers were contributed
by Dan Walter and Betty Smith.; and
a leading feature of tile program was
the preSentation of moving Pictures
in ehorge of Iola ,Beett, obevring
visit of the Earl of ',Athlone • and
Prineess Alice at -the'.federation of
AgricultUre •4eld-day lii Seeferth last
year, .filkplane views' Of the surround-
ing country, and pleture0 of an °per-
ation performed at the Scott Memorial
Hospital. • „
The . clxureli hall was decorated
beautifully with St. Patrick's colors
and a supper of pork. and beans, Pie,
etc: was enjoyed' at attractively ar-
Dan Walter =Weda mite of thanks
on behalfof the, viSitork and it islos
heartily endorsed,-;
kieber Eedy. '
Reported Missing.•: --Ur. •and-. Mrs.
SacobVriday morning *re-
ceived a telegram notirying stneni that
tneir- youngest SQ11,' kre. Alvin Reid;
of the. .usser Scottish Regiment,in
liellitud, Was missing. Ile' li'as ude.0
oversegs over • two .years and is in
Itis twenty-fourth year. IDS anxious
reittekves and: .rriends are. waiting 18thari .ttii right sbine-
tinere, safe anti well. '•
" Vestry Meet.ing.,---St. Paul's Anglican
Chtircii ianct .tne annual vestry meeting
in tile parish hall on Monday niter -
110011. 'Mr. Will ,Caesar Wa$ appointed
rector's warden and Mr. Elmer 131ack
people'swarden, Many other changes
were made: trim stun of *500 has peen
bequeathed to 'the church by the late
Air.,‘Vill'etimpuell,'who was a cievoted
Member of tue church.. - A pot/Jock
supper was served 'hi 'connection with
tile meeting; to add' a note of see.iabil.
Ity. .
Temperatures of the, ignst-9week ln
Ooderteh, With those of tile correspond-
ing week a year ago, ris otheially
rt' -
Corded,, Were as follows: '
• 1945. 1014
Max.,, Min. Max. Min;
Thuts.; Mar. 1 ...OS. et22 15
"Preis Mar. 2.......38; 34 28 , 13
Set,,Mar. 3, . 20 ' • 3-1' 23
Sun., Mar.. 4 ....AO' 38 " 34 '12'
Mon., Mak. 5' .....;.(t6 28 • 42(;" 3
Tees., Mar: 040 ' 20. ,34 • 15
Wed., Mir. 7 17 88 23,
AnnotineeMent is made froni Ottawa
of the appointinent Lt„ -Col. (DT%)
A. Harold Taylor, of 00derich, to the I
conirnand 'ofnthe Militaryhospital et
Edmonton. Alberta.' Lte-Ool. Taylor
was in tointnand of :No. 1 Canadlan
Hospital Ship, the Lady litelSon, In
Bunt, Airs; WM. Room Miss Catharine
Cdtt and- Alia Normil,,Dfie4.' •
Later Plt-Lieut. and Ars. Thomson
left on a trip to Toronto, Thessaion
and Sault , Marie, the bride
travelling in a stilt of red, velvet,
Persian lamb eoat and black hat With
red feather t2lm, On their: return;
Fit Lt Thomson,' who is on a thirty;
day leave after completing his tour of
operations ()Venetia, wilt report at
Trenton. '
The bride is a popular member of
the •stait of the Bank of Montreal, and
among. her Inany gifts was a .811Ver
Covered relish dish from the staff,
Presented to her nt the home Of Mr.
and Mrs. IL Ir&Monthith.-`,
-Guegts'present at the wedding frOm
oat of tOvVrt Were Miss Nanerriorier,.
Of London; Mies Joy •Theinsoll, .of
Thessalon, and -Miss ll'ornitt niter, 'of
Auburn, „
A joint meeting of the loe,ar Milos
'of the A.V. of L. was held on Monday,
Mareli 5tIi. An address was given' by
Brothel' Stabblegton on the power or a
union, and what can be achieved, lie
putlined a plan, Labor Day, to.
show the people of Goderich auti the
surrounding territory whet the Union
has done for labor ,in Goderieh. .Bro-
ther • Castle -stated that the eyes of
,the whole, community are upon the
'Unions at present. - • .* •
S. delegation. WAS appointed to ask
perinTsolott to hold a degarektrption on
Labor Day. Those appointed' were
Ilrotherg Gibboqs, StUbbhigton; Barry,
Knitting -and McCollougb, •
The only ettee 'oil the Police Court
list todity,a elltirge against Peter
Atilideld, of eruelty,to animals,
Wits adjourned for a 'week. Glazier 18
alleged to haveleft three horses with.
out hods proVielon,
• , • ,r ,
The 'County- Road COmraissiOn"has
and snowplow. • • . . '
All,' County 'read, and ' Township
roads in the-sOnfh end of the county,
are now dear.
. 01! snow, a
nd 111 11 wee
or ten days alt roads in torsh10
will .be epen,.prox` '.the..featr
pontinues favorable, County
T. It. Patterson. ,told ' Ire. Signal-StO
The regular monthly-meeting'of the
W.M.S. of Victoria ' street 'United
church V,vas held at the home of Mrs.
S. Argyle, With a ilarge attendance.
After the In:mine:gig partof the meet -
bag _the Victorie;; Helpers class.' had,
charge of the p.:Ogrant, witli various:
members takieg.part.j Readings were
given by Mrs. S. .,'Argyle, "Inner
Wealth," and Mts. El. kOraig, "The
High Ways of Happiness." Other
numbers were,a duet by Mr. and Mrs.
TurnerLn reading by Mrs. Ismay'
'Lean[ta7Solo by, Miss Pearl Roope,
accompanied by Mr Reepef a reading
by Mrs. R. MoGee;`11gliere Is Happi-
ness'?" Mrs. 13, Wilson spoke for a-
fevi.. minutes On the World Day of
Prayer, and Mrs. ,'Reope closed the
.Meeting with,piver,' Lunch was,
'served and a•,. so MI-- half -hoer WAS
e, niiYoung
.Another Vtoderioh Y.
-t 'Give& His Lito.ui
• 1,
/ I
Another 1;al1ent yot.ing Soldier.
Goderich, Pte..Riehard Kenneth (Ken.)
Young; lia$ Made the Supreme eaerftlee..,
Word was reeeired yesterday by bis
parents, gr. and Ittrs.lienjarain.YOUng.
Trafalgar stc-that he had. died, of
WOWS-, 911, the previous SatiirdsYs'
they were Whelan* netliOd that be.
had, .been. Seriously wounded.
Ken.. enlisted for, active service With
tte Oxford Rilies in jantlatfy, 1843/
and went to Kiskain the ealtie year
with the Winnipeg Grenadiers. He re- •
.turnea home for 'a month's leave be- e
fore. going overseas in June, . 1044.
Later' he transferred to the Calgary,',
-Highlanders,--and was wounded ou
Oetoher, 1944,_ in, Holland. After' re-
cuperating•in England he returned to
'the front in January. Before enlisting
he was employettae a marine engineer
with tlie Algoma SteareShip Iiirtee and
ergs. He was in . his thirtieth year
and unmarried. • .7---
sirviving besides hi&. Iaren': are,
two brothers; ,Seett-alieVrrrrie, and
all or Gederieli. • • -'
•The menthly meeting..of the W.M.S. •
of North street United church for
March ,was held. in the church parlor
on Monday afternoon, 'With the prefil-
dent, Miir G. M. Robertson, 'the
chair.• The „Meeting was _ opene
the . tinging Of a hy•ran,:. rolleWetl:by
prOer by Mrs..Chas. •Barker„ in which
she asked that comfort might- he given
to the, president at MIS time-ar bereave -
plea in. the less of a sister. The rer
pats were then read. Twenty:lieVen.
calls 'on sick and sill:it-WS were re -
Ported by the 'friendship contmittee.... •*.
Plansi.:were diacusaed Lor 'the Coining
PreSbyteriai meeting‘ which is ,to.le
held in North .street* Church: ,
3rd. '" • , '
Mrs Walter Naftel 'opened 'the de-
• ..
Votional perlocL•with prayer .after the
singing of a hyinnd The 103rd Psalm
Was read in -unison, followed by ptayer
by Mrs', Mary Philips. ' ,The roll cell; ..
was responded • to with •a -!'verse, Of •
Scripture containing, the words "WO -
ship." Mrs: Hetherington, sr., gave the
chapter on, "Burimi"- in the study 'boOk.
`I'Vest• of- the 'Date Line - in 4, ,Aleo•
efficient and concise talk. .The Singing
of the "National Anthem brOuglit 'the
meetingto a. dose. •
. .
--.----: , .
$T. GEORGE'S. tilUltelf ,-,•Nr,,,-
The first sonurinnico.serviee' in the
chapel.' since it has been redecorated
-wilir.be -held- neXt-Friday-liaariilifelit:
19 o'clock. There will be a corporate
cennionioli for the.;' Margaret . Seeger
Citik' at -Vita', sertie The Wednesday
'eveningser*Ice._ litany and sermon,
will i' he---leldZs:it altencl a cordial
invitation is ex a ' all.
The choir pr 1 Pc, 1generally _held
on Friday even a ' been changed
to Sunday eve 7'8: o'clock,. and
all choir menib :ur ed to be
presen or '48 e• •
'It was a sour* Pleastire:for
-the, AX.P.A. 'the the young
'peoPle or other huk tes to the Lenten
rally on Tuesday ,There Was 'a
splendid a(tedanc0.aaididle event ivai
heartily enjeyed .
As the month g of' the Col-
legiate Institute,'old on Friday
evening last; tli. $tlnitites for •,,the
current year di ared for pre-
sentation .to Council, and
Mr. J. A. ,Stii : appointed. a
,delegate to the (Marie Trustees' and
Ratepayers' AsSoblition,4which nieets
at -Toronto in 'Easter week. •
The congregation of North- street
United church las eleetecl. five new
members. of the session, Who-, will be
ihdueted at -the coming preparatory
L. Cole, Nerval Aederson, William
Ellw•ood .and A.- McTavish. • '
Suspended sentence for two' years
was . given Ernest McClinchy • by
Magistrate:A.-P. Cook at Seaforth
Wednesday, after he had pleaded
guilty, to, a' charge of obtaining 4$20
from George R,yart,,Goderich, by false
pretences. • - "
3 3..1
---penue -selloot-icoARD
The Publie School Board „ held it;
monthly . meeting on Tuesday ..night,
TrUstee M. 3 18he preSitling., The
F'ebruary report submitted by '1Prin.
cipal Brown for Centrfil School
showed:: Enrolment, 234:av'erage dt-
tendancei 209.49, or 91.44 p4rcent.;
war savings statnps-purchas•ed to- date„
.$0,155.21. „ •
Fo Victoria 'School Principal Snyder
reportecli-Enrohnent•-452--- average
tendanee, 298.18, or 9205.per cont.:- .
war SaVings..-Stanips purchased tb.date,
$8,214.95. • '
The board .is considering the' put-
chaS6. of -a moving*picture
show educational films at ,the sehoOls,
the..films being provided' by the De-
partment of Education.
Mrs. F: Black and • son Raymond
left on Thursday last for _Owen- Sound
to join, Mr. 131ack.
Mrs. Jas., Hart of slitimilton is a
guest With her parents, lib, and Mrs.
A. D. McLean, Elgin avenue.
Mr. and MO": J.. W. Elder" And,little „
son, of Stratford, spent -the week -end
with Mrs.-Elder's-parentS, Mr. and Mrs.
It: 13. Turner, Elgin ave, •
Mr. And Mrs. Harold 'I.VI-felkan7 and
*children, Pat and Beth, of •Monkton,
'ere r -weeirentr
Mrs. W. j. McLean, Pictoti•''street,
WS.Beatrice Arnold liaa returned
home frona a visit With 'her daughter-
in-law, Mrs. Fred Arnold, at Windsor.:'
Both ladies attended at the Prose,
tion of a trophy to Camp Bordeirby
the • United Automobile Workers ,of
America,' C.T.O.,'Windser, in memory 'at
the late alderman Fred Arnold- of
Windsor. The presentation was made
on -February 24th at Canip Borden. ,
rst Contribution- in Local itpd Cross
Campaign Made 'Lawyer Ducey
To Mr. L. E. DanOey goes the honor
of having .made the 'drat* eontribution
to this year's Red Cross campaign Air
funds: He appeared at headquarters
on West', Street soon -.after 2 p.m 'last
Monday and was quickly folloWed by
others 'who made the 'ilr,st day's Col-
lection a satisfactory one.
With the promise of "a. fine March
and' with practically every amateur
Weather prophet ASsurnig Ala ,of fm
early spring, OffielalS Of theqted Cross
predict the most 'successful campaign
to date.t • •••'
BecatIse of the changed conditions,
in town,Witil the two air schools closed
and that souree, of. reverree ettt off,
offielitis of the Red eras are urging
all to increase their giving as muck
115 possible in order that ,ther quota.;
which, is the Stuzue .aa last' yt..ar, will
again be eXeeeded:. •
There„ the additional need Or
'Mere money lir, that ctlie Red 'Cross
has Peen asked to take over the- re-
lief or the liberated countries of
Europe. Thla. ineapa a tremendous
additional 4train on the resources of
the -organization, but it is generally
eoneeded to be a templiinent, too, and
an admission that lio Other 'beak Is
so: ottitiled to "do thiS great work.
It is extra, of coarse to the -work of
the , UNRRA, Whieti Is sponsored by
thetniteffNfltiok» and is uhder
• ryi con to. •
The Condition thn roads inadia,,it
iniPossible for the Itell Cross. Units.in
the adiciining;townshipS to get Started
on their drives as 'soon astthe towit.
These units are located 18 Godelich
township north, at Beniniller, Carlow,
Saltferd and Tiiylor's Corner, Su*
plies`Are in readiness for those Who
have not yet asked for t,hein, and,
with/the snow going fast, it is expeeted
that their colleetions will SA4M1 be in
full swing. It is generally admitted
that travelling the country :siderpide
in, their present state 18 by no 'meant',
Eke a 'Aunnter
Headquartersoffice on West street,
while, on the less- used side of the
street, is bifght and elieerful and a
pleasant welcome awaits those making
their eontributIons. •
The voluted' workers* in charge are
Messrs„ It. C. Whateley, Irarold
11tI11'3, Phil CareY and
Xiessys. W. A. Hay, G. N. Dow)cer abet
Harry'141cCrealli hre aetitig ettb-t,
if. it k• Ineonvenient to olake:
trip to hRtdquarters, contribution.***sr
he loft %tit-li atry'ltof the is..tike, or
with A.' M. Itobertson, the treasurer Itiit•
,the1184 Crosti, or with 1). Xt Cemkplooillt,
chairman of the tittante eonstalttrect