HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-03-01, Page 8• - I • u Are Invited To Attend Sunday Services - • ST GEORGE'S CHURCH =licit DUNRAK 'Rector • • C. r. $i, °rows And chohlgostar IWO a.n' UOLc COMMUNION 11,00 tam. 00141/ COMMUNION AND SERMON.' tinbjetti- Moder' the Juniper Tree 340 p,m. SC110014 AND. 131/314 Vt-ASS, 1.00 p.m EVENSONO AND SERMON, Subject; "The Opok n" 8.,,0 P." Monday, United Young Peonle'a.lallY. 849 p.m Wednesday. Litany,and Sermon. • COME TO CHURCH •,'.•44T441m.T.44..44.4.444.... • North• St, United Church "%MISTER—REV, R. H. TURNBULL, B.A., fl a4m. "THE WE -GIVING. SPIRIT." 3 p.M. SUNDAY ,tf;ctiook 7 p.M. ."PARADOXES OF CHRISTIANITY." Organist 'and Choir Leader— Mrs. Murray Hetherington, AT 0.M A SINCERE WELCOME AWAITS YOU Knox Pre' sbyterian,Cilurch_ II a.m. 'PUBLIC .WOESIIIP. Sermon Subject: "Be Ye Spiritually Minded?" 7 paia ' Mare WORSHIP. Setnion Subject; "True Manhood and Spiritu* Riches." II am. JUNIOR •CONGREGA:TION. 2.30 p.m. SUNDAY SCH,OOL. Monday, 8 p.m. Young People's, Society. IIINISTE4---REV-EREN.IL4RI0HARD STEWART: DIRECTOR OF PRAISE—MRS. FRANK SAUNDERS. ' Come and Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness. -, Victoria- St. United Church. MINISTER—REV.' LAWRENCE 11. TURNER, , .• ORGANIST—MRS. L. HANNA 40.00 aIn SABBATH SCHOOL. • " ° ' 11.00 a.m. LENTEN SERIES. '.."Tempted Like As We Are:" -,00 P.m. LANTERN LECTURE. - • Monday .8 paii. Y. P. U: . Guests of the Anglican Y.P.U. 3.00 ,pin. UNION0-4UB1I0 'WORSHIP. •• v•plihm. Goderich Baptist Church • REV. JOSEPH JANES, M.A., PASTOR , • Wilfred Donaldson, Organist. 11 a.m. PUBLIC WORSHIP. "The True Perspective of 'Life." COMMUNION SERVICE. 3 p.m.. SUNDAY SCHOOL-. 7 p4n..• rimue WORSHIP. "A Timely W •We‘e"id'ay, 8 Prayer N'teetidg. STRANGERS ALWAYS WELCOME - nittEL PE 60 „ • Services: Sunday -16:000.m. SUNDAY. SCHOOL. 11 SERVICE. , . 1,30 pari.,—EVENING SERVICE. • , Tuesday B00 p.m. YOung people's Service.', Thursday 800 p.m. Prayer Service. , A.IteititY Welcome Awaits 37011 at the "Centre of, Eiangelisni" :".011,4 CHURCH THAT PREACHES. WHAT TO -13113LE TEACHES. riets railer BruSh -"representative, MisS innifred O'Neil, Clinton, will be in Goderieh during March. Per further information enquire at 'Signal-etar .*3-9 „ .0et-,YOur auto and driver's license and 4..eetipon gas 'aatiorr *book OM J. W. MagVicar at. ItteeVicar's SittKi 'Store. Applicati040 MUSt' be tilled in by the • applieant;',. ..,"Dead Attie" is ' 'e 7-10 RuMulage sale 'unde'rtile ansPicea of 'the Mission °trete. of North street United ehureh,' Saturday* 'March17, at 2 p.m., MacKay' Hall. , Reserve March .15th and 16th fer, the three-aet.eornecli "Where's,Orand? ma,"in North street 'United ehurch hall, under the anspieea 02,the Association. Admission 35e. . $40 'Rummage sale under the auspices Or the Margaret .. Seeger Club of St. George's church, Saturday, March 10th, at 2 p.M.,'MacKaY nail- 8-9 The regular March Meeting' of , the Maple Leaf Chapter, X.O.D.A., will be held Friday,' March 9th, at '3.30 p.m., In MacKay Hall, Annual fees are due, -- , Slender .Tablets are effective. • Two weeks' supply $1; twelve weeks' $5, at Campbell's Drug Store, .• • int . The Graduate • Nurses of Goderich will hold their regular monthly meet- ing on Wednesday, March *7th, .m., in the Town 'Hall, Two sound films an social diseases will be shown. They are "Fight 'Syphilis" and "Plain Facts." Dr. G'allow, 111.4:9EI.v will speak. • Don t 'suffer constipation, biliousness, indigestion—use Kipp's Herb Tablets for quick relief.. An excellent tonic laxative. 25c and 75c sizes, at Camp- bell's and a.,11., druggists. - 9-18 • the Emergency Nursing • Reserve invite you to attend their meeting on Wednesday, March 7th, at o'clock,,in the ,auditorium 'the___TOWn 3 -Tan Two sound- will be. shown, on "secial-diseases." Dr. Gallow, M.O.H., .will• speak. -9 Corns instantlytelieved-ivith-Lloyd's. Corn and Callous Salve—the effective gqrn reiuedy. 50e 'at Campbell's .and Emerson's Drug Stores. • 9-13 • Plan' noW'toattend the Easter "500" and -dance in Oddfellows' Hall,Frlday', April 6th, Auspices .Goderich Rebekah Lodge NO. 89. -9 The. regular 'meeting of, St. George's Church Woman's 'Guild will be held on Wednesday, March • 7tbi. in the Guild room - ..Miss, Sullivan will be the, guest speaker. DIED • SHEARDOWN.—In Goderieh, 6n Sun- day, 'February. 25t1i, 1945, Edith P. • - ,iminiazi,;. wife of Wren Sheardown, in her -62nd year. MEMORIAM . • ANSTAY.—fn loving tueinory. of Wil- •linm Anstity; •who passed away • February 29th, 1944: - "What would I give to clasp his hand; 'happy face to See, • To hear. his voice :and see his smile ' That, meant se much to me." -1-Lovingly remembered wife and • family. , 9x ANNUAL fieFLET......Tva, OF helped to suPPiYthe needs of these 'Inttineirorr •LEAWB, 'local Ws in •- -Mtn- Febr,?' 27. --,The annual meeting at the Nile retOrY 4,ttglie was held • in the 'Nile school -house. on February 2. 11120--past-----year's -capable' officers • Presented. a statement' on the achieve- ments of thig'71a1.,.4ktalit patriotic club since its Organization' one year ago, ,The report from the Work convener is 2..sWeaters1 37, pair _Socks; 12 1,07-ifft-s"-of pyjamas. Qullt linings were donated by, Mrs.: Mat- thews, Mrs...yettinitii, Mrs. Brooksiand Mrs. Taylor. A quilt top Was &hated' , by Mrs. Hayden,. and two, by "Mrs. Morris.„ , . Parcels ' and „ cigarettes are „being sent: to the present enrolmentof fourteen local, servicemen, of whom twelve are overseas. In addition , to chocolates and gum, -130,000 cigarettes, and boxes 4144014 to $110 have „The treasurer Made a 'financial state- ment as Total receipts, $597,/7; disbursements, 1438.004 bal- ance on hand, $159.11. . . The election of officers fo.r.,1945 re- sulted as follows: President, Omar Brooks; treasurer, Sim McIntyre; 'secretary, -Clarence iDustow; auditors, Mrs. R. Hayden, Miss D. -Tigert; news reporter, Miss Tiger; work • cell- IIIS-71C-Segle-rrworlreditirdittEe; Mrs,. T. Nixon, Mrs. H. Johnston, •-)1Irs. II. Watson, Mrs. E. Bogie, MTS., W. Pettinan lunch conveners, Mrs.:Jr Me- Ilityre,, Mrs. T. Nixon ;program con- vener, Mrs. IC IlaYdea; program, earn- mittee,- Mrs. Dustow, Mrs: Ryan, Miss D.; Tigert, Wilmer Rutledge, Frank Hawkins. •Once you have licked.' your , own temPtations.you:ean hat ihything. In the Present Aron .shotild 'buY. Life Insurance,. 'hecsuise,the..future is a Most expensivejuxuiy', Got Reit asSiired. Nottlt,St: TeL 208„vr , • 4677' Cpi*le,tery. Memorials :1-1tOit ire. Invited .to fispeet .our stack in Clihton .„' .tiefer: Se'aforth: Phone 141 ' Enquiries promptlyattened tO.• GRAHAM,—In loving memory of oar darling sort,'• Robert- John Grahant, passed, away • one year ago (March 1, 1944). God needed a. new star' Up yonder, Heoycouldn't .firid:-41...brigliter ',light to shine' " ' • " _ , . Nor one so 'fair ,ad,lovely; • • • Than that little bey of mine. „ , —Lovingly remeinbered and greatly missed. by Mainzim,_Daddy and Sister Janet. • -9 •MILLS.—In 16Vingmemory of Mrs, • " Dina Mills, who passed, away March 4th, 1941. , litilent thought, a, secret tear Keeps her' Memory ever dear: Ever remembered by,her sons and daughters and grandehildren...' alURCII NOTES The Aid()U.:Knox Presby- terian church.,met ori Friday, February 23rd, in the lecture hall, „, with Mrs. Alex.......Striton, presiding.: Mrs. Wm. Doak readlhe Scripture *lesson, and. :Mrs. N. taker led it' prayer. Plans Were •disctisSed for the remodelling of 'the church kitehen and the purchase of, modern fixtures. Mrs. 'Prank Saunders and 11rs. K. Revell. rendered .a pleasing duet. • • LEEBURN* . LEEBURN, Feb: 28.—Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cook .rhaVe been busy .this -^week painting at their house and garage in Goderich. • - • - • Mr. and Mrs., Frank . Hortonand their faintly,. from the Huron 'road, Ooderich, called on. the Misses Horten. On Sunday. • ' Firm Forum.—The Farm • Forum* Met on Monday evening at the 'mile Of Mr. and Mrs, Terrence Hunter, With an, 'attemialiee of 'thirteen. Thep was a good discusaion on the subJects of harvesting machinery and more , help Tor the women ,In the homes. The :social activities were in charge' Of Roy Litklater •rind• James Chisholm. Lunch wasAseri,ed. • Curiniiighaiii. Prytle (TikEviAs pity»i) WHEN ar OV REQuinn comb OR cola tut, COAL AND ItARI) 110;41If Lee A 14 AT TIIE tate Room ••• 411,4., a •yr • ” • 4,14,9' Dr. . G. S. Elliott VETERINARY SURGEON SMALL AND LARGE ANIMALS At undies Drug Store, Ooderlek "wary Thursday afternoon PHONE 203 CANTON Does hurt, a man to have him, pv., " his Accounts? •". AnoterINoSiri "raw aecounta collected ' without hurting. , 114aelVIATEt ooneetion ituttaitt 40, East at. Oderlci Phone NW • or R Ued Ad _ MALTIN( BARLEY We are new eoutriketing acreage for the growing Of Barley for next season's %op. at !Me. Per bushel. For ferther Lop!, -SMALL „DROWN .‘T.A\ PURSE) dcr)41.SOUCNUttl'aikeenVialt,etqaaraQri.o.T.,Teg, ,ii,eCKP1199111490 rp-"Ixeoac:0007,1einavineglStill:S. 103. NA- on0A: - •Middlesex. and If Urea' RegiMent, Co'y. Basketball Tractiees 4111 coin- menee, -during and. after parade of the Company on Monday, Marelr'5, Two tun teable, e*. •it pted„ :'r,rospeetive mem. bers hi g* gynitasium footwear. °W.SUTHERLAND, Lt., 9- • Oilicer lie. ,Aboye Sports. "s:•-• , All persons desirous of -,'proeuring trees for planting -this'spring arere- quested to -contact the School Teacher in your section, not later than Morel 10th. By ,placing order's in this maniier there Is no cost to Person's desiring such trees and they. will be delivered to the -Schwa by County- trucks. - Any person ordering 500' or more trees_ may have them parcelled- in an individual order.* .MTLLER;' 9-11 County Clerk. NOTICE TO cittoupE,§ NOTICE TO CREDITORS. hertby given to an p'ersolis having any claims against the estate of Matilda Weller; --late Air-ther T6-vv11" of Goderieh, in the County of Huron, widow, wir died onor about the 13th chly ,� -February,,S.D. 1045, to -send :Same to the .undersigned on Or before the 9th day 'of March, 1945, as - on and after that date, the executor of the said estate shall :proceed • to inake • distribution of the •assets thereof, niklaevdi:ng, reg, ard. only -to the claims so • reDbratiteacir'y' tsG4d;e1r914c5h. th•is 20;h ds37 Of ' • R. 10. HAYS, -K.C., • . Qoderich, Ontario, 8-10 \• Solicitor of the said Estate. NoTICE. TOIREDITORS. • . IN THE MATTER . -OF THE ESTATE OF MAX FRANKEL, late of the Town Of Goderich, in the'„County of 'Huron, Metal Dealer,' deceased, NOTICE. IS HEREBY GIVEN pur- suant to 'Section 51 of the Trustee Act that all creditOrs and :others having 'claims or demands :against the • estate .of the said- Max -Frankel, ' who died on or about the 7th day 6f August, 1942, are required on Or before the 15th day,of 'April, 1045, to send by 'post prepaid, or deliver to 'Louis Gluskin, care of •Mark Reingold, Barristeri,etc., 38 Richmond street West, Toronto 1, Ontario; the exOtitOr of the last will and testainent-ig.-qhe said deceased, - their Christian lianies.,-and-'surnameSf addresses aird-lreSeriptiOns, the full. particulars .of their claims,- 'a state- ment of ,their accounts, and the natuF:O: Of'the - secui-ities (-12 any: lield -by NOTICE thataftersuch last mentioned date the said executor will 'proceed to .distribUte the assets of the aid deceased among the-`plirties entitled -thereto, having regard only to the ,clainis of 'Which he shall then have had notice,. and that the • said executor .will not be liable for the said.. -assets or any part thereof to any 'Per- SOn or persons- of whose .claims- notice shall not have been received by him at the time of Such distribution: -.Dated the 14th day a February, -A.D. 1045. .3,1ARK. REINGOLD,_ 38 Richt:10A. Street. West,v ' Toronto 1, Ontario, ' 8-10 . SOileitor for the -said Executor. E CROSS NOTES The Workroom- .'emitaittee----of the Red %Cross is delighted with: the fine response to the appeal for More wqrkers. • The rooms .have hummed the 'Urge' nuniber of • articles sent - forward in the following shipment: 20 'giria' coatis, 20 girls' sweaters, 5 pairegirls', socks, .50. pairs giris' bloomers, 15 boys' SiVeaters, 5 boys ' Yeats, 30 boYs'' , turtleneck sweaters, 15 .high -neck sweaters;*, 50 pairs gloves, 10 „quilts, 23; reftigee garment-IA—a total -of • 253. • , Junior Red Cross Werkers will be interested in Aliese Items in the "News Bulletin!" • ' .n , ' ;Junior Red Cross ,has taken on an- other wartime . nursery—the _FeyeS Nursery in herbourne*; making 'fifteen' nurserieS•in'alt Maintained in 'England by Canadian Junior Bed Cross. • Calling on the woraeri of Ontario to pick up their 'needles .and knit as ever .before," Mrs. 3. 0, Fraser de- clares: "Surely we -shall not- let down 'on our knitting, quotas of 1945 as figure$ show we have in. 1944, This Is the year that we should' finish the Yob we, started out so enthuSlastically to do.' • Knit and ship to the warehouSe , s soon. as ,posSible.' .Knit all th wool you have' on hand. Adopt the slogan 'Knit and Ship' and taekle the job eagerly. Surely the needs of wo- inen and children, enduring- the strain of life in the actual line of. battle Should appeal to women living in the Shelter and . comfort of Canadian hottest" A veteran of the last, war Who lost his hearing in the service of his country' and is now lighthousekeeper itt Toberinory has been provided with nn AeOUStieon hearing aid; the Division pitying $93 totiterds, thetotal cost, part:of which is Paid for by Soldiers' Aid. • The stun t� date realized In the bridge and five Unwired marathon inchisiVe is $08,80. • .1VISS Vtetorine' Hildebrand of Stritt-' fortl-SpOttjthe Weekentl with her. par- elitof, Mr, and Mrs. Irvtii 'Hildebrand. LOST AND IMMO, .roa. .,SALE RENT.—FIVE-ROMeh FURN- XSIEEEP apartment, with .flreplaeet hardwood . floors, spring.' niattrese,' three-piece hath,',. garage I desired. Possession abut March. lOtli; A.pply 4'St. Vincent street. • Phone 218.- Ott 110 'RENT. -.- TIIREE-ROOMED • allartment, -Unfurnished. ° Corner Hamilton street and Square, APpll 0. M. ,ROBERTSON, phone 730R. WANTED WANTED. --;-Ti) BUY opp. uousiilp and dead cattle; must be Suitable for zulnk feed; - removed. ',promptly. FRED GILBERT.-plione 908-r 22, Clin- ton, or JACK GILBERT, phone 008 r 21, iOlintott. 04114 paId for. • 18tf pUuNITEIBE WANTED. — HIGH- EST cofh prices paid for used furniture. • Cash 'customer waiting for piano in geed Condition:' A Pontiac oach for sale, T. GUNDRY-, 8 North street, Goderich, 9-10 riri,V=!-IftWID OR MIDDLE,- .--AGII)D woman fOr generarliteasnz work, •f one adult in Goderich. APPlY rt..WIGLE, 47 Victor street, ;London. 41 .11OUSJ3I WANTED TO BUY. -i --COM- • VORT'ABLE house .in .Godarieli with modern Conveniences, Will -paY cash BOX 20 SIGNAL -STAR 9-10x , CARD Or THANKS MR. AND MRS, WM. BLOOMFIELD and family wish to thank the Men's•Chtlettan "-Service Group who took part in the memorial Service; and also' those -..who 'so kindly sent floral tributes and -cards:: Special thanks to Rev. L. 11,,Turner, B.A. 9X WREN SHEARDOWN AND • fondly wishto extend their, sincere thanks to the relatives, *friends and neighbors' 'for the manyacts of kind- ness- chiring the illness of •Their •wife. -antl mother find for the nieSsagesof condoleriee and - the beautiful floral tributes recethd in their bereayenient. , k. • • 9x ".....1411.11.111•11minim Miss Maude MacMath spent the week -end visiting with her sistersMiss Esther , aeMath, Belle • Wyatt, and Miss Grdee MacMath, Reg.N., Barrie.1 • OuPestablisbed 11.ARDWARE''-and 00AIA BUSINESS belonging to the Estate of the late Obarlea 0. Lee 0ItAiGIBi. REAL ESTATE, Ooderieh. FOR SALE).—AITOREN CABINET, natural color vvith poreelain,-tray. May be seen by calling at 38 Eatield ,roads.3- , Ox ,„ FOR S,4•41, -.A, 'U. Tp double discs ,"and two -furrow ploughs, all II good condition. Phone 3.410, Carlow. $-9x FQE VOTATOEs,, a013- BLERS, would do for seed; also Spy and Baldwin apples, AMOS ANDREW, Auburn. ...Phone, Carlow 1810. •`•.• -9 FARM FOR SALE, -:-.AT BAYFIELD, Stanley Township, 75 acres of clay learn land, known as Bruce MOpre farm; good barn on oeinent foundation, ininey house, one mile from school and lake, Price. $2000. "'Apply A. A. FISHER,. 143% Loehiel street, Sarnia. -9-11 Fon, SALE.—MAN'S, SeRRING TOP- COAT,"blue, size 42. Phone 473W, . • . .9 "LARGE. -EGGS, BIG 13IliDS'L- 1-fIt:s7v -Big4--Chlekfor Iran' nowi- on " our custoraerS vilib are speaking,they- should' know Kitch- ener_ Big -4 Chicks are bred for Pray-. tical poultrymen like yeurself. Order now to eitteh the better egg poultry markets; * Agent RYAN PRODUPE,1 Goderich. ARM. FOR SALE OR RENT ghty aerei of , Pisture, spring creek, plenty ,of shade, brick house, barn • and orchard. Apply - to MRS, ELLEN J. COX, Huron street,. clinton. ' t T U WAY. MARCU lBt, 190 om BRIAD-mith Vitamin CompMeans Heath and garrOn*SL --$PAcau," thig week.end Banan*Ca,ke 20 06uts::49,411 maim .1Vitiffins 20 cents a dosou urry!.$ Bakery "Tie ,Home of Tasty .rastri7 MEL.' ,CULBEItT, ;PrOPrietor. PHONE 465 • TEriDER.9 WANTED ToNovits.--w„ooD poNisARs Axp invited for 10; cords of hardwood - before . the date of l!larch, 10, to be delivered td-Benmiller cirarelr-hy May• 15th, • • 4 „•„„ mILFoRD W. Dui*r; • n,,rt. No, 2, 01lntn,. 940 See.-Treas. Benmiller Chureh, , *•11111.111111111111111■111111111111.41.1 c REGIMENTAL -NOTICE All membeiii Of 1'0" Company are hereby ordered. to attend parade on ,niglita at 8;14 until further advised„,,NoLexcue •-will be accepted for absence unless there is a written lnedical.certificate of illness or a letter froni the .employer stating 'definitely that you are on essential war work: -(SIGNED).R; C. HAYS, Capt.T, * -`.0.0. ,"C” Coy.,„. 't 9-11 • • Middlesex and Huron Regt. EN AN -D WOMEN.—WATKINS Dealers are 'making .more money today, thp.n ever before -Enjoy ..the' security and-beidefit'S of aftliation With • the OLDEST. ;arid t. LARGESt. COM- PANY of its kind in the .world. All Sales records were, smashed hi. 1.944-z-- , generous bonuses were .pajd to all, Watkins'- Dealers. 'Get tato business ger yourself • on our 'capital- in your home or adjacent. locality. Suitable travel outfit required.. Write now for further 'information ., J.:R. WA.THINS COMPANY; Dept. 0-071, , 2177 Masson street, Montreal. .9-10, SALE.—COWS, YOU G OAT - TLE, horses and imPlements. Apply MELVIN RAYNARD, 'East street .und; Victoria .street., • • GET Drivels's License •, AND tiouport7dAs RATION BOOKS Mac Vicar At PifaeVioar'S. Shoe Store, Applications iaust-be filled in' by the applicant. *DeadAine is soon. 7-10- To the Citizens of Goderich and District; 0, \-1 Once more the Goderich Braneh of the Red Cross Societycomes g ore you with its appeal to,_yoUr generosity • - • • , • . . A Six times in the' past; each year from' 1.939 to 1,944,- we -have laid- - -our ease before you, and, to your everlasting credit, you havenever failed to answer the call of the heart: Every tune you have given' more than was , •asked. • . 3/fore than " $40,000.- has poured through ,. our headquartersminl---- , that time and, in addition; the ladiea a town and country have .worked.whole- • heartedly in manyprojects to bring in 'another $1,000. ' °That is_asplendid record, •one•iit which we all may take p ide. , Great thingshave been d,one with this money :4' Great and,worth- .i,'hile •qua,ntitiekroaf clothing, d'ho8pital_suppneS; .of_prisoner_of- waVPareels, have gone abroad, ,beeause of ourdonatiOnsand unknown numberof lives • have -been saved or made bearable' in many lands, ° * • Every•Canadian ¶tnd British rePatriated, prisoner ofwar, has `tOii@ed that-witlunitthelted7Cross-food -parcelS, life -would have been-jy - possible. ;That alone- has made' ;our efforts worthwhile. * ° • - , , . • - • Now,„ although the hi4.est authorities:.in. 'the, United Nations state that the 'German' war is in its final Stages, they all assure us thatl-"Phe Need Is Greater Than*Ever! Now there are more prisoners to care for, more . • women and: ehildren to eloth.e and 'feed, more desperate distreSs• to,. relieve. , • • • • • • • - • The time is not yet when we can relax. .• So, bring in your Contributions.' Only,' this year, make tiler.% a•- ,.. ,-..--- --little larger. Last yearwe seeured almost $1,000 , frota, Sky Harbour and ' Port Albert. Both camp hare been closed as yon know. We are. asked .to give as much aS last year,•namely $9,000; and the onlit-- way that can be d.one is1)1 everyone. giving° &little more; ' .‘'• , • .i- * • , • 0 6 This yearthere,Will be no collection for anycountry such aS... lareeee or itussia.Everithing,-bii order of the Government, mustgo through, the. Bed Cross, If you had planned to help these countries, please do so by increasing your contribution to the Red ()foss. • ' • Our Headquarters will be on: West Ston the north sideof the street: The °Mee will be open every day except Sundays from 2 R.M. until 0 .p.m. but not in the evenings... equ.#eous attendants will give you official receipts for your donation, for inedme tax purposes. " Lot us make .thiS the greatest and best campaign yet. Tho.:.0000101i.: R04: .C....r..togo-:$.001.ely D: E. CAMPBELL,' ‘;`(MRS.)4L, C. DUNLOP, rinanee Committee: Preidenta e4gi, 2:4444. 4c/S, • 1 4