HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-03-01, Page 7OiT 'l I ►,b., .Y ,;, San.; 4t e ' February' t vi . w . .. .d ted at Ortteestliftre.li• bar the pastor, 1-' A♦ 8[, 4of r�� Ba�aeld the! . fJA" �R � 1. dot since tai• 11 Vimt rch�, Shu► iCh ' * planned I eveain g , r Rrhhh t supper will, btilaerredi 1#1 `' t bttai t,�ryyy�a , i7 t l�..v lsQi�. T^ iu. Y t neisa zo`ee is le �, :C. Montreei '. t few dayswith'er Parents' and, trothexc, Ordinary Seaman �im .of, who has, spent St' three :weeks at h ome, but t •, • re'� .today duty Railtax, We wieb tot beth thefe YOUng l rate beet of leek. Mrs. Lloyd 1a wr 1,111r.en to Clinx tion tat on Wed11004147 ,fit atter e. a 1 d thtee during that evening+ ot"•TM , the e , ; �, in terrible'. • !HYMN .M.� cao 41,ttR d gin , f `vouees- .J wd, '.ii'•t retdnfese for. theWwMp hlpe plow. r T ow diet3Onband0,0tua11{Vowed 1ToSF,thaM:"WCilu•le, �, 'road*, ,T•J.h •'. oi',tbo tint line, then.; lett;, .s•w'ith,, t r u "fail, o" r +41. so Iry g1t, moron, � t desk ibs�: it.'Now, for. the benefit of anyone k o r v thl><z .ill .f t a „ailing t#t #e roads", ; t; g . ,• , , _, c , � ,A e, is net 'neeessary to take with''gold . you � go or Silver or brass in your parse; nelther twg . to * % fc r the is but it le neeeeearY to carry a ,tat nd a .good ao i t;. l Le lid Mother Nature' will dlatarlbute her sun- 8a!r ^ RM lid,'. ono, }�'r}!'. • 141 • n • r T' ua .. ...,Y« .:4tR AR ^ A! yp,��j� 1rw e nd a AAXlaia ' ll bra. iltu . s .a . i�ott 1Y t a[e �. $. �� � day: Fr 1a � t l ..�!•+mak at h' 1. �M tht. ;' the t lfuneral, {{yam {.�y, �. terra *af, rti e" CFa d ' r. anti n .• �rirts. d_ tt . St Mr. _ a ae' . • edd,° And � was, . , Y h e� r:b . t. the' baby John. Andrew,. of St. 'Helens :spentin after *hick Gard °• -were played. . and Ruby, a ,> ��Y of ♦ � �'' qct Kis, go R U•e! s' t •tp, � '.'with�►F? t r,p- • R. ,'t, " R'�� 'M° ''c1 'flies �,. " uv date got No.: school. atter. ler Misr. , r We are glad . to report that M Jarvilt McRride and M r..'W W. Walter 'are forCVItg If» • n .. Chl�r' b)1lt : 66 �{ of tl d, T .s n -tn with « 1 'MM � U d d d'{ .J � i of H � a. _ ,� .,#�Yark, .lY . fain rc,r as dt►1 EAVYi tlEAVY HAS. �•r$. OVER -THY: BEAD., , �, :THANK, GOODNESS 1, WAS. 'SQ vVORR1'ED E MUST.BE,MQ,RE .C%AReFUI., ABOUT OUR RATIQi4 rBOO14S,; TUE 'RE VALUABLE, BE CA Erin ! Your •current ration bciob. has still, to last till; the end of the year, r.« • If itis mislaid, you niay • be incortitenienced: and,f ies • -.-lost, bOtlh;ynu and your -local • Rapgn Board' Will be p'if to" needless worry and' trouble. So, keep .your. book in a safe place athomeWhere itit readily accessible but ..not liable to damage or «apt to be Misplaced. JOHNAABATT LJMfTED London - Canada. � f , a utIteeTeJ. )11300- row relaid a ° e The Minutes o>k the Meeting Were ear d stud n hfrr j; M. gP ,114►litd, d rt fret Vb.rt t ot't.lwaya wasp>�:; 'to the,': Iiw w i ' 1 11 i I Mit iy moo_ a . ayt 11�rar axe at il• o i iat� � A c uCa f : aha CIS knult,. rola: Vf ha i „ ,. nk' uwt fell '01► the ivy walk ',ixt ,�x�Put ��tatiun of �i Cf'tr�; was ,. foe w o To n•a +er n 7046‘113;ded:MV1:::et°01:iocl'IPI:11:011141a":11: �' ,er� 'eoldieratlon, . b � � th e a zl �rnctuxo� e is 1t r � alto r . he colla . p rola eA he i . , 1 n S _a at _ r c _ ko __r e»owell that; the Yiugl ani hosnita1R sheep valuers be ,allowed lee mileage, one•" kiy, ,4n,,•ddltion to ;2 as inspection. R:• H. Cohn, "eon 'or Hobert f`ote, G «. rC township, o h . "been el . i� et pisident •ef the nava`, centre of the Y Q ,i. t o o f s rou xn ca et ! n d 1t . I 1 ro � t a ac. % i" y. Mr.' and Mrs; Adam Sleep; Goderieli township, announve the engagement tee, vvOe carried., .• •of their. daughter, J )orothy lrgee 3`n, 'tu Byitw NS., a, 1945,'`re;;rend `expends•. Mervyn E. no, 14ulconerm youngest tion ours f' r the ear,was se�1 `oi notion of jr. uiid Mrs. William' 3. lfak,oner, Biruecefield; the marriage to take place of~ •Cottneillors Ruddy and 1tohertson. a in �Zarch, Moved by t; unsriilor McDo�w`ell, sec The' demltc, Qf 13eu3ami)t Ri1sy, I1ufi� Reader! 'bu erouueiden R1tiCk, :hilt ,the, Tett township, occurred t tixier.11ouie ►f:' Riad: finvi mtSnndeut . ox Councillor Ruddy ae a-lternate�atten 'the• =Good ,,his daughter; Mrs ohn G.,.Mann, .in Roads eoiaverltlon.. hip eighty-liftit year. liis • rile, pre, rOn otior;"o# Councillo�vs Btibert o0 deceased,. hini ;tud he is urvived .by lend' ILuddy the ohne for .the eolleetion vro sons,' ' Joh?i,' ,of Brussels, and of taxes,. Wats extended to March r nth , j•Charles, of Seaforth,' t ud three daugh- The following accounts were ordered tees, Mrs. j. Or. ey Mune, • of led, and to' be .paidr.°:.AStuart N cBuz't ey,, road' vllle'; Mrs. J. Cann, of Hulled, and .superintendent, salary, $20.35; • The, rs, Robert Orimoldby, also by twenty- one grandchildren, w " A4nnfcipal World, subscriptions. and ' supplies, $8,38; R..1. Lovell Co., assess- ment dolls and .notices, $15.25; H. C. MacLean, premiutu on collector's and, treasurer's bonds, $34.50; Simon ''IHa.1- lahan, ' rebate on drainage debenture,. 'The- death of Helen Kay, widow of. W. H. Eery, occurred at Brussels on Monday in ;her .eighty-second year. Mrs, ,Kerr was a native .and lifelong resident of Brussels. Her husband, ;$4M; Cecil Falconer, rebate on drain- whom she worried in ' 1883, was for age 'debenture, , $1.80; Ontario Associ- many years the publisher of The ation• of Rural''Miinicipalities, member- Brussels .Pont and wan welly known ship fee $5. - :.. -•throughout the county. Their ..801.1 " - Council' adjourned to -meet on March ;Iohn Leslie, Who' suecee+decl his father Gth. • • in the management: of, The Post, 'died' R, R, REDMOND, Clerk.. BENMrLLER,- Feb, 27. --Mrs. C. straughan of Auburn spent last week With friends at Ben.miller. A• number from here. attended the dance ''at Qddfellows' Hall on .friday night, 1tev. Dr. .parnett.delivered a splendid -sermon 1m Sunday" on the 'text from Matthew' 28 16. • A progressive euchre party" will°'be held at, the house of Mr.. and. Mrs, Fletcher Fisher. 'sponsored by the Red Cross: Miss Lorna Moore of • :Montreal is spending. aGledhi• vacationjl,and ., withfunnilyher, "aunt, • Mrs: w Mr',• Chas., Davidson •` was called' to Collingwood recently, having received the sad news of the passing of his Sister. FREE!R _0S r.0�erases Local boys overseas -will get'thousands... of smokes free. wherever they are, whatever branch of the Service they are in; they are . constantly I the minds of the .folks at home. Goderich• is proud of them. • IMPORTANT—If your name appears in this issue go ••at once to ,The Signal -Star and supply the following information . 1. The rank, regimental number and :"tame. • 2. v erseas address of the bP !::4n g rLj-gym the Seri' �yh . nd cigarettes to .F - . ' .S.hould.an. erson care••to- nd, n tt y _. y 1?. __ ,..4. �_.. � gdfo..tn..the�bo�cs..av-ersea�'the`y eau- Wend '$1:04 -°of more;-• ;to -Mr. D. hl:. Campbell; and the.:elgaretteSinfill ' e sent by the Goderich branch, of the Canadian Legion. • •, THE -PLAN' IN BRIEF Each week for 2g weeks, not necessarily' consecutive, there•Will appear among the advertisements on this page, the; names and'•' addresses of per- sons -70a. The Signal -Star •subscription list' in and `around Goderich`. Read the advertisements carefully. .,If • you should find ' your name, notify this office at ' once; or before next' publication. day, . to whom you would, like cigarettes: sent. The Signal -Star .Will then send 300. cigarettes overseas ' With, the compliments of- the advertiser, through the GGoderich: braneh of.. the'Canadian Legion Tobaceo fund. •' COUPON To.. .+r.•••.. .. • •. • . ,F1' dVertiser • •'t• Please send X00 Cigarettes Overseas to • Regimental . Number y BANNISTER AUTO SERVICE Repairs to all makes ° of cars.: • Lubrication, Motor Oil. TOWIN4... FUNERAL= BFVIflE, - .r� a •., " Stice'essor to d::Brophcy F> to :11 t LODGE, Dlreet r • Phone 120 Goderlch- Fnrniti re'Sto a-- 1 Milli t St. Araibb�ilaiiirk lei' ' . . k''ti Brad : Home -13 Montreal 'St. .General : Hardware • Plumbing and '.heating Stoves and' Furnaces Paints and Oils Fihiine•.2 283. Address .,. . •:,........ ... NOTE Advertiser will please forward ' this Cori ° cam • ,. imp P ptlY��tli Th e txYerich . Signah$tar. • • BEDFORD HOTEL Courteous Service Reaso--_ble Rates -Square R Phone, 323 Send the boys cigarettes, often ' da GUEOTHER; T rAN PORT Earl R.; Guenther 'Proprietor. Daily Service q'to and' from Tor- onto, Ham lton, : Lindon w.. intermediate points. "Vietoria Vit. ' Phonef 850 LT • csoAzto.. Is Coal ' Coke I. Wood Phone. "'15, p Nelson St. Under trying circumstances we aretrying to do a good :job. You ° will !find' this a good firm to' do buSinerik with. 1 'ie ving' . a �rlrl►lt ter, 1 y,'Y . �s i* re�au "fo"r"t txx a � performed tine•' t r it +� to t' s "! r i ,fit . ll G�'-OOver, �YreC, Vva•�c uaiikod in . t •im'iam Kenneth =der, :and 'Mrs. W.. B. Elder, jfenball. The Loup - wilt make their home at Heft!!., , $0011Oni;44fld_ -- At •Caven Presbyterian, church, Exeter, on 'Saturda', • i'ebruary 1711, the puriage ;vas nolemni. of Irene Anna ,,idarie Kydd, .doughiitoil Mr. and. MSR John' Kydd,. Exeter North, to James. "' Peter Sanders; $oh of Mrs, ,Iasi 9Cn_, r ..a' the .. late Y . , S. l; Sanders ` o Salter, Sank, 1tev. Kenneth'' �l' ieLeau'• ot'elated. The couple w: S. reside tot' Lohdon. Zurrleh Q , Wins R.T. Miss . Mae• 1, Smith, ,.[.T.,. of the staff of . Vletoria 'Hospital; London*. hhas onor psstandi sed -ing her exregiatminationsstered'tee h - wItnnol in ogy, °. else, •passing ns specialists in hae�jeatology.. She is now a Member of •the Canadian S.oe`iety-of''•Labotatory • Technologists, Missy Smith; is the only ,daughter of Mr..anct biros. Chester L, ' Smith, Publishers o2 `'The Zurielt P Herald. She ,'is a ';graduate .of the • •bF� ivorsity at vWestern ilntario amu~- dou"•,.. She entered Yieto os al,. •... in 11112. xw fit OPERATIONS' OF THE WAR. ASSETS - CORPORATION - d OTTAWA, Feb. . •20. -_That . , alert, steel -seined, genii! Scotsman, J; B. Carswell, head . �f` :the War Assets Corporation, addressed; .• a directors' meeting a the Canadian WeeklyiNt ys: papers Association held recently' ins Ottawa, and described with precision and gusto the . origination, ' activities: and plans of his organization. '.According to Mr. Carswell.,. 'there wills in' due course,''be-J'stst supplies .of excess war •materials requiring --dis- position of..'one `sort or another. it is the volley' of the Corporation on the. one hand to waste -nothing -.and oil 'the' other fo see that.there'is no foolish' or useless distribution, of these war assets, • A.t' the end of WorldPar I, lumber tupplies • were. ` sold oto' electricians, electrical • .supplies were sold, 'to plumbers. and plumbing supplies were sold to;'�carpenters this sort of bad distribution. will 'not be possible -"under the set-up for World War GIT snrplris. Munitions. The normal trade channels -will :: be used, prices will be set by the Wartime Prices"! and ,Trade Board, and the Churchill is' .colonel -in -chief of •'the Provinces And -municipalities will be he 4th H sar`s and .'honorary 'colonel of given,' first,- -chance to purchase` the r. ' available is osable ]cant 'al live other regiments;. Two of his hon d P eri After the n`eds. f t e o hese `"two ri r ;eu to rs oraxy ' coloneleles • 'came about in. lA�#� h .. s we . _ have been • satisfied,indivitnal eltisens "h George -designated, hwd° will be able to put-ehase• the residue. To do so, it will be, necessary for thein to follow the usual' • commercial nructices , goods w41l: be.: §01d.to '1tn1e:_ a t tFROM POST OFFICES mins' •- DRUGGISTS • . 1`OSACCON•tSTS and alfa ROMAA, STO ES • .he'ha's not already men autoniattcally apprised'. of %ten -goods for le. n - - Mr. Ca'rswell..' 'whose -succinct taik - revealedd •he had n eompetent';grasp of •the--prab�leni in,.:itandx‘-htdi'eated-eleurly°..._, that„ no sPeculation in excess ' war ..• equipment would be',Possible. ,.'” But; being speeifleally queried' by a member - • of_ the 'audience, Mr. Carswell:010 . spiked the rumor that real-estaate' pro- ;Corporation, 'being• bought, by`�''s ►u-. lators:, _no .real' estate of iany kit d.ha,s •'..- ;5 et' been sold. through Lite^: '',ar A.Ssets - Corporaton, . `sole disposer , of„ excess' - inunitions. • (Continued from -page 2) officer, who said: "We are only too glad to. see our ''boy in° uniform, of course, but we do wish he'd wear only one ' et 'a time." wi e „Xing, Lord 'Warden of the • Cinque orts. Downing Street conceded ,.that his duties ,in connection : witli this post were _,not very arduous__ i The o a r het . fir . o iuonpa �. v .ant duty,: a ceept that o .•ohms In uniform, Clinchill wears a triple row of . riiibons=- ind'• ,A nerican .smarting .from English: sarcasm ' over the' fact that- they', ` get a ribbon." for crossing the oeean can draw console;- •tion from, the fact that the Prime 'Minister- wears7two ribbons. -awarded .him for attending-: twa eoronatlons. " Desiiite his "old -sea dog" aPPear ance, Churchill is' not, an officer of the ,. British Navy. . The „uniform ,he,, wears '•� at •sea is that of the 'Elder. ':Brethren. of Trinity house, an organization., which Downing Street explained "has has solnetbi ' to do with- -li$hthedes:" (Trinity House:- England's -lighthones - and pilotage authority., received. its charter- from 'Henry,•.VIII"inn 1514.) ' —The New York Herald Tribune:. keas�•LL* L i. £I UU W U L4 :uu urui V LU Usti - consumer . wishes to know whether a DEPARTMENT • specific item is available to him, he Cit° ER; in turn can query his :wholesaler, if 1 " nit* 'i emoved in fit Clean `Sanitary Trucks. Phone', colieot: „ 910r16 ourroN -215 STRA ORD • WilliamStoneSonsLinited XN`GERlOLL, OI'AId` 1 --230W14101- ....A `,'ood ,.wily ' to enings or leisure' ant, congenial sur • 'West St. • A-YB spend your ev- heurs in pleas- ronndings., 'Cleder1ch h� e our tractor is not in use n t e winter months �. BRADL, E`` 4 BON:, Automotive• Supplies: Motors, Pifrtable Electric Acetylene„Welty . } 4tng ,Machine Shop Werk;,• Re - Walt It Starters and Gieneratora. l . Drink. ;CoemCola • " Tweedle's ' Popular . Drink • It is safest to, get w the best.': • -Pieton int. , Phone 489 Your friendly I.D.AY: Drug Store F'iresoirpt#one a Specialty Phone4fi' " •.;•y ''GoderiCh abOtitt mut �a� �,y�,Y� Wr s1�'.RsR KET Fresh Fruits and, Vegetables Oya • Scientific Equipment Friendly Scrvieo .. . - r'• :'''hone • , 470 - East St. , NEW SELF-CLEANING ,LUGS "Goodyear.” 1M'atWittls sed e, CORPORATION .. A8sodate Store I►•' 0. WHE'rST-hNli, Prop. • Tires :and ”-llatteri Hamilton St. Phone' opW O T ON &i ' tLO D GH 'Welding and General' Repairs IrEtttat ItStikillattrt Bolas -made Candy PHONE 1'a , w ' • JZLLEY c xis. *steles ,x . Diamonds Rai' '•� ,rte, Phone • 130 • Goderieb H l 1 it your tire ship m to ■n ,aiut get ,: p in back to you pr+r. thr. Do it'now before the rush. HURON. tAliNDRV AND DRV CLEANING r ' Prompt Service e "When wtfro through it looks liltcflet"." d• 'll;►'ilt6atfAt.' Phone ,The (A ti:4:. tellEArgp - Vaariety Si'' Qualit;V For Your Pliiirsitre— ' • in. Screen Entertainnwnt Phone 41