HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-03-01, Page 4rown ac TRP GODERICE1 SIGNAteSTAR TRIPLE.CRINNED LUCKNOW TEAM TOO MUCH FOR THE GODERICH BOYS 0. sons Good enough to be *dinga ready sale- ill our competition on the wholesale market Healthy Plains Clean Plants 1. .0: . Plants that give satilfaction Oineraria, cycJamin, Begonias„Primulas, AfAeligo'Butb, Pans) Ferns etc,' 4, SOM The Square Deal 4finuen.M1111111.1114, „ lorists •The Greenhouses that /•alre sumied floVireiss, ;to Goderich ' 40 and viciiity for 40 years. . BRUCE •=1. -- • ...PHONE .1.05.„ • , LOCAL *Nrstrruizt WIN mow) :.011AMPION8HIP• Total Sari° the TWe-game _Round? rich 18 SO,fortli 9 On Thursday night last the Goderich '• ' jiiveniles won the group championship in con -winging faShion when 010' handed outclassed Seaforth 'team an 11-3 lacing. The Juveniles won the firsti game In Seaferth_ 7-6 and the score en 1. the reaan,d was 18-R„., — • .. ,‘ •• b jina Xisset scored the duly goal, for • , Goderieh . in *the- first period,:-- on ”- a pietime pass from. Jim Adam,e...giv.ing, a , NUrphyist.boys'alead which they never relinquished. Elirood,- a...Strong and e of Seaforth a d Bob Allen ..,of . Goderieh all drew' tri ping penalties. The * second . period had just begun when the Lions took hold and went on a ' searing spree. Bisset netted two More goals, bringing' his total,„to three, 4hile Bill Neweomhe :rapped _home fonr--tind Bob A1len4ne to give the honaesters an 8-0 lead. ' . • , , XiL the second' period the game got a little :out of hand and both •teams were toughinklt up cOnsiderably. The tliraax came' When 4erry .7. Ohm, the Gbderieh netminder, "i'verit to his ' knees • .on a shot* by Dag and ' Doi.' Swung . :, . his stick at ,Ginifs 4 -head. •t'Ticker" Nero .grabbed' Doig and , he in iiirn grabbed W.: Elw9od. while Ginn' . ,- • .. took eharge a Doig. ,When the refei:e.e, Jaek:Nediger, get things straightened Out he .thumbed Mero and Ellwood to the .‘hoosegovir ,for five minutes, and sinee- Giederich were aireadY 'playing two men, short., the.y. were allewed,ft a substitution. The Liohs,•were still short 'two men at the beginning of the third Stanza, hut Don Ainslie took charge - of, the put,14. and worked his way, through to beat Swan with a shot between his egs. A few minutes later Ken , Doig- roke through. the defence and beat Ginn:: cleanly to, chalk ,uP,'"Seaforth's initial counter., Whew the'fbaint-'were t full strength'Iaganx. "`131ondle"-• mnce. • Denalcis added another to . the Liens' redit; Strtojag. came back for Seaforth to score on a pass from 41wood.'New- coMbe was. penalized for slashing, and.. before he could return Stewart added another: On his return Newcombe banged one in to. ,,end the scoring for trie night at 11-3 for the Lions. • TheLions left no doubt in anyone's 'Mind as to which viaa the better team, as they outplayed -$etiforth every department, Ineluding penalties': New- combe carried off scoring honors for the, evening, With dye, goals.. while Bi,et had three. ' Ainslie and •Alero on the Lions' defence,piayed practically the full game, (ming .to sickness er Elgy Boyce, and injurk to George. Westlake. . The teams: GOPERICH—Gbal,' de- fence, D. Ainslie, G. Ne-ro cent're, J. (laiu; wings, B.'Nekombe, J. Bisset; pares, B. D. MacDonald, B. 'J. Mac- onald, Allen, J. Smith, B. McLean. SEAFORTI-1-;.Goal, Swan; defence, twart. Strong; centre, D. Strong; ings, • K. Doig, Elwood:* spares, eattie, • E. Doig, G. Wilson,: Knight,' I.nith.. irst periOd: - • oderich—Bisset (Adam). Penalties Allen 2, Elwood; rong, Doig. cond period . oderich—Bisset. odericht-Newcombe (Bisset). oderich—Neweombe (AdainT• oderieh--NeWcombe (Bisset, •Ainslie). Durham juveniles:in a total kota series,.. upner right-hand corner. Luckno oderich;,--Allen • (B: D. kfacDonqd)• sysith the first *pine Friday „night:. . the ,gaine. Dressed hard in the -• final • Minutes o and at one .tline held th puck-inSide• the doderich bineline for almOst five '• minutes/. hat .Terry Ginn' proved unbentahle even by the tricky Stick -handling- of the., Chin boys. . The Lions, were ffill.value for .their as.their. forward lines carried the play -mostif' the game,*arid Were ably' backed by Mero and' Ainslie on defence Wings. B. ,Chin, G. Chin; spares, Ice- man, Brown. Pollock, Macdonald, Mc- and Ginn in gold. ' Connell. Old -tuners claim. that the •Wpst stree First period: arena -has not had So large al ere* . .. • GoderfekrBisSet (Ainslie), Lucknbw--713..Chin Goderich Ainslie. ' Penalties-,-NeWcomhe Johnston. • Wend period: Lucknow•--13 Chin (0 • Chin). Chin (A. Chin). Chin (9. - ,LucknewBrown. Perialties—BiSset, .13. Chin • STO E Bi 9c 19c 29c Sale P aid 4. SOAP 2 liars' 90 Veg. or Toni. AYLMER SOUP , Thi 9c, OXO CUBES pkg, :a 4 .,9c 4•• , Ellmarr VANILLA bot. .9e • Bruitorwick Sardines- 90: • •• P.....r!ii._;_r_...,.... , .et, Cleaners: -Gold'Fleege'.0e - .0kanip :-CIebter . ' • ' :like: ' tie- . .„ . . i 19c yATralks, r Cheese pkg. 19c Robin HOod 04811i, -„.•. .. Laing's' C. 6.. S bat. 19c 1.6 ifz. tin -- Superior laking Powdet 19c , fluffs 5 qt bag 19c 'Camay, Sop 3 Bars 19e Old Dutch Cleanser 2 'tins 190 29c.tVALITES-., Prem oi Kam . ..Tin 20.0 Roniait Mar '1/2 pkg‘ 29e Woken. Haddie Tirt -Red 2-20 oZ. 29e .Neilson's 'Coeoa.1 lb. tin 29e . 20 oz, Yliner .Iniee 3 tin* 29c &vex 2, bottles 29e curt ,Phone 116 McE LETTE rh3,4 (lame at clatow " Wedneolay ° Night—Score, tor 4*()D,ItID-tg TEAM' ()RIPPLED the Raoul 11=8 While the VOYS `are not raaklit,g, any Wednesday the Lucknow Maple . excuses, it is only. fair to the local Juveniles to •,Voint 'out-P:0U. In their Leafs handed the, Goderieh Lions' an .kieaong, takingthe..tWO-gaine round ga*/#es Nsit4 Lucknow Vtrete` 14 a fought one and more thou once ••Gode- was in the hopitill with severe b was itsti bard- serious diSadvantage. ;vet)* :ens:: lake, One Z. their strong*, Mayers, The: Chia .beys came ,througli' for rieh threatened to come Out on. top. 1B4ovbabuyaeclAllirertii,` tirerlr4r1140ht-.wiu33goebrf,stewearrS, wh began' tho Season with them .had. Liteknow with six of the eight goals • - • gone into the na*y; and, to •complete all of them netted by Bill .0411,•• 'the hard-luckYstory, Den Ainslie hi the — 1440,'s right414er. . ' - Anal game 4401041 .4 old knee in- Goclerigh took a one -goal lead early. Jury that prevented him from finlslilng in first period, when Bisset boat the game, "Ilanimer" MeLeod with a rising .Shot from Just inside the red line. Luck- ORQW1),!SEES FIRST OF gnoW Paine back right after 'BM rivoKNow:ooDEttron smuts -'04.ti hanging in •,a pass. fr4)111 'bra+ , • tiler Abe. Before the end of the Way! throUgh the: Lucknow defence, Locals 1(46 0110,104 ' Lead- in Period Don Ainslie...stick-handled his 0. '''..._Monclayls Om° Here puma Nezeod out ;ma .,4011tlay night •this _week the Goderich Juveniles took- a QV decision. flipped a ShOt, into the: of corner of the n6t„ ta put the Lions up two to QM.. over the ilighly7rat*d LueknoW',, MaPle' Iu the second period Bill 'Chin Leafs, The Lions' big .linet f Bill opened the scorhig on ic Pio' sot Newee.M.b&An AdaM* and jim°Bisset' by George Chin on. which 'Terri OjniLi in checked,,,the rfamous Chin brethers right theoLionS net didn't have a chance. Into Ihe. ice .and took time out to •score Bisset "went off,on tripPlhg' penalty, two goals theniselves7 both et thent the Chin prattlers put on one of, their from • INewceinbe's stick. fameu,*., pOWer plays, . and Bill : Chin corning Murphy's boys I., Were .playing short - got hik third' goat before • Bisset re- banded again, as Bobbie Allen, flashy tifrned. This tied up the round and. a •winger on the second line, few minutes later Chin scored again; iIttle .right giving Lucknow one -goal lead in the haa Come down,with series. Brown Scored for Lucknow Boyce returned,to the. 11n -up .alcd too Lore the end' of the sessieni- and- Lek- 'Allen's Plac4. on 'the forward, line,. ing'' the,* defence chores for the whole ,new held. a-5-2, leak going-•. intd ' the ;third; Perk& , '1„to* Don. Ainslie and • "Tickerg- were,.;_sent irho *handled the Job. like the Johnston andBpyce off - stiirs-theY are. Don Ainslie' Atas the Kai: roughing -at, the Start of the third Period and ,lcotii teams played a man moat effective Malvin' the ice, tis he short. LueknoW 'started the fire'workS bioke Lucknow play's '-itt the blue - line anCled .several God -0510f rushes, again en iinother,:goal by Bill. Chin, but !, one of which* resiiltecLin Gaderich's 13111 Newcombe! came ,back with a .near goal oft ft pass from Bisset,a few min- second goal,. Ainslie, took the puck in Goclerith tgrritory and worked- his utes later to make it 6-3. Brown • scoredr...his.....second goal- for Lialoaow• w.437* thrall° 'Pie' entire Lucknow team and Bill ()hint-v/11s shith'in,close 'order and beat McLeod with a neat shot that Olt) Lucknow goalie didn't • eveii' see: without any reply from Gederich. Boyce. opened the scoring ''fdr •Gode- Referee. Cordon, Muir awArded Jim* rich in the first -period when he and Biaet of the Godeilch team -a penalty Shot when McLeod, the Lucknow goal- *the. two MacDonalds tarried, the. pnek 14to. Lucknow territery • •ando, •BOYce tender, threw the puelc out to.the blue- banged It in froth. a .seramble in front line and Bisset beat 'him with a clean* shot. into the upper right.hand Corner. • of the net. Lueknow tied it *up shortly With_abont three secon,ds to go George after. when Lockridge shot a , long one from the*hlueline.lhat took -a hop just' Chin', got a break -away and waS . in in front of the -net and trickled • by alone 011 Jerry Ginir, 'but before he could' draw. hina out. of positiOn' and ended A.bigne scored 'the lion's' second New - whip the puck home the Whistle goal 011 a,.brilliant solo Ptak and New - the game, 84. 4.• combe added another before the end • of ,the period •when he lifted the puck *The Lions put up it great fight ,and over ;McLeod as he sprawled on the at times did -eVerything but ,pack the ice. . „r net •behind McLeod. The 'boys were playing short-handed and early in the Lucknow tallied once in the second thirit'period Den Ainslie -was forma to peried, Brewn getting his first'goal of retire, as he had aggravated aii a. the game when he beat Ginn from - knee injury that kept him. out Of 't'e wzrallible 111 -front of tile Goderleh• net. line-up most of last .season. • '`Ticker"' Goderich scored :the first goal of Mero played sixty - minute§ on the the third frame ,as ;Ainslie •pasSeci __ ahead to Bill Newceinbe, who beat th Goderich defence and Was going a's Lueknovv nettuinder with .a long sh strong in the third Iraine as he was from just outside the blueline. Brow in the .firSt and seemed to be all Over.,eame. back for Lucknow ,to sCore- his , ,the ice, breakimg up Lueknow rusheS time after time. ' ..:-.. ' • Second goal on .a • hard Shot. which L• ' caronlid in off the' goal post in Alio The Lucknow team novv meets the T'he year 1044 proved to I* tli ggest .the ,Goderieh -OverOas- ram Cominittee has had Sinew" It began ita Work. ' Boxes to the number, of' 874 were. packed and ".sent-tti the boys a girls overseaS. The amount otpostak, on these boxes was $239.28.. Thirteen parcels were sent to prisoners,of-war. OVER$ e WaWr Newcombe, • 'convener, Alisii• 1 Belle Maellear and Mrs. Stanley nS:Txidtheer,;:poeinkm: Doiiittions of olee'eii114 the Illour gatierllft atnee Mak bl Following are some of the ackuow.: 7Q°111 11484:lee1841ellt4"v:ilgi:51171:rbillit:d°gniVailingt goodswillbe gratefully received. ' jedgments reeelved by the committee; '3'"ar" • " Syr, It IN:Worsen, t Italy) :— I received. your von' lovely parcel thi,s 'afternoOn and X really appreciate At Volt Much, It is. Sure SWell ItOW You fOlka et hallo rementher uS boys whO are away from home, and we kuOW you are ,alwaya thinking 'of us 411.1 The Panel was in 'good' shape, when It In each hex wer&'! cigarettes, chew - late burs,, 'guitai-,.-`teniate lake, soup, teeth.'pow(104 toOth 'gnat hot* ehOco, late drirkbovril,Icleener; razot 'Wades, sitaylpg soap„ itinte4,' bag ot. c!Andrt Powdered „ soup,' PeanutS, • socks. In each the• Christmas DOXQ$ a printed greeting card ,was encloiesi- instead of the uslial written note *Socks were 'denoted by the AhMeek 4tud Maple Leaf Chapters, .as Well as by several The committee takes this' opportan, ity to thank the. Merchants for their kind considbratian, cu?cl the. Town ..Council • Of Oodericb, salvage coni- mittee, Lions Club, Women's gospital AuXiliarY, .nienibers a the Legion, and private indivIcluals .tor their donations whielf, made the*sending of the boxeS•possible.* The total cost for,,the 874 boxes, in - eluding food, boxes, cards, etc., was $1072.70. Ueeeipts- • were - 0,883.08, There is a bank balarfee of $208,07. :During the year the committee lost Its efficient chairman, Mrs..D. 3, *Lane, who resigned July owing' to re- moVtil from town. In.,the reorganiz- ation ;of the. confinittee -buying conl. Mittee was formed, comPosed of Mrs. . „ , • • • •EilSONAL N Mrs,. D; Whately of BrantfO'rd Was a recent guest -with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. A. ,Snider, tlamulton street*: - „ . miss Vera Wilkins, of Melton, spent the week -end wi,tit her 'parents, Mr. ancl. lvirs. A ., ns, 66 Gloucester Terrace.----------------. County Clerk N. W Milier bas_....re-, turned • from .• a meeting...A the Pro- vincial executive' •df the Canadian Legion -at Toronto.- , • ' • a , Dr. L. A. Macklinrson of Dr. A. and Mrs:. Macklin 'of town; 'has >been " eleCted. president of ithe board' a „ directors of the Stratford ' Miss .MarjorielBaxtei., GoderiCh, Was bridesniaid-fOr her 'cousin; Christena Ejizabeth Campbell, eldest daughter of f. Mr. and Mrs. Rebert -Campbell„ Mc- Killop township, at her marriage:•to• Leslie! .John Pry,ce, of the same,,toWn- Y shiP. Rev. W. .1".• Patton, formetly Of -p'erformed the ceremony. Tinnuw , UM% 1st, 1046 esPeelaity the ring 0046. We had "10 a llalVy. Christmas in. our unit tVatr, (s)patrits.ee, moedur_ twoalriiia:ovrertinio:Onlitrett; decorated with holly and greeneuoughs. Hach Ward had its own Vbristmas 'tree and the Ited Cross gaYeleif for all aln for • Om., C. we ' yietirthor.:—Reeeived, reached me ancl everything, in it Is ItYVY:ii-e?Isea:liv..li i SI' here. wouldr:V Vt1I 1 E111 tleeW97g, tiatiall le11:11 parcel like. lint: 1‘:' Dtt;s1)!:r::::111 l'ia,t10 Init:n(i: ,4irtioituiv., a,nsi vieueirry'getil:lettot bmIltuntioy•tile: tuista t:wc0):: tally' the packet of cigarettes Which something a soldier can, Use, us thittga i are really hard to get over here, 1 you aggin' ': . wish to-titink every .'one 1 and liepe this job is soon over so I* Who .helped • LAC. J. L. Baxter: -.4. receiYeu, your time ago, but thiti,1$ the firsi .chance .. i 'Wish_ I could thank you all .personally pack end make up the pored and ,i more than welcome parcel quite some . detfasny.toi,v0fili9lereee!tou.afrroloEirit.dmirf•si,.1)' Hibbert,eeb'e'llie, 236t4t8;; t your 4t tel 1:74utr. waslines' ipt i. ' irt ;1: leehaatal 1- tvYYeeFh.,:ekdespili know how drop: 1e°r e to conrui ri an - (lay dt 24. ' Riincher :-,--,1 recely0 youri_parcel ,.,, containing 7411, the dill*, needed - to Grcitorlierri8efah tibP(Tsonlritt,Ilseore;"ar‘JI-rit°0g:thileerr ' make . it 'a Merry Ohristmat4 it !Ix; i aUct haVe., some -good 100, as they, even nd eirnutleteci, vwerhyl4hbesits. o,,vfereyhatpeutn, s,nunott haTo been 'der for it couple .of years and., they like to know what; the old tueire-tvhafrs time of the' irear • ;tiff- -11, tot of hon1Q ,t0Wa leeks like after that lengtli Course there was' no, snow., which Sort very, ecnejlsoyliebtlecb?°(1.4ehilrIsPeliatt.s% ' I b..%Ptel_1_44...„,far frona me of thne. • My brother Is stationed not 'mashed potatoes,. two kinds o'cf, ,eveegue: gtatlens in threes months, i lis'Ns. So ' there i- verysc: we * had ran in its place : aSe°usitkubault: ' luckY: s° -fiti' lint Lhavebybetieine teizini ethtriewe of took away the Christmas PorTeur dinner we had turkey,e! h telling where I will be tables, chili Sauce, pudding and I want to thank,•Yen again for the par; neXt three Months have gone by. . I always is'. The on/Y-3'410W you i -e'' IPotTx.4.bottle••Lot 'he:reit.liti'litami ii,cioe Lor this_ti*e_aald tulifiatio- iviviilgt.thailvxgto... very nice to haew..that the beer .- With ,bought tiar each rating. upPlise.Jhere was lots of snowitround 1 13klifolkS . at home think of Aim boys over Out' of the ;ship's honid, 4 ..ciirts#4.0- One,' • over. here is nu . ton of the 111:1,11:'11'ttahinerse, '101.1ihSerli7ttlna-liti3ej-t P. YU. °rjr:14e.;11CSIICYP:Wti tl-'*:4-::'-' 11•Ties44.;':e:4 ' af:teai: . ' When .i, was on, leave about a month 1 *10:41,0 thank you very ,yjnebt ireping raagil.41Mor"s40-',..1'11411rio.lill'coltul'clinl'l 'Ivselle'',tlic"...,r-t":'''''11471.41N'tl' a34Laiiv.'elit iiii-ir b(istivis1166-1 Which made it very :hard to get tiroundh-ru:440; L - K. Haggitt, Central Med. and see the places 9 Interest. I hope l'it,'Oree6:-,-Received Your 'very' welconte etter close, as 1 have to. go ,cia watch ' 11,XY.ant to thank YOU ail and Wish you r."), 4 *At' 49 .: beIter;:„.tli .., ext.•••thite,,,if tu."...(1hristMas parcel.- hist - week. -It- sure - ever comes. Well , „ I guess' I had was good and in very good condition. n - about ten Minutes' time; .so thanks all a , very. merry . Christmas and fi. '• thousand, for yolir swell Christmas ihaPPY" New „Year, and am hoping all arcel,.. and ami, hoping I will be .able ' of tis boys are licune nett year. Things " 9 see' you 4-Orsouie7 thee thiS''sunamer. are '. going. very,. Well over here;. Our Piniehee':-.7--Ireceived your most Wel- coUPle of.Weeks, lnith-awle,ennt,tbaseekevin4,atithye 1 iill_ , Stanley ." Warm*, - ex.& regiment, has been ,o'a.t of actioil, for a °03:q9erseiPai:tir.i.:IcElle,a:siliFetteltnici't;4erthVees•Plreeili•r.ytittinthicaltjreSds.,„I' Olifil. ,t-ile,f6e6ltlorivdnro. LuT - (Voderich lately but • o get p4r here. ;Wishing Yoni organ_ i.,,H11401rpee..11, zation the best 'of leir. for the coming It Weald be .nlce at Ch as time ' ear. 'S,, ' Ida: M. White, '10P.'S.A. S.A.C. Gen bet again for tile parcerilgtaTid all the. tii run' into smile of them soon.. eard somegf them are ncar here., llostotafal, U.M.F. :—Many be to everY9ne. ' : ' , ;, .1, thanks fox ' A/1. • Marlen J. Gibson, II.M.O.S. ' "Moho" :-:=LA few lines 'in- . which to f(r)rrotallie r,Woouii. d eir t- he y ly ce N ii. reeeiVed just oneuftioidirne,•toChili.esirlisisstgittmait., „. ti)eithaitvicit,e.1,,,,:bijoittio ,o'kreo.ppjleinsit! fthirlp(ayrcoeui inlelavicidei.11,1eldi contains artieleS that, are; very useful . • gfts,it.,, Eaveearuyptiiieiri..g. .3,..7,040s,,:ssb..6iforirlye ..cohrial,sdt: -,, 0, !, . '7,:eir,ic oonnetinoutoduos; pial.;eha3v)0T...t.alk.,e,d . • . t ' b 1.4ELL,-AaeDONALiD • , In a Peremetty performed at the a rectory of •St.. Mary's; church, kitch- ener, on January loth last,. Mary " Jeanette. MacDonald, of Picton, • 1.1.1 and John Thomas Bell a - GOderich . . young man who • has been empleyed e the past 3„fear at Kitchenel,. were -united ot in Marriage: The bride Is the daughi oderich--Newebmbe'(BiSset), The teams: - oderich—Bit (Newco la . .GODERICII---Goal, • J. Ginn ;0 he- Penalties--Mero, . Bisset 2; Adam, -0. Strong, R. Strong, Doig, Mere, and Elwo9d. (major). Third period: • Goderich-,A.Inslie: • °=Seafortlf--q)Oig..- Goderieh-13., D. `Maerrotiald (Allen). Settforth—D. Strong (Elwood). Seaforth---,Stewailfr• (Elwood). . •Goderich—Newcombe (B. D. MiteDoli4-. did); . Referee -7-J. Nediger, Clinterh; 'THN PLAYOFFS_. Segforth and ,,Godeiieh having Jfin'- islied.first' anal second, 1.64-C601v-els, in • the 'Midget:hockey ogriittp,. a _playoflf. series has •beefi. arranged, Seaforth to fence, D. Ainslie, Men); ,ceu/tre, , • Adam; wings, B. 'Newcombe, J. Bisset; spares, h. J. MacDonald; D. •Boyce, B. D. 3,,lacDonald, J. Smith, 'B. McLean. LUCKNOW—Goal, MeLeotl,Lsiefe_nce,.. Lockridge,--3tEnston ; cenTre, A. Chin ;• ter of Mr. John .1,, Maeponald and the late Mrs. MacDonald of Pictou; and . the groon4 the-ison,,rof Mr and , rs. John Bell of Goderich.. Rev. Jerome Ruth wasthe officiating clergy - r man . and •tile' attendants were Miss Bertha MacDonald and Mr: 'Ralph' Braniff. ; The • groom was in Goderich- over the ,week -end 'on a visit to lils Parents • before , leaving..• for Pictou Where the young couple wilt reside: , Third period. • ' Map Goderich tonight • (ThursdaY) Luckn,.9‘.s.._11.- chin ,( G. .chin).• Lind the return vine to be 'played at Seatorth next 'Tuesday night. r Gorterieh—Newcomi?e LticknoW—Orown. ''" ' , dale thig group was as fellows The standing' at the end of the. Chin (G. Chin). Seaforth Gederich -rintteot The last ENeter-tlinton game 1V11.9 ^ :WESTFIELD lot played.- ' o euch—Bisset----Penalty -Shot. •• .W5on ' Lokst . penalties johnston 2, Boyce, B. J. 'MacDonald. • 1,21_. 46 Referee—G. Muir, 'SeafOrth. - -0-.• -0 ST. GEORGE'S CHURCII—: The young people the churches in lown will meet in St George's Parish Hall -on Monday even- t ing at 8 .p.na. sharikt d together, and it• IS 114 Ir.: church be well represente . efe Will be a short service to‘begiu.. with, followed by.a prograin and'ipilet social hour and -lunch. , • Special mid -Denten services will be held •in St'. George'S ChurCli, Sunday next and all raeMbers of the congre,ga- Um) are requested to be present at 'both seri4cm- ' ' • - ' Special 'choir, praptice will be•.'heIcT this Friday, evening for'' the Easter music and. It "Is hoped choir meta - berg will be -present at 8. o!dbelVrprac- tice for the • cholv-boyswill teller& -irt o'clock sharp • • since the Goderich-Petprborough *series ip 1007. ' ' • ; . ' .,,,l .- -. The,teamS-: , ,,,. GODDRICII:-7Goal, J. Ginn; , de- fence, D. Ainslie; G. Itferia;' centre, J. Adam; -wings, .13. Newcombe. J., Bisset; spiires, B. p. MacDonald, -B. NT;Mac-. Donald,,E. 13oyce, B.tMeLeitn; J. Smith. -LUCKNOW—Goall IVICLeoci;, -de-, 1 : fence, johnston, Lockridge; centre, A. , Chin; wings,•11.'•Ohin, G. Chin f spares,. BroWn, Yeoman, . Pollick ; Agnew, Mac- , donalcliMeConnell. - • First period.:,. - - ----'--- -GOderichttokee -;(-Bt 'D. -MeleDonald, ...13„:4; MacDonal(i), 1.neknow-7-tockridge. . Goderich-LAinslie'. • . . _Coddrieli- Neweombe (Bisset): Penalties ---Bisset, Lockridge. Second 'period; ' 'Lucknow--;-BrOwp. . Penalties—Brown. Third -period: .. . -G'4546-4W---•-:-`W-... ew-e-dinflie-T11.1nsiie). _Runio•sattooLa00 .'7 1r - 7, a. 1- Lu•--11rown.- ' '• WETPIPLD, Feb.27.,Mr.WA. wat--visit07ArV676110 op Saturdar.. ekpow7. ' , ..• .. • Two more- gaines were pidy,ed in the • „ . Mrs. OsbaldeStOn IS' visiting fik • renalties—noyee; .TOlinston., danghter, ,Mrs. Carl DeanS, ,iind• Mr., : . nsefereo--10; Muir, Seafoith:, Public :' •Sclaciel gockey- League this . Deans at .Winghapa. ' . 4, 'week,. In ' one, ganie the Red Wing. beatthe CanadianS ..54. Fulford got rsPent the week-endo,with her. parents, the cattle to 'be on .the market on ... to -and •Costello; Mae,D9nald and Mae- Mr. 'and Mrs; W. A. Cam • b IL, : . Monday.. •• . - Ewan °he., each"fuy the winners, while . Will McDowell,:'Alva• Alenowell and The .telephoile lines in this distilet merhtm with two .and ;m(3440110 .4nd John gepowen .shipped . their eattle aro partially.tent of •confinission, naany ,Ilarrison one apieee. •s?oreci.• for ' the on Satfirday to -Toronto, William and] poles' having been broken. off daring *. In .the second. game tlii'i Leafs took ,, losers. ' - ,, .)-. " . • • • Alyn McDowell going to •Toronto with I the ice,storin of last Wthiesday night., the 'rtangers '7-2: Freeth .and Elliot -7.--,--,--", •-':------'7---,---`---""-----,-,-----7,----,-..7.-.....L;_____+, got'three eaeb, for the winners. Jenkins" " .. . • •----- : ,.. yr r .: tadding the ware, one,. while IIolmes BRITISH TVIAR/Nt COIVIIVIANDOS. LAND ' It'vithf; two Ito ' Sparks.. :VVitif one. did ' ON WALCHtRON AT WESKAPELLE .., , . f the' chOres fOr• the losers. , .•, . . s6 , 1 . The,Ilawks nlet tire ennadians s . and"thallirains nmet the.rited Wing,s in "'.::?':• .t..?, the filial' games of the: schedule on Saturday. ,, ." Miss Jean Campbell , Goderich ' • • • 1....yrryyryri • • When your boy conies back.from '‘.letory abroad will ,he iln`ct victory,' at **ilea E0 Fertilizer The linehhow Consumer's CO.operative Association Mach hits • reeentlY 'been intorporated is new Working under its new name and k Mu/ linown tis 44The LittchnowDistrict; Vii-operntiv.e,' Inc.'" 7.. can ink any grade of fertilizer :Yell May reallire, and Ive also have plenty of, Material formixing the 2 l ithout:afIfler wbeb ranh 'inked wIth the gtain .an'tl be SoWli With any, ordinary makcq it unnecessary to buy a fectilizer On of the labor sito ttxozi it is necesR, ar).--to feceiv.'• e • dors eartyv • JOIIN ,1450k,ISON, Lfiektiow, rehmaker. -0-12 V The,fitai.if phaSe of the battle to rite the apProtecheX to the 11(°11-;fau Port, Of Antwerp bn, egaon :.'.s."'ovpinbec lst When 10701 Marine COMMalidOS landed' at dawn at Westkapelle, the westertibiost Doha of the island ofWalehereu. itty dusk the town had been ,eaptured and 11 1)1 idgehead'a,000 yards long to the :south had been established. Prom Mb; bridgelienii the CominandoS plisited :north and South next day, along the dyke beside' the 80a to Pombiirg and Zoti,teitattio.: . 'Moto taken aboard one (4' the landing craft that an the- gauntlet of enemy Rhore batteries shoWs:-..--Oerlikoir gunners left to right—Able Seaman (.4 • ,sn,341 04 (04,140, NI it A t II* 11'•11A*.13 Able 8ettinan F. McCabe. '-krs .4.1,••• %V • ry. Steaks •.pyire Lard' al INC , , Stewing Ivinttqn, .... . • Roasting 1V,X tpo h "4, Leg of 'Mutton Vorkiiike • • _ Fresh Groun.d Hanibitrg Choice Roast Beef • . . . . . • ur a ... . . .. . . . 39c. ... 2 lbs. for 23e . 15e lb,. 239. lb. • . . 25c lb.• 2 lbs. _39e . . . ... . . 25c, lb. . F . . • .... . . . eiteogntiy.style. • • • • • • .. arket :1-IA16:ELTON ST; , •411111Mos, ' arial!ialiemereiaraia-nosaair 1 /O. cots' more effective • OR PitkoTIOAx. AT, 1-10USZCLEANINer THAN' • to, RiPLACE SOMB' OPTHE OLD HOME PtIENISAINOs WiTli A' itEAxillaptiii. Dining. Room Suite ft ,Dropileaf Table Set 13reakfast Suite Bed -room, Suite 'Chesterfield &lite. -STUDIO 000(114 D4ITEI4PORT, 000ABIOTAL CHAIR, BE:0, SPRING, SPItriva._ ILLED gATTAESS, OoNGO1ifl1M Mtg. OR rLOOR oovEitING, Styles and Price's to Soft Everyone at id TIONLE ON/RINGS, tritNITUEZ; STOVES TEE 11/40ADWAV OP 40D11,11tIelt;' , , "HONE 2403 o'