HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-03-01, Page 1A onoriig alloung SoldieesOky uvreseive. .SetviCe at Victoria' Street 1mted OhurCh. ox Sunday' EVe7a1X1g With-nnpresSive *ceremony, the con. gregation -of eTictOria. street United . "church honored the -10,eniory. of one of its seldier-t eroes, Pte., Carl Bloontileld, j) at a'meM.orial Service on SunalaY even- il?g• Mend .ediAce, which was °bled/ VAR *adorned with beautiful baskete of iloWers 'Sent by the B1001a- tIell•famllY, tite Ohrietian 'Service , Group, of whicii Carl was a. eltartar member;. atee,..., George Schram 'and daughter, MissItobinttsand M. and Mrs.S:Willittra Mitchelit' the latter 4 • sister of the young soldier. An illums hutted cross, with Pet:traits of Carl and s of the Obriatian• Service _Group of. twelve years ago was Piliced-ti *front of• the pulpit, beside the tenor roll which' contains the names of •thirty- nine measee'es a the congregation, . -Harry Barker, a former organist.44. , . „ the churela and Member of the Clarists. • . . Ian Service GrOup, presided at the organ •and led the male choir eompesed *of _ . members; past and 'present,-..- of the organization. During • the ' service the .nanlq& on, the honer roll were • reed by the pastor; ROY, L. II, Turner. These, he •said, werea reminder ef the great gaps the "cal/ to the service s of Ring anecountrY.nad made in the .church, family and Cominnnity life of Goderich: Three more names -were added to , the roll, •Russell -aad Bruce Bloonilield,•and Mr.. Turner announced that *another 'former. weenier of the' group, Wilson McGuire, had -made the supreme :steer/Ace hist October. Ile had • enlisted at Fort 'Wilmot • , The •service -opened *with,. the organ prelude, "Dead' March 111 Saul," : fols .0) lowed, by IL mioute's,. silence and th.e. invocation,. The .1tymns cheseo.were "0 god, Our, Xleig "in. Ages Pest," Forever with the Lord," and "The Sands of Time Are ' Sinking." • s The choir sang as an anthem .."Cross- ing the tar," after which -George Cur. rell, .presideat of thespresent Christian. sService Group, 'read Ephesiiins 6:10-24: After the offering, Rea. L. H. Turner • contributed .a solo "Some Time We'll Understand." ' • "Indestructible Arter'." Was t1ie. theme of Rev. Mr: Turner's .eloqUent • sermon, based on the text; "Wherefore. takeunto yee the whole arradr; of Geld, that:. ye.sinay be able to witli- stand In the evil daY,..lamishaving done • all; to stand".•,(Eph.:6:1a)s- - Echoess, of - Mercian:lg.:feet , had re- tfoundedsupeu P,a.ulas ears and he koew of What he was 'speaking -of the gladi- .• Wrial atanhats; of their,' armor, • of - their weapons of defence and offence, • ane the whole ra-ateriali.stie panorama. The legions • 01: Rome fell in dust be: ''catise their annor was destructible,* Paul was speaking' of the ,armor of a : Christian which exists in the realm of the spiritual and -that with- stand triuraphantly -the :bitterness .bf death. • " "We need the arraor of God on .the home front," the 'preacher 'declared. • '1 see the - teflsfons01 war 7 -crushing • the. spirit of man. Within the euvir- - ons .of this. town •:there and women going (Iowa beconee of the tensions of war. There is no direction. for them. Whet a traged.Yif our sons' and daughters on the war front; return to And we 'have lost the home froet! Nothing short of surreanIer to God : and His. Son will enabia Us to 'withstand the wilei of the tempter." • A tremendous srespense' is. 4peeted. of the young people, Mr. Tinter con- tinued: "Thoselads are giving alt • they have. - Do- Wesposeess -the-Whole- ^ armor, of God,- or It -patchy? tee *hole armor of Gad is the breastplate . • ,OfrightemisnesS and the shieldsof faith. , With these the futur� will be faced: . tnikt :k4111_-g4.111/Agolt-s..!!:,›It..,Ttitaite 'cliallebged, "18- that we shut be . re- sponsive to the 'Hiring/ God;. soldier of moral decency on the tome • front that Will be guarded witk,the- armor of Godevoked by the sacrifices 'made by . Carl Bloomfield .and, WiIson AreGn,ire, What dews . their sacrinee colt for?. It calls for Your spirit And mine.bowed .....nefore the 'spirit- of GodS.,. After expressing hyMpathir with the s.s.„ bereaved faintly; Mr. ,Turner eo001nded hip seresmie.with these..words: "Let vs face. the future as -odd .„soldiers of. Jesus Christ, 'wearing the panoply of God, and hold theline." ' . The Christian ,Sereice Grotto sung "The Old Rugged Cross.," with the - lights lowered, •ebncludingthe last - -verse -witlrOilly the Illuminationfroin • • thescross before thetulpit. • . ••• Pte. Bloomfield was the son of Ur, and ;Mrs, Wi11ixn Bloofulield, Huron read, ,flewtis' killed in itetion toward the close df .1944; after. gallantly servs • Ing for fOnx years. • There are 'four brothers hi the arineil*foree§, „ - Alfred Ulootafielee and Miss Viola loomfield, of Toronto, and Pte. truee of London, were, Isere to end the memorial gerviee for their rotifer: • '• DONALD °GORDON ,TO IIIRO,A.DCAST ' - Donald Gordon,' -chair/nail of the Will give spectal broad - east to the women ,of Canada. en Tues.; day; -March ..0th, eea •"*Cirtimett% IIelfl Vented," 'The -time set for the broad- cast as 2,80. to 3 pans Tuesday after- noon, March -Otis Mrs. N. W. Tre. • wartlia, Clinteift, Is -rePreSentetive for • Hilton county, on the Women's Region- al, AaSiSorY Committee, • 4,, Items regarding the boys and gfris from this district nnifOroi are Weed for MIS column, uu Sandersoil, SOU ot. Ur, and Mrs. George Sanderson, having * enlisted with the navy at London, left on Saturday to trein at 11,1i1.0.W "Chippewa" at Winnipeg. :Mrs. Noriintn.- Claremont has re- ceived 'word froin her brother, james. Redfern, of .<13,elfaSt, Ireland, of tbe 'deptb of her nephew, TounnY Redfern; at seawith the British Navy : Mrs. aremont's foto r*brothers • served in the last wars " andthree gaye their lilies for their cOuntry. 'SIX of .their sons are serving itt this wars - ,---"E70-,--IOnietthssasuttsati4-Wicerafe1C_ (hitt, SortS, Calvin, Cutt, arrived bome froin: overo.vaff- on .1CondLiY. ,rAoRtion t • NO DESERTERS, PROM 4'11(11tON. The ProviiiclaI policeliere have been fttroished wttli a• list of men absent without leave from the itipiy, in a widespread effort to gather .up,' the draft dodgers. There is not a Single Lame from this eotinty in the list, howevjr; ifurob, has n clean sheet,in respect, , • Ifolding )(lila in Charge at Pt. Albert Eipents of Fernier, .R.A.11.., • Station Being .'Stored . or . Otherwise Digleaed of A holding unit of the itow,•in ehttisti of the onC0 big It.A.F.• stetion at Port ..laibert, kneWas as No,. 81 Air Navigation School, Where hundreds of men frOM *all Parts*Of *the, Empite were trained. - Most of the training equipment ft' einding planesis being stored:. The reereaticanil equipMent isisbeing distributed, mostly, to other stations. 'Various -Lions OWNS. in Huron County hai loaned, equipment. for -a band, ins eluding. a. piano, , clrums, aecordions, violinsss, saxophonee, horns, eornete, tromboues, te: Some of these have been 'returned to. the LisinS, and the distributiOu will take place later to th,e 'clubs who loaned them at Exeter, Seaforth, Cliuton, Wioglaain and Gode- ricits.keil *tat; would hapnen' to the itireraft' at $k•Sk:"Harbor airiiortSan afileistated Some .plAnessalll he de - $‘t TrOYed--'after they ; are, stripped 6f salvage, They Were used ender the 'Commonwealth Air Training Plan,. for elementaiy. itY.ing treining,-"and will have no military 'or civilian use. • Tbe work will be done by the .B.C.A.F. U nder tfieTtipervision a an 0111(1 Li of the, War Assets Corporation, of owitigh a permanent; representative will be at the airport while .the destruction is taking . place. s • a The balance a the plans will be Stoted at thess'airPert, end will - be 'effered for sale by the War AsSets Corpo.ration. The holding. unit is do- ing the.work for them of stripping the fuselages... No action has been taken .on •other equipment,:ma to .the present. - Ideas Invited , •' • If alto Public has anysether. bright ideas as. to inandling this, the Govern - Merit' would like to •hear about it, an official stated., after Speaking of eriticism regarding • the disposal of equipment. Re exPressed • the hope that the men could seen return to their homes. - "We want to get hack, to our wives and •ehildren. ,Some of us would like a position in the. mountains. You eTan' advertise 'that in aourtaper I"• he added.' • Most of the perSonnel Are married. Only .a few of their • faitillies are still here; ,for -they have gradually followed their husbands .and fathers- hack to the Oid •Conntry. Most of the families of he personnel of the. Holding Unit at Sky 'Ilarbet are living in: Goderich, 'tondon,-...tchener and other placei. • •• KENNETH CUTT F/0' ..Keneth Cutt, Who. Joined the it.C.A.F. in VitY, 1942, was eyerseas. for one and a hens -years And .nad twenty-nine • operational- •Illettg- over enemy -territory. with feCantaligo..cren in a Halifax, bomber. Since last August,he had taken. Pert .* raids over Cologne. DitsseIdorf, 'Essen, Kiel,s Duisberg, Wilheittishaven:-elearlruhe aior :Dortmund: Miler targets were on synthetic oil work, aubStly in the Ruhr .Valley.: Stewart Grant,: a felr: low -employee with Kenneth *in" the Bank of Commerce tere; with. Scuba' •§Ciffirdiete- • _• T/0...,JACK VDT - • . • , i'F /O. jeek Cutt hag been R.C.A.IS for four • years and went overseas in August, 1942. ' Ilis posting to sCanada came as a•. surprise': •He got to 'hig.repatriation depot two. before Rezineth arrived there t Both. were unaware they *mild' Meet and come over on the'same boat. in reply to 11. questionVIdek said' he.liked Ire- land better •than Eitgateed Seotland. •TbeYhave thirty- days' leave. •• Sergeant Reith Cutt, Reinsetl s t in VY brother, is at present witla, an oper- ational training Unit in Engiaral. ile ,has been Overseas .for the Past eight 'months.- He is the only one of the brothers who is niarried. ITIs Wife ,recently underwent an operation ,in Ale: tidrit lIosiiital here. ' laent. Ceitieron Killoran, son of, Judge,. James J. Killoran and Mrs; Killoran, Si john street, north, ' has left for Vernon, B.O.,. where. he will serve as atiinstructor in a training centre. He served in Italy with the Ilighlandera of' Canada, returning home late in 1044..--Straiford Beacons 'Herald, ' * Norman Joseph Wellwood, scat of Mr. and Mrs. -Ezra . C. Wellwood of Whitecintreli, N..iho hots ',well L prisoner of ‘var since Novexeber, 1942, ha's been, recently inade a Warrant. ()nicer Class 1, Tbis is, the third ,Promotion . that Norman 11118 had since lie wits taken prisoner; .1"4itSt heard „from Notrdan Was' ha a prison camp whien is id, the' path of sthe Itttssian advance. The NVOrd ef itis prOtnotions was recelyed, lost week by his parents from .the De- partment at Ottawa. ss. `Witighani Advitnee,Times. * s • Mr. AttA. Istute Gatiley of.rergtis, formerly of Aslifields towlighip ,have recei,Sed. Word that' their eideat sons Alex., with the •Canadiatt attiuy o'er - seta, la officially repelled missitiee In action on February 16th. Another seri, Allan, was kllled oireraeaS last stuns TO PETITION GOVERNMENT - TO LIMIT TIMBER OUTS. GETTING BEADY FOR, SI'RING:AT THE .gAlpieR With the approaeli of Springssand the epening . of litivigatiOn' not many v4:ek.a. away, there is a. quickeuing of aatiyity at the barber.The freighters canadoe and Fort -Wilidee have been unloaded At tile Purity fl.014 1C11118 elevator, an4 the Goilerich Elevator CO, is preparing fe'r, the unloading 'a egoimvy:syse:$ of; the sv,inter ivht, Oh, have been tailaing eargaes for that pile OficelOrtY feet higlf"reSulted WISen the euttinge Were made to aliOW the shifting of tbe Catoslee and Fort This pile rested on the riVer-, bed on the north "Side cif• 'the break- water, to whieh the ice Was moved by the large 'conveyor spanning the break - Water, and dynamite was used to break it down so that more-ice•may be moved to allow the siX* ships Still to be un- loaded to be Shifted from their winter berths. These six ships hold about a inillion bushels of the two and it tivarter iniliionsthat sveresheld by . the entire winter fleet, of twelve vesselg. . HEAVY ICE AT MIDLAND Attempts to release four large grain -boats: from tbe iets.in-Xitilanst -harbor' have been unsuccessful, and they may have to beleftsuntil.spring before the winter, storage -Of grain ean be un- loaded. ix boats were unloaded early in, the, winter;- bbt -repeated a tteMpts to move the last tour have failed, "I cannot reMember, it .Wieter -just like it,", said Manager Cowan of tne C.S.L. elevator: -nee `eenditiens.. are such that it leeks have to abandon ail further ateenapts to isreak channels for the. grain ships ageliored an the bay, and whit .untir, the spriwbreak. hp _before' we unload them: The See is so thick as to Make it almost Ian:, Possible to clear, the Way for the shiPs from their anchorage to the elevator. In plades it.stands four Or five feet Out ot the swatter: YOU know' .wbat that rueang underneath. There's always it -great sdeat -more under the water than there is above."ontiniiiii-g, Mr. Cowan said: "Usually we have breaks in the weather; 'which allowS smile of the 'broken ace, to ' melt and disappear before there is another freezing spell. This year there, Was not a day above freeing point •for forty dayas-straight, with the result' that. there 'was., no thawing, and every time: we broke the ice •it :froze thicker .and- thither. ' The ligavy.,seowfalls were also 'transformed into• tee, so that when •we Started to pion the ice breaker through we found .ourselvesbucking fee.' whiels in spots was so .deep it almost reached- the bay bottom. We..have never had .a winter The reforestation and • conservation Committees7sof Ilurons,County--Counell., will submit a. recommendation to the, June ,session that the Government be Petitioned to have 'a limit, placed, On tne, size. of :timber cet In the Province; nothing to be cut tour inches or tinder' in softwood, or slit inches or tinder in nardvvoods . and else . that controlled cutting. :be *treelike& Tlie motion Mas_sporisoredsby Fred Watson and John Arnistrong. - • . s. 'The eeramittee.'esidersed a. Motion by .John Armstrong and Roland Grain that the eonunittee; took over 'Anse lands* suitable for reforestation Which .can be pnrchased. at a reasonable price, and report to the County Council at the June session. • - ' 13.: Matheson, agricultural reprei 801th:five, brought to the attention of the goramitteelr schemefor the plant- ing of trees by school children, Bey &outs, etc., on the property which the Government had purchased for -wind-- breaks ou : the highways. -He stated that. Junior farmers were interested in this •witlt; The GovernMent,' he said, were ittite. willing that the settee 4be- tween their planting mid, the - road fendet-VO,itleh•-sinssss—.ss.'ssssssss'"-ss's' otherrecommendation which will be forwarded to the June 'sefisiori is that the Federation ctkiAgriculture be allowed a representative on the con- servotionsand .reforestation committee for Ave years. . The . committee,apbointed at the last seSsion of the County Council, 18 eompoheket J. B. Matheson, eheirman ; .Roland Grain, Fred Watson, George Armstrong, ;John Armstrong and Warden Alex. Alexander. WAGZS.A10 .110IntS 0ARPENTkR,6%A.GREtr) UPON Asjointsconferenee of representatives of the 'Carpentry . and ..Ininers' Unloo and employees Of the Toitits of Godes rich' was held: in the Bedford Hotel on Weditesday afternoon, , The following schedule of -Wages and ' hOurS , and days of ,labor was arrived .ati subject to the approval Of the Iodustry and tabor 13oard and the alinister of Labor: Asanisic mini UMW wage .for carpenters of 75 Cents an ,hotir,aS a 11e day •week„ of 'nine. hooka a dity. The seitedule will not be effective until April lst, if •approved. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mrand airs, Robert •Thter, road, Goderich, W1,311 th antonnee the •engagement of their elder daughter, 'Marjorie irole, to Pitt. „Donald. L honisori, son of 'Mr, and Mrs. Albert , TheSselort, Ontario; , the 'marriage:to \alto place the early part. of :Starch, likeAt!' • Today's Police,Cou .• Hydro ili§tory, , Sketched or Lions INTernbera 0t• the Ohlb nave Sone questi0Iii$ ler District Engineer Parker it was "Hydro night". at ate meet,- Jinn: loafs'tt,hetilli,olgonusestclipuvehaoinerr f!1,4,41ag. citev.e,t, "Payker of Toronto, district- engineet c, In e decision given todey, by Magis- trate, A. F. Cook, Xilton 'Bert Greer • .and Logan Cleave, Stanley Township, charged With making a false .statement to a peece.:iirneersiverr•dis- enargea. Two weeks ago,. the three Men were acquitted Of another charge of ebstruetbig a Pollee officer. .The charges arose out' of- an investigation Arita a Are on October .10, 1944, at th'e home' of Bruce Moore, paylield ,apiar- ist, in vvnich he feat his Onthe evitience taken oe the kbarge rof obstructing .41 :police -officer; tensent was given that ereumeut be submitted. This was heard •In last week's court, when Prank Donnelly, counsel .for the accused, submitted that the charges Were substantially the 'same, that a judicial - decision of • (11811118881 :was given,and that there should be no further prosecution. • --''Grown Attorney D. E. Holmes argued that the ebarge of making a false state- •theiA to a peace' °tater with a prior one tothat on which t.the, men were acquitted and, therefore; he ' was en. titled to ask the.Court to proceed: ' The court ruled that the adjudication on the last charge would apply On tile previous one, and Oignaissed the case. A „charge .of cruelty to animies, Aleatiassinvier* of-AshieldSsiea ,adjourned to next week. Aecordieg JO pollee, Glazier left. three horses ,uhattended :on his farm on the Oh concession of Ashfield. The anlinalg were loose and -eating an old straivetaelt wnielts Veep On ' tne' level with the anew: During the absence of the owner, who was served with a summons at Gtilt„ the horses, it is Said, had little foo(1 or shelter. . SALVAGE WORK ' AT sine' HARBOR 'nor,• and' their; other two so Rog, and Rentieth, are in uniforins • Sapper Gordon Raitting was home from Petasyawa .over tile Week -end. -.1i/Coo1 Mkt% MiteXenzie. of' "the comette "Strathrey" at St. 4Tohn4 fl last- sveek visited; his father, Mr. Ren. het for the, Hydro -Electric Power COM;. misSion Of Ontario): The leeal Hydro commissioners and Superintendent 3. B. 'Kelly a the Public -UtilitieS*00m. mission all were. Present. Mayer D. T2,...Mooney was in the chair' and intro- duced the speaker. Mr. Parker sketched ' -the gtoWth-of Ontario's Hydro • enterprise from an affair of 84,000 hai. in 1914 to one .of 2,466,294 b.p. in 1943 .and gave Agures as to , its fluancial sposition, Tareing,tto,•,,the situation in Goderich, hesSaid- Consitmers here 'its 1915 num- bered 617, and • in 1943 the number was 1622. In Deeember„ 1915, Gode- rieh used 212 hai. '• in Deceraber, 1943, 1544 has, wbien had since been, ins .c-retisedlosatiSoots..1,8qa: 4.13. He also gaVe, an some detail a comparison of eleetrie rates in-Goderick in .1914 tuTti 1943, shbasing-lerge, retructiens, .The local system; he' said, had reached a stage Where additional plant was requited. The present* trane- forineria were fully loaded and it would be ,necesSaryto purchase , new ones and -old° renew the line system 'throughout the town. • • - ..A.„ new late schedule,: he said, .had been adopted for Goderich which weuld-inea.n total reduction tti rich 'consumers .of between- 84,000 and. ;545;Cit°11C;'.plestlellnit°Chxo•InirgettY .1:•en.‘1)er Parker also spoke of prospective after -war. conditions..affeeting Hydro, and at the cenclesien -of his ederess lavited. questions - W. A. Hay, Saying he had owe from Collingwoed where Hydro 'Was oe the 60 -cycle basis, ‘ naedwhy-Gocierien had the 25 -cycle system. The. Speaker explained that there was a greater loss In transmission with the. (i0 -cycle, and the 25:cycle thus was preterred for. long-distance traria- -mission. Gordon Brown had an enquiry re- garding the system on which Hydro rates are established. fle:is thi advo- cate of a unifOrrn rate • for the entire system. Frank Donneity asked. about the .sur - pia of • $72,000 in the hands of the local Commission and tife depreciation reserve of 4109,000 its.:tnentioned at the last naeeting of the Toisitt Council. (Deputy Reeve* Attrhlge itt the. Conn- ell saneetingsarguer that this . $109,090 coold' be used to, pay for .the proposed improvements to the local plant witli- out touching the surplus of $72,000.) Mr. parker did not knew -110W' much; if any, of the $109,000represeeted ca,sh. It .might have. been lisq4, he said, ' in. aidditions tg •Mr. Donnelly said he gould net see Why Present consumers 'should not have the benefit of lower rates pow instead of Imildhig tip a • surplus for the benefitof future consumers. • W. II. Robertson asked if, when the Hydro brought - newer. froMs'Eastern Ontario and Quebec; there hatl,been an adjustment of ..tbe charges •f trans- mission _which' originally. ,were based o11.. costs of transmisSion- from :Chip. 'pewit'. Mr. Parker said there had not beena readjustment; the Power was brOlightfrom. the east and added to the supply from Niagara at " the -cost Of the Whole system. • - Mr. Robertson claimed this 'was uk fair to towns such as Goderich *that, were .,p0ing heavy transmission charges, . • -A' vele of thanks was tendered to tLe speaker 'on niotiensof Reeve, W. „I. Baker. " Useless , Planes ,Destroyckl' after All • Parte, of s-Valtie 'Recovered, ' Systematic 'destruction of .4 nbniber of' stripped • onairWorthy aircraft is Under way: at Sky Harbor, the work being done . bypersonnel' under, the superviiion of an, official of the War Assets Oorpotation, Montreal. Only planes Without any poSSIbIe fur- ther military:or el:saint*, Use are ;eon, - donned to destruetioni mostly by burn - ;Mg. •Prior - to destruction they are stripped. of 1111, salvable components, - including "engines, leaving only the bitik,foselage. . THE 'WEATHER, 'emperatures of *the'rptist Week in Goderiele with' those a thecorrespond- ing week a.- year ago, as Officially re- cordedwere its foliewS: 1045 1944 , • Max. Mite Max.,,Mins Mors, 22 -.44; , 32, . 38 31 110eb, 23. 82-a 24 ' 89 33 Pats Feb, 24.......'14 26 31. 21 Slims .Feb: 25 ..„..40 21 38 21 Moil,. Feb, 20 ......40 24 . 42, 32 Toes., Feb. 21, 27- „ 43 - 31 Wed, Feb. 28 31 s.7 .17 '31 25 Tilers., Feb. 20 ..,- VA 20 POR RUSSIA' Mr.' It. c. WhateleY, who undertook to look after the Shipping of the &oils contributed in aid of Itussia,i ;01k)rt4 that :five cartons, of clothing, •ausitiii 200 pounds, were paeltedat the Town Mill and shIp4. 011 FridaY. " s; • Ivo% Aosoavont. OF NOH SWt IIMTSD 011TROU • `, At .the regular inerating „of •tp,•Ikvo- mows Association of ° Ikierth s4reet United 011=0 on 'Friday afternoon lea, the' vieepreeltient,,. Mr. Robert Jelinston, eondueted the bushieeSt.part• of the prograM. The assistanttreas. urw Mrs. U. Pridliare, gave the fin.' ancial report, showinga belance on hand Of *30644. The following cone palaces weresfOrmed: Parsonage, Mrs. WAlhom, Mrs. ‘OhApnian and, Mrs. Mooney; kitenen, the 'leaders of the, varioufs.groaps; gundely echooi 144 -met assistants, Mrs, 'C. Robertson, 'Mrs. 11-- johnstiin, Mrs. Otoper,:s_MrS. 011aPinan, airs. Warriner -and Mrg. -Matheson; play ,advertisang and'tieket Committee, Miss M. Campbell, Mrs, Es Westbrook, A letter from the Dominion W,A; Council requesting. this -society to afAtiate was read by Mrit. Mooney, and after some'diseussiott, it, WAS decided to pay the ,5e per *inetaber effiliatien Ait interesting'.program, on. ."-Werk"-!-- was presented by groins I under the leadership' or Mrs. Hibbert. Taking special parts were Niescittnies 'Mabee. son, .Cooper, Chapman; Turnbull and johoston. Mrs. Moorhead read a poem eutitled :"Tne Boss and the singer and Miss catanlietia read the ScriPtore ItesAfs"tte'r: thie iueethlg ,closed about fifty partook of 4e,$ supper,. group 2 of 1944; be1i4ent lathedbysgroups lgroupaud 01; ttilig- attendance to? udoicses ,"tap, 0 1:dt this les tt bi giRl aev., 'Of Miss -lime., . a singsong was ts it Most siicssfuI wag." ex.pr it At i it;r1letidthelAdieh s* fwriosiu etinlejoytb(*ng.e144etii°tIngV...94 Game °Ut 411(1 BENEFIT GAME FOR GEORGE 'WESTLAKE fli Their Red Cr° Rogins Nal N011 derich and .DiStnet to $9,000,44011tribUti011e , to Be Voluntary • This year's Red Orese earapaign for the Colleetion orfonds begtue • neit, Mondays Mtirelt 5th, and, Se far ate. Gederich Is eoxicerned, is looked for- ward to „With, optintiera by tbe coin- niittee in °urge' 14. 14.1)itO of the fact that .conditions• have 4 chiinged here (luring the..paet„Year: • s The objective is poo for the town anti Surrounding esaantrY, the sense as . last year, but since last collection' the airschools* tit. Sky Herber and Port Albert, heVe both dosed. These two Schools accounted for nearly $1,000 of teat., year's collection, and, if the, town --- is to maintain its:previews eaCeellent teord 'of always- exceeding its ohs jeatite,. eitisees will bave, to. increase theirledividnal' donations. • 'The Method.of eolleptieg will be -the Same as for the past tiaree Yeertis that is, wept() will be invited to come in to*a.central Wilco and make their , dens- Velthatarilys- .3here be no house-to-hou'se canvass; • A: Amite ontke' tWO- methods -of. collecting was"Vit to e animal meeting of the lied. Croea In January, and the lifts. or Sixtr,people. at 'the meeting voted 'uttaninionsit for ' continuance of the Volitntaryniethed; • - The headquarters this year WI11.-be irt the premises rented by. tliel:Vietsiri - loan. Ofti3Oiaie: on the north. side, -'of; West street, next to BlackStene's store. This will necessitate Making 4 trip Os that side of the streetwnien is Mit' nOrmelly used .as tuna a$ the soutts....',. side, but Red ,Cross sinicials canes*, hope that it' Will not deter peoPle. front • 'making, their visit. • The 'fence will be ,e4p,en froin 2 pair. until !f; everys day except Sundays and will be in charge of the psual.Courteous yolngteer rversary c. Whate/ey, Carey . Harold WiIliams„W. A. .110; Gr. D'awker "and Harry McCreatb have • offered themselves for this Work.' ' The °Oleo 'will not be open anthe evenings. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. George Baker Propose olliave the Celebration Ne,Sununer , „ Mt. and .Mrs. George Street, , VI& observe wedding annivers. ate celebration nude eis when they hope tie of 'their .sons, 'overseas. * a:Olive Carter, eldest s late Xt. and Mrs. „to GeorgeBader on March 4th, *1920,- the bride's -parents- at Olson, of *Morns elating, For the ',live years since are lived in -their n Albert . street. children, LAC. Jack Baxter, • overseas., Tney a fighting father, veteran of the r president of the On Sun. Is Baxter their tW ary, . The, later ins to not ' Leonard,' The mar daughter; .Josepli was sole* at the_ hp' Auburn, at afettodil whole et their mak eorafortab Two of th .and are on a are th-C•1 for Mr. ,ts last war 1111 local b1'it01 1111(1 LIoyd1 • A. con* ceived fr( were •spen ard 18 squadron.1 he was Dresden. Berlin. height •vaei' 'tsar ryie q1 , ,!1241 ;41e4:[ CDttonnaadiada,n, DLeorgiatohuy.. . home; - il oblegraii Was* re - r OVerSen0.-'sons; Who g a le.ave together. Leon- 1111(11....411.*-_ans--„RAVs • • . . '• : Ile is credi e . ,With shooting down ' twor German plonefr.i. ,ii,i711.to „hi.s.,..7.se.,,at a:. iinl 150 to 1500 'feet. ien ve..miles .south ' of last letter ,he stated over ,Germiniy, •near PittSE*1110 IN MEMORY. OF VII ,,,LATE :FRED 'ARNOLD ., „.. Latei: Th1 ni.ii'ti ,.n.''sMother, Mrs. B. , i,i' ,--r-,--- .• . Arnol'd f Goderieli,. in Attendance - '0A.3II. Li N, .* Feb. 23.t:-.MrS, Fred' Aria .svi ow Of the .late„ Ald. Arnold, 6' hY ndA f,,, today presented to ----•Arrengementssaresintbag-nratte-sfor it benefit hockey game 16r ' George ("Farmer") :Westlake, member of the Juveitileshockey team who' is in hos- pital :suffering from severe burns. This promises to be tbe outstanding sport- ing event of the season, and it is eon- fidentlx expected that the citizens of .Goderieh will be true sports andwill boy 4i, tieket, or two and say, "Slim, Only wish I could do InOre for Geo,rge." 'If pi-esent arrangements are earried out- the teisin Whe will .play the. Juveniles will do so at their Owo expense, mid the: entire proceeds will go to the fellow whoctad a letto. do 'with :keeping the Juveniles In the running when the piing ,was 'Tamer!' is playing a tough 'game now, perhaps the toughest, o'f his life, and,we all hope he Will soon Score the winoing. goal. • • ••• Lees all ger behind this effort on • the part of the organizers and Make it.a big ; hockey: night in Gederich for the "Farmer" 'Westlake benett. • Please watch for further ,nonounee- /tient. • COUNTY COUNCIL NOTES1` . Reeve V. D. Falconer of Olinttin; chairirlan -of the health and hospital conunittee of Huron Coutitf Connell, and CenhtST ' Clerk N. W. Miller at- tended a meeting at 'Victoria .riospitiii Lonaoh,,At which facilities tor patients from communioable diseases froni Lon- don and the Surrounding eoinatieS-itere ilieutiscal. The hospital authorities are to 'submitplans and estimates „ot eost to all the municipalities concerned', ilkti'Vb A. Alekinaler, Of Grey to*n- ship,"Warden of the' County of nuron> 15 kpatient.111 LiStOwel hospital. TVIIN DAMES . Sympathy is telt for Ur, and Arts; litotean 'Million, of Saltford, in the death of their t.esin,*,-Steis 011 Attoday. They ,,ivere !ern at the Itosisital on Saterilay. .1te`e, L. *H. Varner Nal- dtteted the cimunital geriite iti borne ‘centittery on Sitoi!diw. , Camp lje ophy in meniory of her hush ittetided to stitnitlate,-, interest ' ' lesmaintisottnce:- Tate trate(' by the tnited , . Autoinobi g ar Crs, (if America's was 4.4. C:T.C.; and tic- cepted ' b L. Brennan, 0.13Es cominand he training centre. Accomp Of. ;Arnold were ,Mrs. Beatrice ,Goderich„.mother of the late,a .1 enn'etli Aiiiiird, iiiS 8011; Gem 111 regional director of the. tr.a.a arty Rowe, public- ity ditect „ union, . ," I'Vorthingteis c.h4 .M.C., M. in etitlit i 1.4,),Nirden Cotemende4 -etas ;witich led ea tile prese ,the :trophy, spoke of the de .Arnold while Visit- ing*Cam last jotte •iVith other union . re nitiflves. Later, soldiers visited , ds." In Oshawa 610 Windsor nests, and inspected. veliicics lill b(4flg . made. • Gen. -Worthing itl . abet ' the workers and , sold (1' they were o11 coin - 'men groin - 1 • ophy, he eitialsWill make foi tenenee andcare of vehiel' Si )y union ,ineinbers... Mr..It'r 0 loped the relation- ship . de' throne' . the' • Yist(s.. 'vvould • O e',,atter* the war, and pledged . g inlsetion to WOrk to- wards t 'I Col: C. E. „Baileys D.S.O., , (iOmmandant t. o18. 1.-33, I) 0..A.C.T.Al. , l ieh Anislied second IA the competilo resented Mrs. Arnrild with 41 ,pp 0,''.. ot lamps made by his' • . , soldiers. S • i . s• • .' IIIINTU4 , Some.; Associated with the. fled "'Cross this, Year will be the • Greek, and Russiaii War Relief. organizations in Godetielt. This is by •. order of the GOVerxinient; wilich has deeree:d that there snail .be only sine. tolleetion of -funds fer all forms, 'of European relief this year. All help. given to European -countries, • other than that administeredby • liNRRA, will be handled by. the Red Cross. ,. There will ae alresolt of "thiti ruling, be no separate golleetten of money for Ofeeee or Russia 6tliotr Country Utolitept Is rjecclopnttlirieSat he 11 increase their 'Red ',Cross donations by sthesaiiiona 'they, inten'dedto glee theta. There 'luta beensms, active "This, stall collection' lately, but Air, Toni ManjUris Is actively assisting the Red • Cross 111' of makingssiiies. usual- colleetiOn for his own Greek people. • • * The ..slogelPef the Red 'Press 'this year is, "The Need, JA - greater than Ever,' whieh serves .to, remind those , wh'o. insagine thatsthe war is nearly': over, ancl„that it is no longer necessary to. give eliher time or motley, that the' - best authorities hold different viewa. While 'most b_t the money, raised goes to . -our pieqr -of file --Empire's ,armies'•160--- are held prisoner"by theseteray, :it IS: -necessary to , -inetease, . constantly, aid s to -the people Of the Continent • who haite. :suffere(J as we 'have never suffered froM the raVages of a (lever-. • ate' and deSpleable foe:- Apart tr,ona the plain hmilanitarianism. of 'helping those in need, which' is what the Red CrosS exists for, there is the urgent.. need of bridging quickest possible help , to these who...may Succumb. to poverty, and despair and sink info the rankte of the lawless and lost to make _a permanent ;problem .for ourselves. Mrs'. IL C. Dunlop is ogain.lareSident of the 'Red Cross in Godelleh• and ,T)•;. ,:E.i..Campbell is oboe more acting as •,e.hairintort of the finance. Coniraittees , • won by yesterdd fair succe i 4 thisainnt was ,eit the Drum 1(1(' of the., county -boundary, north from Amberley as far -as ?line River.. The expedition. was marred by -an nceident at PoreAlbert on the way north.early in the afternoon. --,/fileVictiVs ear, driven by 1s1*(tble Y01111g, got Out of control o11 the trieky hill at Port Albert and went Over the vide of the read,. trashing into the trees. Portim- ately, nobodY was :keriously., injured, • but the ear wits badly mreeked. • • . VAR, AkeeiDENT 0 Men todk,„ part hi bbit-,hunt. and had ground covered for dODERIEM. SliATERS AT A .group of' Goderieli skaters: at- tended the carnival in the Brueefield rink on Fridays night last and, took a s • • 'good -,--sha;re''of the isrizes.• 'Mr.,' and Mrs. 13inest Alreekenridge were 44 - Judged the best -dressed eimple; Ernest was Arst In gentleteeteg fancy „.0reses P.• A.'Zinenernima took theaward for best skater in• the. gentlemen's C1LL8' and 'Sire, Zinamerman Wasfirst in the ' ladies* .comic 'class, while Bob. 0610. captured the vise ler, the best 110:;- foriiiiiif ,elown. ' °The .--11roderich skaters give, 0111011 credit 10 ibe Brosiefield People Or the way in winch ,the citrnival: was or - (111010(1. There Was "*leaV atthrid- ance, the". Co8tnnleS• were.- 'varied and eolorful, and the event was .1,1*. great, itiecess lit every-. „way.- - • DATES. FOR KINTAIL. VAMP .The tiehedule .for the coming sum. mar's, Camps at Camp Rio:toil,- 'ander the auspiges of :the PresbYtetign Church', gives the following a1atess- 41nly 3 to 11. --.boys' cowl) (ageft" nine to fifteen). July 12 to 20 -girls' cauiP (ages nine to sixteen), July • 21. to 89 -young xieopIe's caiup (ages sixteen amt• 'over), 'September *.4, 9, 7-101' all, ininiSters th • Synod 'of flitotilton and London. Registrations are ifmited to s seventy- liVe, and Rev. Richard Stewart, (71o1e-'. rich, is tile registrar for all camps; scomcit ritOPEttn, 'WANTED . As a direetor of 'the 131te. 'Tabor Highway Association, :Ur>. ;8. Prevett• has Wen asked to locate' a property. to buy or lease witielr omtld he operated Its 'a restaarant told :done, Ing ivith living rooms at.2 tached. The enquirer ,would prefer to lovate somewhere hetweeti 44rEtn41 )1itt41 itnd Ooderich. 'Should ony rho renders " of The Ilignal.Htar kno*',4 such a property-, *tow 11411 I*4' Prevett; who will pass the informatkat along.