HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-02-15, Page 7ti Kd ' h?ucr1De 'e 8.- l r. Ilarold
eater . and tw • frieudb, of Detroit
the • weekend with. his father;
George •W ton. 'Qu their )return
,: Weston aceomp n ed them, .
Olen" ,Smith
s ntth
t -end with bis grandmother, M.
, parker,
ItteeElleabeth, • WC.. ten 12 si endins
few dais 14 Goderich' with het ifro-
. Weston,. and Mrs. Weston.,
¥r.. Cagey Atki n of Detroit. '.spent.
elle week-epd w111, •Id
mother, We.
A. S. Atkinson. .
Agriettitnrel.i - annnel
Meeting ot the Baydeld Agrieultural
Society was bald in -'' Town Hall,
on TueldnY,February' Oth, with a
fair ettendamee. 'Thu following Qibcers
a>nil `diruetore were a in.ted' for 1940:
r •
ddei r Rred cEwanr 2n
vice-president, A , Warner; Becrekary,
4. Erwin; treaeurer, John Hewerd,
director 'Frank Iteegai,' ' , Russel
Lawton,.- George Kittle, TM.
Wrn. I4narka* J. E. ' Howard,.
den, Myst 004 Mr. Prentice,.' 'Stewart
Middleton and Ci sari liP alliu': a -
itora, Harrold StiniOn and I,loy'd
Scotehmer, The directori decided to
have the 'remaining thirty feet on the
south gide of the show room l shingled
in the apringr G
r n in '''fit
they are, getting only two ,icente per
.u>scl f. °or theirreel, ' I net
°receipts. etatrely'= TorQ to Star.;
..• iuio you .-
Consider 'the Ren ►
eitting,"01..the tom ` , l' the world is Ouch
•e iate .direetora, °M T. M. Snow- a hot idea.-M»Sa
sil'hOwit saasatinnOt precision albeitwas Made ottilior
of aia s194 �.�xi� .
house in -Hague, Thousands :of irrlaceable
German htary meritswre destroyed. (inc ht
barracks. adjoiningGerman
a in
felt wide•-Mrittln
1d .1t7s OTO, ireb,,111.0--411re are sorry
to, know little Barry .Riipetr1ck re-
eeived Painful Verne in Ku aecident
the .home one ,lay bat week. Pio
Woe " taken .to the Goderich hospital,
where he will be in stea*for s cine
We Understatur: he i ' pry re to
ing favorably.
lox. and Mrs. m li a5
D eu Ca..Put' end
-d Onee#34100. j'O, 'OW04, at Ir r-
man Phillips,' on, ►1u>adaY. „ R ' .
Mr. aped Mrs Eddie'' Thompson, and,
after --
� n
l r+p+ed, event Y
babe, Pt �[q �'
n at' the homes Of her : parents. ,: y
Mrs.. Oeo.:''ai»leY returned ho ►e
'et, the„weekend,. after a pieaeant visit
with ffrienda,iu Detroit awl Chatham.
• Ur. and Mrrsi ',Chas. ' `lIodglua and
Ruth, o Rinlougb ^ail ited. at Mr.
ifodgiroe, ' parental . home i'Tof i tinda<Y
lasat,J t
• �i 'Oliver 1*ko j$visi.. ng her
sister, Mrs; 'fin MacIver, Kinloss,
"At times and in "daces the weather,
hila let us down, but l 'Can say positive -
the farmers of Canada have
ly hsat
never let us down,", Ken .W. Taylor,
ordinator :coy.
the` geed* Administration,
That. :to buy War Saving Certificates .and? Victary
Bonds' is to ' security for your future and a
fe uard-a ainst inflation:
c ' Gourtsy"• TdLtf
ou desire.
to receive this leaflet rm.ularly, free of charge,.
rite Dept. '`B" y T o hag's;:iYaterloo; Ontario.
Wartiune `Prices and Trade Board, said'
recently, Ile " revealed statistics . on
xasxs production action which , showed that
f p , d
8Q per cent. of, the pre-war.. working,
force is-°proaticing 110'.per cent, of the
pre-war ..volume of supplies; that 12,
the 'average production per person re-
maining -in agriculture has gone up 75'
per; .cent, •
"This big increase in production peps'.
'tine steady-i:a r' verent in- fa,rna,.prices-
has resulted ' in. a farm cash. income;
which has now. reached record levels,"
Mr. Taylor said, "Canadian farm' in-
come in 10was nearly thi;ee _tithes the
income of .1035-39, .and wits .about • 80
per cent. abov'e the average of 1026„29."
• Tile mag iihcePt:,stehievenient in- pro-
duCtivitY"°is dues isi� pi rt,..aeeording. to.
the foods adiuinistration co -;ordinator,
fortunate weather conditions' and
innpart to ,more efficient farming, better
-seed;'selettion, better breedingjnethods;
•'mor e efficient production and -feeding
routine; but al3oie all it is due''"to a
tremendous •increasse in the amount of
:plain bard. work --the, ' toil and the
sweat -put into food eroductioll by Abe
farmers of CanadaR
' Horse loose
rs a turn t
t Wing'. h
.i'1ai. 'Vii. block of � oresi at &� they aux , has bee re sed by R. A. tonne, `. —
h rl. to
orresuk±, ar l ,:.
lu .. u>xd . k .
r e bl ,rk ins dee �
o St: Pgul's Au ll. au +ehureh,: Ui n
' . r store d , At proctor, stem, irpanptlan jewellery Y sat fax roar �`ird, Rolm. 1mins,*1 �rat„)'o r, who expects to me"
the store now oecupied ley Mr. . eerie, Exeter, ofietated rat there in the
seb widow of 'J'ohn marriage of Ethel Lout gar'k, It w with -regret t at the )r"
*re, dna Oe , d the m g gal,'
7WC ,
:Glia... , rt3
r d sr I Dais nde�
Desch, dit'd at Zurich oat Sunfils 11 after 2tugu'er of M. an ldr. Ttie wo loot
having euffer�ed for twelve years f Ki to Pte 'rsucisa Leith 'orresstt wsisa � ap ldoatdY iB Ast
aRIs 7F.r. r:, r wy.nk!Rrrn , �.R ....,v�•-.=.,-s ....r„ -. .-r .m
. Will f3Pi�,
Mr. �� �
were a Mr... sad M3,a. i nxawrr
i on 'buraday.
',The pr rt7 of the rte Uri. Caar ,
Clinton. bits been pun ned by Xi*
plWn,' ,
f x oodon,- Ont., 4 ion of Mr. and Mrsa. we are', to know e /4 improving.
the ef' to of ' batt>s i�m paisonin .Mtn. Upon Mrs. W.Jervis ,eft the w
,She t .George • i�orrest, off' Bagot,
was born in :S i'lt tr and seventy-threee their return, from at trip to Brantford with friends' et Strbtfe d.:
Years ago and came to,. this country ' and` Toronto,, the bride will reside In. • Careen "l0004�' i bruery
with her paronta when three ,years of Ilensa,ll, while the,, r oaam, 'will rets lc meeting "of the Helmesvilie unit
of the
age.' Tures daughters ' and four, soma to his station at Rendon.: , Bed. ;roalse was hold at th
survive eersi o the I Curoh Mrs, "apes. Jervis on Tuesday, 4w
County Police 1 San fo%rdr Train • • �k. to stormy weather, thle w dry
in .
Association. to the 'number of twelve,.. a were on the CNB ` meeting of the year. The Pa aldeflt,,
,with their wives, met atale Domi ion'
House,. Zurich, for their • annual' ban-
quet.- Goderich, Win;hann, " 'Seaforth, ,
Exeter," Blyth and, Zurich were tore=
seated in - the gathering. After a
chl.eken dinner games Were played,' and
the ,affair was much enj`oyedR
'T'lne death of Willitun• Kell ton t'ccuirr ed
Those what, keep; trying to get a better
Job might.'get one without trying if
they did their• own job' better.
Tl.io-. Exeter men / eh Mrs. erv12, outlined the work - i.#."the
was derailed pat senige�r train. whfch ,
doublelteat el
at crantford receently,,re. year, afterrerbiel suer expreest rpt
suiting in • the :death w of en • engineer at being obliged to ask . to be .relieved
and a fireman Ind injury , to several of her once for Fa time, owing to. ill-
The Exeter . Tlmes�• health. Airs, Welter volunteerod to
other to repo . .. takeeharge. `til ra4• Jervis should
Aciv+pcsate � reports; Hero�rni � vs>as� dis-� eha g,
� D. L. Hu hes sloe of Mr. feel able to -nasume her duties again,
played by Pte. g , tendered. d a vote of thee.
townshi w Q .Mrs. irene
i orris udwftrd kltit h s, o y; . a reciationi ,. Mris. Iervh, for
to Friday last at his 'Lome ru•°i<i v stud pia
3', Frank Taverna, 'of the "tJRS. Nsa y,
township, after several months of • iU- with x xa k Ta k her ffitthfulnese in the pant, WtAch was
were• the first ° down an ;embankinrent her nt. The
health [ram..a heart condition, Ile. Was broken out one . hesartil3' .ppiuuded b,y all prese
1'Rha e u ae whence iiatne eAntro
o� wo
oaa th
d >�' �
r a tib al d d t
n •' stn lit e 1 i e �
i his e 1 ne es ee .
i l l i G tin i d
y of e
g of the:. deraflird en�;ixites. Ape tIa
resident of 'a lowly fall his life.'. He ,.bee's had been thrown ottt, of 'Year, as has been their en�toni during,,
served on the To«-z�s;lnip . sur l and crew ab ua two men heard another the last few : years. It was decided to,.
wire reeve for several years. ' Surviving ,then cab and the
crying ,. l' me." send boxes'to the boys overseas, whlel
. � Por ' Gosh's sake, heli)
Fearful that the: engine would explode • have now •been' peeked and mailed, A
the two men entered the cab, where. quilt Was completed, and wowing given
,they found_ one ;G,man on his- knees. out, . A pot -luck lunch was served.
They .helped. 'him out -.and•-efirriecV•'hausn 1 .,.. ,
A .. . . er _ They quitter...:
° .the ' bank � , e,utt- later ,' he was, re. wznner rse`rer quits, .
4ved to hospital. ;never :wins.
are his wife,_, three sons and one ' step
:son... .
Clinton Stock
Showf`in June µ '
At n -directors' meeting of the Clinton.
Spring•,Sliow held e. the agricultural.
board 'room, . Clinton; it was ::decd ed: to
wave` the gal on :' rpuiesda y : June 5th.
'Plans are), unclllie. way .' to enlarge e
fair -somewhat -this, year. r
Iiow do the•-BoyS:_
Get .Bach' 1141it'e?: -
i eiitneth .and Murray, Thniait sons of
Mr. and ' \1ri `;Sparling Johnston, ride
to Ii:amsay's school, 1st lune of *[orris
township, on horseJack, using one
ho 'se. - Whet they get to the school
FREE! cIGARETT+:ES for Overseas : .
Local" boys overseas :will get- „ thousands., of smokes, free. .Wherever
they are, whatever branch of the Service they' are Vin, bthoy- are constantly,
i the minds of the /folks at .home. Goderich is proud .of them.
IMPORTANT—If your name appears in this issue •go at once to The
Signal:Star ,gild• Supply the. following • inforanatioif : ,s •
1. no rank; regimental number and name.
2,' Overseas address of the boy or girl. in. the 'Services you wish to
.sad cigarettes to.. w°-:. ..
Should. any person care to send.. Cigarettes to the boys. overseas, they can
send $1.00 of more,. to .Mr., D. 19: Campbell, and the cigarettes' will be sent
by the Goderich branch, of the Canadian Legion.
I ,
....,:.. _: THE PLAN INS BRIFrF... ... .. .�..�
Each 'Week for26 weeks, not necessarily consecutive, t.nere will`appear
. among the advertisements on .this: page; the names and addreSses of -per-.
, sons on The Signal -Star sl}bscription list iii and around 'Goderioh.. Read-
the advertisements: carefully: If you shoUld And Ycltr name, notify this
, office at nonce, or before next publication day., to whom you would like
.8 Signal -Star . send' cigarettes•_
cigarettes- gent. The .Si a,bStar 'will' thene
snd 800 overseas
. with the�"compliianents of the advertiser through the Goderich branch of
the Canadian .Legion Tobacco fund:
Ton.•.... `+ ,
Please send 300 Cigarettes Overseas to
Regimental Number • • >'
(Contintaed :from lna„e `
'Wear their false God and, tura to •.wor-
ship him, 'the greatest Personality' his-
tory .'has . isitawn. • One. feels • that be'
has no • pers ofnril ' aiubitiofs' tit au,. only
the unflinching desire to --rebuild by
himself. our shaken .world. Ire stands
so high above all things human that
one feels small and insignificant .beside
nein. _
The pains of our troublous-times are'
Only 'tile birth. -Pangs of a .new era;
This era willdescend upon us..one .day'
]ilce ' a great.. mercy,, a 'ift from Fro-
vidence• • Only then shall we. realize
what the ]Fuhrer meant to our century.
It will be, named and shaped lifter hell..
—A Reinter dispatch in -The ;;F: itnneS.
chi AIR
° . = el
Eczeina,,,pr salt rheua:ri as, it is ecimmonly;called,
Is.oee of the most _pa. nf'il of all skin )trouts.
11?.'inten se burning,- itching -arid 'srnnrting, esp�ie-
.61cIty. .at night, i ht or whet, •the affected imrt io'e o etl:to
h$ t, br.'th i hauls placed in hot water -are meat itm-
bearable, and relief is s;Iadly welr.oznedr •'
The relief ofierocl by Burdock Blood Bitters is based' on the kn,uwledge.
i i ni'z-': 'nt•:4 �.as eczema, nnd-c;other > akin, troubles :tare; caused•by an
timer ele;:a Besse by using it13 . B to help cleans :;th..:.'
blood of it -1 impt;ri+;,ies. • - :.
Ask 'At; any uruIz count's •for i3. Y3.33. Price $ld)0 a bottle.
, Tk,ry `ru l:ri, .urn Cn• Liuniiaed 'I'uriznto. u :
hall .0]"
Quickly removed in Olean Sanitary Trucks. l?'hone collect..
910r16 OLINTOl!1 • '210 STR4T O ',D
'William Stone Sons...Limited
Y y
Name. and • Rank ........ { ... . a rn ,•.N,.
Full Address Details' 14 Unit.. , . - -.
Address . R i. .:
NOTE: Advertiser will _ pleaseforward this Coupon promptly to
The Goderich Signal -Star.
m I��S Of
.- Ile 'air�tp all a
Lubrication, 'Yeedol Miter' Oil.
Phone'.711 _Ringsten• St.
Successor. to J. Brophey,
1pL'1D-1VI. 1.461)6kr Director
Phone' 120 ' Goderich
Furniture Store -41 West St.
Ambulance Service
Funeral Home -13' Montreal St.
-. - �....w�� �.•-;.� ' Reas�c�- _ . brie- '.Rags-----�:
Square • Phone 323
Send the boys cigarettes' often*
Coal Coke •Wood'
Phone 15 Nelson St;
Under frying c rctimstances wO
are, t'i ring to do a good job. You
will find this :a . good firm to do
business with.,
(formerly occupied by M. Robinsl
General Hardware
Plumbing . and heating
. Stoves ' and Furnaces
Paints and Oils
Square . }Phone 283
Earl R. Guenther 'proprietor.
,Daily service to anti from'tor ,
onto; Hamilton, London
intermediate points:'
Victoria SCR ' '' , Phone 850
....A� good way to spend your..ev- -
eniings or leisure hours in .,pleas-
aht, congenial 'surroundings.
West St. Goderich,
Automotive Stipplies,.,Nlotors, .
Portable Electric Acetylene Weld-
:Ma ,Mine Shop Work, Re-
built Starters' and "Generators.
Drinit Coca-Cola •
Tweedie's. Popular° Drinnks,
. It is safest target the best.
58, Maori' St. • Phone 489
Your friendly LD A. Drug • Store
Prescriptions a Specialty
Phone 45 Goderich
Fresh Fruits and 'Vegetables
• in' season. ,-
Absocia'te Store
Tires and flatteries
Hamilton St, w Phone OW'
Watches Diamond'
Yitone f80 Goderieh
Gai41 St9ddart "r
IF you are, on dour waiting
f : licaann4need �t+o tell
you ' hat it meantss tb be without
telephone'servicet • Imagine, then,
how helpless .our' battle .forces
would be without telephones and
other eomintxasnioaltrorisa .c uatp.
men.t. ,r fight now, the `m en,
. material and machines which'
woulditoi tally be'usecl snr'turningR.
-out te1eplioa to equipmentYfo oa
are still working for diene. Only
whenthis't'first . responsibility is
disgacharged can a start be made
catching'',u ° 'Wit civilian
' needs.. In th.e nieantame' 'we
:promise' this: Applications :wilt'
° - ' A. be filled `just 'as soon as possible .
and in the order in which theys
have been received. " .7
�' IMiiifdi�,� j1 iri+li'�fij!eCCCilifltjji#r 5pesd,ng'f(il;fiaW MM.
U.S.'ri ) fosr ilieira; fot�r� down sem. 0
'Welding and General Repairs .
wine 4566 l stnliltarii St.,
• y,
Prompt Sorviee..
"When .'we're through it Comte
llke ..new.",,
llatniltotl S`t: +� . r: Phone 24
"A good: plate to buy," -
**are • anti
H t
r;tricty & Quality -
For ltour
ualityF4or''our Pleasure—.
te:rsu e -
In Sercen „Entertainment
Plsont 4