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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-02-15, Page 6It, It I .4 r:rR WESTFIELD w'E 'TFIrri' Feb. 13. ---Mrs. V. A. Campbell ,va.sited "last, -week with her' daughter,: Miss ,`;Jean Campbell, and Other friends at GoderleN The 'Y'.P•Ct met on .Wednesday even- ing with ,seventeen present. The meet- ing was led by Arnold 'Cook, with "1'hy lis' Cook at the piano. The Scrip- turelesson was• read from • St.',Matthew '5, by Pearl. Jamieson. Prayer wale led' by. Winnifred Ctunpbell. A Splendid Bible contest was °prepared..rand eon - ducted by Graeme McDowell. Plates were made for -a valentine sodas. The.. meeting closed with the Mph bene- diction. Social activities wero.e ijoyed. Mess's, W rF: Campbell and IL R. Redmond were visitors' at Goderich' on Tuesday.• A : Red . Cross quilting was held last Thursday at .the home of „ Mm" Fred p' Cc ok when tl ir+ee -qu ts -'were c�om ete+l.: A ,pot -luck supper was served. '• . On Tuesday of this week a, Red ';Cross waiting was:held, at the home of Mrs. Wifira. Carter, wen two quilts were coil- • pleted. A pot-Itek tea was Served,. _rte.- „Harold:.Bosm. hn of Ipperwash spent the week -end` with �iis.ptrel?t Mir •azacl Airs.. M. Bosnian. Congratulations "are extended to `Mr. and Mrs.' J. L. McDowell, who on Tuesday cif this week celebrated• their thirty-third wedding anniversary. 741 - and. 'Mrs; Bert Vincent of Belgrave were thtitfests for the. day. The" following is . report of the articles • completed by the 'i%'cst.beld unit of 'the—.Auburn Red "Cross ending December, 1941; Quilts, 23; Millings; 33 pairs; women's nighties, 20; dresses, '►'5R' CouNCILs VO1MO TOWNIWIr The Colborne Township .+ ouncil met for We regular • aaueetiag ,en ''Tuesday'. February tith, with all members pre- sent! . The minutes of the January meeting - Were' read' and adepte4 . " • Ur. Ralph Muure gave notice that Mr. : , ltollii�sorl bad TekilliMed as elerlk of the 'village Of, Auburn. • M. Thomas Hallam was ,aiipOit9c1 clerk on ' January .15. u• a • t" • Ur. John lieruigbau and : Mr. Sohn Mi11i€ti were.,,present asking Couue?i° if'something could hot bo dope to'their rand; es .Aber had head. Po *ail so „far this dear. 'fie 00, aktr. Kernighain. thought their' assessment should he lowered. • , • , The: Reeve explained the ToW nship. was net plowing any roads in this bind of weather unlesa it was a ease of siekness, or if. anyone 'wished. to hire the plow°,the` Council set the price at 80 eents per hour and •whatever :the trucker charged for operathkg. Council ordered through Mr. Jackson. 1000 feet' of snow fence and '440 iron hosts, ' • h�islier �- )lark e That all 'outstanding 1.0",•• socks, 10 pairs; 'helmets, . fi.'taxes be ,paid on or; ''before the 14th Far,Forum.: The' Farm Forum was day of March. • n Monday evenin •at the honing Meereath Fisher : That .the Cler�k.,0 2 held o 'M1 o clay g "1 the Town of G ederieb be 'asked bow he of Mr. and lira;. Dotlglsxs Campbell, arrived aft' the test.. of ;bailiff's and with thirty-one adultsand nve children Clerk's fees for the Township of Vol, borne. ` . Snyder—Clark:` That we donate $25 to .the Salvation A.rniy appeal, London Ontario. present. At -this meeting the groups discussed "Are Counaiodity Exchanges Necessary?" The social • activities in charge ofRaymond Redmond and W. P. Campbell took the form of.. stump speed es, -sonic- of ---the- -addresses being "The Pioneer Mother," "Bread ' Baking," ''New 'Labor -savers," "Whitt to Do with. ,;the.,:.,Germans „atter the War," `My Bobby,"44?oziinttrnity Triendship," • "What• Our Houses Will "Be Like after the wax," etc.- The singing, of the et irbreng1 t the .letW ties National Anth „h to an end., .LunC z'.*aF -sp,r eel. Forum will be held nethl4f crest ing at. the •:home of • gr. anal Norman ''McDowell PORT ALBE .r011•T 'ALBERT,' Feb.' 13. -n--r• Helen MCOee went 'tO London arose • FOR 'PIPE OR . OLititio.yquit OWN • : neral .ome la' MONTREAL ST. Our :'Funeral : Chapel com.blues the dignity of a .place of worsj ip mid :the -refinement of of 'a._guiet • residence. ' ''HONE 120 FLoND M. LODGE,' Oireetor You are hiv;ited to listen to "Music for Sunday' program over CHNX, - Wingham, each: Sii iIay r afternoon: at' 3 pay. earivistarmir I�r Full Range -of Prices meets. the needsand etro CRANST'ON, FUNERAL HOME :.•, r' 1l' - oraitreaz eet 'hone 399' . or ' W. ,FUNERAL -13EAVICIE No, extra eh rge for the 'nue `oaf out Funeral Boma,' Tdron- to Street. ' Prompt Ambulance '$ervic Phone .335 ° Bas 3156 or 1 GOD OK �R O. SHOP' " A 'NOW' . Da I• NS MST, OF MATl31t1AL '' IGOOnaranteod workmanship irt: prioer .,th.+ai. please you. ' L At l i.F IS'; CaI1 aur °Mee; Phone' 242d' or Aro dais x l to Box 161,• Gode-,. r We .wit be pleased" to till w, gad choose a uitable odes ,. *did for your holly plot.. R. A. Sli: T'ON a • . 'Ane St.' n and has obtained a position With , 'Bell- Telephone. Company thei Mx.' :Bert Cunningham cif; II ore . i tt' spent last ; ,.week-end,_vaist ug homey of his sister, Mi•s, Charles Cr# ford,: Grainer ' • Mr.. and Mrs. Archie (� a ies Axl i'of ,Detroit visi:teii .,last week at .the hoiiie of the lat ter's' brother, ' Mr. •Jas. -TO ig.. The .Farm Forum m'et in the School-, house last Monday evenings t With' nineteen present. Mrs. ilowa •rd,� lurid, was chairlady' and mics"-di$cil $oil was held on the- to: is of farm pro�duc exchange Recreation' period ,..w#1.- in 'charge -et .Fred ::Crawford; after "which- lunch ' was served, the hostess ,being - Mrs. Jas.• McKenzie. The meeting' on Monday evening of next week. will, be held at ' the Come of Mr: ` and, :Mrs." Charles Crawford .and all interested in the -Farm 'Forum project are 'c ;d ally - invited. The •deep sympathy of the colli unity goes out to Mr. Walker Murray ,and family' in the death. of Mrs. Mur ay, - who passed away in the G deich 'hospital'' last. Saturday. ' • ': i 1`-. ST. HELENS sl,... HELENS, Feb. 12, --;Mrs. Al. Martin of Toronto is. a •visitor with her parents, Mr. • and Mrs. E. J. Thom. • The. • World Day of Prayer' will be observed by the W.M.S. of the •united church at the home - of Mrs W. L• Miller,•.' on Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Will Rutherforl, Grant, Mae and Johnny and Mr. Boss •;Me-' Pherson attended _the• mania:4e, of. ?.Ir' Hugh Rutherford. and - Miss Irene Leiking_at Orilla, onn •Saturd4y.- „� iss tly :he to he he NAT, a" r .r ■tea;- _ Thte P t breathe i Rhos ooher,:. lea... ghecl;`'_. And then :she 'toed it to the' CFak; ' _ Who said the. Wind had lied;. But • all the same _he told the Ash; Who told the Willow Tree; r • • 14teCreattb Snyder :.: That . persons skiving-- gratvel, suitable for township roads re ,`i. nointifreh y George F. Bean • on or :: Snyder --McCreath That our Clerk i oquest►-••�tiiait• anyone •knowing - of . a soldier returning .permanently from i ii overseas netify the Reeve.oNme ,of•the :. _he. �' uncillc�i s, the n<aiueS':to be given ._t-- -- feport-..of the Township Council meet", ci t a th-Fisher : That ~'tenders be • err: :burglary and holdup insur • Our Township , Collector. v it", -r-', "Snyder :: That we authorize, eeve and Treasurer to sign all ea road ' vouchers and :hills were{ o ered paid: Road vouchers,115.65 ; IA J: Westlake, balance of -January ,ax _Westlake; ; h . Mrs. ;G., C. Treleaven, ne•Township Half, , S a l vatio n r ndo Ont. 25 Si na1 Sta> , M• ric4it $66.56; Municipal World, nine, , ' ii' tions: $9.15; -Robert Diggs, -8 . )v00d forTownshipship Ilan,$3 6, s Lo ,ell Co., Toronto,' Township sup I, 25.76; Win. - . Sallows, vital Jci , $4. heli adjourned to meet March 'clock..._" ,,,,_• w141.. SAL, LOWS, 'Clerk tO YNSIIIP.. OF. G ODEltieH. • - Coiui"ex'i 1l et in olmesvillh on Febru- ary 45.4' *eve Ginn was present only fo�'`# it B ard••'of Health meeting; then le"flY-for Toronto to attend a meeting o : e �; ' 'iteration of Agriculture. Coun- t,: ,,rtiitth was appointed chairman ++5 nL l 1,1.,1 f aiivation Ariny .asked the usual. t $15 was granted again this Ontario Association of • Rural pa'lities. asked membership; 'no .action. The Com Treasurer sent a list of lands liable to be sold for taxes;. filed. ` Comity' Clerk- T. W. Miller 'asked for' information for ,advertising ' the township; left over until next meeting., Department of Municipal Affairs ' re surety bonds of odicials'; Council ap- proved the present .amounts as suf- ficient. Sick Children's Hospital : asked a grant; $5 was given. • Mr. R. O.• StaPles, public school in- speetor, addressed, the Council, on school . areas, stating that if all` -'!he schools in the township Were in a 1. 'sehqoI area the additional grant would-'' , n»ioiint to '$2320, If two or more sed• tions'forin an -area the grant:woul be•l - equal to one: mill on .their assessmat. :Some ,of the .advantages •wales be antity purchasbw cheaper° 1 000ke-for• the pupils, and ei`ery child would -have equal equipment. . to • work with. • Mr. Staples -saw . lid• would attend any' meeting called by any section or ^ sec- tions and explain the working of school. And• so it •passeAlong, altile. line �.. 'areas and ;what he considers the ad- • . rsragnta' ei; ..arasit" " i1s be' 1� >rx t Cafill�.•''�(f"17��"a formed .no •later than the last i?f June in order 'to begin functioning. the 'f01- lonuingt January. • .y • The following accounts were ordered' paid : Town ;Qf' Goderich, ouir share fol Division Court, $14; Mtinieipal W oi1d, subscriptions, $7; Siek Children's Hos- pital, donation, $5;' R. G. Thoi pson, egister-ing , iii'n than—ma�r-ria;ges a .. deaths: $4;, It. '3. Lovell. Co., stationery, .$39.71; Miss Acheson, use • of house, -$5 ; Salvation ' Army, $15;, superintendent, pay roll Ne. 2, $2$2.20. Council' 'adjourned to: March 5• .• R, G, TI10MPSON, Clerk is 1 heard frons, the Speckled' Trout, • , t Who. Beard it from the Pool-- And 'this" was how the, story ran : 'i`Last night the moon was full:" i CHECKED in ca ✓✓Iffy; --"-woterMn"Iri' ;ir- Ear gt)fck relief from itching sauced by eczema, athlete's foot:: scabies, pirhplea and 'other Itching conditions, e_p ure. coolin� g:'tneedicated, liquid. • . O. 111.'00 PRESCRIPTION, Greaseless and '/tain1ee .. Soothes, comforts and quick!y calms intense itching Don't stiffer. Aak�''yyo�ue� dru�t today' for O. ix D.'PRE$C IPTION. • 'RATA -. WALLOP! • MOONE'S EMERALD :PACKS -AGAINST-MUSCULAR .;. tA.L S- -PAIN •SORENESS • ` If you• want beneflcial strength in a liniment -rub 12- you're ted -un if-wwiatyh wcaqt products whose relief is ` or -imaginary, thenn try- mooDi 'S Bl i uaALD CSL i• It 'represents our.MAXIMUM • in counter=irritant" relief .for • n tiseular itches, pail's, Chest colds, and. a worth., lig rub to relieve tightness as' well as aihoillderal and s• of baa<c>k, - liraibs, muscular ache neck, 'due to over. -exec- else, overwork, qoreosure to saki and' (10 rn ness. ' 1 Once you try' Moone's • .Emerald Olt We are eonudent you will Sat, WOW you're talking! and 'that you Will never be without it in: yourd hone. On sale at aril good drug stores. ou That Sticky dIgk That Hand Thiaa int the kit, : of alar edtIgh its batatto .gets earl of, Ow Mod that loth you duringthe day *ad keeper you *wake aid': night,. Why not alt,bottle of fr.'Wood. a ' Norway rine and see haw ,quiekly it will help to relieve you `,►e. • , g • • r .. ` w t� riots' atnd ei�4�tiroCy' ' to tike"i'+rltla�oxt"oi' the trouble, the ph egm, .potb nag• the 3 tat air per* + ainlulating been tin the market for the peat 48 ° the Imp fiimily ;t a timed as , CON 04 T.1 iib r* 1 > .UMW, • 'Avow*.O • �iSIGN GODERI R WN HiIP GpLiERR'ii ,T(WN.SH1P', Feb. 13. Mr, and' Mrs. Ben 1,'eagan and faknily, Of. Nom, and Mir. and bars. Herrin Mg. Allister,. of Goderich. Vislraet1 on- uiaday with Mr. and Mrs.' Robt. McAllister. Red Cross 'quiltixlg "bees" were'held this past week at the homes of. Mrs. „ . Ticbborne and Mr's. JIarwood. The February meetingof the is- belng'• held on Virednestlay of this: •week at the home • of 4,147s. \Vin; Vorter., Turner occupied his pulpit at Union : church, on 'Sunday, delivering: s, splendid sermon tin "The Discipline, of Turner sang '• the ser vice,. of 4,1'.1,014100S.',"• During ,u solo', "Trust ,and Obey,"his usual.. line .style., Next :. Film Showlug.--Tlie Februar y showing of the*. National i 'ilfn Board pictures, will be in Taylor's ,Corner sehool, S.S; NO. 2, on Friday, February 23rd, at 2.$Q' and 8 p:ui., Afternoon for 'tile' children, •dud -the evening for adults: in conjunction with the Feder- ation of ,Agriculture:_, The report of the president of "We ;Ontario 'convention >wiU,citiso be. heard at this meeting.. All is, free anis all are weleome. A►SC L •AASHF1ELD; Feb. 12:•—Ordinary Sea, man Kenneth Drennan" has returned to Cornwallis after a leave spent with his .parents, Mr. and Mrs. A1wopd Drennan. Reported Killed..-- Mrs. 'William Mackintosh, of Kitchener, formerly Miss- Lilian Clark of St. Helens,. ,has received word 'that her son Donald, a gunner ' in• the. R.C.A.F., .who was reported :missing last July, was killed when • MO plane eraahed.. Deszides` ham- mother, he is survived by his wife and two brothers :• Douglas, a gunner in the• R.C.A.Fr . in .;England, and Robert, - o Kitchener., As a boy Donalid spent the, sunnier holidays Oat Kintail 'Beach. His father the late. Rev. .John 'Mack- heI �-charges• at Milverton- and -intosh, e d �,' , London. �.. NEW REGULATIONS PROTECT TENANT •. Under new rental, ulations of the Wartime Prices•and Tiade Board,. afy owner of a conniiercial building iiicInd- ing a factory, •warehouse, shop or store „cannot' evict a° well-behaved tenant un- less he -requires • the spaceio carry on obliged -business h s been his- and:g owna by no act of his own to viacaite the space in which he has previously been carry-_. - .xn all •ca ses . n.wn�l ' in o his usiHess. o (if eviction, the owner, no ivatter when or how' he acquired othe property','inust obtaiii a perniit from the 'Rentals Ap- praiser before he.can give a notice to vacate The•.iiottoe:inu '.be a ilniieum of six 1nonte. Ac,ording to tie. West- ern Ontario regal n• office••the measure "will do lubes .tq, stabilise the inanu- -facture anis •distribution of civilian goo $ w#iiel :irAtes n . •-illsturbed: the actual _and threatened movements and chains `o2 di'sloeatlttns' caused" by expansion -minded OW110e who desire to absorb the space occupied by -their. tenants . , r lP •y .. R,�v.=.r • fl • a Th1:1 4, gat OS R •kyr,.. J3ILLS.. . BILLS BILLS u. Wonderin � who to pay first ... how • g P Y . to catchup OR those overdue accounts. orzr affairs in order witiva, per - Square = somal loan atthe Ro•Y4i1 Bank. q S q uare all . those: -bothersome th.h-b thaccounts at a e • a• once o . • then bud et for monthly re- t. o°the-'bank over x2.. 18 or ;even 2,4 mont es. This, way, you protect' .your credit, avoid 'worry and embarrassment. Onr.Mantggr .are constantly making loans for this and 'in'any other • per solal purposes. our local Manager e r 'w 11 be glad to discuss a ©nal loan • with you at any tame. i. • L DERitH 6RANc4{ :sa a tl••`y .vk.'Sw r.r U. . PE R$ To -'pay d"oi*tcr, ee • iX� , 411 AL LOANS AVM LABLE tist or hospital bills .., i to meet ,. es4 . to con'oJj late deb s ... to buy files K ;i= • lir or irimpro e'tl e lis .e • o �ci l ... t inn a:�a eY ens -: o tale �' e�n � �. adv "< % b x islei , � i. t bay and bus 3ic... Oi•- t pP ttn`iities to set ;emergencies,.f;c e W. -G. DULMAGt 141 A • ilii i317 tI� iii ii 1; • BENMILLER •BENMILLER,*: Feb.; 13. ---Mr. and Mrs. Will Johns of Saskatchewan•'have been renewing .> old. • acquaintances around Benmlllet recently, • Airs. ,'G "doles `}[d'im'ity spent last week with 1161. parent2,''Dr. and 'Mrs. Ball, in Toronto.. • • The ', World Day of Prayer will be observed in Berimiller church on Fri- day, 'eurtatary' (ith.• Miss Betty Stratighaii is tit present with her aster, Alpo. ffwso;a,. at °Dun- n gA _n n o , assisting in..afr. Dawsons sfbale't Rev. Dr. Barnett! of .Oodericli oe- etipied the pulpit in l3ennniill'er United church off 'Suiidaty:' ,• The' annual Sunday school :Meeting 'will be field in Beni nifler church on Friday evening, February 16th, - • The a fabled• goose that laid' the golden eggs will *now, "take a back seat to the California 'genius who rented his lien. Bolls' as an rlpitrtfnent•,at $55 a month. ("Wort Albertan. • WHY HAVE #1" iSORE ratt►w FEES", Ass iiu�r • ontrol Boa • Individual Y •Liquorermit .�M • h, ,• r .resent ., Peimit Liquor Par is will be ' e t e xde lot re.i ▪ •.,, toµ 11�arch 1st 1�►46 on application., and -of 41.QO *at 'any Liquor C`.ont01 Boa d and after March l9tii 1945 decision extend -,o1 rhe the �a io the use .. er its : will effect a ubstantial saving in and :printing costs, and is� n eepin • with day cons6rvat10 z,policies; • ,4 WITIIA.trCm ,,, G. WE S .E Chief COmmissioner • 8,