HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-02-01, Page 7, „ II X 4. fii zio4tilsgor ortwort ig Current- 'Views on War torao. Jon. 367.7_411$8 4)4)"""Y Me'linember but no *ow anKflamear (Coutin#0131 P040. 2) be' VOA So• woo* '01th bey Parents 'made. 'Two now elders were eleeted$ Charles ee , t9r tWb• *Plc and as sleeted foriclour- ' rt Bogie. was ap. pht.44, The WSW, board had teat One otuo, Water*, near Beluniller, I also ari,lionerstrr rnember, 401m IrPall'a,tt. Germans must, -"earn that it dots! net. ,A carload of nut p,pte took in the !LAM a. pay to wage aggreasive Ware. They oloieuey oietch at 1$40k.now list /Pride,' iv*P'11044:141t. mutt realize that, they are all pe1,40/3'.. '. night 444 oh the 'w4Y borge OW ;veer tarin,, . mi., 004,°Rutledge has r4turned ilOnle the Gieater Permiur Xteich.' TheY ninit; lull, of " their ,illifettou gain*, •al.ly responsible ?OX t11,0 violent deeda, • And attende4.-11 4.100 ap.41..leard v9inted uolgot- SUPposedlY pirformed'fOr the giorY- ot at tile eabool 4040e, itt after iipiting, hie eotudn, ra, ete Rey, Harold, ;Currie preached his AS,41r1,010$ Attn.. o , farewell aerMen. in Nile Unifed;:eitureh Cowan spent last Weelt,with her daugli- ,04 004W • ter, igrg; ea*, Wecitilliart, in Toronto, "Mv..40gua"Xcl:flarMiti has not been WOrsing Miter Ifitiriel J1'arrloli, of enjoying the' beat Of health lately,- 44Mliten,' WAS ttOMe for the Week -end;. 111/4/4,,,'Alteetingir-The regular meeting Mr. and Mr. Fred XacciregUr are in of the !Tile W.A. was held On Outten' Toronto, , Audi, in the be$entent of the ebureh and • Mr, Duncan working in was in charge of IYIrS. D. rturi.4 the 'hUsinees -period $10. was The January Meeting of the donated tO the'l$unday school and $gEk• of Aeliiield Presbyterian ehureb. was , to ,the' stewards of the church., 'liar*" held at the home Neu a, gaol Johnston,. who 14 at present in a milt- Kenzle- 31910avf 167.1f4 eiglAteen tary hospital, was voted a present, to - the value of $200, The 'meeting closed With hymn and the ,Mizpah Weft-. gram. The February ineetingf.10 to, be Alen, The hostesses were Mrs. H. At'. tho Wine ,Mrs. 1",). Ense, Matthews, Mrs. ,Pettman' and. Mrs. 'Sergeant Robert $iniPann was porde Stanley • ' for 4•10,* days' leave lea. vteek., ' congregational annlia/ " Meeting of 'Nile' Unit Why is It that, although the average - Church' waif held' on January 1E41'4-MIMI ntletioir'pleture- seat is more Comfort, the utgual business was transiteted and able than the average elturch seat, more • reports were read and adopted. , The People sleep • through a - sermon than treasurer's' report shoWed, all accounts through 4 movie?-7-ltrener Record ' VI he ASIIVIELD be convineed that they eaunet retain- ViSher, Beruniller, for a week, - j Present. The president, Mrs. D. A. MacLean, was in charge of the pro - %ere ..fortunate ,ainong, the United Na- tions are trustees who must eneure, that juStitfe is 4646 to those 'Wlitt intve.. • suffered nicosvitt.•th0- bandsof .their , brutal enemies. The (ilermana Woilid not uuderstand 4 *ft." Peftee.. Iii- discrirnlnate vengeance woUld• he senile*: less Ilut juStlee Moat be &no,. ,and a third ' , German War in" this Centilt$' 10Ust be prohibited if Europe is not to disappear froni.the 'annals of blue -finny', , lot ilk 4. it. .; ' . When I' pulse 6, the tutpre of Europe I. am inclined to dlstlnguish between, biological regellerath* on the one side and spiritual rote sane°. o the other. - The Material and phystoly 9iehal revival, of .nations will make. , Speedy. progress. But the moral bal- ance ' will be much more diffieult. to , achieve. ,To renew in people's hearts 1 after -Allis war the sense of the .epirite, . nal 'unity of mankind will require a transformation of the whole intellectual . and moral atmosphere, People will have to recover their living faith. in the common' destiny of the human], family, in the rights and obligations' nf men and nations; in the infinite. dignity. of . the' individual, by which • a , sense of fellowship Is inspired. '.,Thia,is- net a ,sirapie proposition. ; It will ;preaup- •-pose- a', reSolute-ethical determination On the 'part Of the best - men .,•within . _ • . „ , • . `1.' individual radians, It Win hare ,to be 'Man of . tomorrow bas before II= .4 directed, to*STOS ;:thg.„AnteptittorLA, iieble„:pu*Oselirlife4„;.,Theierievi peace .liurann loyalties in order to harmonize Iwmtnotte.asiiine,'Weiinatilitred-tian- • natieuat patriotisni with the obligations , of good neighherlineSS.', .,, : ' Still More difficult will be the renewal of the ino,r4,1 Perkniality • of ',man. . The war has .ahnost destroyed it. Moral 'Ortiefam,- :loss Of' belief in - spiritual and 'moral. values; the loss Of . all re- ligious belief' -will •- be , an 'incredibly difficult problem in the post-war period.. which: they were born. Yet :they have .Will the 'postVcr. generation be able also 'gained, from -wi the. experience of te'ritie to ,; -the ;occakdon? ., . ; , .., - great - battles .._-fenght faithfully against. lam aware.,of„the- difficulties which tierdenclena odds.: If they usethese we have before as in this 'frame)* task. exPerienees and enrich them with their of making Mother Earth a :More ihattlt- own viSiond; this Europe of ours may able plaee .fOr decent people to live in, cinee •more.13teenfie 4 poWerfni factor in -peace and brOtherhoOd. We need in the further. ‘developutent'....ef the to recover oil? faith that the European huitip race. ,, • • --, , , .„ , . _ . _ . 41 s You Can often eheeka cold qui sy you follow these instructions. Just as soonest you feet the cold cOm.. - jug en_andexperience headache, Pains - irt.the-baelorii.mbs,-soreness througlv - the body, take a Pitradol tablet!, a good • big drink of hot lemonade or ginger test and go te'be,d, othepeiadol, affords almost framed:. • isterelidfrom the pains and aches and telps you to get oft to sleep. Thedose may be repeated, if necessary, accord- ing to the dirbetions. If there Is ness of the throat; garee with twat:, Paradottablets clissolveA in water. Just try ParadOtthenext time you have a- • o1d and we -believe that you *Bite, ; _well pleased, ',Parade' doeanot disaP, . - • 0 uic .;Dr Chase's Paradol • 4, 12' 14: ' 4 t , . 4 t, 'AR It KEEP THEM 4;:fr,4 t' 4,40, ' 4, OF THE CROP' quillity. We are inevitably Marching forward to fresh struggles.. We should rip,proach the world of tomorrow • with: the Ideals. of truth; goOdness and • bon- .6Sty, and We must- fight to restore to themf their 'original .deeply buratto meaning. The younger generation May. hlaine. us. for the .chaotic world in I RETIES for. verseas verti ers ;Local boys overseas will get thouSandk. of. ,staokes free. Wherever they are, whatever branchofthe Service- theare-ln, they-, areTeonstantiy • Mlndikof the folks at ham. Goderich. is proud of them. . ' • IMPORTANrz--If your name appeara,:iir this' issue go' at once to The Signai,Star and supply die following., information: The tank, regimental number and 'name. , 2. Overseas address of the boy or: girl in the Services you 'wish to, fiend 'Cigarettes to. . • . • . • Should person care to,dend:cigarettes to the boys overseas, they. cart Send $1.0O 01: more, te Mr. D. E. and the cigarettes. will be sent by the andetich 'branch' of the Canadian cLegion,•.,, , • ach-week-fivr-20.weeks, itot-AlecesParilY-Aetntentitivw#herez411 appear • BMW*. the: atttettketaah4r,01: 'Oak and addresses ortocre sonstort The becriptiO4-43,4,1n iink,ardanktlOkierilch. Bead' the:#diVerttsementd,,:a fid roar 11400,$,,*totASI:;t;* °ince ..ati.,-oncei" or, betifo blIpatiOji..00,;10\,wriii* you 1-ivbind -010 - 'eightettka-;hOntLbit Slitlhat eightettes `nversenk with eoff0Puickent0:' of the't, atftertiser, through, the .Ged'erich bran& of thel,atiaditert.1.4gid**Ibaeeo fund„ ' „ Advertiser Please sefitt'300, Cigarettes -Overseas' , ..,COUP011‘l . ; Reghnental , Name and Rink Full Address Details: of Unit , . • • This Coupon is sent in by • • .9* 1 .0 • NA. •. • . ...,. liana) . 1 • ' ' , . ,Address_.,_., .... ... , ... . • - .. ....... . . .... . , N,DYE: *.liarertifier ;l liek.siFfiiiii;EWA-Italits..C:Owpon proaqiiii-to. The -Goderich Signal -Star. - - , ..4,404‘41.T ../tirro s ton -1:k3airS* all • radilie;s of, cars. • 11 Ire% al Motor Oil -; TONifiNfir„• -atm: ' rilNERAL , eisgit 'Oraphi4.' MVO:. M. 11401304A Director Phone 1204. --Voderich Furniture Str--Il Weii St; * Amhulaneo Service FuueraLnourel3 Montreal St. e ttornktail (formetly iieenpied by M. Robins) WEAR , ititotnotive 84010, „MO:Ors( Portable 13llectric Acetylene Weld- , Ingt *Nr.itchine 'Shop Work. Bev ;. built- Starters .and Generatera, .‘• Mine 247-458. t vaunt. AelOgr#1•: #41.1. Plandiing. and Heating Stoires itio Furnace/3 • And 0110 Phiiine 28),g, • r ' , •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••■•••••••••••••••••••ro001•••••••919,9999911.•••••P•4 sitittr'.tim"***4 • , ., •90eot;eollt- Tweedie's 'Popular Ditnks -It is llafest to get the best.. 50 Pictoa Pin,)no. 480 OiLlitt** T1RZ PORPORA.TiOlt. Assaelate 'Stoke ‘,16. 'o, WHEINTONig, Tires and $atterlea At* lit.141ton Phone 69W 11I tTINES ; 1 3400004* & i€4111410 wetain,t antooner*Reztalos° • t MMIIfNE 01tOP , thane 4641W Hamilton St. VEtitif itESTAlritAla Honie-made Candy • ;PHONE 110 This is Statioe. E4, -T f'• BEDFORD HOTEL CourteouS Serviee ' . Reasoltates Square " Phone -03 Send:„..the. boya,,eigarettes ,SA.U1213. COAL pc). 4).00 .coke. .. Wood Phone 75 Nelion. St. ' 'Under :trying ...eireunistances•*e. are trying to de a good job. You *lilt And'. this. n good firm •to do brisineis;With, * - atizatilrau. EarI B. Guenther Proprietor Daily service to. and from :•Tor= :onto, Hamilton, London. Intermediat pain*: . Victoria St. Phone 850 Ertittp092f6 DRUG ORE Your friendly ID 4. Drug Store prescriptioaS ' a, ,Specia1ty4 Phone 4$ GOIlerieh nitunmews Ittlintator &01.1133 Watches. • Diamonds *hone 439 'Ootlerleh o' r4irSouri* ND DU oZZkNXN4 ProraptSqVice "Whoa vvi'ore_ fitionglx, itlik 11'% 'loohi; ,„ 'Ilaralitoir 'St. . Phone 4. AttAws.onotativst A good*piate 1;fittie 104 o' Sawn*, and Bovninta maxim . . .....kgeed„Wtay to spend Your ev- , enings or leisure .hours in pleas- ant, congenial surroundings; • . west St i *Gotierio fonifoormiwalogaissamifoommanom9.10 0•94.4••••••9......•••••••••••.99..........mon•morionamoialmamearomemoramomort GOD. FityltMARKZT Fresh Fruits inel*egetables, , , ' ..,SelliSafh ' ' Stientifie • Friendly Service ' phone. 470 East- St • di iwveinunt la on foot: lit Wing for •the organization of a-ehess el ii17/111fun H. Dearing,. An old .reitident s, 4. Exeter, died on jauuary 23rd in 13.14 eightieth year. Ile la survived 14 his wife, elle son and two danighters. .-wiuShain 'treahiterians hove 'tended a Cali to Bev. Alex. Nionao, at ,bert and M. Wog SA* New 001140 A. woe hita 'hoeat *loot Mot tlieoltiel with -"wart of two or tits pow* Waiting but the stump s healed ever, indlea Present, 'a •01mplain • at the Trenton 'two it was the that MO- gsk-rts it:0•44`. station, to .aneceed 'Bev. Ken- of Oro ,p4;W0,10. a trap thous nearly * .neth MacLean, now MiniSter Of ;Cavan year ages. Three shots were iteessia-ri preabyterian Obureli,nExeteri ' to kill tlis animal. Farmer a Wove Wellington. Joimston hati sold the it was responsible for injuries to degs • Derninien, lietute property at ZOrieb and for the. killing Of not a few •ahaeP to his son, Wog, Johnston,. who gets in the distriet. leimedia.te peseesidon. The Dominion Fought Eire* Ifettee-ls well known, to the travelllng in, England:... -i public and been owned by the Leading mrenian Valliant Chambers Johnston• family:: for Melly years.' has returnedto his Wane at Exeter John Yeaden died at. his 11910e' 14' atter two an *half 'Years overseas. Clinton on January ,24th, in his 00477 Be is one Of the ,Canafilans Who went seventh; year.. °A" native et to the Old COnntry to help fight the township, be farmed in, that township fires caused by enemy bluish% Re was 'for Any 'years- 'before retiring to Clio.- stationed atilorttlIaMPteu$ 'Tart of the. ton. His wife, Elizabeth Waite, pre- firemen'S task Waft, to assiat in regain deceased -lam two years, and, surviving work, , extricating victinis from de. are four ;sons auff-two- daughters; raolislted buildings, and to -cheek the William J. Goderieh township-- Albertt debris. • .°N OBITUARY 4.1.' .." '... - service. After.: the reetor, pronduuced the, benediction the ladies Of the COD-. gregation servedlunch. - - WILLIAM-, 'XWAMT,EX: Public:14ihrarY Board,—The- annual •• . . -- ,. ine,eting of the Bayfield Publie Library The death ' et. ViT, 11.110n• Twa*lat tt . Board was held this- Week. The library lifelong and respected resident of Aslk, as organized in 101and the PaSt , township, occurred at his )104. w "5 '‘id , , . _ - ,,.. Year,-1,24,'proyeet to be the peak year:1)0)211o; $1104hrgitze ylito. jorayaeth,‘ an;..tt,aigte‘o:was ug•b., • . BAYEIEL..D, in; membership, cireplation and....04- ancially.`-The treasurer'ilreport'ShoWed ii",-batanee'br-410.0.50:- The report MYEAILILD -San RehellY he' had been :in' declining health for irpWards76111V-6-yearCliis 'death came • ' aatthi410endhoonra.e 1,n. the. village. , , , : ' . . stiingoweodfac,tehradt.' wtheeieci,rttepulpoaitiiiotneat,_,afdor .beenttie;t:aite.tnavvit,h0240ritw.:OfnatiPehi' eeIeltaedlez:GTeeselltregran.diliT.-,w.:14, 1, 71ILIYY`e ,. i Mrs. Fred Baker is visithlg relatiYes. g.13 per cent. lti '1-10:kfield; . The'fainsv- and Elizabeth. Dickson' and . Wail born Larson of London spent the week -end the7f,faron. 0ounty 'Lithrarv ASSoClatiott Mrs. jatnett Ferguson left on Friday year:' ., President, : Miss , 4:..... ,a14115C41; „concession of Ashileld now owned - for Landon, .Where' she- will spend'.the itirheraasriA. Mxisrse.; W. - ..reivii:e'iSttinrrbIaarrYa: by his -,nephew,'George TwamleY,, ,]ifir.- next lour weeks. -. Twandey was one of a ,familY. • of -nine . vilirl:gee lihSah`Veennetilm;lueciteicleethdeeitiler harvestMrs.W11%11.41'84'. ItW. ',Sr4co.'t'eFherargilersp°4;rs141. 4.sBarallSeYtifMlit,get.: ftellisdirfealatlieQr111,--LStiva°'.41trvell-°01 Isruelh"invile: . for this year, which'. has . been the i.test D. ' A,' Volume. and Mrs.. E. 14-, Bassett. He was a quiet 'and ufia-SduMing..gentle,; , in..Zaeyntiresid. was Withoht. Mail last. w' 'ed''' shown on '11,11ErCildilay larSet'4t..ininttheer!sint q:'UNVeati38 fInttaitidn'. 1.4:tr 2114P174>enttr °-1'.9 .fh°AsPatta)tebtiPs. . andl ad : * lis.dity and part '• of ''''ThUrsdai, the; held on the late . Bruce ,:Mepre, who .ellureh,. Where, the funeral service was roads being blocked,•. Irina "here to perished When, hlk tense ,was burned:- held-„ on literiday', ' January '.15th, cog- . Varna. This is the first time-thisyear, onthe night pf October 9t,1)....' -Pr.: J... dudod. bY*Is'pastor.,...ltev.,01,G;.aowse. 1 we have 'anise& a Mail. owing to the W,- Shaw of -01111ton waS in, Pharge and During the service 'ars, Tearaas-inaire.,,,,, roads; . twice before. the train failed CrOwn, kttorney-. Dudley trOlihe§ ox, 'sang, "There is it• place , of quiet rest t to get pp, • hats 'Ureic' .Brandon was ' aoderieb • ' tinestioned ; . the , witnesses. ',near to othie,oetliac hetart, oefm..164;%, wet Interment . alwifys - able _to,getIvito- Bruce-Aeld. ' , Twenty, witnesses were. heard, the pro.,, *As, Jit • Earl - Mr. WilliaM Cameron of Detroit ceediegs opening at 2.80 p.M., and gen.- ..sterwpod, .,,,wiufect Drennan,, iwanoet Spent the week -end with his, • sister, tinuing,,:nntil 10 .p.m.. when the jury Twamleyr Alfred Sherweed, Wilfred Miss Elizabeth Cameron. - . -- • adSohrned, With a' short. recess' for *Hackett and Roy Alton acting as Pall - 'Red Cross Society.—The annual supper. The Jury's verdict ,was, that bearers. :Ntr,,.. Twaini.ey is survived by meeting. - of " the .- Bayfield 'Red Oro* the deceased :came to his 'death h3'-' -'his- widevi and ene-sont--Tom, at ,home. . sucloti was 'held in the Orange .1641 'Eart'u*e and lik'e Of unknown- -origin. A soli, 'Arthur; died -at the, ago of ten on' -ThursdaY evening. The • meeting The- Jury was coMposed of . John 1,and two daughters predeceased , him.' was opened with the reading. of Scrip- Cameron . iferemanY, John tloward, Violet passed rearay'.in .1010 .and:' Mr% ture and ,prayer .0 Rev. A. S. Colwell. - jack Castle, ;- Lloyd.. Scotchnier and Earl Begley (Ella) • In ill'iti, • Surviving mrg, .83-amos 'Ferguson, vice-preSident, Malcolm ' Toms; : ' • . . . .. ', also are - two Sister4--4gra, . $ftrauel was in the Oat)! ' for the readiog of _,,, _'• .....' ,„,.1,...„,, ,_„..........,,,,- . 'SherWood-Mmunt)• of -West,Wnwanesh year's work 'written by the preSident, • .. ' , .,', ' ,.',. . • .. Goderich.. Brothers ruld-:' si.Sterd who ;- Tepid 'and gave, a resume , of 'the --uliiirjuun': TV VW IN smp innd Mrs, Jas. .; Drennan; (Lucinda) of " the J.' canadian. W.eat:' kis., ' Robert c4"Earcit."*NSIIII''' Ilt*...":-.7 ilsi*dantreeed.riv"(karsa*vt:e,h'is' 1.;41.r,-*°:;,„.°''.,t°.irs.. ' Miss A. M. 'Stirling,•,whO Is visiting:in : it.was with (leeP regrett)ntt.,we learne.,c1. IScotchmer; secretary. • -iettd , a''' relt,O# last weoc, offhojileath ,at.,,,witoot. , of , ziitwoas:osetti:othgaiFvelii--:,tteotoi:,i017,0triii.)i:Ita; i73rboattsor...,,w,:::..,, _mit. !saver Tounntisit.,,,,:sitt:eatautat, Sherwood: -; 1,Auzatieth) ;. _Bertha., Who: ige , ., was knOWA,- and-0.1oved:-„tty-.,everyOne.- .. Her husband; -the late FteV.,' lames • pastor for twenty-eight years. -I - BELFAST 1 ;Hamilton; served 'Onion' chureh as.- as atRUenvioIn. cah'UTI11,106nr oStligayied,. dtheeliv9eurlitigt T. fiBZOVOAf 7t: ille.aleito 2.it—speAnllnga°iitW-' the second of a series of sermoes on 1., The Disciplines otLife," entitled, 4‘The .,ii, alY-5,4 I•Vitmetb III:iovrrIltit,,,," reporti Gilbert I : 1- by: a, Mrs. 'Discipline of Labor." • DurMgthe ser- . vice, Mrs. Geo. McilWain sang, A. • 8010,, .mgirlinlyiamtriteirdasni.wle0Yolsei 31N:4111'7 well 11.7,,r, '"Bnilding for • Hternity,'! which Sliee ''. , Thi W.M.S. cif'llaOketei htnirell 340 a favorite of the late Mrs. Hamilton. , —Phe-- prolutponne,041iiadikew,:rileiegtstiroetivitietibtte:,aistst,_;_thTe_usiiidamirruill 14.41.8e 11....alat% tiCatthinoil, ' hareyidsituh Portera,os arludili,‘Soehaitoo. l • All .Psee4brootri, ,eGlegolli,,,tgetii-At latnond. 1:1: .tnii6elve4tiresyllf!tir., 11.7., ' gr. and Airs. Wilfred nuckeMylsited% at the bonie7-or Ilk. and Airs. •Dan-Ve-... , On',-ithe' work' accoMplislied- during:0e paaty'ettr;- and' aslietlIdenittre Werker'S.' 120 'articled.; ,,,sertinen's 'comforts,, .180; army comforts, 235; .for_British :217'artieles eftelothingAnd CpflitS. For prifieners-OPV:tarparcels, S., knitteik, articles were contributed:. Vtii.the JinI ;for Britain ftind,:',#50:was given and $15 to the blood', donors' clink, in 'Clin- ton to -buy martidilade And Water glatifes. The . *treasurer, . Birt; R.•L. Bassett, read a Teportohntritig a:good balance, $625:48: Mr, John Parker Pre-' ded for the electior(..of .officers.-forrtlie coining year, ivhich 'resulted as fonoVrs Honorary presidents, Mrs. N. -W. WOOd.P., 'Mrs. F. Gairdner And.; Miss. ,Maud Stlxling; honorary viee- -PreSItlenta,ne_v. A. S.. CpikVell; IteVe R. lielnies, Re*: D. Lane; Wm. V. -Ferguson, A. E. ErWin,".SinIcolixt Toms; president; Mra, jaMeiLrergesori;•lst vice-president, Mrs: Malcolin Toms; 2nd' Vice-PreSident; Hrs. Grant Tarner; secretary, . Mrs:. Robert Seotehrner; treasurer;. • Mrs.,. RA Bassett,t- Tesponding secretary,,' MAIL 'Mahe"' Prentice.; finanee icomraittee; 'lora Makins (cturirman),-, Wm: L. Ferguson (secretary -treasurer), C. Cemeithardt, leolrn Toms, tioyd, ScotehirterA, children Are cordially invited in ,the afternoon and achirth In the evening. Donald, Ripley, one day, recently. No admission fee -1-15-a-Wed. - . .,- ,, , &WAN, If we all lived in; the, Open , with . one another we would have -health-ler friendship% - -. ' . • —... - .,......-- SIIPPARIY..1NOS : , :reeseliptElytir:eteeT.,..4tej,aivan...8;,,,O,741aiutor4rs.• , Ralph' Foster were'lirs. Foster's .bro- ther, SqUadron..; Leader Benson 0 pent- ...landi.of the R.C.A.P.',..Who has returned from overseas; ' 1/40, .7T11.114lt, : Offie.er , Andrew • Poster, of the R:C.A.P,, ' of Prentice; P.. Weston llehn-JewettPD",, "Yeggs;.P.v-rryris. ;,h.tis_ .iee.1.,44..o.thl, E. Iltwin, Jack Parker, George . Little, t Abel:14411X% 801t, no'W` of the ;Clinton p. 0:winuS:tatofroo:ut i tor . liaison officer, Mrs. D. A. A olume. . . 'Opuoneniand A.ctive,Serviee. Fund he-annual--imeeting,-,AA:Abe.,•lilefilel 1,7tidea,n1We. lviWesTtblitirikse' .°anrdan:''2. Sturgeon; 1:nir.:; :ii;:ro,:i.yrsd::::t4a::::::hrol et: iv:i. : 011.4 , husband,i( r•g g. , hrIn, . ,8t, , blac:eg : 6. eilth';•• „%...-4--;. „...• .„ -•••,;' - - -''''''-7:- - Was' hefir nrifithiirsddr-ertriiiig‘z.41.6 with that Of the .--Red:, .Cross 'Society, m:dits;ttiBerri:iiii:81:41.1dinotingrd''.a,810tu‘.trak:.eFe;c:Vs..,41:''' .:4421:::, the sam'e offieers serving for each. I -The .. fund showed, a cash balance on January we aro' pleased t9 report 1:11.: 1.1,110:: 3rd of $ - . • . ' '.. Bogie is . enjoying fairly.' geed health_ . Iva; ginEttni)d,esdato.r2i3a.s_t mWt.e.eka/n 'cl Atrs. ' this. winter,. although he is confined , R. -4Matthews, MIAs .iia and .jack to the house. Parker . returned to. Port Dover . on Tuesday • after' • having. visited their slater,' Mrs. S. ,§intgeon, ° pr. ' Basil. Parker and E. hiarthei,vs also were here. . !lip. ar".60WorildaoYigitgrd'I' ! se hIll i . ' .) :4 ' .: 1 r* - ' a' 114 Mrs. 'Emerson,, Heard; .48, eitelallY re- ported' 1n)ured, hi, action': MS 'Parents Vi'ere notified 'frora National Defence: headquarters on, Sunday, january :21, On VriOny evening ti_sedicil evening was held bylifembers' of LOX. No, 24 Ip .honor ot Cpl. Borden. Clark, one of the, brethren who recently . returned from overseas; The evening -Was spent' la Playing progressive ' euehre and speeches bY SOMA of the •nternbers wet, coming back:the guest of honor and "wishing him every .succeas in -the future. .Lunch Wild' served by the wives of the metal*s. * .. Congregational MeetingTho unanai. meeting, of 'Trinity Anglian church WaS•heId at the rector'' last'evening, The Meeting was . opened with prayer :ty, the rector, Rev. R. C. Holmes, Re- - ports of the treasurer and of the /mat . Ong Organi.!ttiona showed an edit*, year. Oilleers appointed for the year Were: People's -warden, Leslie tillott; rectal& warden, Lloyd; - iScotchmer;. treasurer, Russell, Heard.; vestry elerk, , CharieS. Gleitiefrihardt; board of, Maw agement, Mrs, poya ,,Scoteinner, Mite Et (*Intro, mot' M. 'rondo, Lloyd Scotchnier, Uwe Elliott, Wm, Parker, Wm. McDoel., Charles Geineinhardti, siclestuen, Wm.' Parker; Tolle Mott, Wm. kcDool, Wm. Scotehmer, Wint, 1 I iiiiiiott, Charles Oemeitharat; Auditors, I Miss Lucy ,Woeds, Mrs. IC 'Prentice. . . At the?' elooke of the Meeting a hearty vote '6.t. Maths was OtttOdt‘a to '11,4:048r1/1. ', • Win. ItlitOtt And "Wm. ,8cotchiner; re .t . tlrin wnrden4, after long years Of . BAST High quiguy 'tiung lt4sid Harry Raabe fts 44 \JO:411'T4L .TIDIA; "iarteir A, Quality For Your Ploaantt.1-' Steep IrtOtertaittment thione 47 '4olinny loved Cake; but bi$ mother told him net to ask for a setoild piece at the • party. ;."Are YOU sure yo,tg didn't aalt Mrs. Smith for Aseeond pleee of etike?" *No, knot1er i only asked .her for .the recipe Se you 'could make some like • it 'alai she „gave Me. two extra pieces.' . **di -- 1orquIckrUdfrosiICth1ncaustd' bY ,Atates40:' 14 foot. 04libisi* pimp. a.kidiother Itokinit coiidltlon. 14 Di _ Gresbekimt twit statiae.4...15,0‘itace. gostifortA 40(11;104141Y. Caltne Don't: sitner.,Askyouttatuattle today 104 44 D. D. PMCRIPTIOAL • . - DODDS K II Ey. /, PILLS t't 14,1' .t'ACK t4 , Rtit kW b ir vt,t, 4•1 ° \ \ 1 0 t: (or -4 -+4-4-' 'DISABLE"; A Quickly retto:vactin Clean.itanitary 1:XuAlts, ?hon. or* 91.0r10 4112,1MOIS 215, STRATIoRD Witrtiont,Stone Sons.Litnit immya04, the Pistio44 terl01114 IVA TO all. r$14 tnein IINI/, ' a n The 1111 • I, 4 to.