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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-02-01, Page 6OTT*U WJ$
.&WA, ran. i!$.--Refiatratlen t`or .to ''ai families with el?ldrert under
•0410witneell bell # troert slateu'.n: yore of age. in e: SerViee •Oratal# .
V IIdwarc , 'eland and: not Meath. • , trt. , fr»lallowancerao
io will � t -,ander' way: :,t be within a, 'TOW week3, after . theet.
h r i o t des. TIS is the lir
step Start o n� nt of w r [fey vice gr
i � � a' . r -'i, t ldtxat start o� li�iyruent .; war �R�I��L #�+,a. . 7�"'atny
t start- 'or family allovwa t pay*. pities to discharged members of Canada's
armed• torees, another of the Maier
mute la j rMore : than ,b00,Qtl0 measures introduced into, l,)arliament
rtheques will, ga• out each month • t. or by. the Government and passed last'
Canada 3,500,000 children and 'up- session. Already 15,000 applications'
w"tributed: for gratuities have been received send
wardeof a bed �-
*outhly to`Gauadtan families. In most
more taehan go• t grtutu•., : •cheques . a
month pre -going eat" from' uttawti.
ewes, the nh�tu� will; ��' triode. ley` within a, few days. itis +e�pectc�d;.•tlie
' to 'he'mother and.,tno. act rCy,uires .that est of the a •plications wilt be dealt
r 'the welfarete4 • t eliti n ..elle nes issued.
e a t a o al
napn � Per► ruin nd he !� �.
the y � a. _ �
niselv'es of
p, '�t ppl�yy .Those
/� 1�� �ry ..• e
'the, �i�dry.iAY. .•-sy . 'Y i ;'•�hQS4'. rlesiruig. t� a�rrarl th .
The a. illi atiou f orate are simple, xe7 :the ienerou,s 're-establisiiuieut credits
riring' merclY . ting, of the, names.tor i war veterans caapply
for them
rm ntheirrst
and birth of the childretx� *formation' , as 'coon as . they receive , fi is it designed to 'correct airy' evil'PrAe.
• r it a :axe living w ,' • , �' study which is ° xao'�r °being made by
as to 'Where the -h dr ii gratuity payments. 'ce a acknowled that' baulks Ottawa of the entire„problem of 'enc
ho signature Of one or both of; ,the , . R,einforcewei ta,
Wes. TAO that
Ot . w h i p
and the Sma overseas e rte the ' do. slot uta "c' m ination with, in-
.. are ry . it ope. a . d,• , that y eesai9n d ea ino b ,
meat- caeca the .seven h after inauguir
parents., • ,..Less than two, months x alp ro and that the.Y .c m, a es' a lid 'to b sines life:
.�,. , „ make e e�eai� e � ��� o...'� t . �; � �' u
n er wit.. a -east ,con
can be &w ht s avers , ,
es. ons a ed a on o Gover en ,
Qzi ., ti tl � the 1 t b a c,nt« bankers., � dailycontact With
.,a e well... re a ed Uauh in a ker
,E �., ►� wr gu y As • b ,
s 1e'es: or No. r ri .tin • . lie $ 300 draftees were
P . sc R o Ro ye a init that the wish to take borrowersi ors throughput
, , lei foreements
why ..d, • y . r and,d0 t
trbfiiou Lt► rtant. n landed in go,
as n. o t share- , e sed .with
i� . Po - � them out of the. hArtda � be slsa a the, country, we attic im r s .
n All�,
in action.. -
i roes P a
Cn t
or . n d .anto
�o e _ pp n
f a Pfe effect- is stand
To ell able for the .allowtlnce, the ho d rs solely or the puxptas f � t the ,desire of xno�t" Ca>�tid a
be. .g stage .1 a ,
- these en are in an advanced stagof -
h hild st be registered, hes "men in +condo over , all business and , o their ��w'xs feet, :. :.
birth, of eac ,,c . xnutg g ...t :. is ,. n
,, d can be utilized
r..iiifan,tr , training -fun o the.' co ,,..�.r in recent ars.
w h th ro r vital statistics author- a''the entire economy of the tiiatury> • Much has been, 'heti d ec .. 3*� ,
,it e p � •, ,�,
t , , as front line replacements' at au early d 1—
e h _there _. re. P something b under the . resent of e : at fears- of the indipi. tm
ity, :4t is estimated , th � �, s m$ �npossi 1e• p the, great ., ,•
l addition the •full quota df
. r in Canada whose births date. n a stem. 'The soeialsts Have gado it fears of want of neem lo`yxnent Qf,
7iYa000 childrenBxi- 3',. , :. , p
volunteer. reinforeerue.� to -reached F ' rs
o : Br ' ]�� Clax' , , n clear that their ,intention 'is .to use the o resale etc. • Similar._fears, too,.
are not registered.�t u, oo • .. .. � 1 ..,. pp �►
. .., ._ • � � ........ _. _ .. mT �_, m feta ,_one...., .. _ � ,,: Pr. _ _ � ......_ �. 3 . �:�_ .., ,
�.y{ minter of National. Retulth and gain a.tM the same tine-, co p g ,vast 1robz • .of in id'utrb'3 theposita`� as"'nt "'have'been and .are being felt it► 'marked
ton, w+.!. {' ,�s` w
x stss.
theOn- ` busine
gu wheir wi a r b i bemuse
r all agents io seenational f nd e . tl� they y e business,.. bec us .
Welfare,. is urging PVol-degree' ee y . us 'n ^s,,
,tr o movements: of recent years. ` , aleapart front.
' : xthe • liths -of their .children ;are o P once • ,andioae; schemes... of - :sec r d after all is not something
• ,,that k , _ .
'uenlistments,- . .recently hati e " _ " .
:, co under ntarY la �.�.coxrdr tend• •also, finance a individual,b t in realityis the. in.
.,registered so 'that .they tan rete .. P nlaed.: , ,, :. ._ _ . ,, but
averaged more than 2,000 a week, the • enterprises ises d - n rex
m th tart.; The.Scale of g as theytiiemselvea admit, e t pr d10411 1. in the ea achy of A F e tui •
the fan from e s,. , p
payments . 5 a mon: li for children highest rate of: the - past ,.two years• ,which may be non-paying' but, in their! and employer. ; Unless the'" business
a: t o "We and will ;provide. P .. p
P parte age; • r ;are providing inion . social desirable. « chi. be r li v " of the handicap
up to five •years of $6 for c'hrld enire ►: Gen. op .. , lY ..,„ . , , . . •. ". , #i , , a .e eco ".
froms. to nine; .r.tor from all the reinforcements requi d," . Those who seek• to. erase the hare oaf uncertainty*. rind.feei free to develop.
e'six- ',4 fMcNaughton asserted.' The arrival of
--ten' to, twelve stud � $� for children from � holders' investment' are ---vocal and, and - expand hin activities without being
thirteen t fifteen'years of age. In the. large contingent in; Britain brings vociferous. 7 lxey try' to 'mystify reople subjected .to new and uziexpceted re-
e A `over -seas reinforcement pools over the.
families where then_ d "axe •more. than. b representing banking as • a great strictions the nd
lout children: "there la • a reduction oft required level,' •. '
,$X' from .the.' above scale for the fifth ---s
W.,.. i ; t •+tie o
sixth and seventh child and "of $3 • for
. each- additional child;
"For example,. - a family with. two.
:children, aged live ;'ands • seven, will 're-,
`ceive $11.'a month. ,',Where ° there are,
four children, aged• two, six, nine and.
':.thirteen . years of. age, :the.. monthly
payment pto' the , family is': $25, - Ap-
plication .forms .Will be delivered.
through the.:postoffice• to - every house
h ld�•.in ,Canada • Where children under
�sixteennare known ° to be living. Those
�, with• •-eIigibl!e children who ' do not:' re-.
• ^'delve the 1ornns can ' get: them at' any
•postofgce. Faxni1y'�. irllowances .,will be
---paId•�tc people=•-reeelving- ••mothers'' -al
Mwances; dependents' allowances, war
. ', Pensions,' rehabilitation grants, r nem•
'` ployjmeatt suranc air •workmen's.'com-
,°ppesation, The.-payMents go as --a right;
People Can
From PoLitica
ty'a , `'. ir. i; r dent O The..B. AL ' To > r'.
V Pre.
a � * .• ,�..
Whe e' dividua'is and roups, who ler
., �n tiin� ,sucb:.�s the if'�'nt, *tension � �!
leng • years, have sucecssfullyry opera ted
a particular industry, ,ate being forced
to sell or Otherwise,liquidate their b'uai-
order to prevent a satr ce
rxese � �,.
Of the years. b sale, or' li+lusidaiIon oX their . holdings
In ' Canada a socialistic movement later for ` the purpose Aaw meeting', nuc-
seeks:to take:. away from' the gene of cession d'itiea;" This` is. not:00 for
thousands of shareholders their,, Owner., 'tile onomy of the coutttry,,.es. may
s .: of the:banks, in . whicb the .have at 'a time when • the most ex rienced
.andto vest 'that guidance Isneeded" for r the preservation
iii;veeted, their TPo?my` is �uiidanc u d o P r �'
ownership .iii `; state monopoly. Th and expansion of our industrial e.
le, pot Intended by its supporters as a We sincerely hope that aooine workable
• ' on .will ul from the
t �forr d�farm +� m,
i r e measure w 0►rx t
u l f
n 0e
and Strait, appear to proitaote eritiei$'
et syaterna and. •ins•tttutions. o ten of
those that have bel 'survived. the test
y i • • • individual worker,'�*he
monopolistic organization -, a?perating islargely dependentupml business and, ' ESrliF+ Y +i
from .behind a0 veli of mystery.. 1 am industry to provide steady- work, will _____ :
A. darns --•belie -in•-tae-eapa`cit-�oiL..the- ecessarily continue tofeel apprehen- ;:•WESTFIFLD3 San 80-• ,', r; Thos.
•average Canadian to distinguish simple sive as to his future. Cook is spending `a''few c yswat the
truth and from politicar •
propaganda ;•' therefore ,'we should tell POstIirat Problems home ,is
his • brother, * Mr George Cook,
more„'fully And mors' often the simple Beigrave: ` ,I;
facts.about'banks, The.war has demonstrated the great•Mr. and Mrs. Wm: ,'VlcVittle.-attended
A bank, ,in essence, exists •siuiply� be-. ,, , .. . , aturda o ; 4e,aitende s
cause .it . renders a. -service .that the.Productive abilities of our people when a funeral "on S Y f t ,
, . , needs
..uncle, 1titr Simon.• 1VXOYittie- Of. Lcindesi
, attie-tic motives and their
bore.. ,
eorrtinttiiitY. needs and is willing; to ,pity uispired by p
for at, rates that will yield a Modest”, willirgness' to..sacrifice in the cause of n , Tuesday
• vetting �twenty:two
profit tea those' who have invested their'; -• a ° ; -
'money in its• shares. The banks have
' victory. young people too advanj`tage of the
Victory, . however, will not achieve -fine. evening and eat in, sleighing
;assisted Canada._-th ou h: :all_ of '- the i --,, : _• ,. .e:. :
..... . ,,& . g'r�topxa. • The ,.Afterhiath .vvrll • bristle party lo; the:- h e,.o:� i�ir�.and.,,M:rs.
;vicissitudes• of national•, growth.' They. f with coinplex problems, • of • which, the Leonard -Cook, in ..nor of • their- son
have served the 'country in good' •tunes mot extant will -be the he" e- : 11 ook, ho ryas invalided
and : bad,; prospered when the people s imp. 1 Pte, , Russe C• } ,, . , • ,,, a .
p over without delay' to the maintenance home. from Bri' fan a° fel'weeks' ago.
rospered and suffered., ix�i•. tunes -of de= f a high and stable level -.of peacetime i The eveniri ' was -Spent . in playing.
} pressinn. ;Over the • long years' • that
etmployxieint "" The ; responsibility for g
gannes•''.a�id:`-social r;ebat •1.4wrch ways
.the 'Canadian banks have "been oiler -,bringing. ',this about.; attaches_ .tQ _both
acing, their Clients, depositors rind,• bor- I Go'vearnmen•t and° business. '
rowers alike, have. head #impleroof of Business must accept its 'shake .of'
To�It `, w�
btis1d Co i ncli, ,. meeting for its
first ori of the year, ,approved of.
raising; the . Township aesesat�nent by
twenty �r;