HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-02-01, Page 21NO JHE ooportrort SIONALAN!-.) Tug, 6ioDOICTI STAR
. - A
riiiquahe4 by Signal-Otar prom, onited, •
'weiit Street, GOderiell, Ontario
ateer..7canada, and Great Britain, 420, a,••yeari to -Untied'
Statekai $zoe
tairtieirig Raten on requeet, ' Te1ephene.73.,
TUTJUSIYAV,. 1E/AMA:1W 1st, 1945 ‘,
am GR
Pejling In' the Federal by-eleetioivin
If!rtb, Or0,, Where: General
Waughton ie' seeking a seat in 'order
that he MaY tlike, his Owe in the
,114,opie of Conimons Ulnister Of
Defelle% will take* place on. Monday
and pelitiod cireles great
interest will he taken: in :the result.
holders of lire imittrarice The
tieeision Was that if. a building ls.. nit-
OectiPleil' for more ' than, thirty ',days --
except ter-iie40.cikta), Weeir-end or Over-
insaraiieg policy is vole,
unless notice -of such abSence;his been
given to 'the: company and 'Permission
Obtkined., -
T1e.caSe, qUeditin Was that of .4
farmer -near Oritneby Who teoli era -
"(71)04 46111 Fest* van. deian4 431° )144 • le* town *
• . p e t in to and wet* to live
, 4 • • •, .• • •
at *. date Or the general election, which there,. leaving his farin UnocetiPied. exto
.* Any, ,e1,00"-IilliFit be heid., this year .in eept or oceasicnial visits. when two or an awed commando, and,. supportqa reMain. in the only habitable ,even some circle* of the' army, 'a
aceoraance eonstitutional nsa
1- 0* Monthaliter the- barn; was burned the hs!'. aaaanth kngineers • nianning: tracked houses.
-the Tiale$ (Undoti). hsTe•been relegated to the backgreund .torinedy oeeopied otiories,.
ti)e industrianata' and 3nn-- ke-re; •wh° earca4teY' the Vrollirkg"o7 tirentinsWtr°ur4lern
orrent Views on the
triMDAT• rim
I, 4
TH tklililsta 01 ita4C1ISON and the task or clearing' the HIQUtit-of
The British- landing on Widelieren„ the Scheldt.iivaa complete.
by vvitieli the): enelnrs grip on ibe
approaches. tO Antwerp Were linallY
shattered), stands out as one of the
neatest and mostcomplete operations
of the war. The gallantry with Which
the little naval ,craft of the support
squadren, at an appalling octet, Covered'
the, initial assault by engaging the big
Westkapelle batteries, at- polot.blitek,
=age 15 already known,. hut„it is only
new that an other who 'took park in
the Operation 'hat been able .to telt
snmething of one of the, most intrepid
'battles •that Wren the Royal 'Marines
have ever fought:
The assault on, the great ."Waleheren
sea dyke, which, is 'covered With S'hift-
'ing. sand, 'dunes, was carried out by'
the Special service brigade which has
seen muchaction since -the landings Iti
NOrMandy; The three Royal Wfarine'
ceMmandos weVe•ikoodsted, by two troops
other ceinttriee• Tie Nazi ldoiogy haS
-se' hypnotised the'Clernittn 1400000 that
even a CoMplete MilitarY defeat win,
not, once and for ,all, "delitrOY Dan-
Slernianic dream. The pigeon of
Nestism has. penetrated deeplY latothll
German cOnselousuess• It will take a
Ong _titacperlutps two or three een-
erations-to eradicate the Natierml
kieelaliSt ,; mentality. ' : The theories
promulgated .• by llitler and his asacki-
ates are a complete world-view... eon-
,' tradicting demoeratte Convietion0'sent-
4 eACe by,Selltelicg. ,trkeY are en ersatz -
religion, evoking a °profound mYstical.
1 response in • the Germanic Mind. • It
is, therefore,' a serious,blunder to sup.
pose that ,the Nazi doctrines were, im-
posed on the Germansagainst their will
•bY a Minority group froiethe outside.
There`are, to be sure, ,a, few *anti -Nazi
elements diScernible even ;under the
Ilinimler regime of terror.: They may
be found in, the midst of the Commun-
ists And Seelai Deneacrats,..reeilists and
.I.liberalei crushed by •fieSpothon, -epee-
Alosnwhile another battle was beteg
fought by the Royal Navy In the
tiny area that eepatituted, the landing
beach. • Thir.-wind 'blew up -1 to gale
force, tearing craft from their moor..
ings and making it almost impossible
to get auPplie0, ashore, and the pod -
t1011 would 140P- been most serious if
the. cemMendoe.' had ,aot captured
quantities of German rattails 'on •whielt
to exist.,,,,Even `40,.• the Situation was
such that 'four, aaya, after. the landing
rherne: supplies Were asked fort and
ese were suceesSfully dropped by, the
rt.Aar., in, the narrow area near Zoute.
land, %the,bnlY Possible idrePlying 'SOWN
The teaks suffered heavily in, the land-
ing, and of Mope that came ashore
several Were lost in the needs,
• Westka lie the' seene •of this
danger xia, grout) Of fernier worahippere
of power, who may begin te appal to
the international plillanthroplets when,
the Sword iii btraelt from, their hands.
rot the teat, it isprobable that, a COa*
siclexahle.linnih4t u aeX44011 WM go
Underground And Organie VairiOUS
forme of active and ISt0Sive resistance
against the 'allied 'oecapationauthor-
, For OW reason 1 am ,COnVineed;' that,
Ake conditions of peace with-Gennany
elioald be fir -M,: clear in, purpose, and
resolute. . German militarism 0hOuldho
finally and irreparably .broken. From
the Very start the 'Nazi war 'Instigator
should he. prevented trent. waging An-
other' war., . There .0hou1d be complete
diaarfnament ,of QirManYli' and 'OW ac -
titin Will be effective only if aecom-
panted'. by lateraatiOnal control of
Gertatin.,heaVY Industry. The German
nation Imist be brought - to, realize. the
*Mee and full; extent of the misery
Which her Nazi epoch hos wrotight.in
EurOpe T1MY haVe to help in the
ing landing.from the se, 18 Shatte,red. iallyrigorous' after the abortive putsch.' •
and abandoned village., Only tvveive of July 20, 1944: There is disaffection' reethstruction of devastated tereitales,
not only with material equipment bat
*Prom. • the prime • te- „pleura/ice t.noilany detdea - Itt amphibions • vehieles, twO ,
Subj t • , Engineer fi,eld compa ea, 0.„, sena
xtti FliOM 011(AOS
dron the all -pc er ul az pa y. u ,
that. tite tion- off- in -0 for.-t-Wineured laintiff,- but.4,mt-ltppeal teehment_ of pie ecerS: The_Shinadian
elec. FRIKEPOW natiority of the Gerraan people do not 111. xv4It ti:;"*7' .16reePvwg "le;
TO ORDERED . we have eR far, ,no roof h
ments on -the ee . is.„Onaerstika the original trial 11.14016f was 'Oren , p •that t el `4:44e °04`5"
• . , or tanks, and a mos „ courageous, oe-
Defenee would he followed bY shert niajOrity Of tke-COnit had 'that Almr-Provided suPPIY:' and -me ea' - ' " allords • ndthia face% of cardinal "-or emir(); orthemseivee ,e graveYorea
_ co,etinuetftgive;resolute support to the 112..e_ra ,the ' teeban,,
zue,_„24. isrer„
. A A . 'Mr Benes the Premier of Czechoslovakia, l•Nu A ' ' On the hattle-fron,V, the crematoria for
On ovem , cover° y , •
' • , importance in war calculatiens; t
s ou ec e eur, e
' h ld d id p 110 towards de -1' 'b t * 1ene
U g neonle alive, the c entration
oesalan'at 'iarna-mentt NV411' eteei-On absence from the farm had. voided the serxices"'
• N 1 d 11 bombard- in The rortnightly )
• to follow at A' convenient time, possibly
Inent.-••froni-..t e--4,WarePite-and---the -It'-, has:been a,..conamon,...experience.'',In, „feated_Germapy• .. eamnS, the or 41hambers, the 'ruined
-defeat -of- theirMinister ft et in the sense • - -
Anonitors- and -by the,:xnaggificcAt close this„war,_ • _ seoreeee, earth,, progess. would be
-wOldd Creates different situation. With, support of the little eoxe shipee the , • the. ,utter a ..ziever.to to
' cities the landscape laid WaSte by the
1•-••• • •
'TherieS8-6i-t()P Ve-"t"*".taXInfititit
suraece is •that they Should read their
earefull$; observe all eondi,
dons, and in ease of doubt have. an
agreement in writing , from the coin-
nany,,•.,, brief , ---take 'nothing - for
• •
.Now t, • here's reliable horae-t
Provea'raedieation ,that, works
• le 010 oplt1.00** Whits h414104141
Just rub.. throat, :cheat and
• baciewitiViTiakella&R*Atisd# '
instantv Vapesult starts,
T.° relieve ennabing spoons, cam;
muscular notetiebs,Or tliditOsS,
and invite restful, ':ceirtfetting
aleaP• 0;taxl by MOrning, Mt* Pf
the misery IA gone.
For hahre sake, try Vapoltub
tonight. It itgiiief because
when colds e, moat mothera
„mie_y10-.110ortub. •
perfOrtaed:.. Xepara WM% the (4ermans---
xasp"irabtlontaalligallntd tfterliqnsres „toftheatlierirg, hnktt8:
' had to sacrifice -thin!: 'yes; their homes e --see - orgotten lesson r. the th way
.7the:Minister .0f-Defenee unable 'to tek‘ e eommarides. likaded, either _side - . • ..- • -
oreviousiy. 'and their -property to-safeguard,fr exterreinatien '`or ` the' Oerman:natitm• 'Hitler Youth to hear. aud,,pee--the-Judg- tons, It ey be fo „
'towards world citizenemp,
a seat in the House, Mr. 'Xing would btheeenh-,..utgaren' broeuilic'hoi*h.thteqiidby-axe, bk heavy dem for themseives Sad their children A nation.. of eightY Membere, ments of the people who suffered under education tow
hi di d hN is mberacy. •
gall an election at once, with Polling
-pre hal*. lu April,' so that e fresh. Par-
• h ' technically ghly eve One , occupY- t e • az . If the Germans are kept and. the, sehool of a true e
-bombers. The sea ilowing in had trans- often had mere moral integration t an.
armed the ceetre.,•of the Weleheren
into a .vast lagoon, rimmed by massive
dykes which the Germans, •hy7-tunnel-
Jug 'into . then1 and by uSing vast,
:muSsed;,,,_ _reinforced eoneote, ,kha
turned- int0-an alinost-7ontiniiatis
fortification, bristling with gens of
eVery • calibre, of Which .the largest
SSU 220ram. :
Aleag, this- rini with its sprawling
san.(1,7dunes, the whole fifty or` sixty
-feet high, the .Marines had- to fight
their wnY,- With never more than 800
yards in which to manocOre. It was,
in, the words of this eye, -witness,* just
a grim, solid. slog throhgli, deep; loose
In the pre war 'representatives • of :their' ing a-eentral poaition,in Europe, cannot hesy for theeext' few decades in the • A lasting peace pan he achieved only
.1Iament Might deal with tite,-questions ruling class. This warlias deieloned- nrafolated.--When . the Germans. work.- of -renatruig. the' -daznage-they 1:4 learning the lessons of War- The
faciPg tIke nag"' -
'Into Toople's war. In this` conflictraiiitat3•;„ concineroo, and 'when. have (104e; tbeY maY be.Saved,, front' ngmit be made absoluteireick •
the forces of ''darkness are being . de- ()ace the 'Peace with them ' is signed, contmitting similar crimeS. ' If by thla ofwar. The peace settleme# will be
,..,...._;....OomplicAtiens r_to ..be conSkiered feated only .throligh 'the iron -deter _Amin- theY will againlo'their utraOst to eter- teethed, of realist'. histructioa in ' the uelust to'lill. tile victims of 'aerman
.. .
.411Poin-ting e atien...ef-the-Temenion--folk-,--reselved-te-W2L--4-PSLWerfel influence on the inter- real meaning of 'wa.r.they.,Ate_ ve to a t -ressiOn both dead. and alive, if the
neeessity for ' anether war 'loan cam- save .',VY'estern And Eastern _civilization eational Rene.: toi• the polies? 'Of the geniiiiie-repentatice-,---theY' 'will therehY• guilty ,Are-not,,hrougixat all cpsts:. The'men and women wiuk United Nations shoed 'impress en theft workitheir way back te thecoriaraunitY plates a '•their cruel atrocities and
• , • . ,
. .
-bourse '.• c•f ;Jim 'War. Mr. iting ''''Iti, air, raids whlie grimly. working le war of geed:neighborliness tewards the rost .technigne ef hmnanir.--.1041 hantatteiY- (Continued on page .7Y
at at, 'Possible the polling' of 'the battalions ef S.S. men and the regular 'ing another aggressive war. •Vithat
Also •absent- without leate-the
. .. , , ..'
January thaw: - , .,•
reign. in. the 'mkt feW. mOntith, and -the
are serving in the forces, ' whp endnree' the necessity of .adopting an. attitude of friendly nations. *BY employing the punished. according to their gnilt., The
stated' repeatedly' that he would avoid fo.ctories„ or whe, resist:ed.-the arniored of Europe and prevedt.them from Wag- • .' .* ' ' ' ^ '" ' ' - •-••••••••
'GerMan. firth/ parading through "their kind of peace settlement might achieye
with a mere return tiloo.tbetbeco,snadtlitsifioneds t.kiTshtewpOfeoalede.14,attinik:rs Nve:uti. be well well ad -
invaded cities, 11
of 1.938.... They willdemand their due vised ..not to expect too much from the . .
so-colled Vro'd Germans:". There mist
ren's Olds
he thousands of decent • German 'peoPle
• Those Russian soldieri are .80 weary
of war that they are losing no time in
putting an end toit.- •
• -
,n_ation while the 'soldiers, Overseas' are
."engaged -in heavy *fighting, but that.
he ;would not a* for any. extension er
the life ofthe present House • of ppm, -
mons, 'Which • Under the constitution
oxpires, within the next •few -
The circumstances' give the North
Grey' contest more than' Ordbaary
nlilcance,and from all accounts a
lively battle is being waged.
• With considerable' force Mr. King
iifiged„ that the 'election of his Defence
Minister was a matter above and be-
yond partisan politics, and_ that, con-
' siderhig the oportmice o ce
•the , carr, ying forward' Of • war plans;
General.; lifeNatiehten •"ShOuld, ;be " given
be wias supportedsby...Semer-independent
tionteervatiie ;Journals) the London
'Free Press on Frlduy laSt stronglY,
irged that the r4.41.10 and C.C.F.
. The Russian army' will he, able to
tell it'S'llerlin because frt,.Nvi4 be3,the
biggest Pile. of rubble west Of the bder.
. •
' The' ,by-eleetioa in.:Nerth Grey is
attraettegwide attention ; and liVGede-
,rich. we have a little by-election of our
.ownthat ought to havea little atten-
tion too.•
• • . •
That Candlemas Day .legend ()tight
to be good 'for u'a.„ line -or two; hnt
leavineits-coinfortabi,c Winter holne to'
•eraerge in this kind of fteather:
iontest.-`!If-the.._tvee,imiakive .rnment
' Odateni,'..,'WeVd.'; .rhse-itbOie:poiitics
- and,;Set• P4Oile of. ISan'Sda'boldlY
, ••• ,• 00 •
Itt•TetY Other consideration,. they
would wtthdraw•frOni 446 ...riee and
whole drive 'pr. -vie tory',
this year by- the, bielieringS: .6eparty
**7. 0;01' eCii"On4, benefita-
'..lieferk.r•She., national necessIt4 -On
to the
two 'eandidatee' opposition to the,
Withdraw. and'ierMit the
leresea14. AdMinistration...at Ottawa -to-
,as the - war fronts t4carry on unliarnpered.11PtiAtzetiE*11.etti.,trt4e
,.th:ne for general election 4due.
The 164 have
an -- opportunity. of deeling- With Can-
ada's 'variousfproblenis Without in any
_ tiaMilten .$Pectator:also•edVisid
an''..acelatnation,.iti.otherWiae, it said,
'fiho COnntry, Welt*: ,be thrOWn into
eordliai00,..it:g war, eifOrt, 17701141: SUIS:re
and eessien.,' Of •lparilaineet
This, advice, 'however, not
heeded, and the ceuteat.gbeS on; the
reaponSibility, is nOw,,UPOn'the electors
of xtOrth Grey. The situation Witit-
. 'ant, Parallel the history ,Of Canada',
. It is repoited from.Ottawa that the
iighth....yietery :loan drive, will begin
Abent--the middle of April ---if an, elec.
tion carapAign doesn't interfere. Money
but it can't_ ebriipete. with . an
.4igtPnentatiXe" PelltiClen.
!the. C.O.P. premises free, 'health
service." Who Wiii,-Ptty' the, 'iloitOrs- •rendered with the words: • . you,
OfirkIC I am , •, coward, , sheot. me." .
^ One after Another in the:course'; of
the grim, Swaying fightingthebatterlea
were overcome, until the R�yal Marines
had Slogged their, WV to another, gap
lak:the• dyke WrougliChy,R.A.,10. bombs,
'where they linked With the Army etnix•
_nriifido that had landed at Flushing,.
to Biame sfor
sand Against im enenty,well--Protected-share-in- the admialetrItiOn • of the
:by.. the solid 'concrete, The--; sand 1'Peblie affalre of their resnective-conn-
'clogged 'the' rifles, and inaebine-gnns,. tries. The revolutionary ago of the
and filled the men's -mouths, eyes, and ordinary--Man--wilt-be-fulfef upheavals -
hair. The village Of Domburg to the and social storms until•political derae6.
north Was reached' in a few .hours,:' and racy •t supplemented ',by economic
with the help of an allied commando security and the working' classes are
given at Joliet the educational standards
a battery of four •220mm. was overcome,
The commando . advancing south- of the bourgeoisie in the nineteenth
wards towards riuShing tried to carry centarY...,,,FaSeiSin and National Social,
a big battery of three 10.einna., hut they IS:n are 'politica movements • willeix
came under intense 'Mortar fire by 1 binder this inevitable process towards
which the leading. troop .nommanor the redreas; 'of, established ini•ustices.
s killed and many Marines wounded.
-pause wirslcip-orgtertflre
Support. Field batteries- onthe main-
land shelled the flattery 'across - the
estuary -an astonishing achievement
faith that range -,--and Typhoons: swept
in with their rockets. - Thee, Under•the
cover of •smoke, as. freshtroopWent in'
and fought their way to :the,'. control
•POet, and the rest, of the battery was
Cleared under, cover of darkness.
At first light next morning Ahe.-cora-
MandoS Pushed; on .to.. the *rage of.
,.-ZOntelancl-;, where another - fur 011$ bitter
was.fought before • the Gernian cow:.
mender of one of •. ,the ,intteriere sur -
who have suffered great Nimiliation • Despite all the *ether On 41'4 kiddies will run,
'11Qfcc.'..et:teifr°iIcedgaertrict.tusa. t 'Bfo.urt.411116ehge'wliuth'' ' . •4°::1111yc . !';' Pgliie67)ttljnir;°ikeeetr°6WPiTeeir;hYkie4' wracroPfialtalcuaba4017.thetc:Z8tintl°::
the German c warlords, who in their 'do a dozen things AO mother eatinelyhelp..
tiggressi've actions are usbally backed' •.., RI ofnkethetmtgezhinmgtit.ta:yinNkaLn;, ,ileoatzit,daani;tor.
xriurobnly.• rill% M.samioniiii.tmoinfotrhitey poOtpuldaeteeionni„. , theywill fivilind: in D, r., wows Norway rine., syrup, a remedy7widedthibinsitcant71,dithz"
G,.rmans 1 ...ad separate the large' mothers, for the past 48 "tam., - , . '
number of hypocrites who will, be found Price 35e 'a beak; the large family size, about 3 times as inech,.600, at, .
to be men of peace it the moment of alt drug counters. . • • ' - •
_ . The T. =btu, n. ,40:,, Limitrap Toronto, Ont.
In Glerrnially.' it will he more dtfficult •the military collapse of the Reich.
o reaeh-L-segial--equilibr4um--than----in--We'sbalt-have-tawatch-this-pOentially
- _
oia the luirieS. "the' 66Vorinnent:'
0 • 0 00- 4
And where wLU the Government get the
*hey!, profits of . taideatrY:"
• doesn't Gte C.C.F4 'Plan to- have
industries „Co'iniiieted -Without profits?
'‘Oh, •wellthat'Searring' the aril;
-nient.a little:too ler."
THE. PERIL , OF nti$1,4.270ki.
Obijr*Sing-r eeent legisiation:',.by -the
* .eliskatelieWen...GovernmeAt. which it
contendswilla,endanger the 'eritire'eata-'
POPO( the 'Wartime Prieel and Trade
Bol to- preient lafiatten and its dis-.
'siren* conseqrfeutea,. The :Lethbridge
_%SrOnte '"litis been granted a reduc-
tion - 111 rates, and it is
announcea. that the igroVincial..:Power
authorities ' are ..,•';‘"stndying" the sltu-
ation fn
--a6e,,.',wunteimitilea,: with a
pOSSibititY of redietioni; If it Wouldn't
be out of ordor,,theniight skip a few'
places and 4*ttidy''' thesituation' here,
for thiS town has Jiad igood. case for
a reduction for years Past.
" do-, olieratiVes itt Canada, ageording, we Sliotild' have. • In placeof going
to an. analysis. u•gueA by. th6. Dow. 'id and cutting down:a big. strip of the:
many fieida of ,production- and distribu:- -at•11-1d, tAkoniblet.07ttheiatni,hwaVetrbets4On!htoattliaLle
, 'braid says t •
. ,
Xi. is Very', easy' to Argue that
. wages sfould,,be higher- arnxers
. think- prie• :of their co odities
ehonld , he higlief, ,Tradeareen
think - the PrieeS of theft' SerVieeS
, should be. higher. It only needs
"a .feW More 'dolts to be Miff into "
the anti -Inflation armor of the V....0
T.P.Tzt* for the whoti, plan 'which
has tiO far averted chaos itt Canada°
JO ,bett, made worthless. And ear''
one, who Want through the strikes
*nit* bliete.tittees and the buyera!-
. sgrikeis foltdiving the Great 'War
' wIU kno*,.. only too well *hit chit „
tWeiet if the ithing OW di* of
lirkftd. It toy be tit very well for
istotinctil 'aettertintentit to try
take goodfllow� of themselves
with the *eters by 'wage -raising
llers, but the effeet, 'on the price
amt • *age stabilization Structure
may: be very ,detrinientol itt ,.the
Oug rum
• /3.y garrp 33trolg.
• .., - •
We. have been clearing the slash.
Itt the piece swampy lied next to
the „bush- there is.* geed .section of
timber that has been neglected. To
led the truth, -we' haven't paid As much
tteritiOn-to..-the,bash,..:en...this farm 444_
'nieet of Agriculture,iavej4tanded bul3'Clh' this' *Year we tire Z.91n4 thr°411'
rby,lightning and one or two have lodged
tion. Itt 194243, there were .446, dairy;
co-operatives;- 161- in fruits and ',CO?:
"tibleaV 1115 1 graiii?iner See*.Z.-fiIn
iive'stoch ;,-.518: in Nod products; 229
in 'clOthing. and *one furnishiligt);' 413
in coal, wood !and Minding ntaterlitia;
1,780 Credit uniOns'i'hUndreds of rantual
fire "insurance issOttlationS. Co-oper-
ative effort does not depend upon' the
adoption 02 any of..',86eiaiism.
00,-OPerativieY are the 'epplieation ol
individual effort in association' for
Mutual, benefit; Soehiliara ia Paternal -
ISM stifling iiadi*,,tidual incentive and
- *do sitiNi;
When smaller niaceawant anything
their „own citizens get:.basy- and pro;
Ade for their needs. T411. :are
not 'perpetually running to Ottawa for
help in, erecting . houses, Wilding,
bridges, solving other difileultiok 'When
coat defiVerie* are behind, they :deo%
send out calls for bell) by radio, to all
the- .nelglihorheod to Protide treelta..
When they • get 'Snowed under, they
dont borrow. equipmefit from as tar
aWay. As North Bay., Little 'incidents
like the, recent Cliriatie Street Hospital
row recalt.. the ftk that Toronto Stole
Abet „hospital, from. Burlingtonand
now WAWA' a new 010, at Oevethttiont.
-inother. ncdrby. StimehOw-,*,
Other:1'1,e :ecint.e.to,t4q,:;e04,91neion 'thait
by careful planning • the bush t "Could'
be asgood, a. crop as any on this farm.
' 1 had a 'thnber man In trying to
hnY the bush. He made Me an offer.
for the whole ,Thing. 1 WOlt through
and picked some beech and ninigo and
offered to sell them to him. After some
haggling -and' ilguringrit aPpearedthat
for the trees marked,I Would get ablest
as much as for the whole hash,. That
mademe, think a. bit abont ,the whole
thing, and I've come to have it healthier •
teStieet for the whole bush than r ever,
'did before. •
-These are frosty days- and lirOrY
pleasant ones for werkinrin the 'boo..
The frost -creaks.. under the ' ai#igh
.ronitore 'and .the. lIttle breeze that
seeM4 to spring. from themotion
of' the )jogging teat*,, bites .at Yont
cheeks. ' Once you get Inside the.timbee
lineehoWever, teverything 'is ,still and
cold. We urdiitch the,teein When.,we're
.not Using thenr and lot tlieni stand in
the stable, beside the sugar shanty.:
The stfw rings with a metaille tonna
an it, bites Into tite wood: The blocks
of wood mem to „break •apart magically
with a welt of theaxe, tven; a. tougli
old elm that; we eut,:down at the end
of the swamp .Washardly anytrouble
after it had a bite of frost when it
was felled. Frost Cali "eVitaluly help
flock leek a pliee Of suet and; tied'
°Wined, from
COttaiini Oh 'A* 'When you vim, seitcometh4 for
which you ,iuwe to,furthor tirif.yOu are llooki4 for
souvotking, Jot uooguiilly 18.1oiated...0lie Advitige.
moilt of 5 or, I 56,e4ttfor out luseitionlv
for f5 coiti, et 8. for
enpense, • Of, course. ' • We Write thit :it Op :With , A .string to a tree branch,
'Without bitterness. ' 'Toronto las been just outside the sugar qdtaiitY doe
good to, vs. Yet te must admft • tbat At noon with & Warns aro in the.tatio
therehave been, and silil are, times heater we sarstrourtd.and ,Wttited for
when Itegtowter mons to fit only too the kettle • to; boll for semi tea and
well. It ',will. take a aktajor operation wafted the birds dittoing around on
to remove the eitoteer; A deek for fluttering wings -as they peeked at tbe
visiting inayora won't scratch the ,SOre suet. I rather Imagine the deep imow
we have had lit those porta hasn't been
any too good for the birds this, year.
waidheil With i*erest,, enUtto4 around
A tnbbit botoDed into the clearing,"
the bobsled and tilos disappeared lutO••
'tlitt built. The pup had been *sleep
1.nskie, the stanty4 lle mita* a With *
Start ittid weittafter. the fahloit with *
*Sat hullabaloo!. 11. car beltati
boa .totor .pouting and easiltplistuded,
bot,wipt a *midi better *ppieiatIou, Z
aft tior tfite mottitr sty
VW* libitit
Itintitton l'edtke tbe faee, riot If 'Mayor Saunders can cure
Avian* the dollar 4,6 itsutse little Toronto .0t seake- of IN **rat babite,'
Itgateng would determine " *Solt it hell be ,popular over a wide aren.
titter tor the wogeetirtier-tWentyrtive What'S more, he'll be a sort of supers
1Steltt dalar or twenty 100.keneman.
. A watt dookoli