HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-01-25, Page 8Au" u Are invited o Attend Sunday Services 340 pm. 700 pm. MINS" , , (L.P. 8, 0Alf2A4N, Orgodst and Obeinnostfir 11004 COMMUNION. ; 14ORNIN6 riCANtft. AND "SERIViON. Sn1• .4ect:.' "The, 'Art -of IVIake.0,01eve" CHIJRCH 'SCHOOL AM!, BIBLE CLASSES: „ EVENSONG AND SERMON. - Subject : "From Every Quarter.": , COME TOiCHURCH • ' . orth St United C lurch, R s H. TUENHVLE, BA Ma« $AN% , 11 ton. ••• "The Unconscious Influence of a Cbtristha.': .',84.4).tn. SUNDAY SC.110014. 7 pfm„. A Servite of Music, fTd, Song.. Organist and Choir teade,14-1,--„, Mrs. Miffrai Hetherington, A.T.C.M.; • • A •SINCERE WELCOME AWAITS YOU ,rask•••••0100401.1...., Knox Presbyterian Church 11.• a.m. PUBLIC WORSHIP. Sermon: Subject:. '"The Bible -Eternal Truth." 1 Ilona.: PUBLId WORSHIP. SerinOrtit Suqest: "IVitin and His rears." ' JUNIOR COliAtEGATION. • - - 2;30 p.m. • SUNDAY SCRO'014. • - • • ' MINISTER -REVEREND .RICHARD STEWART. . ORGANIST -MISS EILEEN BOGIE., ---mitugerou orlitaitsmits,--fltANK SAUNDERS: . Coale and Worship the Lord, in the Beauty "of -Holiness. ictoria St. United Church ENCB IL TURNER, B.A. STEW -FEY. LAWR ORGANIST -MRS. L. HANNA 10 am. SABBATH. SCH0Q14.,_, 11 a.m 1,1yess'slEn§cipUNE. ."The' .7 p.m. LANTERN LECTURE. Cameos from Monday 8 p.m. „Meeting, of Y.P.0•• • , • UNION -3 p.m. Public Worship.,1. Africk: • .Goderich -BaptistChurch REV.--JOSEKI 4ANES, •M.A., •PASTOR f ' Mtg.. WU red Donaldson, Organist. Pi:fiTqc WORSHIP A.T.,.114.m. and 7 p.M., 4AMES,,...,GIBSO.K .Lonilon, will conduct the services- , , . . _ , ME.• D..SHUTElt_ will sing at the7evening servide. 3 p.m.': SUNDAY ..SCHOo:14. - Wednesday 8 PJU 1ra1er Meeting., STRANGERS (LWAYS wmcolia_ • *VIE PENTENCOSTAL ASSEMBLY OF CANADA ' BETHEL. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE REV. A. li....11AIWIS, kasior. .. 16 WATERLOO ST. . . n, , Services: • . _ . • Sunday. -.10.001).m. SUNDAY SCHOOL: • ,.• .,., 11.00 ii.m..,, "God's Triumph over Satan." - - .-- 1.00 p.iii,. ."A ,Greater than -Jonah is here.?' ... ., ... . . ,......, . . Tuesday 8.00 pain.-- Young- People's Service. '- i----:._ Thursda.V-8400 A:nu . Prayer Meeting. „ . . ---monem,esSage )1S, Christand our 'aim...ii Evaligeltine '• Inspiring singing. and Gospel Messages aWait, you at ClitiRcli THAT,PREACHES VitliAT THE BIBLE TEACHES. CARLOW , CARLOW,. Jan. 23.--LAirs. Vic john- --.Stott-of Lucknow and Mrs 'Albert Alton . - Of St, 'Helens visithd with Mi. and Mrs; * A. Errington 611. Monday. .• Miss Jean Nethery. has, been. engaged to teach in No. 1 sehool in the absence or AlcNee through.,Illness. Mrs. Ernest Mitchell. Spentlast week in Goderich• witii mother, Mrs.. • • ' Mi£03 Bernice MatheWS' N116-14 assisting Mrs. Treble., Annual, -Meeting. ---The annual meet-. , ing of the (IQ. Club was held in the Township Hall on Friday evening. The iirst part of the evening was spent in* . games, after which the reports were given. T)le' treasurer, ' Airs. It.. Bean, reported find $303.2ehad. been received during the year and $261.88.,had been given to War, purposes, boxes and gifts for boys in-service, leaving $131.36 611 1 -hand, froni which the ..following doxiat. tions are to be made: Red dross $25, .Red Shield... $25, Greek' relief. $10, - Chinese. relief $25, Mint for Britain, • . you lthouid buy Life Insuraneei because the future IS a MOSt 'eXpetisiVt • 4 nox Congregation IMrs. 1). E. Cam President Reviews Year's Work NOW FrO04 Or 0014, Its organtektions rouristitpe 1 1 11 For Results A Classified A. TOR1NT worm) Year's_ Activities Reviewed. b Women Hospital Workers "Tile year 1644 WAS tilled 'with events The annual meeting of the Women's o national and world iMP.6_rtanee and, hospital Auxiliary wa4 ho4d QP• MOrb our church has. net been untouelied by day, afternoon, .. tbein". was stated in the report Of tile In a' report•ot •the 'activities of 1941,` kirk session- of • Knox Presbyterian the • secretary, 'Mrs. D. E. Campbell, Chstated that eight meetings 'were ,held tiMrreented by ' psOle 'moderator • • ' . • • •dnring the year. The birthday. party Rey. Stewart, Richard c. ert, at • the annual and she sag 4.10,, vim the chief sources , 4 , Ongr.egitiOnal meeting en •Wedues0a3).'et•reVenue and provedsUccessful ' ' Mrs "Mingled vvitli our fears and li. -J. Acheson- Convened the sewing At • sorrews is a quietpride in the know." the hospital, with Airs D. .McLean ledge that the•Youut..*90,„4X14'W011lelk asSistant. ,"This work is of ,great Of this congregation' are '• playing *a • help to the hospital and a source of ,noble part in the efforts .of democratic Pleasure to the members who .06,, the and God-fearing peoples of the 'world 'serving." Assistance WAS giVen,nt the to bring peace and order out of elmos."1,Legion bingo and the •••blood donors' maalwan was appointed clinics. Donations were given torOyeek chairman of the meeting and A. H. relief; the „Navy League, the overseas •Erskine performed the, duties of seere-; Parcel committee,- the Provincial Hos- pital •Asselation, Wartime • 'Soldiers' tory. • During the , year, Rev, Richard Oonimittee for Cigarettes, 'a baby incub. Stewart •said, the Worship,.services .had Ater was purchased for the, 464401 and been well attended and the session had Christmas eheer donated to the staft reason to feel encouraged at the up. and patients, • .„ • • ward tread in this regard, • Every • The President, Itedditt; attended 4rgtalizatian, jaLsbe.,,,03,krgb be the snnUS,1 'm'eeting the 'Hospital congratulated ,and the sessionW(113'40-1Ald$ 'ASS-Ociatioir,,-, and Ihr".A.I.iiiitarY. lighted with the progress made,-. An was honored by having Mrs. 134. 'interesting feature Ot the year Was the r Saults made a life Inember. printing of the -calendar* special form; Miss Etta, 'Smits, treasurer., sub- tilese Were sent JO' meMbers of the *Med -the following -repOrt:- congregation • serMng in the, armedt RECEIPTS • • forces, to reach *theta at Christmas*, Balante,41. t4,17n;tbaud... "." 178 -81 The congregation Suffered :'334A -IC • severely by death,- as forty funerals i'lViembership Afees, '• • - $10, and $36 -.to spent in 'boxes for overseas hoys And 'girls, in the near ,future. 'The election- of officers then took place, with Frank AthIlwain• re- elected as president, Allen Stoll as vice-president,. Helen Y.oung. as secre7: tary, Mrs. .1VicIlwain assistant secre- tary; Mrs. R. Bean, treasurer. The Work .commfttee is comprised of Mrs. D. Bean, Mrs. T. Glarkc Airs. Li Yonng; program, committee, F. Mrs. 0. reagan; -flower committee„ Mrs. *myth, Mrs. T. Wilson. Lunch was served --and -the evening- -closed-with "God Save the King." - • . • . Farm Forum.-;-The•Farin Ferum met at the • libme. of -Mr.' and ' Mrs. Dave Bean on Monday." evening, with a • good attendance. After the discussion cards were played •• and lunch was served.; The next meeting --will be held in the ball at DunIsip • with -the -neighboring groups of the Farm Forum. Mr. Bruce Matheson of Clinton Will 'Be ,the guest speaker. • -' MArEKING AIAPEKING, Jan: 23. --Mr. Charles Kilpatrick Zit Vancouver, B.C., Visited with. Mr, and 'Mrs. Milton Kilpatrick tut Week: • . " Mrs. Orland, tere, We'it *avtanosh, sikent a few 'daY,s, at the home of her palrerits, -Mr. and Mrs. Ilenry Horton. Mr and Mrs, Jack Curran and feta ',Crewe, visited his parentS Mr. and Mrs.' Herb Curran, On Sunday. were conducted. There were .eleven -weddings and nineteen baptisms. The total amount raised by the coil-- gregation for all purposes Wes $14,024. TotaLreceiPts in the general account, reported - by - the treastirer, Erskine, were -$8,873.18 ; disbursements, $8,470.64, and a balance on hand of $402,54. The balance of the mortgage of 42;600 -bad- been $4171,42. The allocation of $2;060 for the budget Was exceeded by .$150. Dur- ing is. now free of debt. The budget- eoin,- mittee's report showed' receipts of ,,150 0000 puasien:, titIC the year $406 was raised for•India- ry.Gareveyk.Litigenfe ' 10' 00 *Campbe China •relief Mad' $90.52 for -orphaned - Overseas Parcel committee • 20 06 The • missions. -• - • The •statistical ,report of the session LitobvYinincieatt feeteoor, hosPitat •••• .,27•53 O000 Wrxianii hol showed • a total membership of 62)., of. Advertising • 4 75 3,.,30•4 whda:, 33, were new members. The number of families 'connected with the P...kesideat's enienses to eonven1' - • , The highest attendange at the Sun-. ' B11.11:4 . . ..... . . . . . 11152 4°4° Vcitil congregatien is 420. , • (pins $loo Arictory. Bond)" - • Atli day School was 176' and the -lowest 111._ The. sehoel is self-sappoitting and • con- tributed $2,1 to India and China relief. -Regret VMS expressed at the resfgnation of Miss Eva. Somerville, the .efficient superintendent , of the Sunday school. Mr. Erskine reported that -the board nine, The -annual ;canvass foi• mera- of managers had in View an extensive program of repairs to the church, one toof31; rt party *for new curtains for -the . sun- $b2er wW.ELSaSVcsmteadd'etonthe° item of which .will be a new roof. 1 I nb, da4 After live' and a .half• years as treas- room. The' activities have been limited titer he *asked to relieved of tho TO ItEA...-FURNISHED •HEATIIM iipartniexit; living-V(40M, hitelien, bedroom and private bath. ,AVailable February 1st, Phone 707W.- -3 TO Rk-INTt,-7-A'FFRNISIIED APART- MENT: " all conveniences; over Eme,rsen'S Drug Store. 'Phone 358. TO RENTIREE LARGE ROCIMS Unfurnished. upper 'hoer, steilin- heated, het atal.•Celd 'water, hydro sup- plied.; permanent couple or one child. References; available ••February 1st.' Apply • corner Victoria. and Brock streets. 4x 'TO RENT. EASILY- HEATED . apartnient, furnished or unfurn- ished; two rooms and•bathreoin, pantry and cellar;. Immediate possessicin. Apply 4 St. Vincent street, &one 218.* . 4ti -II frontage. on the bquttre. " Write. - -root- BOX NO. 15, SIONAL-STAlti 21f . . _ WANTE D.-110USE. WOUT41) I either buy er rent, ,.nledlilin Size, nitist be in good condition.' POSseission wanted March 1st. • Write P.O. BOX 248, Clinton. - . - . . 3-4X .. 1 ANTED.-- 000D. - THREE Olt four bedroom house. Write BOX • 21, ,SIONAL-STAR. , .ANTED. - .-TO BIM cil4D• HORSES Tattle;- tonst sidtable for. mink -.feed; removed Promptly; , FRED GILBERT, phone -908 r 22, Clin- ton, or JACK. oir..puir, pbOrie 908 r. 21, Piinton. Calls_paid for. '18tf .ANTED.-.:- 'PIANO, SMALL OR medium, .plain ease. State make and price. BOX 20.. SIOlIAL-STAR. 4-5 ANTED. -.-BOARDERS.. APP,LY 4x IFOR B 19 Albert Street. ' * Shrove Tuesday, relarnary,1301,,,at tAlcuelacense ofessty,oeuecoanrgeesa..6y;p3.4.-.,,,c,:Au "*".;gar„cifeunrn.ase,, ba , lights, wactee‘rtziacnedds s tb • • ., -6 .11. -me, Paileiike supper, under the VGit..8A1:i.---C°4Y-11°11s1 WITH; 2 01 ..4,„ iI6-i-reasonalalrairtiftliShltiTan' 9 OQ present for ?'5 p Proceeds Inrthd4y, _party ... . 65 8r. "T‘eat awl Sunshine," at, Victerk. leaving8111L'1,1QW1ler town BOX EtPralfceeyeda'i,sio„,lter6efstioln00biolandias-oid 02 7tg‘ etreetiljuited church OA January- 81sr", SIGNAL -STAR. • 2.5x Sale of cook book and cookies - 50 1.15 64 " ru Tag day , 0 , . on nd the Itind WO balm in CorOwn ,t)p$ ,getting Mere popular V day. For this 'week -end Boston Cream Pie /50 CENTS. MOH * Curry's Bakery "The Home of 'Tasty PPStre MEL. CUMBIRT, Proprieter, PHONE 405 r.!_malimmonompimpowismowiiisimpsom" isIOTICE'TO CREDITORS NOTIOE TO 91tp,P40.a.$. „ l's'txtAlti-e'PoOtr60.wiistiolii:Invinvgreelatieburisok,ga,oainsloptwithell.•:._ who died at Ooderich, on December -13th;---1944,--are required to forward par- - ticulars of. their Citt*S to the under- signed by the-.1.0th day Of February„. 1945,, after which date the estate'Will be distributed. Goderich, atIntlailY Othj 1945, by Frank • DonnellY Solicitor for the- Ekeentricei. " 24. • • . 1 50 at 'IP Sponsored by the Etirekti IFOlt,----"SALE•-1936 OLDSMOBILE " clask '. . "34 - , sedan, serial iiumber 636993094;" sh, representative, Miss heater, five tires, good rubber; rig trade. ivyl , Ne 1, Clinton, Will be in Phone 1853, .00derich... ___•' • .. ,4x - .7cnIXPE'NDIT.URES ..$ 471' 14 G111.719-94ba uring SattuarY.. For further • - . n enquire.,7 at. 'Signal -Star i .t1; OvRups.SALReEgr-.8teer0e40,,EsRiredSPbAynEinL.: Christmas cheer' of magazines offiee. • for wards, 25 theatre tickets ser Tuesday. February -1304. for -'BP6i,l'uteeit swililtit,°f JWItaRli:54,i'MNYe,.-±-w'°giviZe ; for nurses. , lbs. • chocolates the Pa ke social roma °6f 'Street. Phone 954-T after 0. pan.- 4tf for 'staff • ; • $ "15 95 Itn, c L. • -3- , . . . , K.11;7:1:4, e!old.ters' Com.. tor ' S ‘9,f.,r4oBli•Jakaagek6a4ixieosii'-ruheeceusmsattrtyie: gort, SALE. -125 LAYING PULLETS. ctipsat 75' Barred: Rocks, - 50 Hybrids slocrPeft)r ,Tlick,/eYe!.4*,..r(e-H.aasmoniaaSbilier.e zad; rtnut,dmBbsarr,r.edNoR.Ohelc.0110): 11,i1.1,rl'un?ntiracigee °stoelCilin°XMCalletiKrtleYb ,10nYg at present P'BenseDlit'JaritrUeSXSt 77" Phone tje turday;' January 27th, ' at street,.GOderieli. : • • 4tf 1)1, • • 3 4 , •••, • silver tea on • Wednesclay,-I A GENTS' WANTED; ,-.7.••• WA INI•T* 14th, at North Street pleasant work-in business your der auspices of Evening own'? ',Good profits oVer. 135' ••.• • 46. widely advertisedRaWleigh home/farm • FE r'l.TIRED? Take • one Page- necessities, -Pays etter than inoSt "$ 471 14 Grif,fi lis puiplex tablet -daily containing- Oecupations. Hundredsbusiness five The report of the GOderich Township vitainia A, B, C and 'D and all essen-, to twenty. years or *ore!' • Product - Auxiliary was presented by Mrs. Roy ULU ininerais, too. Als& in liquid form: equipment on credit. • NO experience Rundle. - _There are, twenty-one mem- for -•infants'and, children. Campbell's needed to , start -we .teach you ,hoW, bers, With an average attendance of Drug Store.•"t - -4. 'Write today : for full particulars. [Me: r Meeting of the Women's ItA,WLEIGH'S Dept Key No: ML-216- instiru , office, ,,but he was unanimously re- appointed. - • lames Donaldson and Thomas, Sandy were re -erected to the board of managers and Earl • Elliott was -named to succeed 3. Gillesine, who has removed to _Sarnia. ••. ' The budget conimittee was re-elected, Its members being- Wm. Bisset; H. 0. Dunlop; Alex, Smith, Wm, Semerville, Frank,. McArthur; W. J. Baker; D. M. johnston and A. H.-;ErAliine: Mr; H. J. A. AlacEwan was 're -appointed • con- gregational secretary. • • Rev. Richard Stewart annotineed that the budget allocation would '•be the to the making and selling', or quilts and custom ' The_financial,-;report- of the township. 'braiich was presented by Miss E. Salkeld. • The '0%1 receipts' were $36.67, and there was a' balance On hand of ;4..ri3.. • - Officers Elected Mrs. :Campbell • was elected president, succeedingAirs: F., R. Red- clitt, who had held the office- for the last. seven .years. The. other officers elected were: Hon. president, Mrg. Graeme Cameron ; hon. vice-presidents; Airs. P. W. Carrie and Mrs. Isaac Salkeld; vicepresidents, Mrs. A. D. meLoan,.:Urs. G. M. Wat- sarne as last year, and that the con - son; Mrs.' B. J. Saints, Mrs. E. Mc- gregation may have a *lilt from the nioderator of . the General,. Assembly, Itev., A. C. Stewart, of Midland. on Sundan:Arrtiy:1$th, • The report of, the Wpmen's Mission- ary• Societym revealed a successful year, The total receipts in the. general. fund were $520.26 and $520 was sent to the .Presbyterial treasurer. The Arthur. Circle raised' $280.92 and sent .$275. to the Presbyterial treasurer. Out of. $84.42. raised' by the groups -PO was sent to the Presbyterial treas- urer, and $0 to the church's, overseas 'parcel cenimittee, AS- reported, by MISS Christine. BogI4, secretary. , . • . The MacGillivray Mission Band don, tribated $16.tit.the..prinia,iyAepartinent_ and $55.15 •to. the PreSbyteriai, ireas- •nrer. Barbara Ann AleVittie - is Ali' president and Frances Brereton the secretary of this busy group of children. The Ladies' Aid, under the leadership of WS,. A. Straiten, raised. $1.334.41 and: gave a donation of $1,200 tothe managers Of the• _•_ The services of the choir under: tie' leadership of Mrs. W. F. SatindersT With Miss Bogie: as organist, Were highly ecaninended.- ' • ' '2 • The. Young People's Society tlas thirty -Six meinbers., The -vexectitrire consists .of Dan Walter, president ;• :Betty Smith, treasurer; and Shirley Marwick, 'secretary. The year . was oarited by :Interesting Meetings' and enjoyable activities. •• A. 8. McLean and O. K. Saunders were re -appointed auditors . on motion of Miss Anil, McDonald and Mrs. Nell MaPK4Y. , Votes Of appreciation Were heartilY accorded laeV.: Ricbard Stewart; the ,choir and all. other .organizations. Also to LAO. Wm. ElliOtt, and LAC. 'Ken Russell, RJA.P., thanks were 'extende for their assistance In the choir, With the good wishes of the congregation, , the attendance 4:it the meeting was small owing to the stonily weather. The meeting closed with the National , Anthem and the benediction pro-, Laughlin; secretary, Mrs. H. M, Mon, teith; ;treasurer, Miss Etta Sauits; -C11-URGIVNOTES Mrs. Redditt eipresiel :her thanks ess-secretary;' MI art': R.-_,Repaitt,;=:- fer the splendid co-operation gi,:vlen her - (hiring her teinuf otO0e. The honorary, life membership given to Mrs. M. X. Sauna .at the Ontario `Association meeting In Toronto • was presented, framed to. her .. by . Mrs- -1$,edditt.' ,, 1 . , - • . M , rs. Campbell 'automatically will represent the. Auxiliary .on the Board of Governors of the hospital; succocc, ing Mrs. Redditt. _ 1 '- - - -- Representatives were maned to assist _at tye-Legion.7bingss._ _ .- , be held Thursday, Febru, -lytentyeal. " a0•1110t, usical talk will be given • • T,he roll call wi)at'oe answered by. - an exchange of valenti i• • -4 and "500" will he, held in • orge's - parish .1ml', ,•Monday, Febrlia y 12th, 4t 8 OfclOck• under' the Ott cOrdiall •'10eetrockwo _ er - SOOlL gi i• sp sti se CARDS OF THANKS • EN AND 'WOMEN. ' WATKINS, dealers . are niaking ',more money teday • than ever -before. Enjoy --the• 'security and benefitsof affiliation WItt the oldest and largest eon'ipanir of its kind -1112-the- World.- Alf •theorda - were ' 1944-geiierouS bonuses were paid' , Watkins: 'Dealers. Get into business for your- self- on our capleal in your home or adjacent 1i -1 -entity. •Suitable • •travel ontilt reqllired.,.1Vrite:„ now for fur- ther Inforinatton to. the J. R. WATICINS• COMPANY, Dept. :O.G-1 • • 2177 Mannon street, Montreal:. • - 2-4- • .APPLICATIONS- WANTED APL!PICATITIS • *Applications for,. ,the position- at Township 'Road' Superintendent will be received by the undersigned up to and iiieluding „February 13 th,,,...1945. The salary has been set at forty-five 'cents per hour.' . DIJRN„ IN PHILLIPS, • Clerk of West Wawanosh 3-4,. :I:melt:110w'. Ont., A,,R. No.. 2. • . , HE -„FAMILY• OF THE •LATE ceof the Margaret _ ddission 35eEveryone very , Joseph A. Killongh wish ',,,to thank is • ittVited. - 1,neighbors and, friends ;for many kind- . .. OC,•0_10- home With blown I nesses. shown during his illnesns and at , 4-6- ' the time Of bereavement: ' -4. I- . ....._... ; Equipment will be , here Timm -riimns, op tthrrATE mits. ell,bo;frssetaert:aosirtl:oRan..etedFdP;Irr:urisas;::26un;l:, , ,,, suite, 4ntique .spool. bed, antique -Acta, . ' • ' - ' ' ' 4 --Ox grateful -thanks, for. the many kind- cbre and dance to be held ;ne stsphe ;le? dixtWti e;etodOtl,:dbe sue II.. wish.eintlgve.her nleoeknt etii,n, nda el tt. vhaaenirdr. , , h en t e i. $ . s m a n . .ti 0 1 e s , General -Electric- radio (small), rQuebec coucli,..bedroom rBayne'ld Valley Five. Lunch loanedticulariythteoirtheaozse for ro thseenituflurriya. or . ecirasnttiotif lorv,a.vv:deirEtbsiirkeaitvethernugnultexusib412, , iclmission 35c. 4 . . - • • .,,,. - . • . tubs, . Quebec cook stove, 3 trunks, New AIJOTION. SALE "AtcTioN-sALE. , • . • tkeentior's:: sale of real estate and, householdHeffeets-of-late-Annie-MCLari Quebec street, -Goclerleh, at 2- p.M., on • FEBRUARY 10th, 1945 ' One 'day laed; 4 . rockers, pietures, bnestra,•,' Admission 50e. Williarns .sewininutathie, icebox, lawn • bridge Hall, Monday, Car- ' ,• -3-6. movver, Small 'Coxigoleuta Vag. - Sir. and Mrs, Walter Davos of Strat- ford were guests last week with Mrs. J. A. Harrison. , • • Mr., Reg.:Wiltiains, C31,4,of 11.31. "Preserver," serving at Newfound-,, land..and Labrador, is Ofl twenty.sight- .dayleave,:part of whieh is spending with kis brother Harry at Saltford. nouneed by Rev. Richard Stewart. • Great men forget themaeIvei3., serv., Ing others, SWAfl men forget others In Serving therattelvea, ELDER. -At General ttospital, Strat- • ford on January f f '1f4h 1045 to Mr • and • Mrs, 3. W. Elder '(nee Madge Turner); a son, Williant John. _ • " EMMONS.-•At • Alexandra Hospital',. '.04derich, on, January 25th, 1045, to' Mr. iwd Mrs. Lorne -11 3, • • f ,GodeileIA, a „daughter._ BRAN., ---At Alexandra Hospital, Gode- rich, on'iarruarY. 25t1i,4 1945, to Mr. • and Mrs.-.Jainealtelin, Huron road, Goderieli, a.,daughter, Evelyn Dianne.i. WA.LZAK.---'At Alexandra Hospital, • "Goderich, on January -180,, 1945, to -and Mrs, teo. Witlzak Nelsen street, • Goderich, it Edward Joseph. .0,', ^ DIED HAMILTON. -At Windsor, Ont., on Wednesday, january* 24th, .1945, lattbel Oliver, widow of Rev. ,Tamea Goderich, aged 85 *Years. ,The finieral service *111 be held at the Morris- PUneritl, Trope, Windsor, oir Friday evening, and interment will be at'Aironbank on a later date,:,:Plowers -gratefully declined. - .- IN MEMORIAM, 13001k -in loving inemery of My dear' husband, Thomas 'Lawrence Bogie, who passed away January 29, 1944. Sweet are the memories that never fade Of the one I loved and could not save," Always true, unselfish and --Mad; Pew in 'hte world his equal will find. Beautiful memories cherished -forever Of happy days we spent tofrther. ' -'---Lovinglk remembered by his Wife,' Pearl.„-;" . 4x KITORENBLBIG4.0.11,4ES. .have an agent here. Save, time by placing your order .witjl him -order Next Sunday- evening at the regular service of. worship in North street :11°w, save later' disaPP411itinent Rnited church there will be a ePels.1 iternemberear,IY hatched chicks . niar serike of inusie; including •congrega- ture- to catch: thir-better%inarkets.' • tional singing of old and new hymns ‘At 4 inoh-t6 aver:age of.5 and the' following, musical numbers by . -the ' choir : "Oh, How' -Amiable" "We %yeah] not -hl,ve anything 'else." .(Maunder) ; "Evening and •Morning" That'swhat custoiners write.. (OakeIey) ; male • quartette, "Nearer, Come, Holy Spirit". • Agents RYAN PR•ODUCE, My God, to Thee ;" ladies' 'sextette,. • ,Godeki.rh Rev. joseph Janes Will conduct an- - , nl-versary-services next Suhdcty in. the+- Xensal Park Baptist ChurchLondon. ' I , Play • Pens Tricycles 0,04. Studio- Couches AGMS, lito OTOOX rad living is *Worth ,vvhilp-only for those who. are qui& t9 do the .right thing. ,v ' PICTURES. ----4,111‘ work wonders Improving your home: ' • with a lovely English Or Canadian tindseane-Marino .or 'Colorful Plower Print*:: Coin's in -and on)Oy ,seting them, SMITH'S ART 'AND GIFT Bast'st, -STORE Phone 198,1 'imiimmiL:w " . Uwe' you renewed *oar subseription to The Signal -Star? If it is In arrears, it needs idea -ion.. • , Property. -=-4. six -room., frame cottage -SIttiated-4auebee Lowg of Goderieh. lininediate . possession. - Terms, on. property -2070 down arta balance in 30 days. ClittifeTS=Cash, - • • • jj" • • - 'Solicitor for 'Estate; . HAROLD JACKSON, ' Auctioneer. Dr. G. S. Elliott: . . • VETERINARY-SURQE014- SMALL AND LARGE ANIMALS . At Lauder' a DrutStote, Goderlek .. every,_Thursday :afternoon P80 203 . CLINTON -6 Armstrong ‘oyvicIAN and OPTOMETRIST ,Square Goderleh • 'lebeirmuclinsotit "dory :SW6ead-Reneattdear' Al *; • Oita 2 t9 'Enron* now for ,Sewing ClasSes. .Startffig &unary' b.`tii: afternoon iind evening '• -eiasiefi "in personal and, house- ld ,1%eyting: • . • MARY 13.110WBtt. . . "• 4 St. Vincent Street., TAkPAYERS MA2 .rlItOrIASE TAX pupAymEn Rgoznors iO1 1946 TAItEg*AT rAY040,104 1)1800tirra ItAiES OP DISCO1NT Amoont . COST , COST COST ...., Date- Jan. 1.31 Feb. 1.28 Mar. 1-$1 $ 10.00, .........: $ 9.81 ' $ 9,84 $ 9.67 , - 20.00 1 ......... 19.61 , 10,68 19.74, ' 50.00 .......... 49.02 ; 49.18 49.85. • '100.00 .......... 98.04 98.36 98.68 •150040 ....,.... 490.20 491.81 493.42 . -1000.00 .......... - 980.40 • l'' 983.01 986.85 April 1,30 . , May 1-31 . COST • COST $ 9.90 $ 0.04 • 19,80 10.87': 49,51 49.61 . Woo 99434 495.05 • .;, 496,69 • 990,10 098.88 Prepayment Receipts must be endorsed and presented .arOng with .1945 Tax Bills during ii / • , 4 , th first instillment period., , . , Pureliase your Prepayment: Iteempts early and liaire Your money earning 4% itiferesti If you/ eannot buy all now, budget your Taxes -this ycar by purebasin,g'a reeeibt each nth. 4:14 hise'ounts will be allowed in iddition. . hector . Make Cheques ptti;ahfe to. 0• w. sturdy, Tax Co I, 4,4