The Goderich Signal-Star, 1945-01-25, Page 2Tiliii"GODE14(311 SIGiSTAL GOMItIOR
_ published by 1. Signal:4204r Pre,* ijinaltedi
Vitest Street., Goderieh„ Ontario
Itategeecanada, end Great Brit414, 42tbq a Tear; United
• •
State, V.50.
41,4"iertising. Rates On request. • Telephone 71.
4A1TUAIM 1945
•ainiole Ana tpdet ceremony' at
Ahe'White Rouse en $aturday President
ItooseVelt Welt tifs oath, of office for .a
fourth time. • It was a history-maiting
tweasien--not only the first time anY
Preeident Of the Unite d' Seatee had
en,tered uptite 'a -foueth' term, as. four
years ago precedent had been Shattered
by the beginning. of a.. tlitrd tem, but
dietiegulehed fretn IleerlY all Pieced, -
wasn't long until the plow' was ,aleng
putting ,.tbinge 'tei\-rightg: Wen .in
charge' of •the seewplowitig ',are doing
good work and deserve. a, word of
.* • *
Is " in "
'The a or -, age eep up
Ills spirlts, despite the discotaferts- 4it
this "old-feeble/nil" winter. a few.
4aTe," he says, '6February Will be here.
-That's' Obort Month, ,4ild by the lst
of Ma.rcle sprifig ' praetically here.",
Glit1101,IN LOOTING uipuient indirectly' revealed the Ger.
. The pattern. of looting -was mane" intention ,of i±srresing the
Long ,estabtislied. NoveMber, PoPulation.-.*. - •
Soviet armies eaptured German of. The national collections in. ,France
1,Icer of,'Ilte Special' ServIce ,Ilattalion had been,put away tO safety' In 1939
,ef tire Oermaa liiinistry of Foreign
Attaire, eThe hattelien," he stated in.
1415 deposition, "had been formed on,i
the 'initiative' of Von Itibbentrop, Wu.
d d
ist r et Foreign Ada ray n a e
under his direction,, The Stiecial Ser-
viee Battalion is charged' with the
task of 'seizing; imniediat€Iy after •the
folk, of. large cities, the cultural and
historieal treasures and the libiarieS
of selentiee institutions, to .select valu-
able book.% first editions and alma and
to send all of this to Germany!'
, year later"' General 'von Manustein.
in an ,ord0- talien from . German
prisoner -captured." in Italy eonermed
tbeTelicy of the nigh- Command; "Our
Tillage must be organized and meth -
Dental. We piliSt, take as Many light-
• -- weight valuable' objects as possible,
tug Presidential mangWalti in the 'gaet Probably the Sage is already' emeumg such as ,ev,irels, precious uieta4 arid
that the nation,' was in the 'midst of the ecsea„ in next suleueer'e gertleno etones works of are religious 'treas.
War. 0.444de hatebeen stelong at war - *
;Teesare days when Ate Churches
• „
that We• Alava to look baek a llttte. to t.
rtiellee that 'four years.. ago 61.1r and huropultarian Organizations SuCh
neigbbars "'wore • still 14 the enjoy tte the Red -.Cross Society are holding
merit '14 peace —*true, . rather their atonal meetings, ,and. wicid a
• rest1es4 ,though Iiresident praise is due. to those Who give -their
and ,people had. given. ample evidence time' and 'effort la the *work! of *these
et their s3fmpatht With the 'British bodies and wii*o quietly' ancl-eflicieetty
people; then alone standing out against -
the Axia.tiowers, It• was noting:tit later
;that jaPan..antis-Witli. it 'Gel:Malay, made
the ,colossal.- blunder ''Of engaging in
war Witb. the, gr,eat Repubre‘,
In. hia inaugural..addreis Rosen -
'Veit stated in simple langettge the
lesson that the events of the last, lew
ores, books, Been, stamps, etc. 80 that,
they Oen- be sold as et"csily aS'pessible
and converted into cash deposits in sato
and inviolable places. . This looting
together with the destruction Of fad-
tortess and. machinery_ send the terrorti.
of deportation -mid- sielentifit.-10.thine
Imposed on children. and eternal:03
should insure a 'speedy revenge."
Obvionsly-•suell a military programme
Perform their self-appeinted duties'. :Ceara iiiirifirfe'beanliiiderteWeb: Witte
To them the cOunn- uniittitoWee innate.' 'ent many -Years of preparation.•
• • - loethir POItind WAS SO: thorong"g aiql
Polish..Governteent in„Lend
The . Russians are goiug great gene onmpute
on the eastern wer ;front, and if they Plunder and :destrUction of us
could, maintain their present pace they ,tit 95:Ter cent; lib les, from 00 to 70
'However, •the msy awl some
,othuurgrritse,zlaier:8qi.Per emit The Cul-
• in, a.. fevy, dos.: '1107Telit-; archiveS,, 40, per, eent. ; and..
would be in. *.te
* War Crimes. meet 'be 'peniShed and than half the 194 qUalltity. !situation
„Iwo is what- 'austerity weans to weekilem. Eventually, after a cilteet
the ho t g the Prevailed With the leading
thig larger total, • . ,,
eated, ter Gertnany Must learn that Molten:as oe eeeri•-•• -- ' ,.._,11",.,,• °-:, ,,,;,: The Ttraes, I was permitted a$ a epee,
„ 1 appeal to the . eirculatiOn teenager , of
those, who have been pillaged COMPent 4 ''' * .., „in.. -
rape of ' Europe, ehowever scientifically So far es feed is concerweectue e,;°_,.,A... ial 'eourteity to obtain, a dailY- coP$
and ruthlessly carried out, did net puys. vatae0 are edetlUatet and flier.4 4* 41-1of that paper.
German seholarebip -mid, Germarty'e oinincloutit not "ample Supply of the pro-, , tieey pewee in Britain,. while not
lit a teetive feeds, but the, diet Is .inottoton- making light Of tb.eit 'own. hardshipe,
_plebes to intellectual eqUa Y V 11 never
again be entertained by clvtlized men
in the cellars of chateaux in the eoutle until.the elate is clitta. • , ,
Here the Objects or the uniseletee were -----TheAtiantie Monthly (ileeten).•
being properly cared for by competent _,_ • tr----- - _ ..*,:' '
experts Acting ttraler the ' direction -of Wiit1837 "AUSTERITY"1$110ANfiit-- IN.
the Nazi .military authorities. And as ; , i, BRITAIN • , ,
the 0OrMans, flualied. with conquest, . 'When ,i arrived in England, It had.
could not,' bring . timusettres to believe inst beconie cleaciliat the hOpes reteea - 're return to the :White Paper; in
ans. The housewife- who attempts to
give an appearance of. Vatiety to her
fenellY ineeett bile no easy task. And
shopping is a long and weary business
when everything plust,the, carried home
444.ente umet watt etuenes for any
'off -ration eXtrell as dela.
In. the poseibilitY of succeseftd inettaion, tt?,..vrit)hu:hs.u,ritrta,rucseh.44, 134,01.:tudnl: wore Dtriltsolan; tel7esptror.tkirnot
leave these depOeitertes, undisturbed.
Not all the state treasures of Frence, premattire, filet .no. 'early collaPse of 423,000 tens of newsPtibt were • im-
'Looting WtI8 carried on in high' places, discomforts,Ahe shortages, and the iritt",e•enita;rillter...3:°' 4110%4%8,1c 1t)puroS—tittice:118ettti-jaind
hOwever, escaped from. German hands. Gernitiny could. be expected, that the
as is eyideneed by the birthday gift Arabia. of War must be endured for only JO per cent. of' 19,35: Ole' intii to
to liermann Goring by Abe months to 'come. Disappointed,but net see the tiedly fatenuated British- newe-
the.' Vichy , Minister Educatlen, of diseouraged, certain that victory wa$ papers and experienee the ,diiiienities
the Gheitt altarpiece by the brothers Only postpoited„ Britons ',Mtge bracing of buying them to appreciate these
van Eyck which bad been entrusted themeelvett for the Sixth winter of war. ,figtires, When, I first reeched Louden,
the Louvre for eafelteeping by the The watchword was still "austerity," ,1..fotniti it hard to keep up with: the
Belglan .Government. .0 a 'Word Which suntmerizes with char- news, for I eoule neither arrange or
But the priVitte collections of France .acteristic understatement •the whole the daily delivery of the pepere
no longer exist. Theepattetn of Poland process' of stripping the civilian econ. wanted 'nor buy them at the newt -
and 1111SSia• was rnthlesaY follOWed, omy aer nearly as possible to .the bare' atands. The' Times and The. Telegraph,
although Po dernacane tried assiduously bones.- Statistically, its Weaning is moil told; had long 'waiting lists of
pi b the very Impreselve mibeerlbers, and %the Sante
are aware that the lot of, the oceuPled•
and the liberate& countries 'ia • ineteitely
worse. The- Brititth diet PIO be dello(
but it is abiple austain health and. "
mega:, and when the Food lainistry
announced extra OhristantS ratios it
received thoutandi of lettert protesting "
any inereatie while the neede of the
liberated. eountriee rentained so grea
by the Allies, tbel -thought it -best to • - ia - ftrinteS, MaterialtiMy eye itecaught by 41i item -
Pttel may be.'41100. but It iSpostible to least one room in es.CIA dwelIIng
fairly warm; railroad and' bus travel
Ls exteeding4 uncomfortable much of
the time, but the service is. maintained.
Visitors frOnr`biliVering henfitl
Par* AO Louden paradise. Jeon,
doers, oe. the Other hand,- loWneross.
the Atlantte rather enviously,, The
tales of travellers and homesick.' Ata.
' erican Soldiers lose nething" the
telling., "IS there any 'rationing ..AMe
erlear` was frequently esited• 'Are
there any sixertages?" .did mY.' hest
to taik emilincinglY of the scarcity of
better,, cigarettes, , and gaseline,
(Continued on page 71.
years have taught;
We .havetlearned that we:polite'
live alone at peace; that our own.
• well-being,hellepeedent the well-
' being; ,•;A'''other•ntitioneL; .far away.
Wes.elive learned theffive must live
men, not as • ostriches, nor: as
dogs in. the manger; wei,„: wive
learned -to be citizena, of the. world,
Members of thp-, human communitye
We have learned theL.siinple truth,
as fitterson..ealer that i"the
Way te have a friend is -to be one."
Cana .
lentristences •that have brought. to 'the
leedership'. of our great neighbor nation
man who stands so forthrightly' for
international goodiviu.: for internation-
re.sPonsibility, for international
, justice, for world. 'peace. : "We; have
• learned that we 'cannot live alone at
peace. . . We have learned' to be
citizens 41* world,. mentleels'.of the
htnnan. conini\mity-,11. lisTever again, it is
tobe-hoped,L,w_ili the nation's of' this
continent be. Oiled .Upon 674Intervene
• by. force of - arms .in the. affairs of.
Anether;-continent.; but times Of. peace,
• else- for . the; exercise of the
spirit of Weild. brotherhood. of. Which
Mr. Roosevelt is. sol illustrious a
r.ifilre jc;;::?itV,trt,,,helatiaitoer
pnrdopehratSi beeoenn.,
reserve of resistance *and promises to destroyed,:
put Up a desperate fight before giving'Sca e • • `r i When the Nazis
e.omp4rative, ihill tilundered an they took pains
in completely. Uie inovebulor 11.111t „cp. gues, and
on the western front may be in prePar: rat cobuertt,81sool
etioe for a big. drive to match that of evidenceby -
Russians in the east.' 'Oeeetiany eleims; TireAtiOtitig;:vas systematically
carried on under the direction. of Gees -
mast be tn a dreadful state of : dis- Students for
integration and one cauld -find „, some'
ley What strange-- quirk. of reasening
: is General tieNaught;en. hejd to ,Pe• -at
&nit' in the matter of the deserting
ilrafteei7 , it Was ' the conscriptionists
• iviao •deinanded that the men:*
he sent overseas, tiOd Gehetal Me;
fiaeglitront;: did his utmost to tivold
to- Cloak their thievery under sOrae made,. a y
form et legal fiction. Rigged. adetion White Paper on Britain's watt'effott .
eales. of private property were Paid for published ; at the • end of November.
with worthless occupation' Marks. But it is tidily When cold figures are
Prices soared-; even Where sales were translated Into terms of actual human
not forced, nearly everyone wag. .obliged eXeetience that they nequite life and
to tern in family -heirleoms in •order meaning. . , '..i,
to •hily food, in the black market. The ' According to the 'White Parier, total
Oghtesk-','-infractions% of the Ceaseless personal 'expenditure-- on consumption,.
poli4**•111.4 ens': '01-ell.,'Y'' ere47malting redoced to pre-wai pricee iseenly , 79
., -, . , _ ... , ..
1-06:- . . W. peteeent• of what. it•wati ,iii -1038%_
,..tee non food 'the ...B:gurefi,ere-
ptitil sh ed. ' vo- tielines- for.,
the money had to be raisedbyselling itM more striking; clothing and 'drese.
private • propeety... Nazi- officers and materials,,55:per ,cent.; boots, and shoes,
Vichy ofeeials accepted ,gladly • "gifts in 75 per cent.-;, trniture find 'furnishings,
kind" from persons Whose passperte 23 per 'cent, 'llartiviare, na Per cent.
and identity papers. , were otherwise When %I reed,: these figures I see them
held up.,,. : . .. • : expresslie •Brttain's, desperate • sliaiiiii-
As the veneer of "correctnese" wore neSs, Houses groan 'for paint, fitted,
thinner detirtg...1.the four years of oc-, ture for new 'coverings. . A breiten. cup
cupatiote the true nature of Garman becemea a _minor tiageclv; it eannot be
eultnre. becaine more and more tipper- replaced except, „possibly; by . 'thick,
ea. • Increased pressure was put,upon 'plain -white "utility ware." '*ew intol-
museam - tifileittis to releese-important ture ie reserved for the bombee-eat and
works of art for!,!cultural exchanges", newly married couples; seeene47haild
with Germany. .-. . By 1042 the. gloves furniture commands huge prices, tea do
were off and outright confiscation \YRS seeoed-hand,.,, Clothes; • glitch:: cat. e be
in progress. The Vichy lawa depriving bought Without couponb., T• •., • '
Jeivi", of ail eivil rights and. property -"Mend and -make do;" seY thepoeters,
were enforced and the great, collectious and Kven.eirell,to-de Men go around with
of , the - Rothschildk, tied • others patehes. on the elbows of their .bnet:
were sent to the small. gallery ness.enits; Women, with great ingetta-- PI, ..
u.;•-de---Paputeiitt--the Tuilerie ' odelj eir• pWit and -_-.*:...:_ _
Which became . the collecting- Centre.foi their '7children's clothes. 34 :English • '- -
confiscated propirty. To this gallery, sister -hi -law sported .a veryhandsome
housecoat, Which she had Made from
cuttaie brocade, . until . the pre-war
zipper, taken fiem a:nether garment,
refused to function. That again was 4
tragedy; -for zippers • can ,be :neither
Obtained dor repaired. ; . . '0.
' or.,house-
d! to cone
.1electricai Friday /
ISSion. •fer
Iprobl 'JO,.
h , snp
years Itad been ing inventories ot
pity in his hart for her peOple lead art treasuresPoland tind Czechosio-
• valaa under ,416 e .of historical re-
searchee. ; • *
they not brought their ,troubles Upon
theMselvee., Surely 'after: this ei". Russia, . next to, ithe eotintried
perien 9 they well-neverpagateritleow- • o se
on the cities: which
Y7' The Palace' of
-Catharine the ,Ok *eat Tsarskoye Selo carne periodically the agents -cof the
. was strippeddChipelk Silks and tapes- party leaders, art histerians, museum"
It is a matter Of deep gratification- tries. torn ofe the 'vans; -antique lurne:' directors, and archaeologists employed
for the Allies that the three giants -1 -tiro and Panelling 41tiVed off to Berlin. personally by Hitler, Goring, Ilimmler
Churchill, Roosevelt and -Stalin—have Even the inleid floors were Packed and and those- of leaser rank. These ex -
solid political backing in their "re- sent ,away. The Celebrated library of perts dividea, the booty among them-
sPecttte countries as 'they tackle-erob- French and Russian books and _inanu-' serves and superintended the expecli-
lents too -vital to be anettacecl 'by "home
such ,beaste as the Hitler gang to ,scourging haed„.,
take evntrOl. of their country., . .fell to the ',el
tra ,
scripts was pillage
'v a
of old was treasures, part tiler
tion of shipments to Berlin, to • Berch-
front7 - influences that obstruct total looted before it was tesgadexi, to, Karin/1411e (Goring's
-war and total war production. Isuburbe of Letting d palace in 'East Pressley: and to the
this "period of extremeKievthe religions
test". it id a museum at Linz ,which Hitler had built
United States,* Great Britain and Soviet was not wa Why these connoisseurs
as a memoirble hie mother. What
blessing thee-. 'Canada,, the
itusAiaLiarci,...not_presently"hamstruilg. by lections- and -lib
sit:tail-gauge •politicians, playing their and the bile
pitifully small -game for personal and Sciences. The hurc
-party gain.' • Russien Orthodoxy,
This- one, of the most extreme likewide stripped • b
set on fire.' Wrha.t.
examples of pa.vtisanship in Canada=
The Stratford BeaeOrt-rterard=4s aninS- ellual17-trn
es, the 'pr.! e of
di taliSellteS were
forethey . were
t o of• Kiev is
7,a4 '§bia.2prq ereyatialiy,th art deafer's-
who. had won-- speciql- coesieerette4
, * -(After a. detailed account .e
went has happened in Italy, Normandy, -
end 'Britain as a result of the war the.
and. Kees:. article ,Coneltidea "
nodar, of Lvov ,ndrO etitefrok Yinnitsu, AP-weTaPProaCia the final settlement
ern gov, ande"p0,1 a. In these with the..blthY beasts who-haVe done
unless it is intended as a belated Ch
expression Of self-rePreach, , "Small -
gauge politicians" well describes
those . who by everyl ',Miserable
aittftce lutve tried to hamper the
Government in its war effotts, Despite
thein,, however, Canada has ,made
magnificent contribution to the•Alhed
* - •
perience with:" the application of eQ111- Recently this colmint .commented . on
. paielen in the last war; hundreds of .the ecoldmg_xemaiks of Miss ,Macpheil
men took to the tali timbers' todescapel at a meeting at 'North Bay, and re -
being 'sent to fight for -their ,country e called -a ,eirttilargneleeat -years age at
• • Vie Manion, :the -feieier leader Of the NienesettingT7parie , The - Seaforth.- Ex -
Conservative party, infs put .on record Peeitor tells of still 'another occasion
• the tette of the. situation which •re. ha Which the. famed , lady' politician
• •
-there , no. reason- ,t belieee. that Quite some yett
Allisia ago (says' The !
salted om conscription in 141748. and figured:,
rote and theft their utmost to, destroy the European-
alIy medical Civilization which we cherish,. there
- must necessarily be a period of soil-
-- 'earching and calm reflection before
iliStiCe cae be dispensed and retribu-
tion made. Two wrongs cannet ntake
right; and, while Justice demands
that the _Nazis be forced to give back
what . they have stolen and make resti-
tution In' kind . for what they have
est -by deliberate -acts- of -vandal-
ism, it must be remembered that the
cultural 'heritttee of the -German peoele
has been.sublected• to equal catastrophe.
On gross tonnage. Of bombs dropped
on German cities haseenetekout a
ptmisliment however daily Ai-
served, has left little upon which future
generations Mai build. . • .
If one recogniees that the Teutonic
disease 'nay lie dormaiit for 'half .a
century and suddenly break • out with
By Ltarry
slui.ilsr, results, wdrad ,:uut.funow.. from Expositor). Bliss Maephail lost het •
•The whole, eituation is a viedication
of the . voluntery system iu which
:General MeNatighton believes'and froin
which he departed in cirettmstances
for" whieli he was not responsible,
' For a• people of less than
,.•lioes, shrtie a' volunteer., force. 'Of
Pettrliea i'Var tho.other
aides o11 the Atlantic, with ether iniBletts,
engaged in tilte-coetiebtite'ry atid es-
sential'ilndustries of food :precitteti.on
anti inantifaeture of 'war :equipment, IS
an acidevement, whieb, this. eotuitty
eould take tinbemided: pride, itieritAtt
'a thousand ' that, because of
pofltear Preeetik,-,thtrrecordrtikelTeen.
edited by resort to
. And weep fide , material we. are
sending by .eordeilsion Join.the ranks
". 'Of Our `lath:nit volenteer bier-
° -What 'ititid of essietance wilt
'ettr volimteer .eteect ;trete
mei who lump the fetiee,„ *lien. ealled
„iePortiO liee V for Xing antVeountrli
niTpitiAte .2fOrS0
• the etterinit neWS tomes that inionie
tri feline fee 'the. Octet learaftt
• .
YeloterdaY'S iitorm4iethaP1 hie* ()Ver.
tom Or0,, where we understand
,thes are Imving.rfither windy Weather
„Itist noir. •
;* * * •
In ousel*, Vie are old, otosiiortt
*re rlulated and directed front the
eentral 'government at, Atoekow« The
faYorite sport is bunting Ann's, and
the Reeilans ate experts, at It
were going to.coroneut irpoin the
owe ent vonAition ini'411itle,tour side,
Walks *tee beweit kepi this winter,. end
tout bbly itivett *otter matuigt
**sit eedenkili *an fluty
fbetifiksees-Vereete, for
Yottordigos, storm OW*0
toed ithe sidiewatk ass oer
wislt we had therttionieter. three;teilatao disrupt
tee whole pleasant tenor living:here
t Lazy Meedows. ; For :years we have
been .' 4eite,'; Ilia Ow %without
scietelfie itiforthation the °temper-
ature either leeide outside of 'the
house. In faetti , it '
at all.
When I went.- to t
always pleasant:to h.
ablaut the low for
'').temper ou a platforin in -Seafer .There_was Justos_
disagreement bettvee
metted-On4 the'faet_ tit the time We end the -=feed !et*
• were favored With a personal letter�i
.of bet rebuke. , This nise,;- os roe thermometer least-twomet r'
comment in this. paper, -and wa.s the uue. tougiuo. 00 i
followed by a • second and even . -the suirtmertited
:hotter letter. But after a . second *as alWays at least-tte
contmentthe•feud died out, and we
:haveo't heard -from Miss Macphail
7it,11.1.4ge • it was
r: their argdmenta 41rulenee because of social, econeittic
he ,iinight before. and political circumstances, enefsees
ertaint amount of. • reediately.4he-edatiger-- of-reeneing
e;h,O.teliceeper Germany to the same eled.,0 eultural
The feed desert that She' has .made of Poland.
4be, counted For in the arid soil of such a desert
reeOlower than the, &ibis' oe'futureewitrd may breed.
he hotel. In With thfi; in mind the comMittees
eed store 7one which have been meeting in. London,
degrees higher centeesed of 'representetives of the
tlnited Natioedgeyernnients, have tried
to • 7tireiVe- at: ow; intelligent- and- ‘, just
pllogramme "'Settling -tite'-artratic,
problems of the :peace, rather, than' a
vindietiVe one. • '-,
The very Vastness of the task facing
the peace , negotiators is . territying to
the ley mind. • The British Board of
feenoide Warfare has attnetineed, that
,the NAZIS ,bave -looted 'Europe " to the .
tune of a One thirty-six' Milieu dollars.
On top of this add the twenty-six
oteapatien coats from the colintrfie•
and' so. Ile which they -overran. They. stole, as
'big,' beettuee they. said they -would, every Imaginable
*lure -re category prePertp-bullion.. Jewels,
rouble was,Works art;), • securities and eqnities
Ed.' had, in torporations, stoek,'' Wand -
as suppOedly' -wider transport and ships, • factory
s pigs with 4equipinent and niaeltinery; books and
petiotdeate areitives. it fie dint -
the ther-' cult to think Of any'neritiel'eeofiettehe
horrified to aetivity 'of intin'in •whick the Mit hand-
• Itt the down...! bate not been rifling. Itttrions
,?.liteher than petent •:letttliretterie hove Pieced' the
net:needed in it works' of art -ettelett ..destroyed • at
J4.000 Of days some' two.and a *half billion' dollarsIn
;start working on
Igeq *it even teropere
This column io not anxious ta dwell
upon the lady's teraperetnental
, ,
itiee, except "as."4, tearnitig` that. before
engagleg her te „address' •an, audience,
the sponsers shoule be'absolutely cer-
teln: that, the.audience will be on littfid,
ttiople, ritunbei•d.- Or else
,k40111.TEEtirtitt: -•
(Winnipeg' Free Pres)
• The legend that bittibuSinesalS,xnttk
Ittg a very good 'thing out of the' wee in,
Catmdtt-A legend .'ortgintillY inVented
btt, 'the ponetured. again in.
the .latede figures of the . Bank, a
-Service and •spare .partee-
hold equipment are. Very ha
by, and. for °this reason Man,
appllaneeS are out of ,eom
the duration. • Cleaning is
with. SOap ratipeee,. and
houselield bet -tithes and2
eording tothe White -Pa
A series Ofv,great new radio 'pfays
• produced by Andrew Allan- and
brought to you by the
Many people newer seem to , get .a .good
(light's rest. They turn and tossL-lie awake
and count 'sheep. git,ul they blame it on -
• "nerves" when it may bit their kidneys.
Healthy, kidneys filter poisOnS Irons the
Mood. If, they are faulteand fail, poisons
stay in the system and sleep)essnessi head- •-
ache, backache often follow. If you don't
sleep • well, try Dodd's Kidney Pills-f'l
half* century° 00 ,favorite remedy. 103 0
blistering,I• .:course - this
opie eon-
ny Nie
And -that One
7, the kitchen.
eh. .both-
ered me Atll day end. Ile to look, •itt
least every • fifteen Minnie/00 .See_. what
the .temperature ext., morning'
the `,"' temperature -di. .dowtt mid' I
dropped in eonVets ' the. fact that
the temperature,,w
immediately :stet:
he," bed heard'the .tei
on the .•.ratlio.:'1ho 02
titt it ' later develti
got thettnmber 'its
contained in thew'
the temperature., •
• „ thensl
1116111.00t inside.Sh
SO -Oat 'the, teratifiriN
stairs was th
a certain
'4eVitilittper eet
before, : We had,
the fires tie
Owe, but wttlie tolAete.eneoess, The
kitehen. range:we:44 .ttirt; belching heat
to beat the bunkin t,,,Iihobt the , time
r 14
•was -ort:' the 'gaPao' -02 ,I1X6
- • e, '
Then on -Christnae,
wrapped our, presents
of thein was tiler)
roediately put it mit
Windetv .set the -back
COnida. , These, ligkites etainine
detatied. affairs , of 0.06' 'contlittnics,
.bread cross-seetion of Canadian bud.
ness. 13riellY they .shocv this:
In the year '1043 °these pen:mania
earned net operating protite • of $799
as againstt$488: in
lona. .For the moment they appeared
to be roiiing In nteney. But then came
the ClOvernment tl*t.,re011eetors, and by
the.,time they were through the
panbs found.themttelvee With only Vag
Millions for their-ottopitholdere.
amount, In 1943, wag actually leaf; than
the total' of $31.3 for 1042-share-
ho1ders' profits hare sittuok sharply in
theelitst years of -the war. By 1.043
they were very little larger than In
•1039, *heft they keened $288 inillions
agalust,, $292 mllllonM last year. .
/it fact, when . manes t.o actual
dividettdie Aharchoidort4 received $260
uoions, last Pt out 'go agalto,4 ;28R
llons in 1089 and the dtvidenda Are
'Aow,.hOttvily ttotable 'tie they were not
110. They are, taXable Alkyd 1110110g
we heti. the heate
Under perfeet e0
centreted on t11
beater would,en e
copious blasts of
'the trent Varier
.44iren we, con.'
e -range the
tart giving oft
t • • .
) With tlip xesuitt oly.t,t4aed trcim usrlpg Olasafted
coiuisiWI! paper whei you want to soliThoomething for
, • .
you have 14041urther tine. Or If iierlooicing for
juattoo how ,estili it i locatitd. One lidstortlaii.'
mOht of,,,5'.,linet or list coats 50 mita f,or; ono insorti*
-2 for 75; cents,,pil4tpr $140.
We have Aieen - r need. to almost eerlimsriess of a bad back. '
nervous exhaustiOn, 'it seemed alto The ttitobet,, twitelieti old ttirinet
that every tie* I ;eat down to read see had ,enouglt and tease groat out*
during the past two weeks it has been 'terittg,,4but hack of -tilt -backache
to find ',411sittatide ttrtieree abut the and the tante,. of it 6,4 is the die.
atmosphere factor in health. To top it .ordered ',kidneys tryitag out e, .Wita-,
ali Off, we didn't lia*e. theAliertuometer . lug Aron& the 144.-
entaide titteitig • the cad 'Map, . / bad A.:petiitin the bask is the kidneys'.
to sit by and listen to everybody else 'ery fin. 1(4, (lo to their milldam*.
the moony's profits already have been i argri# as to Suet how fat the, mercury./ Get S 'het of Xfonnt N441430. Pi4
ttied in, the corporation 1eyy.. did go. do'n, "It -was a inaddenlng'
It is eltstr.; thereifore, that there Wit , exPerionee.
ben no piodteering lb tbeee eenteninfee i Nitride. Attu Sorted tett whole prob.
nd that,Investors are much woo* oftl tem for tot; be pleted tht. thole
thee they • were •the war, a* it' Morneter -down thetother fley and etene4
result of ice*, I hew or 'Other left it sittilt on to0 ot
i the kitehert range. , The"!nasrtnry
', popped ',wad iiioe hitYe gto,h0 bak to
• z„orassi 'and issusgsle.lieng.