HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-12-28, Page 3MOWN COIIN7Y'S FOREMOST 14,S414Y
erellP0* now va1ig1 ere bitter SO- to.,
91, Sugar 14 to 49, preserves In to 86,
cAttliii18 etiger Fl to PIO. 't
4Cou expiring Decemberal.• in-
clude utter 86 tOsgar 1.4 to 40,
canning auger 111, to P10 and Pregerves
1)1 to 1)10 and 11 to 82,
,A1,1 coupons., in books three and. four
Iftvotne inItalid. atter DeeeniVeg. 31.
Sti(ilMt (AUT. .1*0.8QUQTA -.USERS
Effective January 1, thejoigar quota
or more than 10,000. ilidnetrialstisertein
Canada 'will be redileed freni 80 pet7,
AiDCOUNTAN'i Cent to -70 -per cent et -the 1941: Wage.
IfdiONTilantli and, UONTP.Way
Mac' tiwed AccoOtttent4
51 Aitekt *Mt. 4Strai/ord
TorOute Onkel 902 gar Street
8UILAMTh _90.-.1'arM and Ise,
lated Own property Owned.
• thlicarle-Ptesideut, W. E.' Meh-
l:bald; Aleaterths V,Stio-Presideott. Friuk
,Metiregor. tainton; Manager ,.and
Secret4r.Y-Treasuser,. M. A. iteid; Sea -
forth. .
• itirectors---Vs 'R. Archibaldp"' Seas
s-slorthisikank-licGregorsAAntou ;, Ale*.
- • ,Breadfootis Seatorths Chris.
• her& , Bornholm; E. J. Trewartha;
Onion; Soho L. Malone, ,Seatort,h;
Altos' bielAVIng, Birth; laugh . Alex-
ander, „Walton; .Geo. Leitch., Clinton.
ntez---.1.obn E. Pepper, .BruceMeliercher Dublin; J.. JP.
• PrUseter, -Brodhegen ; George A. Watt,
sPotispholders can make all pay-
• inents and get their; cardsrecelpted,at
the Boyal, Bankstilintons'Oalvin Cutt's
• Grogery,, Kingston Street; Goderieh, or
J. -H.' lleites General. Store, liaytield." -
'ILate Haase- Surgeon New Sork
Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital, assist=
-*"ant at Moorefield Eye' Hospital and
Golden -Square -Throat ,Hospital„.
„London, England. _
.53 Waterloo Street Strafford.
Telephone 267: •
Next visit Bedterd Botel, Goderich,
Wednesday, Unbar/ •24th, at 2 p.m.
tilt 4.30p.m. •
NO ehiange,W411 be made in the halt--
poUnd4a-weele ration for 'conpen. :book
holders. Pharmaceutleal firms will be
lett On their rinsed' basis because of
medicinal needs. Bakers may apply to•
the sugar administration for the eon-
tinUance Of their present 80. •pe e•eat,
quota, but they muliit prove the the
sugar is going into' the manufacturer of
bakery products. IletelS and public
Catererh wili also take' the 10 per cent.
cut.The. announcement of the cat :in
Canada follOWS ,similar ann.:Made-
went in the United States.
The Combined Food Board -Which
allocates all raw sugar. to Great Bris,
tan, United States and Canada makes
the allocation on an equal:. percapita,
basis. Because 'the available -supply is
less •than -requirements on the 1914
bads of usage, . both Canada and United
States at,e. obliged to reduca the COO-
sunipticiii, Sugar productiott is eX-
pected to be less during 1945 than in
1944and theslemends have increased
for the military arid the relief of the
liberated areas. ,Because, of this -the
allotments of sugar have to be reduced.
SpeCiaTist in Farm. and Household
Sales. Licensed in Huron and. Perth
Counties. Prices reasonable; satis-
faction guaranteesl. For information,
etc., write or pl'iond (collect) Follow
JACKSON; R.R. 4,,•Seafortb, •phone
661-14, Seaforth, • or . phone 867,
• ,ER..rIST•
•Gladerieh, Phone 341 ,
Office hours -10„, to 12 a.na., 2 to 6
sold 7 to 8 -p.m.; Tuesday Friday and
Saturday: ,•
10 to 12' a.m. only on Wednesday,
-:Mondikr_and Thursday at, Mitche11..
Mineral fame „baths by ,appointment
• '. - only,
61 $03,1th.St•
kiegistered under Drugless Pr,aCtitionera
Act for the, ifrovin.ce of Ontario.
.P s, CABMAN, 3itifil.13;j4VX,
Mnmber Onta,rio -Music Teachers'
..laaociation. Pupils prepared for any
Mtge exam. ReSidenere: Mr J. (irides,
rt George's Oreicent.
Licensed for Counties of Huron
, and Bruce
ADDRESS : Ripley, Obt.
Phone Ripley, 49
' For-inforniation apply to .1. N.
-Iternighan, Division Court Clerk,
": Goderiely
• •
Fire, ,Accident and Motor'. Car
otheE_atisoisric TovipLE
PHONE 230 - <-610DERICH
Real ---Estate -and bunitranee- -
Office and Residence;
• 11 Trafalgar Street
Phone • 6
One',1:014947', it eighty-four, ot
events nearly, fourscore 'eare ago may
not be very dependable, not it -was on
3'14 1, about.- the,,,;.--,tbir4,. year of
the Dominion of Vailat* 44' OW 4rot
year of TOin Walker as teacher In
BenMiller school, that the Clanatnala
militia gathered at, G'oderich to +zee-,
brate-the COU4ederetiOn anniversary
with a." eli4M , battle. The , whole
countr,yeide, most ot them carrying
tench 'beekete* lined. the Keith bank.
of -the Maitland -Ittver reachingupto
the, Dunlop road, while. the' Sederich
people AS 4 rule looked On frog), the
top levelof the nortb. btuik. A baolly
ereeted shani fortress and corral on
the emath.* pleteau, was occupied by a
number of troops, while the rest of the
Milltia "wets', carrying eu drills and
Other warlikeenianeetivres on the north
side of sthe river; Reconnoitering
parties sent across the river were find
on from the, fort and hastily retired,
while twoseannOnSs_the_ouly artillery,
covered their retreat. The dense smoke
isstiliag,frona the &mums' Mouths could
be seen several seconds before the
booming reached. otir- ears. :To My
young ,mind all this was very. _realistic.
and terrifying, ," An infantry attack
was ordered and the • north troop*,
dashing through the river; opened rifle
fire as soon as they reached the south
Shore. A spirited reply, in kind, came
from the fort, while ansiceasional man
here. and. there would fell as if wounded
and woeld be hurriedly carried,to the
reeks by comrades-, for surgical atten-
tion. The- fort finally surrendered and
The health' centre at .the -Town Xiall,
deeked with W00041044 evergreena 444
.4 heatitittilly triairned ahriatitets :tree.
was the scene of a eliaretisig party on,
,Vrider night, Decenitier lOtli, When 'the
. . .
Graduate Nurses.' 4,SSeciation'heltt their
December meethlgs There Was a good at -
W4011000', with MOS 14,. Wary presid-
ing. Ma. W. J. Buchanan . gave .her
eVetspopillar and Well-written ',`curresit.
It was the Oeeekliesii, also, for 441:1
igesellt4401 of Pinft to the nurses who
have 'assisted with, the inatreettett, -in,
the Emergeucy Nursing 'Regerve, • The
Presentations were Inade by Wes 4.unra
Cleaver, Weal •011iceNn--charge, -to .the
,.following,z Mrs. George liiaawan, MA;
M. Henry, lin. J. H. 1.44ader, Miss H.
It..liali, Mrs,: IS.z E. calnIthellt Mies Mo
Diekeon, Mrs..C. Webb, Mr. J. W. Mee,
-Viegr,- Mrs. T., Baeehler, Miss "Fern
Cranston, Mrs. :W.:`.:1,.. Buelianan, Ms.
E. mciA.40,014, av4s.* obaxies. Lockhart,
Mrs, Prank McArther, ' Mrs- B. Jerry,
Mrs. W. Newcombe, Mrs. J. AI; Graham,'
Airs. J. H. Fowler, Miss Hilda Smith,
lgrs4 W. A. 14, McDonald; and Miee
owep, ,4Colborne.: , . , ..
ars. R. Brewer was. named, to re.'
cei'Vesubscriptions to the Canadian
Nurse's' -Magazine,' ene a Program for
1945 was dratted, , • •
After the _meeting,. tea was serv.ed
from. ax,i_Artisticaly,arranged_Christ-
mas tdble at Wlifeh-M4S-. genrY-pented,
assisted by Airs, Oral* McArthur, Mr.
.I.....11. kowleroand Mrs. G. 111acwa
it .detenden were corralled 4and.led
away MS 'captives of ,virikr:
"MY MA and Last Prink" 1,
was Under the oPecia care, for the
44 or my' imlf-brOther Williara and
1114 comrade Tom Mitchell. whcan rmany,
Colborneites may remember irk later
Years AS A farmer lust aeross the road
from Zien church. Abon,t, noOn we ate
our lunch and, I was tbirsty. 1 went
to Qug of tilgilOnwortiYY refreahraellt
Omuta nearby to get a drink Of water.
I ,wae 3uat•111 tinete tiee ,MY teaCherv
Ur, Walkers Order a glees a Arter for
whiPli he paid five vents. I stood haek
a, little distance,_Wki-te be **heti higi,
drink and wiped .the feaM grew, 'bin
red mustache. When he disappeared
in the crowd I stepped Up, put a ,41inei
-which father;shad- glveu-me, �n tbe
crude counter and ao ed for e glue
of Porter. WhY not? 't rtes.elser had
One50. Who slunild know better than
hesvhat was good for thirst on a hot
day? If there. was any law. against
giving Intoxicants to minors- at that
early daissr sappose the. sight of mr,
thine° counteracted any qualms of con-
science the atteridant may, have had;
for the porter was set out before me.
I took a sip, it was sonte,wtko.t 'bitter,
but '1V-was_AjiqUid, • 94614411d
quenched- my thirst; .besides, it •cost
five cents, so I drank it to the last drop
and then went to my gpardiaiss„.•slish
sun- was hot . Seen ply eyes grew
'misty 'and ' everything Kneed to be
Whirling around. I lay back on the
ground and slept off my :first and;last
-drink. When X awoke the hillside was
' almost deserted except for nay faithful
and considerate guardians',
.SERIi OF SitoliT'
One to Be Held' in Each Township of
• net:County "
The agricultural office at Clinton
announces a series ofrltwo-day short
courses to, be held throughout the
January. The The subjects to be discussed
ire -soils and management, which will
include erosion,. crop rotatiOns, reforest-
ation, and many ether points relative
to the maintaining of our seals.
Instruction. will: ,also be 'given on.
mahltenalice •and up keep of tractors
and other implements around'. the farm.
There vilL be helpful hints on farm
machinery. ,9aalified veterinarians will
take ' Cattle and swipe • diseases
Which are fairly prevalent thrbughout
the ' count3r and will discuss control.
Measures - for the same. , There will
also .be discussion ou permanent' pas-
.tureg, method- seediug, and pasture
hoprovement. -There will be -one course
in each. township.- •
instructors will be : Harry .Strarig,
B.S.A., Exeter ;Gordon McGavin, Wal-
ton; %pr. Murray ,McLennon, .V.5„,
Wingliam ; Dr. Geo. Elliott, V.S., Clin-
ton; J. B. Matheson, B,S.,A.:„ agricul-
tural .representative, Clinton,
--Places and dates (aU n January)
are LIS follows: „
Dungannon, January 3rd" kind 4th;
Beigrave, 4th,„ 5th; „Morris Township.
Hall, 5t1i, (ith ; Ethel, `.8th, 9th; Wing -
ham, 9th, 10th; Gorrie, 10th, lith;
Carlow,.11th, 12th; Clinton, 15th, 16th;
andesboro, 1.411,_17th; Winthrop,...1.7th,
1$th ;. Sentiirtb, akith., 19th,
22nd, 23rd ;" . Crediton, 23rd,, 24th ;
Zurich, -24th, 2fitla ,Varna,' 25th,
Stratferd.Ooderick 'Coact'. Line
- •
12.25 p.m. an 5.05 pp. ,
Direct cianieidons to all points
r further information phone
British or' Bedford Hotels " Ot'llead
Office (30S)
'sporty and several good farm.
Let me show you some
bargains. ,Buy now:,
. Annual Fjnancial Statement of ..The
Royals Bank of Canada for the. year
ending November.30, 1944, reflects con-
tinued Progressin all principal, des
total ',assets and • deposits at record
levels and profitmoderately 'higher.
Total assets, showe at' $1,700;201,802
are the highest in the historyi of the
bank and compare With $1,509,097,571
n November 89i 1943. Total deposits
ve• inereased and en now at the
d figure a $1,676,884,699, repre-
an -lnaease forthe year, of
277;000,000: Deposits -bysthe
e " :Substantiallyhigher at
3, an increase for the year
0000,000. Indicative of
vote saving is the sub -
in,°' deposits by the
nterest, which now
PresSIVO total of
,$361,652,376 are
a year ago. ,Call
r. ,Current Loans
+1. at $201,624,281.
$277,021,237 °d
ie easy linaecial
cave horrewers
Ina prompt set -
der pedvailing •
,ontinued effect '
.deniond.: for
nada. The
' by an,
TheEintail *omen's Institute 'has
received. u 'letter from Gni. Damon.
MacKay (son Of ND. ,and Mrs. John
MacKay, Kintaili and a formes ,teaeher
is S•5. No, 3, CollsOme) acknowledging
• •
the recerpt of as -aft perces kie.
.• . •
in part: _ •
"I often think of the little hamlet
of Kintail, snuggled so nicely on the
hill, and where you are .alivays greeted
yvitha cheery Hello: I have seen many'
epots since I joined the army, but none
can eCatipare with the Piace•of ruy chlIcl"
hood, 1 have seen prettier placeS, but
the sincere and friendly faces ,�f Ash-
tield can never be replaced by-,ftowere,
fine. lawns and hedges.,,
"1 just received a bundle of 'letters
from pupils and teacher of IKintail
schols I enjoyed every line- ItSVag,
a very thoughtful gesture, ,
ta very, CapaanTilowint-
with milk and honey. 1 would just -
love to' get a feed of the aPples that
lie rotting on the, ground- at- home.
have paid nine cents for one -it had
size, but nothing else. 0 .
"I have had no leave since crossing
the -" pond but --anticipate- One -in- the
near futureand naturalli:vian to spend
It in Scotland. I was ne.v.er prouder
of being Scotch than I am now. The
Canadians always spend' their leave in
Donnie Scotland -.and. report- 4 good
time. It mays -he the lassies. I shall
find out for .niyself. •
"If any df you ladies Atould dare
write terrola-bachelar-likenntl-would
appreciate itvery mach. My- reply
might be tardy but I would do my best.
"The onlYnne I.hav.e -met from home
was -Keith Johnsten. He wentto the
Records Ofrces in London and Sound
onSfswhere 1' wag located. We had a
-Wee 'visit and a„ great deal to talk
about." . .
to Civilian Pursuits
'OTTAWADec.- Yuletide
season found this city, like other United
Nations capitals, in tehse concentretion
on the war.' This contrasted with "the
hopes of a few months ago . -When it was
forecast', that G.ennany wasnear defeat.
Though, WOkitillg •011great social and
economic, post-war programs, 'the Can-
adian .GovernMent devoted ifa atten-
tion to, military Problems arising from
the strong German ,counter-oftensive.
The power of the' Nazl. attacks and.
their , temporary seccels reclined to
maoy •obseryers here the repeated
Warnings Of Premier Kking that, ;until
the .war in' Europe isAing,ll'Ao`AVOn, it
Must ivinain the .prime •ritional task
both for. 'the Oabinet at •for the Call:
adian people t e C,JLC. 'hews"
bulletin of Den is he 'Os reported
warning the II Commons that
the • War. '•situ s• more serieug.
than cohld b
The turi in....sserotie may
delay C -ersion. :It has
been' e aniple, that in-
dustrl 1.4 output might„
(leen t halt of 1046.
No trance of this,
SJ yard release of
making eivilian
ardedS • • •
or a good part
War production
f 1044, the peak
(g this year food
Jed all prolong '
rts reached a
'e been thought
conditiong. •
)O0.Wen Paid,
for ',the Pension
• ,000 set aside
e sum of $432,.
d to the balance'
Pant, Wnich now
Meeting of the
-id at the Mad
*Unary lltlt lit
Nile Victory. liesigue.-Tlie Nile Vic-
tory League has been -continuing its
'very Creditable recerd. On December
18th it sponsored a very successful
danee in., the Dungannon PariSh Hall.
Everyone enjoyed dancing t� music
by the. Carruthers' orchestra: Pro-
ceeds from •sll these. energetic activitie4'
provide --bokes fox eleven local boys
overseas. A -Christmas token was'als
sent ' to each - of three lobe]. boyg sta-
tioned in Canada.The .Deceraber
report leaves' a • barance on "hand' of
$160.87: The annual meeting, -to 'be
held JanuarY 9ths,thesSecond ,Tuesday
-of--,the-monthr-will--be-in--the-, form of,a
'social eveniog and - will bp held in the
.Orange N,11e.
. •
(Exeter Ninies-4dvocate)
Sixty -8:x dollars and sixteen 'Cents,
hot (log money aiim dimes with the
exCePtion• of . the sixteen. cents, was
tendered at ., the locat branch of the
BanK•ot.moiltreat hi payment for taxes
on the hotel at 1)ashvvood • by Wm.
Gossinan Thursday ef last* week. .. Mr.
-Gossraan-runs a licit -dog-stand at
Grand Bend in the siurimer dine as well
as at some local fairs and the ;money
represented a lot of buns and weiners,
said Mr.- Gossman. They Were brought
to the bank in a fruit jr, but as the
bank- staff -was busy- _and .short -banded
Mr.-Gosgidati -had to have them
wrapped before the -bank would accept
(0initon ,News-Reeord) -
, The Clinton Ministerial Association
view Witli. disapprovl the proposed
,dance _sanctioned by the Councilon-
Monday, lanuary 1St, .at 1205.a.m., in
the Town Hall, .which belongs to, the'
people. This is heartily at variance
with the spirit -of the •Lard's Day.
• We urge all Christian. people * Clin-
ton to have nothing to • do with this
dance. .
President R. SISP, Buiteel, Secretary
Andrew Lane; C. O. 'Anderson, G. G.
. -
Barton, David Lane.
•- • : . .
(Walkerton Times -Herald)
sfaThseirsof :310-31M-CiUd'SE-Ireri,„
south-west of Mildoiey, apPeared be-
fore Magistrate P. W. Walker hi ,police
court at Wingliam last week en a
charge of neglecting to seild his
thirteen -year-old son to school. The-
caSe resulted from the report of the
-truant officer of the seetion and the
investigation of School Iuspector J. M,
_ which . reveeledsthats -the „ lad,.
during iii6 past ear had 'attended
classes only fifty-four per. cent: -of the
time. The accused, father pleaded
guilty to the clihrge,. and following,
stern lecture 'from the magistrate was
allowed off- on : suspended Sentence,
coupled with the Warning that should
the delinquency continue the Maximum
penAltir-ivilrbe iniposed.
FORTY 3/13,AR IN 140E811'100D
($4ettforth likpositor)
On Monday; Deceralier 18, Rev.
nussey, Lthe popular pastor of St.
James' ehurch, Seaforth, celebrated the,
fortieth 'anniversary of his ordination
to the priesthood, Mite congratulations
and felicitations' of not only his parish-
ioners but of all the cifi*ons of 86&*
forth and'district will be extended to
*Father HuSsey, with the added belie
that he Wit Stilhte with ,sts forty
years from 'oow. • °
110W TO PEOPLE TO Ciltjklie
.1 • (Kincardin(. News) •
The 'bell In the Anglican cherch
it Limes Ilead Will again be used for
purPtiSe for which it WaSiimstniled
LatObrit 11014 been used as a fire bell
mdwhen the rector rang it fork it
church .service 'ith'ens asseMbled
".11111ekit, belletieg them -was n fin in
lie VIII
CHATHAM; Dee. ,221.-ss4laithate
famous annual Christnias stunt lots
been carried out, Vitatw. Lauriston;
Chatham author, and John %Wither-
spoon Young have exchanged the rime
greeting eardS for eighteen years.
A delightful attnOsplieres ot festive
hospitality J1U 'the' 'health COO*
teeing and the aliditorinin At the Toiva
/fell On Thuritflay,afternoon last, when
ualer the suPervislon* of, Allis Aubra
()leavers public, health nurse, the pre-
school, children welts enteXtailLe4 at a
Christmas partY. ,
The rooms were 'bright with:decor-
ations of evergreens and poinsettias,
a gaily decorated, tree, and a table
CattVed Vatitt a Anacil* artf.W044
which outiggeor Ann" avd',.....Raggecw
Andy" were playing in front of their
sugar -block • house. Mrs, George
Schaefer poured .tea for , the grown-upet
and •waxeaeelated_bk Mrs. George Une-
liswart and Mrs. M. Uonry. The cold
of,. the ,,brisk Decemben, day 'WAS fOr4'
gotten as the mothers and others name
in for 'a 'cup ,of tea and a OW in the
cosy roma., . • • •
The big anditOri'Mn Was an ideal
'place for xe, children's party. Xle,re.
small. tablet,were eouveniently pieced
and at these tke little ones were served
chocolate- :Mint and cookies. During
the afternoon the little ones Presented
,a Pretty slght as they gathered around.
Miss Ann Wurtele and ,sang the elitist..
Inas carols familiar' to little children,
with Mrs. II. M. Monteith at the plants'
Miss Wartele, also Bang, "HoppitY" and
"In the Fashion!' of the Christopher
Robin. series; .and Miss,Parbara Henry
cOntributed- two .Takireciated .• piano
,Aeles; . s „
Then, -all at mice, Santa Claus ap-
peared.with his sack on his back, and.
the faces of the 'children were, pictures
surprise and delight ,as' he greeted
ach one end presented " all Witll bags
of cautlY. , - •
. The ladiesabsistin. in the auditor-
ium were Arks., E. H(11111, Miss•Marion•
.MacKay, Mrs. Reg. Bridle, Mrs. Russell
premien. and Mies Gladys Selling.
Mr. George Seliiefer, chairman • of
the Beard of..Realth, and Town Clerk
S. H. Blake came in for a cup of tea.
-.:I.LApr4 op:- BOTraigELD
• ,,
A .youngar adiansis bronght into a
-medical st Sonsfiveshitadied-. yards -0, -
hind. the front lines He can -not :.inaVe
or' speak: „11T-4S,paleas death, forsnost
Of the ,bloOd in his body . has drained
away through his wound. . .
The: .doctor at-sthe medical station
places a hollow needle in ,a.vein inside
the patient's right elbow. A rubber'
tube connects the needle to a reservoir
of plasma. "Slowly the -color creeps
baek hitb the soldier's skin, his eyelids
flut*er, and before long he wants water
and a ' cigarette. - Within4-those few
moinents he has been literally snatched:fronadeath. , • , . , --
By Means of tiloed phisina, thousands'
a 'Canadian .servi men Who otherwise
Would the .-arelielg restored to life.
The: plasnia is , used on- ,the battlefield
in large quantities to treat, burnS, ' In
ca -se. of 'extensive. 1311.131$ much of the. ..
away lute •
tbe, blood stream
fus,topit given repeate4...1' for
four limp* are naemsaa.ri
Tlas thee easentlala Sa at,
by plasma are that the
must be given early, tiler /0014
aS(1 they Mind he adequate. The
sseeleal. carpal/$."0144' 0*
iirSt two requirements.The lat
Pends On the getterio of Canadians
at home. Red Cross blood dollar
need 20;000 donation & week to *OW
up w#44, AeWan
, .
The death oCeurred at St. Paul,
Minn.; et Timinas W.sretheringha44
native Of X3rneefle141., at the'' age of
sixty-eight yeas, , MrriSt,hgringhaln
attee4ed:tne tileaforth.Collegiate 4nati-
tAte. and iP4ter gtadilai.04
,04t0 Oollege of harmacy.
Paul he ';exigabge(1-4. 'the" re
neafuess. He is sUrvived
and a ,daughter, both of St Pani,,,
by three sisters, Iiirat. Ale*. PlUtt4p., ,
Dtlpieps, Ws. Alex. Monteith ,4134 14;$g
rra.nces Potheri4glia,0% of KIppoA-
Try a ClaSsi0ed M.. in .,The
Surprisingly fast, Nicks Va--tro-nolt-za
. few drops up each nostril=works right
where trouble is to open up your,
nose -relieve stuffy transient onges-
* tion that makes it hard to get to sleep.
Yciu'll like the way it 'brings rejief..
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The lives of many young petiple are made:miiier...
able•by the •breaking out of ,pimples, and you probably -
know of ,cases ,where a'promising romance has been
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, The trouble is not so much physical pain) but the
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Often makes the sufferer ashsoned to go out in conipap3r. - , "
The quickest wayto ,get rid of pitopli is to immove the general health
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_Bundock Blood Bitters helps to cleanse the 'blood and with the blood
cleansed the complaion, should clear up, ' ,
Tho T. Milburn 00., Limited..Totoutua Out..
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