HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-12-28, Page 1GOPERICII, ONTARIO, TITUESDAT, EMBEU28t
aildidateo MENTION
for Cllnton Reeve
,q0ntreSS far RA. 41.
itTeXiii0p, gay and
Gr4Y 1P)1/3101iPfr-
*ating Will be 'held in tour Harei
ninnicipalitioe On NOW Year's Day--Oor
the 0 i i ee of iraeve, carrying a Seat :in
tbe•Ceiaty•-.64yeuncil. Reeves Falconer
• 'et Clinton, and Dorraece of MOK11101)
ha?te 01)Peettimt. In Ray .toWnshiP,
where Beetle Armstrong is retiring,
there are ttit or aSphantp. ki Grey
• tewnahlP Itsleve Thos. O. Wilson is
. dropping out, •and Deitattr Reeve Alex-
ander is 041414 for the reeveahiP,
withJohn McNabb as his opponent.
Centeet at Cibtton ,
"*. Clinton has ii three -cornered fight
for the reevesitip this year. The pre-
sent reeve, Victor .D. Faregner, is 0P -
Posed by Melvin °rich and Wt
Lobb. ' • t:,
Por.councillors(apt to he elected),
the candidates .are _Sohn R. -Butler,'
'James' Chbwen, Albert Shaddlek,
Ernest Brown, G. W. Nott, 0. U. Epps,
• "Ar.,St McMurray,..N.W. yrewarthatand
t • • •
t Mayor. Agnew was re-elected by ac-
demation,• •
• 71Seaferr
•' At Seeforth • Mayor John I. elate
• ,, was 'returned by acelamatieri for an -
•other term. Reeve J. F. Daly alto was
re-elected, • • • •
• A Poll will be neceesery for the
election of six conn,eillors, the can-
didates being . S. E. Iteitting R
••••••.' 'Parke, Frank Isaae • gudson,
Merton Reid Norman „Hubert and H.
10. Sntith. • „ • ,
•• Hay •
George Armstrong has, retiredt-from
• the .reereship• of 4-Tlay toweship and
contest for the keere's chair In
.1945 is between Roland Geiger .'and
• sixFonronithineaftiooniitseounuteilojllors4111NLireore.4wutteure,;
• _ _ _ _ . •
7•11434, . Sanwa. Ilentirjek *and t Ervin
• -Willert. ' '" • • ,
Nnmination for fsvo additional to it-
tteldlors will be held at Zurich
ary 5th, •with polling on January 15t,h
• if necessary. Grey
4:•:Oontest for
reeve told eouneillorst Alex. Alex-
' ander, the present ..deputy •reeve, and
John McNabb are In the field for the
ree:veShip„ Stanley =khan takes 'the
deputy-reeie'S'--eheit by ...aitlaraatr"
For the three Suite as tOimeillori8;,there.
are four Candidates: Geo, C. • Mac-
Donald, Clifford E. Rdwiline, Bert
jehnsten, antIt-Thomes Ward.- * •
'-!--Exeter -•
Eleetions Itt• 'Exeter' were by
acclamation. • • tt°•-. • •
-411eimon - •
• Councillors -Henry Edwin
t Dignan, 3. Wellington Herb-, -Aaron-
3. Weitzert. • • •
• . • Scheer Truateestiarselt, .Hopper, B.
Earl, Russell, Sohn •
Public ..tiblitteS ,Oonintissioner
Harper Rivera.: • •
• • • . Teekersmith
All by acelamatibn-
• Reevett-Arthur :Nicholson.
• o.un ors-tt aro -- -tic son, gee
• Robertson, Charles 'MacKay, J. ,W,
• • -School Trustees -Hugh McChesney,
. Alex.. Lidice,' jalaca ,Caniocbari., •
• ' 71f)Tibignii.T, -
All by accialeation.-
• Reeve -Hugh. Berry.
,•Ituncen, Wm.
-Ellerington, 01a -rite, . Fisher, Oscar
••Tuckey. ' ' '
'•-• •' •
MeKillop township have an
• eiettioa. • on New, Year's Day. " Can--
•' • For ReeVeHX., R. Dokrance, Peter 10.
• Maloney.," • • , , • •°
Beuernitinn,.Ge •
• 'CamPlIell, ' Albert ° •Hatriaon;• Pra
,Harvey -Earl MRS,
Matthew Murray
i• StanleyAlT ' •
- Reeve -John Pepper. • • • , .
• _. • tgeunciilerit-Eiitter Webster, , Chit -
Watson. ‘,7. ,*
•• Morris
• Council'. of 1944 returned by ac-
• ,ciamatica.
• ; Reeve-t•Cecii Wheeler. •
eill -Mi • ".
•Coultee, Harvey' Johnston, Wm. Speir:,.
' Brussels :
All by acetamatiOM
-' • Reeve --,Robert /30Wrean...•
OopittettlorSt4t; B. COSetis, *L. W.
.Dreivar, ran_ Mac-
Donald, • —
Utss- Grace Itilsias, of TOr0140, was
amotig the Ohristmae *hitters ln toWn.
tlisa Xiithleen' Maawati is home
from Toronto for the ChristMes
vacation. • •,.-) • '''
-.Alta, W. p,'Aboll bee gone. to Toronto
to .W0; the arrival Of lid son, Sack,
front oversease , • •
Btute .0r; of 'the R.0 F,
Uesday with his father, Mr, Bielimoad
Orit-t and Mt*, •Orr,
Mr 0(0)2044.414 'Wag Edith Corn-
field have gone .to 'ldianit • Beach,
Floride, for the winte4
'Atm C.. A. 'Wellet Bayfield teed
will celebrate her ninety*,tiret birthday
.Suntitty, January, "Tth..
taajer„ 1 R, and tlir13. Noire, •of
Loudon, , spent' the Christmas liolidaYs
with their relatives itotown.
Miss- Olive Goldthorpe, of Termite,
was the guest over Christmas of her
Slater, Mrs: Ve. G. Macirwant
Mr, and Mrs, At. Jarvis, of Oshawa,
spent the holiday with the "latter's.
Parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Mutch. '
• Lieut. and. Is, A. j. Stubbs spent
Christinits holidays., with Mr. and. Mrs.
Colin Patterson, GitaleOter Terrece.
Miss Evelyn Kett of Toronto spent
Christmas• 'With. 'her ..uncle and annt,
Mr., and Mtst,S. Treble, Picton stieet,
'MO..' Albert Taylor received,„"tt,"..Teable
from Mrs.' %II:ever %email, atingUnehig
erarrive sng an -on ecena er
M -r. and' Mrs. 1, W. 'Eider' Of Sttat- lapt.- Ian M • Grant
ford were 'Christmas visitors With the
latter's parents,. Mr. and Mra, • 811Robert
Turner. • . , itthed SOldier Well ICAOW11.
. miss Mary Bisset, of 'Ottawa, is ,-Kintalt--Mother Native
spending the holidays With her parents, • " * .of 14loknoVr t°' •
Ur. and Mrs. •Gordon Bisset, Saltford - • „..
Heights. •
•MiSS Claire 34isset, or the Unliersity • Dec. 20.--pnusual in Can-
ett Toronto, is at the hhomee of her a.citen annals,a Distnguished
pafeiits,. Mr. and Mrs. William Bisset,. Servle Order ° has .been awarded a
for the holidays . ..„ Junior officer -Capt. .123.e, MacDonald
Miss Maeyieat•
and „miss' Giant,' of VancOuver and Victoria;
'Isabel Matheson, Of the -Weiland Public. Three livers Tank•RegimeneLtand the
Scheel -staff; are spending the hoildatra' reason .for' the departurefrom nognial
at their reePective• home, here * • eommenidation is .ehewn the-eltatlen :V..' Marion- Quald
There was a large attendance and an
elaborate pregrara at the Christmas
entertainment of S.S. No. 6, Colborne
(Satford), on Friday night last. Rev.
L. H. -Tenter, of _Vietdriastreet United
church,••was in the Chair.
Severaf_choteses were sung by the
pupils .of various grades, and recite -
tone were giver! by Kenneth- Wilson,
;Marlene Liningtoe, Doreen -Lamb, Rota,
Audrey : McCabe, , Arnold
Mitchell, Leonard Senkins and Arnold
Lamb. Tifere wete several shortPlays,
Mr. ArdeiAitigen, of London, visited
his , sister, MIN Rose Aitken, to
' Miss. Ileien ./loWard, Of -Ptrout04,
spent Christnass. with her iuother, Mrs.
Miss Lily MacArthur, of - TorOutio,
Decorated Trees, Light and Color,
Menu, "
Santa; .
AleXalldr Hostile'. Was gaily -deeer-
ated with everereenS, ...poinsettias and
Christmas trees fgr the festive Season.
As visitors :entered the 'main Corridor
out of the chill Detemlier air, warm
feeling born of .the Christi:nes spirit
greeted them Christmas trees in the
-arthe end ofteaelr halt gwee
• 2 J. FL' murPhY, -formerly - Of announced with sixteen- others' by _ et* Benson Itiehl;,and A tableau, "Away flte• festive Air to the interior. In the
Sky Harbor and nettr'-a-V•ttiatiting levee Headquarters here today. ' a -manger," by senior pupils. Other, mein public' wards were large trees',
Depot, Toronto, 'spent the eeristraas Only twenty-four, Grant, took the
holidays Witht, his*wife and••babr•heree initiattee when senior °filters were put
Wren. Anee Limbrolight0n, of men6* out of 'action, defeated least two
N,I3„ and Wren. Florence MacKay, enemy teen:ter:attacks and assured the
of Medicine Hat,i Alberta, were the piercing of the Tradraene Line in Italy
guests' last Weektet Itirki. W. G. Mae- last June,.
Ewan. t. • • • t• Military circles said that ordinarily
Miss Eileen, ltgagan of London and a Military Cross award went, to junior •
• Miss • Mary Peagan or. waileeebtitg ,o-facere for gallantry, „With the Victoria
were Ghristents guests with: °toss being given in exceptional eases
exits, Mr. and.Mrs. Geo: Feagen; FAiren The D.S.0; is usually given to officers
084 • „, •:_• .of the rank of major and higher who
• • • .00 Mrs-. E. Thruet received a havft responsibility of taking initiative
mespage,--on Wednesday from their .son, in battle. _However; in this 'base; Grant
Sgt. Harold Turner, stating he was in took over wheel his superiors' tanks
New York on his waythente_onittliittp. aed-ttte•titatfon._•says
'day ' leave. • . • in part: •••' t •
Miss Sane 7frells of London was eTee, , .040;daring, initiatj.1%; ,eqm-
eirrIgifirtirgOd with her mother,-MrS.,plete-distegatd. Lorhis„personal safety
O. A. Welis, and with Mr. and Mrs. and- SuPerb - leadership' displayed by
,Charles Hunt, who • 'are, spending the Capt. Grant in the face • of terrific olds
winter •With Mrs., Hunt's 'mother,. Mrs. :and, under metderous .fire was Of • the
Wens. . highest ordee.and-msuited,..in the eb-
-Rer: and Mrs.. Lawrence H. Turner jeetive being -gained, the piercing Of
and daughter, • - orate Marie, were the Trasimeno Line, the Collapse of at-
christmat gneets, with 'Mr: and Mrs. least two counter-attacks, -which un -
Albert Keays of. Exeter . and spent doubtedly saved a squadron. (of tanks)
ChristMaS night with •Miss Keays of and Its -ticcompanying .infantry freak
Dashwood, • heavy losses in tanks and men.
te; Ar erVettiltW
f.tertien and 41,s, sister, Mitt. Wes.. Corky - "Further, personal- example was
•Brantford. pent Christmas'with such lIlil IiiisPiration, Tie” the* Men under
their parents, 'II:eve-and Mrs.. W. '111. his command, that they. were .able to
'MeQuigghi, at the Free .Methodist carry the figh-tovertimarlyluiSurmount-
'Parsonage. able obetaeles inteatheyery ,eenfre-iif
Wert' has been reeeil;ed, here of the heavily defended locality." '
death in England of LAO., Erie Butter?, The citation .ran. More than .• 000
fotinerly stationed at .Port Albert. Mr. words -one of the longest of this war.
Betters and his wite_wereinembeise°:Of -Briefly, Grant's,seeior Officers were put
Knox elinreh while here- Besideg.bitt',Out Of action.- and he 'pressed on with
wite„ lie leaves:a young 'sere •Michael. an attae.k With inferior forces and with
Mrs,. J. E.. 'Whitely .spenttchristnies both Banks exposedby his regiment's
.Teronto with her .'sen-intlaW and losseatt Down to, threetanks, he scored
datighter,,,Flt.-Lt. and Mrs. • Charlton; 'heavily on 4t,,„.elieng, yid' made the,
"andtrett-ltet-retern-twasraccompanied-te-ninetrarre -"- -7' -7- —
,bir'ltifist3 Ethel Whitely, who is spend- . When, counter-attacks developed he
big the holiday, week, here with' her beat- theta, of and when theenemy
other. . • ' • tried to infiltrate into his lines he got
. Mr: Rinaldo Wigle, of London,, and on feet and audaciously pointed out
P/0. Charles • at _Ment the advaneing-grotips_'.te •his tankinen,
. Joli; .Quebec, spent Christmas ,' With who polishea themtott
their mother, Mtg. E. R. Witefet Their •All the time he was- eirptiPed te heavy
younger brother, Hubert, left on Tues- fire and. `teseririod. injury and death
day for London to train.: .as a ship's time and again." He beat Off Other
writer-. witly`thet.ThOtNATA-t---t attitektt4iinCtlien leek the'lnittle to the
Mr.:ainterire. S. Carter, Britoil:Ala enemy, forcing him to 'retire and`asstit-
road,' Were the recipients:, of a beauti- ing consolidittien of. the Canadian
.ful gift, On the 'Occasion: of theft thirty.- position. . ' '• •
fourth wedding -aneitterseryi it being All the 'awards had bee& announced
the birth of their 'first 'grandchild, born .previously, when there. was some
16 Oa- and Mrs,d'hiL, Carter- at Sum - speculation as to the reason. for the
metsiee, P101., on December 20th-•t,a D.S.O., for Grant,•
son, Bean. •••••••
Captain Ian MacDonald °'Grant • of
RANK' LANDS Vancouver is a' nephew Of Dan Mac-
Donald, Kilian. lie is the SOU. of
Leslie MacDonald and the late John
Grant: Ills/Mother Was horn in Miele,
no*, but at an early age Went 'with
her parents to Vancouver, Ilie father
was a veteran of the first World War
and died from leltiries received' at that
time.' " •' •
• Ian _haet•been...in_the service,fot,four
Years .art(17 when -stationed- at Niagara
he visited his -uncle Dan in glutei'.
Ilis friends -here are mad to •hear of
outstandinghOnor conferredupon
Reeve -A. .111
Deputy Reev
For Councillo
• .
• All by ac
Thonatt'S lio
• Clark -
School T
The She
vaded oiir
efl. from t
o'on huntle
he block 1,
• and about
huntera' gun
was consider
, needay
• several yea
• letift Z0810
• fortunate a
4:Vining day's
brOtte her
letter• appeared in the
s approval of Xt.
s 'analysis of the,:
roent editiOrb
old the, Mis-
e' ',Seidler
Otld War
SP. GEORGE'S cutunpll
-annual candielighr.service was
• St. George's church on Christ-
ve 'this year and proved to be
lar as ever, for the ehurch
filled for the event. •'
utiful service of. praise vas
red by a large 'and' effieient
the time-honored 'hymns and
heartily enjoyed, ttS was'
ir shwas anthem, •• St.
Ile of the most beauti-,
ae, lends itself well
. Candles werebutrt-
-the ehureh, at .the
enty-four candles D-
utiful altar,, while 'the
r above it shed its
table whiel was
Wf) to unie-
umber of &tin;
aided tor two
7 the reetor
*MOW set -
nuraherst were a Scotch reel by senior
pupils; songs by two •little guests,
Mary Turner and Bobby Fowler, and
se'lections by the ititiOr pupils' Rhythm
13t ail.Adsp• lend -id exhibition of.:-tole'red and
moVing ..pictures Was • given by Mr.
pItreerfalw.. Henry ani,.1 was greatly .7-
• The -arrival of Santa Claes was en-
thusiastically -gieetee, and after the
distribution* of . gifts, oranges. and
candies the Program was brought to a
eonclusion with the singitte. tot the
National *Anthem;
'MUM -credit ,isi'dae---thetleaeher ef.
the school, Miss Rose Bowra, for the
training of the childremin their seteral
bright with tinsel ane ,color ; „ and
smaller' ones- Were in Many of the
private rooms. , Greeting cards to
patients' were pinned -up. on sereen.and
their gift paree•ls piled around pear.
their beds.
The -Christmas menu included roast
goOse _and plum pudding with an the
triniiiings,, ,Each patient's *tray held
a red rose; the gift of the Maple Leaf
Chapter, 10 D and a little faney
basket of candies. These with Christ-
mas paper serviettes; and small 'Pine
Cards witlrb,olly-decoration Were added
tenches .e,C brielitness for those who
wete *ftteed" to stientr-the day in -bed
away from 'mule.
The forty-ene patients seeinell bright -
and,' happy .and the superintendent,
• ivEtEti. OF -PRAYER Miss M. Dickson, and the whole staff
did everything possible et aed: to the
• The follOwingarrangeMents have Christmas atmosphere. . ;• •
-been-made-by' the Goderich Mintsterifll Other -gifts recetved were a plant and-
Asseciation, for the observance of the seer laroP or .:06,11.hroeek. room from
Week of Prayer: . - Ahmeek _.Chapter, I.O.D.E.,, and. - sub-
Watchnight service,. Sunday,' Deeem- seriPtiong to MacLean's Magazine and
ber 31,st, at 11. pp., in St.: Gearge's the Reader's LIigeSt; chocolates for • the
Anglican church. • Sermon by Rev. W. patients.. in the • public, wards, and
H. Dtuib r theatte tickets for each member of. the
Tgesday, January -2nd, 8 p.t.n., service whole staff, from the Womeres Respite
presbirteriautehuteht, •Serinen Auxiliary,
by „Rev L IT Turner.' Offer gifts reetWed-Weitt-Ptarte-for
Wednesday, January • 3rd, 8 iLILI the nurses, from Dr.. W....F.• Gallow;
itetorie street TIniteCchurch. Sermoe,_chocolates„, and_tcandies, _ from. Bin*,
by Rev. Richard Stewart. . • . stone's; " chocolates, F.. E.' Hibbert,
*Thursdatr, •January 4th, 8, p,an., Bab- oranges and magazines, Mrs. E. W.
tist • churth., • Sermon by Rev. R.- IL' Carrie ; subscription to -Life, magazine,
Turnbull: 1. Dr. St, -,M. Graham: ice cream, Bisset
Friday, January 5th,, 8 p.m:, _North Bros.; large baskeepf.freit• and candies
street United church. Sermon 'bY.R.ev. for patieets and Staff frbln a friend
Jos., Janes. ; cbocomates E E, Cranston ; basket of •
No -service will 'bt tt.d On. Monday. fruit :for the . nursing staff, Dr. N..
eight The offering e11.1., be given to Jackson; grapes for the Ward patients;
orphaned missions. The ministers of Mrs. B. J: Saults; $1,;_fitan Mrs. Amos
Godefich appeaffo-th-Feldientilti
port these-Serviees by their prayers and received by staff and ,patierits. '
• ,
their attmidance. An appreciated gift t� the nurses
was a. desk fO"r-charts;•rnade by Charles
STOCKINGS WILL ' Barket, item "an old( onewhich was
NOT. BE. RATiONED, fornioriy. In the -effice Thls of fine
oak and has compartments for the
Consumets MCA 'UnderstaneThe're is chart files, and plenty of drawer...space.
It repived the former table in ,the
-Stating tliat the 'Wartime Prime, and •P-Ro§t:s#*•0-hlrisilinya's Eve Santa m46;
Trade Hoard is not •
. . a, Limit* te .cirorao:lidueerti:: kown.
ing stockings; '.Donald Gordon, -Beard vzsltedthe institution and distributed
chairmanhas issued an, appeal to
pareels sent 7 by friends to- the Ward
* •
patients and had a happy wet(' ter all
Canadian woradatto their ;put- 'heWrere' Wellenough-to. 'greet 'hits:*
chases to the "absolute minimum" lii
end • the nurses not on ditty had a'
1/.1excliielrittineetititasv.allable. suppliesitay. meet
nie,rry party tilar night at the
.„1ProdUctiOre figures' show that pate- '.'eF4dente•
Oddly the -seine. number of stockings - • .
were' produced- this, year as , in 1 43.
The "palliated- eivillaeproduction for NOVEMBER AND -DECEMBER
this. year Is 3,400,000 dozen pairs, com- „ ' :•. . -
pared with _3,445,0e0 dozen pairs ID -The Red Shield reports the -following
1943.. W'omen's ihilitary . stocking . .rticles shipped to heaequatters • at
qUitements • for this year , totalled Tot:Onto in November And, December:
10000:dozen pair. ' TO pairs 8004.5 atUitS, 4 pairs sen-
making the-annotnicement regard- meleeseabeet stodkings,..5 lielinetS,
nig stockings Mr. arden said, this sweaters, and 43 miseallaneauS articles.
sixth year of wet* there are mere,press-, Also .for rehabilitation: , 48 &lichee's-
ing •problems than . that of produeing shlps,46 children's panties,. 10,
unlimited quantitiesof full fashioned renes dresses,. 10 ehildren's sweaters-,,
stoekings.The repent call, from the
Western front for-inore guns and shells
should Make civilian Coesnmers realize
that war industries mii.St have priority,
OA available roanpoisier. • Consumers
will simply have to understand' that
there IS a, limit to what ' tau lid' Pro-,
(Weed, This coMitry'•eannot support' a
war effort of the magnitude undertaken,
by. Canada and at the same thee meet
the InSittiable demands '444 -lug .from
the swollen purehasing power of coe-
Sinners in wartithe."
viees, which wete held at 8,30 a.m. and
10,20 . • .
There 'will . be no servio .tat 7.00 on
Sunday next, owing to the fact that a
united watch night settle* haS been
arranged. for St. "Georges Sunday
-evening.-at 11 Welock, This Will be
the, first of the berviees for the annual.
week of *Yet and itis earnestly
hoped that the people o denotnin-
atione- will _worship In this veelall
service to.offer up thel .prayere for
vkitory In the neat tutu and, for the
peace of the World. •
9 children's nighties, 8 • ehildren's
• Ptlainas, 4 pair ehildreels. sticks, .
ladies' eighties..
The members acknowledge with
grateful thanks the following t $30, 3
1 child's Skirt from 6th
concession group, •Colbothe, , (Mrs. 11.
11. Baer, eortvener) t 2 quilts from X,ee-
burn War Workers; 2 quilts from Ash-
field Patriotic Circle; 8 bath robeS, and
pair Weol sock s from, MRS Atale
Bissett: 3 pair child's Mitts ,anti, 1,cottt
front Mrs. • C. tebb; 2 Weol Scarves,
Miss IlesSie Waite; X edit top for crib,
Mts. 3. Itiach; 2„sinall and 1 large
quilt, ,Mrs. A. Pester.
Thotigh. a Slref4te.Mr£4. Knuckle, St,
Patrick's street, donates •regulatly. to
the -soldier boxes, '
Pour „ boi..•es are being Packed for
December. e
Of , interest - were four ehildren's
filtirts, With tops, Made .frora one large
old-fashioned wool skirt, Whieh were
On dimpley at the lett meeting. Doer&
bet 22nd. They Were %natio /by qtrsi.
A. Kneeshaw. Marti of these dfs-
carded, gantiontg ean be need to food 'Toot*, I)«'. 2!.......23
ilotsheet Paircitgeb•Beffifittrr' It"' ;14)....b!,rt wiTrilther.epegreeptleaoftheCioddeaerletto:haotvote-leameirtot ;:r.
Ansa aeitii,}14AWIdUe Of Lcad011 spent,__, .
TICilarralitr BawYllitehlti° ic)ettrfri.)xt"-tter'.- Mrs Mason,
411daftys.)?!le,Tewilltbliegha%*tit tikiiIrre. Odrilatlib,14 .INV9"4"'
Mr . Janes Garrick of Windsor Vent Rotel, Whore be was stayint. • Mr..
Christmas w19.3. Ms mother, I$Irs. $0rVai udson bad 4,,seriotto woo. a yeat
Serinigeour .bturon , ,
Mr. and iirs. Orval Lobb, Clinton,' 114-0 'was 00144u. flo
spout. Christmas Day with the latter's,
mother, Mrs. J. V, Thomson.
pte, Enunersou ,Wilile, Of /pporgrash.
Oanap,. spent CitriatmaS with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs.
Miss Virginia. Chatnney of Windsor
is spending _ Christmas oud,P,Y.0
with, Mrs. M. Blacx, Newgate street.
Miss Vera Wilkins of Malton. spent
the'holiilay-week.end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Filltins,' 00: Gloucester
Terrace.. _
Kiss 1.,neine Patterson is none troln
Toronto to spend the Christmas vaca-
tion with her patents; , Xt. and Mrs,
T. -It. Patterson. „
Mrs.: E. T. "„Linnell,', (Jean MacDon-
aid) was alolidaY visitor at. the home
•Welland Spent the holiday veeklend
with the latter's patents; Mr. and Mrs.
:Waterloo. street.
Miss Edith •Ttielor, of the Girl Guides
headquarters Staff, Toronto, spent the
holidays with her. parents, Dr. and
Mrs., Wardlaw „Taylor. /for a•nlipabg -Of years he Was with Tho
c n
lliaminet at liar0e,'And:in the Sululner
Qf 1930h'e eamejo Poderieh.Here ho„'"
was ' connected .at -various times with,
•The.Signal„ The Star and the.amalgain,
ittee.Signal-gtar,, and also ,neted'
correspondent. for the daily papers.. • -
s on c' his ae cl" SudburywA• I 1. 114):rtliheern'sta,!1,'OtrLIO.
'Partienlarly...hoelcey,' and_ woa.
secretary of the Sudbury Hockey Club •
s?esumpitaedi bis
sor zowysepar rmwonothsrk *4'1lb:wiz
fairly well Unta a few days before, ,
death., Ile was widely known as
, e
clever newsphper. reporter and
respondent. •.had, a ieraar
faculty for getting news, and was ilW•
surpassed presenting it in' stAe.
that attracted and pleased readers. '
Et:ell in, times of illness his mind con.
tinned its activity, and he turned out
copy"- in a .toattner that few re*Ortelle
in the pink of condition could equal,
...wrote': several,. articles for Iast
week' Signal -Star, [tiniest the last One
beinmg the,iskefeh of Sergeant-"Seett7','
MeDeugall.. ,
TO_ was in , his fifty-eighth Year.
-Born at Walkerton, son of the late Mr, '
(I- Mts. David MaSolt-Te-thetfaa-hia--
newspaper "career on the° old Walker-
ton • Telescope. For • twenty years
was at ,,SiadbilrY', and North. /447,•'.
associated, with his lirother, W. E.,
'Mason,' publisher of The Sudbury •
Star and The North Bay Nugget. Then ,
:L/W. Donald -Wiggins,..R.O.N.V.R.:
and Mrs. Wiggins; of London, silent
the. Christmas lio4deys 'with ' the
fomer'so mother, Mrs; ,John. Wiggins.
LAO. Harold Ganley, of the
.stationed Jarvis,. Oat,' speAt the
Christmas season with, his mother, Mrs;
WM. .,GefaleY, and other relatives ..in
town: •. • • °
Mr. and ars. Nviiiiara Baby of Tor-
onto spent the •Christmas holidays with. when the -Sudbury- -team was. at the
thelatter'irmethe; Oht1s. Sander-
son, and brothetKtItlesars.-Harry and
Bert Sanderson, - • '
Fit., Sgt. Donald Croft, Mrs. Croft
and son, -4arrie, and., Mr. 'and, 111rs.•
Maxwell EdwatdPf al Of 'London, were
Christmas gaeits With the ladies' par-
ents, Mr. and MIS. •0. M. Robertson.
••• Mr. Ed. Fisher, Who teturned recent-
ly from. the ,West, -has been ° spending
the Christnias season in town With
hit sister, Mrs. Seines Gallagher, -awl
leaves today to , SPend- some • time at
Eketer. - •
• Wren, Doreen . R.C.N., Of
lailmoriten, stationed at Ottawa, was te
Christmas .gtlest with .lier aurit, Mrs,
George; Murabit,-7tind• Mumbit- an
Ethel Elder.-
Mt. and. Mrs. 13, _AV. , Smith of To,r,
onto have been spending the Christmas.
season with the former's parents;lr
and Mrs: JO. Smith, of town, 'and Mrs.
Smith's parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Sanford
-Lawlor, 'Auburn. •
Miss Peggy -Hay, Of the • 'University
•of Toronto School of NursCig, and
Mr. John Hay, of the • •University"
Medical S.ehostl, are spending the
Christmas holieays with their parents,
'Arr. and.Mrs W: A. Hat%
r. an .t arence ns on
Windsor and daughters, Barbara and.
Doris spent ttlie7Week-end,:iteith _th-erF
parents in town. 'mrs. Johnston Att
tended 'the funeral of her Arandfather,
Ttiof3. Pennington..
yisitors with MrS...JeantPaterson and
Mr.tt,and grs. • Roy Serimgeour at
Christmas were Miss Lucille Rochon of
Detroit, Misses Myrtle aai Anne
Snider of London, Spr, Harold „Pater-
son of Londonand Pte. Calder Patersen,
of Petawawa.•
S. jack Howard, R.C:X.V.It, -of
"Cornvvallis,'! • and Mrs.
thiw artl-were-thetguests--o-f-the-rdrintet
.mother, Mrs. R. .31 Howard, at the
weekend. '" Mrs. Howard, - who has
bemewitleher husband .at Digby; N.S.,
will join. the...teaching staff of the
public school at Elyth att. re-oPen--
ing, Sanuarit • ,
" A.Y.P.A. held its aniffial Chtiat-
etas party in the GtVie, teem of St.
-George's ...parish 'hall , on' .Wednesday
evening' last; with goodly'etnitber of
the, young people, present. .'Phe event
itltogethet ...different this year,
inasmueh. as all were the guests of
*Miss Ada Fatrant, oric , et .its :honored
inembets: • , •
• -Some weeks ago 'Mi'ss Parrinit kindly
offered to be • hostess to the At'Cit.A,
nienthers' _ herself' and; ,She acted this
capaeity ie a most. graelotts and `genev!
OoS Manner. Thejnentr coesisted of au
abundance. of • milk -fed roast .„'ehiolcon
with taco vegetables, ; Ontistratis
coffee',,fruits, etc, During the swept*:
retmst the presideet, Mr. Hateld.
Shore, firePOSed-the-tetist -the hostess
and the rector added a few Words of
congratulation- and. thanks: :MISS...Pat-
rent' Suitably roiled and the tenipaitt*
standing. , arOund the gaily deeorated
table meg lustily "For 'S'lies a doily
rgood feiloW." ' ;• •
Miss , BettY: Oamfg.iell ably -assisted
Miss" Vanua in Serving the Meal*. A
>good 'Program of games arranged. by
MissesXorma :,11tittbar and ' lielen
eVnlidoeyaend. afterwards" ()roughly
, The last -A.11)4. Meetiug of 1944
will long ,be ,temendiered by all Its
teniperatures of the welt week in
Gotletich, with those of the eorre#060'.
Ing Week a year ago, us onicinily re-
eerded, worc as follow
1#)44 100
AtuX, Min, Max. Vin.
Thurs,, Dee. 21 ....31* 10 • 32 . 22
Fri., Dee.' 22 .,....20 15. .` 12
Sat, Dee. 23 ..,...24 '41T*4- 17 4
Sun., .Dee. 24 :„..,.2et 14 . 22 15
Mon.. Doe. 26 22 24 22
17 29, 22
Sd 21
height ef, it starry 'career.
• lie Was not Married.- He is survived
lay two. brothers, W. 10. Mason, .01.
Sudbury, and George?, of Gan* and two
sisters,- -Mrs. .Marjorie McLellan and -
Mrs. S. H. Italie/lord, both of !Galt.
The rema4ie are being taken to
Galt- for interment in the faMily- .pIot
in MountvieWeemetesy. . The funeral,
service will be-condueted, by. Rev. W11-
liara Welker, Of 'Knox church; Galt, -
at the Little funeral home, on:Satur-
day at 2.30 o'clock.• "
MT. • George Mason daid ..Mr. S. Et.;
Rutherford . Were in °Godericit '104411
making the necessary arrangements.
, •
The annual joint •installation ' •Of •
Maitland (Goderich) and Morning. Star -.
(Carlow) Masonic'. Lodges was held:,
Wednesday night, 'pecenabet 127th,
the masonic TeMple, Goderich.', • . • ,
11t. Wet. Bro. H. 0. Dunlop cenducted.
the installation, ' and Was , 'asVsted in: -
this -Work by Robt. Bisset, W. G. „ Mc -
Milian, G. L. Parsons, A. L. Cole and '
Pied Toole. •
ceremony themei tiers' retired to the
-assembly Inr11-,-7--where--a-dtener.iseatt..,
served, with the pestoniarytoastse the
newly -installed master of. Maitland ,
Wor.- -Bre. Vatter -Newee.mb
acting 'as toastmaster.. :Speeches Were
given' by,..menabets of beth lodges, .an
a fine_ Social. hour Was enjoyed,,,
•• h&officers.installee are
• aitland Waiter
c�nibe;; A. F. Sturdy;%V., M.
J *Ainslie; ,J.W, O. L. Miller; Chap-
lain, D. M. lohrutton; treassureit H. Cl•-!,
Dunlop; - secretary, Wni. • Bisset;.
S.D.,- .Prank ' Walkom ;-
Lodge; LG., Stan. -Prevett S,S.; • James'
Bisset;„ Wm. lroope:tyler; A. T.
kaitting. • •
Morning Star Lodge -4.M., "ChaS.•
NivenS ; :Arthur .Hallatatt
Chas. Mitchell; J.W, Walter Wathing-
ton; eimplaiti, Amos Andrew; trees -
firer., Reg.. Glen; secretary, R. 1),
munro;:.-dtreetor of ceremonies,Hug
11111;• S.D., /as, McWhinney;
Gee. Efallata; Frank Glenn;
Elw5711 Pftintiner3; Stewart, Chain-
116*Y: 'tYler, Prank Meliwiin. *
IntereSting ...Christmas Service'
-• Sunday -Afternoon ,
2tuithpressive Christmas ser ice was.
condueted by, the'. Sunday. sehool •of
Knox Presbyterian church oil Sunday
afterneon. 'X'itere* was a lifrere attend- ,
'Mee • in Which ' weie ineltaled,
visitors. Miss Eva Sorner,ille, euper-
intendent, Was in charge, and Miss,
Kathleen. Sullivan - -mak the. guest
sPe.a.kert Subjtet 'being Masi.; -
slims," be the Rev. Henry • Van Dyke,
ettinent Presbyterian (living.' No liner
aPPreelation of the wel101d Stery.
eould• have been given than .the atten-
tion the- scholars ateorded her. Miss
Sullivat1 kindle, substituted when it
was learned that slides of ."The Other
Wise 'Sian" had rfbt arrived. owhig to
the storm. '
Before Introducing the speaker, Mies
Somerville read a poon,'"0 Little Child
of ,Iletideliein," eempoeed Mit*
- •
Menaory N'erSea of the Chrietteaa
Story were repeated by Ruth Reed as*
Mar y Ann trsitine, and a plan* duoti,
• "Silent Ni*lit,". was played bY
Mlln and Molkie Bleeet. Prayer wait
°irked by 'Miss Beaky, MeXerstie, and
the offering was '44411.state4 by loan
Pitzpatrick. Carols were sung, and the
ehildren Joined in ringing the ohs*
addretwed bb
the hot&
POn4r, "Itear the
of Our Suuday
Rev. Rieherd fi•
ekildren ',tufty.
ofitin g mooch* willikk