HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-12-21, Page 8.A-41 u Are Invited To 'Mend Sunday Servico GEORGE?S. W. JI. ptitink,t4kRin*Ctur ' C. P. S. cAV1AN„ eigan1at and. ellailiAaa!,,,r 11.00 aan. MORNING PRYER AND -SERMON. Suli,j‘Tti "One God and One • 310_SC110014' AND 'VOLE CLASS, . „ VIngSTAIAS EVE, :0400LELIG1LT SERVICE 10,30. pan, :Organ l're1ude-7,-4Venit$' AdorenwaY! I. 'Why, processional—It came upon the midnight clear., Virgin' Chant, Clioral Communion Service in E h •• C. I". S., Carman. Sermon Subject: "The Message of the Heavenly Hest"liyrnns—"O Come MI Y ' Faitliful";--"Ilailt the Herald Angela .Stag!'' LittleAroWn- of Bethleheinraer hymn "o Goa of L9v6; 0 King .of Peace."' . •. , Recessional IlYnan—.."While Shepherds Watched;" Organ POStlude—Hallibajali*Handef (Messiall)1, . The publmv is cordially invited to- these serices. .1 The 8,30-a.m, and 7.00 p.m. Sunday Seri/ices, have been withdrawn, . CHRISTMAS DAY $,30 a tu HOLY COMMUNION,_, 10.0 a.m. -4.0LY CONIMUNIONo foriVeRiOkiktottrottorrintostatog WitteliteCifit0C-gqii-K-VMOVOIKAMCCAMCCOMitiMgAteKtMOKWEKTCW. •• North, St. United Churh IsemsTER---REV: It. 11. TIJRN13tai., BM.. s.TA PIIRISTMAS •V.y0iii..SIIIPI . . 11. aan. "THE ETERNAL IN CHRISTMAS." ' ..3 p.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE „CLASS. -7 p:m. °"TII1E .qupsT• OF TIIE.WINE new -L--., , . . . „ si*Equis -.e.must4is 'MpsIc • . , ... Organist and -Choir :Lealtee—Mrs, iflerray. •Iletheriiigten,- A.T,C.M.. - 'YOU 'ARE INVITED - TO THE . CHRISTMAS. SERVICES' , • witectte* '-..".--."%ttoz00.110e, .gtaAioat0.c-tsitmg-t',,,,%tqta4*c.qa-tg•toZt-at;0',Im-t'rata.Wgaitgt. 'e-t•Cgt.g-te.."7,044P-Zglatoz, , f• TRE GO „Corporal Melville Oplbert, of gannon, returned • from OverseAkt, tut Monday. He served in the North A,frican- and Italian campaigns and is heme on thirty 'days', leave; ,He„ en: listed .five years ago with!, llie Perth Regiment, and formerly was employed. at • the. *plant :of .the Dominion Read Machinery Co,. here. He ,is a sort of Mrs. Bere and the late Arthur Culbert, His wife, the „former Verna Anderson, resides in Dungannon, 444 Recent .enlistments In the army re4 ported from NO. 1 district 'headquarters at London include J. A. Kelly, H., W; 'White, J. 4•;• Saliews and R. E. Daer• of -Goderich. , • • ° - ..............p... ,,,, ' Writing of Ito robot bombs dropping in -England, Mrs. j. Crowbet, Boxmobr, England, abont folly miles West of London; says in a Clifistmas letter to 'her brother, Coun. J. E.,IlucklUS: "We. go te bed hopeful and wake up thank- ful." Sgt. Bert Hilekins, A.C.A.F., ,is with his bombing Squadreo in --England. and was a recent visitor with his aunt. Another son 'Of Mr. -and Mts. gueltins, Ordinary ,Setinian Resinald. Huckins, R.C.N.r.1„..tlias -just got his first boat' and will spen.d. Christinas on • the' Atlantic. • ., . • - • - Word *as received . this week by Mrs.. George McCabe, Bridge street, that her husband, Pte...4„E. McCabe, Md arrived in England Safely. ', Ile enlisted on April 3rd last, with tbe. Royal Canadian Engineers. , . . + . . 11I011 SIGNA rief:; 44C,4K ratI'VE. (Weaklier permitting)r--Decenaller BaxteeS garage, ItingStOn Streetwat-12.400. leaving 1 p.m. • Every person. weleome. Hunters' ,COmmittee; •L.,d 1504 Mee' .thanit, yet; fort your 'splendid patrnnage during 1944 and' wish You •ot AlefrY ChriStintiS and' a Ilappy, and VrosPereW New Year,- „JAMES A. CAMPBELL, druggist. • .51 • At Ringsbridge ;Hall on. Wednesday "evening, December 27t11,7-• Cariuthers' orchestra: AdmiSsion .00e. .51 .0 • • BACON. -10, And Mrs, Sidney. Bacon . (nee Marlon . Wolfara.), Of Toronto and Tort Albert,' announce the birth of a/daughter, Carol Diana, at Mount Sinai, Hospital, Toronto, on Nove.,- ber gpth, 1944. ' LIOTTR.11.414.7--At Alexandra" Hospital, Goderich, on December 17th, 1.944, to Lieut. (overseas). and Mrs. Harold Cottrill, Hamilton street, ‘Goderiela, • a son, Paul Frederick Ceeper.- *FOSTER. --„At A.lexandra Hospital, '00(1.erieh, on 'Thursday, December 21st, 1944, •to Mr. and Mrs. Italph Foster," ILL 3, Goclerick, a daughter, Lynda Margaret, • , jOHNS,TON.—At" Alexandra .HbVital, Godefich, DecenabeiH13th, '1944, to ,Stoker . -11. W. jolihsten, Halifax, .and Mrs. Johnston, 64 East street, Goderich, a daughter, Beverly i Ann -• • ok l'itsbyterian Church - 11 a.ni. and 7 .pair. ----PUBLIC WORSHM . . . 1 6, • ..,, - CHRISTMAS:--SERVACES....SeaSonat. messages from God's A ord-will be prescdtp(kbf--the Minister. The ChaiLaugniented• - 1 by the Jtnaler Choir; will present- special_ Chrlstmas'ilausie. _ . 11 a.m. ,JUNIOR CONGREGATION. ' _ - '•3' pan. *THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. Special S. S -Christmas Service „ * with the addition of Lantern Slides and "The Story of the ,g. . • other mige male, by yayalylie, Note change Of time for this I , one 'Sunday. • • _ MIN1.STER-,-REWEREND RICHAttD STEWART. ORGANIST—MISS-EILEEN 'tBOGIET, • - • btitHerroit ov„intAlsE—iv.iRs. FRANK SAUNDERS. , Celle and Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness. ° ouiet-01=4,0,0=200W)traltIrebibulaitrittaalratabulametaataViratVa-4 2401100000001=4-44#4/44-0F0i=g1VArSTA-W-Rat..z1=0.01e-M01-tmla;04540.11=1Mr.- Victoria St United Church , MINISTER'r—REV.-LA.WRENM TURNER, BA. *' ORGANIST—MRS. -WIIANNA . 10 aan,„ &WRATH SCHOOL. '• "TIIE IVIERACLE OF CHRISTMAS." - • p.m. "THE WISE -MEN'S-,- QUEST-OD-OURS:1? • Seasott'S Greetings from Victoria Street parsonage. IJNIO,N CHARGE -2 p.m. Sabbath School.• 3 pan'. Public WOrShiP AbViltratrArait,44FlittUata=rwittiStaatIMMIWatraCabliDatVaablaelak 141014ZIMZZLWarZAPOO,..140:044441400444404%**Se Goderich .Baptist Church or Results A Classified Ad TO RENT 4REE) CRQSS NOTES 6 , 411,411101.01111111.1.114 \ ' . \ A meeting of- the eieentive of the local branch of the Red Cross,Was herd last. Thursday afternoon, With the president, Mrs. .0. Dunlop, in the _ chair. • Mrs, Dunlop reported that assistance 'had been given to' next-okkin of. Prisoners ef war by. adding articles to eleven" ponn>.--, - .._ bring the boxes up to the required A letter was reia.*TrOnt Red 0 oss headqi*fterS- regarding asitt leave. It was advised -that ,the service 5.ix . . 7.4194a, _..00 an personnel must make the applicatio . hinaself, net through the Red CroPs., S'AIA.--In: loving ineirldi'i --(1f -'ar- A letter 'Irmo the•W.T.P.B. advised , . 11 \ w e an other . d in; Mahel Lawlor, that the butter and sigar 'situation is , passed away one year ako, Deem applications be made for supplies for v7.itd4.41n3.i's'sed. by husband Ga still aeute,.and it Was requoted that n -,-- n ions of a sepiaknature. 0 1 Salt and Son Henry. • - rjlo.1tENT.7•°,1-0-1NOITR.ROOMED MOD, ORN--OPAktinent-41•Ilv,-OraVIGIE ISIIl ,ItEN, T.0,---,-;107-0.1J4.NtwizrttRasT, 'apartment ininiediate '-Posseisioni .Apply MRS. *GALBRAITH, 17 ,Anglesen. 'street:- •51.x •;.`aloamm.01.00,01rm:.•••airimmorm,m10.074•••••• OR S,ALE...-A $A110, SUITABLE for store or business °dice, Out. 'side dinaenSions 30,x. 37.. • Can. be Seen ' SIGNAL -STAR'. • 31-0' • 'FOR • SALE..--120-AORE 17411,31 IN townshin; 'good buildings, land in Al condition; About 10 acres 0, bush; spring water; near chtirehf school, . county and. ,Provincial high- ways, Write BOX 12, SIGNAL -SPAR. ' 50-1x Marjer e . MOLE.—At Alexandra Hospital; Gode- rich; on December 17t14, 1944, to Mr. - and Mts. Benson Mole, R.R. 1, Dun.-• gannon, Ont.; a son. • NAYLOR. At' Alexandra Ilospital, ,Godericla, On `Deceinb.er ° to Mr, and Mrs. 'Gordon Naylor, , • _ - SHERWOOD.—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on December 17t1i,- 1944, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sherwood, RA: Ont•, daughter. . • TREBLE1—At Alextuldra Hospital., doderieh, on I)peember I.7th, 1944,, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Treble, R.R. 5; Goderich, twins, son and daughter. • • • ,, DIED, ' 04nderith, ,on Sun- day; Deceinber •.,11th,. 1944, Caroline Woodhouseovife of Harold Woocr- house, in her 55th year. - IN IVIE111, .loving memory of. our 'nether,. Ida A.. Oke; who.. pa •Auietly asvay Dedeinber FOR. SALE. — GIRL'S IMITE boots and skates, size '4r• new last season; also pair size 1, black. Apply "SIGNAL-STAII OFFICE, , 51x . WANTI* ALAN • VOR 111ARAI;' with Bowe experience preferred.. ilittNEST JOHN -ST -QM IfoR0:•2',•TGOdot.- , rich, nen° 937'r 21, ; • .51 ANTED.----a0.110Y OLD -HORSES alid"dead Cattle; Mu.st be -suitable fOr- *mink feed; • removed promptly VUED. GILBERT, •phone 908'r 22; 010,-, ton,.,or JACK GILBERT, phone 908 .r 1,r Clinton, 'Calls paid for. 18tf JANITOR., WANTED Al, COL- LE011ag: Listltute. Duties to cop. inenee jalmarY 8, or 11.S*sOOn..,:as pos-1 sibie thereafter'..'' -'Written aPPliCations I wilt be` received at- 'EMPLOYMENT,' and SELEQTIVR SERVICE 'OFFICE; I Goderich, to ThursdaY; January 4, 1945. Refer to Order No. 1122: '• 51-2' • , WAINTTM.119 BUY • A NUMBER Of chtinks pigs. A . Durham cow for sale. due to freshen in .;,Tauttary, Apply SIGNAL -STAR; 51x 11111.1111111111111111111= „ 'ArPLX6A,ATIONS 'WANTED SALE. ---. cHILDT swAsr±s, size 12. Apply MRS. SCHLEGEL, Beauty Parlor. TAIcE NOTICE TRAT THE TOWN- . 1$gip.. Sell'ool. Area Board of..coll borne ref.:TO-IRS applicatrolis 'for the office Of seere ary • t =treasurer Al]. ap:. • plicatteffirtb • he received° hy.g the Under- ruBac, NOTICE ,NOTICE is hereby given to all -Per-. stens having any claim against. the estate, of Edward Clarence Robertson, late of the Town of Gfiderich, wlio died. on or about the 29th day of November. 1944,,, to send same to ,the undersigne.d on Or before 22iid day of December, ., men' '1944 -is on 'and after that date tlie Adininistrator, of *the estate shall Pro-- ceed to distrilyate the assets thereof, having regard only to the "tlairas then filed. FURTHER TAKE NOTICE, that all 1;ersons wIto Wave articles on approval or censignment or on the,„payinent, plan must. report the sam&lortliwith, to the undersigned soliciter or to Alary Myrtle Stokes, the. aditiniStratrix."'. ", • 14111:U11ER • TAKE • NOTICE the business of the preniiseP of tile late E. C. Robertson ° will be open each dear evening until' further .notice, 6.30 ,to bsed 8.30 p.m., for the purpose of,giving_Out, 039_ articles held_laY the suic1X. _0_, Robert- - -7. sbn for repairs or etherwise,:biat tif181- Signed before noon, January 3rd, ,:1945. :TERRENC,E HUNTER, • R.R, 3, Goderieh, Chairinan, - - 1 . Mrs. Wilfred Donaldson,. Organis .611111S-TT-171/8—±SERVICES 11 ,a.m. "THE ingssikoo FROM BETALE L" • " 4 p.m.. VESPER, CAMOL SERVICE. • . by the Pastor "The First Christmas Service." - Senior_and Brief Sermon . NO tvEIVING SERVICE Wednesday 8 p.m. --Rrigyer'llteeting COME AND -WORSHIP GOD. ,VsIttst000000000voixt,141411tOz„wrAgetztcwelo4WC ttioctOstc-imr..latm-mVOIVeg,t040441-1tomatwagtMeskww4/ 'PENTENCOSr'IXISTEWLiebr-CANADA— • ---- BETHEL PEN'TECOSTAL TABERNACLE REV. A, Ge, HARRIS, Pastor. 16 INATERiOQ ST. SERVICES— Sunday --10.00- a.m. Open Session of nday School. 'I.." 11.00 a.:n. "The Diety of Christ." -:--7t30--pan, "If ChriSt had not Cosile!,.' , Special °mush:, and carol Singing at all services. „ o . en), ness not. be -open .for_. the _Sai,e sz- goods. •' who Dated at Goderich this'fOurth day of 'her 'December, A.D. 1944. rnet R: C. ,HAYS, K.C. Goderie„h, Ont., , 51 0-50-1 Soltcitor for the above Estate, — Prisoners-of:war liaison officers ,are _ .- adyiSed that cominercial-' cables Prance wilt now be allowed. The. date of the annual meeting was set for Tuesday*, January 23, 1945, in the Reii. CroSs, room's, when the elec- tion of .0113eers will take.place. A letter expresSing regret at his ill- nes,s'Ayas oithprizect to be, sent to Me. E D Broviii, sieretari of the local branch. • _ _ _ Mrs 71? F., Carey reported thTat:total 'shipments -in ,October,.. November and December included 694 article's; of thee 321 were sewing, 181 knitting, and hospital supplies,.192. . • -,Arelout„Iooldaig.,for:„reality,ft?,—You will find it at THE 'ciiiptaa THAT PREACHES WHAT, THE EIELE TEACHES, wilitiveclotiocizititzli*IcobTazzaolizakiltWa;ixtrralactootivbvizeloome: - ST, GEORGE'S CIIURCff The Christmas services -begin in..St, Georges church 2011 Sunday, night at 10.3tril-C1oek with a ca'ndlelighe service and 'choral 'conainunton ahd it is „paned Me service will be attended asin past years. The 8:30 a.m. Holy, Communion and, the 7.00 p.na. services have been -withdrawn. • On Christmas Pay . there ' will beto seivi-ofHoly C ommun- C4URC:1'. NOTES - Rev: Harold.Ourrie of Bent:tiller' has receiVed a call from •St. Andrew's United' church, Watford, to sliCeeed Ret. John Bonhara;.. who is in chap- laincy0servic4 with the 1C.C.A.F. on the ,raerfic e.OUSt.:- • - ,.-----:----- ...i.t...tkiwtctooztertqctwc..c Dr. G. S..*Elhott VETERINARY SuittMoN - MALL AND LARGE ANIMALS 04 4,1Z17`gurrussaisyto:g4rin!b; rooNA,03 CLINTON k ............................–,---.....*......... the resent YoU" Should buy Lifet Insurance, because, the future is a Most expensive Dainty. ,z M. FORD 86* uei assured- , , Tel IOW - i10 -1 4 • , 4 We wish everybody ; every where all the joyg of CHRISTraB J. G. ilendersoit •Photographer Statieneri, nigh class Chinaware ert you require harOALL lest XS** l or Coke 'Estate $1, . . The -Red Cross rooms are closed for the holidays and will re -open January 2nd, 1945. • RECEIPTS Mrs. Wilmer. Hardy's Sunday ` elieel,-€1,1,ss,-Behmgler . .... I .R14110—SWAN >Eldred' Irene, daitglitei'.rif Mm-tritd- airs. HenrY Swan,• Seaforth, and. Jerome A. Rufaig, Goderich, were united in: niarriade ` on Saturday, December 9; • at St. Thomas' ',Anglican church, -Seaforth. • Rev. a L: Gil- bert, B.A.. Officiated. Given in par- :riage__lay her, inother,.',1<enneth..'Swan, the bride looked charming in a white 'slater ;•gown, fashioned with a sw:egt- heart/neckline and. bouffant skirt. She wore wore. a finger-tip. veil with a coronet 44, moritiage-L.blostoiti8,......and---earrieda. — boutpiet of red Talisman ro,ses, white carnations and betavardia. Miss Heren M. Swan, St, Thomas, slater a the bride, Was bridesmaid, in a blue sheer gown and headdress 'of blue net. She carried a bouquet pink, carnations and bouvardia. • Little Sylvia Lott, Stratford, was flowergir1,- in a pink taffeta 'frock and _carrying *ti tiny bou- qUet :of- pink, roses ----and - Sweet peas. ,Patriek Cleary; Seaforth. was best in n and the Ushers _were- Clayton Mgt' and Calvin -Horton, Stratford. •-!--flhe Wedding Music was played Ti Ge,orge Clarke, Seaforth.- After the ceremony, the •wedding dinner was served at the Queen's llotel, Seaforth; Where the. 'bride's mother received in a blue crepe dress .with bladk accessories, and a corsage of red roseti,' .The tables were artistically, arranged •With baby 'mums •in pink/ and white color scheme. Mikes Doris Stnal6, Madeline Porton° and June Shaw assiSted. Later; the couple left for - Toronto. and eastern centres, .the bride donning a .winter - white Wool, ilress, '15rown. caat with red fox fur, and thatching hat. laer corsage wag' of ' red roses: On their return; 'they will take residence In Goderich - •--Out-of-town - guests- were present from. Hensall, Clinton . and Stratford. - `' ion,' at 8.30 'and 1Q30- o'clock.. ..These, servleeS,..haNe.laeen 'arranged so as to suit all, and all :Anglicans- are ek- Tected _to communicate ofi Christnias Day. • • - •\ • . , The Sunday -schoel execntive wishes to thank all A -a helped to make -the. .Christmas entertainment such, a very great success, and especially lqrs. Ford, Miss- Brewn and Mrs, McBride. The 41 seating of 'theflail Was taxect to the 'V ULU, some unfortunately having an • te-titittirearacqditted-the selves well hi the rendition of "The br,eanr o e Months.", 0 ' PERSONAL' MENTION • Mr, and Mrs. Orville Oke and Mr. • tnd Mrs. 13111 'Breen, of London -are • holiday -.visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R- Lra, B. Okev Huron. road, • - • -Airs. Chris. Johnston, Huron road, is spending the holiday season withher , sen -in-law and daughter, Mr. and. Mrs.' Garrett Cargenter,and children, also- mrs...Emma, bard, who 'stays with her brother, Jas. Culbert, -has left to visit with her son, Who hasIbeeeera- preyed by the Eastern ,Hosiery Co. at Truro,- Nova Seotia, for the past eighteen years. • * • e quit -irow-..for isewing•-:=Classee- • Starting in January both gternoon and evening dlasses in per„sonal And hold sewing. • . • ' •MARY B. noVvEr.; • cSt. Vitic&A Street. Gordon .' Grant HURON ROAD °,°' 'OODERICII ‘LicenSed Auctioneer for Huron 'County • 'furniture and Farm 0,1eitratice '•• Sales, Chattels' and Real Estate Proulpt attention given to alt calls Write • . „ --poxin -66s, oppufon - - ,1-52x • " PHONE „959 taitiltiMCA ttimilice*Stit ASIXistlit**stAt=e2V-15=1°,„Attftglrx., SEASON'S 'CU ETINGS Thlowers it. has, been .SteVitaris since 1863" * TEWARTS4 FLOWERS vti , *oasoolikiisoizeitzeiliorliib000lowoozzalyeaxtaix 51 Now Coines Christmas! A and with it tthe chance . to • greet tt .tife throughout:the year and to thank. • - *M. the. privilege OThrvin-g- y..p. -(Thristnias,bC• bapM and -May. .the.New Year bring 0' full mea 'Tire of prosperity to yon all. • • uen ranspp .E. E. GUENTHER, RAs op :.GoDgcri rixoNE 850 . proontirri~1, • Vtut-Vut .> V* tottflit %VAC. tt/44244 tiC J VA' MILLINEitY i. To the Ladies of Goderich and vicinity W,E TIIA.NIC V011 'and Wish you, a ' ilwrititisr conosilvao Aro ruptiv ttrw vgAit. 14 A.*&.Se MeICINNO r ONE i55 041141t/1 , •;47'..? ,'N•f 4i• :444 4 , *14 s,'111,9 • .461 r 47, a4 .41 , • IURSDAI, MItR st,• 1.00 All TYPES Ole FANCY Christmas Pasties.. 4 We ° wiSh an' our, eUsteniers, 14e14 itristaittS and- Ne‘i" Year, Curry's Baker "The ilome Tasty rutty", oct Mgr+ cuLitigHT, rr,opeletor: 6 PHONE 465 1.7•4"4"414=0******4)000100404tisi, ' , (IN* llEIICAALRI61-'0°11";t11:::S1-1, CAW- ' REM, the Crtinst rt. Funeral -Horne wishes to thank his many friends, and neighbOrS for -the khathaes shdiVa. him in his 'recent. hereal'etnent by the, death of 111s -brother. 151 arra? NOfiCENOTT 1 ACCOUNTS OWING Videan Goderich, lutist be, settled by January 31st, 1045. CHAS; .yIDEAN, Patrick's ,street: 49-50-1 • rt,41 re_gt ',yet, 7.4_4 ,t • -et -4 At• t‘st ,../L 111.00/. Zin * pooliov ;1/4't• "1,t Vs -t• V,t• •,t l's•t• ••.';'%4 FOOD smog pFliverbiook, sirk, *.V First -Grad• '2QA ovr Ib..190 lb. 6v Tin„ 1 'fag DotErric-SHORTENING LACK.TEA Ceylon -India .TON ' A'TO„. • Chalcs_„, .Standard - - 20 -oz. thi--- _2 for _ . BEANS Cut Green go.07.,..-Tin:,. 2 for .230 , Ovrvre •. Aylmer- 6-02. Jar rid io-oti..lar .20d A willow Plainre Gen her ° - folis4- . , •, . - ORILVIE-OkTS , .-.. SAUCE. Aylmer Cranberry - 2Y,a'a CHEESE ANN PAGE .OVEN,..FRESH., ILK BREAD WHOLE-oi; CRACKED WHEAT, Loaves SAM Pkg..170 . *7124i !itt.-:29# lb. 150 k Btry: aim's,. •Froth _VIGOROUS • yviNEy GARDEN P. BOICAR FEE FRUITS & VEGETABLES FRESH 1 . • _ 71, CALIFORNJA• NAVEL o1NGES NOW :AVAIL4ElL'E.;: - mpg° LOW, ACCORDING TO Sizt. FLORIDA- pli.L.E-4ii-1..y1. ORANGES t. . . — , .,pik.LiFoil./1-41:iaPytfd76.E'‘sriPf.r077. Ib• - -GRAPES -. PINEAPPLES . , pre.h Cuban Jumbto . .., .; ' ' • „Texas, - 6-'1400 cluality—: ' --„,..-.Na.:-..1..,.Grade„..—....,- .. VC. tprot#1,V11M4*::tr ris A,49eP. FOOD , STORES °whit? ph:d optio.iszt .1>y 7A1 Aflotair • Pocifit I:ea Co, Ltd. 94$(3,:ir‘rvbptai `rna4kii 1),,,A)1,);) 14 ilghf 1111111 quantities . 'X. • ‘..A. ,re "fr'7 "7, 4. 7.4 X' -44 UMW 1,01101C TrtPlitOre* teVt4 „ '0;” - • The holiday trawl presents a pktisant -04 apprediation of your, 'friendship. . May our service pro\te' to be a factor in tile Ilappines and 'Prosperity wewmsh ydu during 1D45 ° ' ' 64 BurripotrA itoAD,rnoilz 25 MoliONALD 1.0•••' 01•1 010, fria4 04' Ad'