HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-12-21, Page 7GODtRICII TOWNSHIP' GODERICII TOWNSHIP, •Dei. 18,7 YOuv. correspondent wishes the editor. / staff awl readere of The Signal -Star' a very merry Cliristbitis. '• Mr. Charlie Orr is visiting this week ionv;eT_oronto.,,Wpt ,),N1r,.. and ',1vira. Bre* -Etv Z. pulpit at Paten choreh. on StunlaY, deliverhag• orline'sermon on It Came 10 Pass.During the service, a, solo, ,Srlus ;Handwriting on the Wall," was siicely sung by Mrs. U. Eed Crossiltranelt. The anmial* meeting o tlie derielt Township North End' bra-efs ;the 1t441 .Croiii4" Society Wag held in ti.S. No. 1 sehool- house Q1), Tuesday evening. Owing to the sterna tbe attendance wag sinall. The secretary. Mr. T. It. Rundle, read the minutes of the last meeting. The treasurer, Mr, Ed. Sowerby, gave the finaneial, report, and read Mre'« IIars woodls report a the women% activities, namelYoz.7 searvess-31 pair • erdioarY soelts, 11 pair seameles sockS,2 pair Children's stoekiogs.!Q pair' gloves. 2 pair eutfa, 0 women's sweaters, 0 girlie sweaters, 10 boys' sweaters, 1 bey'S knitted aidt, 0 babies"' sweater, 1 baby's outfit, 21 girls' dresses, Se quilts. The election ,of ,pfficers for 1940, was held,• resnl,ting as follows; Presidea. .30141 4.olitifiten;* 1St vicevesident, • Robt. sovVerhY; 211(1 vieeliresielent, Harvey. Fuller; secretary, T. It.'Itundle . treats- urer, Fid,'Sowerby. The womett's.cona- mittee ,Was left with Mrs, -Harwood WI ,convener. Some plans. were made' as to tile winter's activities. ' 'Onion Church 'W.M.S.—The • annual' meeting ot thoW,M.S. of Union dhurell waS bold , 011. Wednesday' at 'the home ESTFIELD WESTFIELD, pee. 19. Mr. Ray - Mond Redmond 'visited at the home of Mrs. PurSell, Seaforth, ot Thursday„ • Mr. and lkirS. Geo.' Wightman and 'Alberta visited on Saturday vvitli Airs. of l,i5rs. Everett Meilwain, with thirteen present, Mrs. Harvey Fuller was in Scharge •Of the devotioual•peried, Ing with the hyrax), "While ShepherdS Watched Their Flocks by Night.", The 'Scripture lesson '•(• St: Matthew --2;1-1.4) atn,tel'On 4)f Luektiow. • 3o uueU o Claresholm,_Als beta,visttedlast week with. her smele, . • It. Redmond,. Ur, John (ear of Kiteheuer spent The Preter Lions Phib is sponsoring ber -14th, Rev. A:. W. the Orgiudzatien. of -a ' chill'at-Wriel;i., Virliied.„:thez na.iirrist00_, 400.104411, ,,,t, ''..laineS • DeveretiOX, a life191.1.0 relit' nee' 441411'n' 1c1834514tet. "'' mu'll/* ritatt .i . dent of Ike. Seaforth district, died OUi,'.441iittliimehloxytetkl.ej4 WuriElit'' 421441' 14°IrsL4 Sunday - with his. h.iotheri. Mrs. -Theis. i Peeenther- lltli in Ids seventsseightli Harry T,eiiduall,111‘fgkemiplir:;01.1) resnd livi,dss; 4 year. , ' _ ' ''. ,, - , In Twkeromith:: . „,,,, -, (4em . , . r'' • -- . Mr. mid Mrs'. Martin" Warm of Zurich. .unieoss.4,4esgesare • ' i, :. Mr,.., and Mrs. LleYsl Walden, visited ecently (1 11 ,thelr slitty4ourth skt tbe /*mat* -of Weeliv-Virillia . . , iit London on Monday. 'Their daughter wedding anniversery. Mr. Wilma ig • eisuse4., oisussn, en owes/Ines ,isns. Donna, wbo Jigs been , a patient 'In , the n11,1e•tY-4"4° Yea" Ae -age ttncl 4104. W-11134 •nattie Livermore, eldeSt daughter Of .Children's Hospital. atl,.:Isisidon,,• re - is eiglatpt,WO...',: -6 ' • , ' . , for. ...Livermore and the late " rred turned, lionie 'With them • ,„ ,, Mrs,Norinan Radford slis at p?i,. 'JohnDerry, of Clinton, telehra'ted Liverniore, w g united in marriage to don 011 Monday. - -, „ vi . 1.40 ninetYssecond birthday on Saturday , Waldby. Burton„ only , son of the •listo Mr. and Mrs. Alva IVIcDoweIl, Mr. • • -' ..._. • last, . Borh. in Corowalt, ',England, be Mr. and gra,. Jelin BUrron. all a Olin. 'W a ndMrs..lli.AleVittie Roy andhas lived in Clinton for • fiftpsix years. ton. The eerenionsi wag per:On:tied by, • , • i. %.. 'Ile is; 111 good health and ,reada without IteV..AndreW Lime. ' DorethY attended, the celebration of . glasses. ' ••• • • ' • ' ' 'Titled Native the ' fiftieth .8i/eating; aiiniversarY of II.. H.T." Isa,rol, -drYgoods Merchant at 1 Reitiotts (Matto ,. Air. owl. Urs,, Shoot UyVittie, ef.Hui. Jett Townshipt The . . ' tit 1)1 was Winghain. for 'forty-five yearis, died,' Sir Ernest A.,t' Cooper of Itondon, tbere liiSt week•at the .age of seventy- snglainl, has been visiting his brOther4 ,held at the tome Of their daogliter, 'nine. His. ,wife preTeecusedtillin; Ile , . T, :("ooPer •of Clinton. He la n Leo .Watt ef Itullett township:-• 1 ifi surViVed bvsti brother. jaines, and ti. 1 natiVe of 01.13ten but has lived in -;.--.-- -(-1,ateuctogl ter 'last week) ' , ss is b7seerning More and;:incire common today CANADIAN "perlgo*I-into"fle'el;rtalsb°g'.• sister, Miss, -4.unie- - ISaisl, 'both 'of -.Vrigiand for many' YeAra and luta en • A merry Christmas to .everyone. th ' iiii b • having Ter/odic chest X-rays. They have learned Wingkam. . '; " ••., ' ,.....i.;'''portant industrial, position -there. ' WDSTFIELD, Dee. 12.—Rev, lt,*(4, . ,, .. , . . Hazlewood 'of Walton "conducted , the ' He announced during'bis visit th.at be „. that. inh'erenloSis' may cause theta Jong monthS' of idleness 'Unless ..lt - is woad give au annual' scholarship of d,etected through X-raying, in us early stages; Ao edueationaf caineaign't 59 to the Clinton ,Colleglate.Inetitute, . , • to teach the unporionce of peliodic. cliest edinhiationcrs is siaptorted--br ono wwbuteciah.tDoow4i0 litgyradi,iate. • the sate of Christmas Seals. Car on No. 4 lilighWAY John Grainger of 'Brucetield -while walking along No. 4; highway On•• Friday erviee at Westfield church on k,unday was read respqnsively and the Mags $ • , bors on Monday, having collapsed In tlie 'snow while 41,rivirig some livestock.. The . candle -lighting service wag bold .MT, Wm. MeDoWei,,1 visited op Friday with Mrs, Win. Pnller, Mrs Harwood, with Mr, and Mig. 'Wesley 'Stackhouse Mrs. Gordon Orr and Mr§. Geo., Mc_ of Brueefield. , • welLyisited William Pepper, well-known 'farmer of the 3rd concessiOn. of Stanley nit1(...at repeated °Unison. the. hYlini aild- '104TO a 41011(,.1.,id...,tet),:aPraP•c$ _toyyngitIw _was .found dead bp. neigh. • "0 Come A.11 3te Faithfiir was sung, dress, . . Itwain taking. part: The hymn ..,es071 n Mr. and gr,s. J. L. AlcDo, • ne was about seventy years or age. Ills wife, a son, and three daughters Witinifreds08.14pbell. A splendid topic: Conamilnity singing Was enJoyed, survive. , Christ -.There Is No rsist.. nor West." SaiiirdaY with Mr! and Mre.-Gordbil Smith of Ctoderieh. • . • . was given .lay Mrs. Harold Snell 0411 • Mission pand.—The Mission Band Consltt, well-known resideot evening was struck and 'knocked down . was sung, folre.wed by the Missioary oi.?t ontSunday afterneon with sixteen of Hensah, died on "Saturday in, his ty a car driven by' a Itensall man, "Froms,Chilst to Man through Art and= Mrs. Pdgar att is recovering 'Creed, WW1 decided to send ,$75" to • t led b fth . i piesen %he ;neetin was Y eighty O. year. He farmedin Hay The driver , apparently .saw Mr. - 1 mks. •Win. Ca.rter. The eleetion of township before Moving to Ileosall swinger and. in' turning to . avoid took lace at Win bam hospital d pit- and Lloyd ge Ow , elected re,si.7. was reeve of the villa e and he Nad e lai hway, the left trent fender dent. Other oibcers are; " Vice-presi- been a''' toWnship ,councillor 'ha Hay. str'lltittg••tlie pedestrian,. who •reeelved : ,IVI,r, - W, .A. Campbell and ,* Donnkl church last W.e,e1C and -have .ft no *visited at Stratford on IYienday. _ - of , the wiring done, ready for -the . Trio- •Y.P.I.T. held 'their . meeting' on installation Of hydro: . •,, ainciurnalf; --treasurer; ....Billy ....,Rodor. inc death of WesleY James Stevens, was taken to Clinton hospitat•for treat - Mr. and Mrs: IsTorman McDowell -Each weinber. of the Band is asked to of the Base •line north of Clinton, oe- ment. • ' .• '. ___•,,,s1 • ', ' 'Wednesday evening. witis Phyllis -Cools la charge, The. Scripture leSsen was visited on SaturdaY with Mr. And Mrs." bring one new member to the January efirred athis home late Mendity nights.11osiness in one Family re6.4. by .Pearl Jainiesen„. and a: poem K. 1) U\ of Dungannon. • ' ' ' meeting,,,.._.The roll call for Tannary is Ile baskheen in failing health since' last •for Light two Yours-- 1,LsiniSiL.,_%,:' The Ifterni-Formir-Ant on 140nd-0Y to be-a"New--Year's• vet's---Severalso pring;-..—Besides.-lits-swife ' Jessie Jenkins, he leaves, two daughters,- .chartged. imodS ,-,when- John A. Stewart: • Norma., of Lthidon, and Mrg, .1-910. sold his blackSinith,JbuSiness andbrick Lendon, of Leamington. . • • property to John Gallop, who- will siper- The death occurred 'at Toronto ou ate, a *garage On be site. The sale Of December -9th of Robert Xmas Gib-. • he Stevvart property' , terminates .,-&-• bings, a' native. of Tuekersmitis and . a busineSs• that has been -Conducted coo; - member !of one .of the oldest failings 'titruously MI; Seaforth's Main street by , ill .the Clinton districts- He was in his one flutily for. eighty-two Years. The eighty-fifth year. After farming in usiness was started by the late Alex- • Hullett he sretired to Clinton 111'1918, andeya. Ste,wart,s who conducthd- it, fOr andfortiTe last few •YearS' he had lived 1 hirre. years, and sinieso 1892 ,IiiS. Soh, in Toronto,. He is servived, by two • ohm A., had carried it on eon ,fahuously,_. ,. sots, J. Foster Gibhings of Kindersley, For over fifty years Mr. Stewart has ' ,' Sasks; and II.- W,ABert) • of 'Olinton,1 taken. an active ',interest. in,..Seaforth,„• and. a daughter, Mrs."'Bert Jervis, of! affairs. For many yearehe served On :Torontse.---,- The -remains- were brought i hesTsawn-Cmitiell,sfor.a..long,perio&m. ith to Clinton •for interment. ' • , - -s- 'e County-CouneitueLl'•eeve*.-audheilelds-s•---s--•-•- TYndall---welght - - '- - --- - -- -.- -the -office- of , mayor-for.sseverals years; At the Egniondvine •rri. e, on Decem- He is now Seventy -tine years of ages Lt thet Presbyterial Areas-1=er. The roll hicely trona.' a tonsi1. operation which refl.,' • ,eall was answered with the 'text, Word . A number oftl:ie men. met at the officers for the coining year was.•held eighteen years. ago. .At• one, tiiije he hitting him. went into a. skid on the. "Child.” Mrs. G; MeIlwaixi offered. prayer. The taistor,.Rev, L. H. Turner, COnducted the. election of officera for 1945', which: resulted as follows: Presi- dent,. Mrs, Everett :Meil‘vain ; 1St, vice; president Mrs; 'Gerald Orr; 2nd *ice- preSiClent,' Mrs. Wm. Porter ; treasurer', ., . ! mss, -i_ by Ronald Taylor. or I:rayer wassled-b- AlrS. Gorden Orr; secretary Tichbotne.; limier fund. treasurer, Mrs. ' - r` • . . . Is, . • s ' .s........ night the honae of Mr. and Mrs; J. L. 'the members led in sentence prayers.. V. Falconer; Missionary Monthly secre- • , • , MeDowell, with about.;twenty-tiVe pre- The Scripture les6.on '-vVas read by AIM tayjy, Mrs, G. FcHwaiii ; . temperance Sowerby ; Ana'ne.e n011inlittee, Mrs. Wm. sent, ' the atteodaneei oot "being as carter. The roll call was anSwered secretary, •Mrs. • 'WM,' !Faller; press Fuller, Mrs.' G. MORSain. The Meet- large as' usnal, •eNsing to weather 'eon, by each member .with , a. •ChrisSivas isecretary, Mrs. Os Harwood; -bianThts,• ing closed with the hynin S. iv III% 4 ditioes: ' After ,'.the radio broadca§to N;'er s'e, • mrs; ilareld Snell. told a 1,:.) um:- f.,..• H.- Turner, • stirs: Harwood; Manger" aod ' the benediction.. Lunch the groups' discngsed the snbleet "Bnral idteresting cnristipas story an,d Christ- anditOrs; 'Mrs.' •Wio. Porter, Mrs. T., wo,s• served 1r the hostess. .. ,,,c (immunities C•an Be Ms de Attritetive." -luta...I:endings, were given by several_of: . g . f • . . Thur.$13laY... g •, ••••• •dent, Violet Cook'; •enretarY, Lorna His wife 'survives. • several ,rib fractures and bruises, 11e country rsorn the Nouse ond ogoinst onv indulgin the _Ss ence feel.. ing ihat Ole *for ,1,1111 soon Ine over'i *v4451014 ictaitc.,00. ‘r, 'tikt.AISit1 OSO Colilro,bvtc t40.4cd:A4 s , sth'4944 War came. The manufacture of most _civilian. .goorIS had ti be Cut down or stopped to make ° way _for-. war production. That (caused shortage:fr- of civilian goods—that was the RED LIGHT Siine. restrietiOns are now .being lifted, but it „ .does not mCan 191s_ofg,' oods right away -War's_ demands are stilt huge. and Must conie first. • „ . We can't , neglect them just, so that some of us here at hor,ne can get a little more. • , • -Don't confuse„the signals-711tis'is 0,,e YELLOW .LIGIIT ONLY). , It means a littlemore of some things and it helps business 'men get ready for the tune when,.there • will he more materials' and workers Available. It does nok inean the end'of shorta4esr 'The'-Roiai...-Cauaditin Navy 1ut ended. its temperary suspension of recruiting and has sLtrtad to a,CeePtT 61._Wfsheiatts._ for !in . -average of 300 male ratings 'a nithith niter the first, of the new year, 'Mostly recruiting will be for seamen. , for general- Service; eOmmunieation training, cools, supply assistants and stewards:. WrenS are • akin being ac-, Cepted at the rate of -150 a month, with particular need for mesa wonien-finl wardroom attendants. ; * * " . '.Here is welcome news for -the' in'other whose boy in jthe serVices Can get home for the odd week -end .and once .111-4 While bn.fuilough, 114Oviding° him with •those pastries' and cakes_ he loves is . tun but but *it . certain' ly•-is-ha,rd _on the - ,fainiV rations.-' .Realizing this, the Wartime Prices and Trade Board has jPrJavide_41 shaft:leave and .ra- tion -cliffds. 'tor 'any - leave 'of :from forty-eightto ninety-six hoers' dura- tion,' the serviceman can ,secure a short- • leave ration 'card with his leave pass.. With; this card, the, . servicenian'S • hostess can .apply at any Local- Batton Beard:for' coupons to purchase a...tWo weeks' , stipply of any., radoned ' corn- modity.for every nine peals she serves. • Shehas a •clxoice.of. one preserves,-.. One Sugar or, two butter' coupons.' On, the. long-leave,rittion card, Coupons , are 'at- taphed and maY be..uSed Oilier .while ....the-sejw-leemay.- la •at..-1o1ue::1-co4it.allY other time.' These coupons have no expiry date •. . Poultrymen and •farmers who have • that sidelinewill be interested in some highlights of 4 the • Doaiiiiion-Provincial iagfieutturai -,-- conference .---recentiy held in ' Ottawa. - The.:conferenee was told that the. British Ministry of Food, , be-. :..side.,,s, talcing 7,500 JOhgtens of ., dried eggpowder from Canada, has an -option Au.,...6.110,000-casmOf.44,91,,,go1.. age in, 1945 and -has asked for 609,00 eases of shell eggain the Winter "and spring .menths .of 1944-45: Price to be paid fer-shell-eggS for Bdtain 'will. be, • 351/2 cents Per Idozen for grade A large,' basis • Montreal. Our egg production . • for 1944 is esiiniated at _sixty-eight per cent.- ;Over the-- average- -outptit in- •. -the five:y•ear 1930-40 period, Which , aver - fitted g364395,2009740en. :-Wejimped to •397,703-,00'6;deiesT hi" .179-0„---,''A--s-n-K-n,VIT. :Cent; 1.nlvalice was estimated for next. year. • the "limir,under-the new order. This- reeeive var gratuities, less than .51 lateit ruling will be welcomed 1y ser- have applied for thorn. Yes, that's the vice men and their dependents whase truth, even if •unbelievable. All they • dales call mein to ineV4--3-from vba place . • ve-c-ttr-do is ask -for -it; place. . able range from, lessthan $100' to more * * * ' than $1,000. And:this is onlY ,the smoked a daily tiVerage of a2,836,000 my and Navy and ,tlependentS. ' iii 1111?.mouth of October ,Canadidne .11. picture, beeause it applies also to cigarettes, isthich is a heap - of smoke staffs were establiShed, by the ft..04,r; . . going tip.. 'Mils Was calculated withOut o' bandle;applicationS, but they :bave : allovvaece. ...for, eSinidifys, holidays • or ',averaged .bniy, about' sixty- a .day. They. . lialf-days: September set si. recOrd with rdid expect a flood OfrapPlietitiOns lin7 • *4 an 'average of 351560,000 daily: ' The j media:WY, :buts SO far Atslias-Jaeen.„.a. mentn of October was the fifth -Month slow' siroceSS;. Or, as - they call, it; -a this - year - that ' montlilys- A•eleases. Ofj iribhle. : --, ', ., cigarettes, from :bond for consumption • • • bit the one -billion leVei,_ . - , .., Platform, Please „ -* ' - . - . Teeins: 'Miss Coy Pm a• candidate- ' - 1 „.." - 1 ,..Total. Supplies of •fee d grains avail- A or your hand." • able' in Canada during the current ! :Miss Coy: "Ver - Y well: .11°.°' 'a-tuelk ' , : :, ci:op Year total 14,500,000 ons:iquite , il:' of ana1103,vance de you preiniseto allot pie a month, mu I to -be the boSs., • lot of; feed grain when one considers ' of the house or are you. ,who is to., that this is eighty per cent. higher than j - . available supplies in the 1936-40.period. do the cooking, howMany days shall ll have -ore -each week 'and what is your Qur supply, accordhig to the Dominion sttitude . towards merebers'..of :i•Jia 'fam. • Bureau,- Of Statistics, . is. adequate to *ho may want to live with -110 ' maintain a continued high level ef,43.P' n short,. what is yOureplatforen" c. ,. • „production. of meats, dairy products . and-. :eggs in the crop-:yETir-104445,-'1.1.2-',Immimmimumilimmrmisiw.-------"--- ' -. '. - Supply of high protein supplements are . . . ., considered adequate, but hay, supplies in Eastern Canada are less. saisfan- tory. , - • *. * • 4 ' .• ,.J Out of a total or 40,000 former mem- bers of the ILO:A.1i% or -dependents- o deceased Members, * -who ar.oeligible to Getting back to proditetiOn. will neeese"--• , , , sarily piecemeal. And gradual. • "Patience" the word, Only after Victory over both enemies an 1.. die ,Preen Light be Whale& out and. the toita 41ettied for enough prOdtiction to meet ottie 40110 neeiIs * * 11 Savings. on deposits in Canadian banks ori October 19 amounted to :5489 million. Just about a year ago—to be exact, on ,Octobeo. 31, 1943-Satings stood, at $1,901 nialipn. It is U tribute to the ',Canadian !people that, while vietory loans take money out of savings fle61111t$, tblose accounts seeni .to be mounting, in- spi*te o*f it. , . • • . , .A, total of 449,679,280 bushelS' of grain was •shipped out a the lakebead ports during the 1044. navigation „sea- - son. This compares WW1 385,001440 . bushelShipped during the 192A seasons ,Which Was itself a reeord year. , .. s -* .* • , ..- The coal- controlle,r at Ottawa haS issned another Warniitg .that less au-- thracite will' lie available to Canadian: lionsehelders eompared with 1943-44 and luis•appealed Or .4.!Qiii. COriSerVilti011 i11 every way.tpossible. The imuseliOlder is asked to examine his'iteating' equip - idea , periodically _througbout the winter, "Iii.additfo'h10.remoVing soot from 'the" 'furnitee and, pipes•at regular intervniss- lie Should melte sure there I are no furnake leaks which Might Winite fiiels and permit. the escape of . noxious `gas. A . limited 1.4 apply of free booklets publtsbedby the Department of Munitiotis' tind Supply, -telling. the • proper method Of firing s4f.itt coal or,, mixtifrok of „sett and 1uti1/41, Is iiVallabie`.' for distribution through fuel dealers, . • ,.* .* . , .:,:. 1. Those who keep ., a' mass of iiiipuxity pent „up in their. bodies, ---On-erfii-e—Very-twerity., -fou.ruheursr,in---- • viviably suffer from conStipation.. removed as nature intended, at least day after 'day, just:7 of having. it , The use of cheap, harsh purgatives. • will never get you any .whereai they only 'aggravate the. trouble and in- jure the deli.eate raucous lining of the bowels,„:and are Very liable to same --Pilea. . 4 . it • constipated take „311filburntir taxa -Liver Pills and•haird it natural,. movement of the boyvels. Theyao, not gripe, weaken and 1si4ken...00 many laxatives a°. . ,. - . - ...Ilk. T. iltnburii co.. Ltd.. Toroato,,vaa; If additional inonis needed to Th.eip ,voi-F-h0 a prodiletiste. farm, send us partieialars. . • -Possibly''. We cali.:_assiSt through ourloaning department, -- Attractive , terms. - All ',big .ukies „ 'treated confidentially: Ist -}1Theron& rie• .-1:4QATOAdE CoRP011.4.4TION.. • London , Windsor St. .Thomas • Chatham Appiimmilamorsammommispliiiiipflaiameam et emoria Yon are invited 'to inspect' our • stock in • Clinton ' Exeter . Seaforth , • Phone 141'w • - Enquiries promptly, atten'ded, • Cunningham: 81-:. POde (T11018(tA$ ricron) .40.0a.amaimaimisimoirsi'irgaig,ipsimiwaiss, „Under a new ,ordef*--the. Wartimel_ ,Priees ankTrade Roar1Lks chtniped down on relit. raeketeers. 140011 115 41I0Sh who try . to make prospective tenants buy furnittire at excessive orlees or pay *edict emontlestons, bonuses ;or rewards, or several, 'months' rerilail in inlvanee. The nubile is asked to..report *ay dt1411 *bleb 'does not appear thigitt. , mate. Ontimelitlise rent In advark0 Ig Quickly reittOed- in Cleau,Sttititary e 910r16 OUNTON 216 S's111,ATPC114/ „ . Ston e $(000.imited it .0111101i 9111 4119 • Itching, Burning, Stinging • Eczeit or ion Rheum or mit rheum oh it la, eihumonly Wont, of the tomb 'painful of an skin troubith. The intense burning1 itching and entseingt 4a1ly,hat night, or when the s.ttetted poi t re &at, or the handh ',toed in hot titer srs rons‘ tn. bearable, ma ratief sgladly', **lotted. 'rho relief offered by Burdock Blomi,litttornio'bitod that such aihntnts m eczema, and other tido, , impure blciod condition. Bring about tool. eleaulivem by pat* 1. to • blend of itii itnpUritite. Mk at aily On* counter for It. B. B. 004 Unt