HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-12-21, Page 6GAVIW H.A.)irtsTON 0/01101,,, Gode, riek anther of "The 01(1 'Leg Seheel."
if Vat 11d Oa ga.y flittetiee iind, the rtaleS:•44'etiquette by 4
140, trek -vel th9 high's/fay Of tittle, you :hat and marehing around the
no '40Uiat retnerdber the jellY $:°°11)* 414 w°4141.- g° from. 'al°
will *Imo vbrustwati celebrations, ot thowo geed), rules of tue gay ninetiS A
eS to
, soMe of the gr.IS uwier the chin.
*A- WUXI there were tio,,:warki •ko'r
b.neh an0e:
was elassethilea'joily good.
' •riall'ai*f ot war. - noating,'ku tb.ct air, fOr-Mithing'iiad-boyz-Then-t„here- Was
.., . ,
.044,44-tutt,, .peue • "A jolluicatip 'the spick-andSplin young :man, With-
liKienteil tO, till the, 4.-iii•at theChriistinits tibnitinAlmnr, • ,nitOuStacthe, . sideburns,
se400,4., •“004„ eats .atid- dot*,'Prince Albert'coat,, White 'Yea, striped
. viieltel,i.-a baker's do:Zen of*:bUns,for a tie! \' 11(11 chain and, 'inger ring$, a
(lime, ,a potind Of btitter fel; :i.g cents,• 14ill° luici. 10d glove-, who chewed, gaill,
. u . dozen,. ot eggs. tor, 3,tv cents, 'tureq„. hi the', SuMitter plii.Yed 'trot-J.14A on. the.
„ puttuds „of steilk, for 25e,,a;chieken ler lawn With tlie girt in,,the long skirt,
, .Wie,,a .4i1ieic tor '3oc, a goose for litle and tibia Wni.St ahl' sailor hat, and.'..si;efit
, a turkey ler IOC. It you wanted to 11°Lit, ,e like A good •beY before the. sun
!` hog it, you eeuld buy a whole, pig at Wellt down: But this Was in the gay
four CODAS 4 pound. • In the hotels yon ali„le,tle,s• _,' .„,,,
Could get a Square nietti-'-ineat, ail you uur.istalas waS Slanit in Wavy diner-
ent ways. The, goody, genteel Mostly
00U.Itt i,eat, With, extras on the'Side-ter
.25 cents.- You did* not hafe. to lip the stayed hYllieiri-,own fireside.; 'others in
. lffaitrOS a nl,ckel, jut give her -4 smile this 114:4.-*vf!ted: neighbors and rein,
tiVigs te - bal:p ' eaV ;their turkey, goose,'
'With ' "So long* Altary,_he a• good little '
and_pitua,padttittg. and wash them dol,vn
girlie,. don't getl-you.r feet wet and •
Catch A C•Old Until i awoe Dadt,” No with tea, Conte and aPpIelitadet. tlitof-
,,000d4)3,,,ei, baby, wiiere do .yo. vark entertainment, the "old people • played
parehekol croltinoie or a genteel game
*ben the st4 goes, down, You little
ouickadoo,._oere , was, aa saft,, soap with' cards ,ealled "anthorS;" young
folks played 'blind roan'S,.baff, Or pliss7-'
•,' 1,,ike this for the waitiessesln the good
Old, diiis of the gay nineties. . For %vants-a-eorner. Now, don't mistake
Me, they were not all goody-goody boys
d.rinks'Yea could got 4 glass of whiskey,
;lad girls, or old men and women; they
.: braiady, gin, 'sum, 4,sir, a nickel; ai
aid • not all celebrate Christnia.s by
sohoOner Of. beer for a nickel, a quart
.bottle of Carling's ale.. for a dime, or (1.4°Icing tea and ceaee -and-•'PlaYing
you could treat yourself and five of the PlisSY-wants-a-corner. Some celebrated
boys Sitting-around4the barroom for 'with good eats and drinicS, tli-rkeY) Pinin
adding, mince pies, shortbread, lots of
, 25 ,cents -,---this would ,put you in the
neer and whiskey to wash it down.
jollY• good sport at six -for -a -quarter
' PlUsS-. ' ' - • '' - •
ehra..,) and $0, was wearia, anig,trei. ' trousers, " shOesp' eltristie hat,
l'oa4epatti- bay a too of hire;•Wior it 'white shirt, high collar, Sour,inr4and
tirown-ups Played atthe old, card
Then' the, dress riarade of -the gay games or euchre, pear°, high lovvAnck
younger people
nineties. Girls in their . 'teens and 4od ,the game- The
,weut sleigh:riding, skating, then went
Young'.1adies dressed their 'hair in the
to the village baltrOona dances at night,
._ pinnpatiotir or bangs style; Poke bon -
where . they -dame& the old.- square
rietS or Sailer hats adorned the, head;
shirt Waists Of many coiois were. Ces, 'balance all tn' your -Dartliers
and hoe it down all to the tune, ot
shirred .and flounced; skirts trailed On
,the grOund, yOu cOilla not See , ti?.e .dear **Soldier's ,Joy;" Circassian"- circle?
1.4iicers'and'ite Jenny Lyne'Volltit; and
little feet unless she held up her skirt,
waltz.'nle .around again Willie, 'to the
and that would`bejlaughty. Het waist
WO ,b0.Und_mi-the north, south, east tunes 'Of' Peek Boo Pop Goes the
Weasel, Money Alusk, Flowerk, of Eau-.
and "West.by an midergannent called a
, frilled around with whalebone burgh, Turlwy, in the straw, •Buiralo
iia steel bars to keep my lady straight 'Girls. In the holiday time between
and pltunb. • She wore but*. shoes,and ellrislnlas and Years
natives did aily nlaiautil labor,
' very few
slippers. • You.never knew the color .Of ofq the
bel siockings-if. yeti tried to see them but '-inchilged. in sports,, shdotiaag
who ',came in the new' year, cointe a
Yrou wc,:re called •a, rude, Pad,:boY. To ate ies fol. tu .e3,fe
s, ducks, geese,: hunt- *
' 1 ' ' rk , W weeks after Christn'Itrs, singing
.- handle My lady's Wearing aPParel conld. 'ing partridges and rabbits, :' The his Christmas songs at neighbors".doorS.
country ehurehes usually held lS their s- Someone asked him what it all meant,
be done legallyocial enter
" schoo
only in a dance, then :their 'tea
yon, could Waltz theta -aronild Willie, nleetings,. Chrianias so -faw
r past. Why asn't
but You-aust not linger with the skirt ;around at Christants time? ',•Ah.,".
titinments,_and 'village hotels their holi-' he
after the music changed, to •break aWaY. *I had the me.asles then. -
!and monument, and felt like saying to
day danees. Friends and neighborS he ketille4, ,
Oinue' or Itie*-young men -would break visited 0?1 another, eYerybne seemed Present-bm-ing, I read ,iii. • a , letter
,:........ii........a...,„ t-.9 -De' As' 'happy,: 4.„-Ild -Iii. -ii8leal as 'the received toda-"Y';'is. one he' adadhe. - I snP-1-161-- a prayer -for- his: gift of .„11. bin '
„_,,,, jingle of the sleigh bells that sounded-
, pese it can' be-wh- ' ' - ' o s°11
".,kild there were in the same country slitLpherds abiding in the fields, keeping watch over their flocks.,,."
'Members of the' Rbyal Canadian Air Force vikitingthp Holy Land, in the Christmas 'Season chat with.,
a ,shepherd in the valley below the little town of BethWheth. known tOday as the Shepherds' .
The men are net' identified, as they were- choken to typify 011 personma° Who 'Visit Jervis:dein-
- , • •
The minute Tommy woke he renter:1,-
1%re°, that it wa$ the day `before ChriSt-
nuts; . And" that meant -411s „breath,
oseaPed in 4 quick, White acroSs.
.the bed -Santa wotild *seop 'arrive.
The thought ' shot . stultioniwarnitit
throttO his; Small body *as.'he Climbed
out Of ainivreachell for a stocking%
A.fter Supper lie Would, hang
if . should 'have 11010 the
toe' like this one that Wouldn't Matter,
Santa, .of vourse, i'Priderstood WhY lw
had not had anytlihig,neW' for 4 long
• till'1We'ontinfy 1.;" hi; Moth'er's Voice 'called'.
"Dress quickly, dear. very cold.
That's -wbY I let you sleep bate."
Tommy' turned and saw her -Watching
Vim -from-the -doorway., Her_blue eyeo
looked tired, it's if she had Peen t111 11
long -nine.
."111oninlY,* it;, be long; before
Santa conies?"'
. ,
"I'll tell Tvon about ,that_,later,'" she
I said: "Let's bring your things into the
._._ . kitchen by the stove."
other historic eities. A special effort is ' . "I'M Berry there's no millt,.dearest,”
1111 i:'; made to be in liethlehem at Monnny said, "Maybe 1 shall hear
I Christelas. ,,.•. . . . : frOin the agency (today:, and 'get a job
! they stuns' ' la, the jostling. crowd •to Ile didn't want to talk about milk,
i 'Vt.-Jun.11y in groups • of three or four,.
' hear the hells and, think of other. hap- or ,Alonany, getting a defense job,- or
alb, N‘itiug.a couple of. weeks before city' wherel, dwell, and hed made, manY• pier 'Christmases" they've kfloWA; eVen ask whi.. * did tiiit .cOlue
turegdy tue (..7bristinas friends his industry and,. integr4y. But such is the Splendor of the *.liOnie any More, '‘`Moniiiiy; ,WItat about
•Christinas, and of eharacter, Isaac- Wattsl- ;at onCe moinent -,that the nioSt..*Matteref-fnet '.Santa• Clans?" he asked, •
carols are being Anne, and Much Ch.rist-.
awl ritrrag enough to. be a Ikaiter hike
pit tatst0;ey.74:eusoulmit Wifitt iwitsowottir4us7briolt1t:
)es, lieo thought, Santa had, only 9
bad a inother. who knew everything'
thhea'stotillAesk g4ithluart hhetwe'oulltden'wt "01411.Qu'tt
with ids presents tonight. And lie
Wown1114,elli-noltt bebrigribttbethltoousgpuittal.eme to;
Tenuity and he began to Vint. W.hen
ter -reached -his-, destination -le
of breath-, Tie hurried Into .the wide
eirirkidor, bus small, feet making silent
stos the heavily piled carpet which
led to the reception desk.. The white.
imiforined nurSe didn't .kee Mut as he •
stood To,iniootm:,yerfeoh.uend4aidids; v,olietveoilibel,n:Q.,ogh:t.;,11 •
present ..for Santa 'Clans. Will You
nurse asiteth, , •
coldtoldmotiter arid e. can't C0111&
caowintl,lloYut. Sltock:.
wtIi 11 Then the doctor spoke hp.
"Yes, ',darling.," Santa , is here and
he's very -111:" leaned over and
covered,- her hand with ,his; Looking a
Straglit at -Tommy he said; "SenfiV
you bet we'll give him your apple.
VII see that the rassal oats every
bite of it .
PAW tell him to eat it slewly and
chew; 'the skin. Then. he'll " get big
and strong like My Dad."
' The' nurse „put, her arro. around
Tommy Wen. ."Just waltjaere a 'min-
ute, little boy: Sit .here Illy chair
and we'll be right„back and tell ,you
what goes ,bn in Santa's room When he.
gets your, gift." •
-11e,,was loolcing at the tree when he •
Saw -the' nurse doctor appear from
behilid it. Their arms were loaded-
, .
thought of the. great hymn singer t)f young airman experiences thrill of , So then . she told bin). jle listened with Christmas packages andtheY. were -
smiling, , and. hurrying over to him.
that naiiie._ _Ile gave us,, "0 _God .otir. awe_and.ii certain ennobling humility. qnietly, hot little tears hurning his
JIM'S; shopping is being done. Last
help 'hi ages past," a liyinn thiit• is Almost none of the boys willtalk' eyelids.. She had find him. the Most 'There Was • e`iven 'a •,..buge -Stocking,
out of v.,tties and Acupbmtrds, and ad- I pe rh a ps. .. SI, ng ad ever heard in running over With to' and sWeets. .
Year's _decorations are . being fetehed
more -these days -than about the influence, if auY; that thei1. cl?readful thing he h
a ti dal` new bought to go rvitli thein,1 any other. It will be used 'at a large _stay: in Palestine has had upon •tbeir, all his life: -a No wonder she pried,:too. - "Santa ate' Your ..apple, senny,” the', „,..
ruimber ef churches on '1,lecenther, 41St, lives sir thioking. *But Um f ,is °,n‘et mu, "But' darling,'"..-atemmy said, wiping - 9f.,„ or sa .. ." ' • 1 lot' ; he said' ..7
•reatly to make tlie rooms Christinassy. I
I shouldn't wOnder but that this Qile^ pris#,Oz; becatise it is,: In fact, almoSt his eYets• with -her apron.. • "I have to ,teli: 1011 it 'intko ifitrfoi so .strong
41. am net Sure that ,the anticipation
,...... , ...
that he' ot right; out of Pecl -ituir-Went
-•mrs- a descendant, of-impossible-t&-eXpresi;-an" emetion Ivbi.v.h. something- nif..e for you. I- was saVing
with nickel and dim 11141 boys) and that 'Watts family, amid, proud of 'his is not 11 5011 or logic, nr piitlin,(in the • . • . ' ' , '' , t' • Over to I s c oset where-he-Thld--141..
liould run, away. to tile extent -it does •filiie- Tirtieks.niith .
girls- with an eye to a cominercarliztug
or the OCk%Si011, :SO that they come
around and sing their carols- allead3.
•iiTiine. For he' came -from to accepted sensel,, but sonic un6
(Canada; so the .obittiary read, In -early"' and linpossible to define.
daYs. "- And ••Ite •thianed his;.eldest 8011
There is -excuse for the fellow*
who survives _him Isaac; too. Q
few yearS• ago when on a, tirip tot -he
Old Land I made a pointo spend some
time in the old -cemetery that is found
in East *London, disused since 1850,
vvith the'lluge,iron railings around, it
and distinguished dead reposing within
it Here found Daniel Defoe's grave
Crusoe that -I- • • d " '
so sweet to the ear in the Christnias should we? We try to -crush all our youth. And' here was a sareophrus-
-.'"Ili4,111,M11"1,1611.1111111,11,111111.1111111.11111.111° helidays of -those bygone years > • felt eiffigatiens in that line, into a" few kllieed soit of tomb, with' a bust n it
But gone are' the Christmas holislays
Of the gay ninetie-S and many of 'those
••int knew them have gone -to -Spend
. ,...... ._ .. . •
their ehristmas in that land that we
are told is fairer than day, and we
13 xONT UAL ST.. shalFail hate to follow them-SoMe day.
.-Until mthen ay' we •0t this Christmas
; oe,r ,Fimeral .ChaPel -combines
season cherish a kind thonglit .of re -
ale. dIgllitY of a place x't "tshiP membrance of those, who spent their.
4,nd the refineMent 'of a quiet
• jolly Cliristtaas seasons the gay
4,esidence: .., , - •nineties., And as I have seen the
Christmas season ' return twice forty
PHONE 120 times, ,and then seine, And by the lawS
7PLO'Sii It LODGE, Director of nature -I shall Sbon„-have to spend- .
. '• • 'mY. Christmas in that land that la should See some beautiful. ladieS. The 1674 -1748 --which Wti$ the span of atm
.- Yon -Jaye invited."*.t, ItSte11 to fairer than day With -our friends of the' beauty counter has a brave show for 'singer's life. • ' -, -: • - '
"Music-forSiiildalelarograPii-over .gaY-ninetiesruntil. then I - ?1-o12 tr-elisy :Money-.±.._PersOnallY: I" nevpr. - l' was- told by somebody N-tho .had
sai3'. a merry Christmasin tliis
'I lind all ''year sp,end mneli time. there ; *perhapS it is I knowledge. of this graveyard that the
chug. I was much interested 111 what -
Was -told me the other day by the
manager of a , large drugstoye tliat
handles many Other' things: -besides .
;drugs. _1 was talking to hini on a
,matter biiShiess•---tit.,
-store; and met him in. his inane .half
an hour* later • that Morning. "ge 'told
me that in the twenty:, Minutes'.follow-
ing-my conversation with him Jill.; the
store- he had sold, four beauty kitsfor
ladies at $16,50 each, -presumably for
ChristmitS presents. They were ',going
like • -hot cakes." IS0 the, cneW year
ef 'John Bunyan; ofi Pilgrim's Progress
fame. I had expected to -see these;
'but 'I -neatly tniribied over the grave*of
Isaac Watts. It ,wassacred -ground
to one so familiar with those great
hymns, -":-P-11-praise,
breath,"•the hist, hymn that the
venerable' John. Wesley gave.'Out, on fits
last -visit t(°: his Chapel that is close by
-Fields; "The 'Heavens dear
Thy glory,' Lord,'.' 'and "When ry
' BtNMILLI1111,4 Dec., 1.9. --The 'Ben -
miller correspendent wishes,tVie
Star and staff a. very merr3r •ChrIstmits
and a' happY and'prosperOus New Year,
• Sgt. Carl Fishet spent a few days
With his parents at the week -end.
Aim -Anderson:4s with,ber--
daughter; -Mrs.-..qurrie, atthopintsonage-
- Mr. and' Mrs. Irred White of -Gode-
rich spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,
11. Gopd,. ' • , ""
The Sunday school Christmas ',tree
and -entertainment . will _Lba__held ,011
FridaY, •December 22, in the chnreh.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Jervis of Hohnes-
-ville-visitdd-on Saniday with Mrs'.
Walterk. and Floyd. '
M•r. Ken Fisher 'arrived in port at
Goderich on the steamer Superior and,
no•kr at 'borne her
the wondrous- cross.'' e.. '
• these _presents."' „
"I -le,. asked us 'OS give them to you
for blau,"- the aturse t'lieeanSe he
has a lot of business .tO :do. tonight .
at- the soldiers! camps. .14 said you'd
Understand." .„_
"Oh!" eried Tommy. "Gee!" All •
those Wonderful presents when he
„hadn't 'expect.ed ahything, 'Wouldn't
Mommy be s'prised!.•
w --here 'is no short' ,cu *. to. a better
I "' • .
, There were other wofthies buried in w '
orld. In the long run we • shall all
- , .-, ' •`" -
that God's- acre of that age iind time:- 'have tO Startwith. ourselves. :.
NX; •Wingbalin,• each •Stind4.
, 19,14. . • - • mostly due to prejudice and 'to a sinall • privilege that. vas given by authoritleg
afternoon at3•.p.m.
• r.s.-A§ we, eat,. drink a.n•d are •pockc'Abeok, visit it nail been abused -and S01110
. • • ,meryy, 14 ns..not forget the Soldier in I We all enjoy bu'ying for the litt•le depredations ' and markings . had been
• the 'trench:6S •the 'Sailor .on the deep imaik.. • • •perhaps too much thoriey,*isin-ade N'whifir were:shocking: ThestOry
mqn in the 'vast reaches ient on ChriStmas. gifts for thein. Was going about an Ainerican tOurist
of The 'sky:'•who -are fighting in foreign'.
,• '
Wxs extra ch rg.for't
of our Fun.eral Home, Toron-
to'Street.. ' - •
.ProMpt ,Aanbulance
-Phone 385 'Res. 356 or:7,
lan.ds to preierve peace and g-oodWill
A little teddy bear; one -.third the who Was indignant because •the bust
cost of• a big one, that is awkward' to and face of John Runs in was allowed
among men. Let us eberish the hone: carry 'round, ‘aila Ni7ants too much of to -go 1111111 ((1 and deficient, and ot
that they play return to their native the bed, would, be loved and Cuddled sacred tondis 'and figures of grand
land to spend their, 1945 Ch•rtstmas by jest as much. We .coirie near to pros- *Worthies • Were mutilated. What'were
their own firesides; and on this Christ- uteting • the -appreciative Powers of I the English thinking of not to talgt
nms Day hf • 1944 play we pause long children in the multitude and cosili- beiter.„ care' or these monuitaints?
gaerr'.c -making 10 ,send'11 of2thi: presents,. progisled,• .."Listen at that," he -said. uointing,te• the -lack of
to that skinflint":"*I. can hilligine 'Seine, part f lhe ,llost on Buirytrifittorie
body saying11 i, easy- to surfeit. faCe-. "yes," said -the one listening to
children With presents .until a • simple him; "yon don't know that an American
thing makes no appeal to thein. • tourist chipped off ' that t• for • 11 •
'I Lead of "a minister's boy „who made
good, use _of 'sale of his father's texts
as he hung up his:Stocking for -ClitiSt-•
113115; , had wiittexion. a note pinned,
to the' stodk.ing, `qt :is molt blessed te
give than to reekve... lie was 0 Witty
ypun.gster ,aitd- made. i611. -known say-
ings ' and 'proverb8" serye him seifishly.
kind thought 'of renfo)lbrane to the
families and friends of thos,,e who, have
given their lives in -freedom's eau -se.
,•CARLOW, Dec. 19. -Miss Norma'
Merley, of .near Parkhill, has returned
to 'her' aionae; having helped s Mrs. *T. -
Wilson for a week. '-
MT'S. Trew,ethay .and Mona, of Tor -1 After a, large,helping of plum pudding
lie passed his plate fora second helpieg.
onto, visited with Mr. Bert Vareorte-
• His' mother, who knew More about. his
cently• ' e habits than illOSt, objected; nand the
Mrs.••,John. Reid of Dung:anion is 4' 41 sm:tained the objection, by say-
Meets theneeds and
17 . Montreal „Street
Phone 3994 or W.
GonE4ioti - ittlysotIAX.'
Guaranteea workmanship at',
hat -w1111 please Poll.
VF .I miss:AGIT:NTS. V14,108,
Call at our oftice, Phone 2112.1, Or
rirop us'a line to.ttos 141; God*
rkh.. will pleased to oat,
help 6aesela suitable mein -
oriel for yew' Willy, plot. "
' "Santa 'askei. is to -give $rou all these.
presents," the nurse said. f
. • - . • •
It for tomorrow but let you Intve
. •
•Christmas -fairly hea yr. t
•I mean. the outgoing; ati-,..Wp11 1114th
incoming. am' to blame. ' from
the. of Noveniber J am. writing let , -;.1
ters le many friends. It is "a •hobby
taken up • in tho dark months of • the
year, and the niesSages mailed so as, .t6
arrive at 'Christmas. Soinebody, has
said: there. is, no lovelier • .gift than a
gracious persimal • It- is not a
cheap or ell8y way 'Of 'Christmas- re-
spendin.g fhW daYs with Mr411d xigTo 111011051 .boy, you • slnill have membranee if done rightly., and it can -1
soine more." "Ent, father. he re- 'not lie gracions or,lovely without pains-
plitridc -"haven't '.`you often. told that ,we t taking. It • is almost unrivalled in I'
.offtill ttkanorrow making mutual happinesk, .In addition]
sinbit.t.4yesan,„do Wait Afan ealt. nine_ to. my, friends -41 ry to. th,ink. out some',
pudding 110Wlonely S'Olit-i(jinedifelleflilifik-Thlifotrefir,
." .
,t • Sirh(nA • 1. know spinething about, 1•0
Recently.. I rode from S'uspension whom I shall send a letter' of kindli-
Bridgt-on the American side- to Buffalo T•ness., and .good -Will. • I remember .one I
on the raliwaY. * It was to ifly. thinking year sending one • to €ockiich Jail to;
the dreariest andpokiest ride I ever 111 iTIOlatO serVing time over Christ
had. The train went very sloWly, and nuts. It NV is to Oli• old neighbor whom
eourted in its passage all the backyards I had mit, Seen in a few -years -who
weedy -looking had „fallen oit eVil daYs. You should '
silaces there: are in factory precincts see the- lovely, aPPrOciative let0 I
'and 'Mary Ann backyards in'N'itigara got •hack, ' •;:"' • .
N.Y., ,,,and the • Smaller places
between, there and Buffaloaand the tin,
trti`rliitilitegs • :siPPtlirPaate‘. ligerseat bectY.b.a.e•IYc'der
well knew that just a iittle Way; from
.\l'rs. A. Errington.
Mrs: .lanies- •Adaniti is- making her
home a.t present with. lier daughter,
• ,
,;.\irs. G. Miln, who is not enjoiffig
the:best °Of health', is 'with her (laugh.
ter. Mrs. L, Snyder...
Sir. and 11.1rs'. ,Wm. Gillet of Hawk -
stone are spending the hbliday Season
with the litter's sister.. Mrs. Allan
dthers. •
Oiricer8.-7.-The W.A1.1,-c. met
on Thtirsdayan,:tlie, hail, with a. fair
attendance. "Ale election of „ offieers
Was held - tun), Mrs.., Marsh. W118 re-
elected as • president, Mrs. Stoll as
se,cretaryandatiby Young_as trealinter.•
Mrs.,11. Currie,' took the chair for the
‘lectlint, ..Mrs. Stoll gave two (tapters
.)f the .study book.' After the' meeting
dainty 11111C1), VHS served by Mrs. F.
'lark. mid Mrs". St411: The next queet-
ng be held at the home. of Mrs.
Wan. .
,Bible SeCietiheolleclien.-Miss Helen
lark, president, ot the Nile-Sinith's
•ilill„hrpneir of the Tipper 'Canada Bible
3ociety, linnAnCes the...receipt of S',17
*fi, the reSult of it 'canvas's. 'Special
alt' 115contrilhitorwand Ids°
to;eauvitese*rg who worked St;lattliftilly,
aa' this' is the, largest contributimi
the la st Sit 'Y'earf;L Contribtitions were
approxiMatelyt, Sinith's 1411,..S„2(); Nile,
IV Flight' Li('utenant' 1)1111 3111(31 i11aii
alt qautlior of 'POilly the Stars . Xnow")
thiS there was one of ' the Mos
• The writer,:an Pala
astouhding, ' thrilling° --SiglitS the
world. the Niagara 'Falls and' all that 11.011 • offit'Pr stailelled -In 'the •Nliddie
stretch, of Water and land that go to Enst, ASIted Palestine recently: Wlide
make loveliness- and splendor, in as; there, he lived ,andflew with the Can -
high degree. Refleeting on it,. andr 111110118 who are stationed. hi:that area, I -I.
rending the newspaper for that ,frday I and during his stay Wits,impressed with -
'With, it8' tales Of librror and :slaughter the fact that t18. 110111111 1:1)1(1 areaabout 1
tom all11151hideous fact's 01 worial which most ()Utile Add° story IV writ -
strife, • set over against'. the •coming ten eoVers 'Only a. relatively 'few miles:
Christians celebration that' „points to ' In a Modern aircraft, most of histenic
the beautiftd thinga. of joy and gra.ce Palestine can be covered in'a few hours.
and good:win, I $aw 111 the topography It .is quite feasible, in fact, to', 'see
of the Niagara.region it parable of our Serusalem„; Ilethiehem, the': Dead Ken;
JeKielto, and Nazareth in;eue afternoon
hy air. - „
- in training, and other fligitts;
the'lt.C.A,V. mon Attioned In Palestine
bedtime familiar with 'cities and plit(es
)Vhieb, prfor to their coming there. were
merely half-reine_intiered names' froth
their Sunday 'school clays.
'Mid there is Something aNVOSOMO, teq,
alient flying high 'over this, ancient
,human•pIperienee, . The beautiful com-
ing down- on the great riler.of God's
time of Peace and Good*ill in the per -
8011 or Jesus,. whom angels acclaimed,
and ineeting us with, staggering wonder,
previdos it greater thrill,than Niagara.
Tim .grimy, hideous,: .depressing ways
atill sights itte very ;much, with us,. and'
Avould .hide from • us this picture of
.Goti's -16ve. Wasn't ' it l'unyart who ,
, told us about a.gate that ;led to hell[land, beeause, from the air, the squalor i
So very near to the Gates. of Iie. veri. *and pettiness , which is an,..inescapable i
Such were my reflections; on that part of'the Ivo' Lana, today is erased,
dreary ride, '"' , , • . .
, aS if by 'magic and you See the conTitiy
., 4-. • r -e- --,,,, / , " ; aSt About as you would liave•.seen it
Auold martiS 'obituary WAR in. Oili had ' you Alton at, the, tinie of 'Christ.:
'ocal paper laat evening. His .deatI i'llis tinspirlin spectaele • has.' become
HoOlt . place 'this Week, 'and hi fif Dann, . part 'of the- '. 113' .,1,14 e14, of the C4n-
,,a4 ,an interestinc4 One, notwother tie' • 1i.o.,1,:irtne11. ni :v Jiving in P;Ile.,:qiiy.o,
Out . 0 . ..
. . • . •
f te
one by one, the lights of the vvOrid are cOtning on again, shining through
the darkness'of tile night 'Mai Warm glow of. cotnfort ano* cheer. Out •
• —of-the*gloonl of war; lights :Ar aOpearing .is bright:. symbols of .,a: neW,
. ttope : . 4 a. hope born of .in assui'ance o'f, vic,tory. `
u ,
. ,
;ply() thousand years ago Ole i...,at: of Betini*tilrOetalitled ttie birth ----'-
. . . .
. • cif Christ and gave new hope to the World ...','..::so,,the lights return, to us .,.,z,..
/now as heralds of ,Peace .. . a' Peace that comes out oftsacrific,e and)
sufferiqg and °gives prornise'of a r‘tegi and better:We. •
,,f May thiS-Chrlittnas awalten IA due tieario' new faith, tod stren$th .to, ,
. .„ .
,tontinue to fig,ht for thote ttiiro we bold dear . . , to do our, part to
astetihtbe•day when tvielightin, 'evory couotty aghin shine brietitts/ ,
and' trgughout thwor
e ld will:reign the Spirit' of 4,Peace on• Earth,
Goodwill:to tstien"..* .
It -At t-Voicy.t1..ectitt AtAtsstaio
tt. v 10,1Nitio.