HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-12-14, Page 8- • You Are Invited To Attenci Sunday Services STt S CUURCU W«4110„1)13NBAK. Rector „ ; 0,1'. 8, CARMAN, Orkmalst ad Ckelrisr 8.30 *.m. um -A ‘!opi‘;11.twIr'ioN., • 11.00 a.m. HOLY' COMM:UNfolg.:IiNp ,smgco,t. Subiectr "The Effects of His Corning:" - 300 p.ni OHURCIIiiCHOOL LAND14110 '',914SsE$ • 1.0.0 pu VENSttls.,10 AND SERM01"5,.: Subjectr' "Stevvards of The MYSteries."- ' :COME TO :c1110RCII AtptieltipiaZattlattliatatlElsOrit*Vitrilitlgl(letlikwiyikle“. 14***40100VOM!Ceet-W411,04FWMIKtliwtieit01441104",1**14 North, St: United Church lytimsfru,R_REirs R. Ht. TURNBULL, B.A., B:D.. 11 aari:,--PRELITDE TO CHRISTMAS.' 8 pan. 'Christmas Cantata', '"The Song and The Star" and, Candlelight Service. N.R.--Note chltnge of Untie from 7 to 8 o'clock. The Minister is =duns that all those attending would be in their seats by 8 so the worship service would' be concluded without interruption before,the Cautat commences at 8.30. Ititierw-MVOMMOVIKKicpcKtittWOENIVFIVI Knox Presbyterian Church 11.00 a.m. PUBLIC WORSHIP; Sermon ,Subject: "The Mystery of Our Faith.," *7 P PIMLIC WORSHIP: Sermon Subiect: "Perfection and Power." s D RI H SION VITIRS r, EON /1 riefs or Retiults Classified Ad•/AST AND EOM •FOR 0.4141$ FOR SALE. ---A SAVE., SUITAPLX for store or bu•sineSS office. Out - Reserve Vriday eveningi. Deeeuw0 iilde dimensions 30.X 37. Can be seen 15tb, for St. (4eorge's church school at SINAL It concert. and -play, **The Dream. of the -.,- „ Admits.4siekoniy 35c.„ _47-9 V011. SALV.—LA.DY'S BLA.OK SEAL Fuller Brush rePreSentative in town' coat, size 42-44, worn,' only four or November 25, December 0, and 10. five .times. Reasenable for cash. May Those interested leave name at Signal- be Seen'by calling120 for appeintment. .Star'„Office, 0 ymnit a Special suggestions for .Christmas4,.11: Huliett township;. good, ' 41-411--r120.401tE FARM IN buildings, New bots for , the "holiday season- I ror giStst 50.,rfs, ostunie ',Jeweiwry, land in Al conditiOn r about 10 -aere$ knitting hais and Cersage newel's, Miss a inIsll; SPring Water; near 'CI'lurch, conntY and' Provincial •high - WANTED ilTX OLD HORSES and dead -Cattle; mut be suitable for mink feed; Tenioved Awompuy. rum) oxravwx, libone 908T 22, Clin- ton, or aikoK GILBERT; phone '008 2l C1inton.0.4414 Aid' for, 1..„Stt ANTED.—A TOBOGGAN, or over.: 'Must be in good shape. Please send replies to -SIGNAL -STAR. 1 tInuTit, between •Goderich and Port Albert. 'rimier please return to ;MUSTARD% CO,A.L YARD and receive reward. 50x IVOTIC13. , ,••••,•,-•-•• 0.4*1.41••••••••4•*•••••••••04,1,-.41•••,,,,,V NTOTIOE,--4LL!AOCOVNTS 'OWING. oVidean & CO„” Goderich, must •be settled by ":,o,nuary 31s, 1045. CHAS. ;VIDEO, 044 St. Patr1e1„,.0treet. 50x. • .. • , • ANTtD, „-,-.-.. „:101AtALR °MeV', . 44.,,4.441.44,4,4**4",9T44, :Clerk for local Industry. Experh -TO RENT . • •t• enee., preferable but not' essential.,' Reamberation in accordance .. with , SCHOOI . 48 NvaYs* "Write I-Px.' 12' SIGNAL-STL504:1R .qualificatiens. Will'accePt Written aP- o .f.t,BiT.:=-4.--ofik-,Roomro) ' rdop- -,. 'At R. 41a0rieur, Kingston. street, Pliene 4.02- ', . „ - ERN tiplirtalent. -..1*. 'W. CRAIlx111 ' ReServe Friday,. December 15th; for * - • ..,------.- plicationS. only. ' AWAY NATIONAT.; , - • - euchre,, "500" and dance ill the Oda* Fon sArx.--13Ators clut3 „AND SEL„ ECTIVt SERVICt. • Refer. to fro .RENT.—OURNISHED ROOMS" fellows' sponsored by the 1.0.0.V. mattreSs,, practically' , new, $5.007; Order Number 1114. ' ' • g5nde' et:tes, Rel.)44h ' L°,dg!* 4.40114ss,,00nc aelt7.101 itliirGeNfANT4vo.sniTItAnit'sskat.es'-f-4-iz! ("4„58.0. W-0NR/ALDH,,,crl:,,..1..folictiiii,:a.1.- itsnsid•iun'sli°gy°.....t.'170:t 1.114E9t40,-:11,1LIAI:B14.0-sluir-rgAll.tRfl, ° JANUARYu'selee11:4:8:1 _ Christmas • . cards,' 2 (ol' '• 5c, %-was'n'41114,'gr.illac'—binCoe,N" Ein ..D'e*xpe..cCti":„Reoin9. l‘inluasetc,ob:die:ZeCrwleillthCqodu• auaReeamtionnnse,rawtfonni iiaitmorlactiveforfun4rcnelfdl, ,c,b4attornocised . thilreee. 7 . d‘111,),ug store' 49-50 ciition. Apply 0$., Wolfe" street', V. .cal.n.pbell s, YR*: 33to• uforrtriieOpc,415ye,:i.,4n.Ad accept written applications 'onlY. Apply -Napo- .t. • Wri.te P.O. 'BOX .77g; Go‘ler41C9h. ,Victeria, Street Sunday SC 100 Christ- ___-1„..._, NATIONAL SELECTIVE SERVICE.: ' . ' nuts concert, 'December. 20th, at 8.1)01m56 FOR SAL -t,---1.50 ROOK PULLETS.. Refert Order ,isi o, ninber 1115. . , 50 • , ''' '••,, , ' _., •.• •,..„ - z. ' ICENSE6 SEWING- (1•4•CIIIN°1 , 50x .4...uNTET.)._3/.0,(1NG,, wom,4x oR• ...TO RENT. — UN FU R., N I S II ED mechanic, repairs , all; makes; - - JACK. YUILL, R.R. 1, goderich. Slender Tablets are effective,. $ Two ph_o=ne_ _p_,0,_!_22. .. weeks'- 'girl- to -take cave of - household --of-- JanuarY 1st. -41)1)1Y, Phone ..5401---- -40 • ship ; -guaranteede„ - „ leppice; .vcrtu°11411:$1,17.31"- Campbell's DrOg Store, ' The December Meeting of the Salt= 1931 in - excellent running, condi.- Write P.O. Box 23,o, owerick out ,. To iittlIT.--11 URNISHED APART -1. ' supplyP, 'We've weeks 54 -at : - , ,.. -40-50 F.Olt SA•LE-11•UDSON". $ , SEDAN, tA, Liberal time off, goad wages, . • • . -,—. --- AFTE1 Iii-oire 480. 48 5th., downStairs apartment; possession eighteen, years xper n , . .N •,4s 0 • ford` Red Cross was held at Mrs.' II. tion; fie tires, four new; good body, •50x i•MVNT,AvVo rooms and hatli,'separ- iik-roquov. is hereby given to all Per- . Jeukin's. Fourteen CArietinas boxes serial Nts: 921720, price $245. .phone „ate' ,entrance, -spring-filled mattress, -/-1 in large' size. Quebec heater.. 433otli in i • • , , 110WEI414•.• • , aiturpopw•PeouPiRe :s. iniAmLecliawte.,, 490 On or.about the"20.th day..of November, ta:mosf Irdawliffrctlilllet trotiesrttstoll.ne,, were packed'for the boys in service' in Goderich 551M,, j5° 117AaNpTaErtnni.eiTt or NsnarnjUl house, to 'Also bed -sitting room and kitchenette 'es i v v - , - mostly, heated , possession. Januari, lst ; Canada. The young ladies of Saltford v--6-rt .sALE._84No- h., .,,- ___ , -, TATN4N1' STuVE - ' J--- ' . - - late of the Town of °oder ch, vvito died ... or to buy; at once if ,possible. Apply , suitable fur . • - oil -burner, two bottles, • equiPiral' 43 Trgalgar Street , , , .. * '4 .* 50x possession. - 52 El in avenue, *Phone 51% ' ' 501, track, PliOne 108, ,or Tilt TO RENT.—FURNISHED 1044 to send Sameilto the undersigned . ..,---- ' , • t : A n in 11944, as on and after that :dole the. 98 , East s rest. va tme , on or before . 220a, tdhaey, 'aosfs.ettskateheraerbeeorf: i 11°"11' Administrator of the estate shall pro - Al condition, 25.00 cash. J. S. CULP; , WANTED. --A TOY TRAM" AND . • ceed to distribate We ve 'Welt preteetin us supplies -fer Some time SO we would be able to give our eust- !piers Whet ;they' will Want at this season.' For the .week. before 'Christians there will be plenty Of Shortbread, -Cookies,' Cakes, Doughnuts, Tarts, French Pik- :, ries; and, a, nice assortment of, ' -Bakery "The,11-Ionae4••of:-Taati• • MEL. 'CULBERT, ProPrietor.-- eiNNO 405 " , .11)Vilt14.10•NOTALCZ v donated $15 towards the ,boxes, which is gratefully acknowledged by our society. Mrs. Ralph Jewell, Seey.,•• ; Rheumatic , pain, sciatica, lumbago, quicidk relieved by using RumaCtips. Recommended by 'thousands Who have A -VOID DISAPPOINTMENT : TAM. - --- Order yew: 'Kitchener , WANTED,—I WANT TO 'RENT 'A anu 17' PP Y' ' - 'bX tl having regard onlY to the Claims then .. gabled better'health, Campbell s Drug .4•••,- se4son. 32 WellesleY streetor plkelie 952W I" • . • .-- ...,. Store. • • ,, . - •L___. • • . 5° Bfg-4 Chicks now. If you db, you get' small 'unfurnished honse. or cot- 1 _ - • • . . . . . filed. . - 1 • , We art extending an invitation to, a, roate, cof $1 per 100 chicks for cle- tage with furnace, not ' too far from -TO RENT : FUltN-1„ FURTHER TAKE, NOTIeE that an the niethers, babies andtoddlersof the livery January or February. We're; lake, any time' after ,January 15th.I . IsHnD awl muippeTd. small +house, ! persons yaw 'have articles -en aPPrevel obild-fleaith•centre, GOderich, to come agent here and wilVbe glad to quote I: Phane'-'30 -er Write i),O. )30X 804, ' suitable fel. two. Apply 36 'waterloo or 'consignment Or.011 the PaYreent*P.T1 ' . 50 i . •i 50x . s,treet,„ phone, 40J. ' , '' . 5() must repOrt the stuxte forthwith' •te tne- iternoon. AUBRA CLEAVER,. p,FLINT. t• * . tO------ItENT.—SIX-RIOU.. it.00-'1)/.1ql.- R7-iletodkeei813,1g; trtheed asdleiluTsliroirtrt19;r117 13•Yrtl!I''' " December .21st, 3 to 5 o'clock in th deb. , 1, ' •, . e,, . ; • - 'to a •Christmas ten pactTbarsilayi you.' prices. RYAN PRODUOE,,,..Gode- Goderich.' am. 4 1. I 2.30 pail, SUNDAY :SCHOOL. • - ..-- •'7.41INISTER-7-REVERENO *WARD STEWART. ORGANIST—MISS ;EILEEN Ift. . ' • .DIRECTOR OF PRAISE—MRS: FRANK: SAUNDERS. • • • Come and Worship -the Lord in the of Holiness. i. igair,0,01*-2,04.7trogiultx,:brzaikkrizioitio wil.filciettattOgosii..."Msti*MiegiStciticts*...*-witiocktow= Victoria: St.' -United Church tviwi§T.ER-REv. tmiTRENcE IL TURNER, B.A. ' • - ORGANIST—MRS. L. HANNA „Atrou - • • - 1,1 -C TO..PASSL_ ,„• ,7 p.m. "TIM STORY' OF THE CAROLS."' .1 Monday night -8 p.m. Y. P. MEETING. • t. UNION CHARGE -2 p.m. Sabbath School. - 3 p.m: Public' Worship. • 'ObliioarzioleyirmarzottomizizaisitioarrNowitistribuyeottpZivaill,71=0/121.4 „ ••,• • , • ActivaMitetalowl GOderich. Baptist Chutch. REV. JOSEPH JANES, MA, PASTOR r r ° Mrs. Wilfred .Donaldson, Organist - .1,1' a.m. -PUBLIC. WORSHIP. . Subject :"Our -Daily Bread." '8 p.M., SUNDAY SCHOOL. -'17• pm ; PUBLIC WORSH!P. • Subject: ' "A Life of Hope. 'Monday, -DeeeMber---18th-----Chr1stma8 Entertainmeht,-; -Program' *by he Sunday School. Wednesday, da p. Prayer Meeting. '- C071.,E 'TO CHURCH *AND WORSHIP 4 4,• wiroztoratomegAverc_tetvegiottetempetottevem 4P4C-kregteactgNAntoogrogtgmivaWata-N tatooategveag .PENTiNOSTAL ASSEMBLY OF CANA.DA BETNEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE , G ;HARRIS,,Pastor'.. '* 16 WAtBnLoo ST 4 THE 'REVIVAL CONTINUES! ! ! -Services.: . San. 1140 a.01. itt"ORNI-NG' SERVICE .7,30 p.m. EXENLNG SERVICE. d • .Tuesday 8.00 p.m. Young 'Peeples Service: rsdar?1,00-0.d.----1'rayerliteiting. singifilg-and Gospel Messages await you at 1HE‘CHUECII TIIAT PREACHES WHAT THE BIliLE 70101/01,44);r:V=Mb'Atrergagiptitletre,"•agt A' • • , • 'ENGLISH CHINA DINNER.- CET would- in a niee Christmas PICTURES,.,• • it CHRISTMAS CARDS ART AND, GIFT: .: ..- ST°R.B.' izAsTAT-PHONE19$ spoliammismomigiasso -.:.•Christmas . cin01 ards , packages of 12 - •1 SALE . — Vs111,12-S----WOIT i, -CHUIZCII, kk.e,,,14 ls::honeyen s or an urine P ETHER TAKE NOTICE lie for 25e boxes from 29c to $50at boots and Skatessize 51/have -good- 10eationr: hot. 'water - furnace. buSiness of the PrenilSes: Of :the late - , . 2., , -, 2 ;• CanipbeWs la/A. drug store. 40-5W been used but are in- good condition, ,.. ..........._. , Wri_te .,,130X.,_:,.14,SINAL-STAR.:,' ,50tfi*E. C:. t.;'•i•-- :VW 6-PipOl2). .• . . .. ,.8.30 p.m.. for the Purpose of giving out Robertson . will '• be cipen_feaeh . -The un ay school of, North, s riet . , United cluirch will hold its 0h-ristuni *TO RENT...-- tyNrttAN-Isii E'D evening., until, further notice; ,o.30 • to, JACK ,RABBIT DRIVE.—.(WeatherACM#t 'SIGNAL -STAR; OF,FICE. .00 , permitting), December 2uth. Meet at _ I , chesterfield and chair, newly ivraentt.ertilin, in..ent en wednesdaY • Decem- - .apartment; immediate possession. . • ' * ' - •. a , . .... 'it • -- . . articles. held by the said- E. . Robert- . Apply Ce. M, OBERTSON, phone 730R. . Linfield 4 Baxter's garage, Kingston j: ... holstered, in rich wine velour.. REILeS 1 ',--. ' • . ' son for"repairs or otherwise,*biit huSi,---- street, ' . 2. :, leaving• 1 .m. tverk The , Lions ,Club will hold a- Christ, -r,-40- ..: UPHOLST,ERING, The SqUare: street Tinited °Church, Mrs, ."-Hrtrry 50 On Sunday „morning lait *At Victoria . .„ __... '• •`• 50x'• - gOods. • . * • ' ''' ' •• . .' bitted at O'Ciderich this fourth clay of ess 'Will not be -•open• fel.. the •sale of- . 4 q person. welcome. Hunters' 'coinrnit5trii itis SALE. -"--MAN'S DiAGONAL, Sanderson, presidentofVictoria mas birigo on Wednesday, December I' .,twill brown tweed overcoat size 18; Helpers' Class,' Presented the„ church',. , AIJOTliON SAE . • .Decem.b,c;nr,, A61.3.11-1144.yi. ,it,p.., ,. . . .20th; -at. lk p.m,: at ‘ the Town, Hall, in practically new Apply SIGNAL•••WEAR., with twelve hymnailes„ the same being • • -. -prizes of turkeys,.'geese, chicks and . • • • ' ' . ' .' : in the interest of the chui.eli andtothe AUCTION 0.1.0•4 ' 40-504 Solicitor for 'the'aboyeEstate., : . ' -Gtoderich, Ont.', .: „..• „ , aid of war services. Fifty rounds with .f: . ‘, - . 's _ 50., aceepted and dedicated by'the•rainister chickens will. be played. • .• - ,•50x 'L -.70R ' SALE: . --;-• LADY'S •WINTER glorY' stif God. • • ,"7-7- :__..--, •-i:•-•.4- - ' ... • s ' Youre weloge to lookr to buy atf_ •-•a; coat, ''si..Z.e-r: ill' 20, t•C011ar,'-rieVer. 'The-Goderieli 'flaptiat-Sunliti-F•selioul -.AT- TOWN,SHIp-*HALL--CARLOW,,ON Camphem.s,. sou_ friendly_T.DA.-------'-,•**--.----, . ,-. • -- • -7*-7-4-,.-- -- :.- .- . ' 'ei-,:o-•• wain, will Sell reasenably,:' ay . 13 will -hold -its Christmas-ek-ttertainnfent. TiEURSDIY,-DECEMBER 21st,,. ,slissommumisinesmosiornsiesemiammissi.` .... drug -May-May store which carries•a very large selec7. Seen.an•3:.tinie at 82 East *street. . 50tf. on Monday, December 18th; at 7.30 p.M. ' '. ,• . .•,1044, at 2 o'elock . -:' • ..., . l'.. , - ' , -,- tion of Christmas gi,Vts. • .41):50 * ' • .• :. '' - A goodprogram_ will be rendered. by • 150 acre farm', Part lot 8 and lot .% , -- , • FOR gALt. — MAN'S' oBROWN the school, and the public- are. invited concession 4, East _Division, .TOwnshiP• litO ccessorles STGEORGES CHURCH • tweed oVeroftt, size 88;• worn only to attend: - • - , ' of Colborne. On the farra is siltUateel •. .. . ' The regular 'meeting of the A.Y.PA. a, few times. Write BOX 15; SIGNAL,- On Sunday, December 24th, at 4 a good • bank .barn, 50,..x 60, with core • was heldin the Iarish Hall On WedSTAR 50 p.m., a vesper carol 'servide will be •fortable stucco ' hoite, . some 'bush, .- ..A.- . nesday eveningwith a ondly number held in the ,Baptist church, and the plenty of spilng Waiter; Parm• Will be ,. •g presentC.a. incindingseveral new mein.% RD OFII TAN4S ' - regular evening service will be. omitted. offered, .subject. to 'reserve bid. For ,. ", , , ,.• bersA warm welcome was extended _A.:greeting-card from Nursing Sister particulars- appy lr` to undersigned. * . • ; _., to Mr. Leslie Riley, who.rethrned some- R: FRED .1‘1,QSS ' AND FAMILY Grace-'31tison. to the congregation; Of ' -HUGE( -F1ILL, .. , • mi , in ., military sa.nernig - ehbors' for their many acts of kindby RevLawrence HTurnrat the - _. , .e: e' • •R,R. 4; • Gederich Wounds received . ..BEEVE time ago '-from overSeas as a result of I wish ,te thank the friends and. Victoria street United church Was read NVIVI.; YVIIInSHJSrittree't, 'G'oderich.. AUTO. • , the minutes were rend by. the secretary, 'for the beautiful floral offerings tend- card .N,gas postmarked Brussels Bel Bel- .Executors of''EState of the ..,iggirty ations. Mr: Harold Shore presides4 And ness and expressions of .symPathy, and mofni.ng ser,vice on Sunday lait. -, The .,inas party on December_ 27th. . - -1-whe so kindly loaned cars:_____ ___ 50x. • Auctierteer.__ ' *est' St:. , Mrs. Har,oid Taylor. The meeting was ered -in their . recent bereavement in glum, and. expressed hope that Ali, Was 1 • late Hilt �f a business' - chara-cter' and arrange- the logs of a dear wife •-and inother. well • at home. • Miss- Masen said she -, DONALD B.. BLUE: Ments were made fet.. the amnia' Ch*st- They would also lire- to thank those eiretedi to, move ..tO Holla„nd. .-' ' . ,,. • . -Last ' SiiiidaY...-.S.C:-Georgeri- einirelf ' ' school had the 10.' -g -est• attendance in. • - • • to a great entertainment on Friday ' isOitN .. _ ... „ years and' the attendance for the whole _ _. • • year has been' .inuch higher than in 4-)A-0 'TWELL:L-At.A.sexAukira hospital, recent, years. All are looking -forward- -bouerien, on Decemuer um, 1044, to mr. anti mrs. alluillas..Caumeti, OX.- ci,- - g. .. • • 1 ..., . ' ' 1.0ra, 51;ieet, uoderieu,•a daughter. The reetor Will continue his Series Of -,,,,,._.....• ' plibu- - _. . ',..:, . serforts 'for ACIvent next Sunday -and -1,11-15E-kiL----111 1-xederich, ' on Wed- .liesuay, .December 16th, 1044, WA - the following*Shnday. " The attendance . of all is requested. ^ . hain F. .ninpueliotorne.rfy or West .. . Wawanosh,.inhis 58th year. * -, VIIRISTIVIAS GIFTS: - - The remains are resting at the E. E. _.,:._. FOR -NAVY PERSONNEL Cranston funeral, home; 17 Montreal streeelicintil,-Vriday,,...::•4Ser.-vg anir... y. •„„, at the.Dungnar Angiican church on m ' Reembrances Being Sent b LoFriday, December 1.5th, at • 2 , o'clock. • , Bran& of Navy League • ' . ',.‘". •1 Interment in Dungannon cemetery. 1 • Each. 6Oderich member of the navy • ' IN MEMORIAM ' '1 or ..merchaiit _marine, Whether ashore TRUENINER.---In• loving :Memory of f _ ...._ or at sea,. Is to be remembered With a - our -:mother, •• Catherine , Truemner, b localswho19. died One .year ago; Deceinber Chritmas_ gift, l;,y- the. ran . . . .Ch • . 43. • . • • - '' ' of the' Navy League, it was announced .,• bade no - - She. no one a last farewell, • . ' . at the meeting last.Thursday night by • . • She said goodbye to none; ' . .. ALCOHOL Froskil Canned .65% 0.1). $1.49 per .gal. „Cash and Carry . 'Mrs. G. L. -Parsons, convener" of he ' -The gates .of 'Heaven. were open wide, Pte 1R B. Mick .of Chatham -visited pomforts‘ Cerairlittee, H. M. Menteith, A gentle voice said 'Come7.." ' ;,-,-tver remembered by the, children, his . mdther, Mrs. Wallace Black, over chairman- of the-brandh, presided.- .',': • 50x theeek end . •Mrs : Parsons disc'reported that 112 01'llusaa'aiii""wae... ditty bags (AO. from Goderieh twelve from the Kintail group) had been sent forward, •at an approximate 'Cost of. $5 each.. The contents of each bag were: tr Oviretwasliclotli;cIgar - ette's; tooth powder, toothlyrnsh, choco- Enroll new for • . SEWING_ CLASSES both afternoon and evening classe's in persenal and house- hold- sevving. - • IVIARY, TIOWELL . 4 St. Viricent Street, Jaws. COAL! en you require Coal or Coke CALL atleit C. Lee,gstate Coal and Hardware at the Harbor PbonesHoue 112 :—Oilloe „ ,•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• - errs?. • • vut Ittervitit omit odenclh"*Lions-Club Itrik a 111 Town Hall, Wednesday, Dec 20t AT 8 "P.M : 50 Rounds, Turkeys,' Geese, noels, Chickens. In aid of Vito So oil, OflE�Zfland D eento cad 01glilSZ 15 " Iy and get, yttur ebriotataii Pawl. :Guy Ernerob • •t. . MAFEKING- . .. . MAPEKING, Dec, 12.—Mr; and Mrs: hp, ..liodgiris tofd---"Ruth Anne,--of- Kinlongh; spent Sunday afternoon with late bars, shaving crea,m,,handkerchief, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Anderson, 1 •comb, 'stationery; hard .candy," hand- - Mr. -and- Mrs. Jim Curran and Pickled i - knit socks,. scrapbook, game, one pound of St. Helens, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd [ 'frpit bake; gum, temato. juice; NeW" Hunter, of Wawanosh, visited at the I •S• .n4 ,7f114 Testament and Reader's 'Digest. Each article wag wrapPed in • Christmas per,. with seals. _ The shipment also included four fur Coats and twenty-four pairs Of mine- sweeper's mitts. . • A.letter was read frem Doug.. Price, "Kirkland Lake," Addressed to Mrs. Douglas It Nairn and Mrs. B. Sale, who -have coMplied scores Of, scrapbooks -to- be, placed in ditty --bags. The, letter reads -as follows: :Scrapbooks Eagerly • Read. 01 'Writing this •letttr on behalf of the boys of the eominunication,mess, who ,wisif to thank you personally for your Very. 1•,itunorous scrapbook. . It might well be called a Humor Digest. We have enjoyed. it very tiluch,00_ it is hardly 'ever in one place. for any *length of time,' Someoneis reading it or Showing It to ,another Chap, so you cah se& that 'Ore are getting the beat use of •it. Our Ship is ,one of the newer frigates which. , our. country Is building speedily....Though our 41kE48 deck is crowded We Menage to 11 in 4 State wliidi iS* AS close to co as the -navy will allow us to go. is 'nattily (Inc to the generosity Of people of. Itirklandi Lake, •whb h .sent us many thingS 16 -make. Ourlives little brightoreasy chairs, a '•witsii- 'ing machirie,4, records, tadio-phono- graph. They like yourselves aro inter- eSted In thepeople who serve thein.'! Pridlitun, magazine eonvetier, reported MO pounds Ktitagazines were remit for •isltilanent.- G. N. Dowkeri, treasurer, . reported , contributions ,to date to the, Navy' league fund enni- pilgn amounted to $011.07, It ,Wati .decided, to hold the fund open to the end of the year for further contribu. flow • • The annual ineetink of the l)tflflch 'will be held on.; Thursday, January. Ilth. to which all ,perionft InteroSted In 'the organizatien are invited., 6 18 parental home on Sunday. , , Mr. •and Mrs. nos, Blake attended' morning service, at South Kinloss 011 Sunday, wheh their grandson, 4aekie McIVer, was baptized. ;* Howard' .Blake, who is training in tieridon, spent the week -end cit his home. • -•• • Mr and and Mis,*Geo.. Andrew of Luck now visited their Son. •Bill'on Monday -and enjoyed-the-testivities on Lotilse'S liirthday. . tr4Vocialen elf‘r And Smart are arriving everyday AT rans!ops lit4141471 t 414 . ,,4•4? ,Ng „•.‘ \,t ‘,.1;• • e. :sta > TAQ. , 4 • , 48-50 VICIttAte414VVOUVOTIOVIIMOViitatt •tteximmtsocspcsompittsx:t' 4.004nalat • • • •IP 14' bk" lerztectim-smovexotiftrIcsoccsionssievoseastosstmo IONS , itspooksatooksoctukst*,stecresditsookliftialtflotactossesmspo a Holly -.Loose or in \Wreaths 4, liV/11113,•WItEATII8'to show that we Ilave.,not forgotten those whjO htii• *0 puledon. ti ' ' i," - ''' ' lettlitettir. . . Widethoriebribil' ViA1041041“1“101001400:1004300040410010p9p000414140“ „4,11,10C,IttfOttitAtAlt _it_ , ..,:„.„...._ , It Will pay Well to milne to 49 BittrOE SZ, where our Show. Room ill a lia'we'r iot bealti$*'s;d; *our PLANA.% and novv,pts cam be seeit to good, adtiantto!.. .trottictectopottootopottocctopcoittorootocottittitorvoof,o,otottootbot00000tifootivittwoot SEi4D Writittr ORDERS EAWir Phone 106 Ott .• • , ts* 14,ls Mr, 14,1' 111