HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-12-07, Page 8THE GO MI I AR • r.CHUASDAY, EMBER owre Invited to Attend Sunday Setvices ^9. GEORGE'S CHURCH KIV W, 11.roplil,A8, Rector ' V.F $„ CARMAN, OrtalliSt nd ChOirimasteir ° • SUCGND sono' IN ADVENT,30 . non;*, -HOLT- COMMUNION.. * 11,00 %M.: MORNING PRAYER AND SERMON. Subject wrimi 4-40t valuable thing :Witch, this World affords?' . 3.00 pan. 'CHURCH SCHOOL, 2iND BIBLE CLASSES. 7.00 pan, • EVENSONG ANL,- 'SERMON- • SuhiS.Ct; 'Ike Danger 01 an 'Overcrowded Life - com.0 tra.„tuunp3i. 'TtaaT•i'rtiNliiiTtii'ifeifili-0651Z1, • IMit'n•- - • •11% 10"4-N• • fM1ritW1RAT•ixi411 tliii North' St. United Church B. TuoNButa.„ It A, B.D. 11 'a.m. TIIIE ANNUAL WIIITE GIFT 'SERVICE OF 'ME ss. 3 pm. SVNPAY SCHOOL,„ -`1A-NMSSAGE FROM THE 16th TO THE 20th CENTURY.”, • 'ORGANIST AND 'CHOIR WADER---- MRS: M-HETHERINGTON. Knox riesbiterian Church , I p.m. YOUNG PEOPLE'S, SERVICE. Thii . service of "Public Worship will be conducted by the Young People s Society, Mr. Dan -Walter presidhig. Rev. R. IL Williams, KA., of Seaforth, will preach the sermon., Mr. Williams recently returned from ' the Alaska Highway where h..6 ...W#1.$ a civilian padre. There will be spetial music -by the Choir. .11.-a.m-.T„TIIIC,SAC_RAMENT OF BAPTIS11. - • , 11.00 a.m. :1JI,IN10Ic ti:VSGREGA-TION. , 2.30 p.ra. SUNDAY SCHOOL. ''• _Monday, 8 p.m. The , Young • Peopidi Society. • ' •OINISTER-L-RES bREND •RIC'HARD STEWART. ORGANIST -NUNS EILEEN BOGIE. • - _ DIRECTOR OF -PRAISE-MRS. FRANK SAUNDERS. _ come and 'Worihio the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness.. .., i. s. Victoria St. United h -Churc• .-MINISTER-REV. LAWRENCE IL TURNER, °B.A. . „ ORGANIST -MRS. L. RAININit s.in:--sABT4tif-ScHooL. 11 a.m. ",`THIE PERIL OF NEUTRALITY." 7p.m. LANTERN PICTURE SERMON. -MomIdy -.--Y. P. -MEWING._ Miss Mary Robertson will be the speaker. UNION CHARGE -2 p.m. Sabbath School. , •,3 p.m. Public WOrship. Goderich Baptist Church REV. JOSEPH JANiS, M.A., PASTOR • . ..; . Mrs. Wilfred Donaldson, Organist.: .. COME, TO CHURCH' ON SUNDAY--WORSIIIP GIVES,STRENGTH 11 a.m.. ruBliie w,oRsigP. Subject: .‘Thy will be Done." ' 3 pim. SUNDAY' -SCHOOL. 7 p.m, illioad WORSHIP, Subject "To young To Die" Monday 8 p.m. Meeting 4 B.Y.P.U. Wednesday, 8 p.m. praYer Meeting. . . . A CORDIAL WELCOMEFOR Al.. , PENTENCOSTA.L ASSEMBLY OF CANADA • - BETREL PENTECOSTAL T.A,BERNACLE • • REV. A. G'.. HARRIS,- Pastor. 16 WATERLOO ST., THE REVIVAL CONTINUES! Seririees: • • , • ,,, ,SUO, 11.00. a.m. MORNING SERVIM-. p.m', • EVENING* SERVICEp 'Tuesday „ 8.00 p.m. Young. Eeople's Service. 'Illarsday 8.00 pm. Prayer Meeting. _ Inspiring singing and Gospel Messages await you . at TFIE-CIIURCH THAT' PREACIIE'S WIIAT THE BIBLE TEACHES. IIRENCIIMEN STILL - -CALL FROM LONDON „ One of the . chief programs in ,the •daily • broadcasts from 'London since 19401 --which, as the 'people of France , AVDIVi kqe .been_a-Ixttea force In icp Ing , alive the faith- of the French ; hr,i thenzselAres ;not. less than. in Britaln's, premise to ''come :hdek"•=4Eui---"Les ,ancais, parlent; aux Francais." 1n• • it French. 1 s ene • tOLINC-ANNON D'UNGANNON, Dee. U. ---,Mr. and, AIM W. J. liOhh and MiStil•DbrOth. had as their guest for the week -end Mrs, John GarnisS, Of Termite, and on. Sitt, urday theyottended the birthday party OP their aunt, Mrs. Matilda Wellet, at. (1011..tricit': MrH. Welier. who obseived 1Ui-tor:$t. thoige8',0_11P1'ell seuuuLj her ninetieth birthday„.18 'star remark- coneert and play, "The Vretun of. the ably spLry, doing .tattingo,nd embreid1. Admission_et4 3Oe. .47-9 ety, and Made,her faVorite codifies for The Empire ServicV Olirb will Meet the.birthday party,,T She is a sister of. on rriday,". Deeeniber.lpthi• at .14 pan, the late Win;Bray of Diingannon and • , • the last rearaining member, of her 'guiler BrhsIi repreSentative tOW,If iaiiuly." ° * Novelaber 24 December 2, 9, and /0.: .Mr. Intusserv Free and -three ,Those, interested leave mune at Signal- ren,- of Cheitenliain, nears- Brampton.,. ,§,tar °thee. 17-50" were recent Visiters with Airs, Oree'S Ti Junior„ W.A. of St. Lii-cokg,e.o. mother, Airs,' TirOs.' McWinlineY. 1ehureli will. hold 'the annual -tea and Borne -A -At •Goderich Hospital, on dhrilttuas•sale on Satnrciray,. December Thursday, NeVeniber 30t11, to Mr. and Q; in the chirCh hall., 3"te „ 48,9 Mrs., Frank Glenn,. Duagannoll, a 11, Reserve Friday 0014, Pecereber Congratuliitions•.1 , Airs. Durniit and S. O. are spend- ing a few• days,at,liendon this week.. • • ,,isitors Alr, • arid Airs. Jas: Speefal suggestiens fer Orristnias. New hats:.,„fer the holiday season. goV gifts: 'scarfs, 'costunre' jewellery, knitting bags- and corsage iloWers. Miss MneVicar,.. Kingston :street, Finnigan and Coraon b•OWlaY1 iU Lt phone 40. • *2., 48 •i%union of the tinnily, were. Mr. and • The Goclerielr• Township Ninth' End Mrs. ----Everett....:IiInuigun_ and Owen- branch Red Cross Society will 4),Old a dolyn,. West Wawanosir; Mr, and XLrs. euchre, "500" .and, dance-ln- Oddfelloivs' ilo tve.y Finnigan, of Detroit, and Mr. Hall on Friday, December 8th. Pinch and Liurves ,Andeiton and two setved. Bayfield" Valley •Five orchestra. !ChAll(11;olciiia?fevAletffheikgiuogi Dungannon eserve ecerab. er 1:5.:4;th, .i4o9r Badminton Club wits held on MnndaY elichre, ``500" and dance in* the Odd- e‘eniiig iii the Parish Hall. ' An enjoy-, able tune was spent inbadminton and other games and at the close lunch was served. The attendance numbered tweutf.' Mr. Cecil Qrser..,4Detroit, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert**Orser, over Me American Thanksgiviag week- end. Mrs. Win. Petrie received a letter on Tuesday from her son, - Allan Petrie, soinewhere in England, stating. he was line and had enjoyed' the week -end with 41.4 Caesar, who is oneof his closest. neighbors at home, arid Who is the only one of the,home boys' he has met since -going '• We are:801'1,Y toknowthat Mr. and Mrs - Thos. 'Wiggins are bdth In very poor- lfealth, being confined to bed most For Results .Chissified- . . ,,ro. ,ttllN%---FPitATISTIEP ATARI,- '" AIENT., 107 ..4itebee Street. 'Phone T401.----- --- - ------; -- - ---:- ---.441X' II() RENT'..-VOUR-1-1.60MED. Mt5,i),. BOX, 90,. SIGNAL -STAR. ' .48 r ERN* apartment. J„ W. ORAIGIV.. 14' itan.---,-runNY64iiiiiD ' Rooms Suitable for „light housekeeping: r, 10 Iti•INT.-ABOUT* JANUARY :1.st, 1 attractive firrnished ;house; three bedrodins, furnace, , bathreem, " fire-. places. Write P.O. pox 770; qtgaerich, fellows' Hall sponsored by the 10 0)? and tbe, Rebekah Lodge,• Admission 35 cents. • 40-50_ Christmas eards 3 for 5c, 2 for 5c, 3' for 10c, 5e, and Up at Campbell's, your friendly I.D.41*.e 'drug store. 49-50 You're welcome to look or to buy., at .-Canipbellis, your friendly I.D.At drug store which carries every'large- selec- tion of .01iristmas gifts. 49-50. At the draw male by the St. David53' group of. St. George's "iltomea!s• Guild; the lucky- winners Were 'Mrs. Francis Overholt and, Mrs.. 11. J. A. Ma.cEwan. Victoria street Sunday sebooll Christ- mas concert, December 20th, at 8 p.m. • 49-5Q Don't Miss the Mut meeting of the Victoralind Centrallae and•SthQT members in Victoria School, Thursday, December 14th, .at 8 p.m. Pine pro- gram Of eighteen musical nuMbers by ef the tiniet7 • * Mrs.. Christilaw, of Nile, is visiting her sister Mrs. Thos, MeWhuiney. • pupils of the two schoels. Silver . col Mi antl-*Mrs." Gpo. Rivett, who re- eieetion. r.s.;-Donit forget the shower r, _ cently received a .telegrain hi:fanning. Of clothing fol. die "Save -the, Children' HE CENT4AL, - AND them . *that their on Leonard wa§ • 49 I 'School Association wishes to thank wounded in Holland on November 23rd, The ;regular Meeting of Ahmeek all thoSe who assisted in any 'way by remoVed., to hpspital. ,While the. ten- .of candy for the adopted sehoel' o hit with shrapnel in the hip fin& was ['day, Deceniber 11 at 3 p.m. 'A -shower s f h m for have since received word that he was wig he held off Mon- c ' sion ot" worry has *h. somewhat, be received .the ' Christams -box' lifted,...the parents are Stffl'very anxitiusl. to the schooL *49 e -ft,S-ttleY.Wait-103, ft persenatletker:with •Chigstmas-edrds- in -packages- of- _12_A fuller partictilars of his cond ton. • -for, 25C----lsoxes.-frontH.?,9e-,- to $2.50, -at, Mr. Everett Errington has bought Campbell's I.D;A: drug store. 49-50 ..KA.TIILEEN-ROBERTSON; the small .frtime house --on, Mr. --Tom . The, Gotlerich- Township- North Red - Robertson and family Rivett's fifty -acre farni. 'in Ashfield, Cross Society will hold their' annual and Mrs. Robert Johnstml.....44.4 family and will move it to his Place on the meeting in No, 1 school on Tuesday, 1 take thit oppOrtunity to express their 6th concession of West .W„awanosh to December 12th, at 18.30 pan. Electionl!, -sincere thanks. for messages of Sim - be remodelled fur a garage kild Wak-, of 'ofileers and...other businest,".- • '• "I`PathY, floral tributes;.and 'ears loaned shop. ;k".. • 49 R-.-- RUNDLE, Secretary,: for the funeral., • • -49 • Mr. and Mrs.' John.McGee and (laugh- Slendor Tablets- are • effectiVe. Two teri; Dorothy and Helen, have moVed weeks' supply $1, tweeive weeks' $1.5a0t their...household effects. frohi Blyth to cainpbell'S Drug Store. - Dungannon, ,and are ,occupying -Mrs. Sam Treleaven's house. Mrs. Treleaven is spending.the.winter with 'her •datigh- r in Edmonton. " An Annual Remembrance. -A lovely ,bouquet of 'mums, in yellow; mauve and bronze shades, arrived litat Week from the 'gardens of Mr. and Mri:• Tom Iteed, yancoilver,„ an annual remembrance -le •Miss. Letitia Dreaney„ wtot,Lis Mrs. •.Reed'S ana, Mr. Reed is- a -brother of. -Mr. ...Jacob Reed, ' Mrs.. Jacob Reed receives half of the lovely large- bou- quet, and it is, marvellous ..the fresh 'eendition-they are in after tht7for1r days" trip from the.Pacific Coast. Special $eirviceS.-Rev. Scott Morton, padre•of the ReYal.Air Forcejs to be guest ' speak& at the morning service at Dungannon United , church" on. Sun- day; Deceinber 10th, at 11,O'clock. Rev. The death of her father ; Mr. Carman Harold J.. Snell'of ,Auburn will be the Brindley and son in the death of hipl ' -Special-speaker at- the--ev-Kting-servpic wife,: and-alsn---,to•-••14r.i,--and-MrseN.m. at 7.30. These- special services, held McKnight in 'the death Of • their wider the joint auspices. of the coin- daughter. »raiittee of stewards and the paissnma.y.y_W.A-Elects.,-The • annual meeting And maintenance committee, are to of Nile -Woden's Association- was held. afford the Members and friends of the church the Opportunity of. exPressing their loyalty' to ,tlie chuteh, through their. attendance ,* and through their . gifts for the • work" a. -Church' for -49x 0,- RENT. H. N 11,N I S VA) • , downstairs apartment; libssesSical ,..11ann'a,ry .1st, Apply Phone 540R, -49 0 RENT.L-FURNISHED APART- . MENT, two roona8 and. bath, seinir- ate entrance, :spting•;Illied mattress, OaSily, heated ; possession januarY 1St; Also bel sitting ream and kitehenette- suitable. for tWo People; • immediate possession.., ,Apply MRS: 'U. W. HOWBLI.J. 49tf aharr ••. LOST ND FOltriN!) LOST. IN" GODNRICH, OX 1)40N- .' DAY eVening..Deeetaber. •fi'a mareS' geld -Wrist rOtiteit ;-Iturrittetis- dig.14. 'black :- leather strap- Liberal rewOrd offered, •on returning te ISIGNAL-ST.A.U. 49. ' ,TENDERS WANTED TENDERS' FOR .SNOWPL6WING. TOWNSHIP OF GODERICII viltf).0 received by. the undersigned until. December . 13 for supplying a truck and operating. --the Township snowplow at a price ladr hour. The ploW to be attacbed.- to a „track at the expense a the Township. Work, to: be tinder the,-dlrection, a the Road Superintendent a Reeve.' Lew -1 garage, . half -acre lot, apple- and pear Adin mstra. or , est or any. tender not necessarily ae- trees. .J. Ig. DRIVER, phone 931-14. ceed :to , distribute the asSets thereof, cepted. 'For further. information con- 440 having regaxtl Oily to the claims then stilt any, member of Council or Road filed.. • -. ..• ., Superintendent: NOME' OTICE,-ALL ACCO1JNTSe:40WING' • • Videan 4r,- Co., Goderieh, ,rust be' settled by 4 -armory 31,st,.1940. .CHAS. ' VIDIAN, 44 St. Patrick's Street., • 49-504 " ffifIVISrAZD W.A.NTED.--TO BUY OLD HORSES and dead cattle; must be suitable for lank feed; 'rO)pQVed promptly; FREE GILBERT.; phone 968 r 22, Olin - to -n, or JACK GILBERT, phone 908 "r 21, ounten. Calls paid for:- 1Stf •- THIS WOK'S SMCIAL., ROMAN APPLE C*KE .:20,0 MACE We deliver, tWiee„ .a day; any' • order, of $1.00 or *ova - Please plate your order early.. Curry-7s.Bakary. 'The Home of 'Tasty Tastry". .1VIEL. CULBERT, propriOtur, isiimsonicimesualiimariiminiummainek,r140NE• 465 ' iperser.,,rmwohis PUBIAC NOTICE , LIUtIN4D' SEWING, MAOHINXI, ANTED. --TO.: BUY, At-, CON SOLD xneuiaiuc teptiirti all ,tnakes;. •rat110,• not older than 1937. -• Must eighteeu, ypurs, experience; worknian.- lOok and •work like) nevi/. GRAIIA.141shp guaranteed. Apply. to J14.4 Phone 457 or 948W. 49x NA.FTEL, phone. 480. 48:50x. • . . FOR • SALE FOR SALE. -A SAVE SUITABLE , _ , for Store or business (Alice. Out- side dinieusions x 37, Can be seen -at SIGNAL-Sr:CAR. • .31-tf F10111„ SALE. ---A, STUCCO HOUSE in....„Vsoderich, 1.02 'Huron road.; NOTICE is hereby given, to, all sons rakving any claini against the 'estate of' Itild-ward Clatenee Robetson; -1,ate of the Town.of Goderich, who died, en or about the 29th,day of Novemberf. 1944, to. send same to -the uhdersigned on or before 22nd . day of Member, 1944, as on and after that, date tire afthe estate Shall ro- EARLY CHICK 'ORDERS WILL BE preference. That's why we recommend ,ordering..Kitchener Big -4 Chicks now and get the ,rebate of $1. per 1007ehickS for delivery January and Febrditry,.. .See us for. prices. Rebate given if prices reduced, Agent RYAN „ FURTHER TAKE. NOTICE the .PRODUCE, Goderieh. 4u business of the. :Premises ofthelate . - be -pion eaeh evening• until further notice, 6.30 .to 8.30 p.M.,'for the purpose of •giving out articles held by the said Robert - FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that all R.' T'HOMPSON, Clerk, , persons wile have articles on., approval - • 2, -Clinton, or centighta•ent 'or onthe.payment Wan Must 'report* the . same • forthWith to the , , r • • • - a . undersigned solicitor or to Mary Myrtle CARDS OF THANKS Stokes, the administratrix. , • • CHRISTMAS .TREES FOR SALE.- . -ALVA THOMPSON, across from. ;B"urrows' store, Britannia road, ' eownt4,utsiognns.,ms, alsoing and .by• attending son or .repairs• a otherwise but bosi- OR S'AT,E.---.ONE, GREY pRAM; made it a epmplete. success. . The *Ex- ur •-bazaffr. The. co-operation of all; F..sie 6,1i buts. light blue. snowsuit grioepossdastN,evd1,1.1tnootodbeer.i.oc,Phetnia...if:rtuthret.:da.al; of ai\d helmet; three MisSes'' Winter coats, . cutive, defitral Wane Irrid. School - ssociatiOn„ -..• '. 71 child's.^ 'shoo-ffy ' rocker.- ' These _ size 14; pair of girl's tube skates,. size' It_ e December, A.D. 1944.• ticle.s are all hi good condition. ,-, :. ,* a'bove 4ft-'Estate - Apply at SIGINAL-STAR49x i , - • , i0-1'llo°1dericitirr'''.foln, tth"e" . FOR SAI.E.-FIVE-RO,OM FRAME . 'NILE, Owen. Mod -re of Colborne ,township *intends 'moving to Nile in the near future,' haying. pur- chased* a ^house from 'Geo. Rutledge whieh lie- intends to move to a lot pui chised--from • ' Henry* *Matthews, iicithss the-iood frern, the chopPing mill: The. Sunbeam 'Club intends holding a quilting "bee'.' on Friday, .December 8th, at the -home. Of Mrs. Graham McNee. • : Mrs. Geo: Rutledge, who has been laid up for a considerable time, is some- what impravd, . but is far' from well yet • . The sympathy of the cOmmunity is extended to Mrs. 'Arthur Spragg in ' - BORN- -4 ••- COOL -At Aleitandra Hospital; GOO - rich, on November 30th, 1944; te and Mrs.' Jack Cook, 18 Trafalgar street, Goderich.,a daughter, Shirley Jean. GRAHAM. --At Fordbank . Hospital, - Park, 'RentreWshire;-Scot- land, on .November 17th, 1944, to LAG and •Mrs. Allan Graham,- (Betty Bisset); -of •:,Glasgow, Scotland; son,' William adines. GLENN:- At Alexandra BoSPital, GOderich, on November 30th, 1944," to Mt. and Mrs. ,Frank Glenn, pun, gain:ton, 'a son. • MARSHALL. --At Oshawa hospital, on -December 5th, 1944, .63 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Marshall, a -daughter: TAYLOR. -At Alexandra HOspital, • Goderich, on December 2nd, 1944, to . Mr. and Mrs: Stuart Taylor, 48 St. David's street, Goderieh, a -daughter; .14arbora, ;Mu:- ,,,, THORBMIN.-At Alejandro. Hospital, Goderieh, on 'December 5th, 1944, to Chief- Petty. Officer .'and Mrs. • John' Thorban, St. Veage's Crescent, Gollerfch,*aAsonA.1.' -662iedlarreaY IC-4110-tWILLIS — - Cbderich, a son. ' Mr, and Mrs. Bert Willis, 4, Goderich, on December 3rd, .1944; to Frehehnten„ irorking, co-operat iou with th0,44:102/teiling them the truth about the. rwar, about the world, and about France itself. But for tha.t radio .link, whose' opening ,announce- in.ent, Londres," was listened for, -as- some-- French .letter-mriters. • have ' omises7of-suppOrt.-for-104,5,-. The people- of all other Clanrches in the donununity are cordially invited to jOin -in these .Services. of loyalty And. dedication.-- .. • A Trip to Scotland. -..-Mrs. Keinieth Hodges has received a letter.'frenipher husband, Cpl. Hodges; telling. of a trip he had , taken to Scotland 911 .leave, with a, friend, Aubrey .Irelaml; whip .said, "as if for the Voice of. 6rod, t e was going to visit an Iniele;Captaiii .inajority„:„ofthe..,,,Freneli. 'wknild. have. Ireland The letter 'is as followS:, "I been the ' lielpless'*-difPei of "^"Nali---lietiv -arnr-sitting•-tbeside-an,---open,fiteplace_aL 1 , *A few days age tlia partichlar pro- the . estate of . Capt. ';'--Ifeland, of gram. 'ceased.; The group: of French Tol.oclitehus in • Seottand. The, lionise Jot hose voices had JUL long is four • storieS high 'arid of' real old ' * fir - ground cellars and in. th..e blanketed 1 place in nearli; every room,: corners of French homes is tlie.persed. room with hot and cold.water,`but7tioi team, with M,... -Pierre Valnay at its . to Aberdeen it city, near Si, to. see the new Freneh ' rodio autliorityr, "Radio was heavy drama, but X really enjoyed gram has been started. Pew' trans- 1 before tad ri, chance, to sob. ' 'JO/fere Was MI -MN -1W France liaVeescaped--dainage 1 a conducted tour ofthe oity lot serVice or destruction, Itrtd. so,. tuitil,..it. is PoS- I men, so we took .that and saw the main - ' St 'including 'the old along with the Women'S '1Vfissionary :SO,cietY Wednesday, November 29; in the basement of the church, .Rev. 11. Ctirrie.. was in charge.. After the ,opening devotion's , a\-, solo by- Mrs, --Ourrier-aceoripanied-by-Mrsogie. on -the piano, was greatly enjoyed. -The offibers for J.945 are: President, Mrs. D. McDiarmid; • 1st.. „viceliresident, Mrs. Itobt. Bogie; 2nd vice-pr,eSident, Mrs. H. Watson; treasurer,- Mrs; G. McNee; seeretary,.. Mrs, 0. Brooks; assistant `Seeretarry; Mrs. S. Hayden; flower and gift committee, Mrs. R. Bogie, Mrs; 'Harold. Johnston,. gis,. G. McNee; par- sonage.- committee, Mrs. Ryan, . Mrs.. Pettman, AlkS, Hayden, Mrs.. Matthews; work: committee, _MM. 11. Watson, Mrs. H. • McIlwain, Mrsr C. ,Kerr hostess conimittee„Mrs. Dnstow, Mrs. P1. Bogle, 'MAL McCann ;. press secretary, Mrs. Kerr; pianist, Mrs. Hayden; assistant pianist, Mrs. R." Bogie. Mr. 'Currie closed the meeting with prayer, after which ladies of both societies enjoyed a pat -luck dinner. - gave •an. expellent repbri Of the area cenVention at London and ,also a wOrthwhile Paper oft citizenshiP. 'Mrs. Davidson girve*a. paper on "The HiStory of Plag.""MrS.-Alltin Reed 'favored witli a.c.4 plank' instrumental. Mrs, 'Hodges tendered, -thanks to Mrs. If been the Most welceme Sounds in under -1 Scottish architectirre. There is a e a 'bath- patr s w Inthe Present ' You should hay Life Insurance, hecauSe the future is a' most expensive' luxury. . 11. •NI. FORD t e Get Insur6.1.-0 Stay insured Rest assured. North St 6Sw But the broadcasts go on. , A new I equipped with eleetricitI. We ..;Went head, has been Sent to Britain, by the play •"Maclieth'! by ' Shakespeare. It Diffusion Vrancaisof and a new' pro- it, as it was something I had never ' 'cordon Gran HURON ROAD ; GOIARICH licensed Auctioneer" int. o Ouron County . nruiture-..and Farra 'Clearance Rales, Chattels'. and Iteal Fastate PrOmpt attettlou giten to all Calls Ater . 00DtItIell PlIONg 980 sible to speak to the whole of France po , froth Paris. London' will,contirme'to be cathedral, the Iting'rUni.versity, etc. * 're very old. buildings. These Henderson for her Visit, arid expressed ation,'M. Valney had been helping with ;highlands are famous for their bettuty, the French , underground press in, w:hieh is almost Indescribable. The Lyons., ' 4 ' baS been Settled ,S0 long and cottage in Goderich; double lot and garage. P,.0.1BOX 510, Goderich. 4 „OR SALE. -LADY'S BLACK SEAL AUCTIONL:SALE.4. .coat, size 42-44; worn only four or ,AUCTION SALE. AT TOWNSIIIR-HALL, CARLOW, ON THURSDAY, DECEMBER. 21st, • „, , 1944; at 2 oiclock 150 -acre farin, part- lot 8 and lot 9; concession 4, East Division, Township - of Colborne. On the farm • IS situated a ;good bank barn,' 56 x 60, with coin- fortable stucco house, spree bush,- pienty',of.Apring water - 1530 pa:31. 49 ' pOrearetrieedulastitilpeptiytei6r.,e4siiedrevreginebidd. • . , . PHE toVir-1‘T 'ObitobitiOtt L-- - - the following used.- eqUipment for sale: 2 team wagons; 2 „stoves; 1 tractor; 1 mower ;• 1 set • of sleighs; heavy ,road grader.. The above ,equip- ment'May be seen, at the ToWn. Hall yard. Further 'Particulars may be obtained from W. .I.`rBaker,„Chairman of Public Works Committee: ' • S. H. BLAKE; 49' Town Clerk. five times. Reasonable for cash. May be seen•by callifig 120 for appointment FRAME HOUSE -FOR'. SALE. -VERY • reasonable terms. Apply 12 Hincks street • . . • 49x SALE. • --- ' FOUR -ELEMENT electric range and electric Beatty washing machine. Both . good re- pair IL 0;1 JERRY. Cal1•954-j-after 4S-50 R.R. 4,- Goderich.- WM. W. HILL,- • • East Street, Goderigh. .8xecutors of Estate of the •late 1Vin. Hill. * DONALD 13. BLUE.' ' • Auctioneer, - I\ ' 'Nuommit FOR-7,SALE --A ygritic SOW"' AND • seven pigs,. three -.weeks old ; /As, A. WHITE, Oxford., street, Gedericli. Phone 863..' • ;- 49i FOR S -ALE. • • E --tube skates, size T; worn otilf'oncer $5.00. Also one piiitinurse's,iiew white Oxford, arch. supports f size B width, $5.00. Apply 6 Church street ' 49 ' 'MEMORIAM SIVIITH.--In loving Memory of' d dear Wife And...Mother, Harriet Aliband. Smith, who • entered into rest *Deceixtber 4th, 1912.- - Calm and peaceful she is Sleeping, - Sweetest rest that follows pain; We who loved her sadly miss her Bat trust iii"'God to meef •agahl. Love's greatest gift--rerograbranee „..and children, Will, -George, Harriet,- Marie 4t.nd-..--Adar-lin ..son -in-laws, Felix and Tom. . 49x the rallying point. -"C-p- to: the liter- e3r • there are buildings' I've been in that - are Over nine hundred veal'.o d, u Peace: ---Another chance for the ordin- of course I have , seen some very' new 'Jr:teeth:4,0f ithe ;United chureh. ary man to de eAtraerdinary things. medern homes .tod: certainly ani not Opened with.lihristmas onusie. Greet - •sorry I 'spent triy :leave here in ings' from , the moderator were given Scotland,' as 'the people. are so friend-, by the President, Mrs. Bee& Mrs. D. Cpl. Ilodges trained at the E'owler. read the Scripture lessen from Galt Aircraft • SehOol,, beginning.. in an'd "A/r6:. A. Elliott offered September, 1941, and fliiiShed his -train- prayer„ Mrs. Iteed toOk7.Cliarge of the 'ing at St Thomas„ He wet afterwards Christmas program which. followed .on tire 'Atoll of the flying tat1o4.,at- dud lazy. carols were sung'. The tached to No. 4 Wireless, :Scilatao "MtIgnificat" was .recited :in unison, Guelph, stationed first at Burtch and Rev. 11. J. Irielcerson Spoke alew words then at St. Catharines, and golf* ever- of praise, and encouragement and then seas' in ,September Of tiii year. conducted • the. electIon of officers for Women's Institute.. -The November 1045.ThIS resulted as follows: VOL meeting of the Women's Institute. was presid'entt Mrs„ Robt.iMelittizie; presi- oreadalorairrairawarmakarilialar.rrarallarraarrarrarrheld at the hotne ,of Mrs. It. Davidson dent, Mrs. M..Reed; 1St Viett-president, 011 l'itursiltty afternoon, with, eleven Mrs, M. Shackleton"; 2nd viee-presideat, rueMbers ftrid.five visitors present, Mrs. Mrs.: reMrson; secretary,. Mr. 0. Geo. IIodges ?resided. Tile roll 'call liarris"t- as4Stait secretary, .Mrs. wasanswered With "Your suggestion Wan; treasitrer, Mrs. A. Elliott; for a, lasting peace." ' The Anancial. re- friendShimsecretary, Misk 13111ott, MIs- potit showed a balance on hand of sionary Alenthly secretary, Mrs. W. $142.00. It Was deelded to send Cpl. "Meeltire'l Christianstewardship. seere. C.W.A.C., At London, WO", Mrs.„Melfson; ass11.104 istatit, .-Me. • Ont., Christmas remettibraliee and. a Connell ritIcipvertation secretary, MiBig, box of fruit and sweets to rte. LeonZ Leonard Valiott; supplk secretary, Mrs, . Me - Rivett oVerofts, who WW1. Wounded 'Whitiney ; press secretary, Mrs. Novetaber 23rd, as f:10011 a big bOlgpitiki Stingel; pianist. Mrs. McWhinney; sddress'is known. Ittrm. Ivers,intd Alfa. .ifiodtdatit, 'Alm Fowler; 'Mission Iland -Brown were it000inted a eemndttee t()xuperintendont, Durnin; ilaby look after "those Mit-mentioned gifts Dana Superintendkit; s. Stinger, 7.9:V. The :gtieq ineaker, Mrs. W. X. Iiendev Viekerson closed tis' 'ii 1 ing*ith disttilt president, of Winghani, Obris.ftusts in.syer. , aPPreciatioli of her interesting address. The meeting' was closed with the 10- tientil. Anthem and refreshnients,';were served. 4 WIVIS eeting. The -4 December CAURCH NOTES-. SA -LE-:-=- LADY'S- miirt0 -bicycle, spOrts model, chrome trim;. new, never used. Basket aid kick- stand . attached..:- Apply BOX 98, sIpNAT,STAR.‘ LA.c. ken. Russell, R.A.V., Presided acceptably at the organ at the evenin Service in Knox Presbyterian . church last Sunday. 4- Rev. Kenneth MaeLean, late etWing- ham, WAS inducted into the charge of ,CtiVen Preabyterian -chureh, Exeter, last PridaY evening. Rev. Richard Steviart,' a- , Knox -Church, .G'octetick delivered the 'address to -the . con- gregation. . • . TorttorroVes hope. is .not the .p0Wer of a, few , men, Sitting In high places, but of everybody standing, in all places for the highest ideals, Dr. G. S. Elliott 'VETERINARY SURGEON SMALL* AND TABOR ANIMALS At Lausler's Wog Skim Goderichf EfterrY ThUrediii Ott:4*On , ,PEIONS 203 CLINTON. • en you require Coal or Coke Lee Estate et the Harbor 'POST OFFICES sp,:is THEM 744 per,tb 5A TAIW FROM BANKS• POST OFFICIS BEPAINMSNT 00400 4it t0tU3411.0$ .4101t0OntS • TOBACCONISTS 11000t SOOM0001 MOUS a 0. • -announce the sale of their bUsi- - . *mess to RYAN'S PRODUCEi: . „ . Goderieh. We- -would like;to 0 thank our *any ,customers for their -:Patronge 'pad I- • loyalty . throng the. to wish Mr. Ryan every. suecess. 49' • TOWNSHIP �F COL -111)R • "traaaTT—rraraT TO THE AAtEPAYERS QF :C01;130,p,NE TO '"SATNSXIIP . May 1...itend mr. thanks fOr, your .0eneroitg 1312.4ort on Mbhdair by electing me to 101_!.....L„P.:Plb_Orne ..; , . --"SbliobraTiew. „ Orville Make CARD OF THANKS Will the ratepayers of the Township of Colborne accept my appreciative thanks .for' their support' at :the Pas .on Monday by electing me as a member. of .the newly created "Township School °Board. Wishing' you all the compliments of the season. Omar Brooks °Ail) OF TRANIttit 'T0 mY Supporters in Sleotion1Day-4 thank you... 11. F,,,agan TO THE 1tATEPAVEIU3 AND purorps O r coLnottNE Towvont•: —kw*, to thank you.for your support in re,eleoting me as Reeve Of Coltoorne .Township for the owning years and wish each and every one Of you. a Merry Christmas and‘ a Happy New Veer. ' Meek Watbott ve ct cmorr Tovrnshi.