HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-11-30, Page 8ou Are Invited To Attend Sunda rvies 4 V • 9' 1 9 IP P 9. ,10' AV 9. .19 V Vi (Pi ,11/,‘:„ ST.QEORGE!&.HUROEI V. W . DusiR..itettolt • -40, r. S. CARMAN. .0440104 paid fliaoireisatit , OltstSUNDAY IltADTENT. • ' , 880 aan HOVY ,COMMIINION,„ 1140 a:.M. HOLY .00101VNION AND *SERMON.. Subject : "What ir! God .Like?" 300 p.m. CH UCH 'SCHOOL. °AND BIBLE CLASSES 1.00 p,ni. EV *ONG .AND, SERWION: Sakieet: "Now,1 SVECIAL ADVENT suRvivgS come TO CHVRCII • ',gropgreptiotimodiffr.Wo poorowe.... •Nortiv St. '(Jnited_Church MINISTER—REV, R. II. TURNBULL, B.A., BD.. °T11$ GOSPEL OF ONK DAY AT A TplE." 3. p.m. SUNDAX SCHOOL, 7 p.m, "THE pooR OF REVELATION' ORGANIST AND CHOIR LEADER—MRS. M..11ETIIERING'I'011. KnoxPresbyterian Church 11.0() &in. PUBLIC -Sernion Subjett: 'The Promised taxid." 740 p.m. PUBLIC WORSHIP. Sermon Subject: "Christian—By Detachment:" 1100 -.a.m. -4UNIOR CONGREGATION.. 2.30 p.m. SUNDAY' SCHOOL. ' Sunday, December 10th -7, 'P.m, Young People's- Service. • MINISTER—REVEREN,D RILI1ARD STEWART. ORGANIST—MISS EILEEN B061.4. - • D CTOR OF PRAISE—MRS: FRAP•Ili SAUNDERS. . -Come .and Worship Ithe Lord in the Beautty of Holbxess'. • Victoria - St, United Churh • UngSTER.--REV., LAWRENCE IL TURNER, B.A. • ORGANIST—MRS. L. HANNA , • „ ,•• 10 a.m. :SABBATH SCHOOL. . 11 a.m. 'JEZEBEL OF THYATRIAX 7 p:m. • "THE SPECTRE OF INGRATITUDE." Monday, 8 p ni Youligl'eoplirs Union. ON .0HARGE--2 p.m. Sabbath School. • , 3 p.m.. Public. WershiP. Goderich .13aptiit Church REV JOSEPH JANES, M.A., PASTOR • *Mrs. 'Wilfred Donaldson, Organist ' IF a.m. PUBLIC WORSHIP. . . SubjeCt': ',Thy -Kingdom Come," • COMMUNION SERVICE. 3 p.m. -SUNDALSCHOOL. , 7 pm. SONG SERVICE. OLD GOSPEL ,IIYMNS., Subject; "Unbelleying 'pellet." Wednesday, &p m Trayer--Cleeting. . • A -FRIENDLY WELCOME.' FOR ALL. PENTENCOSTAL ASSEMBLY OF CANADA ; BETHEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE REV. A. G. HARRIS, Pastor._ 16 WATERLOO ST. TIIE REVIVAL CONTINUES! ! • • •,---- • Services: . • • Sun. 11.00 a.m. MORNIN' G SERVICE. 130 pan. ' EVENING - SERVICE. . , . Tuesday. 8.00 p.m: 'Young People's Serviee. , .r...., „Thursday:, 8:00..p.m.„—Prayer ,Meeting. .„ Ispiring singing and Gospel Messages Megsages • aWait you it ' THE CHVECH. THAT PREACIIES WHAT THE BIBLE TEACHES. ‘6. -SALVATION • AO tvAgrpimpcio and uGriTxtotisE STREETS Major. 4). Clarke , Lieut R Golem Officers in Charge 11.00 _ 11611NESS MEETING. - 230 pin SUNDAY SCHOOL. ' * 7.00 pan, sitLyATioN *MpETING. Major .and Mrs. -11obbbti of liTaidon "-Will conduct these A MARTY-WELCOME FOR ALL .44•04.4.1.,444.4.4, ,14.0444,44.444 Auctioneer FOR 'COUNTY OF MORON WAS.. II. BELL BAYFIEW . PHONE . , CLINTON 909r5 • VV. The NEW Streamlined, -CoMpact - ----Potter -Veletone,----- ---,- As the smallest hearing aid avail,' *able, It is clear, powerful, Makes conversation easy any- where, :and is most 'reasonably prited. 'TRY IV Write POTTER EARPHONE 00. 225429 'Stooge .St .• Toronto Established for better,hearing for ,quarter, Of- tentury. ' the 'Present You should buY Life Insurance, -' because the future iS a most eXpensive luxury. 4, M..FOiW ' Get insureJ Stay -InSured , Rest,' assured. • St.. 'TpL' 208w . 4164 4 Rummage; sale wifl be held On Deeeraber Ist'' at 1 o'clock in Victoria street United church, under the inspices of the 'Women's AssOciation. .A, silver 'tea will Ile served. Reserve Friday even,1110, Deceraber 3-4h for St. George's church, schoel . , concert and play, '7130 Dreara of tito LICENSED- SEWING MACHINE Moutlis."AdmisSiOn only' 3,50: '4.9 ,*-- 'Mechanic, repairs' ,all' , makes; SleVor Tablets are Cftectiveo Two eighteen fears' 'experience; WorkMan., 'INFeeks Supply, Si, tweive weeks' 45, at ship ,. guaranteed, Apply to. na pappbewl$ orug Store. , .- .40-50 NAFTE4, photo 486. • '4.8450x " Central Heine and School MA90101011' o"1".`" ' I i will lold a bazaar, Itoinehaking• table . FOR SALE and ' afternoon tea from 3 to S• p.m, , ' ,- ' roll. SAIE.—A- SOO, SUITABLE on 'tye main ileor of the School' on. Saturday, December 2n4, The public for store or business' Office. Oa, are eertuauy• ip,vited to attend:- Silver Side dimensions 49 X K.- Can be Been collectioU, „ . .• ,, . 47.9 at SIGNA.I...:SMR, ,, • , al,.tt ., ReserveWednesday, and Thursday,4 .. ' ......„...-......-._---- December 6 • and 7, 8,15 P.m, for ' the WATERFRONT'. IN -TOWN OF presentation of "Robin Hood" in Knox .",,,,,tioclerieb, , Attractive bank and church, lecture kali. - 4 48 beach. Mothful• ,elevation.'-' Gra- .! • Fuller,-firuSh 4:4)Feselitative;.iu_toww_MiisMeT,Lwater, light., 'A quiet loea. NOvembec...2,5,. Iyecenlifer 2, 9, and 16. tion • for 'Sul:molt cottages or'-fdr Tamil Those interested leave name at Signal- ' farming. 'Pailiculars frora R. C. Star Office. • . • • • 47-40 .1"IAXS., Gederich. ., • ' . ' , 230 • Constipation., biliousness; Indigestion, . ' (11*W-relieved rwith ,gipP's Herix_Tab-, FOR mo. ---A .sTuocco 00118It. lets, the, effective iii4je hilifth-e,,- 25d- - - in ; Ooderich, ' loa Iiiirpu - -read; and 75e sizes, at Campbell's and all garage, • half -acre lot, apple aaci Pear druggists. - .44.48 trees‘ . J. ,m...DALyER, Phone 93144. The Junior W.A. of St. George' d . , 44tf church will hold the annual tea and, -151,1R RA T,u,, ChristMas sale on Saturday, Ve-6ember .E -- ' ---- — NEW 1 EVENING - 9, in the church hall, 3 to 6 pan. 48-9 dress' Size IA' Slieer Pink eht-flent . $' .Painful corns quickly relieved with Klee10.00. Apply SIGNAL -STAR. Lloyd's .Corn Salve. Mc at Campbell's' and Erilerson's Drug Stores:'„ — . 1118 poR SALE. ONE . smAui :Ate., St. George'i- °Minh . Women's Guild' -9.' 4- CL will meet on Wednesday, December ARY cook stove, price $15; also two -burner electric plate. N. ANDER- , in the Guild room. After the business session,a. Christmas program SON-, 41 Keays street. • 48x i. will be put on by the social comxnittee. ' Before ,you feel that cold Coming. on, take one. Page-Gritiiths Iluiplex tablet daily containing Vitamins A, B, 0 4 D as well as all ,essential minerals, Campbell's Drug Store, 48., Monte Leaf Chapter, 1.0.D:E.; Christ - pas draw, Decethber 1201, at Capital 'FOR S.A.LE.—A HOT -POINT Fri;tc, Theatre. • - • 7 TRIC, water heater', nearly new If. BACKACHES are slowing you iminersion type. EDWARD.' TAXI, Are relieved after the dOse... Cdnipbell's .-118 ap,fake RTJMACA.PS. Pains and aches" phone 616. -Drug Store. 1 . 48 OR SALE'. — ONE_ PtREBRED Tile Women's Institute will hold its 'Shorthorn bull, 8 months old: A.p- regular meeting in lilacKay Hall on ply to RALPLI E. FOSTER, R.R. No. 48x -.Thursday,- December -'7t.fi. Christmas „3Goderich, Phone-. Dungannon 17-0. •cair.oirtlf. be snrig and :there ,will be '•• 4 pmenstration . of ; .Christmas- decor-, E LSTNDWO FOUND.' e SATURDAY Vietoria street, near Victoria street D'i4ted cluircb. 4 brown eOcketml. spaniel wearing a e011ar but no tag.; uPParently „killed by a' ear. . For fur, ther Information, call 285. -44 FOR SALE. — LADY'S BLACK tailored suit, size 40;" black boucle coat, size 14; black and white tweed coat,. size 36; 'girl's tweed l Coat, size 12-14. Enquire at, S/GNAt-STAR OFFICE. " 48 - Special .snigestions for Christmas. New hats :for the holiday season. In gifts, -scarfs,- -coStumel jewellery, -knittingbags and corsage flowers. Miss R.- MacVicar, Kingston street, phone 462. - : . 48 The Salvation Axmy-will, hold a sale a fancy wOrl, bome -baking 'and tea 1 at 'Mks,..A. R. McAllister's, _East street, Monday, DeceMber 4th, from 2 fo 6 pp.- ' -48. Maple' Leaf Chapter, .o.D.E., Fri- day, Deeeniber 8th; 3.30 path., -MacKay lIa114. Will members please bring their draw stubs to this meeting? • The Graduate' Nufses' Association and all units of the ,Red Cross Reserve , will meet in the Town 'Hall: on Friday,'. ecem er •Sth t8 pan.1Ii U�dge will -give a' lecture i and desiOnstration on sertificial respiration, stretcher beaiefr-exereisei nnd-handling-of_splints• and. fractures - • - RYAN'S -PRODUCE PURCHASES_ VIDEAN'S FEED BUSINESS . We have bought- thefeed business known as Video."). 8; Co., 'Hamilton street, Goderich, and have moved the entire,. to to; Our,., premises across, the road, „where it will., be handled in addition to our present busineSs.We carry- a full line of the different kin.ds, -Of Feeds -and 'Tonics. , —ClitiRCIF, NOTES Misg Mary .1toberfson was the kuest speaker at the meeting of the Victoria. street United church Y.P.U. on Men- . day evening last, her, subject *being "Our Mother Tongue aid ,Its.Develop- ment." This paper will be completed on Deeember 11th. • Gordon- At Grant IIITROg ROAD GODERICII Licensed Auctioneer for ` Huron County Irurniture and .*ParM Clearance sales, Chattels and Real 'Estate Protrtiitattentioln given to all all , • '• B'(663GODERICH • 1.5,1x PHONE 959 .44** en You require Coai or Coke cALL bar es CLee Estate Hod, liabpd,i OR SALE.--UNI3ERWOOD TYPE- WRITER, standard 14" ; excellent -epridition. Phone -896W. - •4$x • . DON'T Be Dt.APPOINTED THIS . year en your chick delivery:. On orders placed' now—for ehielf delivery January or February, Kitchener Big -4 Hatchery is giving a rebate of $1 on each 100- chick order. We're agetit here and will :be glad, to quote you -priceS. RYAN PRODUCE, Croderfeh. -48 • FOR SALE. -,— LADY'S HEAVY black winter' coat, fur collar real good onditiOn. Price reasonable. 49 Wolfe street • ' 48y FOR 'SALE.—PRAM, GOOD . new; also sheet iron wood st ve. JOHN SPAIN, East street. 48x FOR. --SALE.--. TW'd Goo)) bows and calves , ----just freshened. - LEO carsHoxim, R.R. • 2, Goderich, one mile south .of Goderich on Blue Water Highway. • 48x FOR ALF —ABOUT 24 WHITE • Leghorn pullets. JAB F. HORTON. Phone •Carlow 14 a• 20. 48-9 • NOTICE, CARD PARTY AND DANCE CANCNIALPD ()Wing to tlie tragle death Of one of our MeMberS, Mia. E. O. Robertson, the card party And dance schedniell .for Friday, December 1st, has been cancelled. 48 ' • WOMEN'S, INSTITUTg- THE 4-.3.4.NAPIA...N tEdION ,wishes 'to thank all those- who, by- at - .tending our dance; or subscribing to our Popp q Fund or attending our ser - Vies, helped to Make our Remembrance Day eliservanees'so successful. • " GEO. D4XTER4 Pres. 48* D; E. CAMWELL, SeeVy. TOENT TO .111.INT.---4I7RNISLIE APART- MENT"', 107 Quebee street. 46x RENT.7-FT.T1tNISLIE1. •911.. UN- 'FIJRNISHED apartment, newly decorated. Phone' 96, " 48 TO RENT4—VOIYU-400mExs MOD - apartment, .1. M. CRAIGIE. rj16. RENT.--kURNISHED 1216USI), 98- East street.. - -Available in A -Urinary.. ,Apply MRS AT,1lJLt 32 Wellesley , street; er phone 952W, TO RENT.-FITRNISIIED ROOMS suitable for light housekeeping. BOX SIGNAL,STAR. .48 SAFi. WANTED WANTED. --TO. BUY. OLD HORSES and " and dead cattle," must he suitable for mink feed.; removed promptly. FRE I) GILBERT, phone 908 r 22, Clin- ton, or JACK GILBERT, phone 908,r 21, Clinton. Calls paid for, 18tf. ' WANTED, — ORGANIST' -AND choir leader for Knox Presby- ferianchurch; duties te- ' ediftmence January 1st;1945. Applicants- please state eiperience,„ qualilicatiOns • and salary expected. -A, II. ERSKINE, Treasurer • of 'Knox Presbyterian church, 48' , AIJ,pTitON 'SALE borne* Towf lAgrUOIt. IATY•3 ohrrAfiv.;:m Cc*NT. ItOt BoAzip OF ONTARIO • TAKE NOTICE that the annual meeti4g 01 The Tha.Liquo; Authority pm, - trot., Board. of Ontario ,fer Authority District No. 2. will be -held in the Assembly •ItooM in. the City' Hall 4n - the City of Kitchener In the .County of Waterloo* commencing - on the seventh dusr of December,' 1044, -at the hour of two, Wok)* inthe afternoon; at Which timelt will hear and deter-;'• Inofiiiaeu authorities riatPietai.ti:enctrd'%rn accordance e*ivtehn Tlie Liquor Authority Control Act and Regulations.- ' • • . AND PURTIIER TAKE NOTICE that any person resident In the said Authority District .objecting 'to any such application shall file his grounds of objection in •writing with the said. -annuat meeting, " .. • " • DATED at the MO' of Kitchener in the .County of Wate3:190 this 24th day of ;November, A.. 19-14.' R. 13T1t0TT, -DepUtY -Regiatrar, 9 48- 4Klitcti:nger,8tOienettarElott.6t',. ]VRSPAZ NOVEMflR 1.44 THIS MOM SPECUL. Chocolate • Cream Pie 300„ZA(41 We deliver, twice a • day, any .0. order of *1,00 ,or' over, - Piease pIiee yOur Order 'early, "The `Home of 7•,Tast3 pastry" • M.EL. 'CULBERT*. Proprietor, •• • PIIONE,.405' • TENDNE,SIVANTER NDERS. FOR .SNOWP TOWNSHIP OF GODERICII Tenders will be • received by •the undersigned. 'until—December 13 for supplying a truck and operating the Township. snowplow • a.t a price,' per .hour. The iilow to be attached to 'a truck at the expense of the T.oWnshl,p. Work be under the direct* of,the Road. .Superinteiident or Reeve, Low - 'est or any 3ender not necessarily •ae- -cepted. For further information eon - suit any ,member of Council Or Road Superintendent. ' • R. G. THOMPSON, Clerk,, . 4779 11.11.. 2, 'Clinton.' . • .TOWNSHIP OF- COLBORNE TENDERS WANTED - •Tenders- ' - received by- the Anclersigned up to December 1st, 1944; for the •purpose of Col nshi- psnowplow. o te wiiiTer months of 1944 and "1945. , GEORGE:7, BEAN 11�4 Supt.* ' • -R.R. 5, -Goderich. . WM. SALLOWS, Clerk, 4' 47-8 . • 5, Goderich. A UCTION SALE HOUSEHOLD RISpuSk1flOPERTx- 'SATURDAZ DECE,M.BER,-.nd 1944, at 1 • One mile frtnn Goderich- Square, on, 'No. 8 highway, 714uron. toad, . 1 White.enamel .14eatty electric wash- ing , machine, stand and tubs (like new) ; Princess Pat Quebec cook stove; 1 ,furnacette. heating stove, (good) ; four-iturner coal oil stove-; 1 ice box, drepletif table p 2 kitchen. tables; 6 kitchen chairs; number of rocking „chairs; nuniber Qf sinall tables; 1 oak dining -room suite, bullet, extension table and 6 chairs c• 1 _settee ; 1 folding ironing board ;- 1 chesterileld Suite, '3- ; piece ; 1 reed chair ; 1 day befk; 1 chesterfieTd table ;. 2 bedroom suites; springs-, and. mattresses; 1 chest ''of drawers; -Door covering; 1 wine Con 'goleum rag, 9, x 12; 1 !piece 12 x 12 linoleum 1 -piece x 9. linoleum (like new) ; Other pieces of iloor_eovering; quantify . 01,dishes, kitchen utensils ;. 1 wheelbarrow; stepladder; 1 lawn mower;- ladder ; lawn chairs; grind- stone; - large quantity of carpenter tools; -garden tools; 1 Swede 'saw"; 1 cross cut; one-horse scutfler ; -10 cords • dry hardwood. . • PROPERTY ----Two . acres lof land, situatedon No. 8 highway, Huron:road, one mile from Goderich Square ; 7-rooln fraine house and back kitchen, iti,,ex- nt=t0 garage and small barn. All buildings have exceptionally good_ roofs, • well painted,hydro, _township taxeS. TERMS—. -Chattels, cash:' Property, 10% dovvn, balance in 30 • "clays; Re- serve. • • bid. t HENRY C. B 4 4N, -. FOR SA.LE.---SKIS.A.Nii HARNESS, . aluminium poles, second-hand. Skis' Made of ,finest hickory. "."A.pply • BOX 95, SIGNAL -STAR- • • 'R ' 'SALE. 'PAIR 0, OA 'French doors, bevelled glasS, stand7 ard, size. Plione. 609. - , 48x • , OR • SALE,- CAR RADIO (Philo), also Chef kitchen "range With bot water 'front R. J; DOAK, Sopth street. ' .48x Phoim 860J• at all Whirs. il‘,Ihrtin, S. SteWart I "in flowers it has been. Stewart's. Ain& WARTS' FLOWERS FOR Diistwor_ivE FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS Fresh Roses always in stock The Square 1868". ers ri - Are you bin favour' of the Roadway to approximately , 13 acres .of land. on the north side ,of the Harbour? The main advantages accruing from -a "Yes" vote arc:— Olptiper Coal. • Availa13ility of Water Sites for New Industry. , , • (Whielt.mes,ns.,new taxpayers :and new payrolls) • Accessibility for Sirvicinii Larger Winter Fleet of ResUlting til nfoir:e repair jobs and supply eontraffiS. 4.* Increased Lake Movements through i•ort of Ploderich • 6: Postwar Employment rrojeat. We, the undernoted bitsiness Men and' merchants Proposal to the voters of Goderich. , , moll0N sksAhMLhfi 1? uwo,o)? iX 0 DuNtot, WolaSELP COLII ItODERTSON ,M.. 'ODIUM SCIIAtliElt ninunivr • W . 11. 'JAMES 1, xi, 0, 11000, Mgr. PeoPles.Stores WiLLAIlb It. LEGG: WILLIAM A. SUrUN1tJAN» GEO.'"AlaeiadAlt Gillf EMERSON I. O. xinNtonitsoN t.4. OltANSI'ON' E. S. PRIDI.T.AM L, IL' ZINN' WbOt 408 . Proprietor. CARD llANES M IVIRS.--SAUUEL 'COX AND -',FAMILY... vvish to thank these' who were 8&" . thoughtful • and kind to 'them in their. bereavement. Thy Would . also ." r a ek-: nowledge with thanks, the loan of cars for the funeral .find- the floral -tributes- - which were' sent 48x R. AND MRS, RAYMOND M1011E , fake—this means. of expressing their appreciationfor the,kindness extended , to them in their bereavement; *they would also • like to thank those who sent iloWers or loaned their cars: 4ft RS: WM. WALTER AND `FAMILY Wish to thank those who were so kind to them and extended sympathy; those 'who loaned Cars for the''fitineral ancl those, who sent floral tributes. ,48 • _ ,,. NOTICE' TO viturnlefts NOTICE 'TO CREDITORS,_ • In the Estate of Marla Seguss, late of the'. Village of • Nile in the. County of Huron, Widow, deTasecl. • . persons having claims against , the estate of the above' deceased are - required to hie the same with • the undersigned solkitor for *the estate, . on or before the '4th day of December, 'A.D. 1944, after whichdate the 'assets Will be AiStriblited. amongst the Parties entitled therke, • having leg* only . to 'theeittims of whieh notice shall - have been, given. ,• Dated at. Clintpn, thi lOth Cia or November, A.D, 1944: . , F. FINGLAND, X.C„ - Clinton, Ontario, _ 46-48 Solicitor. for the Said Estate.. TOWNSHIP OFI COLBORNE TO THE RATEPAYERS -011 oCILBORNE TOWNSHIP- -- - Having served you for the past four years with , the ' township, equncii, I hereby solicit your vote and influence for the Reeveship at the polls on Monday, December 4th, _ _and if electeATwill-work-to-better-yotminterests-to-theuliest • of My abiiity., JAMES IL Ji I *quid' -like as much Support from the public as they can give Me on Electioif Day, December 4th, for Reeveship of Colborne township. 4 HAROLD. JACKSON, Auctioneer: AuqTrpiv, SALE . • • AT TOWNSHIP umar.,,, CARLOW, ON THURSDAY,•• DECEMBER 21st, 1944, at 2 o'cloek 150-aere farin* part lot 8 and lot -9; concession 4, ' East -Division, Township of Colborne., On the 'farm iii situated it good bank barn, 56 x 60, :with com- fortable stacco. house, some, bush, ,plealty of.-spriag. water.: FarinAiill..b offered subject to' reserve bid. ,For particulars apply to undersigned. HUGH HILL, - RI .4, Godericb. WM. W. um), East street, oderich. ,EXecutors of Estate of the .late Wm. Hill. DONALD B.' .BLVE; 48-50 Auctioneer. • BORN CREW.-. -At Alexandra Hospital, God* rich, on. November '28th; 1944, te LAC. mid. Mrs. `Lionel drew, 12 Newgate - street, Goderich, " it spo,Gerald William, • . GARI)INI1fl —At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on November 27th, 1044, to Pte. and Mrs:* Jack Gardiner, 'Stan ley street, GOderich, a Son: LAIT11WAflTh —At' Alexandra Hes- pital, Godericti on ,November 22nd; • 1944, to Jgr. and Mrs, G. W. Laith. waite,* .Stanley . street, . Goderich, •a daughter, Pranees WiInia Graee Hospital, Ottawa* on Sunday, November, 26th, 1044, to Mr. ° and Airs. Ray O'Neill (nee Margaret Ferguson -of ,444)lbAir11). • daughter, Lynne Diane. SIVIITII. — At Alexandra: Hospital; Goderieh, on Novemloer 23r4, 1944, to Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Smith, It.R. 2, "Xuburn, Ontario, a son. , DIED WALTIAL—In Goderieli, on Monday, November .27th, 1944, 'William Waiter, of Colborne township, in lila 00th year. • ' • IN misiouttivi 6nAn000x.—In loving memory of Our dear son and brother, Everett Alibi Craddock, wbo Dasse4 aWay,, NoVem,- bet* 28114, 1038. November' einnes with ilseri,,regret, A .nionth we never wilt forg'et. Till memory fails and life departs Ile will live forsver in our hearts, Sadly inissed by Pother,. Alother and Sisters, 40x • SUPERIOR STORES 29c ITEMS CATELLI -13PLAOH-Erri- Ay1nierVeg. or Tom. •SOUP . .10 .0. tin. 90 OXO .CUBES 4,kg. of 4 • 90 NUTS-FLAUS 8 oz pkg. 96. ELLMARR VANILLA - 4 oz, bot. .90 PR,ENCH,'.0 MUSTARD 6 oz. jar 90. CHARM Cleans Everything - pkg 90' _., RIDEAU CHEESE.. lb. pkg.. ROBINHOOD OATS . 31b. Pkg. .190 Superior BAKING 16 oz. git 194 OLD DUTCH CLEANSER . 2 tine 190 CAMAY SOAP3 bars 190 LAING'S C.C. SAtfoh-fi oz. 19c - ITEMS AYLMPli PLAIN OLIVES 6 oz. jar 190 ITEMS .,FABrit Cooked pork specialty tin, 29c NEItSON'S COCOA 1 lb. tin 200. Aylmer TOMATO JITICE--- 3-20 oz.., tblz 29p • FIVE It.CIOES,- PlOtlit 7 ib. bag 1 290 .1.9.014,14N MEAL ° , 4pkg., .290 Pitt)) DOG FOOD 2`1pkgtf. ..29c Itoko Pimento Stuffed OLIVES 6 oz. 29c SA,VEX, CONCENTRATE' 2 bottles 290 Ohuo and Sanborn • COrrEE 1 lb. bag 47c ?IDA 8 BasSOAP190 , IVORY Kellogg' 1 SNOW CORN • LP.. Svg, riAltEs &pkgs. 256 CALVIN COTT 16 CEWEN Phone 46 • •