HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-11-30, Page 2grittp
00 IN 4 'TUE' 001.09,10011 SIGN-4S.L OD TUX OPDXRIOH *MAU
,rublis120 PreaSS limited,.
West . filtreet, Og4erZI Ontarkr,
-HateCanatia ;ands Great Britaln4 0.00 a year.; 10 ..0111t,e4
StAtes. $2•49. *
,• • s
VertiSing Rate on request..., 0 Telephene 41.
Oth, 1944*
.'mzugt yrrviyA
rooireinIanent*, Otta.vii. within,:the
t week have lg.ept -the ceuntrY In
* *tate tenSion. "At_Sthe • Ai/ening
'of the, special. Seasiors, the,.14onSept
Commons on. ,Wednesday; the I;rime
Minister subMitted the correspondence
betweew COL It'aiston; 'and, himself
relatiVe to the tormer's resignation as
Nunisto betence; Col, Ralston in4"
AtEltpUthat trained.. :draftees -be sent
overseas as reinfofeartents,--while,Bir.
, King stated that conseriPtiOn of men
for overseas wmild cause SerOns con-
troversy, woUld.. endanger Canada's war
• effort; and would- destrer-theAtnitY=O
Canada fog generations to come.
On Thursday General. gef4angliton;
the new -31.0tteter• Defenee,,, 'who as
yet hasut,o seat in Pullen:04.. aP-
peared -.before the Hone -and explained
his plan/3 for reinforcing the troops
wit,hotit resort • to compulsio1.
mettutinicr members- of the
Cabinet from English-speaking sections
were' exerting' preseure for the im,7
mediate despateh of trained • draftees,
and kr. King; yielded to the extent
I- the sending of 16,009
,draft 6 the reinforcemen
overSetis. • Other: necessary 'reinforce -
Meats .would be from volunteers; and
the prineiple of:: voluntary service
would remain the chief featuresof
.•the Government's _policy with regard' to
'the enlistmknt: of • O'verseas. trooPs, -it
Qaebee .mepbers fnunediately to•f)k
alaria-and Pgwer, D_Alni4nter
of - Defence for ..A.irr subnlitted his
resignaltiOn-"from the ,Cabinet. .This
was followed by defpction of several;
privatey-,,membeA-tspin. Quebec,. who
-.Wee ared they would. . oppose the
Governtnent's new plans.
On -Monday, the Prime Minist
livered in the House whai is described
by newspaper ;correspondents- as one
:of greatest speeches .of areer.
He told howsbelieving in the voluntary
prindiple, he had expressed his' willingneSS to . resign and ...hid asked ,.his
. Colleagues, one by one if they would
tindertakesthe reaponsibfliity. Of heading
. Government. to enforce -.C-Onscriptioll•
One by one theY'd:eclined: „.•
In -the course otitis, speech Mrs king
turned to the leaders of the other',
parties in the "House, the Progressive
• ConservativeS, the and --the
Saci 1 Credit group, and asked if any
f 11-iena. prepared.to take over
man in the World wotild
in relieved thaw I to be free of res
hour or every, day; or even take
part in every battle necessary to
bring abant'llnal victory, especially
when. .thelleands of " .4iiropeans,
fresh' freed from the tyranny' and.
the unspeakable terror of Nazi '
ocapatiou, ti'respanting :;for yen- .
geance On the oppressor.' "
The course he saggested ars
• s
ewer. continued, be held to lower the
a " eery of. Canada.-
oDEAR (al stcaq
'Current Views on War
THE.V. 131ROVOIEU -TILIOR.111ARBOR EngineerS for SesbeeS in the American
- wall Tngmi he.0)0r), landed on D Day had elearedOue ,
ot the Inest memorable achieve. Millesseut rampa in the eilp,10,11adeS• And
red riAldWaYISS1041). to the lleatheS
Vents of the war isAliseiteSed with the Pr*Ps
• readY to reeetve the :shere endS et tile
publication of the otficial ecoUnt .of piers.. 4This operation was sot en,
hays coMplete piirt, was eonstructell Wised by 1) Day plus: twelve; by whieh
thee one pier, hand. redS a Yards long
was -cOinplete and. coaster/3 coulds be
unleaded at etate• et the" tides
„Tip to D Dariplus twelve. the oper4
glen. Wae going ageording to plan;
hat,the. next day a gale blew SlPstronin
the • north-east Which ° e. entinned tek
• -
tPlIerrtp.: eCiAleirrfothr:erle' wr t9y7. efturr
ttb-r4eill'hat.Urbt)orwS°1•Wset;;01)!ek3XSIIableseerd4lirteee. tita",f,u,4--
,i, as:A ht*if I because they know' that' by the Bniffar4, ,wbo rnsb-ed. 0,40 1-1111
gtreat •isci YUeible; :Attacked on -alt in' to takeWelltOrn Orace. which they
o'reluctaixt to leave, : Greece
I harbor with -them. , as was, a more exposo, site, risen iss•arms against them', their fate] queror. With the eXceptiort, et Poland,
AY, NOVIIM $0t1k,
,Ily Barry J. Boigo
X, rode to the city overnight Aviili
gilt Peter8 last Week„. With a day's
b siness to ;de, X' planned. on going'
-ck)wil- "14 111104 NYY'h, la?* aT:1 ti4ell and taken' across the Channel 'tar the
eeining 60);-. UP, the , next night. S,, -l-leir invasion Of : 1N-Ormandy. S' 'Thiif vast
tat* a load of Matiafactured goods' 124de/staking, in *tieli, daring iniagins.
doWn and breughe back groceries and. ',tition was combined with tho..highest
, hardware for th
slistriet.. Train serviee from thie part
ot the country Is net really very good,
and itith'an eye to economy I accepted,
an offer %rem .Clif to go with him. It to shake his elahorate defence$ xn t 0
was ,quel of the most fascinating exs west Must at ans early stage -secure a
periences 1' have ever had. . : - harbor- adequate to Its need. But the'
Like • Most, everybody else I've Germans left one thing out of their force ' Unfortunately 'it, caught- the 1
' thought all along :that driving a truck replanting; they did not allow for ti -harbors at the, halfmay stage. ' pie , sides; withent air power,. in a hostile are , ,
LULL. be a monotonous ,sort of exPeri- invading 11140' taking their own American harbgr saffered most, Severe-, count,* in vShiell the pee* have 'starved and Mitered, under the con -
V it 1 .
e- Merehants* in this
engi:40411g • 4,111 ingenuity. pro.
'vided ,the Allied ferce$ Witis facilities
'greater than those Dover... The
eneiny.knew that any invasion „Intended
'IS t Were largely_ , Is certain, though they may try to hold , tr has.endared more liardShilh
• -,--The Manchester guardian.
•prestige 1-,ta4 been, _brevets established there was a steady. seow that - To those who Oittilled it Ito those And thtei hr9a wa eV), •
his qpinion, hoVissver, that glory and encessWe left 'aroun.d 10 0 clock. Ala
.in- every service! AA onrse of that -sleweVaiong behind was Cold it ShiPS % and . etructures aeroas 'the' oallsed 'the Work 'ori•' 'this h,arbei-tO 'he ; a OreeM -1.1 8,t baUd- ‘ ' '
systemOtie recuperation were taken," I first, burthe' heater Soon warmed it uw t' And fitted tegethet the s p I diScOntilstled. The Britiab. harbor was 1 Gteeee.0 likes Poland,' has a sPecial
, . * bi W0ben
00 of man who smokes 0, Si e consta tl ca e device in .the faee of the en isi 's . ar less dataage from, whieli it w - fil the . r 1-, A' Puting the ceiling price of hay sold by
Mr. Power arguad',-, `ithe, voluntary Oaf- is n g ra ed. (Viet sOrt stei parts, Of the Ivhole vait end intris Trotected to,.some extent and suffered' ii; 1 tli • affee
' ur ally_ before war G eece .44 *
tions of this',country,
'Icassever -estimated or eVen anticipated I •black, because it kept melting alitiost , Would have been seVerelY enough tested and t b
I kept the Windshiekb vvipers bue.Y. 'The wile eXeetited, it in the shit/ Ards and - broker Much So that this, eons- foW towns desPerat on.
hYstile deeds et. gallidsYs lIghtixkg men' cab • Of tile Ing 'truck with its- -trai,ler the werigshops,6 to thoae who tooke3hs, e blued wi the caliture ot Cherbourg, PPtimlein to say that , theliberatioli
'Iristructicns on. the Inethod oom
ystenL,which we have been' follewingtialid 'SaYS very little. lire light sulle; el/PoSition; the thaults of the tired BOOn able ..to recover and be; gonislietis„ a Britiph guarantee 4,01114 aggression, the PriniairY,Pied„neer have been #3814e4
Pavemeh slipperY anti Ant bile•are.-eertahllY _due. The venture The Shelter provided by hoth harbors whigh; events Proved, We were 'Unable by the Wester/4 Ontario region of the
.which yielded more Men last yea than., made the Mick- • I 1 I
WS quite ' impossible, but during thili the snrprise, .tind achnirgion, wit]. vary and in thecase of sales of-.
hours of October 28, 1940.
A t as a• gale of Something lilse Unloading Jai the' heaelies elsewhereTearl$:
.peried UPPortora • world ?the Greek. army' met thie 'attack
trickle of Stores could be landed in the
-t"with-such---skilt---ond-- courage that"thal baled and, loese •lotY at the forre. the
helt sindoubt folfd. 'Using this 0 a pretext,iwdrorae* prices and Trade Board.
" • - las fast -as it . ig, • re e
1 H• ' even if the weather had been normal. saYed great loss o
f lif -and equipment -
. Taulsportatioussand
lockship- s er .
e , Vascieritairiavatled-othe-Bpills13
would have sufficed at this stage •
the war when, by thesanoet authoislt,ar
tive accounts, victory is certain.",
lAr. Power might have mentioned_ the
.gcSnrs.e adoPtee. by Australia, 'which
countrY0 li.ke Canada, has the volmstary.
I • -
critical harbor: Even en .the worst day 50Q tons Italians were thrown back into Albaniai
1),f.e.,edalcceurxaratenhstisiisperieteir Aactftautrliochralfcte;
petier and -tiaitinuation;: as•well os and-aPpeared to be danger of defeatw sell liaY baled and loaded late cars at
lais-nearest frailwaY ShiPPing point for „
hands gripped. the wheel in a Sons, , ,
petent sort of way. -There- was- ,quitelYsinters force blew for three critical
a (tug and pull, but he seemed quite -1 days in June. That' stern and-111xe_X--
capable _et „handling the whole thing.! peeted test, however, was triumphant-
. We pininded along With' eceasiOnal• ly -withstood,- and ' the ingenious ...pre-,
chit-chat and then I began noticing: fabrieated structurespreved • Indeed 'a
• ' • f VLULJ. •
essential art of the German plan Per ton. If he does not load the
by hard an'd continued fighting' inatead h swath -of glistening
between the trees that lined the road. Planned, and they had to be roughly to dominate the Mediterranean, and in r t n
P " .1 bay on cars his maximum price is $17
pe o , •
light down Two prefabricated harbors were After the gale subsided the work Of an
construction continued as before,
of changing its .system of recruiting I we pulledoutof a long stretch of the size, of Dover harbor to accommo., theugh a long •sPell of rough water the , end the germane themselves were i
. If the .farmer. sells baled- hay at his
it reduced its army estabiis men , d I swamp t the open and the 'snosii date the necessary Slipping and port prevented pier equipment from being . forced. to devote a large army for the'
a m price • ill tie $17 per *ton
so far as we have -heard no one has Seemecl to , lessen, '--•••• 44l fewer;,ecluiPmeni. Th,ey were d of toWed over, so that theliarbor wo.e not 14nyasion of Greece in April; 1941. By , less s w -
°Mal ha.uling eliargea 'from his
laimed tiat Australia has *failed in of We farm houses had lightS in themi concrete calssonsSibiatin*-breakwatersi 'Unloading to •••raaximulli capacity _until then that the attack. sips pin- farm to tile nearest railsvay shipping
of things', The headlights i.P The occupation of -Greece, however, was $18 -
many troops, were landed-. on the pieri.
eystem. When its troops were depleted!it number
force • -tb Greece, Ithough ' only ' by s ' per tem the MaxiMillif „price -wills-be--- ,
•Ingssweslmd, 'been able' to "se.44-4 Small PQM t• If-- these charges, are .
il6i.50 per, trineron. ....43,0- 18.4... .1 , , ,,::. i
strippin,Inloguorrinr_thtrarmiestratillont.i„orth. Afrritices_tt_the_ftta
erreritt-Nftvell=.---:_.— ..„-Ls•-=.._.sss--al slied--Sit-:-.the-farl"le-ma:V011n
;aranet re,r'senslitstaisne pr ce per ton will be: t1.6.50 less the"
In a speech -in- Manchester Mr. Eden„
Greek- armies were beaten, but, as Mr. ppn-L,whieliever is the,•leasers• If the -
:Customary baling - charges or $3.09 a
used , Words whieh events since tben clout:steel:14h; abtatibil:gfacri,:re-.17..*:2.5°' tile
Churchill said of Arnhem, not in vain.,
snaxlmum price will be ;$1.4 per ton :for
have amply Justified : . "Greece's in'ave 1 4....6........,,;..... ...iii..................4
,and we . met. fewer carss.i-A 'sbrIghtly 1 and blackshipss all of Which had ta• he well in July. Finallysitswas, coinpletei.
• -. • ig e 113-411:11t-safs•-tetasle--peuittlests,gotassrace, against time. In- and El port bigger than many with fam-
The o e 'Oat •describeS ,Mrssistosts-stud-spassed-sus-s --headetl-forstheSide the lgybors' • were diraTitg-P-rel• , names -414d fe
servative - paper; says this. of gr., the only living things -6n _that .dark . During the planning of the invasion otshiPS Of all sizes have moored withiii
kench beach.
Powee.s stateinent as -.•"centemptible.:" city too. • rat Which coasterisuTaglided 'direct -flute weeks -a: -gtaings4-A. _
The Montreal -Gazette, also a Con- About midnight we seemed to be lorries. , • Day after slay, ba all weathers,. scores
its shelter or - berthed in unbroken
and quiet road.. The rolling swish of it becitine clear that, even in the best
lines alongside its ,quays. Never hoe
Power and the CommonsVealth- the ties on the road, the steady beat. Possible ease of all the French Channel
-Training _Plan which he. organized and of the wipers and the pulse. of the •ports failing into hands' undamaged so,. much ShIPPing used such limited
accommodation at one thne. The pre -
carried through to. victorious fulfihs engine's pounding seemed to blend into an early stage of the op,erationethe
meat; • • ' ' a song of the road. Clif with ane quantity of stores to he landed for the fabricated Port made poirilifesthe
• tenance.of the force would -exceed, ation of western Euro
hand drove and with the other-emptie.d . • • 0, „
"There can hardly have been .a
• ^
' refilled it the .port- capacity. This meant that -The, London Times.
defence upset the timetable- of kli
• and . In as accomplished as way -stores_ _Would hate to be landed over plans- and delayed .his prearranged' et-
as. a eo*boSsinfiht roll' a . cigarette Sroni the beaches the, pOrtS were bah* , , FREE_ AGAIN tack on Russia for at least six most
ImPertant sv.eeks. •What would -`those
the ashes , . pipe, „
Bull Durham. -He finallY Pulled up to improved. It was generally estimated. • Far• .many montha ,now Safe eess.,.
• 't th • ' uantit t be landed! mandos and' paratroops • of • th • Land
e• •weeks of eithaPaigning .weather be
more sUccessful- feint endeavor '
;the history cof warfare' all enierge •
With profit and satisfac-
den Of lcmiwing that a-tremendoas .
job hifs been. acComplished: . .
'oNve"t- and Itis co-parqiers in
this glgantio enterprise deserve,the
thanks a the nation and of the.
'Conamonwealtk; in. fiVe short years
they 'changed the courSe of
history.": •
Mr. Power, who had a ,distinguished
,Career as- a fighting, man in the first
Great,War,. whoil., record as
Minister of Defenee for Air stands' at
one of the most splendid of the present
wag; can 'well afford to treat with -the
contempt' it deserves the ungrateful
attack of the. armchair- critic *of The
•sponsibility a time like this," de -
eland -the Prinie Minister, and he con-
, .
'eluded his, Speech with an, appeal Or.
united 'Canada:
•"--•'-'17•71..,eadeit-of--,-the--pOpposition 'parties
.followed but • none of titer°.
.took up the Prime ginister's challenge
.to attenipt t� form a Government . •
(Arthur*- Ford -of The London Isree
91Pr'esS,'' Who is. in Ottawa Watching ae-
veiopfeents, Writes that the nialoritY of
the Progressive 'Conservatives are not
lu favor .or•entering a Union or coati-
.•tiOn •Governinent. They feel that' 12
.they _should jOin a union •Government -
it would mean that either the
the Bloc Populaire �r the antiscon-
S.criptionist.-141berals would- becoMe the
Globe and Malls",
, .
. .
Our advice to the municipal electorS:
Vote as you like -but vote.
-BY the .way, if we are• to have total
conscription, that „would' mean con-
scription of bleed donors, would.n't it?
ail ki ,aelitOver,.
, . Feol Weak, ..orn,, 0151?
.worth to Hitler,•noW? - The. evactfation
Want Orme! Pep, Vim, Vitality? -.
Dol Weak. Yund4wn. oxbauatod Condition *make '
You feel faigeage4ntinnlitut.ittonitd:olit'erynnOesotrucl.nfCteOrn3tainatiar ••
Syria 'and to ,fyee ,Iraq: from , Rashid . ' gcflerlLl 40. 8uoplioa Iran. calcium. phoopliorus. vitamin .
:gll'S 1.1Stripirig government." '
• rroal* suswelPdry"susu.gOttirneir"Tdn'ttil oPcTnal?tleiri'orxr11,3131titi. or
' Blit -Greece paid the price. ,Opeupled vale at sat -good drum stores eve,rywhore. •
by the Germans and Italians and even ,
, .
en. and the motor_ Tiin4ing So as • te , amounted to about 12,000 tolls and, Forces Adriatie have' ,Waged a •guerilla
frOm Greeqe and the battle, 'for Crete
the -side ofsthe sroad, left -the, lights
keep the *heater 0110 and .411110uncedj.2,500 yehicles of all,. •shares and 'Sizes among the islands of theAdriatie gave ta,,;tline to scotch the .Gerinan
that Nye would sleep for an hour. He a day. , and that this amount, would and Aegaean, It might •be a sudden I
himched over' the wiled and went not, be reduced for at least ninety days, raid in two or three lending_ craft to attempts to establish . themaelves
which many, terruptions by catch a. German.garrison, Or a diversion
SouncLasleep. I sanirmed and fidgetted , during
-and twisted and tUrnod and finally bad weather might be expected. On the 'Dalmatian coast to help Tito's
just when 1 seemed to doze off I heard The Plan originally, accepted was partisans -a war of . stealth by. night
the gears grinding antl We ,were • -off that two artificial ports, one in each and swift action on the legendary seas.
againIle had Slept exactly an hour: sector, 'British and American, - shoOld 1,T:oaring. ,tie last few days , of October
About 4 o'clock in the morning we, „be madei, each consisting of a break- Allied troops of this army have landed
pulled in to 'an all-night Chinese water formed of -concrete caissonsat, different points in Albania,„ Yugo:
restaurantThere were at least twelve The'Se caissons could net be placed in slasia, and on the mainland of Greece
a4vers inthe PlaceIt was warnand water deeper than 534 -fathoms which to, hurry -the- last lingering Germans
. . t
'steamy niside and, full of the Chat meant that only . a limited number of from .the:13itikan peninsulaQf . .
driVers• They were Wiling about ships, such as the Liberty tYpe, could ,Until recently the Gerinau forces
•spee(1s and running lends, and malting use the harbor. It was therefore de-- in Greece were too ':strong to attack
• hied to make on otter .floating break- openly Sin -this - waSi. .But. now that
Dr. T. T.tiShields Of. 'Toronto Is
planning the 'formation of a- United
Canada...paritAiid ,stariS off by saying
"Bracken would make u, splendid mayor
of a small town so would Mackenzie
King," and, as for the C.C.F., "they
wouid. 'sell_ theirsoul to the devil.",
Cardinal Villeneuve he describes as "an
Imprincipleq. hypocrite?' We,,are afraid
the Only way the quarrelsolne Doetoi
can have a' united party is .to confine
HS membership to one---hintielf.
• • - * . * *
Goderich has, ektinguiShed its de-
benture debt and has $170,000 invested
in Victory bonds for 'future .needs.
offiCial Opposition,•whicir 'they believe
Vi4uld not be fn. ..the' best interests
• ;their oVvis-Party the ,eountiy.) n
. The annourieement that drafted -men
toilowed by desnethatrations.'sif pretest
by the"ipen. concerned; pqticularly in
British Columbia,- Where there" *ere
parades tmd a ,certaisl amount of dis-
' orderliness* At liarionapointscin clue -
bee 'there have bean.-,anti=conscriUtion
demenistratithals and so great is the feel-
' Ing arousekin, that Proviii6e*that it Is
e, /wetted , a \ large proportion of :the
Liberal members from, Quebec will. vote
against:the Otiverninent. The position
Of the Qttebee members of the,Cabinet
espetially, unpleasant, 'for they are
Inking - their p1lttcal-livee u their
• ,liandS in -continuing their 'support of
ilie,'Ocivernriient a1. this juncture;
At flits time of Writing Parliament
still -engaged in discussion.
certain hjlls in high _and .mtermechate,
and there- was--assiengthy' discussion
about the merit -of reclaimed army
truck engines.. We -had coffee . .
lightfnl • coffee that, puckered • your
- "llowe
water in addition. In, order to provide: Bulgaria and Ruinama nave.
an iminedihte Shelter or the. host of, the Russians- -to. . sweep okras
IMAM &t it was• decided to make five Balkan . Peninsula to ' the -gates- 'of
short- breakwaters formed. of -bloek- Belgrade, the • G'erinans have been
shipssalollgsthe in,Sa;sion eoast, Silty fqrced to withdraw,. It is poSsible that
they - woulfi have left, Greece alto-
-gather had-riorthe Russians -and ,Mar -
ships, giving a: total length ef about shill Tito's partisand cut off ;,-their
'4,000 feet of breakwater. ' escape. - The . two or three Gernian
- o
To form -•:a • port equip Such as division ii lett in Greece may • etay. to
ing about his experiences as a truck, piers was highly desire, t is no 1 -
driver and •a rather 'amusing., one back easy Matter tq,,,produce Ir p undreds,,_„---
in. the .depression when he picked Up. of feet long On' a .flat beach, 'With a rise
• bo and fall of tide. of over twenty feet
two tramps who turned out to e gir
-and- which may -sometimes be -floating
and- .tbast and ham -and eggs with shiPs w -ere- earmarked. bY the, Ministry.
f, War Transport ,- including-sOme war -
plenty ,of catstp,. and a smoke, and
then we were. off .agai.n. • .
There was no snow' and plenty df
trucks ou the road. CM started talk -
Wearing men's clothes. The sky !was
getting grey with early therning iigbt
and smoke was beginning to trickle out,
of, farmhouseuehimneys, The „little
towns *e passedthrough werescoraini
to, life and when we get. to the City,
it was breaking full daylight. Clif
, went •off to sleep and.I went off to my
basin.ess ofshdmirdt.for truck
drivers• . • ' •
, , . • . •
Editor 'The Signal -Star.,
Dear Sir -The letter by 0"NOsey
andat other times be resting on sand
or, -,worse still, on rock.
The task up to, D -Day wasa race for
-undertakings being
the construction of concrete calasons;
prefahrieation of the pier 'equipment
and of its assembly into towing -pieces;
construction .02 the hating break-,
waterarands-preparatims. of -the :black --
ships. so hat they could be sunk ,eafilly
atidsrapidly on air even keel... • „.
• In the Operation the first'arrivals on
the far shore were 'the blockships, all
of which, . in spite of stlieir. age, made'
the crossingclose,--behind the assault
Troublesome Night Coughs
Are Hart on the Sysiem
Mouth because it-waS so
• It's the cough that sticks; the cough that is hard
to.get rid of; the*Congh•accompanied by's •ticklingin
the -throat that MUMS the nerve and throat. wrac,king
trouble that'keeps you awake at tight.*
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup help's to relieve
. this coughing condition by soothing theirritatedparts, ,
.'; Wood's Norway Pine Syrup has been on the market for the past.
loosening the phlegm and stimulatilig the bronchial organs, and w, ,
is done ,the troublesome irritating cough may be relieved. •
Dr •
48 years: The Trade Mark "3 Pine 'trees". . • •
- Price 35e a bottle; large- size; about_3 times as much., ale at all
drug wiint'ere. The Tr Milburp Co., T,bnited:Toronto,•Out.
. ,
concerning the iforth,harboy road! Wae sunk by
forces, an arrived safely. TheY were
explosive chiirges and their
Parkee- in the, November' 16. issue]
Very ajropOs and to Shespoint. crew ki were ,.then briniglitsilack. The
We have enough. elevators; oil tanks whole of this paresis the operation •vva.s
ItS financial position.ls it -tribute end Coal piles for a -town -Our size, and- cOmpleted successfully 'Suring . the five,
to the' conaPetenee ofitsinunielPay cannot imagine any 'other types of -
iidiebilstrations--H.atniltoia .SpectatOk• industries locating downhill. Good -
We - always like to boost our own ness knows We have plenty of room
town, 'hilt for the Sake of ;truth we uphill for other tYpes. One -has only.
„mustssaysthat the kee, has confused
the ,Town o Gotierlei: with thi-deat-st
of }Jaren. GOdericii still has. a de-
benture "debt, which is being steadily
recluced,• and it has some investmeats
in Victory' bonds, Init not to the amoant
Of $170,900; -The% County some Years
ago paid erg the last .of its outstanding
debentures, . and it has the amount
• stated , in Victory, bonds.
' . 6 iiiit. a e$
Illai7 to do sotaithipg 1
, the floating breakwaters weie attache
The. Globe and Mail IliAtinguiqhed the 1'6* but', Pals i,s as 1 Understandt W.11en. Ave :Will
tliirsitnatlim and r would ' lige` -to aoltio_ttir,,te eg,Tis:,:etes /dslstx,,,oiltt,i if .th6 (ilItith as they .arilved. This operation was
. .
itself- on 'Tuesday by a viciotat attack I'
SV ) Ile In0q, 'e The " Seine liall.with reereational facilities such DA :"."...""ali.."1".""1"1",
his, resignatioli from, the Cabinet live 11
. g , 11'1. • ,''''' • ! ..; bad''''
m nton caul a dance hall for winter ' '
veopie a Goderith, . „would e as large as those '
' found in Clinton, or eaforth. . '
what many. ,„ win rogfird , 0..g patuld i 1#110 Will VW VW , ;buildings) Tue• n - 1 I 1,1
• help, as many of the eitizens ilfi we tan?, 'TRY
' to de "lit tO take the Men out of the 1 . . Y .
nvir to* ;
fore Mal have no, personal" interest in
to- take a trip to. Port Stanley .or Port
Celbernesto. find „eutAxlita.2-0_,,Fjlter.
front could look. •
The only advantage which -Goderich
has ,over ether towns in Wegtern On-
tario IS its location With boatIng. and
bathing facilities, which I think should
be developed instead. • •
,• The Island in ,questiOn should have a
, modern marine railway. . where. e
fishernaen could pull out their boats in
the fait and for -rephirs with inore
facility .than their grandfathers liad.
At the present 'time. it, is, a matter of
,DrUte force. This would,. not Otis
nearly as much its- the ,pfopose(l road
and would be 41.11 aid to one of the
.town's oldest induaries-an industry,
_moreover, which co0.4. stand , a little
help in these thnes.;
"Vtre need badly' •at the present time
cliter The S gri r.•
T ii7;
pear Mr; Editor,-2In the .b,loyember
. •
1.6.th edition of the "Signal-'Stiir there
Viatf4 a letter from ``liesey Parker" re,
the building the nor,th,illarbor rpad.
I have been looking,fer an ansWer, but,
So. far have not 'seen
I have never written to a piper be-
• It • t
days 'following ff-Day, and provided
some very valuable. shelter on ;the
beaches. . ..,
Melmwhile the concrete caissons,
floating breakwaters, and, plus were
lbeing,,towed across, at an average speed
of four knot* the tofff-diaiinedikiitg-
over, 100 miles. All the pieces tovved
-very well in spite a their 'awkward,
shapes, except for ;the lengths of pier,
which had to be treated very tenderly
in the choppy. weather , experienced.
•The total tug fleet available for towing
was eighty -0e. -There -were .very •few
losses of tugs, and they carried out this
unusuali- ' strenuoiis, aild sonaetinaes --
dangerous task with great patience,
coarage, and, skill:- -,
Ofriorrival the concrete caissons had
to be -sunk accurately in places selected
. as a result 'of surveys made !. by a
sPecial party landed on D Day. ''Iii
spite of .The difficulty a picking the
exact Spot, thesoperation Was carried
put very suceessfully. BY D. Dag plus
1 .
be a' nitich more worthy post -War Pro- „
isct and *hieb could be insta.11ed with I
go ire rumen t on the , same 4iyancial
basis tts the 'proposed road: - t
The thne will Probably come, toed
water filtriition plaat, would twelse more than half the • Caissons
were in position, and the harbors were
'already an impresslye- sight.. • : '
•similaily, advanced parties in'Special
ships 'arriving D ;Day. had laid
'heavy mootitings in deep water to which
cc;int?leied, bY D'bai Plus eight,
Other worthY projectr ;iggiliatri:cittde
sen, 11.00. Martel, ft rostra, who 111 answer the questions' as they are asked:
stating,lils• Position in contMtiop. with fir() w4itilif(1,1t1 inotad-1 gne firni..(11)1 a%ew"Ceittral 8chool and a comninnity patties 02. 1.4)3741
Wondering Who to pay first . :
. to catchup iitt.those,OVerdile accounts.
Put your 0,frairs in order with a per-
sonal n t6 ROyalllank.S.cluar6
• all itho' Se *.'bOthprsoMe accounts at
once ,. then budiet for rn.onthly re-
payment to, t4e\ bank over 1.8,
even /4-monitis.:
This way - you protect your credit;
avoid !worry: and Lealborasinient.
that when CaSuaitles were= h( IVY \% Ji w(,,.! lose? nice .sve have on 'some project which Will _ _
. seasons for that., PoSiti,0114 1.14 'wild I what advialatae to the people? 'None, In t bort, why- iicit..spenil Svhat MoneY
any particular corps the logical thing', pier„ , . %IRIS HOME TREAT
Win) now bolds control?• Wh sell, out what little laud we have ,FOR QUICK EASJO AND COMFORT
. ' ' Win 1111g *liarbor be fill'eal i)eil't ' .. CITIZ'EN. eitliteh"ati°bri4ttegittrilpeP°etry'rrfetiliellef .11frotmrtItthlhgt;
Government. • left, 'downhill? i' , , .
line temporarily -to 'refit to 're -01111P
to) ,rest; tO recuperate and fa) refill the, tub& No . , .. - , , -.
, , . '• ..-,--7-----4:-'' ' '-'-- . 'itching torture aml discomfort "
,. gaps in ' their rNilts." The'llitlinber of t . Will the seenery 1)e 'heaps of,.'e'oal? 1111141,46 43,000 IN VIIRNACE. . ,Don't dig, with tingernailt4 Oa' t only
reinforternent:1 required for tjle .0).0.4 YOS1. ' . ' . , A. 80tithern .Saskatchewan farniereserves to, spread the trouble, ,that. only .
g tind triow fiiee„his Son >started it lite ,,lie Angel:ft& once a, day and shampoo
I Will the: beaelt and water lye covered found an unusual ,,spot to hide Ilia 'equal „PartS of Nteohe's tmetald.
with ,;coat dust? Yes, when the svindoneney-ht the ashes of his furnaee-- and. olio oil.' A,1)171131 gently With the
stew; troops was comparatively
and "the lov..1.1:11g :of • .t",,:u tato of' that WitY dotibt if it Would et
csaittaltlies, bY porlods of tOU'iparative Intl; the driiiiting.water. lias turned over charred remains of every fourth day. "roull find tide
-i--,,, ,„..,A 'tent, . Clanada.,.. ,.,.. and torture but helps promote more
/461441141' of (1"6t.' if Itnlr' e4"ull" ":"". And if "t°4"ey Parker"' is ' at all; in. ' ' flank °Metals. declining to disclose- i'rapid healing -1.1 iloittin dandruff
eeeterre the bolatt*." ' . ' telligent lie *III know what, firm has the farmer's name, revlettled thelbetoines a thitig of the past.,
. kiSattbor altiraite vfet : bee* dolult tbe inest letter writing and charred pieces of batik notes enabled tort can obtain rtnerald Oil iti', lite
Ocala beam rotalree tthat agitating to 150 the rosd bunt. , Ithem , to return 410100 in new bills to original .`brettl* at Caumlielft Dry*
ammo stioatiO 'be it '044 0141 Nils DICSI'LltANDI31. the farmer. *ere or *ay .mailern. drat store.
*S: tOtal inactivity would wipe out the: no property belongs tfr the 'CloVern- the $5,000 ,bills to the, Bank of 'treatment not onlvaoothes th t hi
. e ng
9ur Ma, nagers.kre gonstantly making
loans for, this "Jul/ many otherpar,
sonal purposes. Your local Manager
will be gla.t to discuss a personal loan
.vvith you at 'any time.
To pay doctor, dentist or hospitatbills
to meet ta(e 4to consolidafe'debts ...to
'buy fuel ...to repair or improve the horne
ine0 educational expenses to fake
„ advantage of bargains and bushiem oppor-
tunities' . 0 • to meet emergencieS, etss
W. G. DUI.MMIE, Mondo