HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-11-30, Page 2grittp 00 IN 4 'TUE' 001.09,10011 SIGN-4S.L OD TUX OPDXRIOH *MAU ,rublis120 PreaSS limited,. West . filtreet, Og4erZI Ontarkr, -HateCanatia ;ands Great Britaln4 0.00 a year.; 10 ..0111t,e4 StAtes. $2•49. * ,• • s VertiSing Rate on request..., 0 Telephene 41. Oth, 1944* THUIIADAY, N .'mzugt yrrviyA rooireinIanent*, Otta.vii. within,:the t week have lg.ept -the ceuntrY In * *tate tenSion. "At_Sthe • Ai/ening 'of the, special. Seasiors, the,.14onSept Commons on. ,Wednesday; the I;rime Minister subMitted the correspondence betweew COL It'aiston; 'and, himself relatiVe to the tormer's resignation as Nunisto betence; Col, Ralston in4" AtEltpUthat trained.. :draftees -be sent overseas as reinfofeartents,--while,Bir. , King stated that conseriPtiOn of men for overseas wmild cause SerOns con- troversy, woUld.. endanger Canada's war • effort; and would- destrer-theAtnitY=O Canada fog generations to come. On Thursday General. gef4angliton; the new -31.0tteter• Defenee,,, 'who as yet hasut,o seat in Pullen:04.. aP- peared -.before the Hone -and explained his plan/3 for reinforcing the troops wit,hotit resort • to compulsio1. mettutinicr members- of the Cabinet from English-speaking sections were' exerting' preseure for the im,7 mediate despateh of trained • draftees, and kr. King; yielded to the extent I- the sending of 16,009 ,draft 6 the reinforcemen overSetis. • Other: necessary 'reinforce - Meats .would be from volunteers; and the prineiple of:: voluntary service would remain the chief featuresof .•the Government's _policy with regard' to 'the enlistmknt: of • O'verseas. trooPs, -it was\eXplabled",- Qaebee .mepbers fnunediately to•f)k alaria-and Pgwer, D_Alni4nter of - Defence for ..A.irr subnlitted his resignaltiOn-"from the ,Cabinet. .This was followed by defpction of several; privatey-,,membeA-tspin. Quebec,. who -.Wee ared they would. . oppose the Governtnent's new plans. On -Monday, the Prime Minist livered in the House whai is described • by newspaper ;correspondents- as one :of greatest speeches .of areer. He told howsbelieving in the voluntary prindiple, he had expressed his' willingneSS to . resign and ...hid asked ,.his . Colleagues, one by one if they would tindertakesthe reaponsibfliity. Of heading . Government. to enforce -.C-Onscriptioll• One by one theY'd:eclined: „.• In -the course otitis, speech Mrs king turned to the leaders of the other', parties in the "House, the Progressive • ConservativeS, the and --the Saci 1 Credit group, and asked if any f 11-iena. prepared.to take over overnnien.t. man in the World wotild in relieved thaw I to be free of res hour or every, day; or even take part in every battle necessary to bring abant'llnal victory, especially when. .thelleands of " .4iiropeans, fresh' freed from the tyranny' and. the unspeakable terror of Nazi ' ocapatiou, ti'respanting :;for yen- . geance On the oppressor.' " The course he saggested ars • s ewer. continued, be held to lower the a " eery of. Canada.- oDEAR (al stcaq 'Current Views on War THE.V. 131ROVOIEU -TILIOR.111ARBOR EngineerS for SesbeeS in the American - wall Tngmi he.0)0r), landed on D Day had elearedOue , ot the Inest memorable achieve. Millesseut rampa in the eilp,10,11adeS• And red riAldWaYISS1041). to the lleatheS Vents of the war isAliseiteSed with the Pr*Ps • readY to reeetve the :shere endS et tile publication of the otficial ecoUnt .of piers.. 4This operation was sot en, hays coMplete piirt, was eonstructell Wised by 1) Day plus: twelve; by whieh thee one pier, hand. redS a Yards long was -cOinplete and. coaster/3 coulds be unleaded at etate• et the" tides „Tip to D Dariplus twelve. the oper4 glen. Wae going ageording to plan; hat,the. next day a gale blew SlPstronin the • north-east Which ° e. entinned tek • - a1e tPlIerrtp.: eCiAleirrfothr:erle' wr t9y7. efturr ttb-r4eill'hat.Urbt)orwS°1•Wset;;01)!ek3XSIIableseerd4lirteee. tita",f,u,4-- ,i, as:A ht*if I because they know' that' by the Bniffar4, ,wbo rnsb-ed. 0,40 1-1111 gtreat •isci YUeible; :Attacked on -alt in' to takeWelltOrn Orace. which they o'reluctaixt to leave, : Greece I harbor with -them. , as was, a more exposo, site, risen iss•arms against them', their fate] queror. With the eXceptiort, et Poland, AY, NOVIIM $0t1k, 1 PHIL WED OF LAZY MEADOWS ,Ily Barry J. Boigo i ....,.i....o.r....o....—.i.—p...-. THE TRXMIt . DRIVER, X, rode to the city overnight Aviili gilt Peter8 last Week„. With a day's b siness to ;de, X' planned. on going' -ck)wil- "14 111104 NYY'h, la?* aT:1 ti4ell and taken' across the Channel 'tar the eeining 60);-. UP, the , next night. S,, -l-leir invasion Of : 1N-Ormandy. S' 'Thiif vast tat* a load of Matiafactured goods' 124de/staking, in *tieli, daring iniagins. doWn and breughe back groceries and. ',tition was combined with tho..highest , hardware for th slistriet.. Train serviee from thie part ot the country Is net really very good, and itith'an eye to economy I accepted, an offer %rem .Clif to go with him. It to shake his elahorate defence$ xn t 0 was ,quel of the most fascinating exs west Must at ans early stage -secure a periences 1' have ever had. . : - harbor- adequate to Its need. But the' Like • Most, everybody else I've Germans left one thing out of their force ' Unfortunately 'it, caught- the 1 ' thought all along :that driving a truck replanting; they did not allow for ti -harbors at the, halfmay stage. ' pie , sides; withent air power,. in a hostile are , , LULL. be a monotonous ,sort of exPeri- invading 11140' taking their own American harbgr saffered most, Severe-, count,* in vShiell the pee* have 'starved and Mitered, under the con - V it 1 . e- Merehants* in this engi:40411g • 4,111 ingenuity. pro. 'vided ,the Allied ferce$ Witis facilities 'greater than those Dover... The eneiny.knew that any invasion „Intended * 'IS t Were largely_ , Is certain, though they may try to hold , tr has.endared more liardShilh • -,--The Manchester guardian. •prestige 1-,ta4 been, _brevets established there was a steady. seow that - To those who Oittilled it Ito those And thtei hr9a wa eV), • his qpinion, hoVissver, that glory and encessWe left 'aroun.d 10 0 clock. Ala .in- every service! AA onrse of that -sleweVaiong behind was Cold it ShiPS % and . etructures aeroas 'the' oallsed 'the Work 'ori•' 'this h,arbei-tO 'he ; a OreeM -1.1 8,t baUd- ‘ ' ' systemOtie recuperation were taken," I first, burthe' heater Soon warmed it uw t' And fitted tegethet the s p I diScOntilstled. The Britiab. harbor was 1 Gteeee.0 likes Poland,' has a sPecial , . * bi W0ben 00 of man who smokes 0, Si e consta tl ca e device in .the faee of the en isi 's . ar less dataage from, whieli it w - fil the . r 1-, A' Puting the ceiling price of hay sold by Mr. Power arguad',-, `ithe, voluntary Oaf- is n g ra ed. (Viet sOrt stei parts, Of the Ivhole vait end intris Trotected to,.some extent and suffered' ii; 1 tli • affee ' ur ally_ before war G eece .44 * tions of this',country, 'Icassever -estimated or eVen anticipated I •black, because it kept melting alitiost , Would have been seVerelY enough tested and t b I kept the Windshiekb vvipers bue.Y. 'The wile eXeetited, it in the shit/ Ards and - broker Much So that this, eons- foW towns desPerat on. hYstile deeds et. gallidsYs lIghtixkg men' cab • Of tile Ing 'truck with its- -trai,ler the werigshops,6 to thoae who tooke3hs, e blued wi the caliture ot Cherbourg, PPtimlein to say that , theliberatioli ,, th MAY VRIOE0 'Iristructicns on. the Inethod oom f , ystenL,which we have been' follewingtialid 'SaYS very little. lire light sulle; el/PoSition; the thaults of the tired BOOn able ..to recover and be; gonislietis„ a Britiph guarantee 4,01114 aggression, the PriniairY,Pied„neer have been #3814e4 Pavemeh slipperY anti Ant bile•are.-eertahllY _due. The venture The Shelter provided by hoth harbors whigh; events Proved, We were 'Unable by the Wester/4 Ontario region of the .which yielded more Men last yea than., made the Mick- • I 1 I WS quite ' impossible, but during thili the snrprise, .tind achnirgion, wit]. vary and in thecase of sales of-. hours of October 28, 1940. A t as a• gale of Something lilse Unloading Jai the' heaelies elsewhereTearl$: .peried UPPortora • world ?the Greek. army' met thie 'attack trickle of Stores could be landed in the -t"with-such---skilt---ond-- courage that"thal baled and, loese •lotY at the forre. the du-1to helt sindoubt folfd. 'Using this 0 a pretext,iwdrorae* prices and Trade Board. " • - las fast -as it . ig, • re e 1 H• ' even if the weather had been normal. saYed great loss o f lif -and equipment - . Taulsportatioussand lockship- s er . e , Vascieritairiavatled-othe-Bpills13 + would have sufficed at this stage • the war when, by thesanoet authoislt,ar tive accounts, victory is certain.", lAr. Power might have mentioned_ the .gcSnrs.e adoPtee. by Australia, 'which countrY0 li.ke Canada, has the volmstary. I • - critical harbor: Even en .the worst day 50Q tons Italians were thrown back into Albaniai 1),f.e.,edalcceurxaratenhstisiisperieteir Aactftautrliochralfcte; petier and -tiaitinuation;: as•well os and-aPpeared to be danger of defeatw sell liaY baled and loaded late cars at lais-nearest frailwaY ShiPPing point for „ hands gripped. the wheel in a Sons, , , petent sort of way. -There- was- ,quitelYsinters force blew for three critical a (tug and pull, but he seemed quite -1 days in June. That' stern and-111xe_X-- capable _et „handling the whole thing.! peeted test, however, was triumphant- . We pininded along With' eceasiOnal• ly -withstood,- and ' the ingenious ...pre-, chit-chat and then I began noticing: fabrieated structurespreved • Indeed 'a • ' • f VLULJ. • essential art of the German plan Per ton. If he does not load the by hard an'd continued fighting' inatead h swath -of glistening between the trees that lined the road. Planned, and they had to be roughly to dominate the Mediterranean, and in r t n P " .1 bay on cars his maximum price is $17 pe o , • light down Two prefabricated harbors were After the gale subsided the work Of an construction continued as before, of changing its .system of recruiting I we pulledoutof a long stretch of the size, of Dover harbor to accommo., theugh a long •sPell of rough water the , end the germane themselves were i . If the .farmer. sells baled- hay at his it reduced its army estabiis men , d I swamp t the open and the 'snosii date the necessary Slipping and port prevented pier equipment from being . forced. to devote a large army for the' a m price • ill tie $17 per *ton so far as we have -heard no one has Seemecl to , lessen, '--•••• 44l fewer;,ecluiPmeni. Th,ey were d of toWed over, so that theliarbor wo.e not 14nyasion of Greece in April; 1941. By , less s w - °Mal ha.uling eliargea 'from his laimed tiat Australia has *failed in of We farm houses had lightS in themi concrete calssonsSibiatin*-breakwatersi 'Unloading to •••raaximulli capacity _until then that the attack. sips pin- farm to tile nearest railsvay shipping of things', The headlights i.P The occupation of -Greece, however, was $18 - many troops, were landed-. on the pieri. eystem. When its troops were depleted!it number cents force • -tb Greece, Ithough ' only ' by s ' per tem the MaxiMillif „price -wills-be--- , •Ingssweslmd, 'been able' to "se.44-4 Small PQM t• If-- these charges, are . il6i.50 per, trineron. ....43,0- 18.4... .1 , , ,,::. i , strippin,Inloguorrinr_thtrarmiestratillont.i„orth. Afrritices_tt_the_ftta erreritt-Nftvell=.---:_.— ..„-Ls•-=.._.sss--al slied--Sit-:-.the-farl"le-ma:V011n ;aranet re,r'senslitstaisne pr ce per ton will be: t1.6.50 less the" :13.1rnitisspuiteanodf In a speech -in- Manchester Mr. Eden„ ek"twhen* Greek- armies were beaten, but, as Mr. ppn-L,whieliever is the,•leasers• If the - :Customary baling - charges or $3.09 a used , Words whieh events since tben clout:steel:14h; abtatibil:gfacri,:re-.17..*:2.5°' tile Churchill said of Arnhem, not in vain., snaxlmum price will be ;$1.4 per ton :for have amply Justified : . "Greece's in'ave 1 4....6........,,;..... ...iii..................4 ,and we . met. fewer carss.i-A 'sbrIghtly 1 and blackshipss all of Which had ta• he well in July. Finallysitswas, coinpletei. • -. • ig e 113-411:11t-safs•-tetasle--peuittlests,gotassrace, against time. In- and El port bigger than many with fam- The o e 'Oat •describeS ,Mrssistosts-stud-spassed-sus-s --headetl-forstheSide the lgybors' • were diraTitg-P-rel• , names -414d fe servative - paper; says this. of gr., the only living things -6n _that .dark . During the planning of the invasion otshiPS Of all sizes have moored withiii kench beach. Powee.s stateinent as -.•"centemptible.:" city too. • rat Which coasterisuTaglided 'direct -flute weeks -a: -gtaings4-A. _ The Montreal -Gazette, also a Con- About midnight we seemed to be lorries. , • Day after slay, ba all weathers,. scores its shelter or - berthed in unbroken and quiet road.. The rolling swish of it becitine clear that, even in the best lines alongside its ,quays. Never hoe Power and the CommonsVealth- the ties on the road, the steady beat. Possible ease of all the French Channel -Training _Plan which he. organized and of the wipers and the pulse. of the •ports failing into hands' undamaged so,. much ShIPPing used such limited accommodation at one thne. The pre - carried through to. victorious fulfihs engine's pounding seemed to blend into an early stage of the op,erationethe meat; • • ' ' a song of the road. Clif with ane quantity of stores to he landed for the fabricated Port made poirilifesthe libet • tenance.of the force would -exceed, ation of western Euro hand drove and with the other-emptie.d . • • 0, „ "There can hardly have been .a • ^ ' refilled it the .port- capacity. This meant that -The, London Times. defence upset the timetable- of kli • and . In as accomplished as way -stores_ _Would hate to be landed over plans- and delayed .his prearranged' et- as. a eo*boSsinfiht roll' a . cigarette Sroni the beaches the, pOrtS were bah* , , FREE_ AGAIN tack on Russia for at least six most ImPertant sv.eeks. •What would -`those the ashes , . pipe, „ Bull Durham. -He finallY Pulled up to improved. It was generally estimated. • Far• .many montha ,now Safe eess.,. • 't th • ' uantit t be landed! mandos and' paratroops • of • th • Land e• •weeks of eithaPaigning .weather be more sUccessful- feint endeavor ' ;the history cof warfare' all enierge • With profit and satisfac- den Of lcmiwing that a-tremendoas . job hifs been. acComplished: . . 'oNve"t- and Itis co-parqiers in this glgantio enterprise deserve,the thanks a the nation and of the. 'Conamonwealtk; in. fiVe short years they 'changed the courSe of history.": • Mr. Power, who had a ,distinguished ,Career as- a fighting, man in the first Great,War,. whoil., record as Minister of Defenee for Air stands' at one of the most splendid of the present wag; can 'well afford to treat with -the contempt' it deserves the ungrateful attack of the. armchair- critic *of The •sponsibility a time like this," de - eland -the Prinie Minister, and he con- , . 'eluded his, Speech with an, appeal Or. united 'Canada: •"--•'-'17•71..,eadeit-of--,-the--pOpposition 'parties .followed but • none of titer°. .took up the Prime ginister's challenge .to attenipt t� form a Government . • (Arthur*- Ford -of The London Isree 91Pr'esS,'' Who is. in Ottawa Watching ae- veiopfeents, Writes that the nialoritY of the Progressive 'Conservatives are not lu favor .or•entering a Union or coati- .•tiOn •Governinent. They feel that' 12 .they _should jOin a union •Government - it would mean that either the the Bloc Populaire �r the antiscon- S.criptionist.-141berals would- becoMe the _ Globe and Malls", , . . . EDITORIAL NOTES, Our advice to the municipal electorS: Vote as you like -but vote. • -BY the .way, if we are• to have total conscription, that „would' mean con- scription of bleed donors, would.n't it? tt. ail ki ,aelitOver,. , . Feol Weak, ..orn,, 0151? .worth to Hitler,•noW? - The. evactfation Want Orme! Pep, Vim, Vitality? -. ' Dol Weak. Yund4wn. oxbauatod Condition *make ' You feel faigeage4ntinnlitut.ittonitd:olit'erynnOesotrucl.nfCteOrn3tainatiar •• Syria 'and to ,fyee ,Iraq: from , Rashid . ' gcflerlLl 40. 8uoplioa Iran. calcium. phoopliorus. vitamin . :gll'S 1.1Stripirig government." ' • rroal* suswelPdry"susu.gOttirneir"Tdn'ttil oPcTnal?tleiri'orxr11,3131titi. or ' Blit -Greece paid the price. ,Opeupled vale at sat -good drum stores eve,rywhore. • by the Germans and Italians and even , _ , . en. and the motor_ Tiin4ing So as • te , amounted to about 12,000 tolls and, Forces Adriatie have' ,Waged a •guerilla frOm Greeqe and the battle, 'for Crete the -side ofsthe sroad, left -the, lights keep the *heater 0110 and .411110uncedj.2,500 yehicles of all,. •shares and 'Sizes among the islands of theAdriatie gave ta,,;tline to scotch the .Gerinan in that Nye would sleep for an hour. He a day. , and that this amount, would and Aegaean, It might •be a sudden I himched over' the wiled and went not, be reduced for at least ninety days, raid in two or three lending_ craft to attempts to establish . themaelves which many, terruptions by catch a. German.garrison, Or a diversion SouncLasleep. I sanirmed and fidgetted , during -and twisted and tUrnod and finally bad weather might be expected. On the 'Dalmatian coast to help Tito's just when 1 seemed to doze off I heard The Plan originally, accepted was partisans -a war of . stealth by. night the gears grinding antl We ,were • -off that two artificial ports, one in each and swift action on the legendary seas. againIle had Slept exactly an hour: sector, 'British and American, - shoOld 1,T:oaring. ,tie last few days , of October About 4 o'clock in the morning we, „be madei, each consisting of a break- Allied troops of this army have landed . pulled in to 'an all-night Chinese water formed of -concrete caissonsat, different points in Albania,„ Yugo: restaurantThere were at least twelve The'Se caissons could net be placed in slasia, and on the mainland of Greece '. a4vers inthe PlaceIt was warnand water deeper than 534 -fathoms which to, hurry -the- last lingering Germans . . t 'steamy niside and, full of the Chat meant that only . a limited number of from .the:13itikan peninsulaQf . . driVers• They were Wiling about ships, such as the Liberty tYpe, could ,Until recently the Gerinau forces •spee(1s and running lends, and malting use the harbor. It was therefore de-- in Greece were too ':strong to attack • hied to make on otter .floating break- openly Sin -this - waSi. .But. now that Dr. T. T.tiShields Of. 'Toronto Is planning the 'formation of a- United Canada...paritAiid ,stariS off by saying "Bracken would make u, splendid mayor of a small town so would Mackenzie King," and, as for the C.C.F., "they wouid. 'sell_ theirsoul to the devil.", Cardinal Villeneuve he describes as "an Imprincipleq. hypocrite?' We,,are afraid - the Only way the quarrelsolne Doetoi can have a' united party is .to confine HS membership to one---hintielf. • • - * . * * Goderich has, ektinguiShed its de- benture debt and has $170,000 invested . in Victory bonds for 'future .needs. offiCial Opposition,•whicir 'they believe Vi4uld not be fn. ..the' best interests • ;their oVvis-Party the ,eountiy.) n . The annourieement that drafted -men -----iseressioessent---Overseass-shas.Sisee toilowed by desnethatrations.'sif pretest by the"ipen. concerned; pqticularly in British Columbia,- Where there" *ere - parades tmd a ,certaisl amount of dis- ' orderliness* At liarionapointscin clue - bee 'there have bean.-,anti=conscriUtion demenistratithals and so great is the feel- ' Ing arousekin, that Proviii6e*that it Is e, /wetted , a \ large proportion of :the Liberal members from, Quebec will. vote against:the Otiverninent. The position Of the Qttebee members of the,Cabinet espetially, unpleasant, 'for they are Inking - their p1lttcal-livee u their • ,liandS in -continuing their 'support of ilie,'Ocivernriient a1. this juncture; At flits time of Writing Parliament still -engaged in discussion. certain hjlls in high _and .mtermechate, and there- was--assiengthy' discussion about the merit -of reclaimed army truck engines.. We -had coffee . . lightfnl • coffee that, puckered • your - "llowe water in addition. In, order to provide: Bulgaria and Ruinama nave. an iminedihte Shelter or the. host of, the Russians- -to. . sweep okras lifthe IMAM &t it was• decided to make five Balkan . Peninsula to ' the -gates- 'of short- breakwaters formed. of -bloek- Belgrade, the • G'erinans have been shipssalollgsthe in,Sa;sion eoast, Silty fqrced to withdraw,. It is poSsible that they - woulfi have left, Greece alto- -gather had-riorthe Russians -and ,Mar - ships, giving a: total length ef about shill Tito's partisand cut off ;,-their '4,000 feet of breakwater. ' escape. - The . two or three Gernian - o To form -•:a • port equip Such as division ii lett in Greece may • etay. to ing about his experiences as a truck, piers was highly desire, t is no 1 - ...sssssssssoosssssssss .. t driver and •a rather 'amusing., one back easy Matter tq,,,produce Ir p undreds,,_„--- in. the .depression when he picked Up. of feet long On' a .flat beach, 'With a rise • bo and fall of tide. of over twenty feet two tramps who turned out to e gir , -and- which may -sometimes be -floating and- .tbast and ham -and eggs with shiPs w -ere- earmarked. bY the, Ministry. f, War Transport ,- including-sOme war - plenty ,of catstp,. and a smoke, and then we were. off .agai.n. • . There was no snow' and plenty df trucks ou the road. CM started talk - Wearing men's clothes. The sky !was getting grey with early therning iigbt and smoke was beginning to trickle out, of, farmhouseuehimneys, The „little towns *e passedthrough werescoraini to, life and when we get. to the City, it was breaking full daylight. Clif , went •off to sleep and.I went off to my basin.ess ofshdmirdt.for truck drivers• . • ' • , , . • . • OPPOSES • ROAD PROJECT Editor 'The Signal -Star., Dear Sir -The letter by 0"NOsey andat other times be resting on sand or, -,worse still, on rock. The task up to, D -Day wasa race for -undertakings being the construction of concrete calasons; prefahrieation of the pier 'equipment and of its assembly into towing -pieces; construction .02 the hating break-, waterarands-preparatims. of -the :black -- ships. so hat they could be sunk ,eafilly atidsrapidly on air even keel... • „. • In the Operation the first'arrivals on the far shore were 'the blockships, all of which, . in spite of stlieir. age, made' the crossingclose,--behind the assault Troublesome Night Coughs Are Hart on the Sysiem Mouth because it-waS so „ • It's the cough that sticks; the cough that is hard to.get rid of; the*Congh•accompanied by's •ticklingin the -throat that MUMS the nerve and throat. wrac,king trouble that'keeps you awake at tight.* Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup help's to relieve . this coughing condition by soothing theirritatedparts, , .'; Wood's Norway Pine Syrup has been on the market for the past. loosening the phlegm and stimulatilig the bronchial organs, and w, , hen_t_his.. is done ,the troublesome irritating cough may be relieved. • Dr • 48 years: The Trade Mark "3 Pine 'trees". . • • - Price 35e a bottle; large- size; about_3 times as much., ale at all drug wiint'ere. The Tr Milburp Co., T,bnited:Toronto,•Out. . , concerning the iforth,harboy road! Wae sunk by forces, an arrived safely. TheY were explosive chiirges and their Parkee- in the, November' 16. issue] Very ajropOs and to Shespoint. crew ki were ,.then briniglitsilack. The We have enough. elevators; oil tanks whole of this paresis the operation •vva.s ItS financial position.ls it -tribute end Coal piles for a -town -Our size, and- cOmpleted successfully 'Suring . the five, llaPPY to the' conaPetenee ofitsinunielPay cannot imagine any 'other types of - iidiebilstrations--H.atniltoia .SpectatOk• industries locating downhill. Good - We - always like to boost our own ness knows We have plenty of room town, 'hilt for the Sake of ;truth we uphill for other tYpes. One -has only. „mustssaysthat the kee, has confused the ,Town o Gotierlei: with thi-deat-st of }Jaren. GOdericii still has. a de- benture "debt, which is being steadily recluced,• and it has some investmeats in Victory' bonds, Init not to the amoant Of $170,900; -The% County some Years ago paid erg the last .of its outstanding debentures, . and it has the amount • stated , in Victory, bonds. REPLIES TO 'NOSEY VAILICER" ' . 6 iiiit. a e$ Illai7 to do sotaithipg 1 , the floating breakwaters weie attache The. Globe and Mail IliAtinguiqhed the 1'6* but', Pals i,s as 1 Understandt W.11en. Ave :Will tliirsitnatlim and r would ' lige` -to aoltio_ttir,,te eg,Tis:,:etes /dslstx,,,oiltt,i if .th6 (ilItith as they .arilved. This operation was . . itself- on 'Tuesday by a viciotat attack I' SV ) Ile In0q, 'e The " Seine liall.with reereational facilities such DA :"."...""ali.."1".""1"1", his, resignatioli from, the Cabinet live 11 . g , 11'1. • ,''''' • ! ..; bad'''' m nton caul a dance hall for winter ' ' '1) ITCIIIN . G SCALP veopie a Goderith, . „would e as large as those ' ' found in Clinton, or eaforth. . ' what many. ,„ win rogfird , 0..g patuld i 1#110 Will VW VW , ;buildings) Tue• n - 1 I 1,1 • help, as many of the eitizens ilfi we tan?, 'TRY ' to de "lit tO take the Men out of the 1 . . Y . nvir to* ; fore Mal have no, personal" interest in to- take a trip to. Port Stanley .or Port Celbernesto. find „eutAxlita.2-0_,,Fjlter. front could look. • The only advantage which -Goderich has ,over ether towns in Wegtern On- tario IS its location With boatIng. and bathing facilities, which I think should be developed instead. • • ,• The Island in ,questiOn should have a , modern marine railway. . where. e fishernaen could pull out their boats in the fait and for -rephirs with inore facility .than their grandfathers liad. At the present 'time. it, is, a matter of ,DrUte force. This would,. not Otis nearly as much its- the ,pfopose(l road and would be 41.11 aid to one of the .town's oldest induaries-an industry, _moreover, which co0.4. stand , a little help in these thnes.; "Vtre need badly' •at the present time cliter The S gri r.• T ii7; pear Mr; Editor,-2In the .b,loyember . • 1.6.th edition of the "Signal-'Stiir there Viatf4 a letter from ``liesey Parker" re, the building the nor,th,illarbor rpad. I have been looking,fer an ansWer, but, So. far have not 'seen I have never written to a piper be- • It • t days 'following ff-Day, and provided some very valuable. shelter on ;the beaches. . .., Melmwhile the concrete caissons, floating breakwaters, and, plus were lbeing,,towed across, at an average speed of four knot* the tofff-diaiinedikiitg- over, 100 miles. All the pieces tovved -very well in spite a their 'awkward, shapes, except for ;the lengths of pier, which had to be treated very tenderly in the choppy. weather , experienced. ,. •The total tug fleet available for towing was eighty -0e. -There -were .very •few losses of tugs, and they carried out this unusuali- ' strenuoiis, aild sonaetinaes -- dangerous task with great patience, coarage, and, skill:- -, Ofriorrival the concrete caissons had to be -sunk accurately in places selected . as a result 'of surveys made !. by a sPecial party landed on D Day. ''Iii spite of .The difficulty a picking the exact Spot, thesoperation Was carried put very suceessfully. BY D. Dag plus 1 . a be a' nitich more worthy post -War Pro- „ isct and *hieb could be insta.11ed with I go ire rumen t on the , same 4iyancial basis tts the 'proposed road: - t The thne will Probably come, toed water filtriition plaat, would twelse more than half the • Caissons were in position, and the harbors were 'already an impresslye- sight.. • : ' •similaily, advanced parties in'Special ships 'arriving D ;Day. had laid 'heavy mootitings in deep water to which cc;int?leied, bY D'bai Plus eight, Other worthY projectr ;iggiliatri:cittde sen, 11.00. Martel, ft rostra, who 111 answer the questions' as they are asked: stating,lils• Position in contMtiop. with fir() w4itilif(1,1t1 inotad-1 gne firni..(11)1 a%ew"Ceittral 8chool and a comninnity patties 02. 1.4)3741 BILLS... BILLS. LLS% Wondering Who to pay first . : . to catchup iitt.those,OVerdile accounts. Put your 0,frairs in order with a per- sonal n t6 ROyalllank.S.cluar6 • all itho' Se *.'bOthprsoMe accounts at once ,. then budiet for rn.onthly re- payment to, t4e\ bank over 1.8, even /4-monitis.: This way - you protect your credit; avoid !worry: and Lealborasinient. that when CaSuaitles were= h( IVY \% Ji w(,,.! lose? nice .sve have on 'some project which Will _ _ LOOSE 1)ANI)ItUFF I . seasons for that., PoSiti,0114 1.14 'wild I what advialatae to the people? 'None, In t bort, why- iicit..spenil Svhat MoneY any particular corps the logical thing', pier„ , . %IRIS HOME TREAT MENT Win) now bolds control?• Wh sell, out what little laud we have ,FOR QUICK EASJO AND COMFORT . ' ' Win 1111g *liarbor be fill'eal i)eil't ' .. CITIZ'EN. eitliteh"ati°bri4ttegittrilpeP°etry'rrfetiliellef .11frotmrtItthlhgt; Government. • left, 'downhill? i' , , . line temporarily -to 'refit to 're -01111P to) ,rest; tO recuperate and fa) refill the, tub& No . , .. - , , -. , , . '• ..-,--7-----4:-'' ' '-'-- . 'itching torture aml discomfort " ,. gaps in ' their rNilts." The'llitlinber of t . Will the seenery 1)e 'heaps of,.'e'oal? 1111141,46 43,000 IN VIIRNACE. . ,Don't dig, with tingernailt4 Oa' t only reinforternent:1 required for tjle .0).0.4 YOS1. ' . ' . , A. 80tithern .Saskatchewan farniereserves to, spread the trouble, ,that. only . g tind triow fiiee„his Son >started it lite ,,lie Angel:ft& once a, day and shampoo 1 I Will the: beaelt and water lye covered found an unusual ,,spot to hide Ilia 'equal „PartS of Nteohe's tmetald. 011 with ,;coat dust? Yes, when the svindoneney-ht the ashes of his furnaee-- and. olio oil.' A,1)171131 gently With the stew; troops was comparatively and "the lov..1.1:11g :of • .t",,:u tato of' that WitY dotibt if it Would et csaittaltlies, bY porlods of tOU'iparative Intl; the driiiiting.water. lias turned over charred remains of every fourth day. "roull find tide -i--,,, ,„..,A 'tent, . Clanada.,.. ,.,.. and torture but helps promote more /461441141' of (1"6t.' if Itnlr' e4"ull" ":"". And if "t°4"ey Parker"' is ' at all; in. ' ' flank °Metals. declining to disclose- i'rapid healing -1.1 iloittin dandruff eeeterre the bolatt*." ' . ' telligent lie *III know what, firm has the farmer's name, revlettled thelbetoines a thitig of the past., . kiSattbor altiraite vfet : bee* dolult tbe inest letter writing and charred pieces of batik notes enabled tort can obtain rtnerald Oil iti', lite Ocala beam rotalree tthat agitating to 150 the rosd bunt. , Ithem , to return 410100 in new bills to original .`brettl* at Caumlielft Dry* ammo stioatiO 'be it '044 0141 Nils DICSI'LltANDI31. the farmer. *ere or *ay .mailern. drat store. *S: tOtal inactivity would wipe out the: no property belongs tfr the 'CloVern- the $5,000 ,bills to the, Bank of 'treatment not onlvaoothes th t hi . e ng 9ur Ma, nagers.kre gonstantly making loans for, this "Jul/ many otherpar, sonal purposes. Your local Manager will be gla.t to discuss a personal loan .vvith you at 'any time. • PERSONAL 'LOANS AVAILABLE To pay doctor, dentist or hospitatbills to meet ta(e 4to consolidafe'debts ...to 'buy fuel ...to repair or improve the horne ine0 educational expenses to fake „ advantage of bargains and bushiem oppor- tunities' . 0 • to meet emergencieS, etss W. G. DUI.MMIE, Mondo