HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-10-26, Page 1'
A OCTOBER 26th, 1944
urolii Clear o
SeriOus Crim
1117Civil Actions Presented. at
Sittings of Supreme
0ourt This Week
$npreme Court sittings for, the
County of Huron Opened- oh .310140
afternoon , before Mr.' lustici) Keller
MacKay-, and adjourned Wednesday.
anOrning.. For , the -second . year and,
fourth court in ' sneceisien, a cletin
prime sheet was presented by Crown
Attorney D. flohnes, a circumstance
which 'once again evoked complimen.
•tary. remarks of the presiding Jurist for
the law-abiding citizens of this county.
OJ the six eivil actions, one. of Which
called, for a jury, only one was eon-
-rtetited and even It was settled out of
court before all the evidence had been
The j-nry case was that -of XtriSepil
•- Riley, Hulletti township, road foreMan,
against, OrVillec,politruck driver, and
COWS- eMploYer,"Georgeltad
" of. R1,yth.- Attempting to pass On
SountyjligWay.,No 15, ,one„andvhalf
-Miles east of 1.4ondelirborough-,vou
October 23rd, 1943, Riley, driving a
page -Agar ---parT-lifitl—COOk;"-driving—a-
truck, Were in collision. Each elalined
'the other was "hogging" the road.
Riley, wile; claims ,to- have .sustained
serious injuries of a permanent nature,:
sued for, poop personal. injuries, $400
• for ;loss of Wages,. poo for medicine
and hospitalization and, $1000 for dam-
age to his ar.. Cook_connterclaimed
for 4670.06. , The case was adjourned
been Sled when court was adjourned.
•'Another. case: adjourned was that
.of Lawrence , versus Jrene
•'hear!, his wife, operator .of a• 'beauty
• shop in Clinton.. The ...conple are
• estranged; -.The' husband is Asking„for
• a declaration that he is the -owne.r.of
"thex-busiuess and-. for an neda,unting,
• from August, 1088, to date.--:
actions on the list were
uncontested" - and in both decrees nisi.
were - :granted. - Margaret - Dorothy
Itithardien • ot •Goderich - was Tgliverc
dissolution of marriage from lierllaus-
band,. William Albert Richardson, now
of Milliken, York enmity, formerly of
Ashfield township., Keith- Lloyd liessel4
.wood, who left :Canada in 1941and is
'now with • the 'Canadian army
$.0.) in Italy, suceoedectill bus divorce
action against- his wife, :Mary Reim
Hesselwood, of Wingham. -The. couple,
'-vvere• married at Londesboro on DeceniL:
' ber 11, 1940. •
A. 'decree absolute of' .divorce was
.granted Basil Percy Laws, now: over -
:seas, formerly of Goderich„ from his
•)**Ife Lola Elizabeth Laws. The action
30tvaii. !heard here last spring.
In the action•of Pennington vs.
ing, three witnesses,: Dr. N..•Cii-JaCkson,
•. W. F. Gallow artd--Thomas.Penning,
ton, 'plaintiff,. Goderich, had 'testified,
Tuesday morning when -udjourrument
was taken for lunch: -Mr. Pennington.
, sought to repossess two ‘mortgages,
with a total valtiellef' $1.900, frem..hia'
Malcohn C. Moliring, Of
WindSor,. with whom he• -resided for
two years, allegedly as security' for. his
maintenance,A his old age.- •Medical
testiraony. was that Plaintiff' was 'suffer-
ing.: from °loss of ntemety and .he ,him-
. Self gave evidence that he did not re-
member signthg the, documents . or
•"giVing defendant a Power of attorney..
,,When court reconvened in the after-
Settlement-wati-...announced. By
„; its terms Mr. Pennington is to pay Mr.
mob.ring POO, pay costs (100). and in
• return get his raortgageS back,. The
- power of attorney is revoked. „
A maim, was to have; been spoken.
to on Wednesday morning, but because
of the non -arrival of records thiswas
:•,,,4argoes arriving the past 'week*
were: • Algorail, 'VrIdaY) 175,000
barley ;.1;ludsort,, Saturday, 40,000„
barley, oats and .*heat; V. v.. Masse',
Monday, 122,000 bus. oats) barley .and.
screenings ; Outtuloc, • Monday". ,11.6,000
bus. "wheat ter the e1evitor,130,000
bus. wheat tor 'the Western 'Canada
mill; Mantadoc, ThiirfidaY (today),
249,000 bus. Wheat. All these 'citrgOes
Were for the Goderich ,,Elevatbr . Co.
except ,M4, stated.
The A. A. lindson. is in harbor With
•4 cargo of • soya beans .from PeIce
Island to be discharged at the elevator.
The Boivard litindman' IS . en route
with 4 grain cargo for the elevator
and is expected Friday night. .' •
• The Aragon brought in =Other cargo
of coal for the Western Canada lieur
Mai op. Saturday.
•TON 00 SVEDt:
The Town ,,1-10.11 auditorium was a
seene of besy aetivIty last:Thursday;
Fridlty And-Saturdaxi- when-voltuiteer- day--aftvrnouti.,
Men Killed
in Airplane Crash
Both from ,England, .StOto
at ,the Port Albert.
'Two R.A.P. Men from the' Port Al-
bert 'Air Navigation School lost their
lives when the - training -plane,. an
Anson ‘..bomber, In-whlich they were on
a routine flight, crashed Sunday morn-
ing on a.. farm 'near St..Helens, about
ten miles northeast of the:air station
The two men were later- identi0ed 118
Flying, Officer' W. R. Dawes Of
Atherley, ,'Derbyshire, England,„ And
LA0, li. 'A.,Bablen, of Pewstinry, York-
shire,' England. Bothmen had been
in Canada but a shert time.
The fatal crash occurred at about
"rte. Ken Young, ie,P4rted Wounded in
10--ettisSie4tp.iithjigAs *WrittifirhI
parents from a canadian.„hospitai in
Enghpad, Stating that. he has shrapnel
wounds in the legs and body. Ile also
reports meeting with the late Lieut
Victor 41liott .in Belgium_the day be-
fore the, latter received his 'fatal
wounds... —
• Feeling At' despite 'wounds reeeived
in battle, and mighty glad to be .hoMe
after nearly •three "years'overseas,- is
, .
Sgt.. W,•7,1V,icilwain, son of Mr. and
Mrs... C. Mcllwain, Cambria road,
who arrived In Goderieli of, .the teen'
train today and was,xtvep,,,..a warM
welcorde., Sgt. •MclCiWain 'W.Orit
seas -with the 2nd. Perths as -a corporal
and .after further training in Eugland
went to Italy with, reinforcements for
11,30 a.m. The aircraft dived into the, his regnnent, Last .lanuary while
round -•• and beeiune a total •1o, gltthXg_with..the_8th_Army_up the east_
Officers of the. air station state that coast ,Of Italy he received sitrapii-el
the cause of the accident Is ,obscure. : wounds in the legs and hands and spent
• -Theep;Osmpittokis9k9,,, thewitime-40. hospital. in Italy: and
military- honors, from CranstoWs tin7. England.' before k returning to Canada.
-eral .home, -111ontreal-street,- on, Tues- Sgt. McIlwain- -received ,his promotion'
r going overseas.
workers under the direction. of Mrs.
-1)1)r•SIooneyr chief-distributor-for•,th
Goderich. and Dungannon CentreS,
issued 0,358 ration books: • The dis-
tribution at Dungannon was 840, the
total for -the district being 7,188. ,•-•Late
applications haveinefeased this num-
ber. since Saturday. Besides Goderich
and Dungannon,the district included
thetownships of West Wavvanosif,
Ashfield, Goderich, and '.Colborne. '
assistants Mrs. G. Eraersen; Miss M.
Campbell and Mrs...W. G. -.MacEwan,
and, about fortyothers, all .women,
working in relays from 9 atm. to 9 p.m.,
completed the staff: --The • workers In-
ctuded Mrs. P. F. Carey, Yin,
..lkits.; Art . Curry, 'Mrs, G.
Jenner, 'Mrs. Elvidge, Mrs. 4, McNee;
Mrs., G. Johnston„ Mrs', D. 3. Patterson)
Miss -E. B,uebanan, Miss E. Somerville;_
Mrs, 'W:•--Tebbiitt,`'` Mrs. G. Filsinger the.solarts being taken by Master
_iiiire_A_Ouehanan.Mrs.:.,:ve•.-Buehanany! BobbL ell 'and Visses Jane Graham
f • ba aar to •be held: later.
in the year. ,Mrs. Parsons, convener of
the war services contmittee, made •a
gratifying t report covering recent
activities of her committee. Last
Miss N. Dunbar, -Mrs...14' Thorneloe, 'March a Shipment wag.Made including
Miss G. McDowell, Miss I. Bowman,
Mra. Tiehberrie, -Mrs. G. Mathieson,
.Mrs: T. maser, Mrs. C. johnSton, Mrs,:
•Staniforth, 'Mrs. E..D.,,Brown,, Mrs. W.
Price, -Mrs. 'Whittingham, Mrs. N.
McInnis, Mrs. Wm.' McLean, Mrs. Geo,
Sandersert, .Mrs. W. A.'"Hay.
station elfa.plainf cond.ucted the service
--the- funera,14.-honte---And----also-at,-th
Soldierze memorial plot 116. Maitland
cemetery, where the remains were
interred.- - •
In the cortege following the flag -
draped, coffin end guard 'ef• ,honor Was'.
an eseort! squadron headed by Group,
CaPtain'Bnx, 0.0., and Fit Lt Tifekett,
station Adjutant., . •
There was a large' attendance at
last week's meeting of the Central
lqome/ • ••
. and School • Association.. • „A
*chorug,• "Our Country," Was- sung ,:by
grade IV, under the capakle leadership
•of'ihe =isle director, 'Mrs:- McDougall,
1 1
Mrs , --K; Revell t-- Mrs. 41. Rouse,'-mr6- x and
- • ; 'tailor Lander. .PIans_ were Ms-
McLeall,--Mrg. W. Reitman, Miss-' M.
,Mason, Mrs.' C. Holland; Mrs. P. Wal -
kora; : Mrs. • G. Bowra; Miss_ E. Hume,'
Miss E-1ViacNauglitoxi; ' Miss L. Robin-,
son, Miss M.' Pewell, MISS M. Videan,
Mrs, James James Crafg, concession 7, West
'Wawanosh9, that their , son, Fit. Lt.
William L. Craig, supervisor of the
Canadian 3C;111.0.A., with .headquarters
at G-iliraltar, had received severe burns
Ile- received-. treatment; in hospital and
to bis hands and,body, in a truck ac-
cident in Italy, while moving supPlieg
from one Y.M.CA."• post to anotler.
fisavolirrbly.repor_ted to be progressing'
,. •
- LAC. Itobert Hawthorne, li.C.A:.F, is
enloying a -furlough with:. his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Hawthorne. RObert
is stationed at Mont Joli, Quebec.' •
ir Memories
sirifizeittrivrorempbeei3ititt047t,.._e4. eritirch'
impreSsiv:e mepierial, •services Were
held in Vleteria 130*W United 'Church
on ;Sunday, when the Congregation
honored the Memory Of two faithful
members., At the Morning service,
which vota, attended bY:the P;i0t eon-.
gregationS of Victoria street etTrelt
and ilniQn, eherch...Goderieh,tewnship,
tribute.' was paid" to the late James
McKay 'Mama, for many yearS'
WW1 member and official of the church
and 4 Staimeh friend of the Union
congregation. the Member.s expressing
their regard: for him by filling the
church to capacity. „
The mnsic by the choir, under the
directiorO•of Mrs. -Leslie Hanna, was
appropriate, and included a. • solo,
"Crossing . the Bar," by .Mrs. Gordon
Henderson. . ' -•-. '
The pastor, 11. Turner, chose
• hiss_ennon-tat,, "!Mark the .p9ygoc_t
man and behold the upright, ..for the:
end of . that -man is peace" (Psitlra
Turner compared Mr:. Adams' • faith-
fulness and. devotion to his. chore -A -to
.that of a captain who never forsakes
his ship. 4 Tie spoke -a gO0f1 citizen-
ship, and of his kindly disposition
toward, his fellowmen. • • •
Memory of Soldier ' liiiero"Honormr,*.
Fitting tribute. to' gallant young
soldier, Itfmn.• Allan Fisher,, son of
and Mrs. 'Wesley Fisher, of Salt -
ford, who died of wounds in France
--en 'September: 9th; was ' paid' at the
evening • service, _which also was con-
ducted by Rei . -L. H.:, Turner. .13eatiti:•:
ful flowers adorned the pulpit •plat-
form, among. them being thok from
• • 0
„ . - the family; 6e Goder c rgan
- • Com an enito ees •- the Goderich
- Sgt. King • ,Nagaiingharn, .ThA.V., is
reported missing after air orieratiens
oyerseas on ...October -15th; according to
word receiv-d, hy.,*„ and ,MrS._ MOD.
trained- '
Trenton -And Delier4.N.S , and was:a
cussed or A
Another first-aid 'Class is being organ-
ized and those -.wishing to enroll may
leave their names' either with Mr. W.
a'. Hodge, at.the Bell Telephone central,
or - at the Signal -Star office.: •Those
who already have a _eertificate ina'y
Join the class -to continue their studies
in first-aid _work-- -The class will
as "soon as a sufficient number are en-
'rolle4. There will be a, two-hour.lec-
ture one evening a week. The cost
of the course for beginners is $1, and
$1.50 , for , those taking a second • or
further examination:- •
. '
The marriage of Beatrice Dorothy
Hallthan, eldest daughter :.of ,Mrs. B.
AL Hallman, 1Citchener, to A0,2 Keith
Parrish,. R.C.A.P:, Toronto; son Of Mrs.
• 3. D. Farrishr Goderich,• took place
• very /quietly --Art Knoxe-hfirch manSe„
Goderich, on Gereber 14th at 4:311 -in the
afternoon, Rev. Itiehard Stewart of.;
f"4 ficiating. The bride wore a." street--
• length dress of white ..jersey, wifh
••Ifithr MI& btiiiqUet"Pf-White---roterLid
dwarf - 'mums: iViiss Margaret Mc-
Gillivray, matren of ,,honor, wore
• powder" blue' crepe And a ‘chrsage of '
• Talisman resew The _hest man,. was
• Sgt.. David Fairish, R.C,A.P., Jarvis.
• The 'wedding dinner was held at the
British Exchange Hotel, .after „whielk
the bride and - groom left on their
• wedding trip. • '
Goderich 1Aons at their last dinner
''ineeting entertained_ eight!. ;retnrned
wee, who were introduced to the katir,
,ering by Lion. 'George • Baxter. Lien
Nelson .1111l:". pitSt deputy.", district
; governor, was presented 'with the scroit
and button of international*conutillor,
Lion Harvey' Erskine doing the honors.
The Club voted 450 • to: the. mine-
sweePers"auXillarY fund.
• Reports on committee '..c:o.Oik were
given by Lions lack,Coates And Harry
Watson.. The Club was .entertained
with vocal •stilos by Mr. W. McLaren,
The address of the eitenifig was given
by Deputy District . Governor: keith
Clyadale of. St. Marys, WhoSe' subject
, was "Social Morale in Post -War So-
ciety." , •
(We had hoped to publish this ex-
' collent address in 'full, but again
,limitations of apace.forbid.) ,
'The, speaker wall introduced by Lion
Nelson Hill, and Lion A. It. Scott
tendered the vote of thanks.
• D. 3. BURNS
A'respected-resident• of the. Milt road
for the past' twenty-fotiryears, David
John Burns, died at hiS hone pn Wed-
nesday ,morning. Mr. BUrris, was
in his -seirenty-eighth year,, 'Was- dthe
son 'of the late' David W. and Ellen
Evans Burns, and was, born. on the
Maitland concession,- Goderich town-
ship and lfved there 'until his removal
1 -6 --the -'roact2some year-ago He
was employed with William- A. Ed-
ward,.. carpenter and contractor, and
was member N'ortit street Tinited
• Church. Besides his wife, he leaves
,bne, son; of Toront.Ot.
• The' funeral will take- Place from
his late residence, Mill road; on Friday
at -2. P•m- Service will .he conducted
..hy_Rev-Ital. Turnbull of North street
United ,church and the interment will
be, in,„ cemetery. •
.434.30d weather And eager *boys all
ready' to do their share, festered "Apple
.Day," held by the •Boy Keonts 'under
their Scoutmaster, C. P. S. Carman,
last Saturday. The receipts totalled
p.31.19, And twenty -live Otishebi of
apples Were sold.
12 layettes and .175- articles of clothing.
Since. then the Nurses' • Alumnae has
donated two beautiful layettes, which
were displayed at the last meeting.
At this meeting there was a fine display.
of dOnatiOns; ,folleWs: Fromi• Mrs. E.
Pridham, a *020 dress; and from
Ski; "Ilarloor ladies -4 doz. bibs,' 8
sweater and bonnet sets; 2 -pairs stock,
Ings, 1 pair bootees, I -pair soakers, .6
blankets, 5-comforters,-ancl--22--kimOne •
Besides these, the committee -had made
over ft -quantity of clothing for all ages
from infants to adults, and grades' VI
and -VII had -Sent several ditty bags to
the Navy League. •
- •
• Miss Cleaver, •public /health,' nurse7
spoke briefly. butpointedly on "Health,
Mental and PhySidat.", • • .
After some discussion it was decided
to change the -day of 'meeting from the
second Tuesday to the third Tuesday
in the month. ' _
._,,,ALItaf..„Q10414.133A-PAQYVIN: .
7'-'•fuperat .services Were-lield. We&
nesdayr September" o,. at Deadwood,
'Sonth Dakota, :° for Emmet. Muriel
Brown, widow of the 4ate. Charles
,Brovvn, fon:604.'0f Auburn, Ont. Mrs.
1,3roWn died suddenly in St. Joseph's
Hospital, on. September' 3, of a •heart
ailthent. • Rev. A. Sivertseen :of the
Baptist church conducted. the :service
and halal was made beside. her hus-
band and little •daughter, Who died
twenty-three' Years ago.* MIA. Brown-
wasborn in Dover, England,- the daugh-
ter of•Dr, LA. Debbie,. and
is .survived three sisters, Mrs,
(Reit.) Canon•Wright'of Vernon, B.C.;
Mrs. S. heardoVvn,aniiiiIrs..A: Shields
of Goderich, and two brothers, -George
Dobbie Of Chargol and • William of
Guelph. •
myvanti. GRIGG
udwOrd, • Grigg died On Thai's=
day last at her home,. concession 9,
,Goderich tovvnship, her. seventy-
seventh year.. • She was formerly
Matilda?Fisher, daughter of Valentine
•Pisher • and $nsanna. (Warreuer)
Fisher and 'whi; ' born in Colborne
6; ;NIttetie'listvs"D :Olt- the etirlY
n' 7
portioof her life- and received her
public school education. June,:1895i
she married- Edward. Grigg, rho
There also stirvive threeidaugh-
ters Mrs. Clarence .Toronto;
Mrs. Charles Cooper,-Goderich town -
Ship, and Miss Mabel 'Grigg, Toronto
a brother, Tobias Pisher.
and a sihter, Mrs. John Young,' Loyal.
Mr. and Mrs." arigi farmed .for a few
-ears in Colborne but twenty:three
Tout' ego they. moved t() the present
farm home, one fir theAlinest. in -the
township. The *dal Wits front the
home on' 'Saturday, the Service being
condticted by Rev. C. Tavefier, of
1/ohnesville Vetted ehureh, of which
deceneed was • meAer..' Interment
Mit in seillborne cemetery.
, C. Ha -is, 0.C. of "C" Co.,
Middlesex-Iturini (R) Regiment: an
flounces Oat a memorial service Will be
held next Sunday- morning in North
street Malted ,churcle for three former
members .ef hp company": who have
been killed" in action. on the Western
European -front in recent weeks.. They
are Lieut 3.. 0. Combe of Clinton and
-Lieut,: -Victor_ Elliott, and:-Li_Opl...
liam Westbrook ,of' Goderich, all three
widely known and deservedIY popular
young Men- of this iiistrict Rev.. R.
tf.- Turnbull will ° conduct the sbrvice,
*Inch- will - attended , by "a)
Th 4 ,hoine ,,of Mr. and .Mie.-TogePli
street, Wag' -the
scene of a quiet but pretty wedding
on: Satiirday •when"; their • daughter,.
litarit,...40es.r.becapie the bride of, Des -
Mond Ethridge -WhatelS4--loii Iff7-aii
Vir.*Whately o1: Toronto Rey,
It. H.- Turnbull performed the cere•
mony, ,whieti. took Place in a, setting
of - chrysanthemums, fern and antumn
/eaves. • The pride . Was chn
Arming i
a powder blue crepe street -length dregs
and wore a corsage of*Iiite roses and
bouvardia. Her only attendant was
her sister, IVIlss"Katherine Snider, Who
wbre , a turquoise wobl draw and- .cor-
sage Of Am)3 roses, The
,grobin• was attended by Mr. Stanley
Snider, uncle of the bride.: After die,
Cereraony, Mrs. Snider received her
guests.in • a pale' blue silk jersey dress
With a ,corsage of aeharma, Hill -roses.
The.giooin.'s mother:redeived With her,
wearing a =black sheer dress and 'or -
sage .of pink roses. • Mrs. Arthur Farr,
the bride's grandmother, presided over
.the teitqahle, .For traveling, the bride
donned • powder •blue - tailored wool
goat With black, hat and accessories.
•The groin, ,forirterIST an Ingtructor itt
:Sky. fiarbor airport, beginS Ills baste
naval' training hi London., on November
.The work undertaken in the parish
hall .ftrut chapel is.xioW Well under way
and it is expected that after next Sun-
day. 1110 church sabot be able to
Meet there again, 118 well 88 the•regular•
weekly and monthly
weekly Tito
ehurch ,schaal Will,. however, meet in
the. church for One More SundaY.
Two services Cr 1-10ly Communion
will be held at 8 tt.m. and II a.m. on
All Saints' bak. The hours or these
services are the. best that tan ar-
ranged owing to the fact.that the rector
is engaged- with Oible stutlies in the
PUhlie sehool • at ".04 ..tintl at • the
Collegiate at 10 an. Xt issboped that
AS 'Many AS possible Will attend these
Ilervices In tommemoration of all who
trent their. labors rest.
hara • .Port Albert, Guelph,
fine young man. While ai Port Albert
be was a frequent visitor at the ,Willis•
hOme.• ; ••• .
. Mrs. Andrew Kirk, formerly of Dun-
gannon, haS received ward from ber
brother, Samuel G, Bailie of Phoenix,
Arizona that his son, 'Major EdwardE. :Bailie, 37,1 Of Los Angeles, was
killed,- with his commanding ofAcer, on
Septentber .27th; :When their plane
crashed as, they were on an- admin-
istrative 'flight •from 'Itos-Well -Field,
Major Bailie leaves bis _Widow, Mrs.
Norma E. ' BailiC, and *three,smnll
daughters, aged six,' font' andtwo
years, who lite at Roswell, New
Mexico;* also • bis father and mother,
_of- Phoenix, -Atizona., and a brother,
EVerett,-.of, Three Arch 'Raf,-'Legtnia
Beach. His father, Samuel, G. Bailie,
is a brother of the -late William Bailieof Goderich, and a graduate ot Gode-
rich • Collegiate -Institute. The body
was taken ,Washingtori and was
buried at Arlington national cemetery
with military honors. • '
1.1 • .
•; :, .• NELSON -.--ROSS
The, home of Mr. ,and Mrs. Roderick
,Ross, It.R. 3, .Luclinow, ,was the -scene
of -a- pretty wedding en. Satiadzin
October • gl:st, when their youngest
datigliter„. Margaret Irene -,was united
in marriage to Williara Jaines.-Nelson,
only. Kin of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nelson
of Ashfield. Th ceremony was, per-
formed by *Rev. Dr. W. O. Rhoad of
AShfield, %Presbyterian Church. The
bride 'entered the-living-rdem to the
strains Of the ,Bridal Chorus from
ohengriii, plaied;vy her cousin, Don-
ald Ross of Galt, and took her place
beneath an arch of cedars and White
baby 'mums. Baskets and "vases of
fall flowers made an attractive setting.
Given 411 marriage ,by her father, the
bride .looked lovely. in a floor -length
gown Of white triple- Bheer over satin
with_lace_.trim. She wore -a_shoulder-
length veil caught with. a :corenet, Of.
orange Plossents and carried a bouquet
of Talisman roses and fern. . Her_
EiStatitli-MIST-73' eitn"-Nelg on;-.7Sister
of the,groom; was gowned in chirrtr 'se
net over satin . with _floral. headdress.
[Her bouquet Was of American Beauty
roses. Gordon, ItogSr, brother 'of the
bride was grOoresinan Diving the
, . . .
signing of the register Mrs.•Win. Ross,
sister-in-law of the bride, sang "0
Perfect, LOVA." For the reeeption which
followed the bride's mother .' chose
soldier blue crepe and wore".4 corsage
of Talisman roses. The groom's mother
wore plum crepe and a corsage of baby
'mums and fern. The dining -room was,
prettily decorated with pink and white
streamers and•the bridal table, placed
in the centre of the -room, was eentred
With u three-story 'wedding eake-and
pitik ..itrid white . tapers in • crystal
OundelAra. A delicious buffet lunch-
eon was served by. the' aunt of ' the
glide, Mr,s., _Fred Ross of Aublitnr.and
font girl friends, Mrs. Florence Lane,.
Misses Thelma Caldwell, Pearl Mc-
Kenzie i'and 'Barbara McLennan; 'Mt..
arul ,Mrs. Nelson left on a wedding
trip to be 'spent at Windsor and De-
troit-. For travelling the bride' wore .a
brown tweed suit with brown 4e.
ee$sOries.On .4444;geoaturn.statol-wiif
reside on the .grooin's farm, eoneession
10, Ashfield. 'Guests werapresent from.
rk,trott,,: Listowel; Paintersten, Galt,
Auburn and AShileid: . '. ' '
• .03tra SHRUM
, •
feitirol'ili'lran, who
ell- o
met death in action. 33elgium,
September -1.5th.
s &tans
Loan Wive in Jluroi
ptims, tor
litot quite 33
County quota,
First three dope xeceipts in .
Ie -
tory loan •eampaign, in 'Illiren 1301Mtr,
$403,050i are not quite 18 per 'cent. of
the ,quota,'"and, are cellsiderably short
ot. the .averrtge required to reach the
objective„ of .$3,113,000, in three Weelee.
This objective includes SI$31()00 118 the
Ire6ta for the air SchoOlel not logillatid
14-11 nrilythrellss i)leTa"dini°11:107e3)pruboellsellose4ioil Intl* -
percentage of °Wee' Ow), attained, with
slightly' over 50 per eent. Godericix•is
hseacm", 4Crinitthon22:411170afeeonrtt.'11' ain:lloWlAng".
Itmtileowiortacarutini304rtrimeod%4Gtiodrxejoieft iCaila ..n.,
Manager N. W. - kyle, of the' Bank
Goclerich Organ CO;; Goderich, ". '-
Of Ceiiinlerce :at Allyth„.-Whb-, IS .verf-
Acti_ve la the campaign, reports goii. .
JetW.4100 Ireleatib from•bond buy•erii.-.'.','7"4`,"4"'''
With which he p,Urchased. .a bon 04.
-Pre-Sell-tea it to -a farmer of the Blyth '
district -who recently IOSt hiS barn and
season's crop by, lire. . .
•11, a•Ivne-threea-PcuaeY4rOtlhi-eseetiolonre-1,1xv---01:td,urntftriek,07-"-- ''.-------
These are .lory ;S: Blackhall and W. )1-
GOrney ' 45c Son, , W1)2811031 i Sherlock ---
Manning and Canada'Packers, Orinter“..,
-Dominion. ' Road Maehinery. ,Co, and
Principal Scott of Goderich' Col;
legiate Instituteon Monday annnunced
theaward of scholarships ,to two G.C.-I.
graduates. The .Eugh Innis7 Strang
scholarship has been awarded by, the
Untirergiti of Toronto to Gloria;! -Chis-
holm, daughter ot, Ur. and .Mrs. Leo
isholm, *Goderieh-township, and the
bert.MacKar scholarShip is awarded,
by 'PrOcleriCh Collegiate.--Iiistitute_ to
Claire Bisset, daughter of Mr. and Mr
William- Bisset,: • town. The- latter
scholarship, $200 caShr. goeS, to ;the
Student eesident in the town of ode -
rich who takeS highest standing In the
argan _ Company, :44 the 'Gbderieh tipper school. „The...Strang scholarahap,
Homing Pigeon, Club. Included the carries _ $125 cash and tuition,- to the
large eongregatia were employees of value of $125 in each year for four
the Goderich Organ 'Company and -years, a -total of .$020.
niembefi-of-the-Homing-Pigemt Club, Roth „yOung laffles have entered. upon
both of whom ,attended. in Ta.. body.
Priring the offertory, Be% Mr. Turner • • • ' •
equities at the IThiversity. or Toronto.
sang "There Is No Death."
The honor:roll Containing the names
Of thirty-three' from the congregation
serving in the armed forces was teed
JW Mr. Turner,•
• •
„ tiOsPtati Ams ASs'N
mrs. P. R. Redditt represented- the
Women's Hospital_ AuXiliary at the
annual war •conference -of the Ontario
al' Aids' Association held at Wthe
Royal, York Hotel, Toronto, last week.
Mrs. 13. 3.•Sa.ults and -Miss Etta -Saults
also. attended the convention. .
the. edn.esday afternoon sessien
pie • presentation . of xi life membership
in the Association, and pin, was. made
to Mrs. Saults in Tecognitie-n of ber
long service in. hospital -work in Gride-
rich, *here she is a charter • member
of the Hospital Auxiliary.
• The presentation was made by Mit
0. W. Rhynas, president of the Asseci-
:talon. Though completely surprised,
Mrs. Saults expressed,•her thanks in
a gracious little, speech. • '
Mrs. E. W. Carrie, who was in' at-
tendance alSe,: has the honor, of .bein.g.
a, -•life• Member of the Association;
• —
mrs. PicrSsie-Slegner, district deputy
_president --and . staff; ef Milverton,
visited Goderich Rebekah Ledge on
Tuesday evening, October:17;10 'install
the newly 'elected officers Of• Goderich
Lodge. The -officers . are N.G., Mrs.
Elsie Mumby, ; V.G,„:Mrs. Muriel Camp-
bell; R:S., Mrs. Ismar McLean; F.S.,
Mrs. Elizabeth Newcombe ; treaSuier,
Mrs. Velma%Schlegel.; warden,_ MrE
Mien Murray; conductor, Mrs. Pearl
Videan; LG., Mrs.. Lent( Stowe; 0.G.,
Mrs. Laura Riley; 'Mrs. Ione
Baechler; L.S.N.G., Mrs. May Doak;
R.S.V.G., Mrs. GraCe.Roope
Mrs. -°Mabel Tiveedier chaplain, miss
.Stisie'Noble; Mrs. Helen Me-
Phee; rausician,. Mrs. Gertrnde
Kaitting. • Sister ,Siegrter, D.D.P.„ • also
presented a Past 'noble grand's jewel
ttv- Sister -Helen- MePhee :on her -retire=
mentfrom. that 'office: At- the close of
the meeting a. delicious ' Was
Served -by the soelal conunittee. •
•ISiin.; Oet.. 22 ......51 ' 2fi , 64 43
Men., Oet. 23 ......66 ') " 48 : 40 42.
Tues., Oct. 24 00 415 ' 47 30
Wed.,•Oct. 25 ,63 47 ..„ 46 a3 golden weddiug• day.; v
. .
• '
Temperateres of the past week in
Goderieh, with those of the correspond-
ing week a year ago, as
cordcd) Were as folloWS1
1044 1043
Max. Ma. Max. Min.
Thurs., Oct. 10 -.01 37 44 38
Fri., Oct. 20 .:,.;.;52 33 • 60 30
Sat., Oct. •21 ......50 .37 04 4.31%
. •
Assessor Sturdy las Compiled his
assessment .figures for 1944 and finds
the total to be ,$2,559,207.- This Is it
decrease of $12,713 from 1943, When
the total .was • $2,571,920:. Income is
Following are the local committees,
alesmen..and--quotas /or. theseventh
-Victory lean in Goderich and nefehbor- •
nag-nrunicipalities • .
-• V.Ommittee — H 3. A. lia_cEwart
(chairmai* R. G,: Sanderson
chairman.), , . X. Menzies, Walter
IWO,- li::Stiuhdef's: ki-i"L.-Parsons, • •
D. D. Mooney, M. 13, Tennant..
• • .
Public ,Relations Committee—M.-B.
Tennant ---(chairman), Walter , HO-dge
(vice-chaufnan), _George 'Jenner,, S.
.Prevett, A., 14; Erskinef„X.Oranattin,..—..:-._-.
R. O. Hays,' N. W., Miller ) -Rev., R.
Stoara_rt, Miloaey, Mrs. F.
Redditt,. Mrs,'" F.. Curry, I
Turnbull, Rev.. W. H. DUnbar. • •
Payroll Savings donlinittee-LW.( O.
Attridge (chairman); R; k.
• M. II. Tennant, R. M. Menzies.
, Saleknen—S, H„•
Geo. MacEwan, T. 114-1Pritchard C
not 'taxable municipally this year, and
this mere than.' acCoun_ts tog the de-
crease in the total. '
The assessor finds the populationis.
ye tie 4,625,iicleei..ease of 103 from
last year's fig-ure• a 4,728.
• Mr, and Mrs. S. 13. Stothers, well
knownhi 'Huron; on' October llth
passed an important railegtone in their
Jives, marking the twenty-fifth. an-
niversary •0' of their wedding. • kr.
Slathers ("Steve" to nearly everybody)
was born in Ashfield, 'member •a 11,
prominent l'amily of =that township
Whieh has produced -se inahy notables,
and after taking a course it the ()n -
tad° Agricultural !College he engaged
in, the service . of the Ontario „Depart.
inent:of Agriculture in the capacity of
district agricultural representative, in
which ,lie has been lighly. Suceessfal.
Ile was, we believe, the first "agri-
cultural 'representative!" . in - Huron
county and he 'WAS a very popular one.
Prom °here he went to Essex County,'
and for some .years
Wellington .county,_ With residence. at
Arthur.' • • ," •
Mr, arid Mrs. Stothers (the latter a
Guelph girl) were married At Guelph
on October. llth, 1019.. They have a
family of Elizabeth, Wife - of
Plying Ofileer n. Passmore of --North,
Ilattleford,* Sask. Miss Agnes Stothers,
High School teacher at Stoney
Creek; Itatliteent at MeMaster
1:70oitiy. ; at • Arthur High
School, anWi
d With, attending public
The anniversary was observed 18
fitting fashial4 and '-"Steve's" .host of
friends in Huron .Wish him and Mrs.
Stothers all kinds of' happiness' and
eueeess.aS they travel on towards their
Quota -$435 To..vv.xsm, • p
Coninfittee Benjamin „Rathwell,
Saleam-eu•— George Ginn, • °WWI/
Laithwaite, Chas. E.'
"Ali111IEEIC. CHAPTER,- 1.0.D.E.
• The regent, kis. H..0. Dunlop; pre.
sided at the regtilar monthly meeting
of the •Alimeek Chapter, .1:0.DM.
,ThCtreasurer reported the net pro-,
ceeds of the Penny Fair amounted to
$:512.8.89. and the regent , thanked • the
C011% eners of 'committees- for 'Work ,Well
• _
, The 'sum of $75 had been silent *to
provide, twerity-five personal comfort
bags for *omen of the services over-
seas. • •
Donations of "$25 te the 1?0,1).E.
cigarette fund, $15,10 the British Red _
-Cross Priioners-of-war Fund 'and $25
to .PoliSh relief were voted. • ,"
A rummage sale was planned' for
November, and: it wahoped to Make
some donation at Christmas time to the.
Oeota:-.185,000„„ •.
. Committee .•-• Alex. F. l!;leDenttld
(chairman); John 'Bennett;. Walter
Alton, _Gilbert ,Frayne,
Ernest Blake, W. A. Culbert..
SalesmenSamuel Alton, Donald
Blue, Wilfred McCarthy. •• •
Committee Thos. Web er (cha1r-T7:
man). • •
Salesmen--Durnin PHilips, Than:Les -•----
Committee--- F. MeIlwaixi (ehair-,
man), Etigh Hill, Gordon Bisset,..'Alex„
enikh.dr' Btarti_.
Quota—$06 000
•-domMittee—ffohn S. Seat (chair-
man); 'Raymond • • Redmond,. -Adam
Robertson, Alex MeDnrney, 3.13. Bee-
croft, Charles-Coultes. • • ' •
• Salesmen—Frank Marshall, Zebu S.
• Qu ..
Committee—L. 1.1ilborn (chairman)) .
Jack Watson,' Herb MeElroy, _-
Public Relations Committee —
man -Garrett, K. Whitmore.
DocSabliblesitleoYtna.:$4:104'. ; on A:'ug...118••11-11,--"It4Y
Conunittee-,•..John; Armstrong. (chair-
man). • • •-
• Salesmen—John A:rmstrong, . W. 1.
Dale; W. It Jewitt., „
• Com*. ittee-:74N
1merLDWYebster (chair-
xnan). , •••• • •
• Salesmen-LEdgar Butt, *Carl .Hans -
Chapter's 'adopted school.- •
• The following Memberswere ati,
Peintecl to assist the Legion Sa:ttircla-r
night -bingo: "Mrs. W,.G. MacEwan,
Mrs. Gordon Brown, Mrs. Moorhead
And Mrs. E. .T. Pridhain.
• 'The thank -offering Meeting of • the •
Arthur Circle of Knoi churchwas held
at the home of Miss Anne McDonald
on Monday, Qctober 10th. Mrs. George
MacEwan, president Was in e118ge.
The" Scrip-ture reading was given by
Mrs. Calvin Cutt and prayer ' was •
offered by MIS: Gordon k.aftting. An,
interestipgreading on ,the history • a
the first ehureh lir Goderich, whieli was
lueateil on Mrest-tireetrwiWrea0.7 by
Airs. Dorothy Reed. .841ano solo was
rendered by .1%lisa Christine LeiShrilant)
The guest speaker -42 the °Veiling was
Mrs. Gordon Bisset; who. delivered 'a
helpful Thanksgiving message. . 'Fol-
lowing the business discussion 4 social
hour was enjoyed. The next meeting
is to be held at -the herae • of Miss
Dorothy Sohnstonl Elgin avenue,. .
.111.18 carol Trow, danghter or At -
Col. Ithd Mrs. It. Al, Trow, Stratford,.
is the . winner 'of the first annual
scholarship awarded. by the Perth
Regiment Chapter,. to the
student Jit the Stratford Collegiate-
Vocatiotler.lestitate who 'obtains •the
highest aggregate standing in English
and'histbry,,and standing Jn_five ether
upper school trapers on the sarile ex -
mutilation and -who is continuing
studieS at Canadian lintversitSr: MISS
'1"rew is' now , a • student tt the VW;
VerSity of Teroeto. Slitrle a grand.
daughter or Mrs: 1.3enj.'`Allen of Gode-
rich, ' . 7 •
The regular meeting Of the W.C.T.II.
was held last Week at, the • home of
Mrs. George Johnston, with a good at-
tendance. Mrs. C. Pennington took the
devotional period and read from Mat-
thew 24 and gave a talk on inteMper.
:ince. Mrs. Phillips presided for the
business' period. It 'WAS deeidell to
have the leeal Sunday schools take part
In the temperanee contest. Proceeds
of a tea given Mrs. Morier, amount.
lag 10 ,U2.50,,were voted to the -Ited,
Cross. The clip sheet readings were
pert.ln by nieny members. The
meetieg closed With the eitigleg of the
theMe gong and prayer by .Mr. Ham.
well. During 8 aoeial half-Itour Mrt.
Johnston served .deifelous refreshmente.
'ton, 3 Me,Ash.
'Quota ---$102,000.
. •
'°Ytil than •
ee, -
Empire. Service Club on Tuesday eirea:.
ing, There were ninny pretty ' atui
ariginal,,eostutueS in the parade. 'One
group arrived in prisoner's regalia with,. ,
chains. • Porthe. prettiest costume, . •
Miss Nernia'litit-rbar," dressed aS - -
gypsy, was awarded, a Pei* ; .for the •
;most original, Miss, Nbrine •Iile0ahe,
as Iluckleb.erry Pinn. Some of the'
girls were dressed as war -Workers.
The hall Was decorated in keeping, •
with the I:lath:AV-e'en leasori. Those
reeeiving the guests 'were ,
D. X. Patterson, Miss
M• arjorie Macile, Sit/. Ileinimek and
Mrs. Ileinbucir, Plying '003cer Arm-
strong acted as master of cerenioniot.
After' luneh, LAC..Stevens entertained
tile deriders Awith a number 'of trickftio
of magic. Prizot • Went to • Maxine
Chisholm end Bert Canterhi the
eliznination dance„ -the final eontestants
(inciting tor apples.. The Spot dant*
was wail 14, LAC. Lifiitsort and .
11. Videan.
Donald Jaz! SuirrteESI,AATmitberiFileopiSt:ule_
won -known Ancooneet, hits ' parehneed '
the bekery and groeerybuelnees of
tV44;(,,IN.eirectIltushegottvalli at Itbeitlere„ .the ehabge to