HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-10-19, Page 80 You InAti43 To Attend Sunday 8ennees • ,V1/ .t1Pf.r.1*/ V, IL ,V1,'11P' %V, /st'se,?' \ 91,1‘10% r,1 A S GEORGE'S CHURCH ,)(,TNstut„-Rector. . (":11. Volgai,..4.1N,,'Orowlotrowit tmoirmo,tfr * VICTORY LOAN SUNDAY., 33.• ,. SPECIAL 4PATRIOPC SERVICES 8.30 . nom'COMMUIION," ‘amcks MORNING PRAYER AND smotoN., Subject:."Going. My, MY" _ 3.00 p.m. CURCH. SC11001410:13 10014t1 CLASSES: .00,p.m. EyENSONG.,,AND SERMON. Subject: '6"11e COME TO .0111.TRICH • - 'd•- ;4.-74 W.111"7...itaiTrIVIWtait7i1WV4,3 • ilMaiMtMt Mlilitea\MtriViTicirr-Oliiiffii17. ,North St. lJnitedhurch KI4ISTER-RFW R i4 TU' NBULL, 11 a.m. MORNING \VOUS W. " 3 P.m. SUNDAy SCHOOL. - r 7 _Yana EvENING spRvxot. MRS . mayvviiINGToN;organtst linox Presbyterian Chive 11,00 a.m. PUBLIC WORSHIP; -- • Sermon Subject: "The Quiet Voice of God." 100 p3n. •PU1344.1i. nORSHIP. Sermon Siiiijeet: "Gifests-of the-Lordf 11.00 '1*.inr JUNIOR CONGREGATION. ;.• 2.30 p.M. SUNDAY, SCHOOL. MINISTER -7 -REVEREND RICHARD STEWART. . ORGANIST -MISS EILEEN BOGIE. • DIRECTOR, OF PRAISE -MRS. FRANK SAUNDERS'. Come and Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness. • Victoria St tinited Church Preacher -REV. L. IL TURNER, EA:, Organist -.:-MRS. L. HANNA - 10 a.M. SABBATH .SCHOOL. • -11 a.m.--111EMORIAL-SERVICE-to-the late tlas.-- Menai Ndams. t• 7 pan. MEMORIAL SERVICE, tribute to the late Tpr. Allan riSher. WELCOME. - • 'UNION SERVICES WITHDRAAVN-- '" 4 Unio30C.engregation vt.iorslii, P"wi,-th Vict.oria. Street congregatio_n atn, , • a ericIrqtist Church REV. JOSEPII JANES l A, rAgToR Mrs. .Wilfre& Donaldson, Orgiiiiist. 10 am.SUIsTiDAI SCHOOL. • 11 a.M. PUBLIC WORSHIP., :Subject: "The Reproach of Christ." 7 pan. SONG SERVICE -OLD GOSPEL HYMNS. Subject:6"The City of God Duet Rev. And Mrs. 'Jos. JaneS. Monday 8 p.m. -Meeting of Wednesday 8 p.M. , Prayer Meeting. . • .. • _ • - STRANGERS ALWAYS WELCOME • a a. .A1,NATION AJM , • • , - LIGHTHOUSE AND -WATERLOO STREETS SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22nd 11 'a.m. HOLINESS MEETING. • 1.30 pin. SUNliAlt SCHOOL. 7 p;m. SPECIAL SERVICE. Condueted. by Flying Officer .Lodge ; ' • • . . COME AND GET A BLESSINd. entecostal Assehib entecestal Bethel Tabernacl.e 16 WATERLOO STREET • _ _ MORE EVANGE.LIST .BERTTIA. QUINN Reylvalist, Pianist and Accordionist . - • •of • Menheini, Ont, Services eaCh night .eicept •Mdirilay3 and Saturday at, SAO Rine Sunday 11.00 a,.m, and 7.30 pm* Inspirliag .singing .and special VOcal and instrOniental numbers . at each Serv.iee.' 41„ It Will he worth whiletto attend tath and every service 'MR Oilviteit THAT PREACHES WIIAT TIIFIIIHBLE TEACHES. This is Your invitation. • ' 11 REV. A. G. 11AltHIS, 'Pastor. THE GoveRica SIGN ArelION 'MLA LEARING AUCTION SALE OF PAEM, VARA/ S. Toce,, IMPLEMENTS AND •110USDHOL1) X'URNITURE • , at lot No. 0, ,I3lue Water Iliglawayi Goderigh township, on , rkliESDAT, OCTOBER 25th. 'at 3, Welock Household Xurniture consists Or living-roota.walnut suite.; dining-roOra table, Chairs, buffet and- Wagon; 0 beds complete,. (Ire** tables, 'Chairs, and beddingq kitchen equip - Anent; EmPire range; eleetric .WasherT rangette and'heater; two tables, chairs, cooking ,utensils,' dishes, eleetrle fix- tures, ete• ; N.Va1110t b9013;0aS0 and.books, . *tures and rugs. Amonat this fur- iiiture- are 'several antique, walnut 'pieces, all in first-class condition. -, •AtV1,41$3,L4'N.TS:----FulI *line,: amongst • others: manure spreader, hay loader, sulky rake, drill,disc, cultivators, roller, sulky " plow, walking plow, drag harrows, platform scales, fading grimier,' hayfork, wagon, cutter, two buggies, auto -track, nearly -,new; forks, shovels, neckyokes, Whiffietreds, mower, and binder, harness, tools and other, articles. - • GRAIN -406 bushels 'Irving eats, 200 bushels mixed grain, 35 tons WY., mow' of straw,. potatoes and fipple -s; • STOCK -Two well-bred •Clyde mares, good workers',; 0 well-bred Durluini cows, in calf or just 'freshened ; 3 Dur - am • steers, •. years -01d1--g-:;70arling- heifers; 6 spring ealves-; 12 -small pigs, and one sow; 25 yearling Leghorn hens., „ • The farm will be offeredfor sale 1m- , diately after,tire•SalLeto.rfff'd hold furnittire, subieet' to 'a • reserve bid.' It consists of 124 acres_of„.'elay loam, :all seeded, excepting six eres ploughed lever and in good state of cultivation ;. some orchard.. and. six acres of bush. It IS situated two miles from. Goderich Square, between Blue Water Highway and Lake litironi Ou it are a solid brick house of nine rooms with baseiVent, furnace, hard „and soft water in kitchen, all wired, front and back stars, and farm build- ings; main , barn 40 x 50 on stone foundation_ (stabling twenty . cattle; • pigpen, lienhbuge, ...movable graiiaaryi garage and two Implement sheds. .All , 'buildings ated with .Hydro,- GO in all and a11 in fair condition. Im- inediate given, . . • This faith has always belonged 'to the Andrews family .and is a • choice, farm well limited With telephone. con- nection- and rural .raall delivery -and Ilydro*at rural =OS. TERMS -,-.CASH. - For farm -Ten• per cent. lpayable at sale, - Waal:lee thirty days. ienyoutegitire Coal orCoke.: haries C. Le. Est e ' .41-2 About CHRISTMA CARDS.. A °complete stork of Christmas • and All -Occasion „Pulls for the 1044 season' is now at hand,. Assortments; • 21 cards, With--er without 122$:arosimspotirureted, e• text• • $,1:5009,_ 18 $,1 -.ale • 00 • ••-.50 12 gift enclosure cards- .25 Personal cards', inscribed with name and address, 25 for $1.00, and • 12 'for $1,00, •(Early selee- tion of 'theSe IS advisable.) All-ffeeasion -(birthday, get ' well, &c) 75e per box of 12. vi,b7b429110necYloOkaegli•laadl:Peilnal, 1120t sseuaels2 s tagt Sacred calendars, for - ehure .or home, 350 each. '• • Will be . glad to, send sam to you if you:live in town. Mail orders of $1400 or More, and any order for calendars ivill, be mailed prepaid: , " • The many kind orders of my custemers_i'n the past have been much appreciated and -the-plea-- sure: of Serving you this year 4111 be sincerely welcomed. ' ERNIE BARKER, --Ace92 itra IngtOrnetratt" • • ,rrelerhonel, 417J . or Results 'ossified Ad NOM ARPENTRY AND REPAIR WOOL Call W. 1. JOUNSTON,Cor.. WPM street andCambr _10. toad, 42x ROOM:, AND • BOARD AT TOWER Cottage; . eOrner Lighthouse and LOST AND FOUND • Wellington' streets. MISS NELLIE •' COLBORNE. • 320 ACCOMMOD*TION, TreututirrilagG•Isztli1.7sAu.Kni,ngston S,treet,42zr , Artuur !street, 40.2 -1104A-RualfollarS4.; WoleA:Nn oTrfe.rr-ea. 1,tuOtt0112 vazlea as itt. keepsake. 'Itewa,;rd. (r.-,,x-t-Pou'N mectim, d!xoimq HOUND DOG, all r black, ';i3Ome white -liner' chin; ...T.,,, - , . long tail. -APPIY at Nu$0, xopLos _ store on the Square, or Om:: ,285 • -42:•ps'Ip'0.:. .8---a-fj-.--.-:_,-,---,-...viokmA,j,3 ,.13,4000014 • - ° . - - _ _,....* -7: .Coat, large size, in good condition. •rtiOLIV.11(94(10 :- " Price rea0onable. • Apply 'SIGNAL, , -«-r- 42i BWWN116(11KW°()L. AP?I"I) " 0.11,' SALE -SMALL PUPS, SHOAT- fue'llVirtb.w4inlisore"cdoniteeoititugs . .vi;V11-011'4,6fr:eeze'..], For c,..-.. .....;;.... 1.,..,h,1014see 41.1ge.sNleulidnegl. .p.4tixs estimate and terms 'Phone 71, or Write , •Ltp,tit!'4'4,14' 11.() 1LOWLoudon. . " . , L 471). 1 C. DAY, 5 Thornt.on., ave',,,:vo 11," 4‘4SAJ.Ato'L;V .A. : $.A.r. 4, SUITABLE, TTENTION l I -THE LOCAL AS- "'"' for Store or husinesS office. Out- SOOTA.TION of Girl • Guides Is side dimensions 30 X '37, t.)tait'be getnt. anxious to contact anyone In the toWn at SIO,LNAIATAlt. ,. ., who may. be•interested in, or who has had, •ex-perienee in Guiding. -„please FOR SALE, ----. TWO -WHEELED phete MISS WILKES at 84. • , , 42 ' • luggage' traar; with tarpaulin; perfect - condition, idea for farmer. Applyovenings at 71 East street. 42X given en approved bank notes bearing , .. -0 per 'cent. •interesL, _Grain, wood 04 • fowl, ten dan,re and under, exVsli ' OR ALE. -OXFORD RAMS -AND DAVID MCGRAMTAMZ .. . ram ItUnbsT a1S0' Oxford breeding. .• DoN.4.,9x4.12:47tBiltv4PEuroe,ptir:etoe::_eliovVu:eogos ,a0:75:ies,masuite, ,5,,shvaerelas.„7b;fixof4seilgiapHorN, Saliepzitiatolt - --4-,- 8.2 ring .13. . • • ' 40-8 ..UCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK . ° AND IUPTJEMENTS ' :- ` . - FOW - 'MLR,- ----,--1.638.-‘•:„BONTIA0 yr, a EOlt T U Y, OOTOBE "MI'S WEEWS PECIALl• Banana Layer Cake withilfarsinnallow Icing Try theni. You will like them Please place your orders cavil. . off 'AWL, CULBERT', ' Proprietor..:. PHONE 465 records were mashed in 1943---gener- Ous bOnUSSS were paid to all Watkina dealers,' Get into buSiness for your--• self DA our capital. your home or adjacent locality. Suitable travel out- . fit required. Write no* for further. information to the J. R. WXTKINS COMPANY, .pept. 0-G-1 2177 Slat4s0n, street,. 1V/ontreal. 42-8 /11 ' at lot 2, cone,ession 1, 'Ashfield Town- eouPi, 'serial No. 625110481; five "-"-e-*'"-""1- (one-quarter mile west of Nile), 'tires, ..not ,above ceiling price., L. CIVERHOLTrr - *ngStu 42x drill;' steel -tire wagon and rack; set • TUESDA1Y, OatC1T,OpnBmE.B., 31st, 1944 street. Sloop sleighs; steel -tire buggy, 11/2 h,p. International 0 gasoline engine; HORSES -1 bay -mare, rising 8 1.. FEEDER CATTLE -WIN -TER AP - large ,power meat grinder, 12-inek grey mare,- rising 12; 1 brown' horse, pLES.-200 feeder mate,' all sizes, NIOcwell grain roller ; -Clintoir.fanning 10 •years Old. • extra , quality, „not too dear, ; Young. millelectric fence; 20001bscales; CATTLE-4-.-HeIstein cpw, years old,. Hereford, bulls to sell. SpYs, Bnows, ; - -. ebt:deubis ilarness';'4koli water trough'.due in Nov.; Ayrshire coW, 4 years and Baldwin apples. Reasonable' off heavy woVen wire stretcher 1liors due 111 Nov. • Hereford cbw, 5 years old; trees. JAS. E. 1NIEDD, RM. 1, Clieton, -; -e . large; blacksmith's tools, taps, and dies, ctr penter's. large tool chest-, Yankee screw driver; icebox; • 3 logging chains ladders; 65 cedar posts ; tons -hay; quattity Of potatoes; large cook stove (Homestead) ; .2 heaters ; other - .houe- hold articles. ,TERMS.7.-CASH. ' No 'reserve, as farm is *Sad. ; 1 , FRED:MULHOLLAND, . -Proprietor. HAROLD JACKSON, . • 41-2-- - .1- Auctioneer, due- in Dec--;...4_11ereferd.cews, 6 years. 841 ring 11, Seaforth., 40-42 old; .due in Jan.;- Holstein Cow, '0 years ,...._, V old, due m Feb.; Holstein cow; 6. years,. OR SALE. -POTATOES. FRED old, 'due in Feb,; Itolstein cow, 7. years • BELL, R.R. 2, Goderich ;„ phone old, dne•in May; Holstein cow, 7 years 934 r 22, Goderich. .... -42, old, ..due in Feb.; Holstein (tow, 8 years . It ' SALE. -i5 CO • RDS -*GQW- .. , old, due. in Feb.; Durham caw, 7, years , , old, due .in- March ; Holstein 'coN,!, 4hardWaod,- 14" ,• -long, at Part Al - Years old, due in._ beit.- Apply D. ''McKENZIE., r•*-Blytlx. , 4,4; .Dnyhain cow, 10 years old,due' in 'June; Holstein 1..bnrce '11 r 12.-,--- ------ :- . - - 41-3 . . . heifer, due in Nov.; "H . • olstein ' heifer, , . ''`VOR , SALE. -LARGE i BARN. AP! in Feb.; purebred -Hereford bull, 18 •'''.i,- • , • Months old; 4'Durham heifer, PLY to BOX 85, SIGNAL-STAR.'s, 2 years :,.. . old t- 2 Polled Angus steers,-2.years-old4_ c_•,__-+ - _ ,,, . ,..,... -42 6 171 f earlin heifers ; Here- •;-,, Jb• L GA.R EN e e or 3; g OR SAL .- EAUTIFU p ._ F chrysanthemums,- - 4also mixed ROBERT ANpREWS, ford steers,. ,rising one .year ; .10 _CitheS. 3 . ' proTilTeter. PIG -S-2 sows with ,1i3 pigs; .1 sow; autumn flowerS,. priced . very. low. .Auctioneer. DONALD B. BLUE uowiN SALE OF FURNITURE • 4'3" AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS of Mr. Jas. Elliott, at Nile, en '- WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25th 1941 at 1 o'clock p.m. The following: Extension trible,. 2 glass top . cup- boards, 3 . rocking chairs, a invalid chair, 2 couches,. writing desk, stands; 'about 20, kitchen chairs, 2 bedroom suites, 2 wooden. beds, 2 mattressea„. 3 -feather ticks,aa---qualitity, of bedding, 1 Quebec heater with oven, 1 wood stove, 1 teal heater, rwo-bniner. coal oil stove (Perfection); coal- oil heater, set of .240-11),,seales, I eight-day clock, 100, ft. %,inch rope,, robe, blanket, sugar kettle, -2 wheelbarrows, buggy, good McLaughlin, cutter, 2 boring 'ma - china, 2 ,bits; 1 • adze, 3 platers, 2 crosscut saws, several handsaws,. 2. levels, 2 _ tobl boxes, framer krace and bits, . vise, grindgtene, - pipe wrench and several lots of small tools,. quantity of lumber, cement forms,' pails, 2 tubs, dishes and glassware, pets and pans, quantity. of good 'floor carpet, and . a quantity -of other article's, not listed.- '• • • • . The''-izeprieterhas- sold his, house' and is giving up housekeeping. • TERMS -.--CASH„. • •„ JAS. ELLIOTT, 4 proprietor. . GORDON M. dRANT,- • •0 41-2 'Auctioneer: CI • LEA.R-ING ' AUCTION -SALE OF • FARM STOCK AND I1111:!LE- •'1VIENTS ' at north half of lot 13, 2nd, concession, West -Wawangsh, 1% miles north'. of Nile On the -highway, on-, ** TUESDAY, •OCTOBER. 24th . • .1944, at .1 p.in. sharp HORSES -Matched team of ":•gre.Y Mares; 10 and- 12 years1 *black mare, rising 7. years. - CATTLE -Roan cow, 5 years •• old,, fresh two months; gyCoW, 0 years - old, :fresh on month; Hereford . cow, 5 years 'old,, due time •cl, sale; grey epvi, 5 Years •old, due .first of Nov.; roan. cow, 6. years old, due middle -of Nov.; black -and White' COW, 7 years old, dile 29th Dec.; grey heifer, 2 years old; due 15th Jan.; blue cow, 8 years gld,. supposed to be in ealf ; , white' cow, 5 Years; old, gred- W weeks; ''•purebred Durhani 2.•years3,,old ; 4 ',steers, 2 years old: 4 'steers, 1 year old ;• heifer, 2 years old; 5 spring calves; calf,„ 2 Months old ; calf, 4 Weeks old. . PIGS --Spy, carrying. secend litter,, due Nov. 15th.; 10 Chunks, about- 3 month's, old;'-7,•pigs; about 8 weeks old. SHEEP -7 Oxfgrd .ewes and 1 ram.. ,FOWL ---80 'purebred ' Leghorn pullets, read/ to lay ;..24 purebred grey Rock" pullets, ready To lay; 60 year-old : hens. -IMPLEMENTS' .-:•• Massey Harris binder, 6 -ft. etit, in--g-dershape ; Massey - Harris oil bath limier (nearlk new,;) lassey-liarris, rake,- 10 A.; 1Vlitssey--1 Harris hay ' leader . (nearly new) ;..1 Massey:HaSsis drill, • 11 -hoe, With. • fertilizer. attachment; Masseyalarris erilti'Vater- thearly-lie-VOT- 'INIfiasek--- Harria steel roller; Quebec sulky plow;: 21 Fleury walking plow ;• 4 -section har- rows; New, Idea cnilinure.: spreader (nearly.- new) ;,, set of disc, harrows; wagon with box and conabination rack; wagon rack; set of - sloop sleighs vvith, flat rack; Single sleigh and rack; stone- boat;-• -fanning- mill;- set_ -of -2000-lb. 8-03..unks.' • • Order year glactieji bulbs', 'now for '• IMPLEMENTS. --- Massey -.Harris next spring delivery ; special prices., binder, 7' cut; Massey -Harris 13' 'drill; 0.all 'Nfil.._.L. R. HOLMAN, Canieron Massey -Harris 14 -plate disc ;4-sectien street, or plaOne 722: ' .- 41tf of harrows, 1 Verity walking plow ;•",„ 1"? Cockshiitt auble Plow ; 1 Cockshat "VOA SALE. --MODERN SIX ROOM riding plow ; 1 . McCormick mower, 1' -14: frame house; bath,. furnace, ' full Massey-I:lards eultiva.tor, ; 1 rake ; Deering- basement, all in ' , first-class repair, 1 Dane ..'haYload.eg ; eq,ckshlitt Could: be seen at 48 'Quebec street.' illraacnklrIe hsipgrhewdaegr 0; n .'; lt7e8tksi7o.ap"snleiag'nhds.: PIZ s . " EVA MUIR, - 386% •• Richmond any further particulars, apply' and rack ; 1: entter ; harness ; 'fanning,stre,et, *London. .: ' . - - . - .42 mill; 2 8-gal.rmilk. cans;; "whiffletrees ; . - ' • neekYbkea; .1. kitchen, stove (Savoy) TROUSE • „FOR . SALE.-11-h-STOR1( 50 Barred Rock cockerels. • 4 . stucco modern lionse-;-. full base - HAY AND GRAIN -About , 30 tons ment; all conveniences,. large lot: hay; 500 buS. oats, .200 ,bus. Wheat; Apply to. 52 Anglesea. street,. Ooderich. quantity of buckwheat. " , ' - 1 - , . • 41,2x - -TERgs-six month' credit on bank approved /mites with ..interest at 6 per FOR SALE.--JEA§m. cqw, 'FOUR. _ cent, per annum. Ilay and gram, and, years old, thoroughlyeel, , T.B-.) any. slims 'Under 10 00 cosh: tested. Also - York •SOw,: due In 5 weeks. LESLIE H. PENTLA.ND, JAS. Niquwi, Oxford street. -42 • - - • It.R.7- 1, Pore Albert,' ....e..,44 . ' . Proprietor: r y L L E T S gpn, SALE...-.--tryiniD .-4-a, .. ,., .. ?,__._ . Auctioneer. DONALD B. BLUE; • pulletO• for sale,, just starting to .HlaAy.T'ojirrip4V4S, POULTRY ;R1.794,,!2.t.ROlii3.1ftbniS4, CLIalt.g•TG_ AUCTION , SALE .4,T ?Ontario. . -. , 41-44. - . ., .. . home of: Mr. F. B. Riley, Toronto - , • -street, on • ' ' ' . ' •-', - . • -.. , ..• FOR s,A.LE.. --- LADY'S ',HEAVY aATURDA/i- OCTOBER 28th ' .:_black Winter cOat, With fur collar, -._ . • , .. • - . at11.36 ' p,m. 1 — Size 18; in good cendition, Apply 49 Furniture eonsfating . of, 1 dayenport, Wolfe ,street: .42x. 2 chesterfield chairs; 2 Corigt•leuin rugs; 9 x 10%; new ; • 1 Congoleum, rug, 9- x • 73(2 ; 6' small: tables, 2 end- tables, 3 GoderiCh. • Attractive uatii an *4:._ „.,.; deck chairs; .2 kitchen tables and, 5.13e04. - Healthful elevation.' Orch- . ' ard, sewer, water; light. A qUiet locaz "spriliga-T-'1' cannrhed*--itirdi.,,,rtitatToss-,-...tion,-.,firir,sunimer'reoltages or for am -s-Er.x-cONTATNEP Torot.shed apartment, freshly ocs,oed, Aug, degorated;,.ilve rooms and bath, hard-y.170'0d floor, cellar 'lodkers for fuel and vegetables; -dumb waiter.' , 141, V..V. HOWELL, 4 ffit, „Vincent street. Phone -'213.- • TO RENT. -7-- N C O'T T E, Ridgewood Park (Fleming estate), Unfurnished. Apply SUMER- • LAND. 40tf To? RENT. -THREE ROOMS, FURN- 1`, ISHED for light housekeeping, w.'ith‘ use of bath.' Call SIGNAL- ST4711. --40tt -- Vommoolotzummoome - NOTICE TQ CREDITORS NOTIC,E MO. CREDITORS.. estate 'Of ;John Curtis Wiggins, . hire of the Town ,of :GOderich in the County of Huron, mechanic, deceaSed:_. Notice is hereby :given that all persons, -haVIng ;claims .a=gainst the -estats of -the said John Curtis -Wiggins, .deceased, who died 'on or about the 1st day al October, A:.D. 1944, are requiredqo 'forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned solicitor .011 or before the 2nd day -ot.' N'Oeitiber, A.D. 1944, after which date the ad- ministratrix proceed t6 'distribute the estate, having regard only to and being responsible. for the claims of which she shall then have had. notice...* .Dated at" toderich this, llth4-day" of 'October, A.DA44.* LO S DANCEY, 41-43 Solicitor for Administratrix. • . • 0 II th*FRONT • -IN: TO OF C1-4."1110-r—ItibTi 01/ 'SAi;13- bi. FARM,STOCK IMTIMMENTS- Fred Mulholland has 'instructed, the. undersigned to Sell by public auetion at lot 34, Maitland Con -cession, % mile west of Holnaesville on 'No. 8 highway, on • . WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER • 25th • at 1.00 o'clock -sharp, 'the fellowingl- •S---•-Grey _horse, - bay mare, 2 -year-old Clyde Mare. • . •CATTLE-,7,Blue cow to freklien. 'in Nov.; Hereford' and •Diariaron cows,, to..••freshen„.in...Spring,;•„.a_yearling.liefe,,, ford- bull; 5 spring calves,. Driklitan and Herder(' ; 4 , yearling.. steers; 5 yearling heifers; 2 dressed; beef,will be Sold by. quarter6.• PIGS-L-SoVv, due to farrow at time of sale; 15 pigs, 6 weeks old. SHEEP -Oxford ram; -4 .Oxford ewes, , • IMPLEMENTS, ---M.-0,.. binder, 7 -ft. cut; Deering raow4r, 6 -ft;; Frost & Woodhay rake; 12 -ft. ; 2 -barrel -steel roller; 4 -section harrows; dise.;' M. -H. 2 -horse 'seuffler ; 1 -horse seuffler ; :41.1,0- bec riding ploW, 4'21"; 'Fleury walking *plow ; set ight sleighs, • 1-horse;seed' D scales; cutter; wheelbarrow; -De Laval No., 12-- cream, c.'separator ; • pig, crate;28-ft. extension latIder4 .2 sets. of 'double harness set of single harness and gellarsi onantity_ef. cedar pasts, anchor pest's- ahd poles; mirriairtreff- -orT•ChiCir wood; quantify of lumber; 200 34 -inch tiLe v1.- sap kettle and barrels. GRAIN -100 bus. of wheat; 406 has,' mixed'Alaska oats and -barley; 300 bus.* Alaska- oats; , 890 fbus. Urban oats; 70 bus, barley; 100 lbs.' red clover seed; quantity of forks, chains, shovels, neck - yokes, grain Sacks and other things too nutneronii to mention. - • .itonsnnotr, 'EFFECTS •-••• Cook stove (nearly • new) ; .-heater; • bed-. steads ;, hall rack; lamps and lanterns; New Meat incubator. : TERMS -6 months - crdit .will be We requite at once: 43 Girls or Women' for, tubber Footwear tiroduetioft, .27 Girls or WOmen. for Tire Building pivision., 22 Girls..or WOM011. Products DiviSidrt 17 Males for light work. 15 IVIala for medinin and heavy work. We offer you:, Light, dean Vfork%in a, busy, rubber shop'. Good pay and worwe couditions,,, Excellent prospects o teeAr einp16Yinent.. • War workers fileligible.. Apply to your nearest E. (! S. O. referring to C.E. No. 1779 40-45 chairs;.' single bed, mattress' ., and washstand andbedroomdishes fanfarnnng Partuculars *.from O1AS plates bowlsglasses andcandlestieksiRpma14701 Park LaneSouth fes' •, window screens and blinds,- euitains,:Gardens, New York, 15, :or'IL. 04 1418; crocks, *sealers and dishes, electric.,fix.. VredeXieh6 - * 23 tures, jacket heater with pipes, new lawn mower and garden tools, d tons coal. There will also be, offered with- • WANTED out reserve... PrindeSs Pat range.;:rat._ ...a.. "O.... CARDS OF TRANI& R. EARL PRATT,. MR. AND MRS. . • Wm. Lumby and family are deeply grateful to • those whoextended sym- pathy to them in any way also to tho8e who:loaned-ears for the.'funeral and- those Who sent. flowers. MR. AND MRS. JAS. ,McMILLAN wish to thank those Who were so^ kind and theughtful te the,m in „their bereavement; they -would also .like to extendtheir, appreciation to those"who sent flowers Or loaned their cars for the funeral. --42 . BERT' MAIZE. AND FAMILY extend' their 'grateful" thanks to those' whb sent floral plbutes and . loaned ears or in any waY eipressed kindness and sympathy. rar-r :".111M"P NERAL cupboard, . sofa, 3 ' beds and bedding, and ithltst s Most new; .1 solid . walnut 'upright Piano, --2 coal oil stoves, dresser, -kitchen "Tv T AN' electric.. fenee control, ' 1 trunk, . ' small „f" intnk feed; and dead cattle ; must be suitable writing desk, 1 radio, table modellaou, or ,i-Am_GAIppitTLxikolie-.908 r removed. promptly. trnfilatr 2--1)rti'" -4°Isr 2'-arOs°M-6.11-P. 217aDlinGt:rilif„ phoneECI:171spa.1 dt7r 8. j• '22' ''°1181.11' tf board, moleuni, 12 ,chairs, clock, couch, - , cooking utensils, 2 small tables., stoye WANTED.---*-AN.ELDDRLY COUPLE pipes, mattresses, *extension tables, 2 Y l', SIGNAL - china cabinet, sideboard, garden tools , STAR. . , , ' • -41 'winter. . Write BOX. , 84, SIGNAL - to share modern, home Air the wardrobes, large* box, pictures, sealers, ai.id ' many other. prudes, . •,- - . .- . • DONALD13. BUM; NVANTED, TO RENT. --VNIPURN-' 42-3 Auctioneer, . • ISHED. . house, by 'ITOVenaber let. pARING • AUCTION. • Write BOX 86, 'SIGNAL -STAR.- '; =42 •:•-. U-11 SEMI) 60 EtnAP ,0430.naii; 50 HOGS, \IANT a t s 1 (all good varieties) hand-picked -pox. 8/ Lps • ap rtmen or , a- ,furn shed roo, 1 1°°° BUSHELS Q1 "AIN' "1" ' tk011'SO with fur•naCeimuSt 'have two or• three bedrooms. Apply" TIIURSDAY, OCTOBER 26th L- 42 On the farm of the late Charles Robert-, .T' _ MAN FOR P110FIT- son, - lot- 2, . Concession ,; 6, "Vestern:WANED. ABLE 1tawleigh• Routo.. 'Must' be Division, Colborne 'Township. satisfied with 'good living at start. CATTLE --2. Holsteins, four years Write RAWLEIGIVS, ept. Key No. old,: fresh.;., 3 cross -bred Durham and. Jersey, four years old, fresh; • 1.-, two- AlL'2164°14' Montreal. ' 42 Year-old; sarae breed and fresh;' I ivi-Ex ANi:,.twouni;L. --wATK/Ns.. illurham, four-year-old, with calf a Av-i- Dealers are making more •inoney: foot; 2 three -year-olds, ,Ilerefords,.each today, than over before. •Enjoy the with • ealfat foot.; 1 two-year-old 1101,• • security and benefits Of affiliation 'with stein heifer, due .in March;. 1 Yearling the oldest •and largest company' or its riolStein heifer; 16, choice' feeder steers kind in •the world. Watkins have, a ranging from g.1000 to 4250..114C.. t• • 12 .....huying•44favebais•-••14-,••$2040,0091.1:60--.....with choice. springers • and open heifers;' io millions investedin raw material.. No ,yearlings ; .10 calves. . These cattle • are. experience required. Every : Watkins all Herefords, Angus or Shorthorn. •Prodttet sold on a guarantee of satis- . ' HOGS -4 'York sows, slue within one factien or money refunded. All 'sales month t. 2 sows, bred three Weeks; 45 chunks. • ' . WALTER, PROS, - Proprietors. DONALD 11. 42 Anef °neer. ENIVIILalt , frarraaurrraaar .11F,N111/ALEA, Oct.. 170-4Ir. and Mrs. Stanley Vtinstone and family spent Stitulay -with Mr. and Mrs. It. MeMillan in Goderich; The W.U.S. of 11min-tiller/. :United elitufelt are Invited to attend a thank - offering service at the home Of Mr. I W. Walter; Carlow, on Vriday, October 20. • TWt? BEA8ONS . OR LIVE INSURANCE, Att xricoivrE, .• ror Yourself when you retire. AN INCOME, , rer-Stour ninny 0 you do not M FORD • (let insure 1 Stay Insured nest assured. North $4t.. • . Gordon M. Grant' HowilltoAD Lipetised Auctioneer for . :Huron County Furniture and , Farm 'Clearance Sales, Chattels and Real Estate • Prompt attention given to aircalls Write • BOX' 60 OODERICH 1-52x — POONE 959 TO: ',OW1EE3-4Np, It!s,1144,RERS FINAL NOTICE Thp Tax 'Collettor has. handed * .tue* a list or persons owning., or, harboring dogs, who have not paid the 1944 dog taX. If the 'dog tax ts 'not.criald t. the Tax Colketer on or bef6re 'October 140, 1944, summonses will beisstied under 'the Town Hylawfi. A. C. ROSS, Chlef of Pollee. 41-23 •