HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-10-19, Page 319th 1944 eaks t' r an., its utilre Macdonald great eourit y d War Duties' initrwor :xtizigava ooce-0.04Arril9u1e;1i:tedoderich. TelephOne 55. SIPPLIERLAND T ' ...Aarrister 0.1K1 Eiglieltor Office -North St„Goderiell. Phone2:tou , Allf0NT'IDITI:i and. MONTEITH., L Chartered :AccOUntants •----1-haliertr-Streetr-atraS,W4 . Toronto Oilice: sli02"1,3ay Street. • •rool"11--------77'--- . , ' - ----INSURANCE'. • _,_:._, ....-......-•...' ...-.....-•------- AitclilLkiiii- Aiik,Ctisl,. TIIIIr -TN- ' . . Stl1t.piO4 CO.--Varm. and iso- lated town property Ausaxed. Oilicera-kresident, W. It. Ar ibald, Sesifortik; Vice -President, Prank - McGregor,. 01.intait ; - Alant*ger and Secretary-TreaSurer, M.. A, 'Reid, Sea- :„:„-Disect4s7t-vg. -,,i. ,i4iehibb44----$.0-4±--- forth; Frank IlileGregar, Clinton; Albx. , Broadfoot; Seaforth; . Chris.: Leon- liardt , B&W:whit; E. ' J. Trovisithat •.. Clinfou ;,.. John ' L. Malone,Seaforth ; . Alex: Melilwiug,' 131ithP, Itlingli. Alex- " %. Ander, Walton;. Geo. Leife,h, Clinton, • Agents -Jahn,- .E. kepper;..13rued-- fteld; IL F. MelKereher, Dubllir; J. F.. Pruet,er, Brodbagen;, (.1ecirge • A. Watt,.1 With.. - . '• . ' .. Policy -holders Clui, .Malce all -pap:, . , lifIA110,14), JACKSON. ‘• ' . • =nth, .and get- -their tarliw.veceipted,at ._ ,Specialist-1AL Earth, -and.,,aotisehroid_ • '. tlie RoYat Bank, Clinton ,-. Calvin Cutt's • Grocery: gingstO/2- -Street; Goderieht or 'Sales. : Licensed in lin,r_On.".glicl PPY.01._ 3_11;_4eRvs_Geite;_4_atore )3ayneid..,. counties; .• . Prices reasonable;- 1 s.4tUl- faCtion' guaranteed: For InfarP1114011, etc., write or phone (celled) -.ELAxtoLD ,--.....__i_..1ACKSON,A1.11,-4;_.B.eaforth, or phone 661-14, . :-Seaforth, or phone 807, jGoderieh. : )It. F. J.' U. FORSTER, EYE, IDAIt. , . ,,,. 13tt P . : ' ' ' NOSE; ,THROAT • , .........- Late House Surgeon New.: York . ophthalmia. and Aural Hospital, assist- Donald .B. Blue ., ant at, plookelield Eye Hospital. and Golden , Square Throat gosPital, EXPERIENcEo-AIJCTIONEER . , , Landau, • •:,EYES: TESTED, GLASSES. .- Licerised_for Counties Of Hui* ._ ''' - • SUPPLIED , •• • . ., --iii& Bruce- ADDRESS: iiincir,dir° le, E.g.. I - • -, 63, Waterloo. Street S., Stratford. Telephone 207-. . ' . ••. .Phone Ripley. 30r24 Next visit. Bedford: Hotel, Goderien, , . For inEarmatian apply to, J. N. 'Wednesday, ' October 25th, ,; at 2.. Om • ••liernighan; Division: Court Clerk,... ;•‘,111 4.30 p.m. . _ Goderich,' Ont.. ‘: WM. 3. rA4.Ear$ PASSES ' IfIS saw mgasTONE, 'Wililapi J Parks, a WelirknoWn farMer.of the A.uburndistrict, recently celebrated his eigktieth birthday and has Dem- the. recipient „ Many ex- pressioh,S°oVcoxigratalation: Mr. Parks w:lro lives,, in East WaWanosh ou the AubhrtrIVIdteeleirelrroadrx-Ilas been hollered by the ratepayers of his towil- ship by ,election to the 'Township Ceun- ell „forseve,ral'terma and _was reeve of the. TowriShip for , two years with a seat ,on the QQ11,11ty Council', director, , the Goderich- Rural Tele. phoiie ,Co. and has .been. active in. its affairs since it vilte established in 1910. , He is a staunch supporter of the Westfield ;United church anda pimplier, of the. session. He is also a Iasen and a Forester: Old documents ..discoyered Italy, 'indicate •that the total cost, of the exPedition 'Which discovered .Am- erica -was onlr abinit-$6;000,1--eOlumbus received $27d for the trim., while the other two captains receiVed $150 each. The pay of a Sailer,.at that time Was aboht•-$2 inolith-,7- ' - Total. a at Glod.cricli Clinic, -Sxty at Port Albert Air Station .,The 'bleeet -donors, Oink held last , Friday moreingqa North, Street 'United church hall was: attended by a total of 115 'dendrs, of 'whom tweiity-four doiated their blood for the first time. The cannufttee bad•sent "eat '722 card% find larger liumber of. donors' had been exiieeted. Thirty-one. of the -donors were 'from. rural areas adjacent to Goderich, ' -Miss M. Ainslie was again in Charge, as, nurse -technician, assisted by WO - Edna •Waguer, Toronto, driver :et the mobile. canteen, and Mrs. Arthur Curry and Mo. E. McLaughlin in. tlie labor- atory. - There were twelve second • donors; eighteen -Third, twelve fourth- nine fiftlm tifteen sixth; nineteen seventh; lour eighth.; - one ninth; 4114 .P11,e • • , The doctors on duty were Dr. W. F; Gallow, Dr. N: C. Jackson and Dr. J. M Grahani • assisted the following Ration coupons 1.urr include butter 78-te 81; sugar coupons 14 to 43, canning sugar Fl to F10, and preserves D1 to '30. Cannixig-Sugar 'coupons ex- pire December 41.• ' • Next- teuponS become- good on • eteber 26 and incliide butter 82 and 83; Sugar' 44...and .45 and preserves 31 and 32. TOTPT-01P 7V0140-0lllYg.•; TOWNSIlle The Municipal Council met Tuesday, evening, October .3rd,, with all raemrg' bers present. Minutes -of, eptember meeting read and approved. Mr. braigie of Gbderich was present -Wishing Council to set a price on. Iota/ 16 to 24 at INIenesetung, 4Which the! TillyilaW_c\ylkS. After discuSsink this, matter 'Council ileeided per _ • • Mr. John ;Altin WaS present -wishing a settlement -4u .regard to the ;gravel which the Township had takea oil his limd. -Mi. Patterson's' survey- -called- for a. settlement for 1288 yards. It was moved by Stitialey Snyder, sec - , In his acceptance addree7 otiuung 03i#00 ting Said he regretted that he had not en• .been able-te sed,as 311ifeh of Ids cell - Lib raj • out that .pa.any additiGtal 'Wartime 0411didate 'Ofe Mit; 0.0-PeXt, IL butbe:erfa:1:130.1.:agrd,r411;teidli XIEN' , tiiitgaw" ttrully pedise' triie pe' aeebrae„ lOolding Seafortlt,' ALP. for lIurerl-; and wartime administration of the r erth, was agqn nominated tonight Macltengle King Goverunient and e"x- QntliuSlastic gathering of Libel:- 111)1:free§s,;(1ce the ',btheelief,vehatl;at'taIri; .Kiviongas ,als. tbat 'lilted the Ifen,sall 17own Hall. pp onded by Wm. Clark, that .we revert rses-- J. H. Lauder, Mrs. C. the Township _pit" back. to Mr. Alibi, Webb, Mrs. J, MacVlear, Mrs. Mc- Donald, Mrs. " -F. -McArthur, ••Iris. 11. Fowler, Miss •Rutb. Patton, Mrs. Jewell, Miss Hunter, Mrs. W. J. Buchanan, ;Mrs:- LaVkitart, B. -Tennant -11M - 'Rey t -;s 7:7-Extu ALM., Steele, Mrs. George MacEwan.and Mrs. D. D. -Campbell:. • , .11its.11, C. Dunlop was. the Bed Cross yeeeptionist, assisted by Nelson Hill and- W. J. Baker of the Lions Club.' Miss' Ethelene O'Flearn was the secre- tary, -• assisted by Mrs. P. F. 'Carey, l• The "snack bar" workers were, F. 1.1,:itedditf, Mrs. 3.1T. 0utt,- Miss :.Itta Satins, Mrs. W. J. Hodge, Mrs. George _Filsinier,; -MissAelle '0,1acViCar: .4nd. Airs-J.TWhittingliam: Laurence Yule, who JiaTie-filS* tenth 'donation at the last .clinic, W4S again, present to add-Tanotheir-- • " The following' were the donors: • _Misters at fiederiCh • R. C. Hays (8), Joe Freeman, Irv2,ng Hunear (0)-,-. Mts. Walter Hicks (4), Hieks (2), Reg. Allin" (3), popilan :,-TAtylor (7) Bert Craig, (5), • ;Newcombe ("6), Win.' H.- Thompson Wesley Bradnock" (4),. Douglas •Johnston, Milford Durst- (4), W. 'J. -Westlake (3), T. R. Patterson (7), Father Fallon' (5), BrlibQ Tennant (7), , . , Floyd: Lodge ' (5) Mrs.'D. D Schultz (3) JO, Carmichael, Geo. Filsinger (2), J. B. Iteynclicls. (6),, Gi1111,, Roy. Breckenridge, Geo; Schaefer (3), -LAO. R.. W.- Ginn, Elden !Johnston, Oilier MCBrien• (3), Malcolm MacAulay (6); Cal. 0 Straughan (4), Chester Beatti (4); Emmerson Edwards_ -(5), *WM4 Stratighan (4), . Job.: -Bicknell (T), Oordon ,Ileis (7),, L. E. *Baxter (6), Jailles•W. Anstay (7), Wm. Marsh (7), SMrs. Arthur Stkaughan (3), Percy M. Fritzley (6), Jas. •Adam .(7), Harry -r: Sturdy • (2), Earl ..Filler 2), Ea. Jessop ' (4), Ivan" Papernick 2 ) , Wm. insutance . O'Neill (8)., Arthar Maskell (3),, ... • Pitblado (7), T. W. Hamilton (5),. omeE-alasomc TEMPLE T. J..Drennan (3), Angus A. Worthy WEST STREET (3), ilex. Bu,tler (8), Jae Allaire (8),, Mr's. Ednit CoWan (2), Leslie Hallam PilOriE 230 • GOI.IE.14C11 - (3), David Elliott'. (5), Steve Ruther (8), Ihavey McPhee .„(5), J. L. Craw- ford,' ". (.6y Ross Sparks (7)r -lit -'-C. awasw.aimsaOssomarsig.goillmatasa• ssmosavoastasstawss ' ''• • • CHIROPRACTOR AND I,)RUGLEJSS THERAPIST Goderich, Phone 34.1:' , Office hours -10 'td: 12 Et,lit.; 2 to 0 • and 7 to S, Tuesday,. Priday and Saturday. ••• • 10 to 12 a.m. only 4011 .Wedneaday, Monday and Thursday at MItebell' Mineral fume baths, by appointment only. , - A. N. ATKINSON . 51 South ,St. • , itegistered omder-Drugless Practitioners A.ct for .the Province of Ontario. •Worm NI)T14.3E •;,, MITS.;14,” F.A•0•0-. Member Ontario Muliic Teachers' Ailsociation. Pupils prepared for an • intone exam. Residence : Mr. j. Craig's; 'George's Crescent ° Stratford-Goderich Coach Lbse BUS TIME T.ABLE - Leaving Godericli 'Re 8:11r•P' a.m. 1225 - p.m. and 5.05 p.m. connections -0: All - • Vor further information. Phone British or , Bedford or Ilead , alSo,..the 'sunp,of $7,) 101 the grave taken,. Mr. Allin agreed 7 to pay for, transfer of the deed for this one acre _of land.. This settles all- Mr. Allin's as‘afiTTFCTOWnShiP---- 17---Staryiffderr,----setontled- by IVra. Clark; that We hire- Mr. Wm.' NV•estlake as Caretaker of the cemetery for one year at, the same Salary. 7 -.Moved J: Peagan, _seconded by S. Snyder, that 'the:, Conn of "Revision en_ the 1944 'assessment roll be. held NoveMber 15111 dt 1 ()Mock, 1, The yoad-Venclies and bills were ordered, paid Wm. J. Westrake, a*xy lor September; $90 ; County ',of lintan,.. indigent patient, $29.70 ;- Ambrose'. 'Vanstorie,:bvd lriatbsJind oue ewe killed4by rings, 437; 'Provincial Treasurer, , insulin, 08e; Municipal World, , account, $8:79; .Wesley Lean, seed for cemetery,.$5.71; Samuel Mitchell,. 1942 ,hvurs work in cemetery, 410.50; 'Wm. SalleN7-410 salary aS asSessor and selecting, Airors, $106; Aleck Watson, . Reeve, _selecting jurtirS ank paying for • copy of -deed, $3.50; Le,slie Pentland, secretary-treasurer4, loan .for Nile school, •• .$200, • road vouchers,, a229.45, : . • Canned adjourned to •,.tneet ,Novem- ber 7th, • at 2 o'cloCk p.m. • • -WAIL 4ALLOWS, Clerk. • . 'EAST WAVVAN9Sli *council met on October 3rd, 'with all members present,' aid-, Reeve J. D., 'Beecroft presiding. The minutes ,of the previous. ,meeting, OA those , of a Pecia.P meeting were refid and adopted. A Court ReViSi011 Was held on the Yungblut drain report and, bylaw. Mr. Veber, having :aPpealed, presented hi* case to • the 'Council, stating 'that he wanted that portion of the•dritin cros-'- ing his - lot tiled. The engineer's, letter wAs ;4qt-tit; Stating that he, would not consider it feaSible, since an open ditch above that portion was part • of flie scheine. On Motion of Cduncillors Mc- Dowell' and Blaelt the: Court of Re- vision Was closed and :the •bylaw 718 rend the• third time Was passed; • r. aeigh•ton, Superintendent, of Airs, _Fen: Don- 1,,'. 1"." Canadian Pacific RitAwa3,-, Robertson- (-5y, ald Fry, John Gauley .(G), Lawrence Yule (11), Mowat Mcpotigal (2), Wm1 Loumin (2),, Godfrey E. 'Sables (7),- -Mrs: Ed. Ervine, Mrs, Harry Worsell, Carl -Cox„---Tas---Reid_(4), Gordon Irwin. (7), 1:1, J. 'Allen (3), Robert Medd (7), Robert McCabe, Fred •NW-, .ington.___(7),; lilacIlwain, Vorothy ,Ctinn (8).,. Allan Watson . H. Blake (6), Wm..Stiatray (3), Wm. ,Hard,y (Z), Mrs. D. G. Mitchell (6)? Frank Walltoni -Albert S. •Vanstone (0),' Archie Wilkin Harold C. tlapicstbne . (5); Laurie Clemens • II- I). Lassaline' (7), Ted Bissett (7.), Dr. J, A. Graham (3), -Fred Beovers (3.),*.Evere,tt 'Tremblay; Con Baechler, H. II. Walter ( 6 ) Austin Purdy (4), ec ttriage -(0); Sydney Leggett (7), H.. R:O37.,, Arm- etrong, Bert Martin, Arnold McConnell -'(•7')7"-Reg:- ffeWell- (6). Patterson (3), "Clifford -Freeth, Mrs.. jelinston, Mrs.' W. A. Drennan, .141). G, Cariniehael; Vivian Straughan (4), B. M. toss, 'Chas. Anstay. (6), • Tho other nainv, PrOPOsed was that ot E,N-Reeve J; M. Eckert ,of *ha, requested thatIt be Withdrawn.1 Gelding will be opposed' by ITP)Mas,,,,r1111e, Exeter. who was re- CentlY selected. as Pregressive-Consere- 41.tive standard-bearer the. riding, b.O.F. bas not yet selected contestant. igon„ Angus, 14. 1!,,lacdonald, J)linister• 4 Ot• Def0),C. for Naval Services, : - 1-Iensall Presided. have fald supplie5'. and war m erlars after the downfall of France, Great -Britain- could -not. possibly -have sar-- vived, even- in. all her greatuess, with- out the aid given by Canada's navy of little ships," IN:Ir. Macdonald said. • He also Paid tribute to industry, agriculture, ' the °servicemen- alai the' • • • raak and tile of Canadians: • No breath of scandal ,hits touched imy minister, of the Crown or Govern- "ment official in, ttliS-IVal',"-heponiinned: !..`„I'lle:_Governiaent hits perfarmed a. 'maximum servi•ce with, a. minimum of .delay." . , Ile .predictd ibat Canada must (-Eon- tinue as it great ex -porting natien be-' cause of its vast voltuae. of production, •arid that the Dominion has a -role' as a supplierforthe- Impoverished catifitries of Europe and Asia after the war.. '• •Mr. Alaedanald said heortis -a little 'cint.rY" about "the promise of offering everybocV. a job after' the war.- Can, ada's •tufare,, depended upon the, for- -fillies of -Great-Biatain and the-Tnited Stitt:es. If -there swere world clepres•.-- -stens, _Canadit,___as:_it, • traditig trlii•ta - would 'feel them:. But (1fLuadll ivilg 1.1. 1 P.4.4311{ etrengthen Cap,iltiaos posttion fli world powers. REV. t4. ItleCLENG ,a..4c0.1444 • ftev. S. R. Malan a orme, of I. the Goderich UaPtist church And, latterly of Iieamsville; haS accepted. St- ealIfrom Central Baptist ebictre.k., i,nuand•has been formally inducted ,into the Ostorate` Of that church.. Tl/e vatious partg of the human. h04,,Y are not wear -proof: -.:rrhe 'only way '0), ratite "them. continne to funetien well .ls to a rest °nee in a whiN ,r Real Estate and Insirance- - Office and ResidenCe : " Trafalgar Street Phone 663 ' FOR SALlil----lionses of all kinds, ehoice building lots, business pro- ' perty •and several good' farmlg. me •shay' you some •• real bargains. Buy now . , INSURiato E STATE FARM MUTUAL • AUTOMOBILE TNSURANCE Cheap Bata' Winter Storage Also Agent - Mannfisettirers' Itge Insurance • W. C, Pettman RA:, 6, Goderich. Phone 6r3, DungannOn..• .22-34 The Vkamin Oi Tonic Contains Vitamin St and Essential Food Minerals '. ' Eictensively4sedior "615-i°fileel), lierveus indigestion, - irritability,- anaemia clironie" -teit44144.4#0.4.4161#4444/P,' baryons sj.rem. 11111, Ec011oinY sizc't180 'As> 0,50: , . THE -CANADIAN FAIRBANKS -MORSE CO LIMITED-, %2 6-28 Front St. W.,,...Torsinto or Bale By Avonsni.., BA)DwAn4 • addresser:1.6e Council. 1 -le stressed the advisability of taking some de- qinita 'action. to induce desirable people to settle on the vacant faring through - one Ontario. • The Company-, he stated, Would, gladly co-operate any • plan, whereby "fanners should -be re-estab- lished on these farms in any township. - Couneil-fleciaed -gto, insurance policy on the 'Township grader. • ' .' • Roads accehnts ,4 the amount of $1264.58 were paid; also:W. S. Gibson, road insurance premium, $1,3.20; Treas- tver of Huron County, grading in. cemetery, 143.75; Oeo. Radford', elean-• ing liallahan• drain, §775; Dan Italiahan, inspecting drain, '412.00; • Blyth Standard, printing, $21..7,0; BelgraVe • School Fair, grant, $15; grave Hall, rent, $40; IL R. Redmond, SItlerk'p _ yungblut. drain, :iW Artlinr Coil; trapi, $150. " - • • Cotiiicfl adjourned to meet agaifi on November loth. , R. R. REDMOND,- Clerk. The secona „in a series of advertisements to Inform the petple fT conadan 9f plans to 're-establish men and, women Of the.. armed -forces. TO got -.fult details, e've, and read every advertisement, , ,rot completz 1nforr4- , tiorr, write for the 'booldeti-4,,Back toLafe Civil. ' • Now-trank 'Sinatra and George IVIurphy in "Step Lively." MON. TUES. 'and WEE,. TWO FEATURES • " • 'Ronald Colman -Claudette Colbett-Raalind Russell & Victor MeLaglen A four star east presents a thrillink four star drama • "Under Two, Flags" Myrna Loy• ---,Tyrone Power and .Gesirge Brent eomplei n exceptional twin bill Isyitli a story you will 'rem( iber "The Rains ‘ Came"i T R. Mt: and SAT. • ,• A , • GEORGE RAFT Aid VERA ZORINA . , . "With a host of popular eritertaineuld the etoey. of the stars, who- .-. I. . . "FOLLOW - THE BOYS" „Jtticluding:-4ertnate MacDonald -Orson Welles and his Mercury Wonder , Show -Marlene %Dietrielt-Thrutli ' Sliore:-.W. C. Fields - The Iietta Rhythm Doys-Artur uubetistein,earmen Away& mid her Company -plus' four famous bands! • - - ' ' ' Matinees Wetinesdaysi SatOrtlitys and hoirdays at 2,30'. pan. . Coluing-Mary Grant in "One o 'limn it. Time :, ° .0 as,a iow ',Dorn finite needless einitiOns with Amtried.,-remedies...nehove miseries this home - proved, double.aetion: 540', • 4,0!!ts ' . . . 2, WAYS Air ONO a. # , PENETRATES ' - , to upper breathing .. passages with Inedi. - . . cinai vapors. • to , ,_ ,..- aintsuLatES • a %,- chest and back' sin:. qq. filces like swarm. '4'14'14 a°61!liftfici. 'Pr:Sul:010%e; , . Now to get all the benefits tit this combined PENETRATINa.. *STIMULATING notion- as shown, .above, Just rub throat, chest and hack with Vicks Vapollub at bed. time. Then .,,,, see how this Aim- ilst standby goes to woric Instantly ',awns at one6,40 relieve cough - Ing spasm, ease macular' sere- nest or tightness -bring grand , - relief from. distresst Its soothing medication invites restful, torn. forting sleep -and Often. by morrx;0 ing most of theMisa‘ cry of tke, Odd loiVief$S' gonlailittnnight. VA0o tio Maxine Sturdy (3), Mrs, Wesley Bradnock, Mrs. D. J. Paterson .. (4). Sixty at Port Albert ' ' . At Port Albert Alt Navigation .School on Thursday. reaming, sixty members of the R.A.F. were donors, They were • LAC. Carter, LA.Ct. Bywortp, AP., ,Storey, LAC: Purdon, ,LAC. Dykons, Sgt. Cummings, S/Mr. Raynor, LAC: Stephens,•LAC. Mumford,, LAC. Mahon, LAC. Alurphy;,:• 4: 0: Britton, Sgt. Re,yuolds, - LAC, • McDoeald, Sgt. Diluter. LAC. Nichol, A0.1 „Savage, .Cp1., .-Welden, li`/S. MeNall,• le/S. -Triiiiek, 14.A.C.• Mallon,. LAC: ..Allen, LAC. Modwaid, CP/. Sturreck, LAC. t Stroud, i, LAC. ' McKfuley, CPI:* 'Rose; LAC. Moses; rac. nohow, Cpl. Nick's - son. LAC. Bache,,F/L, Fairintirni LAC': SePalenr, CPI: Scott, Sgt. Richardson, CPI- Steplierts, Lao. lilelton, AV. Metter, Rgt. -Shepherd, AC. Alorrison, ! Sgt. nalidleY, Cid; Chiles, Pte. -Wilson,•1 rlS. .13rewster,.,". LAC.. Kirby. LAC; • noldell: AC. Wriglitr..4,40.. Murton, LAO. LeWellyti, Sgt. Sayies, li'lli:' Ken- nedy. LAC. Parkin, LAC". Reynolds, LAC. Barlow. LAC. 'Reynolds. Cpl. Nisiar,714;'iliTiAd.Cur/17).1.1b4ii,yiro.41A...0. Gray, 1-' L. ilt,' VOMEN'S llpeNtiuttSrdT.TIDTytitirtTyE •41CidAidtl:ne'6, i , , Priday v evening last Prizes for were Won by Mrs. Vld ..Dartnutu and r Mr. ans. Anstay and for euchre by Mrs.; lsiv:ict.osz.i:ittocerieli:.:1 (Lib:: 0 italoine44,NNIrsoloi:.111 ei eili4s0:. :IiitiAlt.11)t:leitseio(t:eu: ,11: 1 'Dancing WAS enjoyed to ratisie ' by the 1 ' Murdoch orehestra ef ' Itensall. Pro- 1 tends were for elgarettes ter boys in ; the serViee overseas. The Canadian. re-estaoishment program gives discharged' members of the 'serVices. assistance .unclek- a Wide. Variety. of measures: during the period • whets_ they ' are deciding. - --their "ofuture As, civilians. . . . , THE WAR SERVICE •GRATIITTY . .____ This t*.came law at thelast 64.„01i Of•Parliadent, and provides, afilei discharge, monally -------- Pa'Yinenter to those_ honorably discharged, who enli4ted for .iervice'anywher,e, and to those who .. saw service' in the.'Aleutian Islands, foetheir-peridd eftservice there. Itprovides a basic gratuity of $7.50 for each 30 days' service in the Western Beraisphere and $15.00 for,each50.days' service .omers.eas. A, sOpplenaentary gratuity of seen da.'ys' pay ana,alrovonces, with .Qanadian, _sub- , Tsistence arcri;a'n:Ce, is •pitd-foc each:sitmadathe Oyexse.as service. Servicc in Greenknd, Ic.eland, - the Aleutian Isla:rids and .any °tiler iheatre of war overseas 5erviri-Other,,plac,f.s4n.tlie . . Western liernisphere are not. Aircrew, flying:o.u.tLid: the :al:di.: nwate,rp::,0::...7.77:,,,ut.i...--, , Canadi: or the-I:hiked _States, and Naval personnel in sea-geing ships of war ar regarded is . - ---,-. . -,,,V,,,,,s,,,„„48,,.• 4,,,,,,, , 'oir ove.rvaA service. , ,....„" --,..„.„,,,. ,. Monthly .paYments not pkeeding monthly pay and allowanco last received. will start • - - after ,Jannary 1, 1945, unless the,Act is proclaimed earlier. , o- ItE-ESTABLISIIMElfi CREDIT . , , , .., . ., . • , . , . . A reestablishment 'credit, eqUal td,the baiip gratuity shown above, arid:not ineltiding the ppleteniari-Znels,v,Tailablein the 10. years following discharge for constructive purpoots. suCh.as purchase of a horse, beisines-i,:faiiiitureti tools,--or.Payrnr.of premiums under dsoyernt ., , moat life insurance:tit an also be ed fqr.r.nodernizhig or repairing:a lima; Totfr viorkingtftapitall_ • of a husiness•and,ogieksoilar purpoSes'. The re:establliment Credit is reduce:All any grants . paid -while tiairi',ing bt" conliiniig education, or by grants paid uridet the 'Veterans" Land Act.' Training, education arid 'Veterans' Land Act grants cannot be paidif the re.establistrnerit -credit . . ' - is used, stalessi an adjustinent is made. ' . . . AT DISCHARGE- ;t discharge- every Man and woman" is advised' Of the re blit %Vara; is Oven a .cocnitete 'medical and dental examination, and may aceive free tratment tor any, cooditiou shown by the examination, in, the year followicig discharge. They are allowed to retain one Unifogn-ind certain other seryice• clothing.. All discharge.d since 'August 1, 1044, recette„ WO' civilian clothing allowance and if they 'have 183 days` iervice olid receive an 1;6631Cable ilisclulr, a re1iabilitati6n;grant.of SO day& pay and one month's dependents allowinCe„ Ttcy 'also receive a railway warrant to their home Or,place of enlistment. - • AFTER DISCHARGE • -L. :-. ' • Servis# icrsonnel seildn' g impfoyments apply &ion& EmPlcifyment and•Selective Service.. ,„ I* _t in' many oraies they will. fin4 Veterani'Velfam Officers.and othet speclailY trained staff rea4y to assist them. Veterans 'who wiSh to return to their former civilian pesitioas are entitled • to reinstatement hi that poeition, if the lobstilt tilts, if diey are capablte, of filling it, aol if . application is made within three months of discharge. Under the law of Canada every tviavice mali oc woman with ov_crseas service, or disability pensioners, receive preference in Civil tlersiee appointments a qtialified for the position. for wbith ihey ,apply: 'Aril' TgRA f•ItatriattPICEiRS\ ARP STA. TIONgt) IN ow conittr.outotiotio :4 CAIST)itiA, TRAY ADVISE AND ASSIST 'Pt- sugyier4 ' PonsoNtlEtt, Avo SHOULD BE . t11010 ON Att P.1101111tMS: of . utiaer inaherity of . rcat A, Istackerzte„Miniatt PEPIS110145 -AND NATIO AL 111.EA1.0T14. SiNri tittS ADVAIVr15t1.4.ENT 'r SOUS MA *14 011- 114'014AN OVItIttitAti.