The Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-10-12, Page 2COMBINING TH1 GODRIBIOR SIGNAT4 AND Tflh' GODERIOU ST
Pnhlished .by. Signal -Star Pres, LtmteZ
_ 'West Street GOderiela, OntariO'
Stibeeription ,Rates-e-Capada and Great Britain, 2.O4 a ear% to tutted-
• Sate, $2-50. *
Advertigng Rates on request . Telephone 7L
OCTOBER 12t1x.t•
levident frout their, early,. appearance,'
it would 4‘m well to keep a close watch
for such' ttireraft 'their obieet iw
be'tode'stroY" the elevators at Goderiell.
flit (lon't get excited. This WAS an
itein. reprinted' front The ,Advecate of
October 2, 104. ,. • .
MeA.ree. In The Globe and 'Mail uses
a whole cohere), to, argne that .te,
qtrictions °iv the suppli of liquor are
responsible for deaths roulling from
the drinking' a rubbing alcohol,.'lflae
Mfty sayi and that trtitY,:—.
thatthe. I.erd- •
liad.not our cap,* innintRi:lied,
• If that the Lord
mai not our 'right suStailled;
nten. '
4.galust' us furiously
Nose up in wrat,h,
- TO make of us their prey
!Then Berfailit$' .
:•They had. devoured us 'all,
Awl swallowed (1uick, • -
• For ought that wt r could deem-;
Snell waS their rage, ;
AO we might 4we1l esteeM,.
: 'And, as tieree flocids
•- Before thew: all things droy9,"
& ha they brouht
• Our soul 0) death quite, down.
orretit iliews on, the War the Ilritieb. miglit'vease to regard the
fetnre. There witit-the-mdded fear that
French, prisoners tt$ friends who were
. . . only aWaiting the oppottuutty to re.
A FRENCH. IMISONE,M, IN French people by iheir raids were turn to the light. '
interpretedasconfirming that Great 'The author tells with whaft care'llie
(From ''' a reSiew or 1,1 revent 'book Britain was hitting baek and fighting Germans ftnd their Vichy collab.or-
published In England)" on. . Sintilarly there were .rtituors a
Ilehind, the barbed we in Ger.: the inveSion Of these islands, and the
many, farn4eS • are rising—arwis of Prisoners speculated, .that -if tile enter'
men le whom years of slavery' 11ase4..prise• succeeded..the bells would ring
Olin,* the last4seiltence this pro.. Tee imoaettr served, to bring home to
that night. The belle did not ring.
taught •the price a liberty." •Slaeh iS
fetindlY nieving book, and nothing the prisenersthat it was still 'their
. „ . .
could better express the &Mese and war. .
spirit of It. The aitthor fought in the ,
A* dra.reattic incident occurred after
Somuie iii A04.6 and was vapturecl.‘ As
, the Germah invasion of the Balkans.
a Prisoner of ,war lie lived for "inanYv The whisper went round the camp that
Months in.- 4 efunp. in, Germenr, and a convoy of, xegeslav prisoners ' tv4s
'was released ender the airangenteet .21
elipeeted. The order w i given -to the
which' Ilielly tuadevitit 'the enciaT for: rreneh to :line the ni road in .the .
the return po „ V rte Of certain PEI- camp, to look ,Sinar'4, ' to stand t01
ASY°e111,76.11:blICOr°111'et°4111$11.1,tillle,UVItedheY ilL'r.t1W11117 wtitlielltt,ibsLkily. Wilewitlictiltem'ierilg6:,la4sv'st.Pri6eetir;
to the TYnited. States by way of North oeeyea. , .
Africa. • Now he '•is, baelg":.with, the ..
* is ' spontaneous' lietion,-" the
French foie' fighting teri.,,,lhe final
. a t says, "can besr lie deSeribed
deliverance,•ok!, his countly.•
:- AS t 0 Sudden AWalteniug* of met( wlio,
, :(*a° tile 'daYS of captivity what sue- reduced to die level .of traniPe, all 'a.
,one become aware of the; fact° that
they are not there throegh 'accident
but to represent a cauSe, thelr-own.."-
There was all.„the boldness of revolt
in this gesture ;• the German °Myers,'
may punish us all, they Want; them We
will salute only when 'they compel u$
to. • Bet We will salute! the Yugeslav
officers being brotight here, and, wel-,
• , at-contraden in armsr-be
cause they have fought for,"the same
:eause as our own, becauee they have
fought against the DG-ermans, • because
they hue fought for us." .
The life in camp IS fairly described.
•.4mongt11e German efficers lin& officials
were some who had 'KO eyiitithy :with
the littler regime anciovho did what
IheY-cotild -to igiite;--tlie---lettlie -
Prisoners. These belonged mainly to
the older genetation—those who re-
membered the isillusionment of the.
Vt.-W(0T.-• For, e' most part life was
ferribly,hard, acd as the raonthSpasSed
it waS not easy to maintain faith in the
lotion•and. Other poisonous. ante. ..iit! up tahaes/ hull awl his comrades was the
not onee in. thp.'entire coleme does lie" conviction 'that some (lay and:somehow
say.. anything about liovv the • un- the soldiers ef France, would be back
In .thh.'• battle and that he, and they
fortunate victims fialuired their taste
for -these drinks in the 'first 'place,
., the • great- daNy.' klultfinTent dies not.
, '
- * *• *• disappointed faith.' •
The Gallup poll shows a very narrow
, ' Authentically the author describes'
numbing •bewilderment of the
margin between Roosevelt„auci Dewey 4.1,64}elunea..takia,_inte„capti.
in the Presidential. ' race • across •the many. after- the capitulation. It was
border. But for real excitement wait, only too apparent in their general at-.
Would- live' to share the happiness of
The raging streams, .
t With their proud swelling waves,,
Rad then oiir soul • •
• O'erwb,ehried in. the deep. for the Canadian DerbY, in kyhich the; tittide "Mad in the mannei-in Which
they marched -to. their eamps. The
But .blessed be. God, - colors of half -a -dozen . or MO i,,e p,.m.. .
- eeling was that all was lost and
:-,Who.--- dotii. us - safely-- keenr----• - testants4.441,beral,-700nservaf-:thar:-Zin,ly.. ill
firs% f:
And -bath not given • 'subnlissien was salvation
Social ,Credit„ Labor-Rrogressive, U111911 to be soeght. AS' they neared the Get -
L's for it living prey,
• --Unto"---their-teeth- Plee_1:epnlejre;etc., tc' man frontier certain'..manifestations
'I--helped•---to---restore-- their...;telt,respect.
ere.—wilt • 411 be seen or the_ 4:twig,•
so.ewhat. - Civilians 'in Luxemburg
The date of -therace is eagerly awaited. • • -
, aboe all, • ass'u'red red thm that "the
* * . * gine them bread and refreshments,
Even as a bird
Escapes away, - No country in the world* has grater Germans, in spite of everything, .will
, . ......._
So is. our. soul set free: cause ,. for thankfulness than Canada. never win." • ,
Brolse are their nets No people. ou earth enjoy more freedom "Later on," he writes, "it was the
gallant 41,ttiLnde.,..of...-some English 'pd-
.__ And......thus-eseaped-we-• from ' fear.--7and--waa-than--i the- -.Gan
' ! Therefere our helP ' adians. So fortunate are the.Y that. it soners of "war at Trier, who,despite
Is •in.. the Lord's great narnd',. is well- nigh impossible to -count their the opposition of their,escOrt, Marched
- I
• Who heaven and earth blessings. ---:Toronto Globe and Mail: 'threugh that first German town,
V -, `
Bareoludin.bthreeswhistling Tipperary'y His great did frame. , The'l'e -
e , no people in. the Wide - •
and keeping perfect step. It Was al-
_ •T, From the Scottish :Psalter: world N.vho have ordinarily more reason most a xictory march, a march by nien
. • • to be thankful than the People of who were' sure...of. themselves and of
• : . _ PRPEDOEL._, Canada. -And 'at no 'dine in their'
_Lratirastb a - . thetr-canserand not ithe--1 ' -
• •• history , have they 'had wird' reason to -
fected by their. status: as prisoners.
Death : 'ayes a •shihiag• math and in be thankful than.- now.—Toronto Star.
. , . . , , .. - a , 0. TheY• marched dewn,:the, heeds
- -Striking down Wendell .NWilikte-the - Well itline40 see- that the rye
_ held high. loOkieg. neither -to right 'or
prime of life -:'the grim markSnfan Toronto dallies -*can .agree !about 4. , left, and bearing their" dirt and rags
•* * a, mficently, not like tramps brit like
: scored heavily. Ali% '.Wilikie, original- • . • _._
-eolagnidiers returning from the battlefield."
:ly a Democrat, came .-to -.widespread 'The- diffeifence between a poor e
. There, were other _incidents of a sim-_ _
public 'notice as an opponent, of -the Year and---* a --goo&-orieiS' indicate liar kind, Rich. Is when PoliSh '71.'. '
New Deal and ,str linpressed•:,-hiniself -I theIlgures, of Canadian- farm -ineome--- •seners:-Iet it be ' known • vs- 'P 1-
'hat - Prance
upon the Bepublican party that 'lie $1,154:090,006 in 1942 and $07009;900 Meant to the Other‘tatiens of Europe
and by. their , bearing. showed that to
becanie , its. 'Candidate : for Well in t'19.44!„ jt rs estimated that the
shueitinitctotinointql.ited . ,
Presidency • 4n. .1949-: ' lie was. • not ! figures :foi 1944 will ec4se those of ehnemy did nottinieen
slicientlY tied ts that party, how- il IthYs';forliter year 'and Ivill be fifty pagagi the Y helped
. i camp also to the
,,..4.: . - --
!• 'ever, * to refrain-left:6m. criticizing and ' eent. higher than those of 1928, restoration of confidenceEnemy' re
,. _ .. -
.,ortgly oppoging ' its . isolationist tend=1"Which Was ' the lnunPer --pTe-war yeai portsthat the RAYwerekilling
.,...eredies, and, EIS was erie 1g the strougest The problem. will . beto keep farm
, _ ,.
and: Clearest -voices in., urging ,-,biS income at anything like ..thls Jeyel
-.countrymen te ialie " a! broad inter-. after the war:..114ich, will' depend upon
nationalist view and to :abandon the the. Markets which'. wili-. be. available
eld....idea the' nothing that' hapPeted- Or Canadian produe-ts. - Hy Harry .1- . BOv16
, .- , .. ,
More 'arranged -Ifsat-Iherfr-sheuld he
no deuttnietrlit•tiOna when prisouers1
mune home Wider the elavealubo ex-
change settee- -4,t frontier and othr
stationS eivjlittn$ were eXeltided from
the platforms, but they outwitted the
enemy by erowding the ,Ivindows Of
Twousno, gotro»it. uth,
houses aloag -the line. At Mulhouse
the station liVaS etiipty, but peOple were
Massed behind the barriers fa -teft
streets,' mad as the prteeeterte trein
pass,ed Through: there 4'were- eries Of
ectape hok qnielgly Withemits:" uirive
• . (Continued On page 7)
• • .•or921/to_kglogi,e sops .on furiough
When your boy, or your n'ejgbtotes''',hoy; comes in on fur.
. '
10Ugh, ,Juqe, a ,frosty, .refreshing "Coke;' tooffer It's a little
thing—but one that saysi3pttr-thati worAlsi Olathe:same old„,
friendkplage ai before!, Di -114161)3# again:'
- , -
Author -lied bottler of ,"Coca-ola" .
GODEitlew, BOTTLING WORRS—doimutii .
• It's natural for popular names to tto,
quire friendly...abbreviations.. That's
whyoulleatcPca-ColacallecluCoke' 675,
• outside ofthe United States mattered • * *
lunch:. • • -. • • The :declaration of the chairman 'of
Though he continued to criticize the the Wartime 'Prices, and ,Trade Board,
Roosev• elt llomestic aciministrafion :he that controh3 1-611. .be- abandoned 'ai
It seems to • inc .we Who have been
fertunate. enough ' to have lived • in
good health awing the 'past year have
let to be 'thankful for at this time
stoOd ,by • the President in '' his war adekly "1LS eireutnstances %\1l1Penorki-L.--of year:
_--„_ a
When. 1,1,.fellow thinks what
policies and two . 3•sears --aia . as a.1 is reassuring to the, public., This -does his relatives' and friends- andfellow-
personal representative ilif the Presi- not mean that the policy of Ceiling Canadians in the armed : forces are
going through, it also makes • you real-
ize that it's ner-a bad idea to sort of
offer up a little Prayer in -Whatever,
way- You see , fit. •
We've had: •a • pretty ',good 'year. at
Lazy Meadows. First of all, :prices
have been adequate: • Looking back
been 'Working. away here to make this
farm go; it makes you realize what' a
diffeienee prices can. Make' to a fellow's
dent he visited Russia and China to
deliver messages to Stalin and Liiiang
Kai-Shelg. ;The book, '"One • World,"
which he- sUbseque4tly • Published •had i•ible disorganization of business would
• an immeide sale. Ills independence result from a sudden ,return ,i,o uip
----01.1),Q,Len4q0,03114 t() _the Rblian
epuc'i_old 'rule of supley and demand: but
- 'i
chiefs, and. his' campaign fer renOmin. . "W°11'... - 311:Gor-Col says, will be
. ation as Che' patty candidate came to reln -Ned front' time -totime ; there have
' an early and abrupt- end; and it is n1real:1-Y been soni- relimntions. '`I -We
operns. are Of cfairolurse psteep inthings
Stated that :bom hisofilial illness; . n.e-I are . not Ltrying,i' he says , "to retain ation
.,, had not decided • to which party ,he) euaecessary contrelsi; , All of us in -the
• • you eed -.y. in price.
i You find it hard to ,get the equipment
..wonld, give ,his support in this year's I Prices Beard are looking
forward to needed... Farm machinery liaS been
prices an'd tontrol of sinailiesowill be
dropped completely"' at any one •time.
It will be 'a gradual pi•Ocess. A ter-
dayi-Avlien We' can complete- siur controlled" and semetinies you Cuss a
little at the rigamarole' necessary in
work iiere and allow nrires and trade
' While • of German djseent, he hated ,
Naziistn, and the cause of freedom had .
4 I tO resume ..their normal courses. . We
.ne'stauncher friend -and advocate., 'He .are not at tempting to
.organize a.
failed, to reach, the Presideney, but he planned economy for clanadtko Though,
will be remembered long- after sonie.
. Of those whoattained that high office
_Neill be known only agenames:- '
Germans thought. the -Versailles
.--Tfeaty* was a*hard one, for them. But
wa1t matil They see the -neact onel
• • * "
Ontario Liberals used to mill them-
selveskeformerS. And we Vuppose
•Mr. Hepburn's friends will say he has
. *
We didn't knovi, Dorothy took an
Interest in baseladl until She remitrked,
- after MonclaY's' game, that she "always
knew Mt. Louis would win,"
-Perhaps Hitler's 'idea is that Ger-
.maey is now such a ruin .that„,.as soon
as the Allier:get over, the border. and
tsge ij they -Will turn' right around and
ho'ine. • • -- •
Netv--that the baseball classic of
,1044is over; the fans can sWiteli their
„Attention to the Wart to the Vietory
loan, to "Iiiinting up last winter's eirer;',
oat, and.; getting away the ChristmaS
-boxes for the boys "over there."
George Mi*Cellagli of Tht„.ellobe and
Mail and 4`Miteh.4, trephure,ifsed .to be
libsoni pals, 'politically and otherwise;
hut now that- 'Witch!' hag' returned4o
,• the Liberal party George.glvee him the
COW shottider, And so ends a beautiful"
frlendShip, '
* *
Proin hist vi,4ele8 Ntiteltell Advocate tiling they want down thel'e, including still sitting here sort ,of dreaming,
Mr. littn. Stewart, who lives on the liquor and gasoline."- A Imiletin from.' .wonder :what another year will
boundary between Logatr,-. and „Mind,
telephoned' Advocate saying that
two aeroplanes posited over that seetion
of country early 3fonday Morning,tt
Wfliflattief ditrk ift-tlitv thee; buellie-
"t were quite visible and the
order to get' a new plow or cultivator.
At the same- time: _I've discovered a
knack for. fixing things I:never knew
I had before this.' One. thing .certain,
when this War iS over,' Pm going to
the reStrietions and, regulations of the. build•myself a good repair shop. 1
last three years have been irkArtne to i wish now 'I had 'taken a course. in
many people, -it must be admitted that Iniochanics Yehee.1 left high 'school to
the Board has done a good job -and a i
. come back ansl Work on the farm.
' • It would have conre--In Mighty handy
very necessary one. To realize, in
the paSt three or four years. ,
soine degree at least, , what it has, Our crops. have been pretty fair and
we -had •enough --good--weather'
then threshed the field, with the
exception :,of a. few, loads'dk,..wheat Ayat,
-We-have •stOreil aWaY. in ,the burn.
The threshing Machine' will be back
in. couple of weeks . to finish that,
(H. C. Mason, in'London kree Press) wheat rip. It wee dry for a while this
Taking a Strike vote in, the packing mummer And the. pastures got burned
piante at the present time may be good up, with. the result thet the cowp
union labor tactics, • but it. is, poor
strategy. A strike in that particular
hrtinch` of Canadian industry iit this
particular time NVOtild sour more people'
on ,organized labor than any Other,
similar sti"ike in, other branches.
. This is not passing judgment on' -the:
rights an ,wrongs of .labor's.'case.
It's merely Stating it fact.
meant, one -has only to--conapare con.
ditions in ,Canada ,with those in- any
other- country,— . .
faren't been 'any •r too Ansi' with :Milk.
gtess that's &audition that exists
in A good' Many .Other. phices
• I'm writing this on Thanitegiving
.DaY after a *few hpurS..of More, or less,
loafing, I was gang to ploW, but, 'Airs.
Phil .has ,Wanted to get,' sone' Papering
done, so I helped her with that. That
Wilt make, a Subleee' for ••another. yarn
Cattle marketing -is tip -about one-. daY. Before ...the Papering was
quarter above 1043; sheep and tenths' over I.had. threatened to go and. pleW,-
`fihout one-fifth:- hogs, about.' 4(I, per mei -get 'Tom' Wilke.out, from tbe
cent. racking outlets are j'ainnfed 14P - to (In itt. but 110W that its done
week after Week'. Stock .1S, beteg held. the -front bedroom looks sort bf good.,
for“lays in the yards, routing up ex- The paper seemed a b't fuSsy, hut
pease mid often losifig "bloom" and Mrs. Phil likes tilAt attOWS0 Whc, am,
condition, There. is no, relief (dead I. to 'conktiltehi?•'
MarketingS are likely, to continue.. Oft We had it ploMp rooster for Thanks -
this rate for the rest et, this year. giving (limier and everything that goes
Anythieg that Jams the markethig; with it. .1 keeri .1tirs. Mite
process any gPeater degree than it the ;stuffing WAS „ good because
Jammed already will undonhiedly bring! Petrie -la Ann and I helped her plek fife
a bitter reactibn 4rom fefintrs 4withteritStki. and bread .areirt for it. Then
Week to dove: •And there 'lire it let of; Patriela Ann' upset SAO Into the
fornfers. ,to this merftee, brethren -a bowl aud •e''e got more than .usual.
lot of farmers, L — like, lots of seasoning la it, .and for
,on( e my,1/2vishes Were granted,gtithough
(Port Arthur. "Sews -Chronicle) It turned it little ehillysthls evening,
AtriONIN4:, ZN.,41,40,020,2.2.,c1.1a.yali•itiii,otatotemaker.4
A woman ,who told her grocer'. in so I starte(L•the-heater in the front
Port Arthur that :she vutld like to room land mit good heeeh knot lie it.
.buy dome fruit If' she (*mild 'get some The fire bee died down .to coals' and
suear to preserve it,recetred as reply Vni writing' this la the irate', room.
'should be, in Quehee where sugar; Mre: PAR has gone off. to'bed; warning
Nutt' even rationed. 1146, jot every...! me not to sta*,i' up- too late, but I'xn
the Wartime Prices and Trade Marti bring. Let's . horie this tvorld •tness
eefitaillS it pargaraph tellifig that a will be Over- It Would be niee to have
Montreal (grocer Was, lined "$290 for the felloWs'and NI girls who, are away t
supplying sugar -Without conpons, while:all hack Ili- the homes itil- aro( (..!an- ,
grociiiy-eiiiployee---at pt. --Tito - 'ae t tut fa wen- yenes rillaildisgiVitig: Still '
, ireauce was: lined $400-fOripure1iape of i better, let's hone that the osigns-will
iv of the -,machinery could bel sugar coupons i and subsequent ,sale, point to the fact • that human- beings
Aly-tteard. They were going in the, without coupons, He it appears . that have 'grown up and that there` won't
diltetion of Goderich, told *Fre -Seen the statement Omit sugar not even; be any necessity for the young !nen
by amoral neforbisors. As their 'riga i being rationed in Quebec is not, 4100 atul women to have to go away to \yak
Veit itot at * friendly nature, as wee correct. " 0014.--
..1.teVsolctutoresl?0, voill'a90,10.5:411-°e tr:giCiaeoP•61,Ciporislaco..11...;1. 11113.a.ofitolitleStceostiat. t_is,ryp,' .
octagilloo-teosctii, co..o..o.aa,yo...0/11 Victotli Doods, is
' ii*,•solot ixtiesOetitloi .c.a.ii10,15.,0,7
"Wriei Is ,o, vital -oiat va.von. Lo.o.a,aa, as eveii aoliotbAt.
.6;,:tct:Leca;ssiele, s;:}1:esilig.1el :.' tee
Nal 1 L:!:09:1:ti;t:13:::a91:eetta.„eclal:s1l'e: I. tsto;01 117e6Wciricil 51,aell:ciinte:i 1: ;0,e le' eaa:, :si ::.t:cos
1-404.031Icf‘t‘...` tustalt ihat 613)9'
A .. ":°13.el' il. tijati.S ate,00.00. ,
iteea CaSb. at, soy 033-,. .t '
,k''s tb.e :WO .ttte, i.o. totesiatv.Cataaa's Ogea: iot tiloael .
. vill %alb v.. .
'1460. OA 1161 'vcovi.o;Victoty 13o0s for seAson*
tietits °vox/ 130U...wilt. fot, rut it;913,as
lead' 000: •
sa—titls stalo.s vicalo"illailtel. of wheat. So vittitb.e .
iitooey tittsat. 63ii.aa, oust 1:0140,7.4 060 Ciracilatts? to .val ,tot
a.% liaatvWits ocatic tp blutoos:.
too tootAe a a 0. a voile/ co, •
r. • ., lottiove 9,ve vo%te,00
°7416 • .0.111.110 ris4(), 116° 60:60altelgas ‘ob
/wpm ,„fnif,..11,1Provii
idol Pond ' —
NATIONAL WAR r1NANcE COMMin ; a new 0:criedas. nap% ns4e
.w• pCtA
• eitSh "netl. "'4
pi: cash. for,
to home Pay on a ,,,.;eiter SiOc*
ottr or