The Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-10-05, Page 1, '4 •
131411#0904.144 OAT
14:01414Y, QOTGDZIC, 901
A Public Holiday
en competition
at G C. 1. Spo
, Senior- Champions AteGord•Pli
' Sutcliffe, aald Pauirne
There was ,no . lack of „en'tlausiasin
in the ranka of the f3tri4enta of the
ederien C011egiate Institute 'an *Wed-
nesday afternoon,. when the antrtaal
field day was ,heid. The girls bed:.
, 17$ entries and the bOya 172. When
ths disparity waa I:canted out to the
vbt,',318 by the Signial-Star reporter, eine
O the boysY•explained that' the girls
en,rolled at the school outnumber the
boys by three to pee. Some a the
Senior students ,have been am,Ong those
•-,;. Called 1.4 ier Military serviee:. 'The
weather .wau ideal aad the .competition
Gordon Sutcliffe at the end of the
afternoon was 'declared...senior bag;
champi,on, with 25 oat, of 2r points.
champion,• Pauline Pattersoui with 21
points, The. runners-up were Jerry
,-,Ginn-,with-18i. and -Victeriai
with 15. . • -
In the intermediate everitS .xfariOn.
-Freeth won the girls' champioaship
With. 23 points and Gertrude Beattie
placed:Seeond with 19.
The intermediate boys' •champion-
ship went to Donald Scott, with 23
points, Jun Bisset being ruiner up
with 21. '
Mary Laitlfwaite ." is junior 'girl
The thanivefferit% Meetini, the'
ef North.Stet triaited„ church
was held on 1V/OndaY afternoon, in
church parfor, with.a large attenda0e.,
The president,. Airs. 0. go nouerteOn4
coAcloot4 the opeaing, "exercieeS` and
preeided, over the buSiniSs ,part of , the
meeting, •
A letter trona the secretary of the
E.vening Atixiliary. was „read ineting
the meraberS of the W.M.S. to be Pre-
sent with theni at their meeting on the
evening of October 16th, when Padre
Scat Morton, at' Pert Albert, a farmer
)rilsalenary to*Manehuria,,is to be their
guest speaker, . • ,
The visiting Committee reported
seventeen calls made'.
The president, Mrs. O.' M. Robertson;
WaS - pleasantly surprised whea, the
secretary, Mrs. Howard, handed her a
afe-raembership certificate--ra gift from
her husband;-- Mr. -C. M. Robertson.,
Mrs. Durniu took charge of the .de-
votional period: Mrs. (Rev.) Joseph
Janes of the Baptist,church_pang_ a
beaTaW-solo, .‘„`I walk Alone with,
God,". accompanied on the piario by.
Mrs. M...Iletheringten. This was foto
laWed.'-by. genre lutroductery rerimrkS
by Mrs, Durnin regarding the new
study book, "West - of the "Dare- Line
The guest speaker was MIS, (Rev.)
Wardlaw Taylor, frpjai. the Presby---
teriat church, Who gave an earnest and
inspiring address on the thank -offering
gifts -that. are more precaus in God's
sight than money. ,She listed these.
as: Our interest, our time, our prayers,.
our voices in speaking a word in season
usY industry
n Maitland Road I
,Ad *
aition, Bang Odell
Dominion's Road MachineryMachineryerY
The Plant of the Dominion Road
AlachitterY Conbany on Maitland road
is -a veritable hive of industry, ,with
UriMber 'fa 'year • eontraets, from.
various sourceS, keeping, Over
hundred men (exelusive of thelr4ietOria•
street' foundrY staff) working at top
speed. (The word "men", in this CaSti*
ineludes a few girl workers in over-
One of the contracts is for hundreds
of winchea fpr the • storage of cable
and heavy VOPO: "These are in.varions,
sizes and are for British' war vessels.
of all kinds' and will doubtless find
their , Way to All parts of/ the. world,
Already ,eight • earloada. •of, these
winchea have• beett shipped, :with an-
other twenty carloads to go,
• .Artother order 1ST& the,;_treade of
military trucks. :It will require seVer-.
al months to fill this Order, and there
are *others. ' • . -.-The Urge -factory_ _building -take
over on removal from East street is
-already proving too' small for the
conwany's operations, and a fifty -foot
addition At being, erected at the rear. •
Workeson twenty-two hours of
the twenty:four, and the Staff headed
by Mr. W. C, Attridge, president and
general manager- of the company, is
contributing in no small measure. to
the all-nriP6Ftaiit war effort..
cbanip,ton, with21 point, and
beth Chisholm was run -up -Up -.-With 18: for God, and in tithiug-for all-the-joYs-
arul, blessings -that' come to us through.
Jim- Donnelly ;and flaroid Warren
tied for ,the limier boys' championship.
. with 23•pointI
• T'his. year. the. seridents were the
officials,' and .ithey perfornied their
duties rahnir* ably.. There • were no
lengthy waits between_ events,. In
fact, --there was "something -.doing"
all 'the time, .. •PEI
Qieyton, ,Edward,. and _Miss
Helen Bisset supervised the girls'
'events and Mesers. A., it. Scott P.
Welke:Land 0 Payne,,the,boys'. • The
officialswere; ,
Girls—Chief elerk,•Liuian I1 win,
. assistant, Beryl Sanderson.; • j.anior
clerks, Willa • James, Norine McOabei.-,
Elaite Allen; ,senior, Margaret Rundle;
Evelyn Breckow, Norine Willis; inter.
mediate, Madeleine Smith, Faeanor-- miss Luella Snyder of London has
Donalddon, Avite' Warrener.
Boys—Chief clerk, Bryan". Ainslie`;
--assistants--Ronald Patterson, Cayley
Hill and Douglas :JMassey;.,.. starter,
Don Ainslie ; timekeeper,.Jhn, Beynolds.
allOtTLD BE MORE 131'00)1 ;
(Contributed) ,
•I have “jut , listened to the most
•surprising .conversation - among *blood
donors Those donors who. are attend
mg every clinic as they are notified.
Wish to know • what *has b.appened_to
other' citizens of Goderich.. For the
last clinic 212 notices'vvere sent out to
persons who had - voluntarily signed
to donate their blood.- Of the• 212 only
seventY-lour donors attended ithe'elinie
and of these only fifty-three WerefrOnt
the 'town of . Goderich. -This iial'rikeSt
, disappointing „and,---4-4.0fiectionupon
the loyal spirit ef thia teWn.
Do the citizens. of _Ooderigh. know many doderieli boys have sand -
Deed their„ lives, for us and who
• alight be all„Ve today . had there been
sufficient blood serum.? The medical
• corps in the armed' forees do all` in
their power to Save a 'life. They ean
iot do tlie impossible; they 'depend
upon an adequate simply of serum. ,
- 'OW Groderich • shetrkl---allo
any personal, feeling to stop him Item
attending- the ,clipics. •„•,. It; does- 'not -
matter to those beys-and-girla"oversitis
how you were dressed,•when •Yell'Alen:'-
,ated your -blood, or who sponSors. the
clinics. • •
Some men, ,we are told; Maintain
that their employers will notallow
them time off to attend the clinics,
Mg in our industrial. plants Who will
donate his. blood time
of to attend the clinie and will prob-.
ablY be told by his einpioYer to repert
for work after lunch. - •
This ts a serious matter. Some men
and women evidently do not realize
thie-,2-they-just den't want to "bother"
.If they courd'irealize how lives are
saved . and recovery Imetened by the
bile a blood platema surely they WoUld*
not hesitate to. incur the slight
venlence of attending 2the clinics. Ail
honor to those who have made 'clonal
.tione five, six, eight. er, even ten. .or
more thnes. They cannot go to the
battlefront, but they are fighting".with
their blood. • • , :
The, next clinic hi clederieli Will be
on October 13th, and it is to be honed;
' that for the honor Of our town and 'for
the sake of- oar --noble i!boys 'fti
the battle areas there will be a ranch
larger attendance than at any previous
life. . •
Votes, of thanks were tendered the
guests who had assisted in the meeting.
After the 'singing of a hymri and "God.
ave the‘King," .the 'meeting, was dis:
missed with pra-yer,by Mrs. Durnin. •
le -a. kaest with her -cousins, and,
-Mrs, -W; , - -
-Miss:Rese: Aitken has -returned: in
a' visit ef • SeVeral weeksin.'WeStern
-.Canada and Oregon. . .
I Peter, Steele, - Of "Toronto, -is
is1ting his niece,. Mrs. Thos. 11, Car-
rick, and, Mr. Carrick."
taken a position on the nursing staff
of Alexandra Hospital. ,
Mr. Jas. :Stewart has returned to
Allentown, • Va., after ..1spending the
summer at the Bertmiller Nurseries.
Mr.' John' D: -Murdoch, of Saskritoon.,
,Sask., is visiting relatives and friends
in Goderich and., at oth,e;, points in
the camitY.
Miss Ilaiel Steele,. of •Brand.on,
Man., is •visitink her aunt Mrs.* Thos.
H. Carrick, andXr. Carrick and other
friends of town. • .
•Mrs.•F, Salkeld has returned- to -Lon-
don • spendthe winter months and
Miss N.' L. Salkeld, of Blue Water
Beach, haS left for Toronto.
Mrs. E.. W. Carrie is in London this
week attending the annual .convention
of the Dominion W.A. of, the Anglian
Church. • Mrs. "Carrie isa life' member
of the Dominion Beard.
Mrs, J. A. White and 'ado George A.,
of Chagonesa, Sas1;.,.arrived On Thurs.,
day for a visit With her mother, Mrs.
Ilobt. McIlwain, sr.' 0, •
Mrs. Dave Elliott and Lily, of Gode-
rich, spent the week -end with Mrs. 0.
Harwood. , - •
Ur, and Airs. Geo. Anderson of De-
troit; Mich.,- visited on ,SundaY With
'Mr. and Mrs. Percy Speiran.
Mr. Ed. :Speiran visited ' in Kin-
eardine this week with Mr. and Mrs,
Irwin Speiran, ,
Next Sunday will he. anniversary
Sunday at,„ ctinion church. At the
- Morning service, 11 a.m., Itev. A. S.
Colwell', of Bayfield, wIhl,Oecupy the
pulpit. In the evening, 17.30 pan., the
pastor, Bev. L. IL Turner, will.pretteh,
There will be special Musie • by the
, •
• . „,
Death of Chas. D. FalcontE--,-The
death occurred in Goderich on Sunday;
October 1, at- the .home of. his siker.,
Mrs. Margaret Green, of Charles Edgar
Falconer of, Bayfteld,• afteran illness
a several months.' The deceased, who
was othe--• son of John Falconer' and
Mary 1VlacK1d, was burn in California,
April 5, 11373. At an' early age he
came to BaYfield. When the family re -
tinned -her -Carel -lied reeidedliere ever
since. -Early in the summer *he was
*-sfacken..with a heait attack •at his
IsTortia Huron Liberals will Meet at
Winglaam on ° Thursday ,afternoon;
October_12th,. to nominate a eandklate
for the coming Federal election. Tlae
George."-Wcsed,'M.P. for 'Brant county.,
-Gedericii-Liberale-svilljneet at Mac-
appeint delegate,s ,ta- the convention.,
• r-.
.-A special mitsical' prpgram-will be
rendered in Knox church on Sunday
next in eortnectipn with, the ,,Thanks-
giVing- 'Services of the day. Soloists
will be Miss -Josephine Weir of.Apburn,
LAC .• W.. Elliott, 'Mrs, E. Cranston;
Mrs. G.•Kaitting and, .Migs I3etty Smith,
and at the evening service LAC..
and Mrs. W. F. Saunders sing a
heme here •and was removed to •Gode-
lick.- 'He: le.- survived -by• two sisters
, -
Mrs, -Margaret Green and Mie. j.,
Barton, both of Goderich. His par-
ents,' a brother, Harry, and a sister,
'IlliZabeth (Mrs. %Wm. WeStort); pre,
deeeased )aim,, The funeral .was held
firm the" lioffie---of'hie-nephew,LAQ
Pred Weston,',Bayfield, on Wednesday
'afternoen. Rev. Riblitird Stewart- of
Knox PresbYterian, church,. Goderich
end:acted the service, Interment Was
made in the family plot ,imBayfield
cemetery: The pallbearers were Hugh
Gilmour, IX. McGregor, E. Sturgeon,
. George Baird, and George
Lindsay'. .
Honesty is one part ef eloquetieet.
peisiiade others by being in earnest
,• .• ,
Only twO grain eargOeS arrived° this
week: 'Fort Wilt100, .Uonda' 130,000
bus, barleY and wheat for the Goderieh
Elevator CO, and 130,000 btiS. "wheat
for the :Western Canada Flour Mills;
Superior, Tae3
SdaY, ..6,000. bus. :ioats
and wheat for the elevator.
The expected late tOniglit
at the elevator and the V. V. "AlasseY
is 'on the War. ' • .
The tug Icina Rosa' with a derricir
scow, on her Way to 'Sarnia from
Wiarton, was in on ,Saturday..for• fuel.
The tug and eeoW are part Of the
McNtimara. Construction 004,8 outfit.
Bert MacDonald' on Saturday re-
covered the second laf the "str; Sephie's
anchors.. brought in also -three
shots of chain and left one shot to be
ieked up later •
; Peter are biting' well, 'but 'there .are
'complaints of scarcity Of bait. -
• Mr. 'Thomas Gray, ,clerk in the
Police Court here for over foiar years,
has been,. apPointect,,a: justice, Of- the
peace for 1111.ron county.. She takes
over. routhie 'duties which since the
deathof the late Thomas Gundry have
been perfernied Norman
Kernightin. 'The latter, -however, re-
mains a justice of the -peace. •
Airs. Gray °received ••• the „official
notification on Saturday, and on ,l/fon
day rethanded a prisoner to jail,. On a
, minor Charge., Several informations
• have been laid •before her already.
-SfiFirt•Feffirgf J.r. in flu -reit'
county.' ' I
• to cugari •ON . CAR LIGHTS ."
ProVinciaf Traflic%Officer Janaei Cell)
hue received instructions from, head.:
quarters to: make a.:elieck on 'defective'
lighting of trucks and also of Passenger
-cars; %particularly "witirlespeerto:beapi
ljassing,,Juld to •iss,ue smiurtonses_with--.
alkt :warning.The' 00,3,_Tbflament
lhe-stand "that,-defeetive41ghtt•%tire- the
cause, of...a great meny highway ac.
/dents, and now. that•---the-nighls-.-the
-getting longer•.and-thererris-moremigh
driving a thorough survey by its officers
Is timely. Mr. Culp states that six
Of the first eight 'truck S ;he examined
had***defeetive lights. • -
,Mrs, -George MacDonald, formerly
of Goderich,, died at the home of laer
daughter; Mrs. H. 0. Lawson ; pinto
this (Thursday):morning, after a long
illness. , The funeral will take place
from her .borne at Clinton on Saturday
afternoon at 1.30 o'clock. Interment
will be at Brussels. • •
• There will be a reeeption at the
Town. Hall on Sunday night next, at,
8.30 o'clock, •for returned service men,
either discharged or on leave.
Death of 'Willinna Anderson. ---This
ebmmunity mouras the passing of a
highly esteemed resident -in the person
of William Anderson,, whose death oc-
curred at his hoine 011- Tuesday morn-
irigrifter an illness of two weeks, " Mr.
Anderson was the, 13011 -of the late
ThomasAnderson ' and . Eleanor
Straughtin-:and was hem IiieVenty-eight
yeareago on the farm 'where his son
.Oliver Anderson resides. Forty-three
stears'ago he married Florence Patter-
son; They lived on the. Anderson
-onieitead for . thirty -,four years and
for eight years' -••on the lames. Woods
farm. 107East Wawanosh. Lase Janu-
ary they retired to Auburn, Mr.
Anderson was a member of Knox
Ilnited church and was a great worker
inthe chnrch and*a regular_ attendant
Orily three weeks ago he took Up the
offering. Ile was the last of a family
of eight. Besides „his . Widow *he is,
survived' by two daughters. , Mrs.
Worthy Fowler -(Dorothy),,, of *ode=
rich; .Mrs. Gordon McCilliehey
Haft); of Auburn; two Sons*,-. Tho.;02
Sorel, Quebec, and Oliver, on the home-
stead, and ten grandchtldren. The
funeral will be held from, Knox 'Milted,
church on Thursday afternoon 811(1the
service$' will be conducted by nee, II,
'Snell. Viten:tent wilt be in Ball's
'.-John C. Wiggins, member of a well-
known GOderich 'fainily and for over
forty years .a valued employee of the
Western Canada Rota Mills, diel at
his home on Sunday morning • in .his
sixty-third year, aftei. a long and
painful.. illness; A son of the late
James' B. and Henrietta *McLeod Wig-
gins, lie was born and had resided
in Goderich all his life.- After leaving
school he saild the' lakes for „time
before , entering, 'op. employ.,pf the
.Western' Canada Flour Mills, where he
was in charge of the packing room
and Won a high place(in_the regard of.
his , fellow -employees. Possesse of a
'nub phYsicitio; lre was -1,seenly-MtereSted
in. -sport and:w; st hoekeY player
.in the player- !re . this century,
playing with the Goderieh Sailors when
they were refiners -up for thk
championehip the winter of 1900:
1-16-TiVaria clever baseball player.
He was a lifelong Presbyterian, and a
member -,of Ledge, NO. 62, I.O.
"•-• Survivittg, besides. his Wife,
formerly Edith • Young, are a s,on,
Leading Writer Donald Wiggins, RAI
N.V.R., who 'returned two weeks age
from • service overseas, `three bro-:.
titers, Dan, of Goderich, lames, of
London; and Albert, of the. American
Merchant Marine; and •tour sisters,
Miss Edith Wiggins, Mrs. L. E. Dances,.
and Mrs. James Curwen, all of Gode-
rich; and "Mrs,* Pd: Craig'of Detroit.
The Western 'Canada Fleur • Mille
'COMpany paid a 'fitting tribete to the
devoted servfee given. by Mr.' Wiggins
by closing the plant on Tuesday after:
moon-when--the--ftineral- service was
held at his late residence, Wellingtdn
Street. The -, large. attendanceof
citizena, at the .serviee; the. wealth -of
flowers, 'and the -tine tribate paid by
Rev., Richard Stewart, were expressive
,of tlfe regard , felt in the *,comnatialty
for the deceased and of the sympathy
for the 1)0:eater], family. Among the
floral tributes -Were, those front the
Western Canada Flour Millis
Huron Lodge, I.0.0;P.* employees- of
the packing department of the W.O.
PAL, and the ernployees of the milt
Pellow-emplOYees ef. the AV.6.P.M;
were the flower -bearers. .The. honor-
ary Pallbearers were Percy - Jame,
Harold Newcombe, William Brownlee,
U. E. Turner, /ohtt Henderson and
Clifford Webb. The Active pallbearers
were 'Ulm B. Milne, Girvin Young,
Robert Daer, Sohn Newcotabe,, Lorne
YOting• ttild JOSdpil Interment
took place 'in the family pat In Mait-
land. cemetery. Those attending the
funeral included' Mr. and.Mrs..
'Wiggins, London; Mr. and Mrs. • Bd.
Craig , Mid Sort' , Detroit; VIM. Pero
Cornellv Miss Rena Sutherland And
Mrs. }Tally' Smith, Toronto; Mr. and
Mrs. Donald 111eIver and son, Port
$tanleY; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Smith
itod Ues,. Iva Brokenshire),Londail,
ER. 5th, ,1944
Goderieh Salt Co
Sold to .Standard
Chemical Co., Ltd
Operations to Be Coutinuee, as at
Present :Orith R 1 Wuttele
,.' Important and ft/gni/leant nevi's for
the people of"Goileriell cane this Week
in the announcement that the Gederich,
Salt Co, Lthriited, had beewsold, to the
Standard ,Oheinica,P0o., Liritited. The
Signet -Star secured -confirfnatiOnof
this news, so Vital to the industrial
OW community lite of the town, but.
also was assured, that the new Owner*
are not 4 salt. "nionopole ' andthat
the business here will be carried; on
SS 11$141 and that possibly it would he
expanded to 'inelude the manufacture
of 'by -prod -figs ' of Salt,'- . Little is is as yet known locallyofthe',
Standard Chemical Coxrpauy Limited,
except that' it is neree ly formed -and
that. -it iltifi; been enagei in.,,the_,,ma131•17,
facture. of weed derivatives.• This`ia
the company's 'drat venture into salt. .
The Signal -Star . also. learns ' that
Charles Nurtele, fOunder of _the' Gode-
richL Salt Company,Liraitedil and its
president_ and .general Manager, _has,
completely withdrawn from the busi-
ness, selling all his interests. His sent
R. -K, Wurtele, who fortsome years has
been the* active head of the business,
succeeds his - father as President and
Manager. Both father and son are
now in Toronter, but are expected home
at the week -end. •'• Q' •
'Twenty-six years ago next month
Mi. VViirtele, sr., took over the Present
then bankrupt: Since then, year 'after
year he has built up the business to
the statue of one of the main pro-
ducers of salt in Canada, natinufactur.
ing nearly twenty-five per cent. of the
saltproduced- inthis country. - Mr.
Wtartele; • who had' proved- hlinSelf ' a
clever, capab1e4dustri al_ Promoter -be!'
fore -coming to Goderich; aiwttys re-
ferred -to his .salt business 'here as "my
:babe .,: Ile,.--riursed: it.--;to-tr-thriving,.
strong, argon" and' a.'chiev,ed Et, life's:
ambition after, he „'had reached middle
rife. - -
Crew ,FIVe Warned itttfe
Several HoursRubher
trainiug bomber from . the :Part
Albert air ,navigation statiefaehed
in the 'lake about 11 .0!eloelr TuesdaY,
Morning about ten Pilenorth et God
rieh harbor and, .the -saine distance Oft
shore, The erew, a fflght lieutenant
and four Crewmen*to* to, ato,' rubber
dinghies. carried .in tlae plane, and
well on hi ,the afternoon they were
spotted, fronn.' another plane ' and the
alarm Was given; The R.A.F. crash
boat stationed inthe harbor went to
,the rescue and brought in the .•men
after they had been,* their '44:Jilted
liye houre. or- more. •EaKeePt-• for the
Soaking they get when their plane
crashed, and lei' few cuts' and bruises,
the men were in good shape,
The ,plane _continued afloat and the
Captaixi john and the Annanatte,• with
scow, all in charge of Bert Mac-
Pona414, /)..14 brother Maleolia .,And.
nephew Norman, went to the scene'
-rind,-, brought- it --to shallow -writer- eff-:. -that ye might --have,:t-, more -abundant.. •
at litto)c
rvioet on Sunday
Mtondc&by Large.
'''On this. yctur LO9tbAnniversary, X
DA y it may be 4 rich. one, And that
yen' nay. have life, and have. more
aininditritly,' Bev. .11. Alf Coulter;
Tb 13, of St, Cann:tines, .said zn
cludillig, his _Sermon at the ..anOrAilig
diet of worship hi .Knox. Presbyterian
church on..„Sunday, When, he was th�.
anniversary, griest preaeher.;. There
was a large pongregatiOn. „Xusie (4 A,
high order under the direction of, V.irea.
Vrank Saunders, with Miss Eileen.
Bogie the Organ, 'was a,'
feature ofi both serviceS of the day.
At .the Merlin; service Rev. 'Mr.
Coulter's theme was "The Purpose of
Christ% _Cfaning:' bag4".. on, the 044
1.4.1 come' that, ye might, have life and,
A pretty wedding of interest • in
Goderich took place . in Woodstock;
owing to the illness of the groom's
Mother, on Saturday afternoon,. When
Sorg; Ruth iDlive.J.:1Y_Iurney,
Rockcliffe, youngest • daughter T. of Mr.
and -Mrs. PredMurney, Britannia road,
Was united in Marriage • to .LAC.
Whorl:ale .0. Brooke-, 7Soilf-Tof- Mr. and.
Mrs.. James 'Brooks, 'of Woodstock.
The double -ring _ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. D. Gaynor, of: Wood-
stock at. the home 92 Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Harrington, the latter a sister of
the groom. Thehonse was decorated
with Air Force blue. The bride,
given in, marriage by her father, .was
smart in her uniform, with a sprig of
heather on the lapel, of *her 'coat.- She
carried a nosegay of white.chrysanthe-
mums - with long stiigtmert of red,
White and ,blue.„ Miss-MariZThurney,
of Toronto, was her sister's bridesmaid,
wearing a two-piece dress iablack and
red, Virlt black hat and black access-
ories. Her fioWers were red roses.
Mr. Victor • .Brooks, -the groonl's. bro-
ther, was best man.. Only immediate
relatives were•present at the wedding
dinner. Mrs. 'Murney was becomingly
goWned. • in •a turquoise two-piece s•tiit
with black accessories and corsage of
kph* roses. Mrs. Brooks: wore 'flavY
and white crepe with ,corsage of white
and pink' roses. 'After. the wedding
cake was cut by the bride, the •Misses
-11. and IL Harrington„ nieces of the
groom, sang "0 Promise Me." Later
the happy'. ample' left by, train . for
Toronto. They •will reside in Ottawa.
' The- bilde; home .onleave for a few
hours, was given a happy ssurPrise
when t4nty-two a her friends
ere(1 at her home .-here to honor her
with it miscellaneous shower.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
-the .beach: .The next gay it Was
brought .,to land. and is still on...the
, .
, The .tilers - are 'Olci. Countrymen
"Theirriatrie-07.,:. -4*(11-V,Vige
WI'. GEORGE, 'S A..Y.P..A:
-- •
St George's A.Y.PA. held a reorgan-'
ization meeting on Tuesdaeyening ift
the rectory. Rev. W. H. Dunbar
• opened the meeting with prayer and
was in,the chair while the officers for
:the 194445, season were „•elected.
Mr, Haro1dShore was elected prest,
cleat and other,officers are: Mrs, Tracy,
vice-president; Mrs. H. Taylor; .secre-
tary; Mr:W. IP. Riley, treasurer; Miss
TreloThdeark, convener ` of the program
committee ;- Miss _Betty Campbell, con-
vener of .the sotial committee,.. and
•Miss :Hazel Wilmot, convener of the
extension committee..• '
The drst and third Wednesdays -were
chosen as th'e meetipg -nights. •
During the sdiscussion on the raising*
of finances several worthyyhile sugges-
tions were. made which will be dis-
cussed itt. more detail rit the executive
ja:tttillgings- 0c._tober. llth 'and- at. later
A reorganization supper meeting
was • held by the a Knox
Presbyterian church on Tuesday even -
ng at which. Marilyn -Butler presided.
The , meethat • WAS opened with the
singing of "0 Canada!' and .the-repeti-
election of officers resulted as.
'resident; ,Marion •vice-presi-
dent, Mollie Bisset; ..secretary,
Christine Bogie; treasurer, Marilyn
Butler; pianist, - Catharine •Cutt;
leaders, Mrs. Richard Stewart mrs.
Gordon, Henderson, •Mrs: Joseph Mc-
eljn-and Mrs: -William
It was • decided to hold --a 'wiener
roast on October 17th,,,,, and to present
the ..•operetta".•11"ITnder-;• the Greenwood
Tree," to be directed .1Ay Mrs. R.
Stewart and iri.jLJt1. S.aunders,.
eisted *.by the leaders, -The-4neeting
closed with "Taps?' There was -, a
large turn -out of' girls at the meeting.
and ,ri_.-busy, season is expected. ..
ST.-GE(IRGO'S GUM117 _ r
St. George's Church Women's Guild
held theirOctolaer Meeting at the
rectory, with a large attendance.- After
the business session, arrangements
wee made to hold a supper in Noyeth.-
•ber in the:newly decorated parish hall.
The Guild, is paying for the new light-
ing system, as Well as for the d'ecor-
ating- of the hall. Mrs. Brown intro-
duced the guest speaker,- 'Mr. W.
'Sutherland, who gave an instructive
talk on laws and will -making. The
hostess, assisted by Mrs, Mundy, served
Mr. and •Mre..Edwara Brown Of
pgmondville ,wish to' -announce the:en-
gagenient of their eldest daughter,
-Wilma Bernice, • to • Kenneth Allat
_Chambers, son of Mr. and Mrs; Roy,
Chambers of Goderich., The. wedding
will take -131ace shortly in London'.
4.00 . •
. A irian's or woman's ,Purpose in life,.
he said, is.-Inclieative -of *hiS or her..
character....? Willem Carey cleclared*his
PiirPo-de- Wye& firthe-*(6.1.s;-'oram u
'C'EriAstian7f 1 cobble- •dhoes'.lo ge-t-a-
living." John Knox expressed his
;purpose in the prayer, c"Lord, give me
Scotland or I die," and telni
3. ,
words at the text. c:* *
"Jesus knew the need 'of our litres,"
continued , the preacher. . "When we
fashion thein in our ,own.'Vvay we fail •
taigrasp His leve. A set* ,of security
can be giveii only by -GO& '',7ifo -have. -
seen the failure:TO:jell. rests * -in the
supposed, Security • of 'arras, :Germany,
thought -she could get by by the sheer
strength -of her arms. We have looked
.to diplomacy.. as a way out. We have
forgotten- Chamberlain, who cern-, .
.promised • and failed, Democracy
-efunableS from within andliandshaking''
is not enough,"- The speaker referred .
to.the Nazi andppscist salutes; and
then t� -the-hands 02 Jesus raised in'-
gfving the Raging and asking foreve-,
security- for-'11Ving. 'the- abinidatit• lif
riint,Ife.S.a;spunkhofin:sediG:esociefoit •imssee70.11vireswe.hlelrita,'sr:
force can Wrest it froni" us. The al) -
pointed life is. progressing,'. going itt,
And out, ,as Christ ' typified the',
shepherd, amongst the, sheep and
caring for them., 41t is seen in holiness ° •
and righteousness. We Must have, our
lived_ routed 'and grounded- in .Christ. '
It is the highest conception- i of. the
Christian life; in .which ixisiairation
and experience 'can only she found.
John canght the 'beauty .of the Ohridt
°nature. R
le .discovered that God, Was.
love. God' IS love and offers you the -
gift Of abundant life." 6
The MUSieincluded a solo, "The Holy
City,'- sprig ill splendid voice by Dan •
Walter: .quartette; • '1161Y -
Ghost,. with .Light Divine," by Mes-,
•I 1 1
Beautifully decorated • with" white
baby 'mums, candles and -ferns; S.
Georges-churell was the setting for tal
interesting, wedding at 1- o'clock., on
Saturday afternoon, when Dorothy
Lorraine Nelson, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Edwin G, Nelson, Elgin avenue,
was,married to IP/O. Frederic Tweedie,
R.A.F., Port Albert, sqn cif 'Mrs.
Tweedie and the late T. H. .Tweedie
of Barking, Essex, England. The
ceremony_ was performed by .Rev.' :VV.
II. Dunbar, rector of the church, and
the Wedding Music was played by C.
P.S. Carman. During the signing of
tlth register Miss Eleatior Riggk, Of
Stratford, sartg,"1.Love 'Thee." Grac'e-
illy slipper
fashioned With long todice with sweet-
heart neckline and hill skirt failing in
.slighttrain, the bride WAS giien-. in
marriage by her father. Iler floor-
tength veil fell froin a inatching halo
and she carried a cascade bouquet of
-white Starlight roses, .-bouverdia and
larkspur. 'The bridesmaid, Miss Enema,
Robinson, of Blyth, wore white taffeta
Itt princess lines and sweetheart neck
line with .matehing halo. lier flowerswere red roses. Plying Officer Roy
Tomlinson, of Port Albert wag 1:64 man.
and the ushers were Brent Nelson„ of
Goderielt„, and 'Bernard Double, of
Stratford; Cousin , and brother-in-law
respectively of the bride. "
After the eereniony a reception was
held at the Park 'House, where MTS.
Nelson, mother., of the bride, yetelvq.Cir
wearing a' gold ,wool suit- with. brown
,accessoriell and, a corsage of Tails-
mareroses; Guests were present from
Goderich, Stratford,"-Kitehener, Acton
and Chatham: • --
Later Plying. Oftleer mad -Mrs.
Tweedie left for a"trip to Toronto
And Niagara Palls, the bride travelling
hi a 11'14m:ta1i eoral basket -weave wool
dress with brown top Coat. sand brown
accessories. On their return they will
reside in Goderich.
wAHmt:s.anof exencouxtivcal-iumrceh,etinpigans.of--iitete dames G. Kaitting, K. Revell and
W. F. Saunders and 13liss Aileen Stowe;
d t f th
na e or he jointo seivatee o e
sixtieth anniversary of the' auxiliary,
and the holding of the annual thank -
Offering meeting on Wednesda*y, ,Octo-
ber 11, at 8 p.m. The guest speaker -will
be . Rev. R. H. illiams ,
ducted Minister at Seaforth, formerly.
of. R,egina. Special music and tea will
feature the meeting.
'. A prothineut•ditizen of. Goderich,and:
widely -known -businees'man,:i3enjainin.'
Kelly. Allen, died at his' home, Victoria
street, oia Monday evening, after it long
illness. Hewas in his eighty-second
Year. Mr.. Allen had been highly' suer.°
cesSful as an extensive dealer hi horses
in pre -motorized days. He made many
trips to Great Britain as an importer
of thoroughbred horses and . owned
extensive sales stables in North Bay,
IIaiebui,Jau1t Ste. Marie
and in Western • Canada. ;Later he
becanie connected with the lumber and
real estate business in British ',pi:A-
=41a. He was widely travelled and
was well known in Northern Ontario,
'the Western 'Provinces and at the
Coast. For the last. few years he had
lived retired in Goderieh.
Mr., Allen was a descendant of Poe
of the oldest families in Huron county,
Hewas born at Dunlop, the. second son
of the late. Anthony and Margaret
'Gardner Allen. Ile received his °duc&'.
tion in a Colborne township school, the
Goderich High School.; and .later. in a
,London school: He *tts a Presbyterian,
a member of Maitland Lodge, No; 33,
A„P., •-84 and a Conservative
-1Ie :married,- Miss:- -Olive
Walters, and three years ago they
observed their golden wedding annt;
;VerSitry. •Staitivifig, besides 'his wife;
are two daughters, MM. R. l‘t Trow'
(Ila); of Stratford, and Mrs. C.. D.
McCormick ,(011.Ve),.'of Muncie, Ind.,
and eight grandchildren; also it 'bro-
ther, 'Frank, of Goderich, and two
sisters, Mrs. Harry Shield; 'of Col-
borne township,and-Mrs. Ethvin,Morris,
of AtiStin; Man. A soli, Bari, re -
deceased him thirty years; • The two
daughters spent most of. tile summer
here with their Parents. ".•
- The funeral took place frorn 6
family residence on Wediiesd
noon and was largely Attended. er-
vices at the house and at Maitland
cemetery were • conducted by Rev:
rtichard.Stewart of ICtiox church, and
at the ceittetery the Masonic •buriali.
rites were conducted under the diree-
tiOn of P.M. Robert Bisset of -Maitland
Lodge. The pallbearers were 11. X. A.
Maawan, Dr. L. M. Mabee, Lt..eol.
A. 11. Sturdy,.'Nittn. Gardner, -David
Green and, P. R. Darrow. Among
those present were, C01. It M. Trow and
Mts. Trow, of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs.
C. to. McCormick, of MunclepInd, and
all the grandchildren: .
I ".°, •
- _The Monthly meeting .of the phblic
Scheol Board, on TueSd.ay evening, was•
a brief -One. Reutine 'business was
traasacted' and theprincipals' reports.
for September Were recetted.'
•'t ictoria Schoolhad 362 PuPils, on the'
rolk and •an average attendance of 343.,
War savings stamps to the value of
$118- were sold- -during.- -the--niOntla,
bringing the total to $747280. •
•-Central' School reported an • enrol-
ment of •240, and an average attendance
of 224. War 'savings, stdmes-- sold,
$113.46.; total to date,.$5,260.55.
r •
Annual harvest and general :Thanks-
giving Iervices will be • held ,in St.
r • e' chiireh nextSunday at 11 a.m.
and V' pan.., -,We are in.-61‘..-iffor-ed-t
litive-lis our guest neacher• st the
morningservice the R•ev. Canon
Warner; B.A., B.D, of Cronyri Memor-
ial church; London. The- rector will
preach in the evening. Make Sundu
next areal. ,ThanksgiVing,Day by turn-
ing out to both services. •
Temperatures ofthe past week in
Goderich, with those of the correspoad-
ing yirepk a year ago, as ofdcially re-
corded, werei as follows:
• 1944 ' 1943
Max: Min. Max. Min.
Thurs., Sept. 28 ...WI- 51 • (37 55
Fri., Sept. 2) .:'107 '. 40 ,09 • 56
at, ept 0,....67 43 08'7' 50
Sun.,' Oct. 1, ..„,..68 47 , • 68, • 46,
Mon., Oct. 2 59 ' 46.," • 62 . 49
Tues.,• Oct. 3 63* 43 'GT 38
Wed., Oct. 4 39 ' 57,4 . 36
Ind the' anthem "Oreat. and Marvel-
lous" by the choir. . "
• , The Evening Service:-
. "A Legacy of Peace'*.was .the sabject
of. Rev. Mr. Coulter's sernion at even
leg warship, and it was ;heard with
great interest , and keen appreciation:
A male quartette . composed- (A
Messrs. W. MacLaren, ,LAC„.EUiott
Dan Walter and LAC. Russell sang
"An Evening Prayer." , The choir
-rendered the anthein, "Holy :Art
with Miss .13ettyl.Sreith, as. soloist, and .1
LAC; Elliott gave a bea•utifid rendering
of `-'The ,,Lord's. Prayer:" '
The .girls all thought- the danee at
the Empire Service Club on September, ,
26th was one Of the -nicest' dances they .
had attended. It was a special dance
given, for the boys from the Air avi
gatiqp. _ School, Pert Albert, There
were more boys .than• giOS and; the .
bo3,-s all wanted • to dance. •Those
winning prizes for ,the.special, dances
were LAC. Jones .and Hazel Wilmot
In the card dance, ,LAC,.. Godon •and
Madeline Smith in the spot dance. The
ys_froaa_4theLRICTLA..11. Radio Sehool----- a
at Clinton -aro -coming to •Goderichn-
, _
the dance this Friday night so it is....
hoped the girls will have no ether ..,
e.egiigentents for that evening. „.•
The choir of Victoria Street `United
.clinrch enjoyed a secittl evening and
choir rehearsal at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Breck.ow, Pahnerston
street,,in a refent evening. A happy
feathre 'of the evening was, the present -N:
ation of' a purse of money to Mrs.
James. B. Adam, who has been a.raem-
ber of the choir " for nineteen Years;
and • who had beeu absent because Of.
illness. • The address, was' read .by
Mts. Clarence Miller, and the PreSenta'
tioir-waS /wade- by -William, Westlake.
MN. Adam gracionslyTapressed her
thanks for tbe gift and dainty -refresh-
ments were served by the laostesa.
(1.400 Rum Faimed C
Goderich and
artootnist, Visits
Fulfills al() Ambition
.Interesting visitorsift„ last
week -end were I..00 Skrice.;internatien-
ally-kndwn cartoonist and artist, and
Mrs. Skuce. Toronto -born,' Mr. ,Skuce
began hid career as an artistwith The
Toronto Sunday World, for 'w,hicit he
drew the cover ,page ofteh week for
many years. He also originated ,the.
politieal ettitoons for ,The Toronto
Daily World,02Which-the, late "Billy"
McLean, at that time a forceful figure
itt Carte.diari newspaperdom, was the
proprietor. Sinee the:t he has Wen cin
promotional work 'on the vaudeville
stage and latterly with' the Pell synili-
elite, his eartOons appearing aitur
',IMO Canadian and Abated 'States
publieations, Many of the Victory
loan advertisements of theferthcoming
and past eampaigns were from` his rent
as is- a. great deal of the cartoon ad-
vertising of Maple. T.,ettf. Gardens,. Tor-
. •
Mr. Slower asked why 1m had'eorae
to Goderich,,saitI that sine 1i wati
boy/ he had heard of 'the "circle" ',in
-Goderich, "where you meet Yourself
coming haelt," and that he had alwttya
'Wanted, to make a few "ringers." This
ambition had, now been satisfied, MrS.
Skice' laughingly ,attid she always had
ILeard tliat Ett*` Cala time of the year
bite dolga have a good, undisttirbed
Stunlay sleep in ,Goderich and in this
respect she too had, not 'Wen 411%0;
pointedf4er1ous1y, both thought Ike
town with 'both unigtte autl*Prett•y.
• ,