HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-09-28, Page 7WRITTCN Slit 110
"VitEXLY- tOWSii'APKOlkato:Atiel)*
OREENUAT, Editor of Ike SON
10$1 F .4l1 11 WA Or T„ issotatotttwAsi
Another minced rate. is ininouneed there to the -country of deitinatima;
OVerfienS wait now, with. airgraPits At, the .MOinent innit from 'Canadian
• -"the letteron film that, travel by prispners is still arriving, but It, is
air"---thay. be sent for Just 5 entS. to Mali which reaehed, Lisbon believe dis.
• civilians where the . airtraph .servieertiptiOn of •Gerittait eennection with
•:operates as,Well as to members of the Portugal,. •
armed 'forces.0 is Interesting" to * *
* *no* these' letteifg,'are,:fievirir to, Tor,. ,The Agrienitural ',FOod Board MAO
Onto,. photographedi.on reels Mier°, peopie: to avoid over-purehases of rank
1,000, messages being contained or any possible waste'. Hot weather
• on a 3% -ounce reel of ii1ro4-over %BOO in Eastern. 'Canada caused a failing
nieSPageti to the pound • Enlarged, Off,* milk Predneti0h, and an increase
prints are 6 -made oVerseas • after' being in..,fluid railk consumption and the
flown across, the briny. If 4 reel is difficulty ,is foreseen of meeting" Ofirt-
lost, 'a. duplicate can always be made aches agreement to Supply 120,400,000
and despatclaed. . • • pounds of cheese to Britain by March.
• * 312...1945. It is Our duty to help main -
The Postal DePartment .Advises that tailthe Obeese.ratiou for the British'
letters from Canadian prisonerS of wait: peOple * and' the Canadian fighting
In Germany, Or ,1*}Nthe reverse, ,may forces, You are not asked to use Milk
• cease to arrive altogether ,for a time below -.required . essential value; juSt.
because of a eut in German mail con- 'don't'waste ?
nection due to the speedy Allied-driVe. ' * 41' * "
As toon-hs certain regions are cleared While contributions to • the Zinn),
"it will be possible for Allied authoritiefi Ployment Insura0eruedpaid-1 in by
to collect-iprisoner-of-WW- Mali from
• Swiss postal' people and fly • It from
• Biliousness ia Pat another .liame
• for a blogied or ..eluggisht liver. It ..
ie a iery, zon2znim complaint, but eau -
be qui -0(1y remedied--britimulating
410_110:ct of bile; This %oftena the
accumulated, mass; the poisons- ir41
carried Out of the
liver and bowels.are- r
, toned up.
• 4,30t.±4Ver
and enliven, the 'biggish
free itoW of bilo i4 th
the liyer of the cIoggia
Do not grips,. Weskitor
Muhara Malmo; OA
eniploYets,"eraplOyees and Government
totalled $216,171,931 011 july the
interest received, on investments has
been great enough to take care- of the
so far. . •
• , *' *
• •Canada's' breeding Stock is, destined
,to play • a great part in rebuilding
devastated'v Europe's - livestock '• and
horses for farm power.- It is estimated
horses of Britain; Belgium and:Ooltanq
have been reduced by half, inRussia
by, one -third, -and that only a third re';' .
.president , • Condocted the' business
'Warr <Ft the"riglitattores-Art--Polanct -
' period, Miss Clark was 'eappointed
delegate to thesectional meeting in
October at Blyth. .ItwaS decided tb
hold thb thank-offeringineeting In con-
nection ' With the regular meeting 111
bcteher;,, Mrs. P.•,Duritirt of Godetich
to. be .the speCial .speaker. Miss Clark
read from the study book and the-nteet-
Osed- with singing and the ltlizpah
benediction.: •A dainty lunch was
served ps,.-th. ,e,hOStess. • • .*
Thei, amoUnt Of .gasoline'.used by,
Canadian motorist in one month'S.nor-
approxiinately six months, and . will Mal peacetime driving.,-kould,.driNe an
follew,re }arritoted;;;cOrp$,,.only:-.,35.-'yards... •:
LEEBURN, Sept, /0.11ssek UAW*.
andEedie lIorten Spent the 'week -end
In Goderielt.' •
Delothr. Tiehhorne Of Gotierieh
township visited her aunt, grs.:- Jas.
'Horton, laSt week.
- MieS Clara -Otiyforil anti --MISS -Nellie
Clark vis1ted:Mrs-T*0a Hainilton, 0*.t.
Alequarrie '14,40
was -there, " ' •
Mr. and lYirs, lientyllorten, of Ash-
field, and Mr. and Mrs.. Orland Beret
from near Dungannon, visited the'
Misses HOrton ort Thursday last,
Next Sunday IS ,worldwide 01114111111.
10111., f304y. Church service here. wifl
be, at '10 A cgoo4, attendit4o, iij
requested. . . • ' ,
This neighPOrhoOd was .pleased to
Oncew that Master Peter Green, son of
Mr, and Mr0.1 Sas.. P. Green, was able
return home last week from . the
hospital' •in •Toronto, • much improved
after his.recent accident. • . •
Visitors with gr ,and Mrs. Jas.
Chisholm on. Sunday , were gr, .and
gra, Tom Quigley from Clinton and
Mr, and ..Mrs. O'Rourke '' and, .8911
Leonard from Brue1ieId. •
'1,711.na C11140g0 .111444d8err.,Mi, Ilarold
Jewell,, has .1Itirehased the 'farn of
Miss Clara Fulford 011 the Blue Water
Highway.. Mr. Seivell;has been sailing
for some Year, but,4,‘''returning to the
land,,and we welcome him, Mrs. Jewell
and their Young',"So*:"DOnald, to Lee,
4burn. Miss 'EnifOrtV*111_be.".missed,.as
she always took an active, part in all
the- community affairs. She has bought
4 house in Goderich and will:move
ishortlY. BefiLwishes.„...,ige. with her. to
.her new Ithite; -
• 1V,10.13. Meets.-rrhe W.M.S. a Lee -
burn 'United church held. their Septem-
ber meeting en Wednesday of last week
at the bome of Mrs, Allan Watson, -
With a splendid attendance. Miss,
TAzzie Horton was leader Miss H.
Olaitk led in the Bible ,reading, from
the 12tb ehnnter of Hebrews. The
CzeOoslovakia, Jugoslavia. and Greeee.:
Geri:natty by lier ,Plundering is believed
to have eveil :niore livestock than be-,
fore the war.
National Defence HadqUarters has,
announced that members of the Can-
adianL_ArreY wounded_ three...,Or, _more
times, ether than trivially, or having
.two Wounds and. three be More years'
serfice,-may'- apply -or - servicenea-
their: zeohlined to
ada--and the.11,54 tour of duty vlII be
S hard, almost ,impossible, to figure out ori your
fingers the many benefits of life insurance.
The street car you ride on:- the 'electricity that
perks your coffee -the home you live in -the school
your children attentithe hospital.where,you,r' baby
• was born -these are available to you partly because
cif life insurance investinents.:in Canada's inilis, fac-
• tories, power ii4nts and public 'works. The -money,
you put into insurance is always circulating to make
• more jobs fdr, more people It's hard to add Up all
its benefits because they are felt in every corner of
the land.'
. .
• Some say that lite insurance money would be
better employed as "venture"- rather than
invested in long term bonds and mortgages.' Well;
'.1ife insurance COMpanieS 'must regard the investments 4
which they make from year to year as. trust funds,. -
and policyholders would not want it otherWise.
• Deliberate„safeiliards have been set up ter protect
, these investments and government la.ws'A,ry properly
prohibit- the Use 614ife insurance funds for speculative• •
purposes. •
The truth is that lif6„insuiance, assets are safely
invested in Such a wi4,16 vUrietY of Iota and national
undertakings that the average man his no conception
.of.howiinteh-thetlireloraneth'of -the countrraeileods
• on life insurance funds., ,
is •go9d citizens
Message:frons,the .1nsuranie Companies
:in Canada. • ' ' •
:rot _tite.-second..thite-the4-Chatend,-Yrontenac-at"- Quebec was -the sat --
.ting -for -a- conference pieture
The Governor-General the Earl of. AthlOne,.- President ,. Robsevelt, 'Prime
Minister:Wit-040n Churchill, Prime. Minister of Canada.- W. L,, Maekenzie-Xing.
--,- B$:iletimiity EiwN.,in the itondori Free Press. •
,- At the net -Se -tender age of Sixty, , Did the gambling • spirit prevail
two, Islorraan McDougall; ' a. former among the Sports fraternity at Abet
. • -. • ' - • •
Marathon runner, and /1.• resident -of time?
"Not to any great extent," kr. Mc-
Lendon for the past forty years-, Walks ,Dthigall replied, ,"The mily time that
with a light; springy sten that would I ca.n recall anyone betting a. sizable
make most Men half his years mildly. slim was in 1910 1910 at a, mile race in
eriVions.And :Alaelllt deep-- mr,. Me-TGOderich. I was. beaten Or P. chap
--: -
Dougali's youthful ' gait •-behe his age,. nained Delafranier and , there was a
butmatt_hisentire_uv_,tiler64ziar__Ppoeoar7_,i.s_t_hat.:..9:t __. r4utte:t.a_ott. 04710;____ixio,,,c6tt4inly.. gave,
It [,Gbderich: doctor „ who had , v_g_gered
Peihristire tett that "Mr. McDougalki me a, severe Verbal thrashing after the
hi his more youthful days followed an i.race..was over, But I -was beaten fair -
athletic . life makes him, look ..nrachily and had no excuses. . . ' ' •
.Yellilger.--thay' ')ie '''*
'•',.' 9.t ---ecfPrse,:--zt,:o.i "I ..had .. beatne_ Delafranier _three.
been so* years:since "Mae!. as he-. Is i thnei previously and 'this . 'made me.
•knrotiweein..,:bto4thixiSecitioentidltsrusahlt000kshankor,t;iist a little overconfident. Afer lead-
a.theniint"' practica* to the- dni$h liner he
SIVA lAS c'V'044:', _ ' n , • 1 put qaa a little more'Steant , and nosed.
LalerWarlii1;1,St:tiltilatirtIeDv'eeugeallr81according to present-day standards, but
.in Western Ontario when he finished ' \ AiarathOU racing . was apparently, a
one of the largest•fields of marathoners I
eadie . : , home1as t ' I nut: The''time 'MIS 4.40, very sloW-
, . i quite 'fast in •those days,".. • •
first in ,,the fourteen -mile St, Mary's- ,.::,4
I ,Leeier spert_at that . time; because 1e-
make the rest Of the pack eat people turned out to See:the running
Sttatford race. And net ;Only du . cords ..stiqw that 'no. les's 'than- 12,000
his dust, but he also cut , two frall,of the *009 Ward ,Marathon at,TorontO
minutes and tour 't seconds from the-! E*hibition Park. ' : ... • ,, •
previous record. • , ' • , 'i Despite the ' 'fact :that he's, on the
The. press had the following to saymodest side, like .1:11QSt
Mr. McDOugail,
about Mr. IVIeDougall's feat:- "In-tbe ... athletes, has kept' 'some newspaper, .'
mcist magnificently.eimtested rim since; clippings of his running efforts. One
the --.Inafugurallon- of,this,7 road race,kcan look through 'these newspaper cut-
McDOugall friaished drst and incident- • outs; slightly yellowish with age, and
your eye catches such bits as this
.froin.a May 25, 1908 paper: "After a,
run of over one hour and a half under
the blazing rays of Qld Sol, over -it
ally clipped off two "minutes and our
seconds. from the record , made -by , Hil-
ton Green last year:" • • .. a '
Mr. McDougall, a quiet; mild -speak-
ing fellaw, who smokes sparingly and road upon which the dust: lay incheS
. „
only .takes.a.." sip", on.suchr festive ,o,e-
• casions as Christmas, _appeared reluct-
ant "to speak about his success as a
marathoner. • • ..
"I won "a fe'sv raCes,v he admitted,
"Mit 1 ran for the'ftip. of••it. : 'I didn't
start running in long "distance events
until I was ast twenty -Seven."
.• When asked if be -had ever 'matched
'strides ,vvith the great Tem tongbeat,
probablythe, best long7distance. runner
Canada • ever Produbed, Mr. McDougall
Smilingly said, "Ne,"" , . .
,'.`1 nearly was mateheil 'Against ih
(Mee,hut when 1 . was 'twining Long-
boat Was well past 'his priine. - The
• speedy bdian -was at..his hest about
•thetutrt-of the centhry,'" be added: • -
• "It was -at Seaforth, in ' Anguat,
_1907," Mr. McDougall said, and the
cialedenitui, games Were being held
I'there. Longboat had been invned to
giie7•aii eihibition t;irve-mile 'Alin, but
.Severitl of us thought '711e• would enter
ther events, Howeier,----11e-didlet,--: SO'
that vvas that. Ittis the closest I
ever came to competing against hini."
Mr.. McDougall . did, 'however, meet
tittle when he hit the tanauin fifth plate
In • the. 1014 -Mlle ward - marathon .at
*Toronto in .1909, One Inindred and
eight finished the.race, so tbe number
ii-f-cohtestanta can be raged from that.
, DO YOU' EVER:' „
I p
h. ' PRETTYfi.
- 1501 OVER'
When the histnryi,nf those
,yeat#:.is written, Canada's
successful fight agotinst
tion wiul receive fuli creak
ifwe do not; in the end,.
lose it,ie battle that now
seems so nearlYwon;Onliby"
constant, vigilance and self.
until filial victory.
thick, Northan McDougall of Porter's.
Hill crossed the tape at the St Mary.'s
atbiefic ground at 2.10.30 yesterday
afternoon; the whiner of the • Second
'small -annual -Stratford -St Maty's Mara
thon race. The aetrial dine of the
race, was .1.35.30." •. • 4 -
• And an item on Jinie 16,; 1907 The
ten mile race between -Norman Xc
Dougall of . Porter's , Hill and Herb.
Witts resulted in an easy Win for the
fornier. They . started ..runeing from
Sedforth at 6.05 p.m.; but after running
several*miles-Witts sprained his .ankle -
and was forced to -quit The fact -that
ltletoongall had no, opposition- did not
cause -him to lessen' his speed; for he
covered the first liVe miles in ekactly
30 minutes. And when he neared the
finish he Was so fresh' that he Sprinted
'down tlie street like a racehorse. ,• His
time was N minutes, which is as _good'
as,many,horges make for the distance."
•He. Still has most of thetroPiales he
won. _Butlac takeg..pnrtienlanitide'ill
a safer cup, earned J.XL n eight -mile
race. at Clinton on MaY -24; 1907.: In.
this event he outran 'nine Others in the
"oed7tinie-of-5±--aninutes-,.- •
There as no pseudo-ainateutism
those days, according to Mt.
`.!W.e. ran forr the fun of_it,..nottat
the money in it," he exPlained. "There
were no .10 -dollar -bills sticking in our
slides.' And we .didn't pawn .pur tro
Pities either. '• • . -
"1 find the athletes .of ' today are
inclined to be 4 wee bit mercenary;
tead of playing .,fer the sport, they
re, for the .most part, out for what's
In it for' theraselVe14.!!
Althotgli Mr. McDeugall, maintains
4n interest In -sport' and peruses the
sports pages' regiilarly, his mind runs.,
along more %serious channels, . the
War; .And this. What in the least ,un-
nstifil,-S104 he has -three sons On 110the
service, dne,- Donald, with the Can-
adian *rely, and the others, Gordon
and Jack, , in the „
. For the past thirty-five years, • Mr.
111cDongall has cmiducthd a barber
shop on .Hapailten road.
Whighniu is to have 1 )40tile,glow
NoveMber 2.ad.
7-inr. 'H.. A. Andersen, who practised
dentistry. -'at 4Extter, 114- last .W.0414
at , the age of -seventy-seven years,
Tbe- Seafettli Fish and 'Game* Club
PrOposes the (menden of a game 're-
serve In Iiuron County.
Robert Hamilton, 4 lifelong resident
of IIulIett township, died on Septent-
her 12th in his seventy-eighth year.
•Dr. A. R. 'Canlphell of Ilensall hitS
again,- been elected President' of the
Ilensall and. Zurich war serilees eon)"
Alex. ForsYth, well-known civic em-
ployee at, Winglurth, died on, Thursday
last after a lengthy illness,. tie .was 42,
his' fifty-seventh year, Sib:Wing ,are
his wife, two sons and, 'five daughters.
Clinton ratepayers" will vote Oetober
ISM _on a bylaw to raise money for
the installation of a sewerage system.
The ,amount' named in the bylaw is
$1907,000; .tieht to ,he retired:. in
'wenty Years. ' • ,
Mr, and Mrs; John Hunter of Exeter
celebrated their siXty4/ftlt wedding
anniversary on September 1.0tix
'Bunter is ninety years of age and Mrs;
Winter -is eighty-nine, andbothare In
exciliplit health, • ,
Mrs. Gordon .Bolton, % 4--Hehsall," died
inSt. Joseph's Hospital, -London, on
Spnday.,--U--bev,sivty-liinth year., She
Wifg the former Mary Ford, daughter
of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Ford of
'Ituekersinith, and before her Marriage
taught Scheel near Dashwood and at
Lumley, Her :'huSband. died In 1941
and she iA survived by six daughters,
• After a loug •illness, *Gilbert •
Beirnies dlecl,Lt his home, in 'Willett
township on 'September 17th, Ile' watt
fifty...four Years.' Of age, A native;, of
thel Gtey toWnship, he farmed for
some time in Morris township before
unoving togiallett, ,His wife sfli 1,e
also his nietlier, MrS. Margaret •Beirnes
of. Cranbrook, , four sisters and two
In a • Wedding. 'ceremony 'performed}
by Rev. .N., Atkinson- in -the
United church manse, Brticeheld,
beth_Matilda .eldest-daughter-....ef,Mr.
and Mr8'. -John W. Alkenhea(1, "Stanley
tewnship, became the bride a•-•stoi6y
Ernest Collins,•'ClintOn. The couple
went to ,Pert Collierne and district on
, .
their wedding trip.
Rat-tail Competition
at Seaforth Pair,.
One of the features of the Seaforth
'Fall -Fair last week "was •the •rat-tail
eXtest. Ed:'1Vfatliews of Seaforth won
a prize of $50 with a: total, of 837
Winners of second and third pr!ze's had"
114, and 80 tails respectivelyln al+
1„305 rat-tails were -Presented and ,the
owners were rewarded with .5 cents for
each tail. •
-r-James street United • churcp,
• Exeter,- on September 10th, the wed-
difi? tok' place of Myraline Isabelle
eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet
Murr.ayc. to Elrey Lloydon riesjardine
only son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Desjardine, 'Zurich. Rey.....A. B. Irwin
offiCiated. After a honeY'moon 'trip to
Detroit and other points, Mr. and Mrs.
Desjardine will reside Zirich.. • .
Mr. and Mra.
J)iiviil V. RD Cl
WIAISsel* 014 SePtPitti*r
their alxti*th wedding annlrer.ary.
• Message from Their goiesties Xing
Cteorge and Queen ItIlloolsoth was one
of tlf,* fealairea of the day. In honor
Of -their parents, the family presented
• baPtikinUil t011t to BrUasel* Ifnitod
chureir. gr.Rosa, who b eighty roars
of age, is a lifelong rotddent of Brno*
sels and for ',many years condueted It „
general dry goods bualuess. gra. Roos,'
two years older, was born Ilk Orel
township, Tttere are two sons and,
four daughtera;
SIIEPPAUDTON, Sept. 20. Kr, 4114
Mrs. Frank IlaWitins of Toronto, their
nephew, E. Obristilaw,, of the
It,C.A.r., and Itift wife, or Ottawa,
called on his brother and niece, Mr.
Wha.-kiaWkins and Mrs. AO`C's roster,
Mr, and Mrs. J. Glahn and Lorne
SAInr14113rwit°ht Mrt?..40elliratinrees' svirteltred,
F. Hawkins, and Mr, Hawkins.
-- Pte., T-ony,Yroonuin reported to Tov
ontO last-weekafter spending harveatlea;
1Wi'rer.ftatulilsd -11aulMrs.tOlieLn .geNiehol of.Walton .
Vogier it,p,k4idteudr_. ;-
and Mrs, Haggltt. -
Mr, and Mrs. Tau Pester of Biyth
visited on Sunday at the -homes of Ur.
and Mrs. Les. *Johnston ang Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Bogle, ••
Mr, and Mrs. Eldon -Erb, Melvin and '
Douglas and Mr, itardisa,• Of Listowel,.
Visited Sunday • With "MtS. Erb's slater,
Mrs. ,F. Rising. albs Margaret , ant,
Messts..Ilarold, ,Harbourn, and Charlie
Adams niso sPent
, We are pleased ,te report Mr. BMA,'
Bole is. Slowly improving,. We }hope ,
be will continue to, do so. ' •
-Quite a number from the vieinitt at- ,
tended __anniversary - services at •Nile,.
United church last Sunday.
Mr. Wm, Hawkins returned kerne
from Stratford last, week after having
'further treatments .on his, eye.
Mi and Mrs. - roster. ;Spent
-tinWD-7.---LeAtrrOoeiterktl-', NiStt, 111gith teat -Ives
Greeted with enthusiasm by,generals* -
and "joeS" 'able, ,five self-contained
unite -of -the. flattadian.Arank- ShoW4ire. - -
entertaining, troops in England, Italy -
and Prance,
• BENMILLER, Sept. 26.-A' nrimber
from here,' attended the anniVersary
services at Nile, aureb-ou Sunday. .
And Mrs J IL Long 'attended
Stratford Pair hut Weck. "
MessrA: Joseph ancl janies Stewart
visited on Sunday with Mr. and 'Sirs,
Middletort of Goderich township.
The 'Wointm'S Asseciation will meet
Oh Oetober 4, at 2 pan. • .
.Miss Xidtt Gel* of Woodstock visited
with her parents over the week:end."
Mrs.., May Ilopkins, Mr.„ Alick Dowur
and 111r. Charles Cattle, all of Pick-
fOrd, Mich., are spending. prro, AlyS
with Mr. C. J. NIValters and 1411`8.
Grange. .*
1Tile itteraMent,.of the Lord's 'supper
WW1 be adminiAtered in Itenntiller
charelt eb Sitntlay, Oetoher
The feed to keeP one coW I stiftreieui
for halt-a-dotetx sheep. Por 4 tioil-T
$1110111106 tiart ,of the year, sheepred
tuIre ixo grain;
If ii.dditiouar money is- needed
to- help you ...buy a productive
farm; send us particular -A..
• . -Possibly we • can assist- you
through our loaning department ••
Attractive terms.; All _inquiries',
treated confidentially. ' •
urort tie
Ifendou Windsor
St. Thomas. • Chatham
Painful, Pus:filled Boils
'the Caise.oUilluch Misery
If you suffer from boils you know how siek and.
miserable they made you feel, .
Boils are an outward indication of impurities in
the system, and just when you think you, are rid of
one _another crops up to take its place •and prolong
your misery. All the lancing and poultioing you can do may net step more
coming. • - • -
-• To ,belP vereome. hells you shoot ,purify the' bloodi4o. why not give
that Old; _reliable' blood medicine, 13Urdoek Mood. Bitters, a chance to sow '
*hat it will do in helping, you get rid of them? 'Thousands•have used it for
this-Purpoitelnr:the past 60 Years. Why not you?,
The T. Milburn co.. Limited. Toronto ; Ont,
„The -Canadian. Bank of pommerep
has long reeoguized that every tanning
district and every branelt of agrieul-
• &are has its own problems. It has,
.therefOres been our Aim so to Eamil-
,ou:rselv,qs with loeallOnditions
that we can -be of the greatest possible
servie, -both to the community And to -
individual farmers.
Our local manager will gladly ad-
„vise,you how to make tbe best use of
the Bank's services, inclading the fair'
'ancing of sound,'prOduction and mark-
eting operations.
,Vir. A, Mimager
° Sub Agouties fttr Aub11T tit Ottiltan