HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-09-28, Page 5STEWARD''LOWERS
Fos avynalonvz maim -M NOEMI3
.lirretik Rosett always In s$ pelt
Phena 81$4 at° all. hours. Matiln S► stew
"In Elo>w'eri s ft luta been S inAt'e singe 186 »
A surprise party was held on Tues-
day evening of last week at the home
of Mr; and Mrs. Wm« Cook, Blue Water
highway, in tionorr of Mrs. 4. Farrieli,
who is leaving to make, her home at
Li tower. tirll A, Melds mead --an
appropriate address and Mrs: F. Blair
presented Mrs. Vanish with a gift:
Cards were +en„ioyed" and lunch served,
and all Joined. in singing "For She's
a .Jolly Good Fellow,"
`.If Your Hair is not becoming .to your,
yotl should be coming o' me.
The marriage ° o 'Vivian Pew,
Chicago, to .. Cuyier°Rnu4age, of ,St.
Helens, was solemnized 'in the, Mercy
Centre Chapel in Chicago. Rev, Ray.
{n and Lawry' of St. Paul's Methodist
e1ilurch officiated. The bride, given in
marriage by her father, Frank Basil F
Pease, wore a dotted vet -ray gown over Mncio
Airs. 3. ,A..Brau .ot••Belgrave ins
tin an
sad;' a linger -tip veil, he car.: been the guest of her friend, Mrs. U. .
ried a colonial bouquet. of Sweetheart Bone, foia° a tem• days,
ri a. - The rldesngrarid;._ s utl t jj.-yrs:=Vref1 Mulrney will. nt-
rmneroy. wore -a gown of ;blue green tend the Brook Mulrney wedding at
Woodstock , on . Saturday.. -
'Miss.Genevieve Sparr is returning -to
New, Xork this week after a month's
holidays at herbaine here, " •
fir and Mrs. T. Sillib and Mr. and
Mrs. Wm., Birnie spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. D. Cornish of Clinton.
tiler:, was wearing n •Illito lace dress:. Mr. and. Mrs. P. R. Challenger, of
They eaelt Wore a corsage oat tea. roses. Port Dalhousie, are visiting their niece,
;For •- travelling -the bride -donned ...104 Mrs. Frank Curry, • and' Mr. Our y,
orchid r cult with. black and white a -. , . Mr.. and Mrs. Fred Laing, .0 ten-
cessories and an ,orchid corsage. The ever, and Mr; J. A Smith, of Toro to,.
couple 'motored through ,central On- were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs.
tario to the Muskoka district, return- A, L. Cole. •`"'
.ing to Luckngw; Yi!hetpitlry, hay..e taken . Mr,, and Mrs. T. G Caley and Mr.
up ressideflce. and Mrs., Theodore McMillan, of Port
Dover, were guests at the Park Muse' ;.
DAUMRIt-IileKENZIE the :past week,
The .wedding of 'Florence 'Mary .X.6- Mr, and'Urs, E. E. Wellington ' moved-
oved-Kenzie, R.N., of Kitchener, and Percy on Monday to reside at Gorrie. Mr.,
Tolls Palmer took .place' on Saturday Wellington was C.P.R. operator ,her
In St. ,J'ohn's Lutheran parsonage, and will 'be -station agent at Gerrie,
•waterloo.. The bride is•: the. daughter «Mrs. P. Rtitied a has gone to Toronto
of Mrs." 3'atnes:'MCKenzie, Port'. Albert,' for the winter, were Mr. Rutledge has
and the late Mr. `Mckenzie. The been" for some months. and where_ due
bridegroom is the!sora• of" Mr. -and Mrs. of her married daughters is residing."
B'Villiam.' Dahmer,, "''Vaferloo. Rev; ,C; •:_ Miss Mary Clarke, of Ottawa., is
S'. Roberts performed ',the .marriage Spending holiday's. ‘at the orae, of her.
-bites. 'VIM -bride ~wore °-- two-piece-- .parents, _ReV.' C1: `. end rs. CI irks.
dress'of dusty,•rase crepe Dr. Douglas• Clarke of Ot saw h
street -length � ere•
with dark brown accessories and a, eor- fore t week -end. •
sage , o S -ee cart resses. coxh overs l± Sgt. Donald Croft, who ,has been
.alio_ . . . Mrs. Kathleen -:.Snider . stationed at' Brantford . are "o .: ..
. laaurarsiaa-; .-�... �, .�..-._.�. .., ,. ., .� �,. rt�c't-.u�
Kitchener, was: the matron of honor, Monday at Oshawa; where ,he has been
wearing a street -length. •dress off ' tur . posted' as an instructor, Mrs. Croft
ciuelse, blue crepe with Mack acces-• and baby son, Barry,- dare visiting her
-sories ,and a corsage of 'Better !Times parents, Air. and ars. C. M. Robertson..
roses. 'Roderick :McKenzie, Port Al " Mrs. R. Y:. McLean left today on
her -. .brother of the 'bride!'—was best her return to Toronto after spending
man. . wedding breakfast..was served the • summer season in town. Her
to. sixteen .,gnosts, at� the Grand Rawer slaughter, Miss : Judith, who had been
:tea •rooms-ancl a reception was,:heldat with lier tlle'last two *OAS, '"oft for
the ham, of the bridegroom yin water -w Guelph, where she is taking ,a course
loo. The `bride js mother wore a dress a e Ontario Veterinary College..
of navy bine crepe with corsage of
Talisman roses and Mrs. Dahmer,
mother •of the bridegroom .was in. a breath.. The groom was attended by
two-piece'dress of maroon crepe with .his brother ,Wilfred. After the eere-
'corsage oP 'S:unset .roses; For travelling ni.,4ny a wedding .luncheon' was served
the bride donned a. brown tailored: suit at the, home of . the brides parents.
with; matehrng a accessories. On their ;' _Later, he, bride and *grown left • by.
ret�rlrn f oikr�T?etro l thl'�" will'-roside• motot--,-for-•.,„London.-end-other'•poirnts,
at 73••Patricia, ave., Kitchener:. Guests the bride=travelling-in a brown tailored
'were- present .from "Dungannon, Tiamil- snit with matching accessories.. Out-
'tonstixrtl, d•or . Albert.- � ° - -: of-to'cc�n=-girests� at- -wine�edtlin� �wexe : `
.Tomes a. Calderwood of Ottawa, great-
McILIAVii,IN-1—IO.DG1 'fSON t>nele of tk a bride; Mr. James Hodgkin
'On • Senteinlmr- 226th' Bbttv_.?:iia :Nan aso i. fat)ier of the groom; Mrs. 'VV:
E'ER$O AL %ML NU(' '
'Mrs, Cordon lr cl auus i44 . , visitIli
alelati'ves at Condom..
Miss Kathleen ¥aeEwan has 'A4-
eepted a position as dental nurse at
Toronto. • ..
silk jersey- and a pink" Veil trimmed
with blue sequins and a carried a col-
onial bouquet of roses antt pink sweet
TrefS. Ronald Metlrostie,. St. HHelens,.
was groomsman, •• . The bride's mother
wore a .black. and white checked • two-
piece dress nutisthebridegroom's nib-
• for the collection of WASTE PAPER, MMU AZI I'ES.
and RAGS:
.T}aeTowxtrilbies will start a°oneo' lock
ext Wed±iesday afternoon on the,. streets 'emit 'of
North and' South -Streets,- and on Thursday afternoon ""
on, all streets west of North and. South Streets.
Graduate;. of 1's«-Borland's S0ho61 off -.Hairdressing and .v
Beauty Culture, Collingwood,..Ont.•
McTllwnist. -only clnughter of 'Mr' and Bushell, Mrs: 'Wesley-. White and ' 11/Tr..
Mrs.. Enrt:1_ i`r uu.Twntti, Snits tuned in., and Mrs. J.' Melvorr nap son, all of°
_. g :.»-Le•u-lots =.;: . v
.t��''c'...-�n �; .tj�,r}ilt.� �,•- �I•n�l:xi�iirri; , _.,.e.1Vi'i"•,Geoxge�. PerMts9n,__<rf Wit..
son of rimy - >.13. Tloilgkinson of .Kl 1 flit iiir�lnes. _ •,
loss, °at ;the'Pr•P4hrtc'rban manse..Gode-1.' 'rl'. and Airs. ')arid Ticlllwain, of
rich .• Rev. Richard SteWiti t oiiiciated,,' rmynich; griu1dpa,rO its of •the bride,
The bride looked lovely in a streets also eelebrrtte�l their golden the,
'leng~th' dress of coral '1'.etnhertr ivool ..anniversary on this; occasion. •`'.
`crepe with 'matChing beret ,itncl cor r Prior to her i earbri;rge tw'o�sliowers
sage ;of white baby 'mums 'and rose-: Nt er'e tenc1 recl the bride. one by liirs.
ht,cis. °A1lO11dinc tyre itric1e. was l'Iiss':Titnit�s Black,- Newgate' :street: -and one
7 Prnice'` :fiiatn10 :Tncl.11iatl,' ♦�-etrring 1>� lit .: I3ossaHarrison.-Nelson street,'
ol1 V ' creed wool ('re IW. `. with ('or --n ge ? 01 �vI I wh she—Wit's the recipient of many
()C bronze_ .-ha1iy 'looms :and `hahy's 11°1;61.y gifts.
If every -Motorist knew,ali there -was to
know about -p' -tire, he wouldn't need the
expert services of a Goodyear Dealer.
He'd--just-buy a-tirre-.-. m-tlhat'-sLLalif
it's"va►ell to remember that even the best
tires and tubes .. -:' Goodyears ::. ' give
still'greater mileage and finer . perform-
ance when properly fitted to"the'.lms and ,
. regularly maintained and serviced.
:If . you are; eligiibfe` cr -tsuy : the. new
Goodyear, syn_thetic._-.frubber.-: tires: .and.-..'_
tubes, •here's a factworth'' knowing+
• Every 'Goodyeai'__•Dealer .KNOWS HOW
to apply them, and -how to maintain and
service them right from the minute• your
car,,starts fo roll-on. theta.
• hi the Pier y+earsoodyear•beaters
hove given yeoman service to'Canadicin
motorists. During the rubber' famine,
tires have been kept; in service by the
application'of. new methiids, new skills;
and -1 sheer : hard' works The Goodyear -
Dealer always has been the rightdrman.to
:know ... the guardian of tiro miles*
The amazing tire performance enjoyed
by Goodyear owners during° this period
has but proved wh;nt:Goodyear has long
maintained. That, with proper carp,,a new
;tiro car be'confidently expected'; t9 yield
outstanding. mileages.- •
As d- tire expert, your neighbourhood
Goodyear Dealer can pass an to. you__
,benellts.accrued throurjh the nation-wide
experience of Goodyear . benefits
tha,mean longer life and .bettferr',
performance"from your tires.
This is cc -Goodyear.
Sy. nthetk •Rubber Tire!
• Goodyear dealers have it ..
for�eligibte driversaonly It is,.
the result of:Goodyear's forty -
years' experience in tine huild'
-.ing' plus Goodyear's special-
ized `knowledge of synthetic
rubhrre. .. gained through un-
ceasing research -and testing.
your home by one o'clock 'so the trucks will not
have to `go back a second time. ' Tie the bundles •.
firmly.., t
The paper millsneed waste paper desperately.
You can help in this vital: war effort.
weld., was received.'.by her relatives
here the past "week of the suddd'n death.•
of Mrs,:, Jos: ,SitrYlie of Star City, Sask„
formerly •Mis „, nnic-:. 'ohnston, dough,
ter: of • the late Mr. and . Mrs:: Robert
Johnston of •°Goderich townehili. Be-
sides her husband,, two daughters and'
two sons,• living in the 1NVest, Mrs.
Suppe is ,survived by four sisters and
.two ."brothers, • • Mrs. John Bell, Mrs.
Robert Bell, Mts. David Weston, Mrs.,
John 'Precious and John- and Fred -
Johnston, all: of Goderich. She was
predeceased by three .brothers `and
sister, Thomas: Robert and James
Johnston and Mrs. Hugh Mcllwain, aft
of Goderich. The funeral "took. place
at Star City. Mfr: Sinylie,is a former
resident ' of the " Auburn -Dungannon
The sudden death in Alexandra. FOS-,pital an -Saturday afternoon , of wit
liain • E.. Miller, husband . of ,Fraxice.s
Good, :1-t'as tL shock -to the 'eoi inunity.,
Mr. Miller 'suffered pnipful injuries the
previous. Tuesday when he fell •from
a truck, and he was 'removed to. the
Hospital. ' He was in,: his forty-second
yeitr-sand had been 'a •resident of Gode-
ricrh., for twenty-twp •ears. . At .the
sister; ';1VTxs. Wai'ter:• Creasy, of Long
Brei eh, ' Cal-ifornia:
The :funeral service at the BrOphey
funeral hoin,p.. this • (Tli i slay) after-
fternoon was 'conducted , by Rev. W. •H.
Dunbar, of St.; George's, ' church, asr •
sisted try Major Clarke,, Salvation.:
A,riny.The -pallbearers wer G
Ha.dden4' Wm. ' .RuxTdond', jn.,:,• • Geo.
Bowra. -.Frank -Bdwra, Fred Barker and
Jos. Freeman. "- 'Interment was in. Mait-
land -cbinetery::
vivo -Unexpected Deatl>rs--The'people
of this' district were shocked by the.
news . of the Sudden' and -Unexpected
death' 'of Noll J. Mackenzie; , of . the
12th concession, who pasesd., away early
Saturday morning from A. heart at -
tacit. Mr. ,liacl;enzie, w'hA was in .his
'fifty-ninth year, wa.s apparently in his
,usual health,, had attended to Jiffs farm
work on Friday and entertained
friends. until" Tate in the evening, the
fatal. attack Coming .shortly after -mid-
night; He . ,was held in .high 'esteem
in the:' community and wh's ; member
Of -the Aslifield_Township Council.; .Tile
funeral service was held in . Ashfield.
Presbyterian !, church . on ' RredneSday
afternoon and burial was in Greenhill
etery, Luclnow:... ... Another.
fire of his death he was an employee eeined resident, -MIS. Johan Fairish,
of •• the Mustard Coal Company. j He passed away pn Saturday afternoon
was born in ' Goderieh township, 'near at . Byron Sanitarium. She had 'been
Clinton, " :t -son of the late ,Tames S.
and 1 diiiaa Sane 1ieLnughlail 1i;iller.
"tle was • a member bf, the Goderich
Baptist church.
Eesieies Itis wife. he leaves a five-
, ;tear -old daughter, Ruth ;::,two brothers.
Edwin. . of .Hamilton, and Ogle,' of Gode
rich; and four " sisters, liars, .'''Wolter
Cantelon, of Moosejavt ; 1'Crs., Elmer
Barnes, of Detroit*;. Mrs. Flora Mgr -
risen anif ' Airs.'' Christopher Sakof:
both of, 1Taniilton. •
• The .furaearal, field- frliin 'the, famnily
residence, St. Davvid's ,street, on Tues-
day afternoon, was largely attended,
and. a welth of dorsi' tributes Was
placed around the Basket. The ser •
rice waq eondncteil 'l i• Rev. Joseph
:lanes, of the Goderich Baptist church,
assisted by -Rev. L, Ii. Turner of 19e-
bearers were J. McBr'ien, Lotli8 Gorier,
William Carey, Charles 1ieCabe, Rus-
sell •Good and Archibald Mustard. The
interment was iii -Maitland cenitxterr..• -_
Ants: Iit.LI11Dr Ittii)t OeK`
An esteemed re°sident of, G oderieh
for the, past tn`ent;c'-six years, Mrs. Wil-
liatn RRtaddoek died Suddenly" at Tien
horde, •Iiinelc�i street, Un -Monday after-
noon i7therr, Seventy-fifth ';rear.. She
had reeoVered sufficiently from a recent
illness ,to .perforin her household duties
and on Monday had .prepared and eaten;
the noon meal,. and WaS resting in a
chair, when Mr. Rtidiloek went out to
his garden. While be Wits .absent she*
apparently passed away from a heart
attack, and wits sof clisvei;l c1
nighbor making �eo
a elilt, • �
"Mrs. • Ritddoek. , formerly • . Chri; t-
'iiutnn• S, Bttorvitlow;-. was :*t. native
of England, and tame to Canada
thirty-fotir. yours ago, first• thing
tit Pert Albert •.before Coining • to
Goderieli Dtu°ing the . lal t;> ' tvarr.
nliile :lir. Itudtiock,, Wag servipg in the
armed forces,=Mrs. itttticlnrto`s only sop
by a former marriage, Alfrcid Osman,
of the 101st Huron 'Battalion, inn Tt' the
supreme sacrifice. b ceptionntll . fond 1
f rcatilli»,'she had Jived iuietly`dtir•ing
the Iytst: few years. Surviving. besides
her littsbatnd, are 1iye• stepchildren
'VV lii lift Itnddoek, ir., Blanes .1tutldoek,
Mts. George llowra and Mrs. Densmore'
'i�mlll#s'. (,11 of Goderich, and Fits.'
Robert 'I#arrie, of .' otoiito;. i1150 a
in,failinghealth for a considerable
tune, 'Blit the end came unexpectedly.
She was sixty-eight years- of age. The
funeral,':'service was held on Tuesday'.
afternoon at the Koine of her dawn-
-ter, Mr's.. to d ..Robb aid the -inter-
ment . was in .:Gsreenhill cemetery,
Lucknow. '
'Liberals . of Huron-Perthp ;will meet
in ,convention at Hensel on Ttiesda'k;
•October 17tht at- 8.30 p,m., Hon.. Angus.
Macdonald, Minister for the Navy:,
will be present to address the 'nieeting.
Chesterfield iSuite .'
Diningrooni Shite
Bedroorii Suite
Bed 'Spring --Mattress:
Breakfast 'Room Suite
Spring Filled Studio . Couch
aange or Heater"
7urnituke and Stovi
"On the D roadwa -flof 'Goderich'"
the Fall term at school.
_,You aro .invited to ifspeet our
stock in • -
Clinton I Eretet' rSeaforth
Phone '1,410
on .every FRIDAY morning at '10.115
37 prizes tvarded each, broadcast
From .NX=3Winghani
90) ON' Vottit 'DIAL
'or°saleiat all Grocery -And ardware Stores: