The Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-09-21, Page 7-# • N•o distinetiert"Of age, sex, ckeed Or ,golor restricts, thebeivatto-rt Bahia born in Unfor'tunete CirCtutettatice$ neglected by, parents fa011ies 0.4tughf in the toils Of mischance Old people ilestitute and miserable.• t_ *11 these look with confidence to the Widerstanding, heart anti4 ,the hUtParyloucit of the SativatiOn ;Andy. 1410 Shelters and llosPitels, its bootee for children • "and the aged • 'ihrough counties* PersOnei Otiticfe. ,.YOV.R.Seliostion Army Carries wilts- . tireless. WO*. Your dollars- are Riedel,' 1101%, as urgently as ever. Mak� Your R.sp�ns. a fro oelturtil _._ .) __• _ ThIS Year petinstunitt.paSture moii stratiOu projnctis have' 'been' sponsored by the Ontario Depurtinent • ef AgrioultUr. There- has been ineretering‘ rot* Coates, who for . over Aileen eggellooka_tigar _. Interest in this line 'Of iielkimablindry-, y-es.rs c, ernilleted a grOOOri 'bUSinjW$ at Nilletiolk Plookisty _. Many new varieties of gra* haVe bee* tlxeter, -luta 'dispoied Of, it to Moe Mrs. Jolpt: A.rrest fee'refair introduced ° * reeent Yearoy with Sanders or the-sameutown. - Clinton. and one Of goloadoeel_ _.,,Ot pastures probably taking Secend,place-' . -ainuml .P•elgrave &boa Fair, filiaaleY and Tue4.0".4, ith torlomPik _hAitiniiiiii.arli,_-1,1W_'W.apesj:Inittlelitr*:4"4.-se,,,a*AnTlieldtssUCceffilifi0.4!4*-.11.1 'relohntb*tl-::bor-PeLmot.iotk-' 'the *Pro.dnetion 4. meat and ,Milir. .1:,ty' Tine Wao Ilittttly:leS1,41,00-61-.'itth"..,.. SerlieWber. Itbi ars• Arinegranth i 41. -415 elituit°7' etgrilVveorrY a"herilamitylt1414". lg. ' the *other 'Or Mrs. Wro. 'Whietlift. Toronto; ' Mr. Smut A.. Wine* Barrie; MOO. $4101*. )30)reer of G01** • rich.; Mr. Wilson Armstrong. ,of St*. .the *trodnetlon, of IMProVed strain uew .etio te. be 4 rivet , le; the -,-e ' - " lie igt ' Ot, i'graissee and , eleVora and rope 'R.rePei province. management the carrying capacity 40, n he'inereased Many . Dario ' Patt:ergall, elevelx*Year-eld. returns per acre ca timea 0'010 of 114°# QQ")nt .P"n2e4kent terson: of the iforris-Maillop henna - daughter . of Ur and Mrs. Robert Pat- blne •04144- 'Pa'tnrejt." Y. died lu Victoria-00apitair LondOki forth; Mr."Edgar Armstrong, of In brier the oWeets of .the projeets au $eoteraber,, nth,- ot-.0 pelionlyelitia- ton, and the lute We. Irred • are: i. To improve cillaatitr awl qua'. $146.xwaii.111 less than a 'week. • ,.. ,.. ' of London. 0: Ihet*tt°efr "paituttreptfbrao7igah* Ons2± 7Ct°11e;.,°.r:4114.0dvi:: tiQnsir-tYcitr 'In4tgetworbeerA4)0ts'ttlitliouvjoterud: ; ' xe Ing -season. a, ,...,410 1.11,_erett,be,_Ir$14,11e4.14.7 COUnty, farm home of I. q„. p5hettre? 4, nifw sebodole. a eelipag pri� of .meat and ming, at a lower "YR'''' *•'7'" forMer agricultural representative for tr lei now effeetwe ittiwoui-jmo mita , To reduee laber during the, rileir period. The four demenstration plots, in Fluroll, and held their first regain' ,,,„.0 Inbar 11 ne.cording to an an IthitIgiltawlinY'14;1:".' l'taiMiverjlten:vildigtioiet::itebil: :le:sin, 70 tit:br. the 1111 tem* 4t• r'''M"rie'll.:Peceregional. -oillee' 0 f tb, 0 Wartime. rrleeis , . is a- former President of the Clinton molt 'made at the Westerx:i. Ontarie, 1 ' sayoll'uni g°;46.0. Ne4:40411, '.011:,grogd" . f-ti'rm"'e't ra : h n ShUrrie, native of St. '11,01entli', _ ,,,', an4 ,-Arade Board. For PlirPoSeff a vale; No. 87 highWay. • 1..james,Scott, ref. ° Carlow; • .3, Harvey ' Tirams,Blue- -de:id:inn 8.beiPsteieni:tc,9117tb"zt:fter.:11(4llise: ,1)1,,r1;41:::ers' varieto_liotiesu:ilfrFpps:Gmharrs1 ' :c Iroa t :titsillilw' ::illyilido* 'avail 8tN11'1tat tg 1 I' c tthhhwee4an i:te °16vPbet e 1.°o:to i. ..t. holsthe' ligbdeceasedi twomsg,111:r:si so 4nt IYajti erfr township.- azi agosifri A 10i :, t- :Qi gell:itisi In'lli3;71:111;s'oi rdl 14;I:14W7Vat and. di Ire.0.4: b 6 Plal li 7 t 1/e7;E 41 Ne in' d ei 40:8(41 1 1, 1: tfl t a Id 'ae .0311 ir ty:t1., 1 r. W8 e. G ling: ' pal 1 r trt2 ;141.4: ' TIIIEUUMA ON life°amuiltuock.11- 4,11,ii,411:114.-i°12;344'41 ads.. -# „0.1d441,40 iptes 2,444. -'77.sots w-,103 01#4,44r1t ,tioldre4941 rats ", PORT ALBERT. (Intended for last week)' - PORT • X.LBERT, Sept7-13.--Mr,•:EV Vow'. ,MlirraY, Of the Canadian Active Army, stationed t Torento, spent 'last. 'Week-endwith his -parents, Mr. and. - Mrs . -Walker Murray. " Mrs. John MacPherson. and .elaughter • end with her larentsi Mr. and -3/Irs. jolm Quaid,' Mrs. Quaid returned to Teepwater with her. , Patriotic Circle. --The regular .meet- ing of the A.sliheld,PattOtic Circle was. held on TtreSday afternoon.-' -Of this week, with a goad attendance.A quilt was quilted daring the afternoon. . The next meeting will be held ,at the home of Mrs.. Richards 1Via.cWhinney • and Christmas boxes for the boys over- seas will be %kicked- and any donations rpoe,;„,Lunch Gomm, pastor- of ArMow church; as speaker. . Mr. Gomm was . tor ' of:St. Andrew's •Presbyt,prian, churehr, here and Erskine Presbyterian Church, Dungannon, from..1912 to 1918 ancl'he.waS welcomed by Many. Of his Sinner friends from both piaces..34ny beautiful plantS, and flowers adorned the "Chureh,"--for the oecasion.; -Much Ethel -n for Mr. Will Sage -presided at the leading -the service of., praise. Mrs. Ralph Post. (formerly Miss Claire Pentland) assisted. the cboir and rend- ered solos for both morning and even- ing which were. much enjoyed. The ,. was :served by the hostess. Christ' Church Guild.-Xiss Ellza- beth Foster was hostess on WednesdaY ' last at the monthly Meeting ` of the Women's. Guild of Christ church. ',A .devotional period of -hymns,. prayers -and a .Scripture reading opened the meeting.. The,secretary's report on the bazsar held in August _showed that this annual project of the Guild was -again -very .successful. From the Pro-• .ceeds, which amounted to over ,p8r.it Was decided that $25 be given to the • church budget. for. missions: . Two • ' new members were welcomed and lunch -.was seived, The Octobei'meeting will • be held. at the home of Mrs. Carinan Hayden: . . . Anniversary Serviees.--Special ser - were held (Morning and evening the United. chtirch fast -Sunday to - celebrate- the seveney-slieth. afinivers- dry of the 'church, with Rev. Gilbert BAYFIELD Q BAXFIIDLD, Sept. 19. -Mr. aid Mrs. - • a scrapbook. On behalf of the Wo- men's Auxiliaries of the three churches, G ahaut • vvas presented With a Eugene Sander of Kitchener are . Oita. guqsts of Mrs. F, A. Edwards. . Miss Lillian Morley returned -to De- troit last week after Apending the Suninier season at her -cettage, "Birch- en . - Ars, T., Mustard. and Mrs. .F, • W. Burch and ren, ur Tororito last "week after spendirig-the summer ,at their_cottage. - Mi and Alia-.-pred...Aitchie of Elm - vale are spending this week.:with•Mrs. choir also -Sang two anthems. The Ritchie's Parents, Mr. and.Mrs. George Preacher expressed ' his pleasure. 'in Kitig-. • .„.' being back here where his,pastorate of Mrs. M. Toms,' 21.rs. W. Westlake, six years was one of bis sweetest Miss Lorna -Westlake .and Wm, West - memories. - He chose as his • text:- "I lake are spending a.„ few days in will lift up. Mine . eyes unto the hms. °it° this week. LAW,- Mildred Leitch, of the B.C. from whence &meth my help " frora the--42-Ist , • there .were- large-congregatiens _and _th anniversary was a „decided success.- . _ (Continued. from page 2) over the ridge,, They de 1;10.t lino* if tp.ere--are-pockets of enemy -.resistance behind them ,or if • opposing :infantry- men. :are somewhere beyhnd• them. It .is a.tough, jeglorious job that is ahead of them and thez know it They know also that these far-fr,ora-glamorous tank crews are fully aware of a tank - man's suicidal tasks, even as tank meri know that foet soldiers with: heavilY laden, packs, rifles,. and. ammunition pouches have the most gruelling task of all: • • --The. New York Times Magazine. s. r flfe mtrahership, Mts. Wm. Wise read the serviee of installation.of -life mem- bership. in the -Women's Auxiliary of Huron Dioceie, and. Mrs: John Reid, a Vrtrna, pinned -on the badge, MrS. GeoT King presenting the Zertificate. thethree•congregations , FRowl SlikairticAsEE Lune *al then served 4' the ladies of In results. Records of. pasture days Mackenzie of Grey. • all varieties uotinOluded group it Gravensteins are grown , be kept on each plot. 'Each co -over- Miss 1Viadeleine Hawkins. of Clinton in Ontario, Quebec or BritishColumbia ator has 'approximatelz Ave, acres of the' mixture. In the saine „or an au- e'"bPe''"•th,eY are in -group. 2• -Otherwise they -of two women w1Tha •are in groupl. Ceilthg-prIces tor Un- graded Apples are 45 cents a barrel and r,il-ets„.$3i,a,aolossf)mie.tetle • cos are--7'WrgQ bnsliel less than the wholesale cost. of domestic „grades*. • _Csiling_prices for the prodneer to the consumer neiv in effeef hablude the fol- lowing (the first figure is for number 1 'grade, second for'ConibinatIons, and - third for -cionaestie grades), • ---Group"-1-Bushel hampers' :Packed -- $3,14, $2,93, sBushel- • hampers loose ----,42.93; $2.71, $2.50. Six -quart baskets (10 pounds) -750, .Q8c and 04c. Group 2 -Bushel Imbibers packed - 4 -464'; $2;00;-$2,30. .33Ualael 'haMpers7--t-' $2.2.9., $2,14. Six -quart baskets (10 pounds).. ---03e, 59Qand roic. Other price schedules have been al - appointed tothe Protestant eliapialney service. They will be at.taChed. to the y -,Ar ing at Ste. Later they will serve at Kitchener and Ottawa.. Ulss Jaavikins, Whe IS the Seining field - there is •a: check plot of the farinet wu that. is, equal acreage of the farmer's • own mixture, thus . comparing the results Notyp; under-actnal-field-testg. _,-Ith_Pfe "c°,F46_ Alaughtovotstlie late. Thomas Hawkins Will be kept for two or three years. -, of Clinton, giaduater in-1935-froarthe The ingredients of the permanent Anglican Deaconess House in Toronto. pasture mixture are: Parkland bromo _ Clinton Stores to Close ___5 lbs;„ orchard grass ---A,' lbs., alfalfa One Day. Each Week _ ----3 lbs., timothy -1 lbs., meadow To comply w, ith Provincial regnia- fescue--3 lbs., Ladino -1 lb., white n tions with regal.'" to work hours of em - Dutch -1 lb., KentuckyC blue glzass-''' ployees, the Mer.ehants of canton httYq ib$., owsla blue grass --1 lb. -sown lb: -sown decided to close their .places' of bust. tPheisr 'tp-'eargetrate the farmer has- njohni "of December ---;-. ---- - , - at A:2g4ailmbsst, _nesS' all day WedneSdan except in the sOwn his on mixture which does not westei...wilus , W.M.S. include orchard, bromo, ° meadow Receives Wit of $1,500 fescue or Ladino. The same treatment Was Ttsed in seeding; 200 lbs, per acre The Women's Missionary Society of Wesley:Willis United.:church;- 'Clinton, ranged for sales to wholesale and re- ' , of.4,12-6 fertilizer was applied.on-each..I has received a donation of $1,500 in tail outlets.s The landin all cases was worked AR i bonds frem John Torrance of Leth- _give .a good` firm seed' bed. Goodbridgeas a memeriato his mother,- bridge, as manageromt will be used, as fertiliz- 1 ll ,. the late -Mrs. John Torrance, whci was a member. of the W.M,S, , Whiteheuse-Tremeer _ • - ----The-marriage --ot-Ida-Laara Tremeer;- What happens to the waste paper so save‘. for the salvage collector? t ' • , One official of the National 'Saivage Division describes its transformation from waste "to essential war material. ‘,'Scrap paper collected by hundreds of salvage committees goes first to; a tin pain.' Sorters divide into rwrIAT-•:7Westlake-oVer;the-Vveek--- -abiyat---figeen-difterent Jets, accerilin end: - to the 'type of &per, for baling. the The service in Trinity church will be bales Of waste- paper 'then. go to the at o'clock on Surtday evening and, box factoky. There, the paper is -will be. conducted 13,Y4lie The.4uraped-through,,,,ange hole in.t6 special preacher :be „Bishop Flpin? tank full of -water. The mixture -of old Ink,' ...of the Diocese of -the Arctic. newspa,pqrs, and -magazines,, wrapping Mr, and Mks.. Perey.. Weston , a.re paper and edrrugated boxes, With some s ending its few days in Meaford this wood Pulp added to give extra strength, - The tirk4,-Worn. out mother cannot int4c0 9; ha home if 'She is Sick and worried by the never en ding houreliold duties. - She get% run down and heroines. nervous and Irritable, downhearted and diseOnnigekoatet rest 'at . night and gets up in the mernineeeling as tired vvhcri she went to bed. ' • *mon suffering in this way may:. find in Mdhurnts Health and Nerve -* Pain remedy with which folielp recuperate thei#,Itealth, build up 'the run down system, 'and. assiatthera back to health -happiness again. • Price 500 a box, 05 pits, at all' -drug counters. `Look for our trade mark a "Red 'Heart" on the package. The T. tiiiiiva":7Erniftedr. Week Miss -E. Weber of Znricb, is in is then.heaten. into a mush-, charge-:-of--the--store intheir absence- At :this stage ..ckf ,t4b, '...process the Mra. Wit F. Gairdner returned...to, mixture is ninety-nine per cent water her home here on Tuesday after spend- and one per cent paper. This mixture ing, the pltst month with,..her father is passed through- screens. Revolving at ,1.4.1t6 Geneva, .Wis cyllnders force. the water through the Mr. and.Mrs. Wm. Brown and dapgh- screer4 leaving the paper contenton ter_ Helen, of Detroit Spent the.*patthe. streth. The pulp then passes en week at Mrs. H. Ahrens' cottage. .• to a long belt made of pure 'Wool, The. Mrs: Ellen Armstrong of Toronto spent. ittat week" the guest of Alisses M. and:IE.:Reid. _ • • •• - .Pte._ Ellen MacKay .of London is Spendhig' a furlough with lier parents, ing, manuring, clipping, rotating, eth., On the plot of Jas: Scett, perennial rye was used. as a nurse cm,. sown. 'at :06.i . lbs. _ per acre. Mr. Scott ., has p a s ure- • s big .'eres-*verr-lir-gat7 Tda:rtleinglietee;;. of aH 631n sra'11; and Ernestrsejs°114er with severtteen. of his Purebred Short- Whitehouse, of. Argyle, N:33-, was horn cows for the last Six weeks. The solemnized by Rev. R. ' At Brook at as a nurse crop is that you can Secure gr4111 the-- _United church- - mange,. , Hensan. adstantage , of seeding -without After -a motor trip to Niagara Falls, 4 'thicker seeding. Often In seeding Buffalo and St. Catharines, the couple smothering of the graSses and clovers. causing, will reside near Hillsgreen.. with grain there is lodging,. what is wanted is a thfck seed pea with BCalofT.Whi*veeesIsSautrutPTires r • In a permanent pasture or any pasture no Open spaces, .Contrary .to many of the •farm seeding, these plots are put n fields in a 'high -state of fertility. e,,best•-field-,4§:k-rtot4oe-goodi-beehuse. the more' growth_the better the returns. Further articles will appear On these plots. Anyone interested would Ind it, tnnw -Well spent to observe these pastures. . There 'is a display of the various grasses and eloVers. In. the mix- ture in the Ontario , Department of, Agriculture window, ' pulp adheres .to the belt, which ,rn.118 between two big smooth rollers, sotteez-• ing more4water out. * To dry the pulp.. completely, It. IS passed over large steam -heated hollow lgro and Mrs, Hugh 'MacKay. - ....cylinders. These are piled three Mts. Charles Playter and three sons,' Stories high and.' 40 the Sheets • wind of Detroit,- are the guests of her up .-thrOughthem further moikure is tnother, Mrs. W. j. McLeod. • - .reinoved. • ,_ ,Farewell Presentations -On Friday ,iThe sheet of -paper coming off the hie 1 the three' congregatiOns let cylinders is. now -sprinkled and- even ast of St john's church, V,ariat, St. Jantes' ,ehureh,'Middletori;'. and Trinity church, -Bayfield, gathered to honor Rev: John Gra,hara..and farnuly befOre their de- parture for WoodStock, A. soda hour was spent, !after *which: the Wardens of the three congregations presented Mr. Graham- withanaddress and it" purse of laioney. Airs. P. Baker, on behalf of Trinity eburelr Ladies' Guild, presented Mrs. GrOldin with a. silver cream and Slignr and tray. Mr. Charles -Gemeinbardt on .v. behalf of Trinity ironed• by being passed between An - 'Other set of rollers.- This gives the firni, melody finish and makes It, to a certain extefit, moisture. resistant. The paper is then, made into boxes and cartons fir# food supplies, am- munition and medical:. supplies. Be- sides: just boxes, waste paper is Made Into plastica for helinets and alrPiame parts,' into* insulation for huts, bases Lor ,ctiMoullage and maps. The way to lasting peace --find some- , eliurch Sunday ,school presented Pat thing to,fight..for so big it leaves noth- 'With an encycloric-dra-iiiid Mpnie1tWithlngAo-ffghrttbout.'"-- BDTrElt-PRODUCTION STILL. DECLINING Butter productititrin.Qntariojor `the, month of August *as apout Ien per Cent. below the productfoniOrl the same month in 1943, says the sumraary of creamery instructor s reports issued by E. Lackner, 'Director of tile Dairy Branch, Ontario pegartment of 'Agri- culture. The extremely dry and 'hot weather is given as the ,chief cause for this decline, but the serious help problem in many creameries is .also a e_ontributery factor.. The report also states' that tlae outlook 'for eptember is ntt promising except in some areas where therehas been an abundant rainfall.„ pi those sections where the tWice-a-week pickup, a cream •had been adopted, the quality of cream was Very well maintained (hiking the month. Because of the plentiful feed supply this year, there is a pasibilit•y of a higher 'than average milk flbw diming the late fall and winter months. zatimING, Sept. 19.--41r, an Mrs. Will - Irvin, 'Rnaseil ..and ertraM Curran- visited Mr. Will Hackett in. Seaforth on Sunday. They, • A, ^ were %accompanied. by Mrs. Ellen Me - Nall ,of ,Lucknow-and „Mrs. Chas,. Mor- , • rison Of •GOderich. Lois and Ruth' Webb. of Helens - spent the -week-end witk.their &and - parents, 'Kr, and Mrs. T. J. Anderson. - The Blake'S P.IT. held - - egaal evening in the all on WednesdaT °he night last week thieves entered ethonecossasiroangeofofultrnicbhe.rarydi removed :9th s tieNn'elialandgrel:sass, arr er Itto"°1m6rr,t ar‘grura: Orland Berei newlyweds,,' and they tireares.:_ort:mgarage_i, and made eft -locaterF wheels roadside in front .the 4013s6 end a.tnhde.'Echeir'-'11t6ir. andselitnciVbjel:t4--11-11 7,e9,11/2.1' taken work. one of 411eny., went . to ,get: famiiy did not. know the car had been visited at Mrs.. W:111..1rvin's sand .Mrs. -it about 9 Ptah. to go to town., Mason -Newell • • ' Paurs-Anglican &welt, Wing - ham, on. September llth, Rev. E. Q. Gallagher perforined the • Marriage ceremony -uniting Mavis Rose, daughter Of Mr. -and Mrs. --Harry-Neweil,-..-Of- Winghain,. and Pte. Harold Alvin Mason, son : of Mr.. and AirS.. John Mason . of Belgrave. After a honey. 1110011- the bride 'reside in, Kincardine iind- the groom will irtt1r11 to, his failitary duties, at Debert, Accidental Discharge . - of Rine Proves Fatal James McGee, son of gr. .aliq;lttr,F. Leask, McGee:1.004' concession ' of East. Wawanosh, , last week reported' Wounde_dby the accidental discharge of a rifle Which, he was oiling, _died in the Wingham hospital as the result of the wounds. The fatal bullet 'entered his body just beloW the heart, paged through hi.S. lung and eagle out his . back,. •The • Wing man wag twenty- nine yearar/.ot 'age. • LeggattPothergill la a double -ring ceremony conducted by Rev- W. A. Beecroft in the Wing - ham United church, Myrtle Elizabeth, youngest daughter. of Mr. and Airs. T. Fothergill of.:„ Bowsman, Wan., was united in marriage to LAC, John Gordon Leggatt,:11.0.A.F., only son Of, Mr. and Mrs. J.1 W. Leggatt of 'Wing - ham. The bride was given in niarthigd .by her. aunt, Wis.. C. A. Fothergill, of Winghani. On ' their return from a - wedding trip the • prooni will return to Egifitiel7Wit1ilhe.:itaxr: t 1,61,605 and the bride will reside in.-Winglram. . , Medium : "Ali? I bear the 'spirit of your late wife knocking." Man:. "Who's she. knocking 4 ,...„..,Haman-r:elations...are. the_attittule a la whole company,- not just a job for one department. ' • MONEY TO ,LOAN :o4 yirs Mortgages . . Now is the TIME to stop paying 'rent and:to buy a "farm. Wine us if you have been think - lig, about it. ' We May be able to help you with a loan. All in- , quirks treated. conftdentially. • 'urortlIcErie -MORTGAGE CORPORATION • LONDON • • WINDSOR), ST.MIONLAS CHATHAM. , . 3,0°12' ,Aany people 000 it sex*. to gat a aieteerest. They tam And tole -lie awake and count steep. Oft-ia they blame it en- "neries" when it may- be their kidneys. 'Healthy 'kidney* filter poisons from the blood. If they are (aulty,and fail, fairest stay in the system and *Ieeptessness,)seed- ache, _bacleache often follow. if you don't sleep well, try Dodd''s 'Panty' f'ilig-fitt half -a cerpiri . the favorite remedy. KG odds-1(idne sills- HIS LAST LETTER MY HUSBAND' SAID TO KEEP4THE HOW FRONT phrAN EVEN KEEL FOg gJUNIOR'S-SAKE AS WELL ASMINE." IT SOUND RITE! BUT IT'S ALI. IN THAT SLOGAN WORkpAVE, LENDrYOU j<NOW...SPEND AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE, ALWAYS RESPECT THE CEILI NEVER BUY IN BLACKMARKE SURE, I KNOW YOU'RE RI6tit AND FOR THEIR SAkE WE SHOULD • TRY IT THEIR FUTURE IS IN OUR HANDS So far were winning the. fight 'against inflatIon.,ThAes • 'CRUSC the great majority of Canadians have backed -the price,tontrolpolity,As long 0 we continue to attto the ceiling. will hold. ,:ltdif .the sake of the boys 'of Out children, thia is tbe least.re an do. • ,1011itir LASATT LIMITED London 011011116 • • Or 4 vay toput service men at edie. e omeyhospitality headquarters With Ire10,me So often sixtoPti.ed: up 1t thrie *014 gave. a "Cok.".111utes'yotie fightlitg•toois 'veajeof saying 'You're mrpaL Around the giobe, Coci.7Cola, is spreading that ,custom -of at pause hecoroo_ .symhol or.(fiendly tetresitineint *‘; folks at home and. acivir.' • ,inthorized hott!er oft e'Poom.eola.' 401)ERICII 1101111NO