HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-09-14, Page 5'
s*T1aMz31n 1 tit,
ft BREAK:rower
We are fartUnate, in having
quite a large stork of these Suitt3
on hand. In Walnut, White
Oman* MACK TRIM Natural,'
Tit,1111, ,ete. Wek can save
you money' on any of these
and Stoyea
"Ott the Broadway of Giederich"
Mies Helen" Durnin, formerly of the
headoffice a Sky Ilaiber airport has
• taken a pesition , with. W...11.iack
stone .18; Son, as hookke.ener.
• Sgt . -G. Clare Vincent ; of the Co.T.C.;
parental hoine; that ef.- Mr. " and Mrs;
- -John •Vincent, -Trafalgar 'atria; during
AlIBURN, Sept. 12.—Sub.
Stewart Ferguson and Mrs. Ferguson
of Halifax are 'visiting the former's,
Parents, °Mr. aud Mrs. X. X. Ferguson.
Mrs. B.J.Orawford, Miss E. Elliott,
Mrs...Heber Nedy and Miss Lucille
Eedy, of Dungannonrvielted Witli
tired Ross on *Thtirsday.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. J. Thompoou have
returned from ,ft visit At Toronto and
Miss Betty ji•Asquitli, left on Thurs-
day for Hamilton, where she will teaelx
in a private achool,,.. • -
Mr. and Mrs. Dave. McLeod, and son
Jack, of Brussels, spent the week -end
witb, the 'former's mother, Mrs.' john
McLeod.. •
rte. Charles Beadle of CampBorderk
spent the week -end with: Mr. and Mrs.
liarrY geaclie.• ,
The monthly meeting of the Women's
Institute will he held in tne 1'erester81
Hall on Tuesday, September 10tb, at
,2.34 o'clock This is the grandmothers'
meeting and the prograin is in eharge
of Mrs. 'S., "J. Robertson, Mrs. Geo.
Sturdy and Airs. .H. Alogridge. The
•roll•• call—"Where„ you ,iirst !attended
school, and the. name of your teacher.”,
Hostesses---Mrs.*t:,Irwin, AirfL Thos.
McNtill and Mrs. Wm. Craig. '
'Anniversary services will be held.*
Knox 'United' cburch. 'next Sunday; at
11 a.m. and 7.30 pn. Rev. W.
Woolfrey, of ,Mooretield, -will be the
duvet!. MI Thursday, when they had,
as tkeir gueSts the ladies of the
ton. Baptist ehnrcli. Tfre widel$
Were, quilted in the early 4.pa.rt of the
afternoon will be donated to the local
Red. Cross, along wIth two quilt tops.
The president.. Mrs. 0 A. nosirson, had
charge of the devotional Period. Mrs,
R. J. presided at the 'plalio
and prayer WAR offered by. Airs.
Amlersoa, Mra.., l$rIeLean of Clintioi
Incesided ter. the following Program;
poem, "DarkneSa and_,Dight," by
„Cochrape; Scripture reading by Mrs.
C. O. Andersouf. --reading; "Neigh-
bors," by ; duet by
Mrs. 'Lloyd Ferguson Airfil: Butler;
readings, -"Where Cress the Crowded
Ways," by Airs. McLean,- and oOthers,"
by Alias ,-Okain. Bev. Anderson
closed the Meeting with. prayer. ravach
was served by the Auburn' ladies. A
Vote of thanks for -their hospitality
was' given by Mrs. McLean and 'Mrs..'
Anderson. A. prayer 'service. was held.
in, the evening and WAR Vmulueted by
the pastor, iteir. 0, O. Anderson, ,
Baptist Anniversary. --The Baptist
church was tastefully decorated with
'baskets- of antunin-- floWere--401"-•the
'anniversary on Sunday last, At the aismoseeeameeeemamoor•,.
afternoon service the pastor, Rev. C. O.
Anderson, -was in charge and- -7 .
Mrs, 0, Humber, of Ile.milton,and
sister,. 'Mrs. C. 'Elliott, of Ingersoll;
are visiting friends in town.
'Misses Eielyn Donaldson and Verna
1' I
$35.00 anO, 37.50'
niR rommi
:FOR sErtvxpz.
epa#1.1M Alterilact
. Remodelling
, TAILOlt,
Call 317W ;. West St,
••••••—•1,.., •
diiced the. guest sneaker, Rev,, Joseph
Janes of Godeileli,' who., delivered an,
:inspiring- message. The choir 'under
guest spea4er. Spdetal music will be wthietul,madrwer:sushi.n of Mrs. Chas. Howson,'
J. Phillips at • the organ,
furnishad "by the ehoir,
-411-1±),: t e, service of
IThigiivrsiry-. Mt. ames o etton, - praise.-*
residents -of-ApubguartievellartYatItetmheeidr
thirtieth weddi
friends' and k at their
hoMe on Saturday last.
• the afternoon' and. e tog to war
Summer congratulations.- Prior - to yaoving to
Auburn, six years ego tney .farmed
erabeist, of -Km* United ,church. and
Hullett -"township. are valued
Mrs. Roberten an'ardent worker for
Few people, . espeCially., Children,
the Red Cross. •
• 'escape an attack .tiriSumiiier''
W.1Vi.S.'111e9tip.g.-=,Mrs. Edgar Law -
plaint -daring -44e -Itot4weather7:
Summer complaint begins with
ilrofuse diarrhoea very ofton accom-
panied by vomiting and :purging.
The matter, ekcketed from the
*mach 1,tas 'a bilious . appearance,
and l that frorn. the bowels watery,
--,whitish, ill -smelling, or 'e,?en odcirless.
When the children, show any sign
of looseness of the bowels the.mother •
should adrainistdr! a few doses of Dr..
ro-wler's Extract of -Wild Straw-..
berry sons „illi- bring "eniek
This raedicine has ,Xeen: on the
market for the past 94 years..,Ite-s
fuse•-eubstitates.heF..Tn`v be.
dangerous. . '
Cief"Dr. Fowler's." and feel:safe.
The T. Milburn co., Ltd, Toronto, Out,.
Eien presided 'for meeting of the
W.M.S. of, Knox- Presbyterian church
vvhich was .hefd in the church 'on
Tharsday.- She opened .the meeting
niale quartette. ef Stratford, who
rendered several. selections. At ,the
‘eveniug'nservice' Bev.' 0. 0. Anderson
preached, -and the'"Gospel Four" again.
rendered several selections. There was
a large- attendallee at both services.
Mr. Jack Erskine left on' Monday for
l..ondOn. to attend the Tednical School,.
Miss 'Margaret . Ross of Stratford
was a week-eil-C-iiiii-ciifse-flo
E, Whitely. ' • '
.-111iss , Calve Kneeshaw has returned
home , after spending ,a, week in
with prayer The 103rd Psalm. was. Bowmaimlle. Dr. FlOyence Smith,, daughter of Mr,
read responsively and prayer was of Ur. and Mrs. W. 3. Carrie of Louden; Arthur, Smith, toWn,. returned to Tor
feral. , A readlxik, • "Till • the Day were week end guests With MrS., E. onto on Saturday resume her
*On given, by Mrs. Lawson. W. Citrrie, Cambria road.? work as lectnrer. in Vlie extension de -
The . topic from the study • book, "An lVir: Bevins' of Toronto is spend partment of the University of Toronto.
India Story," was ellreP. by Mrs. Wet- ,ing a Week at the home of . mr.. and Dr. Smith also..head of the English
lington Good: 'The 'Bible study was Gee. 4funby. , department ot Hayergal College. ,
taken ,by miss Bertha Wagner. ' MisS Mr. and. Mrs.. Goldie Smit]a spent • Mr. and Mrs. W. a. Clark, Cambridge
Joeephine Weir. iirvited, the Society to the holiday week-endrat Welland and street, had -a§ guests7oli-Sttnday, Mys..
her- home_ fel. ,the thank offering lile0°- Paris. Leonard Plain, from Vancouver, B.C.,
Ing in 'October.' '._The Meeting; ClOed„ jobitt.f-Iay hap: left fox TorontoJ, and Mrs, -Fired Tabb, from Summer
with the. National Anthem' and , the VIiiVer.Sit 'resUm0. StUdieS. in , berry; Sask; ; ,also their on, LAO, Lorne:
Lord!s:pra.yef in unison. . • „Clark, Auld wife and three children,
Baptist • Ladies' • The . Baptist 'Mk. and Mrs. John Vincent spent the )300Y, Barbara and Carol, from Grand
Ladies' Aid held their Meeting in the past week -end with Londesboro and 13end.
.. •
. 4.401114
orinal Seim
-2'-• Miss Kitty Sale has returned. to
Toronto. While in ,town she was a
guest of Mrs. Watgon, St. George's
Crescent. •
Mrs. Skey and her daughter, Mrs:
Sterling Ryerson, ..have returned to
their home- in Toronto after spending
several weeks in Goderich. .
Mr. and Mrs. Downie left On
Tuesday on a. trip to the Pacific Coast
miss Holliday, il'oronto, was a week:
end guest of .Mrs. Chaffee.
Malt. VI's, Allan S. Chailton
have returned to Toronto after Spend-
ing a week with the. latter's Mother,
Mrs.- Joseph E. Whitely. . •
. . . •
'Every CaOadian looks forward to that head- *
line. 'EVery'Canadian: believes that soMe clay. soon
. , •
a great victorious convoy wilt,Thunder down the •roacl.to Ber.
\ lin. Huge Canadian trucks-. Canada's crack battle 'equip-
ment, and gallant ,Canadian soldiers, wori&s, finest , fighting
: men; will all ,be there. "'' • , 4, • •
Will yo4be with them 90 the road?: or at least, on the way?
. .
!Me smashing defeats wl,.,must inflkt npon`the enemy before
• that day, however; cannot be won except by fierce, determined.
lighting ."•.:.ancl the First_tanadista Arny, you .may b(i.sUre;
will help to -cleat the hammer blows tha, t punch the way along
tile. Berlin road. . •
• .
That's why. Canada's Army needs men apil needs them; NO*7!*
Join for General Service TODAY!
. ,
When Peace hag 'Coale, you'll Ile proud ' to know .(and know
that the'World knows) -you'' had your place in the mighty force
;That. fought ‘its way to final VICTORY. v
Word has been received of the death
of Mrs. Walter A. •Bachanau, which
occurred suddenly, yesterday .(Wednea-
day) at her home, 10 'Wells street,
Toronto. Mrs. Buchanan form.-
erlY Mabel McKenzie, daughter of the
late Mr. and Mre. Thomaa McKenzie
of thia town. Since' their marriage
she and.her husband, also 'a native of
(1otierieh, had 'lived in Toronto. Our-
viring, besides the husband, are two
A . •
SOnS, pr.;; Norman Buchanan of BA*PsIELD, Sept. 12. ---:OS. ;Howard
T4Quoon,- -oat, -
13erkeley, aad leonarci' M.. lino:, it,0-„NNA, 407 opeatUag taw
days-thhit week with 'his' grandparent,
and -Aire.-.-1Pred..Baker;_ ,
Lewla a TOroute, 'WAS
*Oneekiirirtgliurenatl:tuO,WMatir!.a' eltraVps.' nWled.°°(.14shy*
WO. Lewis, , Who. swat the summer
wit4 mr§.' Woods..
Miss .Norah.Goest ,retnraed VOr-
7000:0%.,0a. Sastu_rda.y.,„' ving., sne,11,t; 31.
Harvest thanksgiving services were
.held in Trinity eirerch Sunday last.
Rev. Horace ::.Watts • was - the guest
speaker and the ,reetor, Bev, johrt.
Graham, as'sisted... • _ .
and MSS' Ifiliet:116agitis
returned' to, Toronto on .Monday after
having spentjhe, summer their cot-
tage on .Bayfield Terrace.
Murdoch Ross :left On NronditY,
to spend a,ferteight with his daughter,
Mrs. Geo. Davidson,„ •,Woodstock.
Miss Jessie Metcalf left on Sunday
for Detroit after •'spending the 'vaca-
GbPrielrp-krAit'AntleWm*.444firrelt.,_ .0R- • h.:*.Aess.,r4opth:6*
.Walters,..._Ooderich township, _and ara,11.„1=f, Peek a,i1s1 \daughter, Ivira.
Lester 'Walters, Benmiller. Interment Douglas: Varty,,.of London, are at their
was in Colborne eemetery,""... _ cottage, ..v.ue!!.. _
.• _ -Douglas It3resse, who spent the sfini-
jOITTN,,OLOT:1011LIN,-.... mer With Mrs.. E. Toms-, ;returned. to
Buchanan's niOther, Mrs”. McKenzie,
died on. August. nth Int at the age
of ninety -seven -Years. *
The 'death of:".Eva Walter, .Wife Of
Melvin Anderson, pcetiriell. last Thu*.
any. in her fifty' -ninth 'Year.:- after 'a
long illness. . Ws. Anderson'waa tiorn
in . Goderich,-langlater-%.
XttrabS And Amelia Walters:.
After her inandage she lived for some
years ,in Hamilton, before returning
here; Surviving, besides her husband,
are one son, Walter, . of th0Itoyal
Cutuullan_*avy, stationed at ,Chelsea,,
Que., who, was here for the, funeral;
and two brothers, Bernard and Wil-
fred,. of Goderich. -
• The funeral was held -from. the
Cranston funeral home on Saturday
afteraoon. The service was, conducted
by Ilev.-Joseph, lanes, of the Goderieh
Baptist church,. "Thei,pailbearers were
J AilderSon, Norval Anderson,
Ben .• Pritzley; : Godericli; - Meta . *."' '•
A native of West Wawariesh, but for
many years a resident of.Ashileld,-John
O'Loughlin died in hospital at Wood-
stock on Monday .,evening after -,P,
lengthy illness, in his eightleth._,Tear:
Ilq,.iVaR a sonT of the late Patrick and
Mer-y---Mcgann-OXoughlin.,_andior the
past twenty-fiye years was engaged ag
-a pulpwood contractor .at Timmins,
where his wife, • formerly Eugenia
• Webb, resides'. Surviving, besides tile
widow, are a son, Thomas, with the
nid.a,F,' overseas, a brother, jose131,
Of Detroit, and four sisters, Mrs. P. J.
Goderich4 Mks. Lannan,
Detroit; Mrs'. 'James Foley; _,Colborne
township, and Mrs. T.
Chicago. The remains reSte4at the
ropy funeral° thorae," until. this
(Thursday) morni g, when -the fun-
wber-6,:tani.o.y' will -leaye at the 'end • of- tbd-
_eral took -place -at idge
month for Woodstock. During' his
recfnieM- Josephs
high MilSFi WaS Sung by Rev.
'cutibeiicy of the -parish Of14f.-Sol'es:.
J. R. .Quigley- at ISV-.'. 41
Varna, St. ;Tames', Middleton anct
Trinity.' church, Bayfield, which has
extended over five and a half yearS.
Mr, and Mrs. Graham, Pat and Monica
haye, made manY* War111- friends _Who
will regret their departure.
• Afiss Lorraine Lynne, of 'Toronto. Is
visiting her grandmother, ',Sirs. Wm.
Howard, at the home .of .Mr.
Oho, Berry. -
Vise J. E. Whittaker of Torona0 la
the ge4'et of Mrs. N. W. .W00441,
Mr. aftek iftrgusort: of fiadbury sr.
rived .04 Sunday to spend two week*
with his parent, Ur. and Mrs. W. 1..
IferomOn. Mr*. Vergugen *WI Woo
liens* Wbo had been visiting her OW
ent,f4 Mr. And Mrs, 11, =tote, Yarn*,
for the' ifakt month,. oind Iilm here.
LEEBURN, Sept. Harbis
.Fovvell and her son joe, froni-Oralerieht
visited her parents, Mr. and Witt
Zook Cook, frour Sunday nutil Wedn�
Our sYnipathyiseXtended, to Mrz
las. Foley in the loss by death of bei
brother, Mrj. tneughlin. 1110 hotne
Is at-TiniininS, but he died tn. Wood
stock, where he „had gene ter ,reedicat
treatment. „
Mr. .and Mrs. Jas.' Chisholm and,
,Airnaand the fornier's brother, MI*
motOPed,t9-Clint.On o Sunda.
. Rev. 11. Currie, poster of Leebutzt
_church; -1sspeaking now tAl. -.certain'
subjects.' His subleet fogggx-ti„4Slindley-•_,---„,-.,--,--
10-"51.'neTtiblitelf and Health.' Thew ,
sermons are well worth hearing;
-(lutton, ,teacher at S.S. No,
his horaeln,Vort Dove* on NIPlidaY• 5, has fOar beginners among her pupils
Lieut. R. Bowlby" of Petawawa. and - •
Mrs. Bowlby of Toronto are the_gnests
of Prof. and Mrs. Jas. R. scat, ,
111 iii Italy.—Mr. and Mrs. • Peter
Clark received a telegram from Na-
tional Defence headquarters* last Week,
infoiferrirfair `that their. son, Wert
Borden &Clark, was critically in
Italy, having suffered- a.. leg araputa-
this term. They are 'Watson,,
Joele Freeman, Pat ..Cooli and 14.0110
WOMeti"S 'MisSfonab So*ty
_will hold their monthlY meeting neat..
Wednesdak. -
Mrs. D. S..Cook of Toronto is enjoy-
ing a holiday in Dungannon •and'ylchrt--
tion near the thigh; `• Bus's many ity with hr sisters, Mrs. Ella: Melitee,
friends hope that news Off improvement. Mrs, Sandy Young "'and Mrs. Harry
in health will soon be receiyed by his Rya -A.
narehts. He was wounded on Afigust • . •
Ret7. Graham . Goes t6•Woodatocli;
—The Right Reverend, Charles Seager,
Aichbishop of Huron, .'has. appointed:.
Rev. J. Graham td the parish-. of All
Saints, Woodstock: Mr. Graham and
,The pallbearers' were X. -B. Rev' s
T • J. Lannftn, Clifford Webb, James
Garvey, Thomas ,Garvey aid. Myron
O'Reilly. -
_ W. j. SMITH 1-
Atter a long illness, W+illiam James
Smith" died at, his home, -East 'Street,
on 'Saturday night. He , had been a ,
respected citizen , of Goderich for. the
last eight years. Born seventy-three
years ago in West Wawaitosh, he:was
The soli tarl‘li7011-tir .
ilton .Most of his, life he had
farmed near' DtuSgannon. His- wife,
formerly Elien Smith ;• predeceated him
six years. Surviving are. two--gons,,
'Oliver, of Ripley, and Leslie, Of Gode-
rich two,: .claughters:- -Mrs. David
Nivins,-, of West-Wawanosh, and Miss
Mabel, at home ; 'a brether. John Sniith,
of •Goderieh; and three ,SlitgrS, Mrs
Ernest-lloberts.. of- -Tdrentb.;,:
Rebecca Caldwell, of 'West WawanOsh,_
and Mr S.' FIlizabeth, Glenn. 02
gonngn eigbieeh grandchililren. ahd
AiX' great-grandehildren. •
The • funeral?: service on TTuesday
afternoon at the. Brophey .funeraf,horne'
was •conducted by Rev. Richard
Stewart,. of Knox Presbyterian church.
The pallbearms were James Mcknight.
-Thomas McPhee, Wrn, South, 'James
Davidson, . Richard -Park and John
Strattab:. Burial took place in' Dun-
nnm COmeOry.
A lifelong resident of • Colborne town-
ship,• Joshua Allin,died at 1118
'Maitland concession; last --Thursday,
in his eighty-fiirith year, the result of
•a stroke suffered three weeks previous-
ly..A sciii of the late- Wir,• and Mrs..
John 4llhi, 'loth nativea- *of -England,
deceased was born in Colborne and
farmed in• that township.tor fifiy,nine
years. *Sixty..year -ago he married
MIAs., Elizabeth • Ann - Walters, . also
Colborne township, and list February'
they 'celebrated their diamond Wedding
anniversAry: „Mr., Allin was a' mem-
ber of PQnpliller :.iinifed c'bureblle-
Bides his wife, he is survived by four
sons, ,..„111aiti and, of Auburn, Secord, • of
Goaerieb, Sergt-Major Harold Allin, of
the...201a 10 Re X- Fr aron...11,e giAenst, • God&
rich,. and N'ormali, itt howe, •
at the
fieral, offerings • were tributes paid .to
'the memory of. the •late. 'Mr. Alii..
Athong the Rater were those from the
Middlesex-HUron Regiment, and the
\% US of Benmilier United • church',
also "one from. the neighbors. The
funeral serviee was conducted by _Rev.
Ifarold. Currie, ef,. Benmiller United
churehe Burial toOk place in , the frtm2.
ily' plot in, Colborne. eemeteryi -the pall-
bearer$• velug Ionathau Pisher, Orville
- Blake; Jam& Blake, Aaron Fisher, 'jr.,
8t-ap1ey Suider, and . Cepinis.
The flower -bearers were Michael .01iler,
'Robert. Blake.. Alain AiIm Garfield
,M•CMic;Intel, - Geore- ,Currtal, MIA
1‘16ore and 'William *Bolton.•
ton are invited to inspeet our
stock in
Clinton Exeter Seafortly
Phone 141 , 4
Enquiries promptly attended to.
„tunningliam Ptydr
Is 'the, tiniO to hive year Girl's
or toy's Eyes exarakted, to start
the*Fill term at sehOol.
Don't Start them* off to school
with imperfect eyesight.,
rooNE- 33
GonErtial- • (iNTAlcitv‘
Mr. Prank Tneshi-iw ol fife, met-
rhant Navy,- recently, spent ft NNTelc at
• thAS home of ,his' 'parents, Mr. txml Mrs."
'• Kneeshaw, ,Maple street. Fruik
tort for Vancouver last February and
. has traveired' exteesivety 911 both
oeeana si1i('OthOU. Tio is now in
troll taking a gunnery courve before
rejoining his"" ship. •
Mr. end Mrs. Percy Tarher, Mrs.
Lelshman alai Ernie MI ricer". sPont
very enleyable taboe Day .week.end
in tbodnaskoka district, Motoring to
Parry Sottna. WaY of Orillin,
and Uraeobrldge, they arrived in time
to kid' the Parry Sound, there,
a' newly -commissioned ship Wit' in
Georgtan Bay port,and enjoyed going,
aboard and itisneeting the ship. T9ai.
next morning they took the VJ 000
Island ernise alp)Ard the Midland City
to Midland, thence llotneward at tey
visiting the Martyrs' Shrine, the, 'Gov -
'eminent Reforestation Park at "aitd-
hurst, nthor intereAlnr,, r-oltItg (.+,n
, P..
•D' "1 Fre, tiPney 6 !it. basker890
ORANGE$.1, California Valencia 288's doz 290.
ApPLE. WGtade
ealthir, Ccpila*Inafion. 6 O. bask 49
e r
300 size (104
Sncyy White • 2, for 290.
ONIONS.No 1Yeflow_ 4 15
YAMS :-Imported
•British.GOlumbia Bartlett
-. Panel% grad,' .16o 'Ea°
Sit XVI Clt
. Canada No. 1- Grad
10 11;s* 270
doz. 450
Ann' Page
White- • -whole Wheat
Cracked Wheat
ii " 150
Custom Groard
B 0 IC A R -
Vigorous Winey
.E E
1 lb. 35-0
CHEESE - OLD: , . lb. 350 N EW. In.
. BUTTE11 gisetitrdr; lb. 31t
PURITY FLOUR' Fbtt . 230 ti:gb: 7,30'
PURE LARD m-Itti'd!ilt:k. It',. 150
'IgwEL SHORTENING , ' Ib 19s '
BEANS iltrjrliva.. 4 , 2 git
. PEAS "r‘Atterr41445 Sieve 4 c2,131sz;:20,
,A110 JUICE ANI*07.t.,,,, 3 tht,250
Ownud am! ,I'verct.,,2? 11,0 The C;reutrAtPurifre Iva Co. L1d.
(If'JC.I 11“,