HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-09-14, Page 4Successors to .George Sterat.
9 oder eh, FLORIST,
� 104
Tho war. of. the Salvation Army
.--Llte�tY►' agai>Ust
moral A`: lite. wit and" ~.ilelingt#eheY;
aga,iast misery and destitution whey-
_.re. found, .n
ver ends and to
-ever t]ey ,a
help its; valiant soldiers in their work
of mercy ,the ann Ial Home Front drive.
°' is being made frons September 18th to
4c ober 2nd- °
The officers of the Goderich can,-
aigd are Hon. -chairman,-:, .Mayor.
-- Robert E. Turner; chairman, E. D.
Blown treasurer, . W. A. _Han Bank'
of Commerce. A -group of business
and professional men, have kindly con-
sented .to assist • in, this., most worthy,
The quota for Goderich is 41500, for
Kincardine 47010, Auburn 480 and Dun-
".ga,nnon: $50—a total .. of '42330 for, the
district. °•
'While. the work of the Salvation
Army 'in;
m� service ,Neamps sit ';hfxxrie' and
abroad is maintained by the Govern-
overnment, i,ts peacetime work,,; including
homes for the aged, rescue homes and
hospitals, T orphanages„ ,.aid summer
tamps for children, and its work in
prisons and penitentaries, in which the
my: is so outstandingly successful,
private. subscription, War itio
causingbroken homes and neglected'
have e . greatly --increased •rho
work and the need.
Tu Goderich leave your EPabseription
with any, Bank or with Ur, .11.. E.
Long or Mr. H. Ford; in ,Kincardine
, 11 r, and. Mrs. Wren S1ieardow n were
notified on Friday last by this Minister
-oft National Defence that their sou,
Company .iergt. Major juries \Vrenaall
Sheardawn, was uflielally reported
,rounded in, : ,action, 011 August 81st..
They were advised• that information as
to the nature and extent 44f the wounds,
was not yet' available, and {bat fur-
ther information would be' forwarded,
as soon „RS received.
Sim' has keen serving in 'Italy since
the ,invasion of that country,. and re-
eeired • .his latest promotion there,
Though still a young soldier, he was
awarded a long service medal this
year. his brothers, Percy and Leon-
'ttrd, are serving' in _ France and Italy,
Lieut. 'Cameron Killoran, . -'son of
Judge 3.,L. and Mrs. 'Killoran of Strat.
ford, formerly of Goderieh, is reported
woniuled in action in' Italy. Lieut.
,Xillorisn, a unitive of this town, is an
officer in. the 48th Highlanders of Can-
ada "and went overseas last year as a'
reinforcement officer. Word' received
is : •ri;�7t; ds are
Tpr. Art 1%fiirray " (Berths) writes,
from -Italy to his parents,. Mr, and
Mrs.' Walker •Murray, Port Albert, to
,keep up the .good work on the , farm
front and that he hopes to be home
rorrison 1)94 -Plaster ur_'_ Soon, "all in one chunk:" T r-Murra�
At 1? . � s , p Y
Auburn with 'Miss Laura. I'hillips> In enlisted two days after war was de-
Dungannon with Miss Eedy. Glared and -trained .at Stratford,, Sitch-
Open your heart and ,your plar$e- enor-,—Camp---Borden .and lsliagara-on-.
strings. the -Lake before going to England. In
' his letter he tells_ gleefully about a
1. atad•-Mr,.s:.::Gi,_ .._P..otrte]1.. ULd . ' •' my Cc�lpltrntjnr aixjc�Pp
son Jnnie returned to Detroit on
:Sunday after spending a vacation With
Mrs:, W. Gliddon. Mrs. W. A. Clark
and Miss Bessie Gliddon returned to
Detroit with them., ,,
Utters ,of the -Clinton Tztowling
Club were guests of the Goderieh Club
on Monday evening and a tournament
in 'doubles was played, with results
as follows: 1st, W. J. 'Baker (G.) and
Jos. Sr ° fl1Qt .((1.) ; 2nd, '. JoIui ton
(G.) and M"Cap. " Cooke (P.) ; 3rd,
3. rIodge (G.) and Elliott (t) ; 4th,
Neil 'Mackay (G.) and A.. Townsend
.(004;„ 5th, IL MeN e • (G.) ' and MGA
Curtner (C«) ; , Mix. IL R7 11 (G.)
and, Glew (C.) 7th, F. Rouse, (t-,)
and G, Mac1' wan°• (G.): , .,
The—Tip—Top tournament at Seafarth,
postponed sever'a'l times, was played
yesterday.: Ten pairs from Goderich,
took part' and fourth prize was •taken.
by Jack Johnston; and W. :Hodge. xt
was a verywet 'afternoon -in•.Qoderiei,'
but there was ,no rain. in "Seafarth.
American, he has secured his transfer
to the United, States Arany : Air Force.
It is now well over four years sine
Flt"./Lt. Bateman • Joinedthe ,: :,A,F».
With - another _ American, lad he ' hitch-
hiked fromLos Angeles to Ottawa,,
was accepted by the " British . mission
and, sent to England • in the fall of
x.940.. For two. years he served 'with
the Eagle squadron, an all-Aferiean
unit, as a fighter pilot, and.has two
Messerschmidts and a Junkers to his
credit. In July of 1943, be was'pos d
to Port Albert. ' Mrs. Bateman villi
R , ATE' M
Of the 250 etvilian emplo ' 1 the
Huro t (ouuty 1`'ly'lug 'Training Sehool
Liudted who a ,shorn , tinge- ago were
employed at Sky Harbor, only Man-
ager J, It. Douglas _ and four others
now` remain. Among those to re»
linquish their positions in recent days'
were Miss Mary ,Dietrich,, now em-
ployed'' as secretary with .the Goderich
Salt Co.; Miss Helen Durnin, Miss
Helen Stothers, Mr. Elliott McVittie
and 34. .George Baxter„ maintenance
chief.ost of : the. others were sent
to other schools or-by;•Selectiv'e Service
to 'Victory ;Aircraft : in Toronto .sand
Massey -Harris `In Woodstork,.grid word
eoxbes' that they, are happy in their
new posts.
.Mrs, ':.._ H. 'Larkin of Toronto is a
guest; with. Mrs.. Jas. ''Hamilton,
y ,.
noort WA
on every FRIDA'2 morning at .10.15
b badaaat ..
37 �iGBIIwaVv�t�rdeci•each hr
For sale at • all Groper?. and..liardware ,Sores
• Flt. Lt, 3. W. Wallace, of the R.C.
A.F. station' at„_Partmouth, N.S., was
home at the week -end for a short
visit with his wife .and mother. ire
flew from Halifax -10 Ottawa,• dotering
the distance in three hours.' The same
trip by rail requires twenty-three
Word comes -from Sgmn., Edgar Prid-
lines in Italy, using washpans
Huron county boys held , behind, the,Liam, ,sono rt and Mr. E.'�":
anham,' that• he 1s now oz}•s.Atlantic cadon:z,.
what not with which to make "music." • voy duty, a member of the crew • of
The impromptu celebration was halted H•�2.p.S. Hespeler;-a -Castle- class. car;
by an officer, who„ informed the boys vette. •Edgar has sent his parents and
friends word from overseas ports • stat-
ing that he is fine and is pleased with
his new assignment,' at the same time
realizing an—ambition to 'seenore of
'the world, -,
th;-it the day. was July 13th, and sure
enough it was, but, tis Tpr. Murray -
says, what's a day or two in a long
wax: like this one. ' •
Squadron Leader J. M. Janes, son., of
, Rev. and Mrs. Joseph Janes, arrived
in Goderich°from. England on Saturday
last. SAL.. Janes. has served in the.
R:.C,A.F. as medical officer for three
year and six months. He is a gradu-
ate of the University , of Western On-
tario, Far' • the past 'two and a -half
years he has Ueen on the staff of an.
R.A.F. hospital in England.
'Major D: R. Nairn, home from over-
seas on leave, is convalescing 'at his
home from , the effects of an' operatic n
which he underwent . in Westminst
Hospital, London; a -short time ago.
His leave, has necessarily. been- ex
te.u,_�_ —
Town of Goderich
• County of Huron"
To Wit:
• By virtue of a warrant-issuedby the Mayor •of the
Town of Goderich hearingdate the 2lst day of April, 1944,
•-•- sa if.-ian.ds in, a rears.-� taAea~_ ,.-{h9_ Town of Goderich
will be held at the Council Chambers; Goderich,• at the hour
og 2.30 o'clock in;th,e afteruoon.on the•22nd day of I3ovem:aer,.. .
1944 • unless the 'taxes, and, costs are sooner paid. -Notice' is .
hereby given that the -list; of lands for sale for arrears of
tages- was published.' in The Ontario Gazette on the 5th day
rof-August, 1944, and that. copies of, the said list •may be had
at in..office
...1 „ easurex s;,. ? xce,,,.tl>ts Oth day of Aust, X944,
3_ S.H. BLAKE, . Treasurer:.
Flt. -S A. B uckins, who`
"i as
b •fin in
a rax as ri instructor after
returning from twenty-six months of
operations with the R..A.F., has gone
lack to England 'as a pilot in' the R.G3
A.F. 11Irs. Huckins „was advised ' by
cable of his arrival there a few days
Mrs. Ambrose Nye. hag received
word that -7ier husband is now. ity
Sgt Ray Lawrence, of battra,ioi
headquarters, Oxford, Rides, . has en-
joyed a two weeks' furlough with his
•mother; Mrs. F: Lawrence, before re-
turn ng .to his post- at Nanaimo, B.C.
Pte.' Ronald Abbott, son cif Mr._ and
'Mrs. Bert A.pbott,, • Trafalgar 'street,
is' in EngIarid according to word re=
ceived by his, parents last: week., 'Rpn.
aid, enlisted with the 'tank-. corps ' in
November, 1942, and trained at Camp
• LAC. jack. Baxter, who has been
stationed -at Gimli, Manitoba, is en-
joying a two weeks' furlough with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Baxter.
I�Tt,t.-Batena.�n zvho .has" - been _a.".
staff pilot .with the R.A.P.-0 at Port
Albert for more 'than a year, left 'on
Monday for Fort Worth,. Texas. An
is 'dein its best to establish a
. reputation for `' dependability at
whex•it' comes to
Our,custonaers must: be. the jtidges:
May. -we : serve you too?,•
rrIHIS is au appeal to THE FARMERS OF ONTARIO. The Packing
process and
ur . livestock for
•' • taro -ship
t .of �v •
lan ;� 'Ontario,- �
I -SLY SHORT OF MEN: Eve available Farmer
export, FiRRSER�Ot1' - .. _ '.� A .
Ontario� es for employment
in one
to offer his servic
Of � urged .,�', ,
- the Padkm ' Plants in. this _. rovinc�e as_: soon„as the essential -work
gig• p,
, a ..r -e -#o-star-t•ix�:-_
of the farm -completed..-OVER 1,000 -men -are-r-ec r d
the ,month. of September alone. Goof hourly • wages will :1 e -paid,
Transportation to the .
•plant wi_l pxo oVi •e ,,gi;'rrue'll--aye
given in arranging board and room.
With full staffs, the Packing 'PIants of Canada have ample capacity
to. handle ,even the tremendously increased numbers of cattle, sheep,
and swine, which Canadian farmers have ready for market this year,
'71hen cspe rating to„capacity the Packing Plants can keep the market
cleared and livestock can be slaughtered, processed 'andshipped '.at
m its most profitable, time, whenit is at its market peak: Thus, :losses •
which: occur when : animals. are -held b&gond the peak - through•
additional feeding. costs, .through.„ fall. -away' from peak condition
and : through the • danger to price structures when supply . threa%ns
4o exceed :dexnan€1- are -avoided: •
Last year several hundred: Ontario farmers volunteered for work in •
the plants in processing.,their own products and• protecting -their own
•=� interests. Production for .export this year.has increased by .40%. ;
Available 'man -power has shrunk by 28%.
The Ontario Farm Service Force, in conjunction with. Employment and SelectiveService has •undertaken the task ofiraising sufficient help from Ontario Farmers
to 'keep PPlants. operating ,to capacity, this year. This department ot_
the Ontario
o • -over nne ' t s Department o ' gri ' , ure ee s a is extension
this rov
sof the farm
interests x
to the in
of its service is as vitally. importantP •
ince-as anything it has yet undertaken. The need of meat.as a primary: essential
.Y . g•.Y
food to our Allied .Armies, to the 'people •of Great $ritain • and • to the starving
millions in :,countries •being. til crated by 'our victorious .armies, is the' basic
consideration. In addition, •efficient operation in the processing • and marketing
oflivestockis necessary in protecting. the .greatest ;export market ever opened:
toCa .adian farmers:
-''- -`Your services .are needed from now until -spring: If you cannot devoio that
° full period _of time, a,pionth or more will be of great assistance. „
If you cannot go to work at •once, call or white`,
statnig that:.you will come, and at what date you will bg available.;Remembor you will be ser*g
yqunown°best interests as.well as playing -a vital patriotic pkat in` serving your country.
• For full information or offering your services, eapply in person, phone or write to your nearest office of
"Publisiled under: Authority 'of , ' WP -4511
• ,War has its casualties a :even on the
' _ home. front. •
Strong poen laid loW by accident or sickness
.. children denied their birthright : .
mothers—over—wed .-with-.cares. and
anxieties, :. young people faced with new
temptations : ; ; the pathetic hopelessness of
ciestaute'bi '.. .._ w ,
To such as- these, YOUR Salvation Army
brims the' experienced, practical help of
skilled ' hands,'.. ;the tactful and healing
'sympathy of understanding hearts.
Its reach is limited only by YOUR dollars.
• The present need is urgent. ;
Make. YOU,' Re¢pohse'a Generous One
J•lrf'�t•� Nr IM �
Contributed by