The Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-09-07, Page 7/LW,It ,448tunueti" le a WOW that reolrriiir "Stuluied." After Ramie :time someone 1)f11 St feW daye has 84ted the queatten et 'the Young Manta roether, "liow is the dear old rnother ene eaks and 'on ohr lipS, SO Wed nieetitig this sad ,news?" Another '1"44'euln0 have °U") °*-1r, '411°)4I1 woman ansWered, AtetS like one *Igo relating to dear friends, and in 'stunneir." When the news came to 'one ease and another the . word our bottle about. the tragic death °Stunned!' was used. We aintered somethrough burning - of George Lane Qt. what intcothe raeaniug of word as *Ashfield, again the only WOrd to de. -We tried to measure the pain and the scribe. elir lemilderment and shock ° woe. Next -door to a siker% hoinein-Wdetlarik,Vve-were °stunned.", Ashfield .Torontb, 'when we tried to see- iv township, and 7,44014-4tt's .1..rd In par-, Mother, an eld friend, who had sent ticniar, wilL inire even is keenly as 1;hreeboys to the war, arid I -at -had- Vye-11118 ,13N'ariv1ie1n1izig- blow, so u1. the lhatOrination 'that *Own:dilate hoY of-eXPected*-'et- -the passiug of -such a the ;three had been killed- inpranee, choice citizen and:Christian gentleinan. „knoek, at the door; Slie did. not answer? The holidays are over. Our silent WO coulVuot" get an. anewer our the- hueeking; we Were, told by neigh" '.'innise wee reopened yesterday after - hors she was atone, and had not been four, Weeks of absence. 'Tbe .•, spiders eaewering door Or telephone since the in verandahcorners' and -on up.Oradied fad news came the previous, dal. She windows klad 'been. busy-. Down the „apteel like .one stunned. Poor- soul l' big beeern .nt one get beWebbed. How A letter received from a home 'Where Sticky and uneomfortanle tlie we bad stayed this Summer for two 'dusty threads can melte one's"tace feel, dant brolte„the news to .us of our erst.i They had* had a month'. to spin and hostess, who in health and' vigor rpounce; -they 'ha11----used, (were -414k. of • should now 1)e iii her prime, that since it, ° At the ehutcli lir the eount0 we were ,there ,she bedbeen found by where 1 Slip over early. every.Sunday 'hospital treatilient."•-,lo:s have 4 fearful morning to give a few termer families ,eiicroaching.disease that was weaken- 4 forty-flveaninetes Service, the 'seats ing"het and threatening with an early of tite wanctutfil in 'esti than; two lad next doer' we found sick in 'bed; ,un oft the floorwhere she had fallen, demise. We .were "stunned." Last weeks' absence ,ghad..411 the three Peat 'trains and guns, and colorful ,books and irat her in bed Again, ,This of evsming, on pastoral duty buit 1called tions of pews decorated.' and ,joiried to and ill kind toYs, around him, course they promptlY did and said good b,onie Where the wife of ni,o- f gether by crisscrossing' snider .yrebbiog.' thinking that something or somebody night., SO all ;Ives well again tor one a few fele av'deep waters. heady' MOO when, WI & rathr cold inorabeg tile formed gestrietPois *rat,. The chief wood, Are ju the itove was ,11-ghted, I often 1$10004- doe,- Lad plat a and a bornetai neat that had been • handsome fellow he IA to look at; and Otteeeent eit the Wittig above value to lite elni vigorone activity, Oder the Spelt of new heat. ElliRse 'PealcY treatures began tO spread, tbeinselvea over the' ceiling of the church, and OY what a chance ha 4204 Oyer and beyowl the Impression. at hia noble gore to write. the word handsorne *Crow Ms personality. For be. has 4 Job where iii) often the old adage Ralf be denunn. and by dropped on hymn hoolis pews strated---"IIandSOnte is as handsome Mid Bibles, •4114 • someon protesting 'does." An old trieud of- mine on a heeds of men, women i etid, children. neighboring street, who Is now. we. One even•found the preaeher, and . eh fortunately in tbe hoipital; siele; and dear! ,one need say no more. It #00 h'1 sick wife lies there too, -had a visit p, fearful service had a ineleprable toife. from the lirernen the other night. They Our honieeforaing bad- its pl,easiant- ealne on-InvitatiOn: It...Seeing the old ries. The potatoes in- the little pateh. lady had.taken a spell and fallen 'out, of gardenhad matured, and the of her bed. It was late at night and •tOmatoes ite.thel,r attractive color just the -bushel* Wee -tar-froin ovell and. begged of us to pick them and take -too weak' to give much if, any aseist; them. Indoors .for use, The Spirea , aim. Happily the telephone waS bushes waved long new arms, gram:handy. ' Ile stumbled over to that and this summer, their welcome, in the 'for a Moment wondered whom to eall. Augutet .breeze. -Little pansies grovvzo His relatives in the neighborhood did from seed that had been' planted ini not have the "phone in, And the 'eame the, spring lifted' their faces to `,,ini;.! with the friends ' lie the immediate The lawn had Put en, ix new dress •otivicinitY, Ile thought lie'weuld 'call,the green as if .for the occasion, a copious t fire halt Ile hoped they wonld net shower Or two having, helped to opice !mistake hia call or 4 tire, and •-coine 'vide this. The tomcat next door looked' rushing , with 'the:reels and rouse the daggers at our returned clog, as if he , sleeping neighbors. Happily they 'were- an intruder in.- those . precincts, I. understood: his sp$. trY, and, they were but letter a while *they were exchang.' down with himin. a Jiffy with' an ing..notes ,of tile -holidey month, P1er- imbalance. The tv,ve stalwart firemen baps they had as much to relate as 'we' came -In and 'asked what was: really had' witli . our neighbers.. The Mae, wanted; He old only to pick his wife L our choicest BrantfOrd Young meu had rht'ven tb,e• twe aisles -0,e11 cor- had not been playing fair 'with him lu u1gl. , been reported 'inisaing tfi flight Over responding two peves Were joifiAU, with rupr souitig bim in a sI1h�m for • A near neighbor to them on the Germaeyshe, the-nnxious one, looked web libes that Said "NO theronglif4To."Inearly..two.pteeloW weeks of his holt- same street .who °boasts to me that tilte NtrooPt Poo* mks trades to bar door with the moot, litsty ay* your 1.4ioner 11113* tura* xvohody away. Said a friend to bar on?. day recently when Irian -tug there: "I don t see why Yon let so menx....eonie in and bother you to ur•e your 'phone.'" "Oh, tut, tut it' fdle said, "that's. bow I get roost of my news. I •ealf.t heill hear them tolit. to their friende, or the doeter, or the business. folk, us they, 'come to the mouthpiece in romo: . . , ,vtlf$5. taken, for doctor 144 week ern. a street ,.car and felt a little fiat tered- that ' there bad' been %let -ea about me some sort, of profeasional Or and poise such as goes with the appearance of • a- phyolcian., I often, wish I had a doctor's "knowledge end, all the ability to help and Ilea with the technique' oS tdin Who is a saving presence sieltreem, pronette,e0 to be late at meets, and eemetimes at engagements, might,. it earried over into suph airofessien,, do me *niore harm than it doeli new', On the nao0r- lands of. Yorkshire„ where -41Y wife's people were raised, they had, Arouder. ful ,doetor for over forty Years wliose fascinating story I read 4 little iime. ago.. It Is 411fe.11$61Y intereSjing book. One of his best 'Stories:is how be West hours' late to ,honor a confine- ment tall, and by mistake •ivent to the house of an old maid °tithe eame name as..the patient. Ile rusbed int ° the 'mese with .his black. bag, exclaiming to the astonished lady, "I hope aro } in se a•„1 bad to organiSe a commando cam- dais; and bete' the opening Se1,104 da31. she 'gets all theis d'"th b't tined.tew. s on , . , .palga,.. seeing. thAre:s regular was less thitnit week. off. W.hsr, ,couldn't ' .41.M'AitliiVt9T-.**0400wiltananliatftw414"..1.e'T' If0/11 , She_ia one of- the-- shut,in's mid •yretruslini piles the solder battalions, which - theY,, . .• ca. that street, not .. able to travel , d btleSs 'had deviled invulnerable The Arm --.-------1uen'.)y with a iptiat . ,„ _ 01.1, , . • , , i akolloolf imqvir,•:. 'PTIners. Sont.e • of -:the- thread and. dust of this it ' ,t, • _ • , - aroued; and dependent on, callers and I 11Herbal :Pills 'irint ibti: Lerits-.VaY'-batfre '-renialnett 'on,-,---rta-,-as------Me 1-----ser'eeehh!glts wa3r.--threligh: the:her 'phOne ler alI-the stones or:edeitate • •'-- cause at " iti" souree,, we, sang the dbx.ology. But . -that was street - 'traffic. It fwai'on Soree saving-liappenings - fe---tee--n-a-rete-0.0-0-0,-;—ehe_ Money back if the first bode doeS not not as bed as what liappened at an mission, doubtless, to the 'bend of the IN "Pretty' generoue,too, with the use - oft,tisfY. At. your. Goderieli Drugstores. anniversary service in a country church river Where soul,e0he..WaS in trouble in ' of her :phone, , and from each , side of *I.)141HUH!-PRICE'S IN CANADA ARE SU:PRETTY REASONABLE -WONDER HOW THEY DO IT? - WELL, THERE%- A 'VW, 'FREEZING PRICES -0w ....IF4HE PEOPLE AND''* THE MERCHANTS WERENI, BEHIND TH'E'LAVV... R:ViMMKO.%.• •••••.' • • ...THERE'D BE THE SAME 'BLACK MARKETS AND „guNpps PRICES WE FIND 14ER-PLAC,ES.. • • • OTHER COUNTRIES . PRAISE IT Canada's -,ducCessful light Eialn11itititri-cidOrdd-84t1).-- admirarion all over the world. It's iegarded evermhereas an outstanding exanifiiialid what - • can' actually -be.' doue when the people and bitsiness and thdsoveroment all work to. - :gethe..Let's keep it up' 'JOHN LABATT LIMITED 7 ' (Continued.' 'froth .-page )'' , strategic crews ha.d - tatea ' on. _the Luftwaffe In -the air. and -staasiled its Tit-etO-ries--mrtihe--grouy-, hat14.-cut if' doWn. (at considerable cost to-them- selves) t� the 'point, where it. could only riSe intermitteutly and over the most vital objectives.. Up to D-day the stretegie -forces'. drum -beat of. de- straction.all over ;Ilitlees held the'spotlight. But, witivinvasion, the spotlight had shifted to the agile, swoOping el-r-foree-e-thet worked with the ground arinies. The heavy bombers had softened up the Reich with body -blows---:•now it .was tacticarS lobto help the Allie.c1 armor and infantry de- liver the 'knockout punch to 'the jaw. -Before invasion; Coningliam's units had Some inconspicuous but hapottant thores to do,. Of which one-wris recon- naissance. In April.and may, his re- connaissance crews reamed the beaches' and -the Channel -between Cherbourg mid Tie Havre, firming every Iancimark, Prying out hidden gun positions, chere. :lug the -ugly nederwater obstacles Nvhich lay bare et loW tide. Tne Nizis radio -location positions on the coast were ferreted out (partly, of course, by ,Integigence) and smashed, ,so • thoroughly' by •:air bombers that the defenders were- unaware Of the ap- •?oroaching invasion- fleeL almost up to • H-hatir. Anotb.er , Chore 'ivas what is called, in tactical air manualsi, "isolation Of the battlefield." Iti theory, this, means • cutting the enemy's' pommunication lines around the battlefield perinieter kw that -he Is anable-tOlupplrior,rein force. his units in the combat' area. In practice. -this Job has never been done perfectly. . The U.S.. Twelfth, Air 'Force 'hi Italy came •creditably cioSe to perfectionA with " the . ."Oper- ation 'Strangle" whieh, paralyzed Nazi rail' transport above Rome,' and, paved the way for breaking the Anzio • Cassino Stalemates. "' • . In, France; Ceningimin's air 'ferces also did a crack job- of. "isolation" with. their -bridge' workon, the eine • apd,the Loire.--2--A1nOng--the widest and deepest in France theo-twa rivers axe • Wealey Harvey of U-uNaIL died on Tliursday.boat in the ,fiertforth hole- vpiiltlitgaaeriteiett.adg4eusouttseerveaty.tfuoureer. ;$0_41,1r.: 4044 fits,, wrapeot. to .1tohert7Arellibuld, • Of13ellterth, tea serviee charge **abut -th in Victoria Hospital, London, on Th eerviee. day- last, In his seventY-eightil Year. Anivai toot- ,Brijou htlivt71144:0104thWI;iillte:4ee04'Lor burial. ., ki!3131f4c,,Ritav;:Auko8vevtet:th,11::: tfIT'.1141:446duige'vmtelatirdattilkIxt'b8naY4)dINd:etii".'"heantguTicl.17aylu'n444*4.0:::::,e1:0"441:4114"13rilboott""fel _The death oceurred„ oft, August uot.,4 joined ex, los wife tiotro chiatiou ofof Aeavutlxre;inieron41.$celira;fitert, t/iiir,:nhgoenlre, ww,_.1d,1208Wr ugorisel, ,otofcrountrepuraoewtt... obletieiro,titedn4 aectst at daughter, We, .70Se1)h Baetchier, 14r was ,,,,,tan- Exeter otter the were rittienix9; lrelYagte6:‘1"i:e1:111)14" 'MZuj:Sr:iejlliztea"nde, rit.1'1'1:ehr441.14:::181)'alunaent:eseti.:414reuti*Y::100.$1134:0,041 in Stanley 111480re and after her Uukr- her arrival in. Cenade are luta eaten After_ the, ,death of her ingibili'a• she made her holne With her, daughter, ate *estimate of the servlee al.so being submitted. 'Ilbe pikaa *kr finaneing is A charge ot, WI per etatit. added. to the Mill rate' of the rarneSellaul, ra later training for some years „in. Stan- greatly eliJoye the sight et electric 1.ights, atter living ',fire years in blackout. Mrs. Ba,echree. • Elizabeth .'. Ilulier, widow' of the late' -Ezra Pickard, died at Clinton on August, 27th, in., her ,eighty-first year. Bern. in Victoria county, - near. Lindsay, Mrs, Pieltard clone with her parentto Gederich township,. at the ,age of eighteen years, '' After ',their' marriage in 1885 Mr. and Mrs.. Pickard:farmed in tioderien township until 1921, when they -retired: .0) -Clinton:.Mr. Pickard died in 1938. Surviving- are one son liel*-...ietriXederiete,'Attgera411paC Ifitughter,"-- -Mrs. L. Vashlirook, .ot. lititehell-; four ..grandehildren; a bro.-, titer, John Huller, and a- sister, Mre: bus Potter, both of Gederich' town- ship. __ • • No tfotiftiO7rFac--, Show This Year . ° °A9 'The. -Huron County Prutt Growers' ASaociation has deeided eot to hold' ,the annual fruit show this year. J. B. Alritheson,'•county.' agricultural rypre: Senrative; has been appointed secte- tary-treastikerof the AsSociation to succeed. J. C., Shearer, removed, froM the county. . iVannamaker—Wallace • At the United :Ohurell parsonag4, Seaferth On August 9$111Jessie Isabel Wallace, daughter of Mrs, 1Va11ace. and :the late. /Vet, 'Wallace, of. Tucker - smith, was wedded 'to Leland. ,Burl Wannamaker, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Wthmainaker, Napanee, Rev. • H. V. lyorkman. officiating. The couple will' resicic near Napanee. • 1.111yot-..41.unr - • At • the home Of Mr: and Airs. E. G. Plinn,•BrusselS, on 'Saturday last, their -elder .daughter, Virgiiit. Jrcno, viS' united iri marriage to C.S.M. Alvin ;John • Ullyot, .oiy, district -headquarters, London, youngest Son of Mrs. Tillyot, and the late S. Tillyot, St. Marys. The ceremony. was performed by Rev: 'Hugh Wilson. The young couple will reside at Loudon. .. The; wedding , of Jean Victorialaey, eldest daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Hey, of Blake; to Charles Meyers, of White Oak, -took place in the Uhited ceremony -being, .performed by 'Rev. Reba Heim of Varna. 'Mr. and Mrs. Meyers „ will reside -at. White Oak. Guests were iiiTe*Serit at the wedding groin London,. Stratford, White , Oak, Almonte, Mich., Goderieh and Zurich. Clinton's. Proposed • Sewerage System • . •• A questionnarre rs..,heing presented •to Clinton 7prOpertyi;owners With the object of asgertaining their views: as to the post-war sewerage project to: be -voted oh 011 October *4, An, approxint-' ThitTirt:GoOdyette-- .Synthetic Rhber Tire! Goodyear dealer; have it 4:v „fin eligible -drivers only.; It is • the result result of Goodyear's forty -4-years' experience in tire -build- . , ing plus Goodyear's special, ized.knowledge of synthetic rubber thrOtibh un - casing arid:testing. !Cs the knowledge, skill and experience which go into the building that make a tire great • All tires; except for tread, look alike. But wise buyers _never judgeakie 4' on Vupertitictt -appeoratice-alone.--- They ,want mileage , . Performance ..-. safety.' That's -why Goodyear is the popular choice in Wes. . ' Goodyear believes, and rightlysO, that it hills° much the material's used, but how those materials are used, that make a. tire great.: or examptp: all fires • contaip rubber, cotton, steel and Other essential ingredients. 85 -Goodyear tires contain the most important ngredients of all • the experience, engineering skill, craftsmanship, -eked research,that'for more than 28 years have made Goodyears the first choice of tireiwise meotorists. ' • ° , Into and under the tread Of every-doodyear tire go thefactors that'. , provide thewiele margin of.superiority in Goodyears . the factors,. that make Goodyears fire in .1nlileage . . . first in trouble-free yerfe?rmance . t first in safety. , L�the experience of the majority be our guide. n If you ore eligible for new tiros use your permit - wisely for: volue-proved.- Goodyeari. , • • .TYPKAL---PRODUCTS, OF GOODYEAR RESEARCH only ,eventy miles apart between Paris Zurich Field • Crop Counpetition _ ,UeSults of the field erefr competition held wider t,he auepices of the-Zilriett ' Agricultural Seelety, ,in the growing of Alteekan,,oata, are anuounced. as fol- lows :"(Jst, HarVey` 'Turner, Varna, 14 points ;,‘ 2nd, Wn. Decker,' Zurich,' DI; trd, F. J. Baberer,...Zurich, 1:40;• 4th, Orlando- 'Battler, Zuriele. 801/4 Henry .Puss, Zurieb, Oth, Theo.. eli.,,Auri ich; Inion Hoffman, 84 lOth, Wm 191111:4:xt,D4rabi.y._z1Nircisii3O*00,117upisraie,Z:1_17284::_t Arnold Merner;-Zuricb; 80. without an necident WUS broken. last - week by Prank 41alnes, of .When the taxicab he was Qi3eratitig,tQl. tided with a truck on 'No. 4 highWay north of 'Hewett.' Haines, who was transpertturwtr vorkers-treitt — sail to CIluton, was following,a, °north'. bourel,truck-driyerk.by.--Clarence. WSJ) of HensalL Reid is said by pollee to have made a lett-hand turn ° ieto a lanewaY and the cal) Collided with the.. side i oNfv;tb4y hetralck. etdarontu. oilt t• tte! pnSsengers were sheken. up, , PORTEIt'S HI141),'Sept. and Mrs. "Jim elex• .,aecoinpanied, Miss Dorothy 'do,x As fai. as -Stratford when she left- on Sunday for her school,. at: : Kirkland Lake. - - Anniversary ',services will, be held at Creep church- on Sunday, September MAN. -viten Rev, John E. Bretton Will • .conduct the morning service at 11 i• o'clock :and eirening'service at 7.30. A, special thank -offering will be , asked for: , . Mr; and Mrs. Eriand Bettlee; Tor- Onto,..speet the holiday with 'Mr, and Mrs. Allen Bettles:,'• Mr. jas7Darninetanae up -from Lon- nA.on,4aturday7to,--_-fhel--holiday.--and- burnin returned with atter spending the pest tw-o weeks with' her father, Mr. M. Woods.„ , • Mr..- and- Mrs. Elliott G. Mair' from from Komoka, spent a few days with his cousine, Mr. arid Mrs, Jas. Cox. IfIliett has returned from overseas. • • An °Meer of ihe'law', chanced upon a man pacing the sidewalk, at 3 A.m. Being alert to the responsibilities- of • his post,'he 'paused to inquire into' the unusual situation. "Oh, • it's all right,* officer," he was assured. "I live ,here. ketorgoteanyrizelmtaitr-r-Vin7Vrigibr-feCr'''''''' mk children to' come -home end let me 'IP they fore) it . wedge encloising• turest.ef .Nprmandy :"An(1 all of Brittany. If General Eisenhower should choose the coastal part of the Wedge for' vasion—as- he did—the Germans counted- on* --some, sixtY 11111 and high, -Way b"ridges across the two rivers for bringing reinforcements into the 'wedge' from elsewhere in France. But'on D-niinus-10 0,:e.; ten (leis te- fore invasion ..,..day) Allied tactioil bombers began a ...systematic working, - over ef the bridges, and- destroyed or made •unserviceable about seventy-five per cent. of therm Though not it 10 - feet seal -off, it made hash of Mai plans for troop and _supple movementS. Mak- ing due allowhnce for 'dissension and overcaution in the Nazi. :command, 'that: bridge -breaking may have been the _Main reason why the GerimanS never launched an all-oncomi erattack to drive the 'evaders into the Sea: . On D-day, Cohingliam expected the -I Luftwaffe, -'which 1111(11)0011hoardirig its last' ounces of strength, to throw: everything it -had left against the in- • vasion fleet. The Allied air com- manders had made an_Lstirente....612th ' amordt of Luftwaffe opposition exz pected.. When only, 'twenty per cent. of tiffs eXpebted strength turned out for Lir hght, Coningham, wae'surprised.- He Promptly' switched a Sizable -part. • of ha defensive umbrella to offensive operations, and: the Germaes quickly • found Out What it witS to fight against total air stiperiority." • —Time (Chicago). , THE PICK .OF TOBACCO It DOES tate gooc in a pipe 1VIONEV7° TO'. LOAN on, First Mortgagks- Row is the TIMID to step-payleg rent -bald to buv a farm. , • • Write, us if you have been . may-bet-e,bIe- ‘fo help you with -a Man, A11 In euraes treated „ Confidentially. Huron& rie MORTGAGE CORPORATION LONDON • WINDSOR_ ST: THOMAS cgATHAm 10-12 Gititikust tiAme II AU ageit tUlabarixtd , Riau, de. *eloped by Goodyear, ave the lists of aircrews when. planes are forced down at Thete rafts Woe In seconds .withchemical asixeleated by; rip cord. Bulliid-puncturo.stallng two tank* for warplanes are tno:tiyCetirr gste:rltivt4hcel a bullet pierce* the tank the puncture ia atitoinatiC. , 1;411 Initiretil;arggliltt Of fuel. „. Litsounitht,:, another Goodyear exclusive gavel.. tctl1ordinaryrri7:tgPace rovpotive blow-out protection. It‘a blow-out occurs, the LsieGuard carries the load, allows th,c driver to tater OAS tee. sate owl). b•ktritt is a new.Goodyear "war paints! that provide* •rtvEPttgleetttrraff, c st and deck covering for *hip!, truck* and aero- planes. it has many poten. dal civilian uses where, safe looting it 'required. EAP, tow • DISABLE:0, Quickly <0146:veti .m Ciettp. Samtarr Truelq. 13.4012e colloot, 91048 OTANTO# ' 21.5 *STRATtgOlin Sons Limitcd zNatg,pot49.kimplio' DoYou Stiffee- • From Headaches /tie hard to etruggle aloeg with a head that, aches and bains all the time. A. headache need not be dn illneet in iteelf, but it may be a warning symptom that there is intestinal Idugthnele ' d help .overepme the eau lle of headache it ift necessary to eliminate the waste matter from the 'vet* Bardoek Blood • Bitters helps to feineve the 0311016 of headaches by muleting the di etnive.. and biliary organs, netftraliaing acidity, regulating the ,constipated bowela and toning up the sluggish liver, and when this has been accomplished. headaehet'should disappear: , 4, Get B. 14:113. at any drug counter. Price $1,000 a:bottla. The T. Milbtirn Go., Lhuittd, Toronto, Oto.. "'""