HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-08-24, Page 5•
LIONWV14113, (mut
September 1st, 1944, at 8.30 p.m.
ltn Aid' of the 1.1911.8 Club British. Child War VICtIme Fund
Goderich 1303(8' Band- Will Play In Rand Stand before Dana; '•
lin ease of rain-danee will be held In the MaSOnie Hall
WALTER HODGE, President. Mit EMERSON, .Seeretary.
Ag1rn4a), Aug- Frank
Menro and his sister,- Miss Jane, have
reeelitlY taken up,residence 111 Ripley.'
The Munro'. fariiity,- have long been
• resitiontW On -the 12tAnaelleeltnon._ of
,Ashlleld and ,proved Oen:kW-yes vert
worthy cjVlzns.• • ••
and P, Chevalier,
•Riribkion and Mr. lamsdets of.Pert
borne, visited'.aver the week.end_with.
WS. of
,Detroit,.. are Visiting 'with their
relatives here
D, Reynolds left on tilaturdaY
to visit friepds. in, the nOrth,
( 001; OF. EIRCE
Emitpu.., roil .mg.4, irEtvi SEPT. 114h: ,
CODASES-7Stenogralihic, ,Commeicial, Secretarial 'and Clerieal; '
_. • , .
„ M.,i...STONE, Com, Speelaliat ,, . ' .. ' ' " ' . B.'F. WARD! pelt.,
lee; c p
OST, 1144
AURCItN, Aug.23 Mr. and 14.0.
Nye nud Mr. and Mrs. Dtillean WC
Jane (.44a ,B04,41/04. of DetrOtt, are
viaiting Ur. analirS.Ve0.`1/04410=. -
Mrs.Hall (fOrMerlY *Ale **nett)
was Et reeerit visitor with Mrs,' jes.
Mutat. Mrs. Mai was uprisdner of
the Japanese for soMe times and has
some •gruesorae experleaces to relate.
Bill Kruse, of Galt,issPenalnll
a few -days-with, Mr: and Mrs. Edgar
Stanley, Ate$41,was stricken
with- an attack,Or AlVerkeitgAbi. near
•Stratfoid, last 'rgatutaltY on lilo way
h9.9W,from, was rOslied
to Stratford • General Hospital, , Where
lie iinderwent AA appendectomy. Latest
reports .-V-OrA1t1pt,"-lzre---7.(111ite
favorable. . , .• • , '
• Ur. and'"' Mrs. ° Haggitt and,
Donna'have.returned from a pleasant.
visit wlth friencla at Detroit.
Miss' Zeffi'Munro, orSarrda, Spent a
couple of days at her home hero last
Mrs. Stan: Strasser, of Sault Ste,
.Marie, isvisiting.' her Parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Wm.. „Craig.
.Xuch ,regret',. is expressed at the
, passing Of a fernier resident, Mrs.
Archie 'Jackson, ef• The
. ,
death occurred Sunday morning lifter
a' long =P000 of failing health. Sur-
viving are one son and two daughters:::
John 11. ja,ektion,' .of. Port Dever and,
the Misses- Laura and ,Lottie--Jacks-on
of GOderieh,
Mr. Thos. timer., and daughter
litthe4-.;,01...L.Ilmati.ord,-„are:-visiting. Mr.
' •
Mellwain received:on Tues,
• s.. Iiews,pf-_-tlael.
'YOungest brother, Alexander -Mindy
. .Incigan.uCh as the Income Tax perse,,
menti, that fell 'dile on 30th April 'last Were
Postponed to Mit August. this will reraind
to your Pidtriet InspectOr of Income Tax on.
. or befares, 31st August; 1944 to -avoid. Penalty. .
To be aFr9 that iAthe paymenft are conectly_ ,
creditd. to your account, your rernittamce•
.should accompanied by a letter showing
." clearly your full name and address and -stcit-
'ing that the pa.yrniont to -he' applied' to
your 1943 income fax
Mrnister Ot) . Deputy Ministei al
1•40tional,Revenee-- !nig j Revenue (or:Taxation
00 on p 00 00000ollavoca 0 a •
(Ithag Ite he*t t* totabli‘h
rePOloatlen ile.peadahllitY at
when It 01000 to
Iiii*,!'ustetnerS Must be the inageO.',
My ' we serve' you too?
BAYPIELD, Aug. 22.--.S./.0. tiarg,••
aret FerguSen,
Toronto, 'is spending a ten-day tisr
Ion& with, her -parents, Mr. and Urs.
-Wm; FergaSOn- Miss Jean :BAtie:r•
St . -Catharines ti,lso is the.gtiest of Mr,
and Mts. .FergaSOn, . • ,
L. 15.'Sialtlt of toriden--roul-MrES-
Harold King of Sarnia are the guests
Of -their mother, Mrs, Chas. garker, ,sr.
-Huglx,,ThomPSO11.-4-14.-Xra •
IA Mrs.
Wm. liaggltt. -Irlarria -:te-tarned„..WDOndon''onlon
death of his -
day .after °spending the past:twp -weeks
• Rev. and Mrs. F. a 'w
Paull of Wind-
McIlwain, of Grand Forks,
sor left on Thursday after spending
13.Y.P.U. Meeting. --The monthly
meeting. of the B;v4,;(j. was jaeba Ran two weeks with f-riends.
day- evening, with Glen Raitlaby in i3.A Reid Fall Fair, dates have been
charge. Earl Raithby •offereu praYert sctir., or c o er . .
f7 0 t b' 10th and 11th
Watt, o:.,...6,-W1,,..ii.n_ri!e-g; IS
,63)nudetr.wrieere„....twaRaithlidyere_raea_dyvthom,Scuirl4pt.aurnea, k7._' Sophie Ai
visiting -her aunt, Mrs. Geo. King,
' "., this
Shirley Robertson, -also by, Josephine.
Weir nd Donald Ross. a ' ,6.- Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Ferguson and
ctoakndeuctbey_d ,a Bible quiz, andBartitopiacithwba7; family, of Sudbury, are the -guests of
Jas,- Raithliy:._'...A.___solo..,...was ,the,f,orrgnaliseorii'S*Doris parents, Mr. and: ,1‘,11.,TS.
"Ong " by Joyce Breckow, of Ooderich, r- '-
and the nieethig was dismissed with Miss Featherston . of Toronto
prayer by Geo: Raitliby. , was the guest of -her parents, Mr. and
r H
Rod Cross Meeting. -The Red Cross Ms.:.:Featherston.
met 011 Tuesday afternoon In the base Mrs. R. II. -F. Gairdner and her,
ment _rof Knox* Presbyterian a
• church. „il*4. Mr;..S.'-Glaylvird;left-on-Wednes-.
The treesurer'S" report was given, -,show- day for Lake Geneva, Wisconsin:
i$7Mrs. R. Giliard send little MA'S Tata,
nk a balance on hand of 47.27. Total '
receipts.. t6 date this year have been of St.:Thomas, visited her sister, Mrs.
Dewar,last week.
2,1.0a;-,12,- -while - expenses -.have- M.. ' , •
Mrs: David Dewar, sr:, -,-is spending
amounted to 41,361.85; ', The secretary this- eeit._at_zske_simeseLivi.th jar_
'read, letteis ,-from George .Stratighani .an( -Mr .•David-Dewirt,-jr. '' 4 -:
Reid Sheppard, , Stewart Ferguson, Mr. iid Mrs. Floyd Warner of Mint,
i•lorinan Rodger. Steyvart Araeati Alden -Mich., are visiting the latter's- Uncle,
Yungblut,'Stitnley Bug 'nay Vincent, A. E. Erwin: ,_ - • '
Albert •Govier.. Earl'MigfOrd, VOnneth, Miss Clara Clark is siting Rev. and
Campbell, Harold ifsouith and *Jean 'Mrs. Gordon Peddle at Walkerton: -
.Houston., Four -quilts _ were "'finished Mrs. Ted Crane and two children,
at this meeting.. . of Detroit, are -silsiffni-NefTirfollOr,
EirthrTay °and --Farewell Party. -A Mrs. W. X. McLeod, - . , • _.
pleasant' gathering was held at the lir; and Mrs. Arthur SUllivan. re • home
• . of IAC. L. H. Nice- and Mrs= turned to Detroit on Saturday' after
Nice on 'Sunday.' n fternOon, . when' Mr. spending ,the past" three weeks in the
Nice was the guest of honor at a com- village. . , ..
blued birthday. and farevvell party, Mr. and Mrs: George Davidson - of
Those. present were , Mr. and, Mrs: woodstock. spent the week end, with
George tHallam,.. Mr. • and Mrs.' Les, the latter's. father, Mr: Murdoch Rosa.
Hallam and two children, Mr. and Guests at - the Albion Hotel last
Mrs. Thos, Hallam and- Carol..Beadle.
week included Rev. Dr. and Mrs.:sir..
Op. Monday Margaret.' Nice' had *a
birthday and a party was held in her
hondr; and' this wita attended by three
of her young friends, Donna" Haggitt,.
Carol ..-Beadle and Garth • McKnight
The good wishes of friends -go. with
gi... NICO. ' - .
A. Stewart left on TuosidaY spenol
tWO weeloS relatiVOS Ter -
MAO and Whits fAsst,
Visitor* with 'Mrs. j. 3(iontgoinery
Wit week were On ThurOday, MOS Ed,
RUBY, Detroit, MO. Neil McDonald,
of Utiltitli, Mr, and Mrs. Dilly Maize
and ehildten, of Montreal; and. on rd..
day Mis.):,got. Wagner and daughter,
of DetrOlt, and Mr. and John
Cowan Of
*Miss Margaret 10; Dural!), spent
a week viiiiting girl, friend, Miss
Wien McGee, at WAN i:ettirning home
on M0040.
Mr. and Mrs 4 flarvey Alton and
ehkldrexi, Ronald, Lorne and Eleanor
Irene, visited on SOndaY , with Mr.
'Bei. A. W. Brown,. Mrs. Brown and
.daughter Ethel, of Brantford,- spent
11 day,lait week visiting Ur. and -Mrs.,
John, Blake.•"
Mr. and Mrs.' -UAW ',Iiiirtwo
children,. of Montreal, were 'visitors
among relatives here 'last week.
Mrs. Rebecca Caldwell, Dungannon,
announces .the engagement of her
youngest daughter, Myrtle Verna, Of
Toronto. to John Spivak,- son of Mr.
and . Mrs. Theodore Spivak, Hazel.
Ridge, - The marriage takes place
in Toronto in ,September: • •
Visitors with Mr. and' Mrs. HarVey
Mole recently 'Nver4 Miss Winnifred
Swan, of Ripley, last week; Ws, Ernie
Xerkie-Y ' (nee* iteta-Swaul, and -dm
ter, Lucille, of Belmore, for the week-
end, and on Sunday Mr, and Mrs, John
S. McDonald and Colleen and. Mr.
,r,feDonahl, of Rlple
-Merkley, of Belmore.,*,:14s,„
Arehle-Johnston, of ,Gederich.; Mr. and.
Patricia Nivens, of SaltfOrd, and Ur
. -
Bill Johnston Of the Navy.' wife and
daughter •Mary, of ttitliftd, N.S.
Mrs. Thos. Webster. and daugliter
oie-iha,ve returned from spending a
week 'visiting in Brantford, -where her
daughter, Ettabelle is nurSe-in-trafn-t.
ing, and visiting- her cousin; 'Mrs.
Ernest Rail. We are sorry Mr. *nest,
Hall is in poor health since- an oPer-
ation last year.
The W.M.S. annual Baby 'Band party
will be held at the United church -en
Friday' 'afternoon, SepteMber. 1s, At,
230 p.m,. -
The -United .Chllreh services- will be
resumed on Sunday; Septenitter 3yd,
at 1.1, am.- -Rev. Vickersoh- is
spending August visiting his mother
down' in,Prince Edward Island, -while
Mrs. Vickersbn and Charles are visiting_
her parents in Muskoka. .• ,r
---"TY47-11-ungannon g r
called Friendly Garden Workers are
spending the' weekend at Camp
tai1 with - their coach, Miss -Flora
Durnin, and other stipervisors.
Mrs. Pearl Poles of St- Thomas is'
visiting Mrs. David Sproul
• 1Viiss-Minnie---Dickson,-RX,_4,...Gtide-
$000 SA *II 411400e.
Itleeresi /t has
• PORT ALBIART, Aug, 4.--100.
Crawford spea-ding:fir MOnth visiting
with her littrVeY 'and }Irk,. CritWw
ford at Toronte.
3.1r. Billy' • Tigert, of the anadian
Canada's per earlt* cois�
eli is greater tha* that nt
county except the 'United RI
leada the world by-
0.etu-11, Stationed at Lond , ilaited lost
weeic-end with his uncle and aunt, Mr.
and liffit --Wrii.'llawkiiiN.
. Mr. Will 'Bennett of Chicago 0/`isited
'reeently With 'hie brother, Mt.- John
,Bennett, as Welt.as, other, relatives and
ti,lends'in the, commlinitY.
'MISS -Fiore*, MeKeifile, ' go.; of I
Kitchener, wha made a -vacatiO4 Ulf) '
to the West Coasit, visited With her
mother, gra, Jas. MeXentie.
Dr. R. W. and Mrs.- Cuuninghanl
and two children, Bobby' 'and.'jaidee,
of ,'Walkerville„ visited for a couple
of, days last week With Mr. and Niro.
Chas. Crawford.
Visitors recently with Mr. and Mr.
R. Reedwere-Mr. and Mrs= Carter' of
TorontO, and' Mr. and;- Mrs. Eric Fair.,
bourn Of Detroit. • ''' ,.•--.., s '
---Beriii-To Art-...--Iiid-1,friC,:lititvey
Crawford of Toronto, on August 1.0th,
a baby ,.daughter. •Congratulations!.
Mrs. Lorne Johnston bas. been i.,li
_ . fir-Ofeet* '
4 0
In , her foot from •stepping on a tasty`
t* I
nail. We are glad to say she 40 able
dime is-smoll-change
ilecome.dollars thatOari to flOit other dollors,
The obrevil bu
Chesterfield au
Chesterfield Bed
NOW ON aus
rich hospital, spent last week ati her
home'in Dungannon and at North, Ilay.
'Mr. and MTS. Andrew Sproul and
two daughters,' of Detroit, spent last
week With Mr. and Mrs.. Howard
Sproul ,and other 'relatives _
Mrs. H. W.-Bryans has been visiting
her husband's parents, Mr., and- Mrs.
,Ed. Bryans, near Brussels. We are
sorry that her brother -4n -law, Mr.
Aoronto; Mr. D. - Hammitt, Detroit,s,
DouganHamiltori; MrsEStewart-Stewart Bryans,_ in the air force,' has
been reported missing over, Europe.
,-. . ,
°Mr Thos. Dickson, Who purehased
the -cement buildlng 'formerly -used by.
1VIr, Frank Jones on Main street, is
having itrepaired for oecupancy.
Salvage Collection. -The plvage col.=
lection, of rags and papers ruade by
Rev. and -Mrs. R.' S.,Wells, Ansa Craig;
Mr.. and Mrs. 0. Ormond, Dearborn,
Mich.,. and Miss E.-Siffits,.of
Bomb., Grant Turner, who has been
speading a leave at his home in the.
village, returns to :Halifax on Sunday.
„Our local, Bed Cross was „sent to head!.
Christian Adult-Edueational -Confer- Wirers' In'At-Ave0c-and'the' inn:on/7W
once- held in -TM -master - realized -Was- --$28=3o: +:
Hamilton,.: this week.. Mr. Graham 'is continues as hefore. The Red Cross is
• credited- not only with the money re-
ceived, it also with making an thF
;portant donation Of these materials -
heeded -iv the *war.% -„ •
. Was Dangerously Ill. -Miss Gene
'Vleve Hamilton, youngest daughter of
r. and .1grs. JOS. Harailten, who has.
been tgi employee of a branch of the
Royal .13ank in Toronto for a number
of years, was taken suddenly111 With -
lath& Orap-pendieittrWhile' at Work: -
last week. She was. rushed to hospital
for an operation and was dangerously
ill with a ruptured. apPexidix' for a few
days.. We are glad to know her Con
ditiOn has improved an_d ahe 15 making
steady progreSs• to ' recovery at . St.
Mary's Hospital, Toronto.
Capt. Tom -Prison Wedded. ---Miss'
Letitia Dreaney has received a A:eft&
from her niece, Miss -Letitia Tiurnin,
of Port Frances; written nt
-Winnipegwhere she was speeding a
few day before returning, to Fort
Frances. She told of the wedding of
her nephew, Capt. Tom Garrison, R.C.
A.P„, which took Plaee in the Milled
church at Drinkwater, Sask,„ 'and
whichshe attended. "It was a --very
lovely Wedding," Anse' Durnin .vvrites.
iii'church ,was 'Pretty with floWerk
and the "Onion Jack was' prominently
*displayed, as a .trib-=',_
bride in her- long white satin dress and
vefl.. she wore a:rope of real pearls
that Tom brought her from the Bahrein
Islands,in the Gulf of Persia. All the
_ging -to the: bride,-: bridesnintid,-T-best
tnaTk.TalleTS, soloist and organist were
from India or thereabouts. The bridestie
maid wore' a long pink georgette dress
and carried - ivory gladiolus and
clusters of sweet peas. Marietki dowers
-r American Beauty roses. The
es man ,was Marie's only brother,
who is twenty-three, and attending
University, having been rejectect for
•war. After the ceretnony about thirty-
five guests drove to Moose JaW, where
a reception and dinner was' given at
, Grant gall ,TIOteal. The minister was
master ,of ceremoniee and Made a
splendid speech. . . The 'crops 1,n the.
West look lovely! this YeA,P. When I
was, there before it was i11.3.934 and
the driest '$,ear they. had.. The prairie
looked like a desert 'then 11. Was
lovely to see the difficrence.y' Capt.
Tom Garrison spent a 'few years of
his youth, with his brother, Willet
Garrison, and they 'Bede:. their home
;with . MISS DT08.1100-, In Dungannon.
Xears before the war he Studied ayi-
ation, and duringthe war h'e hasbeen
filling an important rote in transport'.
hig4 bombers to ninny, lands. When
On furloughs he has Always tried to
make a visit to his great-aunt, uissf
Dreetiey, and }other, relittiVee'lft these/ =
partS. On some- of these occasions he
W as ,Aceoimianied by his fiancee, MisSr'•
Marie Lynge, of Moose Xaw,' who 1iaS1
now„hecome his bride.-- . 1
Mr. and Mrs. Cluts. Maedel.. Atisf.4
Audrey Maedel and. Mr. and Mrs.'
rerey Lee of 'Essex, are ancat,4
. and Mr1s; !hos. Sillib, Newgate
for the nevneckties, dresses -
or Furniture leiffor us to buy This batik of, thidollars iscolled !NFLATiON,
ImLulthi,higher prices 00 .1.the..less, your .‘
dollaris worth! For instande, during the last war, people 'bad tit pay
. . 30c
litatise it starts prices rising 2Q('
' lot
sugar that you' ii,et For
to th
today, A voile night' dress was
011 porirow„Your tIolicirbuys more goods, ismorth more than the,.
Jolior or 1914-18. Price ceilings and other anti-inflationary measures have Ilelped
' - •
keep its value hat. And remember' Every time you use your money wisely to pay
,off o debt
or to increase your savings El when you refuse to hoard pods
or patronizeblack markets...it makes your dollars worth MORE!
/ • #7/ //,/, ////&,v
l promise' tb giVe my support it) keeping the Cost ,
. , .
Of living down: 1 will buy only' What I need.
Will'obserVe the ceiling whether buying .Or sell,.
ing goods or services. I. will pay oft "old debts,
sae for the &titre, invest in Victory Bonds and
War, Sa.vings Certificates. And I will support
.taxe's Which help lower the cost of living.
• 7
"...0Zig;,',111101,11t4,,7/;;E'll,""2„71 1Z2P,7/; otzEwi
• Publi.;he'il by TIIE BREVVING (ONTARIO)
to help (wool' the driosera that iodation t*.eplitoots,for all 'the, people of the Nation.-•
P • e • e.
•Plt.-Lt. and Mit.. R. it MacPherson
and family returned to' London on
Sunday after -spending the past three
weeks at the, Albion Hotel. ,
'Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rogefil and fam-
ily, returned to Montreal on Sunday
after. spending the past three weeks.
. at -the: family .cottage- •
_ • _
Litioupw WINO
"Music with a Beat'.!
The now famous Pip0 Band,,
• which has pleased thousands
throughout their many.
iNPT- 3rd
• Cemete" ry
You are invited t� inspect' ot;r
stork In
Clinton. Exeter, • §etiforth
Phone 141
Plaquirles promptly attended to
• , •• •
• - .
(Al want yourch.ildren to :be prosperous—
• :not- fo-reMain: permanefitly in. the "T�
ineoite" group.- •
- cf,
,Yon want: them • to SuecegSful: andliappy.„
, -
pf.enr;se-srou ao
• . „ • •
Then.seFthat they g -el a good edUc'ation-,:-----That—
;the surest . way to satisfaction d prosperity.
Let Vs tell you how to make sure of this, at a
• •cost '-vvithin reach of all.
Our Mr., T. C Shiels in Goderich for a
few days. He will call at as many' homes Wall
children as possible: Ask him to explain how
we helped, millions- of children, all over,
thp world; to get a Sound, 'profita,blefethieltion.
To make stilre of an interview with .Mr; T: C.
Shiels, drop a, eard to hinve/o General-Deliver,y,
GOderich; ••
00's.' q4tAtt"'
- •,16-3,+=
.., .
81111,4_0Sifverbtoo,k first gradeaCgrade'16. 37
'- -
TEA ''. . - A 8," P Orange Pekoe
, . • , .„.
CHIPS° - ,. . 2 ivtIgb::_:i39
EVA?MILE 700. •
. -. --
2. ,r,'43%
• -A: .1k. P
OlifD: CHEESE .„, ,_, giant 49
comuir..a.. ..'"''' 'Sit-.
,svi. R. giEs..., ---Quiitsiiif;*
„ ' Wtitaat -
— - -130
SPREADS He'd'unde
pkgs._ :230,
nu andBA
8 O'CLOCIt Mild and MelIow
APPLES - Cotialiess) Cc4iabitiiAiers
Guns B1110 Maier or •
:2c::NS. ERyRed Malaa
anado tr▪ **H.1.,
COEN- •Golden
pEPPERs 4coen, *mask
PFAMES OCtra latcto
6 Ncittibskt 'Intir"AW7'
• •
41;4 7
.114 390
,4.1b, 74.
2, bobs. De
, ..310
ftft4 baikt
operated by rhe .G1-,fsat tra 4'0: ° ^
,40ble"tiolosilitineeechangt.t.--we l'esc,rvo the 8,,,olt