HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-08-24, Page 1tr.4.
Magistrate Cook_
Presides Today
wt. How court Here, until
" Magistrate ,Appeinted
for Huron
Ives His Life'
in Saving Another
7417I'LE PETER tatapr___
.!BADLY Itravuoi)
roirlear4014: tad Niched In the Vete
Shy, a ,Valf
-Little Peter Green,- tiOA of Mr. and
Mrs:' ,james. Greek le in Aleitandrit
, adet-T-,e-Unetank-earo• tis -the
reoult of a -patufet aCeiclentot7-
, .
cerree -"tie :leis -father's-farm late Tues.:
day efternoon, • Mri?, • Green was pre-
paring supper mad Mr. Green was read-
ing .1ethe house. WItene-Peter,• who'
Will not be five yeai' u&d until next
NoVeniber, asked permieeion: to go
out and play, A little.later liis mother
called to him to ecette in, and not re-
ceiving any respeeitie She went to look
gmn., Worthy ,!,Re ld Ryau
rovr;rnetl Sunday
'1.00e4ge. 90!..
Brktannia road, wer‘ nOtified.
(MCI Tuesday Morning thet their son,
Sgton. Worthy 'Reginald. Ryan, the'
Canadian ArnaY, had been drowned. on
, Sunday after seving the life ef. heY
Mr, and Mrs, Hebert St.. johns, Newfottudland.. It was
'Regent street, , have • been informed, further etated,:that tull military.honore
that tneir7eon, .Pte. Wm. G. 'WilliaraS, were accorded him', at 4' funeral ser -
Who was in nOspital With shrapnel Vice at St. ,•Johns and that burial
wounds about the head and shoetiders, took place- on, August •2nd at, a pole.
is becle.,10, France with his unit, the in..the Xbint. Services cemetery there.
Highland Light infantry. Pte. Wil- ere further :particulars have 'at) 'yet
items was wounded. on July 8th. while been -received by 'the .'family. -
lighting *Oar Caen, and • "afterwards Worthy, whe..,,w4st twenty-five years
spent a few :Weekte,*. conValeeeing in of age; enlisted on September •3rd,
'Scotland. .`• • ' 1943, with -the Canadian Army at
a radio operator, tieci.„, .after eueceSe--.
sone- later to .Newfoundland as a
sigeeller, He was educated in, the
sebools. -here and on leaving .the
legiate . entered the Ryan produce
market as a • partner with his tether.
--7:1FeSidet-T- is-epefF77-77ente7-friere survive
two sisters, Mrs. Mel. Culbert (Lillian)
and Mies. Georgina.; .and youngerpro-
ther, Eugene, all of Godericie .
The sympathy (fe the eommunitk is
everywhere expressed for Mr. aed•Mrs,
yen-ond--their family in the :tragic
paselug of their beloved hercesen and
brother. '
aikagietrate" '11%*.fileek ,newly lip-
, Pointed- netiletrite of Perth ,,cor,ty,..
presided. at thel'olice.(loUrt Ilere thie
(Thurseay). afternooe.. Crown At-
, tOrnek 1:101rae,s :Welcomed 1,1m te the
connty.eaed noped he 'we* be with
It fo,v-Ponie thnee,
His Worship in. stated' that
:When he* took over the cluties•'•of the
office, in Perth he had been. told that
he, might have to preside in , Huron.
county.for a short time; mitt]. i!l• Nazis;
trate for the event.* is .appointed,
• Ue reniembered:..a$ email. Olfild'lz
-Midiand,„ne sale;.'hearing about' Gode-
'' Trial 14.4 grain port' 'Few- ihu-slicrt-
Mr% NOVA= MCPlattil received. a
message .toilaY, 'stating that. her. on,
P te.'. Jack McIver, had=been wounded in
action, presumably...1n France,
Pte 'Rutherford, It acKl.,
time I. shall.. be with .you lioPe *that eon. of _lgre„ Jeethee,e00
our re Wtertillralttrettletal,"-he-cen:',"XM'e -0-g-a-d---a---478-xtaiii street; was
.woundecl-in-aetioneln.--Prance' on July-
' 'Pleading guilty to a charge of break 7th nth,-woodst9ck $entinelatevie*.
ing, entering aud. theft,"Regintad• Good- , Pte. t Rutherford was a frequent.
in • was remanded a Week, in custotlY, visitor at the home of Mr and Mr S.
. ac ath,• , as street, • efore eav-
ing for „Overseas in' October, 1943.
Craftman Charles Worsen, now • in
O rance, sent....word to his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Wersell, that he was
fine -and-Vves-eittuttederteari-ea,
for sentence.
Michael. ,IieenedY wets sentenced to
tvieney days in jell for disorderly
After pleading, g -linty!. to a.' careless
• driving charge, Gerard Bedard. was
An adjournment of one week was had had two visits from Bobby Pink
ham, a grandson of Robert : Paley,
Raglan street„whe is_*about a mil
from -:-Charlie's Sapper -Harry
Worsen, *serving in Italy, alSO wrote
Ivan La.uzon, and had living quarters:1ns patents that he was enjoying good
,health and that tomatoes, corn 'arid
.4:tilt were scAnite plentiful there.
• 'Wowed Gordo e Lailzon, who. , was
charged. by his wife with non support
-Was-explelned thet, the accused and,
• his wife were working for ,nis father,
provided by the latter. Tivough her
counsel, Frank boimelly, Mrs. Lauzon
was given . an order by. the court to
procure her clothing from -her former
• wing quarters. " •
The case of Lorne Eamons -was
again adjourned for a week, the Magisn
trate promising it would then he -pro-
ceeded .with. Eamons -is charged by
Constable' Emerson Overholt : With
• speeding, and with failing i� at a
stop sign: His counsel._ Eget& Don••
nellY, in asking for an adjournment
..--explidneetthsre• Judielitrinvestigatle
is pending into a charge made by
Schr. Sephie's os
Auditors Discovered
A 0001.StliP Recalled 'G0_301)1017
-.-Three Men Reamed, when
„ _on MontleYlaSt, while' grappling for
.sonie ancifore• W. had ."lost, offthe
mouth of the river, Pert MacDOnald
iliscovered a pair of authors that came
off the schoener Sephie seVerel decades'
ago., Tbe Sephie Wate• a Marlton -built
vessel, 'end by reputation the fastest
ever ,turued put ,iii the old barber
for, him and saW nim coming toward :shipyards here. It Is said that she
the house with ills face lacerated and used, to. race the big D."84 beats uP
bleeding badly. It supposed that he 'Lake Ouron,.. and beat thene. After
was kieke'd in the feee by a ROL The
boy Cannot tell, what happonod;,prob. service, on the Lakes for some years,
ably it occurred so suddenly that. he wgshheeg, °Ltlelet:enigle;etiteekeeneetcipelelotrwjaaeteecre*
did not know what; had 'struck ‘1ilin, delighted' her new owner. It was in
The atteneing Physician at the hos- e gt94,3,. perhaps iittY years ago, that
-pital-stateS that the•ehief,inJUrlr-la 0at the Sepeie slipped her anchors in a
the!hase of the nose and le quite sere' succesifel, attempt - to get awa, to
safety, aucT7•thiiiigh search had ..been
uliste,nierendetile.' -niade-teretheni"-therVere-,never-found
: uutil Capt. 'Beet cazne upon them ae-
Bandmaster Woods hasdroppedinto
verse, with results as follows:
I have to • entertain -seine friends, they
dropped.inunawares- .Q
Ive've seen- More action," Writes I haven't ewept the kitchen or, dusted
-Ger. Deuglas, Graham, of II.M,C.S. - town the stairs-- e-
...ee_hte father,--Malcohn Gra- suPposed to look quite pleased,
hain; in • Goderich. That is that and latighettfid senile and grin; •
Douglas, who has jnever • been given to Oh, well; I guess' Ws up to me, '11,
talking too muck' has to spy about the • take. it: on, the chin.
.wer. On the postcard he adds that W.hen..friends_pee 'round 'me by the
is fine anddandyand - is. en ying,..a score, I end it hard to take; '
furlough in Scotland before rejoining I ,wish they one and Would -take'
his ....de"stroyer. AS is well knew -4e "a bigejnihrtiteihe....1-
"Haldir--has been in nettle at least six But that gives me 4 -fine idea; the lake
times and was part .ot the invasion • ' t th Pip,
• Eamons that he had paid a flee to fleet. Three weeks; ago this coming, -phone up Bert" 111acDonald to take
Overholt which -was not accounted for. Sunday She sank three German boats, • them for a trip. .
• Mr. Donnelly suggested' thattheease small, -yenterate- and damaged three I'd gladly give a ten gpoetoget them
be adJeurned entil atter the tnvestigtee there o „ tee coast of Brittany. Doug- .out the way; • " -
tion. " .• ) 1 -eindrat-the .#uns, but all.he has to If only for an ',heur or 'two, I'd shout
"It smells Of perseeutiod and vinclic- say': About it is, "We've been in action 'hip ,hip h'oorayi" .
tiveness," Stop signs are . evaded by again." -• • Hello! hello! Is that you, Bert, I went
thousands of people every week," Mr., , . to hire your 'boat, • ,
:Donnelly stated. ' • ' • • Sgt. "Bin". Hill, R.C.A,F., left today The Captain John or Annan:Lae or any
'If' the eolistable perseeciting, It on his return to ..,Calgere after a two that will float; -
would be better to have it •aired," weeks' furlough spent xvittchis Parents„. M3r.party numbers- twenty-two, perhia
Croft_ Attorney Holmes, , Sheriff and Mre.•jtml." • , -"erteilemoree--, -
Magistrate Cook said. he saw no I *ant them taken for 4. ride from
reason wItY . the, *case should - be - F/0, ..,Don Mason, who *enlisted in the two to half -past four. ..
-journed indefinitely. -A court of. int. R.C.A,F,'in. March, 1941,-. and has. been Three .dollare hour!, That's
quiry would, not affect the charges as an instructor since July. of that year yoU charge? , .
made: 4 • various training schools throughout My! Isn't that a: honey! • ' '
Max 'Schachter, . .of eTuekeesmith, Canada, is now .in England. charge them fifty...cents piece,
• charged with Making statements pre- ; - and get back all ,my money,
Judicial to the effective persecution of „ . p one, who" is sta.' - And make. a little profit; too, to help
tlitt-Avary-was-sentencer-suspeuded-sentence,-- -tiened--at-Dartsmentivy-fis--itisiting-----with--what-t
hi , r. W. H. lac tone, 0 , Always, from -now P hire e boat--
• and give friends a 'trent!
-11t./Lt. FLesile-Nift fel,..:who 'was 0:C. ' • - - •
withcosts of $10.50 or, thirty days
in jail. ' . '
' The New Magistrate
Frank Cook, the new Magistrate, is
a barrister, ane has been In praetice
at St. Marys since 1029: -a
r,-natiee_of • Midland; He served
• seas in the war of 1914-18; Was a
flightlieutenant in the, ,Royal Flying
Ceres,- and saw service in Italy, Egypt
and Palestine.' .11e Will Shortly •take.
UP reerde'nee in Stratford and will give
, Up the epra,cticeo'cif .1aW.:wnile•he holds
the poeition of magistrate.
rfig,i,t, •
Several Goderich rinks. took, part in
a doublestournament hed by l ' the
.„ • •.
• Clinton club on the Seaforth greens,
last Thursday .night. • Fred Price and
Earl AlliS011, took the third prike,
In ft, 'treblescompetition' at Lueknow
on Thursday •night -last Fred Hunt's
'rink brought the ,Joynt trophy. to Gode-
rich for the second year in succession.
The other members of the Hunt *team
wereetlif.- McManus ancieWe-J. Balterv
ILL the lecatqrehleS-tetirnamen-1, Oji
Friday night the. Winners, ,were W.
--;On -Monday, night, the winners were:
1st, Mr. Lynni and .13d. Masen.:. 2fid„
W..Neweembe and H. Meelee; .3rd, P.
Price and U. R. Hall; -4th, W. Rethan
and, W. J. Baker. ; . •
Last night -Geo. Mumbk and c„ Dec -
Menu's took first ,prieei;-prelf.MacKay
and 'H. *McNee,- - second.
•.OitiorKET. vtopuy
LONDON, Aug. 21. -The cricket
team- et, Port Albert 'Air' "Navightion,
• Sehool, playing here.. yesterday, re-
tained :the Enterprise -"eUp they WOW
last year by defeating the "Combines'?
113 to 88. The batting of -Smith, 42,
and'. Chapman, 23, together with a
clever bowling performance by Drew,
. was largely responsible.for the Fliers'
success'. Next Satur Peri , ARlert and
• Dunnville nii scbootwiItp1ay a send..
',final game for the Southwestern 'Ate
Command cricket ehampleuehip„
at the Windsor air training sehool,, has 'R,ECEIVES INTRODbOTION.
was a recent Visitor In town
Pit /Sgt-. 'Bert Huckins, -fernier in- F10. Reit!' Young IlaVing• an'Intereet-
structor at Sky Harbor and more re- ' • jug- Tim° 41.verseas -
cently of Oshawa, left, Goderich yester- An 'interesting air -mail -letter was
.day for _Lachine, ..QueThe , Qteekeyie received from FiYittg Officer _Keith
been posted to" the Pacific coitst. . . • To „RoVALTIEs
-8.0-0.ortitiki.:b.e6ii *Ad. • • . • ...Minh& 11'.0:A:Fc"' foriner*:.:G:CI: . stu-
•-• • •• • . -. , .
_ , dent. and son oloar. and ' Mrs. Gordon
By a' recent promotion Capt. C. ' D., 'Young; Colborne township, by.,, Mts.
--Fiereiegy - of - . the •eRseyet ---Cethaditife r‘0----Ke**-21111-derse-'''vcliese * sea --1C0'01-4$
Engineers, becoMea Major Fleming. -He- .2! close friend. • The lett$r, sent teem
Is the son . of Mr. • and - Mrs. 'O. E. England and dated August '12th, IS
Fleming a Ridgewood Perk. .. ' as •follows: - ' .
. • .......,_ , . . . . . yes, I•had a gcLodvisit with Keith
'me, and Airs... David:: Sharpe, . 3& on my lase leave.- 'we had a lot of fun,
Victoria,- street,' have -reedited Word but there was a, great deal to do and
that their Son, Cpl. Jack Sharpe; who -Owe went all too quickly. Hope I
Was stationed at Prince - George, 'tea,' will be Ole to . see him again . next
for the past ' two, years, is now in time. Keith finds the transportetien
England, , : . - - . in - this .country,'a bit ,awkward, as 1
• ' ______ . .: . • think we ,all do. The Hutchinsons
Mr. andMrs, Spencer ' Guest, et Were VerY, line and :were really good
Winnipeg, former residents *of GOde- to us' - ° . • °-° '
rich, IreceiVed. 'word:lain. week that "Things. here' are going 'Very . well.
their- second sop, W/O. Donald' Guest „. -I ani ahnost through ray first' tour. -of
leligVer-Pillit, wae_..-Missieg.. Airs. ePeratienS-but will go back . after 4
Warne*, the young_aIrMhOLgranthz.,short -....Period. The -Kikkg,.....anctLQ1leen,
other, reeetved- the unweldome news Ofrk POkess7Elizabefh- wthitell AkiA
at -Q1intor..7as:,stie :into., ,atiotir to iattiir statiOn-, yesterday and °, I - was ,.-ane- of
to Winnipegatter _ spending solo Allf)se ' to be introduced to them. t They
months ill Clinton and Goderieh. Don:. are verY friendly and easy-to-talk-toeasy-to-talk-tok-to
aid .htte two brothers in the Services. VelViie, and *I' think* 'nest 'ef 41e chaps
Flt -Lt. W. 0:' Guest' (Bill) - is the got quite a kick Out of it. •
medical_ officer at, the .R.O.A.T. station • 'ewffl be going oe leave in another
at Prince Albert, Sask., and PA). week or so. - It Is neyer, a problem
David . Guest, - the youngest of the about leave, -as thereare so many
three, is le eiying instructor at Pearce, .place e to which to go. I want te, see
Alta. ' ' • Overy. part of this edentry while" I'm .
. „ . . . -___',... -7* • here, I bave travelled abont "a let
Mr.. Dan Mekenzie, . Blyth, - has- re- during the YearI have ben here' W6
ceived'a letter front the chaplain a the get six days off every six weeks, which
is really only a *day' off a week: You
lst Carta.diae Scottish Regiment, Can-
adian A.rmy .B.W.E.p., referring to his would be surprised' hoW' much ground
brother, Po; ,Alex, McKenzie, „whose We cover` duringa' six weeks',. period.
death in action .in France Was -recorded .,,.,.„„s.. .
It ie.:considerably more -now sinee the
several 'weeks ago. . The -letter_ is as '-"Va loll it Is rather go 41 work anti
follows!, '-, . . ... it V; certainly- not without its grand
' "Dear Mr. McKenzie, ---It is with and glorious parts.
"ICeith, told me Bill , is in, aircrew
deep regret that, I am writing to eon- "-
y.ey my .efeeere, sympathywith, •yoki in 'OW. riOpe he likes it. no 'will get
the loss of your brother, Pte. Alex. quite a kick ouf of. this country when
MeKen40 -of thiS. Itattalion., He was he e°11-lels over. I" thilik'`alL "(4 '11° (1°.'
killed in action on the night of 8 -9th "Keith alwaytf'sends me- The,,Signal-
:rune during a determined and euceels-'
ful 'Counter-attack made by 'this: Bat.
, . talion on `strcing ,enemy positions: He
ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED fell with tlie leading cempeny, which
, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Millian.aenouttee distinguished , itself .greatly. ' Your
:the . etiktigenicae of their * daughter, brother was known as otle of the, West,
,Maitie Aileen, " to Charles 'Ernest soldierly men in the Battalien. One
Mitchell,. Son of Mrs. Mitehelf and the- of hie-otileere .deseribed him '16 me As
lath Ernest Mitchell, all of Colborne "all Soldier,"r Ile was a• good 'Min -
township. The-marelage to take place ence on. 1111 the younger men and net
early "id Septembpr. . r. them an example of bravery and de-
votion to, duty,„ . .
, al'Ict is buried near where he fell and
4 SUItably inscribe?' CaiSS now matks
his grave.- I am sure you will 'take
pride in the ;memory, qf a breve and,
well -tried soldier wile :did Inore tlittn
hho 'duty in serving again,. no:, is
greatly misS'ed dud sincerely mourned
by all in his. battalion. I knew , him
personally during the past year that
1 have been regimental' chaplain as n
the XAons are putting on a steeet
"'dance on Friday evening, September
1st, in aid of the Lions' British Child
War Victims' Eued. A good. orchestra
wig furniSli Magic and the Oaderich
Bou' Band will,plariu the bandstand,
on the Siinare before the dance,
• • 113, ease of rain the dallee Will be held
Star,. 'So you see • afe "Always up -
the on
nowS. Iteie surprising. hose mech
we got out Of• it too, - Will „have to
dokie new. Iteme,mber • me to „Mr.
,Sautulers and. till the family, Thanks
Again for writing -.and kindest regards
o you .t 1. v•
• S
Arrangements were made at a
special' meeting of Ahmeek Chapter,
I.(),D.E., on Tuesday-' night for the
holding.. of_a .genny _Bair. in the West--
otreet-rink, when, *besides the penny
auctioning of veil:101e ;prizes, bingo
and other games will be played, and -it
is. -hoped .a- be In attendance;
Meinberis of the Goderich Lion's
Club .. have generously offered
assistance and the affair ,promises to be
unique aiir Am for all. Mrs, -IL C.,
Dunlop presided.
• Mrs; D. 'J, Patterson, convener of
the adopted* ship *committee,. read a
etterLotneknewledgment-of-gifts tre*--
the' commander efeell.M;C:S. "Ala -
cheese," in *witieh" he'"etpressed the.
cidentally this week The'Y would
Po,ands. A- "hei.0*- Was PleCed to mark
tbe location„ and the bie hooks will'
be raised later, Bert, by the Way,
didn't find the smaller ancnora he -was
looking for.
Already it •has been proposed: that
the-recovered-anchorfe-be plaeed-per-
mane/any - in some .public plade, per-
haps at Lighthouse Polut. This; how -
"ever is a matter for later consider-
...211ey. -are etill --under -.twenty--
feet of water. 7• '•
Three alrnien from Port Albert" Air
Navigation Schoorhed 4 bit of tremble
at Goderich harbor at -noon on. Sunday
last They hadjatmehed.a small new
sailing' _skife: and deSpwarning
ventured outside the piers, Where it
was rathe rough. •They were about
r. Frank Donnelly learned -0
Tuesday morning thet tbe eawMill
°Weed. 'by 14efatber, Senetor a a.,
1)4uneilyi and Operated by his brother
rank et -Cheilettliee--.Ietd- been- tot,a14-
, „,.
destroyed by fire early 'that 'morning,
:Flames: etterelieSt netleed-in 'the' hidler
roOM hi employees residing in Ilona°
neerby,aed luergained much headway
•by the time they reached the mill. A
eau. for help was telephOned to Walker-
ton, abelit eight nallets ,a,waY, and -the
Are brigade -of that teWn. *rdede
ProMpt response, •eueeeeding On -
fining the liames to the Will- PrOPer.
Large Steeke of -lumber Were saved.
The loss, is placed at $5,000,' partly
covered by insurance. The Donnelly
fendly have .1erge interests in Oh0P-
Stow and thie 'the tire they
have had lu forty Yeere, Twelve men
Wed -
have been thrown out of employment.
Lioos Comity
:Net Returns
Vtlars' Curry vcriis the $1.00 Priaat
'Centralia Pi Band ,
Derigh* d-
T...1***Plosing. night ot the rei'Onts:-,P10...,--......-..
garnivii, - On-Yetclak;'Wait another Out-
standing euceesei, *Ith, an attendance
Of 1020 people. 'Tile net returns Or
bath. nights wili enrieh the 1,4na trot*
ury by aPProxi-InateIY 42000, Whielt ' •
in will -,be devoted to the Wer .eetivitiefe.
erippled children's auti Iirltieh '014-, -
ren war vletira.er work of the Chub.
,,,. The maiu ,Priee, 4'• '4101) Irleteri •
bond, went to another. little Goderieh
girl, XerY Cierryi daughter of. Mr, and
lirst nrer);(1.'4Yri':htt44ingkhg3thlitella.a:(2-1'9v*rawilzeit'w4.ii.atetAbeiCweeettlW7et‘Y'
741124Mrs. bell•I'414;11dLeaPrud-dearli; gbOtOett. 1)hierMrkis-auliter :-
Eleanor as reported,last week.
- 'Tlie----Wer.ffilk,e of -a-f50. Vaer,ii bond
-., - - - was wen. by Mrs. Mary -Henley, 1017
i "._4:10:3: Btootter„....Eno.vorair);_tt,Litg.• lianas tearithar:wie.,GIQrocidiotlitillitek,blheiorit_iy., jtjttretervuelled:::ir:ba:_.,_
lit. 0, hist. I, bot. 0,
II. ' • . - •• " ,
I,LL4t. comie I, Fr. autli. 'II, Fr. eoin
zoo,. 0, ,Lat, autbpi. First, 4100
vsoinctoo: Mr. and maMrtent__
_41Foerod,orded:,fgnter ..ok"....!fr.', 7d Ni, rs, B.
.nntii nearly Midnight :when, it Was
-made with the president W. J, Hedge;
draw, and a large crowd revatainee
W. C. Attridge, With results as follows: Ricky ticket was drawn liY iaarY
Much intereet centred in tile Matti .
• o '
, 101. ixtrt.7.. - vra:euig ty. Ahnicig. C, . , 00i hb; :I: 0,8,iptelhgl:_i7":—:?:niEgii.11,g, te.oremi.g:pm...P1,0b:.:Blti::...!.:, mFrankt4031Ir„ xohet d::: ,d.ot !a'. Isei lin: 5517. Scanlon, rw. a ,'.v51.lnaaa 4: i . l. . savings6 .1‘R..v-, • e t.. . ii.g. 143g;artaettte certificate-
„....eGoderiche ., .
lit .0, hist. III,. trig. C. bot. 0, •zool. 0, •
phys;;I,.chem. I, Er. a.utk..1, Ej. comp.
Evelyn' Donaldson -Hist. -II, geom. e.-
0202) - -
Fourth, 410 war savings „certiffeate,--. -
ai....i....revir:=I'It,:znogPo:17cot:-.mI*Tp, .phoys., Eng.
'`'Ia.'6-2;i3it8511_°' ),.41$5-44. w. rat:: savings
s.' .4;51:: rOtt:e4e.,:e7 ,
lit. C, ,hist. 0, trig. II, bot II,, zee'. Ir; _
W_ Thont, -Gederiph -.Tiliooy;::- .
Sixth,. f5::_war savings.' 'certificate -L.;
lolet.: Teske; ••,_Blytti-1-1,3805),- , -,.., ----
yt:osbeev.rr Hays, Goderich
NvGioade,sFaievillugmP ecerliti,,„ e a te--'.
. -•JP,._,pipo-band •
, zoor. pr. with,. (3, vi. embp. . .1 ...., . . . , 4olethperogreeantraolifalnauiZrat .updritseanx.teehdiu.ag- .
Irene Milne -Hist. ' II; bet. 0, 001
aliut„thC. ,c h, irstt.. -11, bot. tc. ..II,.r, zo, 0.1._,......, , :A., ibeAtriallEnd°,dkeeee,x1PearTosre(.1.6.fblwa e'tbiettik, ..e?ipe.t° •
1,amtuao.crillig14tehi''...ePtia; tilLteaul.o.eneo,--..._mp:spilx,:::riire,.(sinau,opest.h1.2.
Ruth Pentland -Eng. comp. Hien large and delighted audience: ”. - •
MaJor. Ross, paid 4 high, tribute ,
-1 i''. laltha' ''ene°eptilavyl.eesd °•:eethe eralS,(1sueale*cetiboent4s7feoebet"he-
C,* Fr: -auth. ,C, Fie -comp, n
- 1 ing the parade to the rink, where
„Beg, lit. II, hist. I, bet. 1, zod. I. Lilt'''. Pop7oi.ne'edidt°,4P4-rke• it'Lligs1,74,.'ecorpii'sfh°1nr;;14', .
antb. I, Lt. comp.. I, Pr. anth, I, Pro.
pomp.. II. - .• . . war and welfaie activities. ' •
• Results 0,g the lune Tipper School
ex,aminations lederigh ..Ciottegia
announced on Monday,. are
as follows:
Bandy Bisset -e -Eng. cots*. bot. Cf;
zOol., 0, plays.' 0, ehem. .
. Claire Bisset -Eng. comp. X, Eng. lit.
II, Mg. I, geom, bot Lat. auth.
I,Lat. Comp. I, yr.' untie 1,1're.Cerap. 1.
of -whoin lack Young,- WeSt stfeet,'
.0a0 1411rw'zi-- we •-• D I as: d
en: the pier entrance knit -13 3ts. atit
as c on comp. 0,
thanks of himself_ and the _c Y
'overturned the° craft and the m
the enter , breakwater- :When it . sqnaelni Eng.
thyo;,...,_0;_x,r. ifutu:_c;,, .7st
The--eXlSeS• • Of -the' 'box
comp:*0. • •
sent to the ship are shared by* the.
Maple Leaf Chalker, 1.0.p.E.
were thrown. the water.
•Capt. Bert •MacDonald had been
keeping -his -eye -on -the -
rescue with. the "Captain4John,"
. bringing the men to safety. * .
- • DIES SUDDENLY The Incident adds one more to a
ilarry-Traver Jaffrey, yice-president
and general Manager of the Inapete41
Bank of' Canada, who clied suddeuly at,
Toronto on reiday, night. Ittet, .was a
cousin` of Mrs. ‘0. A. Nairn of tovv-4.
He was a 'native of (Ult. TWO 'eiders,
the Misses Mabel. elle late Jaffrey of
Toronto, were vieitinte •Goderich when
they 'received news brother's
death and returned at ence to Toronto:
Miss. Maud Howell and Miss Otte
'Sperling Address North Stre
W.M.S. • :
oetiorth-T-St-reet Uiiite
,church 'lad an unusually" interestin
seseionTaftlie regelett Monthly Meetin
with addresses hy,tvve home-misiienar
workers, Mies' littud Howell and Mie
Olive Sperling:- The president, Mr
c: M. .Robertson, _coud.Ueted the open
exereisee. and presided th
long chapter of rescues effected by the
vigilant Bert. His- ever -reedy assist-
ance en, times of danger and trouble
-at the - waterfront was undet, dis-
cussion 'at the 1,11,0 meeting of the
*Town council; when Reeve W. J. Baker
'urged that ,some recognition be made
of • the services he is tendering the
'community -at the- beeee and the lake-
front in general., Besides.. keepleg a -
watchful eye on the hundreds child-
ren .at the beech, his lannefres are
ever ready to be placed at the disposal
of ships or persons in - distress., Re-
eently.he dragged the harbor for eight
hours for the body of a young sailor
who had been drowned while Swimming.
at the east end of the harbor.
— •_ _
1 :1.. •
t• .•••••;
e were: .Friday, Bricoldoe, - 144,000 bus.
g, -wheat, oate• and screenings for the
y Goderich eleiater, .146,000 pus: wheat
s for the Western. Canada mill; Tues-
-dui'; Algoway, • 222,000 bus. wheat, and
A. A. Hudson, 123;000 Wis.. wheat and
barley; • today (Thursday), F. Y.
Massey, 113,000 bee. Wheat ad barley.
All cargoes, except the part (largo of
the ' Brileoldoe, -.were for the elevator.'
. The Sailing yacht -Oriole arrived on
Monday and is being employed for the
training, of the Sarnia Sea Cadets
camping_ at Ieitchiganti._ She makes a
fine addition- to the 'little' fleet which
has: been .,put at the dispoealof the
See Cadets. Besides the power yacht
Shire there are seven- 14-2 _sailing
dinghies and two 25 -ft. eutters; so that
the boys receive training' in the 'handl-
ing of various kinds of craft. *-
The Glenelg Drougbt in another
'cargo of. ,coal for, the mill on Saturday.
business session. .- •
The „devotional: exerciees, condupte
by Mrs. Peddle, were followed by a
address by Miss Howell, a -former mis
Symati to Trinidad but ,noVr emit:wee
.with United -church
Halifax. Miss - Howell, whd is 4911
&tying 'at the home. of her parents
Mr: and Mrs. M. W. 119well,_gaVe ai
interesting account of the work she a
a deaconess in company with severa
other, ioupg, ladiesis doing to hel
the Sunday school, the young men an
women on- the street, arid'.especially th
young men and women Of the urine
forme at Halifax and in the establish-
ing 'of a recreation centre.
Miss Rowellthenintroduced the
second speaker, 'Miss Olive Sperling,
who forthe • pase 'six years *has _heeet.
cting-in-the-capacity of .miss on
ary to, the Church. of All Nations,01.U.
entreae -Miss Selerthillis at present
ladideylegewitkhee. aunt, Mrs. W. J.
Hodge. She gave a detailed .aeco•unt
of her Week among the foreigners of
the 'slums' 'of-' Montreal,where from
ten 'to fifteen' different nationalities
1 I It •
exist. . She spoke especially of a grouP
of Hungarians, 'a Very independent
race of ,people, • Who by dint of -hard
work, saving ,every -penny, and. giving
Work where they could not give ',money,
had eventually been ;able. to build and
.finance a °lima' of their 'ewn. Even
the children had contributed to' this..
, Miss Sparling said slifferent national
grolips are formed, net 'because' of
race diffeeenee but because of. sheer
loridineee. fie' Most lettetett they feel
that •native Oartadians.ido not want to
aesoelete with Own, though their bight
est 'ttim is to become ;Canadian and
to mingle with. Capadians• •
Mrs. Powley. sow a* beautiful. solo,
AtThe. Ohord,"; between the. ad:
deesses. After the, singing of a, hy,ma
the meeting wag eoncludeV•with the
Mown benediction.
LoNvoit parkpiTs
in the *first 'game of the Vit.O.B.:A.
midget 'finals, played at Loudon on
aturday, 'the Sarnia team, which, put
he -'0oderich Lions' team out -Of the
tinning, was defeated 5-4. "Moore, the
arnia hurler, hilewed,, only six hits,'
while his team had eleven hits off
Stone, who Went the rode for London.,
The Sarnia defeat. •Nviis 'attributed to
poor bakie-running, a fault- which they
*certainly did not Slum their games
with Goderich.
London juveniles to Meet Sarnia,
In the juvenile •series -London has
.eliminated St. Thomaa and the final
ganieS Will be betWeen Sarnia and
London. •
good soldier iindrcifine Chliracter.
""Sincerely yours, : Seaburn,
Alex. McKenzie .was a member of
a well-ktiown Ashileld township fata-
lly.He served in the first Great War
and enlisted again for the present.
War. Ile Is survived by two sisters,
Miss Mary McKenzie: of Aglitlelk1-11114
A/1138' Grace McKenzie, ILN., of Tor-
onto, and two brothers, Dr. .Hector
McKenzie '.of Bellevae, Alberta, and
Donald, 'of BlYtti,-
'Verna -Miller-Eng. COMP.' 11, Eng.
*t. I ,
Charles Tyndall ---Eng.. cOmp: 0 ag
Fr. auth. -
TO tE-if. G. W. FREEMAN.
7EDDED Ate close of the Tuesday evemeg
,service at the Free Methodist ehurci
.- e-
• • the menihers and friends ga-ve the de,
. •
Mr. and Mrs. R. 0...McGowan of East -parting Pastor, Rev.. G. W. 'Freeman,
d-• iWeartnhoesh..faermelebl.iraomtee of ..m"r. :elevvy a chair
the, front :et the.
• - • . a great surprise. He Was invited, to •
'd -Mrs. R. C. MeGraww-ard-eo • urc •, W i e e vengrega emit
den. East Wewanosh, evas the scene. of' "Blest be.' the tie that binds."
a happy._:OCCEisinn on et
_Tuesday, .rugue dcliess-7waa :Teed' expressing
15, When :many' relatives, .friends and ation of, .his: services for the -past five
neighbors - called to offer_congratula- siesyS and also of . those of . the la
lions and beet wishes on the'celebratien Mr. : tireeeman: A purse containing
of 'their golden. wedding:- The mar- -substantial amount 0 money was pre-
riage took place in Ashfield on Jeme. sentee to him.; with good wishes for
ary .18, 1894,..but owing to road and success in his future charge at Till -sent'
weather coeditiods the r celebration: was burg. • '
'postponed..Their tour daughters, Mary Mr: Freeman replied; expred-ing ape
(Mrs. C. Goatee, ' BelgraVe), predation •ef, this aet02 kiecniees on
RebeccaDixon 'Nes.' Fred 'Reid, the part of the -church, and friend -
Varna), Ruth (Mrs. Harold Buffett, a.gLwa. as on other occasions. : Abe"
Careclivillef Mich:), Edna "(Mrs. Geo. .he wished to say that he would not fere
(3harter, Myth), were all present. • The get the 'warm friendship •104 •-kindly
house WitS nicely decorated. with 'a. greeting of the good people of *Goderich
profusion of .summer flowers. ' The tea gerterally, and of lis kind *neighbors
room was deeoratedwith s .white and other friends in the- surrounding .
wedding bell and yellow streamers and country.. - • .
the tea table,- which was covered with
a lace cloth, was centred with the wed -
sling cake and candles. Duritg the
afternoon, Mrs, E. J. Mason of ',Gede.
rich and Mrs, A.'141. Babb of Te"eswater
,poured teh and in the 'evening. tars.
. C. Taylor- at .Lncknow and Airs.
,-. ,
g.".217‘..11-6:1he' marriage to the, guests by four of their greed.,
. . Alex. McGowan, Blyth. Tea was served
Of MiSS',.jean Alberta. Thom,
asteswt -rAe_npare andurse, ...r v, corooi:04sRomr:hre_.Ireandrf
rbfir-Lbirdet'Goder1611,--1.-b-11 urn., T -or-
cktIOW, 11-alldael-M,Rs'A. naTh:4421-4rJ9n1. P4-11' mite, ,I.AkknoW, . _St lvfo.tys, Clinton,
Martin, , Pictou, N.S., son of the late Varna,* Teeew' ater 'aud 'Myth., Mate.
Mr, and Mts. Robert Martin of Sydrr: yebsettetae-iretstroultanwdgiebfdtidrweeilleiv:stcloogf.eeittipierile.f.e_osrew'dnintohrgee,
Cape Breton, was solemnized , Sa
day, August 12, at 8.30 -p.m), in at. ham „Advao.e.,Timea.. .
lames Anglican reinirch, Piaton. Rev.
Robert Bear, naval, .padre, officiated:
The bride' wore a powder blue street -
length' dress - with blacli.,,ticoesseries
and ,a cersage Of sweetheart roses and
* The bride's attend-
ant, 'Mrs., Robert 'Bent, wore "'a pink
wool Jersey dress :trimmed, with blue
and 'a corsage of Briareliffe roses.end
fern. The groomsman was Lieut. Jack
Merrifield,e11.0.N.V.It, a London, Ont.
After the' eerenfony, the collide, left • for
a -wedding teip in _Prince Edward.
Island. Later, they will. visit Teter-
boro and' Lucknow: They will Iive,in
-,BAND leo",PLAlt
The build of thearnitt'See Cadets
will give a concert on -the Square, at 8
etelock ou Eriday „evening., This ,brind"
already has a fine reputation In Gode.
rich from, previous appearanees here
and our citizens win hear it „with'
great pleasure.
The demand for labor On Huron
eenntY farms Is apparently slackening
otr, with most of thecrop in:and
threshing In fun swing. At Selective
Service, West Street, more than forty
fermhand's have so far made applica-
tion to go *est, on the harvest excur-
sions, but the local office bas not yet
received dates of departure of trains.
Selective Service does not sayso, but
there are mounting sies that the labor
(tuatloa Is.01teteg in some, oecupations. Theat
This week saw the close Of the
sale of Sky liarbor effects by the
Huron. County Plying Training School.'
Officials pronbuheed the sale a distinet
success. People came from consider-
able distances to attend it and good
prices were -0 realized, • the company
getting what was asked in ;every case.,
• Mr. J. 'A. Makins WAS 110110red at
Stratford on Friday last on his 'retire-
ment after many years' service as.
Magistrate., "Tributes were. paid .by
-members of the bar, by Mayor. Moe-
teith'ind Chief Of Police Beatty, and
tile retiring magistrate was presented
With an easy "ehair and 'Other gifts. •
ST. GEORGE'S owitcnr.
• The reetor of 'at.' George's olio&
announeedlast Sunday that the Bishop .
of the •Arctic, who was to preachlett-
Sunday, will instead preach ,on. two
Sunday mornings in 'September.. The "
recent accident which Bishop Fleming.
had in the DitNeSe :of the Arctic made,
It -1 • 1: !',. ,o be present
on Sunday lest., "
A _feature -et _the' largely attended"- \-
service last Sunday-nterulegWas-the '\,.
.fiite* solo ;rendered by ;Miss•flIlarajorie.-
Hays in a very , pleasing voice. • The
rector sontinued his serieS of, sermon* .
ethi popular hymns. • • -
Owing. to the, heavy: rain onlyedues-
day, for the Secon4, 'Aittiak
school picnic had to be poetpenetee,
While this ,is greatly to be regrethed,
Yet the rain was badly needed.'11 i
Probable now that an ' indoor event
wili.be arranged for the ehildren later '
RSV. 11. N. Weekes, rector of Glencoe.
:will preach at both services 'next Sun'-
day., A cordial welcome .1s extended!.
to all visitors.
: The. Salvatiero ArMY /lane Pro*
appeal will open Septeelbet 18th and
will eontifino tot twelve days. 'The'
objet is to raise one dollar.
In 400 towns, cities and villages, 30;000'
,volunteers. will.,"Co-operate with .1500
Salvia:toe AlInt.offieers in making tile
Sees .Pititire of Her Soldier Husband
In a NVWS, Reel from Fraiice
To see en the screen a picture of our
-own troops taking part in the liberation
of Mince or Italy gives any panadia,n,
a .thrill; but how mucI4,-greater` the
thrill must be When one recognizes
among the gallimt men in uniforraone
of his or her very own folk, . •
This was the etperielice on Monday
night of little party of summer
visitors iniGoderich, Mrs, Nicol. itinge..'
utill and two children, , of Toronto, in
watch fig the news. reel at. the Capital'
e. ,The picture filiovioed MX%
Itingsmilrs husband, Nicol
Kingsmill, of the highland, ' tight „
Infantry,, as Canadian troops in his
command raised' the Canadian battle
flag in the French eity of Caen, after -
the City had been t,freed the NO..
troops. '01,en was. the Atilt. "OW' i.
Prance entered and „fought for by
Canadian troops, -sum, their flag *was
the first -one officially raiSe0.,i1X the
cinsdisti-oeenpied section.
ltrrs. Itiugonill with ker ctilldram tat
viaiting here "with her sister, Mrs:
Biggar et Toronto, oft ril4.04,.!X ottmet.