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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-08-10, Page 5
y TREA$URI. SALE, OF LAND FOR TAXES co,„ 4 oniut1CH County of guron • -•, B air uo Mayor • , e ni ^aa<arrbearing` .the:21 -,of-April a •i .,dote 'warrant - issued,* b the 1'�a r� of the Town'�t Gt7cleri }.r_ �.: � y ..---. ,,. of .e.-._ -may '.sale'o Ian'arrears -louin it Chambers, d h. '.hour i� ds in of. titares, in the Tow of C.oderich will be held at" irlae .�'_. , e1 C. m , Go �earicla, ;at t e ofr, 2,30, c ck in fte m. �9 un.. s" the taxes d costsare sooneri Notice . ? clo ,.. •the €� . xnQa on •the 22zid ,day of, �1'oYOaxalUer, �, 44, 1Q , �, h "liild . os pa. d, t e Is ` hereb iv' h t e l r r t laces alas published d in V e' Ou. ari '' �z t e . n `the ,.• .. y g �?n that h . lst of • !mads fort sale �o d.fr bars o� a p s �1 �. t o �a cite a_... 5th day of Au Pt, 1944, and.' that. copies' of ,the said list•`anay be had' at my office,. ' •, Ta;eztust rex s Office this. 10th day . 1 , t q oi`' .�,tlaust, 944 . , Qwiner and. Description - ; • RUNNIN.Cr Ninvi ER.S Sam McNall,••-Lot 195, Queiaec St • Edward . Dunn -Pt.. Lot 186, Park $t Hector 14/fae1cay�-Pt, :Lot 249, Elgin St., •Sita 1 Me 11 -Lot -198Quebec, St... Proud oot & Hays Estate -Let 236, Park St.. •,Y Ir:,f,r,1 .,,.:Proudfoot-•&:.'.H tate--Lot 237 - ,--park ay�� ,tea .�,,,,a,,...,,,.r.,. Proudfoo - s EState-Lot • 238," r ..... ......... t 4C �Yay,, 1+state--LOt Pm k St...,..,,,.r Proud oot, & 'Ha •'Estat et 2 9Park S a ,. ys a -L 3 , .t . .• Proudf00t�y� tto--LOt 282, • �gix•� • Proudfoot & Hays Jstate-Lot 283, :algin St Proudfoot& Heys, Estates -'Lot 284, Elgin St. Proudfoot.& Has Estate, -_._.Lot 285, Elgin St.— .... . ,.,...a;: ..a:Rrpni3,. !o ,_ . , r „t 287..:. r3dpr� �,1t�Y; wr,+xW,v3arT„ri: s. ...r.roudfoot & ays-r ate -'••.Lot 355,.'3fidge-S,t....:..,.�.. .:,.,..,. Proud cot & Hays Estate `?Lot 380, Bridge St •Proudfoot & Heys 'Estate,Land. Catherine Hays :Lot 302, !algin •St. ..,Proudfoot_& Hays . + sate -Lot 347; Wellesley_St George ,Yule --E. •p1: -Lot 209, Quebec St • Arrears " The University -of ''Western ' Ontario is decotedo th�.�rain- inq of mGr-on women ;for the duties end responsibilities of • 'citizenship, • •ln"these 'day (a1' /reined loaders ore greatly ' heeded in x alk:,.. f • 1938-39 1935-43, inela . 1934, 1936-37, • 1939-43, incl, 193843,” incl. 193843. 1038-43, . inet 1938-43•, _incl.. 1938-43, incl. 1938.43 ..incL�.. -nm., 1938-43, incl. 193843 .incl. 193)37-4,3„ incl.:.. 113 =4 • 1938=43 incl. $29.31 .$2.25 25.74 2,13. 63.86 , '3.10 98.37 3.95- 40.06° .95.40.06 40.07 ,.. t. 250° .. 40.070 2 • .55 >s . .. te. 40.07 ° 2.50 --,.28.60 • 2+22 � . 28.60 2.22 28.61 2.22 .xe 86,83 86.95 3.68 30.88 2,27 33.03 2.33 52.61.+ 2.83 _�... 193843, incl.. 1.938-43, incl, 1935-40;- iaiicT: . 01,56 27.87 60,90.. r _ 102.32 6 42.57 42,•57 42.57 30.82.- 30.82 • 80.83• ' 30:S8 ,, PART PARE LOT 1 • Aileen Bourke-- ,•,ot•..59t, Tapier St, .,.,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,a,.•.< 193843, incl. Arleen Bourke -Lot 59'; Napier St.,,, Aileen Bourke -Lot 595, Napier St. • Aileen Bourke --Lot: 641,., Napier St • Aileen Bourke -Lot 642, Napier. St l%en. 73iuf%"" To`t'-'643"' ler' o e-, , :Nap ?�,.-.,;. Aileen Bourke -Lot 644, •Napier STE` Aileen Bourke --=-Lot 652;-Montealzn St Aileen Bourke-Lot,653; Montealin St Aileen Bourke -Lot 654, Montcalm . St -A-ileen--Bonrlm=Lot 055-; --Montcn,lm St 23.13 23.13 23.13 PART PARK LOT. 2 • 1938-43, ; incl, ,x 193843, `incl. a ,1938-43, incl. ' 1938-43,- incl. 1088-43, ..incl, 1*38-43,- incl. :..; • - 193843; incl. _. A iiTeen Bqurl a -Lot 665,-Monicalm__Sr .,. Aileen Bourke -Lot 666. Montealm St • Aileen Bourke -Lot '667, Montcaim St .4 licca _ ilourke=x.,ot, 6.79. Wolfe St.. ., Aileen Bo urke-}--Lot 680, Wolfe St - • PART PARK LOT 3 ... 193843,. incl. 1 ..... . - 1 . '4. ,...,.. ,., ' iric P38 1 1 .... • • 1938-43, incl. • 1938-43, ...................... 1,938-43, incl. y ` 1938.43, Incl. MAITLAND CONCESSION. L. 0, . W. Flick --Pt. Lot 107-, McMahon St • , 103,4-43, incl, L. tb., °W. I1ink-Pt. Lot .108, McMahon St 1934-43, -incl.' "• CONCESSION "C" Tames Colbert -Pt, Lot 9, Hincks 'StU • 1935=43, incl. L. 0: W. Flick -Pt. Lot 8, Bayfield'St 1934,43; incl. �� • - PART` BLOdK` "I)>► 'Proudfoot" &)'I, ys 1;. te-Maitland St 1938 8, incl. • CAMERON AND::REAYS STIRVEY L. O. W, flick -Lot 1073, H:ic s = 193443, . incl, • IIlaedonn:ld Gibbs -Lot 1248; Keays St 193743, incl: Lorena Gruminett-:--T2t 1216, mouth St r '193643, ` incl. Horton Estate -Lot 1163, Gibbon's493843, incl.; TT9rton Estate ---Lot 1164, Gibbons St,... 1938.43; . incl. Hort©n Estate --Lot 1165,Gibbons. St 193843, incl. ITorton. Estate -=Lot 1168, Cameron St -1938-43, incl: Horton Estate --Lot 1169, 'Cameron St ,1938-43, 'incl, HortonEstate--Lot 1170, Cameron St;.. 193843, incl. WILLS SURVEY ...:...... ..... • • 1938-43, '1938-43,' incl. TILT'S SURVEY - - :- • ' Martha Sts..:.. 1936-43, ,incl. 1936-43, incl. :.. &3103643, 1930-43, incl. , 1.936-43, incl.. _.. 1936-43, incl. '193643; incl. ., 1986-43, incl.' 1986-43, . -1 1. ...,.: 19364:3: incl. 198643, incl. 193643, _incl. 1936-43, `incl. 193043, incl. . 1936-43, incl. 193443, .incl, 1934-48, incl. ' :; 1034-43, incl. 1934-43, inel. 1934-48,° in,cl,. 193448, ' Inel. 193443; • incl. 4 193443, inch. 193443; incl. 1934.43, incl. 1934-43, incl. Y _ --:-10.34=13; 1110.: 193443, incl. 1.118443; Wel.- 1934-43, 1934=43, incl. ' 1934-43, incl. 1937-43, Friel. 19:37-43, Mel: • MAR SURVEY Y 104143, incl. 1988.43,, incl.. 1033-43, incl, • 1933=48, incl. 1033-48, 4ncL `SU7RVEY 1935-48," incl. 1938-43, , diel. • Isobel Bell -Lot 138.7,. Wells . St.........:,....,........ 'Isobel Bell --Lot 1388„ Wells St 4 •W: T. Cooper;=Lot 19, 'Mary and W. 3. Cooped-Lhot 23, 'Martha St W . T, eooper�Lo"ta 24, Martha 'St W.T.• Cooper -Lot 25, Martha St• • . W. T..Cooper-Lot ' 26, Martha _St. W. 3. Cooper -Lot 27, Martha St.. 'W. .1 Cooper T. of 23, -Martha- St,;:. W. T. Cooper -Lot 29, Martha St :W. .7.- Cooper -Lot. 30, Martha St W'..T. Cooper -Lot • 50, Morula ' St.,., W J. Cooker --Lot 57, Martha St • W. ,7.• Cocipef--i';ot :58, Martha St 'W. J. Cooper --Lot 59, Martha St - - W. '3, Cooper= -Lot: 60, Mnrtha.,St W..T;•• Cooper -Lot 61, Martha St L. 0. W... -Flick -Lot 67,, Tilt St L. 0. W. Flick -Lot 68, Tilt St L. 0: W. Flick•• -Lot 69, Tilt St...:.,, L. 0. W. Flick -Lot 70; Tilt At -L..0. W. Flick -Lot 71, Tilt St .LO. •'WFlick -Lot 72, ;tit St T_ L. 0..W. Flick -Lot 73, Tilt St L, O. W. Flick --Lot 74, Tilt St L. 0. W. Flick --,-Lot 75, Tilt : St.,.... ..... ..........•.,..,,,., L. 0.../w: Flick -tot 7E, Tilt St • .i L. O. W.•Fliek •--Lot 7.7,. Tilt St " T -r. O W I+`al'iek-Lot 7 ;:-Ti t St L. 0.. 'W . F14ck--:Lot 79, Tilt St •...; ..;,......., L. 0. W. Flick -u --Lot I..- 0. W. Flick -Lot L. O. w. '..[+peek -Lot' 14. 0. W. Flick -Lot, Nellie, WoottorfAv Ait ' .Nellie. Wootton• --•Lot 80;:" illi St..:.:.,Y,.::Y 81,' Tilt St, "• • 82,"`'1 tit"St - 83,'Tilt St.„..,...,, ,.:... ,....a. 16, MarySt.,:,.,, . ..... 17, Mary St........ PARKS AND - 'MA Eliz. Miller -Lot 12, 11¥ hltland St A, Stevenson -Lot 1, 'Maitland St, ” A. Stevenson -Lot 2, Maiti ut1 -St. A. Stevenson -Tot 27, Cypress -St A. 8tev.en$oti -_.Lot 28, .Cypress St HUTCHINSON 9'. H. Grahq;,m 'Lot' 102, Wilson St ;► .T, 11. ' GrahamLit 103, NiTiison St l'roudfoot & Ways Estat4 Tot ' 80, Warren .Syt:,..,,..i.,., St," M1 Proudfoot ;&'Hays -Estate ---Lot 82, Warren Saults Estate -.lot 20, 'Molder St W W, ,Saints Estate -Lot 30; Widder St. Roy Snazel- T.ot 31,` Widder St..,..,,. Roy- Snazel-T01 '32, Wielder 't W. Peaehety-tot 113;' Britannia W Peachev-Lot 1-14, Britannia St pr • • • :93843, incl. 1.5138.43, incl•, '1638-4k; ' incl: • 1938-43, incl." 1033-43, iiteT. „ .1933.4:3, incl. 1938-39,. incl 1938-30,, incl vEv , 1038'-48, incl. 1938.43„' incl. 1938.43, 4nel. StrT.vnY '1935-43, incl.. 1035-43, ' incl. 1035-43, incl. 1035-43, , incl, 11IC11 STIR 1Iort1mcr-Xeiliber axe i ,7. Rifnmer-Pt, Lot 8,Bennett St Mortimer ,Kelliher and ..T. Rimmer»Lot 0, Bennett St • Mortimer 1 elliher and 3. Rimmer Lot 10, Bennett: at..:...., ROBERTSON 13, rifurney Estate and Mrs. Z. 'W'', Long -Tilt 1311, rttmron St • .f, lfurney Estate and Mrs. .1 W T azlg :.X�ot 1:312, ,Iti ron St H; M'urney Pstate,¶nd Mrs. T. W. Long -13o1 1313;• TNuron St T[, 3fritney 'Lstiite Arid Mrs. ,'T. W. tong.: -Lot 1315, nitron It 2.08 0 '2.08 2,08 23.13 2.08 2313 • • 2:08 23.13 .b 2.08 23.08 2.08 23.08 2.08 23.08' 2.08. •• '23.08 2,08 23,11 2.(18' 23.11 i' '.-.>,2,98 23,11 2.08 23,114 ' 2,08 23.06. '2.08. _ g3.06 - . 2.08 p 25.21 25.21 25.21 • :25.21 25,21 ,5:21; a 25,21 25.16'• • 25.16 25.1' 1 25:16` 25.19 25.19 25.19 .25,19 25.14- 25.14 ' . (b'l'Qualified `eci.ntlaste are; now • ire urgent demand:.pnciwill likely be required in greater •ra es 'the pear fu. • tures (c) Mery and women with high academib and professionpl, training .are, a war neces= si.ty, • The Army, Navy and . Air Force Want men for key jobs: who are fully qualifkkd : and .: trained.. Our Armed. Services demand the best we •have. In' the 'time of crisis men • "; arid,, -Women who''have health: li o n iaish ld qualify fi m- If t a d'a ty "u g v e se V s, forthese i- ' the l e ery ccs of State. A i ea thetraining . _.aEducgt ori m -_ns ,_ trp n�ng Of the mental and moral powers or' naturalendowments of the individual-either--by`amsystem of. .Scip of,•f : experiences- j ,.. di_�, . -lt-ice ser such training that gives strength "-fo men ,and makes them great._ TALI. TERM REGISTRATION 1944-45 September 5t>It _---_Students,,_ Medicine, in_.all years .except the first -year. ' • 4 • September 18th-Publialealth, and Nursing students. . September 23rd, 25th, 26fk, Students- in Arts, Science, Business Administration, Sec- retarial Science, first year or pre -Medicine, etc., etc., etc. - t r.fu tf ei rti ulur e- . w,, garding scholarships' matricula- •tion, loan funds,courses of study, write THE REGISTRAR LONDOR °- CANADA..' ele` hone- ' •p Metcalf 8080 LINDA. ANN RE k4 The syrOpathY of friends in Goderleh is felt for Wit. ,Arthur T. 3. Kea.ya ,' R.O.A,F,, .and, Mrs, Keays, • 4Ruth Cur wen) in the death of their infant daughter,, Linda Ann, which. oeeurred' in the Sick Children's Hospital, Tor- onto, last Thursday. The funeral was !held from: the home" of the little one's grandmother, Mrs. Janie Cur- wen, ,Arthur street, ono Saturday ,morn.- i�n�1g,Y "\i,lt r •11 T��r ul :tOf9eiat-r *"':i,- iI �+Nry�. f R. .LiM �Jw L�,L,�� N l� Ni�S a!e+y, ,ing. Burial' took 'plaee in, l4Taitlaud, eeretery. ' MUS; *IAR,01,1): TIf, PUT s,. e e ' _ 1&:�Jl t . StCI ear h . d ath.Of. � a r x _ l wif of lar olUTlgert, oeeurretl .stud:- dein!4r at her I nice in..Ashdeld° town- ' kip, near Sbeppardton, on . t Suliday ',evening, A daughter of ,Mrs. Stotla<era and : the late William ,Stotliers, Mrs:. pert was• born -forty--six years ago in West Wo'Wnnosh, Her 'husband is • at present ennployed° in Sarnia.• Sur, viving,, besides the,husband band , aud, mother, are five •ehildren ; William; of the R.O.N.Y:R.► •.' Landon Dorothy, - Margaret • and : , Grace, at home; two brothers and a ' sister, Herbert . and Robert Stothers and Mrs. Frank Sones, all ` of , Dungannon.. " The funeral service was held :on. Wednesday..in; Christ ehureli•, r Port :bort,, :"Ro"v. /r.---17-" o aI14on an, Rev, J.: Geoghegan officiating,- and interment wits in . • l)nllga'nnon .To n i''Vrooman rRal h •10 ter, B r tcemetery, *the : pallbearers being Crawford, Carman . Pollock,. Arthur. Elliott .and Allan Reed, ane' ,the fio�ver- Yfbeltrers-Cecil-Pollock, 0armah Ha y- arolAdams Crawfar ,; � ' Dx If M• A. LOGAN. WiIliaa<n A. Logan, well-known resi- dent of Blyth, passed- away at his ~hoax --•early--S'undday° - rum -nine. July 30th, in his seventy-first - year. He was_ born and raised' on the 9th line of Morris and spent:the.,.,p t•,..thirty, years _ in `tine' village ' of Blyth. Mr. Logan for .several years was. employed f fanning., Later be - worked as a, contractor; and for the past eight years -had lived, 'retired,, He was a member of the Blyth 'United church. Ile is Survived by his widow, and two daugh- -'t+ers .. Mrs --Leo SteshellISon ' 01 = r . Leslie Naftel; two ,brothers, John, of Brussels, , Westey, of.. Winnipeg ; two Sisters, Mrs. -Eliza Gorwill, of London; Mrs. Tena • Laidlaw ,of Clinton; '.•and three grandchildren. 'The funeral -ser-'. vice on August, lst was • conducted by,. Rev. ._ Sinclair_ of Blyth.__IIuited.. •o� Bri d en The pallbearers b carers w r . church; assistedbyRJ`.T 'Elsdon Herb. McElroy, Duncan McCallttm,'. Garfield Doherty, Frank Kershaw°, jack Creighton and George Radford. interment wMa_A in Union cemetery Blyth: -2- . EDITH BAER After a long; illness, Edith Hsnxin Horton, wife ' o1`' Elle hat ! • omta+gue adieu Mound llee• ' ad"' a. at lier hoi»e,ate+CaledoniPoa 'etreseuce, earla y Sunday .ba rnin in' her secen tv phir d Tear, Member et prominent Gocle- rieh'family, Mrs.,Bliker r _the-daugh ter ;of the late: Horace Horton,' ex- M.P., ,;and Hannah Gibbons and was born.ir this town. After her marriage she lived • in 'Western .Canada, for twelve years 3n England, and lei Gode- rieh for the remaining thirty-one years,, Her- husband predeceased her thirty Years. She was . a devoted ineniber of St. George's Anglican church: Sur- viving sire one soli, Mnior l�1outaguo: Baker, . serving with the R.O-V, and Phyllis (Mrs. • Oliver • Kee ble)', of M saka,.Ceptra1'East- A',lea,' ` and Mary Adelaide, wife of Lt,. Col, A. H. Taylor, O.C. of H,M,C;S, "Lady Nel-' son ;" . a brother, . Philip • Horton, of Toronto; and a 4 IIsister, Mrs. Florence C, 311 . widow.t � he...la.te .ri a' ..Thr - ' e;=una�Ra1�`.tool�._ � 1. • ,on : Monday-• afternoon -•from _he. r' la ; .. t. residence to St eorge'i churc=h, -'where' service was conducted may- Dunbar_ Interment:to k place in Malt - land .• cemetery, the Pallho t;xeriii Nesbit Oliver, of Tto Tagro ... •�•�.R E. Ho/mak ( tri tobeillk E. H, Hill and Ift, . ' urtaleo There is no good. arguing with 00 _inevitable, The only. argun,ant *11411- ,able with an emit • o • vexe �" -loge It& hest to eetab'lil reputation for dependability ePe>n�rility' THE EAST ST, SAlitiOr, when it • , come t4� !D EAD . riEI `I",4$ our customers S>t 4 Y' am e smust be e• h tad t May' we 'serve ou too? " rr tigtert: ,. -44s `SELF-PoLISHI ]'G LI YIi` ' . •••AND ?MITE on every. FRIDAY. morning at.10.15' 37 prizes awarded• each. broadcast From CKNX R 7 ingha IL .. b. •, - • . gym. .920.-0 . IFO. R. DIAL .. For sate at, ell-GToce . and Hardware aStores 81.72 3.55 81.73 , .2;55 8.0151 X3.52 85.27 3.63 77.27 3,43 ` '10'8.47 • 4.20 47.60 2:68 ''36.59 -2.43 14.65 • 1.85 ' 14,65 1.8€1 14.65 1.85, 14.65 .1.85 14,66 1.85 14.66 • 1.85 5-1.95- 51.95 x1.95 51.95 • - a 2,80 54.75 85.27 85.28 84.03 88;00 80.70 112.67 50.34 39.02 • 16.50 16.50 16.50' .16.50 ' 16.51 16.51 ' 8,72 . 1.75 • '8.68 1.75. 8.68 .1:75 8.68 • ` 1.75 .8,6, 1.75 8.68 175 8.68 1.75 8.68 1.75 8.68 • 1:7• ' • 8,66 • 1.75 8.66 : .1.75' 8.07 --,: ,1:75 3.67 • 1,75 8.67 1.75 :8:67 1.75 8.60, .. 1,75 .8.60 • '1.7 8.60 1.75 8.60• • • 1.75 8.60.. 1.75 8.60 1.75. 8.60 1:75 • 8.60 1.75 8.60 1.75 8:60 1,75 . 8.60. 1.75 &-90 1,'7.x1 " _r ."- .8.60 -.8.60 75 8.66 ' , x.75 ". $.61 1.75 1.75,, 1,75 : 1:'75 8,61. • .- 9.17 9.17 2.50 21.46 21.46 21.48 21,40 , '34,37 54,36 .. 13.02 '13.02 .• 1.3.03 33,86 33.87 75,30 75.30 ,17.70 17.70 9,23 0.23 • C 9:239.29 1 ' 59.29 511,29 59.3'0 10.47 10.43 10.43 10.43 10.43 1043 :. 10.43. 10•.48 10.43 1041 10,41 1-0.42' 10:42 10.42 10.42 10.35 10,35 10.35 10.35 . 10,25 . 10.35 10.35 10.35 • 10.35' 10.35 10.35 ]{1�5 • .10.35 10.362'. . 10.36• 10.36 •10.02'' 10.:02. 4.2, 9• ' 2.3'.49' 23:51 • 23.52 57,2.0,E 57.23 14.85 1x4.85 14.86 I . 36.20 36.21 -t 7867 78.67 19.64 19.64 10,98 10.98 ,, 10,98'• 62.29 62.29 112,29_ 62,30 2.85 2,85 • • 1.83?• 1.83' 1:83 2,34 • 234' ' 3,37 3.37 1.94 1.1)4 - 1.75 1.15 1.75 3.00 . ' '3.00 3.00- . . 1'01)11sl30d hi T1In ONTARIO (1A7%:T'tIi August 5tia, 1944 ftirgt publication) • ` Yes- sir,.I wearkap; my arm and. , 'nx, proud of, it. Tor, . Y � • � G �.o means •, General Service - on any fighting front anywhere in the world. It means that 1 w n to go overseas. Canada needs a lot of inen;1`ke you and;me. 1�,pD GES • .. ,... Z' know iit'ss going to be tough, but the job has got to be done. :. So, sign upas a volunteer for overseas 'service.:. * Remember it tales months of g thoro�u h train n ing -to make you fighting fit.' n ._ Come on fellows — let's go! TALI: NOTION', TIIA'1' it. fs ;thea intention of the Municipality of the Torn of Goderiek to.. purchase lots at dire adjourned 'tae sale if the pile() offered 'is not , considered adeilua.te. S. 1I. ULAICE, Treasurer, )t-'