HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-08-10, Page 2xoz%aux, Alm
rouitiod by . Etiongitir, PM*, Xi:11,1104.
s WOSt •iiitreets .Grodarich. Ontario
0011**etrlPtiOtt Rsite0-411A14,411. And."Ore* t. Britailia ;200 a 7ear, to U*Ittii
- • . s EKsatega $2.$0. ,
.44ferli11ttg Bate s 011 requ��t. ,Teiephime la.
:4010Bii*G. *R. • KING
1,4iberal. detnonsfratiOn rn honOr
ot L'rIm MUt Mackenzie -,4ing
was ttaght
tlxe Oecasiets being- -the tWetitY-ilfth
• amil-VerSary., Of ILf.r. AlOtion tP
tuo leadeiship -of the- Liberia .1)5•10
• ver ,egtet o thee years he haS
,heen Prime 16ini'ster, having held this
(Ace' tor mere years than any other
PVinie riniSter w'ith, the )exceptien ,of
..Sir John Macdonald. Daring the
.1)y Ran y eylo
WOK `OW-FASHIONti) Nticart,
Ranting next to the problem of,
orrent Views on tht
THE mEgorANT NA.V178 'MKT !Vritiny of
PrNutly ptionthient antong the, ban. Bootge. a 'toad junetion gre;ut tat,
inniortance, has. alreadY
b the armada of iiheratiOn tl 'eette of arraOred lighting. A.
?tiers borne y
been is
was tile Bed Unsigut 4.4 tho toike of 2,iin Laneasters towards night -
"Where: will the, hired N . Alereltant Navy, 'wit'64se high, duty fedi dropped more, :tht,91 1.000 t„as of
feet?" thew As, -the Or the*, vraS to carry the Ale•men 'bontbs on, this picturesque, little place,
f a In t Navy has recleemecl Pramir tfOi Villers-Boeage haS been. in the front,
versuii p,a,jalaaa.” Be and their machines to•the last evRIITO, the Of-'6,1SOUt 1,00(ts-petsple, and.
*hivtb ttl rita. X 11 that 'the Ater-
„ ro only _two liousea averirleft standing.
eentty a eente;e#et3 0 In • _a u chau 7 a
EprmtaTt. No*. Itfaelltailirte.rdSvWdaausslIng' an. dthe ,4070ett4t9i:00% 1101!E, frreotiinfrt,:olantaiclr,ttans witstirvizi/lxPlieeeale. aond liinnheabtitOVantifin mysioduTIS,tuattnyed Maiorsetadoyf "lee.
The Cattaidian. troops' France. ,Oee.ga. 11-ONV tb•OY Might iIatereSV farm PeOle Crete. Now Merehrtlit parted., ItS destructien. effectively
I •
111 to be repeating .the PerforManee Of %.04sing P410414'5' raWing oliw3; tope°. gallant sea,.! blocked 'Sderal e4ertiy rontes na-
the Canadians France AUgust 'stale lInst-war4-ObJectl-tfs, theY hale,
t ed again to the vanee, and the artillery then opened
Ln 4 adopted' a battleery of, ,Pstjainas up against the long lines' of German*
ert44hey-gove:---the--Gerniana Wseessats,
their tblatkest. day. •
a • ” sirritiug this' t • 009--••
intereati.ug those. who ate on the night-,
Plea. av
Deitch:Os Of Western Europe, !With Olir
aswa“Aterehant-Navy went the merehant;
Ships tinrSP-ittliets'OtsOursallitsiss-',
ra'of„,planning and preparatfon,
alairt aids,. , the ,fenres., 7 fitivto ion and: wotX•pre
Mobilize: Our forces 'and be prepared sag host of mei:0mA' shipa.
° * P SSen er
Don't 'sneer at ;Warnings againat ins
aatiors They IsaVe it in 'China, and
13:ere are Some of the p4ces prevail.
Mg during the hot summer, season:
per pound, 12' CislaeSe dollars, (CO
cents in. our money) ; ice cream, per
for these well-meautug people, o
doubt they are Jonly"eoncerfied with
what they consider to be the advents
ages of, the paja'ints as a sleeping gars
ment, Certainly no one could read into
, their aietioas any base motive. -It has
last aye years lie has led Canada .Sup, Cminese dollars ($3) t lemon- long been, a sore point with. mann-
through one of the most mementoest2) a bottle; iced- milk, $50. faPturers that when they set out to
40 pestoas in flie'historY of the world, and ($2.50) a .glass. A secondhand „se., bietter Mankind 'Some unkind Satil
Sta t ' • t
trigertstor was advertiSed for , sale at 1,oaly with, prefits,' , eerned
though- essentially a ,snass, of peace lie
r s czar hat they are , con
llas. contriblitedlm. iio small degree to $00,000.
, a a , vdraped his, form. in a , hide ot some
1 -, . Alankind in the very early days
this 'cOuntry'S war recard. which is,
. . , . ind. ,poSsih1S- he was thini._.' "-hag more
. ._everywhere acclaimcd as magnificent. Those who have a notion that 'Pros- .kor warmth and Comfort than he was
The.' anniversary brought raessages verity can be .,,ottained by large Gov- . .
of "congratulation net only froM his ernment expenditures are invited to
own ' party supporters but from many consider' a memorandum recently siib
,. . ., . .. .
viiad-Sfa:taMet, iuctudisig---Erline-Ml tted. to the ,Qttssw_a_gpvernment ,„ in
the Air Industries' and Trans-
, 1.ster....0124urchil, i ent Roosevelt, 14ebalf of
iiii,-Marshat.-Smnts ' anal, 'others- . of port, Mg-a-eig'tiliTisi-ss-seta7-0:atsst '
Worldwide preminence., ' "there will bo : -'enterprises in Canada;
. Mr. Sing is in vigorous' health and essential to the •existence of an in -
told his audience that he was ready *grated national aircraft • industry,
- te.,..g-O.--throngb-."at „least one _piore which will not be „able to s„tirVive
general election." He gaie no indica- 'fisirelgh7-.:.-roihiletitiotir `70vertranx sco
Oen as to thesdate of the election, other tries with high wage and living stand-
' than to repeat what he ..had._ already ards, unless 'subsidized:: or . oth.eir71,se.
- - iiiii,"-ted,* baok-, than•-nne- occasionthat- protected to an extent. which provides
he would like. to avoid, if he cauld, a
.. , .
----7----7---: N A-sluya ' e-elections-sbut-thats-he-swould
not, ,if.:he coulds,nrevent it, allow the
present Parliament to outrun its terra,
, • -
They were ot all ,
ainets steamed With coasters, cargo
llairs with ships spedially designed
for "this greatest amphibious operation
a all time. These last 'ships w"ere
designed by the Ministry et ,War Trans, -
Pert and, built, in California. Their
function* is to carry sorae ot• the heavi-
est armored," et's-tip:tient of the highly
niechanised Armies Whicxliss the Allies
proposed to pat ashore,
13esIdes special phips, special equip.
went had to be invented, sach as the
davits holding' tiers of 'landing craft
in the big troop -carrying ships. Hund-
reds of ships had to be specially fitted
re the
tran.8pOrt on the roads,. and the. aveocts
ift:swhiclissthes,troepasssought ,•shelter
-were , doll* *au'
These •Gerittart attacks Nem not dis-
tingaiabed by atitstanding generalship,
and .they broke- against the skilful co.,
Operation ' British- intantrys• tanks
and; ant,i.tank 'guns. ' The 17 -pounders
anti-tank gun is proving to be a de-
eisive weapon. sln the opening, pbaSeA
of the attacks the Gerinan armor Waft
badly clit up' Iv a well-balaaced anti:
tank acreen,- ulade more effectiVe by
,the gunners holding their fire until -a
hit was certain. Then heavy artillery
would open up on the enemy, and in
Would gos our infantry supported by.
detachments of an armored unit, and
this eembination of,all arms was Mare
than the Germans could , face.. As
eSual. they are making use of their
of- modesty. Tins developed mortars, but the German artillery is
into garraent resembling the nIghts for the job. And -t D,
Ilitadreda Of itusaiiati Strut'
gled to keep ba*k titoe Slirteu* crOWda.
Pravda bad warned: heisting.°
Most Austotteo watoost in silence;
only tt, few-,,muttemtli, "Bandits!,
Murdetera Tit illars 1",„ OnCe a weinan
sereamesIZ acliN't me bagit My daugh:
ter'. .01* -0 back 'My daughter -V
The crowd hushed her. For the, mest
part the gauntlet the Germans' ran
was a Silent one. But it was gaunt-
let: the hatred in the air WO almost
L solid. • •
From the NorMandy front the Ger-
ritanS . shipped 2,000,- 'U.S.' aad' British
prisoners to Paris, Marched • them
tht01401 the citY for Paris to see. Last'
week the Berliner IliuStrierte Zeitung
and other big German nearapaPers pub-
lished tWo PhotOgraphs. One showed
a buXoul Parisietole SPittbsg a
British prisoner's face, ,Said the capwi
• . •
shirt, but as the' horse beeamen stand- „Tsa,irsitort Division could ga ahead still compara . .
era method of cenvey,anee *they settled if, nipster plan details of all You cartube ,see far iirthis Weodeif -with Cliffs and curses frc1n the a•venue.
The prisoners grinned ancl %arched on,
for • '3 he hadn't
been invented' then, or die the
er_ have been
Prevented from ShOiving her disgust
by, apitting_ in the'. Pliglisliman's face."
The other Picture Sltowed duck-
ing a blow Sit his face delivered by a,
bespActaelea byStander. Said the cap-
tion. ss "The pOpulation was so aronsed
against terrorigbi-sthat Ger-
man •soldiers ' Were not, alWayS able to.'
hold back the irate crowd.' What the
German picturea, did not show, nor the
papers tell, was that the "Irate crowd,"
had been, esPeciallY picked and. )aired
for the eseasien, Parisian, 614110,
pimps and petty criminals. had been
let out of . jail - if they-Pi.;6Mised to
demOnsttate against • • the •
soners, Dist when these getter-dtsellers
began to boo, With grim eflleleney other
Frenchmen, women and • s;childrea
singled out the hooters, drove them
country and the flu d ng.
es Ger •
man troops aro being carried by lorries
sent the -rear right into the battle,
& t 11
1 1.•
Liesshipssiejsessensga ed: --the position
of ;obstructions, space e ween decks,
3 . -.a-on—had to be collected and.
thoughts -Of: Steelsings[were llo dots
A. bit Italy in -the „summertime, s
'they, took the -elastic out of the knees
and draped the bloomers down until
they became pants, and from ,that it
ste.p to the pants.
- Men of initiative refused' torgrve up
the freedom of action. endowed by the
nightshirt,- so they retained it for
sleeping in.. Our living became More
_compliCatedi however, .and_an step .witli
compensation, for -the tigher----costs of
'Tuesday's Provincial „elections In
-QUO& -Ando Alberta Were -of tattOre than
ProviaciaI • interest, Politicians severYS-
where were anxious to know. how the
00 t' would fare in. its challenge to
the Social Credit Government of
Alberta, and how the Liberal, Govern-
ment -of Quebec Would stand up
against the assaults of -the Union.
Nationale and the Bloc Populaire.
• • the times some bright. soul decidetrwe
. Ist Alberti the C -.F. met a decided
. .
• rebuff, apparently having elected only
Jere of its fifty-seven candidates. 'With
the 'exception of these - and ,possibly
.haLf-a-dezen: independent candidates..
the . Social Crediters appear to have
_made a clean • sweep. The 'two' old
artiea Liberal anri Conservative,
anadian production." Getting to the
bottom a this,. at Means
Government stipenditures, aneanss'hign
taxes; high taxes. mean • high- .costs
should have a coat and pants,,for sleep
mg in, Iresspalaintsabeeamema
fad. The farmer, retaining mbre of
his individmiliera than the, majority
of people,' however, adhered to the
3 .
of produetionS high costs of production nightshirt . . . and now they Are de,
Mean 'inability to meet competitien thrmined :that even this will be wiped
out. .
This camPaign has been going" on for
many years: They tried ridieule.
Cartoonists pictured sour-faeecy,people
without protectioa or subsidies; and
protection or tubaldies simply 'Start
anotner "vicious circle" still further
Imre-using procluetion --costs-4f. Can- ,bolding candles With long , nightshirts
ado,. is to' compete in world: trade it draping their.- ovsn'traniess, rl'hey've
never .considered the -curse' of elastic
must ''cut out all unnecessary expenses
If .
etuniot maintain a large export trade bands that stretch out of Shape. Cer-
?mother depression is due as certainly tainly a man doeSn't,„ look handsome
as *night follows ',day.• holdibg his pajania pants up with one
men • in sfiranken pajanias. They've
and reduce overhead ; and 01110.44 never considered the curse of elastc
hand, while holding the coat tightly
across his stomach because all the
' Although -family allowtteceS buttons pOppekoff in the Artsla..
- . • •
W orking cloSely•with tbe•Moveinen
Directorate -at the 'War Qilice, knowhig
who and what had, to be Carried and
where, the Division :Was able to plan
the loading a RS ships, to 'Wad on
Papers -as it *Wes_ Thesprecise position
in a °given @AP of each tank. and gun,•
each driver a an armored vehicle,
each lot of petrol or food was Mapped
out beforehaud, in Londcin. Another
iirvention of years, tactical
loading, takes accOunt. of the, relative
ed-=-0,g-..etOres--at_the. other eud, and
iese stores have to be loaded m
reverse way from what 'they wills he
'Wanted on ' arrival, This new tech-,
nique WAS used with great success in
the North African, Sicilian, and Italian
lanciingS; all of which provided valu-
able lessons, for this, still-g,ieater test.
-An important part in the operations
was assigned assigned .to the coasterss the
vessels of varying shape arta - size
which nornaally carry eoal from_the
Tyne to 'London and generally perform
a vit,a1 cayrying service -between the
ports along our Coast. Then there
were tugs, hundreds -of thein,• and the
'bigger ships in which troops - of the
Allies made the cross-Chamael -trip.
Also playing a. part in these operations
were hospital carriers ends for briging•
casualties fiora the beaches to the
hospital barriers, water ambulances.
'Every IVIerchant Navy man engaged
insthese operations is 0. volunteer. -Each.
has signed the special V -articles. Many
mOittlis ago 'seamen wanting to take
part were asked to sign these article's
and soon. more than .ninetysper cent.
had • signed.,. These V -articles were a
technical .essential. - For •one 'thing
they enable 'men to be switched ,from
,one ship to aeother • as required with -
'out their having to sign d4fferent
articles- each time. • •
Scattered among the 50,006..Merchant
NaVy men engaged in these opera io s
measure received unaniinons stwort Why 'Can't thei pi,ctuie a good -look-
. •
mg fellow in a nightshirt. fdr a change?,
In the House of Commons, .Opposition
PHossibiv. one of. -the more handsome
p.eivspapers- continue- to show their
ywood idols, persuaded, .of the im-
dislike of it, and. their 'favorite argu- portance of the cause, might even pose
meat lint can be. called an argument) in a natty drape model. Let's take
D .
care, however. that.the designer deesn't
IS that it favors -the. Province of Que.
- . - . do us wrong. It must . be a piton
a quebec'st material with no ribbons or tbinkaula--
bec ,unduly, by reason'
"tur yesterday -'-ar.degr
motored rirturt ''Pwris-so'-tast-thathe
drove straight through his own lines
into ours. An eueiny tank crew, tak-
ing the ,wrong thrning; did the pame
thing—and were et:win-red, intact_
--The London Times.
• Two parades, 1650 miles apart, re-
qeted- -thes mortal shift- In.Nail fors.
tunes.last week:
schedule, the Wehrmaeht at last saw
Nio§cow,. some 07,000' "'German pri-
soners from the Polish campaign Ahlif-
fled through the Russian capital •On
their way to internment. 'They were
shiibby, unshaven; a few_ of , them still
defiant.- But-sinost looked like beaten
Mew A ' Muscovites thronged
kr streat,Istampaelres1 biticeniesand
'.tops s Watclis the , proceasion:
'Otis _up. Lest the parade arouse a
real , demonstration, -the-- Germaa
sneaked the- pristoners into a side
treet. • •
larger families. The Signal-Staf has jigs aroand the neck. Farmers don't
- :united to 'eleet candidates running as consistently stated its opinion as want' chokers on their 'nightshirts. Let
our -movement be called ' 'The 'Society
. .
IndePendents, and in • other - ridings against. the 'passing of such a measure
for -the Preservation Of the Nightshirt.'
a.ppitrently supported SOCial' Credit at this time, but it has no use for the
men 0.5 Preferable to the C.C.F. antisQuebee ciy. Figures which have NAMES IN' THE ARMY
Returns from 'Quebee are incomplete,
. tout at time of writing the Union .portiOn of Children to the total poptla-
Nationale, *led by 1Vlaurice lauplessis, tion is only a'smaii. fraction larger in.
- has the edge on the Liberals led by Quebec than in Ontario s The child-
- Premier Adelard' Gaidbeut and may ren's bonus is designed 'to make it
have a- clear najority_. of the • new easier for -parents to bring up a family.
ITouse. Bioc Populaire elected only
four of its eighty candidates and the'
00 13' one of twenty;four nominees.
There were also eleven Social Credit
eandidateS, btit.norie of theill'thirviVed.
The. result uebec ber, deL
been publiShed- sho'w -that th Pro- -,An Ottawa CtifteSfiOndent Btate5' that are a geed 'number Of gate-crashers-
- who wanted to lend. a hand.
headquarters at *Otttiwa' asitiag "the
plored,, tiskit—ottly-, did 7',4r. .Godbottt
give the .PrOVir,ICe progressive • and
• Conornical government, , in contrast
In, Quebec ` large fathilies will c,csetinti.e.
to be raised whether there is any bonus
or not; inLOntarioi, if. expectations of
its advocates:are to be realized, it will
encourage more and larger - families
and may regult in. an equalizing of the
-child potrulatiort between the: two,
'Provinces., It was against the • wish
of Quebec that *the allowance" was apt
at h diminishing _rate after the fourth
with 41i former Duplessiss Administra-
and we shall -not be •surprise -d.
to see Some of those who. were at first
sb vehemently opposed to any bowls at
' tion which ran the Province deeply Ante
, „. .
debt, but the Liberals were the only
- one. a .the three main parties which
. - - - - ••••
supported the War, the.Tinion Nationale
and the 'Bloc Populaire ' conducting
. __,
campaigns with 'the wildest kind- of
appeals -to nationalist and anti -War
, prejudice. •
•• U Duplessis is 'able to* form a
- •
...ernment„ _the resu mo.
diSaStrons, - however, as may appear
'on the surface. In 19439-, shortly after„
the beginning of ' the. war, •When the
Duplessis povernment, appealed to the
, • people of 'Quebec on an anti war plat-*
form, it was. of the highest importance
that it should be defeated. o'Quebee
members of the 0,ttawa Goyernment„
led by. the late Mr..tapointe, went into
the Provinee and campaigned against
Duplessis, WW1 the result , that the
". Liberals under Mr. -Godbout were
elected to office., Mr. iLapoInte, Un-
fortunately, is dead, and there has been
no one to sneceed, him in the estimation
of the peoPle of •Quebee.. "Wartitne
teStrictiona and other war -polieies of
the ,Ottawa Governmeat were' used to
create' 'feelirtg against. Mr. Gqdhout,
,and in ace of the. violent appals that
'Were made „by •and his fol. -
lowing " to natianaliat sentiment in,
Quebec 'it, Is rather to he 'wondered at
;that • so. mahsY Liberal, eandidates sut-
yj!Itesponsibility has it fkohering
effect, DuplesSis in office. may
mild _ eomparison with ,)d:r.
Pnplessis the ,bustingS.- It any
rate, "the* War 'La 'praetteally won: and
people often write to National Defence brave eutsiaers from a -variety ef
present location of Thomas •Sinith,. who The Ministry of War Transport -was
inundsited with offers of help. from uni-
iS in the Canadian army." There are
124 Thomas Smiths in the arniY-si
fourteen of them from Toronto alone.
Hence the necessity tof supPlyiug' full.
Christian mimes; 'rank, number, and
properly spelling the surname. 'Here's
whys -__Theressare 5,118. Smiths . ill the
artny, 392 of them haying' ,the Christian
nanie. William. Other names. are :
Allan 30,8 of them, :while there •are
759 Aliens ; •Ceok, 746; Cooke, 221;
Johnson, 1,807 ;-Johnston, 1,114s, Johit-
sterre,1232.'; Arsenault, 551; Arseileault,
-1844. Browns number 3,071.; Mhcdon-
Aida; MacDonalds and meDobelds. are
3,754 in number. So picture the task
of clerks at h,eadqlnirters when en-
quiries eome in. with insufficient or
incorrect 'information.
versity graduates, servants want-
ing, to spend their •holidays helping on
thol second front, journalists and
others.. These brave. advelitnrous
souls havg- been put to the humbler
but., essential ° tasks on smile_ of '• the
smaller -vessels.
Merchant Navy •Pmen de not retire
readily these days, and many' kallane
Veteralla who own to sixty-eight, sixty-,
nine, or seventy' years are suspeeted of
being older. And inspite of all the
clangerS Ssf these war years there -have
never been more boys,anxious..to enter
• the service. • • • •
--The 11faficheSter Guardian._
(While the partieular- aettOn here
. POETRY .AND TIM FIGHTReG MAN described 'took., place , so -me weeks ago,
all come' around to the Quebec
and promise= the • full allowance-, for The men of marty nations ivho ,went the isafare of -the fighting hassnot all Children coming within the aft-. ,•,
. rorth from, these . shores On June 6, teriallyr, changed, and the field of battle
The anti-Quebet cry is a mean attempt 1044 . :„ las shifted but A few, miles 'south-
. , . .
ma not have repeateds snatches
to arouse racial prejudice, .n14 should of poetry, t6- themselves, ' though one ward.). , • . _
. -,
have no countenance" alholig those YVb•O poem, called 'A Soldier'S- Prayer,' The enemy indulged. throughout
c---Ganftilo-,-*--united . Which • was ' published only the other Yesterday an: a series of Tiol'ent ',flank
'anent ' a ' the
Y, suggestrthatsrajaiir-bststhenrstate* t
bonus. proposal which ate valid 1.4 written anolaythotisly in he African tP•er6 NY'61'e same nn76°‘10 InAnneht4 gur-'
any and, ell parts of the. Dominion ;, desert late in 1042, hy, .a, than who had vived only bY cool 'gallantry. One . of
unwsishy gone through', the retreat to Dunkirk the foreradst *units with &whaled time
to attempt to . creates an .• stn‘d the evactation. He wrote' that and -again Without ',yielding an ineh of
. ,
.prejudicenagainst it only weaker% these
There, aresseasons for .Critltrtsta _effs,the -• - Itritigt Seconds A F 11 that
. have- peetrt Ans.their,„1„terrs.s rmy, •••
• when he ft.,ba nis comrades rthiched.the ground. At one time its position ,was
d ,
criticisma -which, are foanded on sett: . surroun ec b y se en Panther tanks
reason. 'My eyes were blind, iiry feet Were foal, p u 0 tinfatreams of lead•into it, yet the
onlv anti-tank gun left In •action,
(Wiarton. Echo)
An idea of how closely :the British
keep .tabon -things waSt brought • to
OUr notice this week. We, have .rthosit
seventy-five paperS., gong OVetse4E4
Most of them go to the lads ;in -AO
force but there are a few -which go
to private individnals. As these c0.n:1
not be paid for by the reciplents, aa no'
money mils' be sent 0-0 a ..'vGfent
Britt -rift,' it has ,been 13.1 'Oh friends • on
this' Side of the' Water to keep the
papers going aml one O2 our subscribers
rceeived. 4 letter from tile Government
asking how it NtritS that her label weft
paid in, advance. The sniallest
apparently la not too little to cenie
under the scirttirty of the. Government.
, .
My. soul sang like ,a bird at dawn!
I knew that death was but ir door.
I knew what we Were fighting for.
Peace for the kids, our brothers freed,
A kinder Werld,' a cleaner breed'."
(From "Wag Review" given by
'Wickham t,:lteed, from the, BBC in
London.) ' ,
„A:polite Man 18 one who liStens with
interest to *thingg he knowi; ran about,
when they are. told him by a perSon
whO knOWS ilOtbia
ng 'bout thetaD—ue
°(OrllIkl Packet-11nd -.Times) •
dasual Wiaiikes 'at tile nngernaiTs of
young ladles grasping- the handrails
nothing that DitpIesSis can •de nOW Call, in Toronto street 'cars leave the im-
effect any great ,10,jurr. exeept to his. preasion thtt&the fashion of enamelling
eivrt Provinde.
'What thettring have the tegults of
the two elections • •on, .the ..Pederal
1:tartles? Liberal preSpectarin Qttebee
are inipaired. The aoy.;- WhICLI Itt
tempted to gain ft fOethold ft Alberta
and; 'QUebee, failed in both ProVirteeti.
" The tlortservatives parlY ttla tint
,pett up .any candidates " in either
Prioloce. °
'them, a wine red is on the way out,
since the Majority of 'tile hands et -
posed -to view were free f tom this
diSfigtirement. So will. puss a 4emillint
practiee never popular with the • other
se*, since it gave ot1lerW1,46 pretty.
hands the aspect of talons.' • Now if
tile girls would give up painting their
llpR'Kettriet titey would once more give
ite', tile satisfaction of admiring the'
;twenty witll. which, hattircs itaiT eudqwed
. •
De MOr131,
. s
great rubbing liniment hat been
ing to people for over 60 years. For
sprains, twists, ache t and aerate** of
lausele or j <tints; for colds and ordlnary
sere throat; for dandruff an,
disorders, Mmard'gs it otoellead
Get a• bottle today. °
sWftchtrig doggedly from. 'one- to tin -
other, knocked out qll seven: At least
twelve of; these thrusts Were put ,in
the -(4ermans Yost some thirty tanks
and earned nothing. .1 •
• Most of Reinmers armored strength
appears to 'hates been drawn te this
trout and fought to a standstills which
in fully in accordahce with the` Mont-
-goinery -theory • of :breaking into, the
enemy's fronts, and thruStng in -all-
direetions' until yob's •diseover where
lie reacts most* violent's'.
Prom 'dawn. to' dusk yesterdity.,,Ger-
mail • battle groups eorttinued their
eoStly thrustragainst-the'British-front
with no suceeass whatever. It IS not
;easy to (least& elq3larta.tion for these
disastrous anethods. They accord; of
Course, with tlio nsiinl german Practice
of hot -.advertising a111 attack with an
artillery barrage •• but of, constantly
probing ,vyith petrels for a weak spot,
andbeing prepared behind' to pour
ever:Vthing 'through it., The essential
torsheresia-that tlwyshave- not foetid
11 weals apefsin -atir vyellsorganised posi-
tion, rtaft time- afters dine are being
compelled- to withdraw with a bloody
Tho way fa Whieh the Germans are
throwing in attaelcs' is certainly ft
measure of their 'sensitiveness to the
threat to (111011.: 0. threat to whith they
have reaeted far more 'violently than
o the American .advanee itt Cherbotirg,
aS though they' saw' in° it the beginning,
,of a big thrust. .
r- A deciaive factor in . the enetny'S
failure to mount a full attack during
the week..end- was undoubtedly, the
heavy -bomber attack by the Baia% o,n`.
RR) Allatt
"Our Family
Regulator Is
An idea isn't responsible for the
people who believe in it. —Don Marquis.
-TO GET Rig or,
(Bulletin from County Agricaltural
' • • Office) ,
This the 'best time to get rid of
the granary wee-vil, 1;vitett most of the
granaries are empty- Fermerfl.4.0111dbe , —
well advised to clean out any old
grain and theroughly spray walls and
floors -with coal oil. The- Use of an oil-
can -in the •craeks---issa goodIden-It as
man is 'certain of having weevil he may
be well advised to repeat thia opera -
Mon. _The- weeVil is .often the cause of .
grain heating -a beitlea-
themselves are browil, about one-eightli
of an inch long.
o You Suffer"'
From ea4laches?
isbard to struggle along with -a head that aches
pitin" the time. '
headache need-iiiitb-e7airMaTifilMlf;bm
may be, a warning symptom that there is intestinal
sluggishness within. .
To help overcome the cause of headache it is „
necebiary to eliminate the. waste matter from the system. Burdock Blood
- Bitters helps to remove the cause of headaches by regulating the_digentlyi
and biliary organs, neutralizing. acidity, regulating the constipated bolsets - "
and toning tits the sluggish liver, and •when - this •has been. hccoratilished .0:8;
•headiches sho *d disappear. -
• Get B. B. at any ding counter. Price $1.00 $1.00 a bottle. -
• • Via T. Milburn Limitoil, Toronto. Ont. .
1"-- -
Here in Canada where the telephone idea was born, more
telephone calls per Capip, are made 'than in 41most any 1-.Ither
country in the World---- '''' 1 1
., ,
Usage is surely the final test Telephone u ers get, the gi7eatest
.pQssible value ' for what they pay. Reasonable rtes and'
speedy, dependable, courteous 'seivioe.—al 1. these .encou'i.age •
telephone deyelopMent. 'They account for Canada's leader-
. ship in the use ' -of ,thetelephone,
, .
Of Zotwse, 1F4r4ime, .scarcity of vital, matewials has sharply
reltricted growth,but telephone
Service bas been maintained ,at
. high standard. It .lkas.made in
outstanding contribution to the, -
Victory to. comc.
tVit Aritie ge44ike
it* WaSartos Stamp*
Owl COlikatia Rao**.
Residents 'of
United States
telephone call
• Enreieart eo
In Europe, 8w
offiiai figure
_give Sweden 19
capita aet ctniip
Canada and the.
make many mpre '
per capita than.any
den leads, Latest
available (1941)
Vtli 202 for •
W. J. ,#ODGE,